#timeline is a little fuzzy on this one just. yknow. fuck it no timeline just 2 bros hanging out
nineliabilityrisk · 9 months
“ i don't know who i am anywhere else. ”
[[ this specific prompt triggered Something in my brain pardon me while i go wacky over it for a sec /pos (also formatting change bc the hellsite has decided to remove the option to edit ask replies, at least on mobile) ]]
-- [ asked by @mute-call ] --
To say Michael knew the feeling would be an understatement. What he didn't know – or, he supposes, hadn't realized – was that other people felt it, too. Fazbear Entertainment ... it had always been the Aftons' and the Emilys' burden to carry. Their creation, their story, their tragedy. Sure, others had been dragged into the mess in the past – Jeremy, those poor kids, their families – but he hadn't even stopped to consider how some of the other employees had been affected by the company.
Mr. Bell — Steven ( he keeps forgetting, they're more or less on equal ground now, and even if they weren't, they've been casual acquaintances long enough that he doesn't need to keep using honorifics for the guy ) especially. He'd been with the company nearly as long as Michael could remember, and, granted, that wasn't all that long, minus a few key events he would rather forget, but the point still stood. God knows the kind of shit he'd seen in his time here.
Michael was struck with the sudden urge to wrap the guy up in a hug. The kind with a few firm, comforting thumps on the back. Or at least clap a hand on his shoulder. Or something.
It'd been a long time since a real human person had earned an emotion other than mild annoyance from him, but Bell had done it.
Even still, he did exactly none of those things. Because those weren't things he did, and it would be weird if he did them at all, let alone to Mr. Bell of all people, the guy he's kind-of-sort-of-known for years now and only in a professional capacity. He'd probably explode from embarrassment. Or get asked if he needs to be drug tested. Or both. Maybe not in that order.
So, narrowly avoiding that absolute fucking nightmare, ( god, that would've been horrible, this is only their third or fourth time interacting outside of work and it's only because someone fucked up their schedules, Bell seemed like he was having a bad day, and Mike 'had nothing better to do' — he felt bad and wanted to help out but don't tell Steven that ) he just inclined his head and gave him an affirmative hum. If a small smile came with it, then, well... Can't blame him.
"Yeah, I... Yeah. This place... Hasn't really been the best, for me. But it's not like I can leave, y'know? Fazbear's is my home... Whether I like it or not," he said, ending it off with a soft chuckle as he remembered that Steven may not be as... Disillusioned with the company as he was.
Michael's reason for staying may be entirely different from Steven's, but... Steven doesn't need to know that. Better to keep him from knowing all the shit Michael's tangled himself up in with this company. Better to keep him from worrying. Safer for him, too, probably.
"Just, uh... I know how you feel. I'm here for ya, buddy." God. This is why he doesn't have friends. Not because it's hard, but because he sucks absolute ass at it.
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toytulini · 4 years
i used to talk about my ocs on here so much and now i almost never do
#toy txt post#now i talk about my ocs in the twaesthetic or notsafeforanything channels of the coral corral discord for my friends and then i LEAVE THEM#THERE! awful#sorry im looking through my archive trying to see if i can. find. anything#i should talk about my ocs on here again but also that's scary now#i usually talk abt them in the twaes bc im always talking about my monster and witch ocs now ftr. so im just like prolly safer to just#preemptively put them in here for body horror and other things like. researching us history to try to give the immortal witch a timeline and#just continously rediscover how much european imperialism fucked over soooo many ppl and thats just too heavy a topic to be in the#artgallery channel yknow?#anyway if u read this far i have a new monster oc and i love them. havent fully decided on gender or pronouns for it. could be whatever for#now. might be he they it idk. anyway its name is jared. and its one of birdie's pigeon familiars modified to be a monster. a new watchdog if#u will. bc jula isnt gonna wanna keep that up forever. jared has the body of a moth (but large. like the size of a large cat maybe)#head of a pigeon. diamond eyes. moth wings. moth feet BUT he can take the ends off like that one horse from adventure time w the hooves#and have HORRIBLE LITTLE HANDS. vaguely like an oppossum. i need to gove him a tail i think just cos whenever ive tried to draw him he looks#unbalanced? and his body seems to be covered in like soft moth fuzziness BUT plot twist its FUNGI. his wings are covered in lichen. he is#CONNECTED to the fungi he is made of fungi. he can use fungi networks in addition to reusing the technology from julas gemstone eyes#his entire job is Keeping An Eye On The Tunnels. his personality is worm off a string who will he kill. i dont know if it would be funnier#if he never spoke ever OR of he speaks disturbingly normal. oh also i think im legally required to make him a deaths head moth cos of birdie#like. gotta. there is no moth more appropriate. its on theme. i think he's probably just ur standard feral rock pigeon?#i have his playlist on spotify im pretty proud of it
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lickingteeth · 5 years
hey guys so STORY Time
okay so basically im conflicted. heres the situation. so the girl i went camping with, my best friend at this time, lets call her uhhh idk caroline. sure. and my good friend whose older than us by a year and is her ex, lets call him bill. so! i have liked caroline for about a year. i hadn’t really acted on it though because shes been in relationships and so even if she might return the feeling, we couldn’t have done anything and i didn’t wanna ruin the friendship. so i’ve liked her for a long ass time. and around the time i liked her, i like this guy named bill. didn’t know him too much but i thought he was rad yknow? so lets skip ahead to??? somehwere around april to may 2019?? so i no longer like bill. i do not. and i am still into caroline. the timeline is fuzzy but i believe she had just broken up with another guy, a great friend of mine. now i kind of felt weird about how they broke up but it was whatever. a little bit later she starts dating BILL!! woah!! so now theyre dating and im hopelessly attracted to  caroline. all the while bill and caroline are dating, whenever caroline is being distant, bill comes to ME about it. bill asks me what to do or if shes okay because he knows we’re good pals. and knows that there’s a lot of stigma around being open with your partners in high school etc. but!! something emerges!!! caroline and bill eventually break up!! and im about to shoot my shot, despite how much i know  it would hurt bill and aforementioned good friend’s feelings. we had gotten distant over the summer, but about two weeks before school starts, we begin hanging out again! and we got even tighter!! and it felt amazing!! just when i decide to shoot my shot tho, she tells me shes gay. or like she might not have said, i exclusively like girls, but i took it as; my chances just shrank to like .1%. and so i thought it was over tbh. then! out of the blue. its august, we’re back in school and decide to go to the fair. we’re at her house and we’re on her balcony while our two friends make sandwiches in her kitchen. she tells me shes into me and friends with benefits would be cool. I AM. SHOCKED. TO SAY THE LEAST. im like HOLY FUCK DUDE THAT’D B COOL UHH IM INTO YOU TOO!!! and it has been good. and so here we are. september of 2019. two problems of arisen. 1) i want to date her, but i genuinely dont think she sees me as boyfriend material and that she doesn’t want to date. so. i have to like deal with that. and 2) me and caroline are going to a concert next monday. its one we have both been anticipating for a VERY LONG TIME. and so!! BILL WANTS TO GO WITH US. and heres the thing, we’re not exactly keeping it a secret that we’re messing around... but we arent advertising it either. and he does not know. and so like ???? what the FUCK YALL??? idk idk idk idk
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novantinuum · 6 years
A Link Beyond Memory (ch 2/4)
Fandom: Trollhunters, 3Below
Rating: T (for minor language in future chapters)
Words: 600~
Pairings: Jim/Claire, but not focus
Summary: Shortly after the events of the Eternal Night, memories of a day that never happened somehow resurface in Jim’s mind in his sleep- and upon recalling the friendship he and Aja formed, he decides to pursue that connection again. Slice of life, and kinda a slow burn friendship reunion. A hybrid of prose and chat fic (to be seen in later chapters.)
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Note: Unfortunately, fic circulation online is getting harder and harder as the months pass. Please, if you read to the end and enjoy, consider helping me out by reblogging this post, or even commenting/giving kudos over on AO3. Thanks! :D
Chapter 2: Transit
Transit- The instant when a celestial object crosses the meridian, thus reaching the highest point in the sky.
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T: hhhh miss ya already. tbh i dont know what im supposed to do this summer now ahah
T: i was all looking forward to hangin with you and claire and everyone else in trollmarket and now…
T: i mean i still have aaarrrgghh. and darci and eli too i guess but
T: really starting to wish i came along.
T: i know you said to watch over the town while youre gone and i know thats a good point but honestly i just wanna be with you
T: jim?
T: yoooo ? did u die
T: god i hope not after all the end of the world chaos thatd be really anticlimactic
J: Sorry no I lost signal for a bit!! Miss you too gahhh.
T: pls know if you so much as say the word ill crawl on the first airplane i can find and launch myself directly at your face
T: jim liSTEN jim im not even kidding
T: screw arcadia
T: if you need me im there
J: Omg I’ll defo keep that in mind
T: ..jk dont screw arcadia tho i love this place. also its already screwed enough at this point so
T: hey but you think merlin could make me another warhammer for my growing arsenal?
J: Yeah I think he could be easily convinced.
J: He’s kinda sucking up to me now hahah
J: He already made Claire a sorta necklace amulet to store her armor so a magic hammer should be no problem
T: awesomesauceee
J: Any particular reason lol?
T: i dunno i just think itd look wicked cool to double wield, like general orzan from gun robot three. also lets be real after all the crap he put us through we deserve S W A G
J: I’ll ask tomorrow. Hey quick Q for you though
J: Well okay not exactly quick  
J: It’s actually a long story but-
T: ye?
J: Do you happen to have Aja’s number or anything?
J: We took her and her bro down to the Janus Order, lightning in a bottle, remember her?
T: ye i know- lively! and uhhh don’t think i do? havent really talked to them since why
J: I get the strangest sense we’re supposed to know them more than we do. Had a really weird dream but it felt more like a lost memory. Think it’s an amulet thing, like that alternate timeline it made me live through once?
T: huh funky
J: Also supposedly according to the dream/memory both Aja and Krel are… not from Earth?
T: dude no offense but are you sure it wasnt just a normal dream
J: Seriously.?
J: Merlin turned me into a fucking TROLL and aliens are where you decide to draw the line
T: okay yknow thats fair
T: i take that back  
T: okay so,, aja and krel are MAYBE aliens. got that. go onnn
J: What I saw honestly felt so real, I swear. It was two weeks ago, at the science fair. We were fighting a troll in the planetarium with them, and the troll kept combining magic with some alien tech, which kept reversing everyone back to the beginning of the day, like a time loop or something. But I could remember everything bc of the amulet. Aja remembered bc of some energy shield she had. We lived through the same day almost a dozen times.
T: whoa…
J: And get this- in some of those loops we even went to their house and got to look around inside their spaceship! But none of us are supposed to recall any of it bc technically the entire day never happened? It’s how we defeated the troll, that bit’s a little fuzzy. A lot of technobabble sorry.
T: goddd out of all the days to forget huh
J: Right??
J: I guess… if she remembered all of this before I’m kinda curious if she still remembers now too. If it really happened. We were friends in that memory. It’d be nice to maybe get to know her again, y’know?
T: okay you’re prob gonna hate me for suggesting this but i THINK steve has her number
T: bc i was talking to darci and she said that mary told her that aja and steve are like, a thing now
T: a Thing thing
T: i believe her exact words were ‘staja’ ?
J: Oh my god how’d that happen is he even capable of proper flirting
T: well if shes an alien like you think then maybe she doesn’t know what human flirting looks like
J: Haha maybe indeed. I’ll go talk to him thanks
J: G’night Tobes love ya
T: night buddy <3
(my notes from ao3:)
Admission, I had far too much fun with the text format. I've never attempted anything like it, but I especially wanted to create unique "character voices" that extended into the way they each type- which was a cool challenge.
I imagined Toby as the sort of person who types out his thoughts far too quickly to care about punctuation, and IMO if Trollhunters was set just a year later (I generally just imagine it all set in 2016) he'd be keymashing. Jim is more of a full sentence type of guy who never turned off auto capitalization.
ALSO, a note on the contact photos- (Jim's which I directly took from a screenshot from Claire's phone, and Toby's which I edited from some 2D concept art)- That's the photo Jim uses for Toby's contact, and I imagine there's probably some inside joke where Jim took a really derpy photo of him at one point and they laughed so hard about it that he immortalized it as his contact. Jim's personal contact photo is... well, as this all takes place post s3 of course, a rather sad reminder of his loss of humanity. He can't bother himself to change it currently.
Future chapters will likely be a mix of text AND prose, instead of one or the other. Hope you enjoyed!
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voidedmuffin · 7 years
ill put this in my own post so its not directly associate with the blog
ill put it under the cut so it doesnt take up too much space on people’s dashes
ill try to keep it pg yes, there is implied nsfw
no, we didnt fuck
so this particular kin memory is a little fuzzy, timeline wise. I dont remember when it happened. before/during/after sgrub. or when i ditched beforus(thats another fun story btw). or if it was  dream bubble
anyways- you know how cronus is humankin. which to me(enah) is weird because like HOW ARE YOU KIN WITH ANOTHER SPECIES THIS DOESNT MAKE SENSE but then ag a I N-
anyways. since hes humankin he has like, a beachhive and lives next to the ocean, because he, of course, loves swimming, and chillin with his lusus. but didnt really do any deep diving stuff. made him uncomfortable idk.
one day, yes day. hES AWAKE DURING THE GODDAMN DAY like a human i guess and its nearing dusk. and so i come over and visit him. make sure hes not dead and whatnot steal some of his stuff the usual
hes in the “shower” doin his thing, and i thought he was washing his hands and went to ask him why he leaves all this loot layin around
but he was in the shower. 
human and troll showers are different, and he had this weird hybrid, i dont know how to explain it
now, my cronus was this tallass lanky guy guy. that or i just wasnt all that tall. idk. all i know is that he was taller than me
and his makeshift human shower thing was pretty bad. he cod easily see over the curtain and see me
he, trying to be cool in all, smooths back his hair™ and winks, but it was hilarious because hes tryna do this while turning completely violet. and his smile was wavering like “oh my god what do i do. shut up cronus. play it cool.be cool. smiling is cool right? yeah, do that””
its like the weirdest thing to explain. like my fins flared out, and i was like, still holding on to a bag of loot, extended out
and so like, i got this bright idea “mind if i join you?”
and oh my god it made it so much woR S E!
uh, i could describe other stuff, but yknow nsfw 
ANYWAAYS afterwards i slipped out halfway through, uh, that, and left
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soullesscircuits · 5 years
God I had a dream last night that was so fucking bizarre, but felt just as intensely vivid as the rest.
It jumped around a lot, but started at work. Except it wasn't really work- it was *a* Target,but it wasn't *my* target (I only recognized one or two of the people working- I assumed the rest were new hires. It was a really busy night like Saturday, and a lot of stock was being depleted very quickly. I started to reshop what I thought was an abandoned cart (it had been sitting there for almost an hour,maybe more), but as I finished putting up the last of the not-clothes items the owner of the cart came back and started yelling at me that that was her stuff and how dare I assume it was abandoned and I'd better find it all and put it back. And I found everything except for one book that I had put back on the shelf but now it was gone because someone else had taken it already.
I'm a little fuzzy on the timeline, but I think this is the point I went on break. I think I ate/drank something funky that someone gave me? I blacked out for the rest of the night, but when I came to and tried to explain what had happened to my manager, she said something along the lines of 'what are you talking about you did a great job tonight, go home'.
There was a period during the blackout that I left the store, but it was in like? A sports complex/arcade? Some of my dnd buddies were there, I think, and one of my lower/middle/high school classmates had gotten my discord and was messaging me.
Anyway I went home (to I think an apartment?) where there were ice cream coolers that you could buy ice cream bars for .15$. Mom dropped by to praise me for not being gay anymore, and I was really confused and she started talking about how the classmate had told her all about how we'd met up again, and we kissed and now we were dating and I was like uuuuh hold up what the fuck? Because, yknow, I'd been drugged and couldn't remember a goddamn thing and I got really mad at her and another mother+daughter walked up on this scene and the daughter (clearly a younger lgbt+ person) started to try to intervene on my behalf but her mom (clearly of a similar mindset as my own mother) yelled at her to stay out of it and to apologize to my mom. When my mom left, the new mom started lecturing me about how disgusting I was and how she was going to talk to the landlord to try to get me kicked out and her poor daughter looked like she was going to cry the whole time.
There was also at some point something about walking near home and encountering an all-girl bike gang that I thought was really cool but that everyone warned me against. I think I woke up before anything came of that, though.
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