#interactions ; michael & steven
nineliabilityrisk · 9 months
“ i don't know who i am anywhere else. ”
[[ this specific prompt triggered Something in my brain pardon me while i go wacky over it for a sec /pos (also formatting change bc the hellsite has decided to remove the option to edit ask replies, at least on mobile) ]]
-- [ asked by @mute-call ] --
To say Michael knew the feeling would be an understatement. What he didn't know – or, he supposes, hadn't realized – was that other people felt it, too. Fazbear Entertainment ... it had always been the Aftons' and the Emilys' burden to carry. Their creation, their story, their tragedy. Sure, others had been dragged into the mess in the past – Jeremy, those poor kids, their families – but he hadn't even stopped to consider how some of the other employees had been affected by the company.
Mr. Bell — Steven ( he keeps forgetting, they're more or less on equal ground now, and even if they weren't, they've been casual acquaintances long enough that he doesn't need to keep using honorifics for the guy ) especially. He'd been with the company nearly as long as Michael could remember, and, granted, that wasn't all that long, minus a few key events he would rather forget, but the point still stood. God knows the kind of shit he'd seen in his time here.
Michael was struck with the sudden urge to wrap the guy up in a hug. The kind with a few firm, comforting thumps on the back. Or at least clap a hand on his shoulder. Or something.
It'd been a long time since a real human person had earned an emotion other than mild annoyance from him, but Bell had done it.
Even still, he did exactly none of those things. Because those weren't things he did, and it would be weird if he did them at all, let alone to Mr. Bell of all people, the guy he's kind-of-sort-of-known for years now and only in a professional capacity. He'd probably explode from embarrassment. Or get asked if he needs to be drug tested. Or both. Maybe not in that order.
So, narrowly avoiding that absolute fucking nightmare, ( god, that would've been horrible, this is only their third or fourth time interacting outside of work and it's only because someone fucked up their schedules, Bell seemed like he was having a bad day, and Mike 'had nothing better to do' — he felt bad and wanted to help out but don't tell Steven that ) he just inclined his head and gave him an affirmative hum. If a small smile came with it, then, well... Can't blame him.
"Yeah, I... Yeah. This place... Hasn't really been the best, for me. But it's not like I can leave, y'know? Fazbear's is my home... Whether I like it or not," he said, ending it off with a soft chuckle as he remembered that Steven may not be as... Disillusioned with the company as he was.
Michael's reason for staying may be entirely different from Steven's, but... Steven doesn't need to know that. Better to keep him from knowing all the shit Michael's tangled himself up in with this company. Better to keep him from worrying. Safer for him, too, probably.
"Just, uh... I know how you feel. I'm here for ya, buddy." God. This is why he doesn't have friends. Not because it's hard, but because he sucks absolute ass at it.
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can I say something
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I belong to We Are Providence!
I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been a member of the Rhode Island-based writer’s community We Are Providence since November of 2023, and what a ride it’s been! I’ve had strong Rhode Island ties since the early nineties, when I did undergraduate work at the University of Rhode Island. Over the past thirty years, I’ve spent so much time in the state it feels like home, and the folks in We Are…
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macabresymphonies · 6 months
(minor TMA spoilers and general TMAGP spoilers) Having so much time to think about incidents in TMAGP due to hiatus made me realize that all of them, to some degree, contain the theme of "sealing your own fate" or "consequences of greed/hubris".
You see, while I do not believe that TMA had a consistent theme every statement was based on, the overall messege seemed to be that horrors are inevitable. Once you've been marked you cannot escape, no amount of therapy or running can release you from it. I think Michael Crew is the best example of that:
"The thing that chased me, you see, it was an arcing branch of the Twisting Deceit, taken shape to follow me. (...) And I knew within that book was something that could not only release me from my pursuer, but chain my being to that rush of wind and vertigo forever." Michael Crew in "The Coming Storm"
You cannot escape it once you've been marked, only bind yourself to different one and this marking is, most often than not, nonconsensual. Jane Prentiss would run around and infect random people, Not!Them didn't need anybody to come to them before it was sealed and Peter Lukas also tended to just disappear random people just to feed. The fears were very predatorial and active and the victims were selected based on their own fears and anxieties. This is not to say there weren't victims who failed due to their own curiosity/hubris/greed, but I think it's telling that few of the most greedy/curious people in the series, Mikaele Salesa and Jurgen Leitner, stayed largely uncorrupted by the fears not cause they avoided interacting with them, but simply avoided getting marked by them.
Now we come to protocol and every incident so far has the main subject of that incident actively engage with the horror and have one or multiple points at which they could stop and leave, but they do not. Daria went to the tattoo shop on her own accord, Harriet wanted her husband back no matter what and even Dr Webber was described to be able to leave the garden whenever he wanted, but, due to hiding from authorities, chose to stay until it was too late for him. Every incident so far seems to have this theme of consent, characters detailing very clearly that consent was given to engage with the abnormality:
"Ah well that’s a tricky one. Sort of? In many ways he stabbed himself on me. By the time he saw the needles we were already very close. Close enough to smell his sweat and cheap aftershave. In fact, he barely had time to be afraid before we embraced. He’s terrified now of course…" Needles in "Introductions"
"The young man's interview was not exceptional as he had no experience in charity work, no driving license nor any demonstrable experience in retail. He claimed however, to know the Hilltop Centre better than anyone and as he was the only applicant in the role I elected to give him a try." Dianne Margolis in "Give and Take"
"I hesitated a moment but before I could consider her strangeness a particularly high tide of color swept down the corridor toward me. I panicked, and before I realized what I was doing I had darted inside the lift and slammed the close-door button." Terrance Stevens in "Running on Empty"
It does not matter some of these are under duress or deception, all of them contain some type of action "confirming" consent. Mind you I do not believe all the victims of of these horrors confirm consent in some way, like people who get killed by Bonzo probably didn't agree to it (though considering he's most likely a hitman, some degree of "you agreed to this by overstepping your boundaries" philosophy could be applied), but subjects of the incident very much pay for consequences of their own actions.
That brings us to OIRA itself, and how every character so far seems to actively dig themselves deeper by their own accord, Gwen wants position of power, Colin wants to figure out the system, Sam wants to know why he wasn't chosen and Alice is in it for the money (for her brother which still counts as consent). This is literally said directly to us in episode 1:
"If you hate working here so completely, you are perfectly within your rights to resign. No one is forcing you to stay here." Lena to Gwen in "First Shift"
All of this, all this horror is happening due to their own accord, curiosity, obligation, greed for knowledge or just for the money, it does not matter, the choice is there, but they delve deeper anyway. We will see how long it holds up, but I will be on the look out for this theme in the future.
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lilyvalerieorchard · 4 months
If anyone of you interacts with any irredeemable media such as
Steven Universe
The Owl House
Star Vs The Forces Of Evil
Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Legend Of Korra
Gravity Falls
Helluva Boss
Hazbin Hotel
Young Justice
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Sailor Moon
Dragon Ball Z
All anime
All manga
Harry Potter
G. Willow Wilson's run on Ms. Marvel
All modern Cass Cain/Batgirl story post-One Year Later
All modern Peter Parker/Spider-Man story post-One More Day
Super Mario Bros
The Legend Of Zelda
The Last Of Us/The Last Of Us Part II
Ratchet & Clank
Jak & Daxter
Sly Cooper
Metal Gear Solid
Tomb Raider (old and new)
Final Fantasy
The Original Star Wars Trilogy
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars: Rebels
The Last Jedi
Lord Of The Rings
The Mad Max saga
The Evil Dead Trilogy
Lethal Weapon
All films by Francis Ford Coppola
All films by Roman Polanski
All films by Woody Allen
All films by Terry Gilliam
All films by Brian De Palma
All films by Quinten Tarantino
All films by Stanley Kubrick
All films by Tim Burton
All films by Rian Johnson
All films by Don Bluth
All films by Steven Spielberg
All books by Stephen King
All comics by Dan Slott
All comics by Donny Cates
All comics by Jason Aaron
All comics by Jeremy Whitley
All comics by Grace Sina
All comics by Tom Taylor
All Comics by Tom King
All comics by Scott Snyder
All comics by James Tynion IV
All comics Brian Michael Bendis
All comics by Tini Howard
All comics by Vita Ayala
All comics by Joshua Williamson
Music by Michael Jackson
Music by Janet Jackson
Music by Prince
Music by Madonna
Music by The Beach Boys
Music by The Beatles
Music by Mozart
Music by Bach
Music by Beethoven
Music by Hyden
Music by Handel
Music by Wagner
Music by Dvorak
Music by Holst
Hideo Kojima
Greg Weisman
Weird Al
Rebecca Sugar
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theshipdiaries · 2 months
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I hate this so much. I HATE THIS SO MUCH SO THAT I WANT TO KILL MYSELF IN FRONT OF THE WRITERS JUST SO THAT THEY WILL FEEL AN OUNCE OF THE PAIN AND TRAUMA THEY LEFT ME WITH. Hyde was just like "you can go back to kelso" ARE YOU KIDDING ME????? If there is one thing, ONE THING STEVEN HYDE WOULD NEVER SAY is that. Not after how jealous he was anytime they interacted and anytime Michael made jokes and how much it angered him that she had been with Kelso first. He literally hated that and the writing made it CLEAR. I mean obviously nothing in season 8 makes sense and it's all OOC but I just wanted to point this one out.
@thestupidhelmet I can't even begin to comprehend how you must've felt watching it when it aired.
Gif credit: @putinskremlinqueen4palestine64
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rogersideup · 1 year
Nice to be Kneaded
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Chapter 5:
Series masterlist
Previous part: Captain-what’s-his-butt Next Part: Sunflower
Word Count: 5,675
Warnings: My blog is 18+ only. All minors or blogs without an age in bio will be blocked. Minors DNI.
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Three knocks on a door got you nothing but silence.
Four more knocks got you more silence.
But a ring on the doorbell and about twenty more knocks got you the sound of locks clicking and a door swooshing open with urgency.
On the other side was a disgruntled Georgia, out of breath because she ran to the door. "Child, if this isn't an emergency-"
"Why haven't you spoken to me in a week?" You questioned with a vocal drawl and a feigned playful yet sullen expression.
She stared blankly at you as the hot summer breeze mingled with the cold air from the AC in her house. "You've been busy with that boy."
"You know his name" You raised an eyebrow. "Just because I'm friends with him doesn't mean I'm not friends with you. Are we back in middle school, Peach?"
"You aren't just friends with him." She shook her head and leaned against the doorframe. "The two of you are getting really cozy."
"Even if we were, would that be such a bad thing?" You asked feeling confused. "Weren't you the one saying I should be dating?"
"Of course i'd love to see you happy, but not with him." She wagged her finger back and forth.
Your playful energy deflated, this was no longer a ploy to spend time with the friend you missed, it became personal.
"Why?" You crossed your arms. The sun directly over head stung your skin as you furrowed your brows.
"I don't like him." She said in a tone you've never heard her use before, completely taking you back. "He's the kind've boy that's going to take your heart and stomp all over it. You've said it yourself, there's something about him that's a little odd."
"And you're the one who said that he just needs time to warm up." You threw her words right back at her. "I gave him the time, he's nice and warm now. You've given him nothing but judgement and momentary uncomfortable interactions, of course you'd think he's a little cold."
"I also said he could be a murderer or a stalker, didn't I?" She crossed her arms too, both of you feeling defensive over yourselves. "And why do you feel such a strong need to defend him, baby doll?"
"Because you're being rude to a very sweet man who's done nothing but try to be nice to everyone in Greenwood." You scoffed. "He's expressed to me that he really wanted to be your friend but backed away because you were being cold and short."
"Well then he's very good at reading body language, now isn't he?" Georgia offered a fake smile, batting her eyelashes.
"This is ridiculous." You scoffed at her behavior, completely taken aback. "You really aren't going to speak to me because you don't like Steven?"
"No. I just want to stress that I don't like him, and I can see your heartbreak coming from three miles away." She explained. "I care about you and your precious little heart, I can't stick around to watch someone play with it before stomping all over it."
You audibly chuckled at the hypocrisy of her words. "If you really cared about someone messing with my heart, you wouldn't be dangling it over the edge of a cliff by being a shitty friend over your opinion of a man that's been nothing but kind to me"
"Watch your language, young lady." Georgia scolded.
"No. I'm not a child. I'm not your child either." You refused to let her walk all over you like that.
"Even Michael agrees, you need to stay away from that boy." Georgia let slip.
"Is that what this is about?" You questioned. "Your husband forms an opinion so you have to go along with it for the sake of keeping the peace?"
"This has nothing to do with him."
"Well I think it does" You insisted. "Because the Georgia I know is a loving, kindhearted lady that would take anyone under her wing if they needed it. You used to love everyone, but ever since the sokovia accords you've been letting Michael get in your head, and now you're both turning into judgmental know-it-all's"
"It also has nothing to do with the civil war" Her voice was dripping with warning.
You sighed and shook your head. "I'm over this, if you want to keep trying to work it out you know where I live." as you started to unfold your arms and walk away, one last thought came to mind. "And by the way, Steven has been way more careful with my heart recently than you have."
As you walked down her porch steps and out into the street, the only response to that statement was the sound of a door slamming.
You hadn't seen Steve since you told him you knew he was Captain America. It had been a few days, but they were days you usually wouldn't see him anyways. But ever since you pieced the puzzle together, you couldn't help but to start feeling anxious for him.
Through just a tiny window of his eyes, you could understand why trying to settle down for a little while was risky. Anyone could find out who he is at any given moment, and people like Georgia were a constant threat to his well-being.
Although you were upset that she was being so harsh and critical towards Steve at the moment, a tiny part of you felt relief that she didn't already know what you knew. She still felt far from the truth, and in the long run, limiting the interactions between Steve and Georgia will be better for the both of them.
It gave her less of a chance to stare into his big blue eyes and charming toothy smile to recognize him the same way you did. Because if Georgia or Michael found out Steve's true identity, both you and him would be toast.
You could barely come to terms with how fast and often he had been running around in your mind. All you wanted to do was go check in on him, wanting to wrap him up in a big squishy hug, confess that you genuinely starting missing him in your short few day breaks apart during the week.
What you didn't know was that in those few days, Steve felt the same way. He'd stopped himself a few times from going over to your place and knocking on the door just to see your smile and thank you once more for everything you've done for him. But he didn't want to overwhelm you, and he also knew it wasn't your responsibility to carry the weight of being his constant safe space.
However, he did feel like he owed you a grander gesture of gratitude beyond what he could ever say with words. So in his time away from you, he painted you a picture of the grassy field in the pretty park the two of you had gone to together the first time you'd ever really hung out.
After finishing off some very important details, he popped it in a frame he thought would match your house. Since he knew he would be seeing you tomorrow, he ventured outside of his house to find you the prettiest flowers he could from anyone who would sell a bouquet to him.
When he settled on the perfect ones, he brought them home to cut down the stems and put them in a vase. It almost made him a little sad. In any other situation, he would be courting you. As he arranged them perfectly in the vase, he had a silent moral debate in his head.
These flowers are to say thank you and that was it. You wouldn't take them as a romantic gesture, because they weren't. All friends get each other flowers for all different occasions, and this was totally normal. They would do nothing to hurt you in the long run.
Considering he was devoted to keeping to himself, he unfortunately had a whole day to overthink his choices.
Maybe it was too much, he should just jump ship and keep the painting and flowers to himself. It would spare him a lot of embarrassment if you took it the wrong way, and maybe you were only nice to him because you felt bad. Maybe you didn't want them in the first place.
He eventually snapped out of it, because the version of him he once knew was more confident than this. Old him would never second guess the thought of giving a gift, so maybe this version of him shouldn't either.
Besides, if it went terribly wrong, he already had a lot of reasons to leave Greenwood. There was always an exit plan.
His decision to go through with his original plans were set in stone when he got a text from you at around noon.
'Hey, I know you usually come hang out on Tuesday's but I stayed home today. Just really needed a break, but i'd still love to spend time with you today. Want to come over?'
He let you know that he'd be there soon before quickly taking a shower and getting dressed. It was only after he had tied his shoes and grabbed his keys that you texted him a very strict dress code of only the coziest clothes he owned.
So just for you, he changed his outfit, and fixed his hair one more time before heading over to your door with flowers and the painting in his hands. He settled on some cozy running shorts and a t shirt hoping it would meet your standards for the comfort you had in mind.
As he made the very short walk over to your front door, he could feel Georgia's eyes on him from her living room window. Then as he knocked, she found it a very convenient time to walk outside to get the mail from her mailbox. He gave his best attempt at a wave, but he was met with a glare.
When the door swung open, your eyes immediately landed on Georgia sticking her nose into your business, then right to Steve who was standing there obviously uncomfortable with flowers in his hands.
Annoyed at Georgia and keen on protecting your sweet Steve from her wrath, you quite literally pulled him in your house by his arm before closing the door in an absolute whirlwind.
"Woah!" He stumbled on his feet, quick to balance himself.
"Sorry!" You let go of his arm and smoothed the sleeve of his shirt down. "Georgia was staring, I don't want her anywhere near any of your business"
It took him a second to process all that had happened in such a short amount of time, then he realized he was just awkwardly standing there. "Oh! Uh, these are for you. I just- you've done a lot for me since I've been here and I wanted to say thank you."
"Stop it, you are so sweet!" A puppy dog expression smeared across your face, pouting at the thoughtful man in front of you. "You didn't have to do that."
He set the painting down on the table next to him, and before he even got a chance to put the flowers next to it, you had jumped up on your tippy toes to wrap your arms around his neck.
You could hear his giggle in your ear before one arm wrapped around you and held you close, the other held the bouquet behind your back.
"But I wanted to." He insisted. "I really appreciate you, I'm lucky to have you in my life."
"I think I'm the lucky one here, honey." You gave him a good squeeze before letting him go. "Did you paint this?!"
"... depends on what you think of it." Steve's lopsided smile poked through.
"It's so beautiful! I love it so much" You picked it up to inspect it further. Immediately recognizing the setting, you were highly impressed with the detail.
"Okay, then yes I painted it" He claimed his work.
"You're so talented, this is going to be worth like... a billion dollars."
"Keep dreaming, sweetheart." Steve laughed
"Well it's worth a billion dollars to me! I'll cherish it forever. "And the flowers are so pretty!"
"I grew those myself" Steve joked.
"Oh did you?" You laughed. "You must have a really impressive garden in your backyard."
"Yep, I've been working on it for years."
"You're stupid!" You laughed. "It's a good thing you're so pretty."
"You think I'm pretty?!" Steve enthused.
"Honey, you're just about the prettiest thing Greenwood has to offer."
"Second to you" He playfully winked.
You smiled and shook your head at him as he mentally beat himself up. He shouldn't be pulling you along like this. Playing around with you like a toy until he had to leave you high and dry, it was wrong.
"You are just too much" You grinned with a blush stippling over your cheeks.
He knew you were playing around, but you were right. He was being too much.
"Thank you, Steve." You said sincerely, completely shutting off all his brain noise.
"You're welcome." His heart skipped a beat as you called him Steve for the first time. But then he saw it, the tiniest deflate in your mood, and a tiny twinge of sadness in your eye.
He started following you through your house to the living room, then he watched you plop down in the couch with a subtle sigh.
"What's wrong?" He questioned sadly.
"Oh... it's nothing," You shrugged it off as he slowly sat next to you. But as he examined your body language with his big concerned eyes, you knew there was no use in pretending. "It's just- Georgia."
"Is that what the whole door thing was all about?" He questioned softly.
"Yeah" You tucked your hair behind your ear as you nodded, trying to find a way to tell him the situation without making him feel bad. "I think we need to find better ways to hang out without her knowing."
"Is she onto me?" He asked nervously.
"No, I don't think so. But she's smart, Honey. She doesn't like that we're hanging out and for some reason she wants you far, far away from me." You explained. "I think the more she sees, the more curious she will get and the more digging she will do. That's not good for either of us, is it?"
"No, it's not." He shook his head with a sigh. "I can't be around you if it's going to put your safe-"
"Shut it" You cut him off, and smiled when he pouted once more. "Nothing on this earth can convince me you're bad to be around. All I'm saying is we need to get more creative than the front door."
"But what if-"
"I don't care."
"I'll hop the fence?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"Can you do that?" You giggled.
"I free dived off a plane with no parachute" Steve shrugged. "How difficult could one fence be?"
"You know what? We can figure out the logistics later." You nodded. "My point is, just be careful around her. That's all."
"Okay, and my point is that I really care about you. If this starts putting you in danger, I'll never be able to forgive myself."
"I care about you too, which is why we're going to find a way to keep us both safe and happy? Okay?"
He sunk into himself at the thought of everything you're putting on the line. "...okay."
"Cool, now that we got that out of the way, I was thinking we could order some food and watch a movie?"
"Sounds fun to me!" Steve enthused. "I'm starving"
"You're always hungry" You giggled. "Probably because you run a marathon a day."
"It's not my fault" He pouted, slumping onto the couch. "Stupid serum. My metabolism is really fast. And if I don't move, I start to get restless and anxious."
"Don't worry, pretty baby, I'll feed you." You laughed at his grumbly explanation, ignoring the way his cheeks turned pink. "What do you want?"
"...Can't even get drunk" he mumbled again.
"Okay, so we're not drinking vodka for dinner..." You spoke to yourself, scrolling through all the options on your phone.
The two of you eventually settled on an ungodly amount of Chinese food that you'd eat on the couch. The boxes littered the coffee table well after both of you had finished eating, and you sprawled out on the couch, hand resting on your happily bloated stomach. You found yourself in a blissful food coma after trying to out eat Steve. He warned you it was a bad idea, but you took on the challenge anyway. He beat you by two crab Rangoons, but you claimed it didn't count because you definitely ate more fried rice than him.
His evidence that he won was that he felt perfectly fine, while you were one wrong move away from tasting your dinner all over again.
That comment resulted in you flipping him off, and tossing the TV remote at him. "Put something on, I can't even think." You complained.
He laughed at you and caught it effortlessly. "What do you want to watch? Action? Romcom? Oh! I know! A musical"
"If you put it on a musical, I might actually throw up. I'm already too nauseous for that." You joked.
"Okay, how about a Disney movie? Ratatouille? Tarzan?" He questioned, scrolling through all the options.
"Ratatouille is Pixar." You poked.
All he did was glare at you with narrowed eyes in response to that statement.
"Monsters Inc." He continued.
"Also Pixar" You smile. "I want to watch a Captain America movie"
"Okay that's it" He shook his head. "I'm putting on Cars, and you have no choice but to watch it"
"Another Pixar movie" You laughed.
"I miss the bakery" He sighed.
"Wow. You only like me for my cookies." You feigned an upset expression.
"Your sourdough is phenomenal as well." He nodded.
"Jerk..." You smiled.
"Feeling squisher..."
You gasped and clutched your chest, then the fake tears started to fall.
"Noooooooo!" Steve sprang up and made his way over to you, leaning over and wrapping his arms around your upper body to reverse the damage. "Don't cry don't cry don't cry" His face shoved into the crook of your neck made you giggle with every word as his soft beard tickled your skin. "Soooooorrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy I won't call you that ever again. I love it here, I love spending time with you, don't cry! Please don't cry!"
"If you squeeze me any harder I'm going to throw up all over you" You laughed as he quickly let you go and took a big step back.
"I can handle blood, gore, violence even, but if you throw up I promise I'll be throwing up too." He defensively put his hands up as if you were pointing a weapon at him.
"Somehow, that makes you even more human, Stevie." You giggled as he grabbed a blanked off the couch and wrapped it around himself and the top of his head so just his face was poking through. It was as if he was now trying to hide from the threat.
As he got cozy on the couch once more in his blanket cocoon and your legs thrown across his lap as he payed attention to the beginning of Cars playing on the TV, the warnings from every news broadcast played in your head. It took everything in you to not physically laugh out loud at the words 'if you see any of these individuals, do not approach. They are dangerous.'
You fell into more than comfortable silence as the movie played. It was hard not to let your mind wander around, thinking about how nice it was to take a step back from work for even just the day, and how nice it was to have someone like Steve to enjoy it with.
The silence was broken every once and a while when the two of you would laugh at a joke that not even an 8 year old would find funny, and sometimes he had a question and you had some pretty general commentary on the movie. He also kept letting out quiet little yawns.
You'd catch him out of the corner of your eye, his eyes would fall heavy then he'd blink them open super fast and shake his head to try and keep himself awake. Eventually the blanket slipped off the top of his head, and he'd kick his legs over the arm of the couch and scoot backwards to get a little more comfortable.
Taking into consideration all the information he provided you about his lack of sleep, it warmed your heart to see he felt comfortable enough around you to even feel this sleepy in the first place. You knew most nights he could barely even get himself to try closing his eyes before the sun rose. Now here he was, struggling to stay awake at 9pm on your couch.
He made it another fifteen minutes before his arm relaxed to his side and his head slouched to rest on the couch back, completely knocked out. You couldn't help the smile on your face every time he subconsciously made himself more comfortable. It didn't take long before he was sprawled out across the couch, his head landing on a pillow you placed right next to your lap as you already knew that's where he would inevitably wind up.
You kicked your feet up on the coffee table as you admired the way his hair had flopped over onto his face when he curled up on his side. Your mind and all its racing thoughts were far gone from the animated film on the screen in front of you as you wondered if he would have ever grown out his hair this long had it not been for the circumstances he was under.
You wanted to pull it back off of his face just to feel the soft strands running through your fingers and to admire his facial features a little better, but that was not a step you were willing to take while he was asleep. Besides, if you accidentally woke him up you'd never forgive yourself.
Regardless of the golden strands of hair obstructing your view, you did get to notice all the different colors that lived in his beard. Mostly brown with a twinge of blonde, a bit of red along the side of his cheek and a just a few grays that decided to make a guest appearance. Just as you noticed how long and beautiful his eyelashes were, he sucked in a big breath as if he was waking up.
Suddenly, a movie about silly little cars became the most interesting attention grabber in the whole world. But that big breath was accompanied by a stretch of his arm that so happened to land right on your lap.
Just as you looked down at it, he had stirred into some sort of half conscious state. He looked around and blinked a few times.
"Oh shit" he mumbled, barely being able to form words. "I should go home."
Yet he didn't move his arm away, nor did you think he even had the capacity to make it to his own bed at this point. If he did go home, you knew he wouldn't sleep.
"It's okay" You told him quietly, with a reassuring grin. "You're safe here."
His hand in your lap caught your eye again, but this time it was because it was moving, navigating the area trying to find yours. Your heart skipped a beat once it did, and you interlocked your fingers with his.
There was a small smile on his face as his eyes closed again. "Didn't mean to fall asleep."
"You're okay." You reminded him once more, gently squeezing his hand. "I'll keep you safe"
He used it free hand to remove the pillow from underneath his head, and in one swift movement he rested his head in your lap. Your stomach filled with butterflies and your heart was now beaming with golden rays.
You took that as permission to pull the blanket up over his shoulders to assure he'd stay warm in the air conditioning, but after that you still weren't sure what to do with your free hand.
"Honey?" You whispered just in case he was already back in dreamland. He responded with a little grumble you could tell was his attempt at acknowledging your call for him. "Can I play with your hair?"
A smile immediately stretched across his lips as he lazily nodded. You're pretty sure he fell asleep again after just a few swipe throughs of your fingers in the growing length.
Somewhere between the warm weight of the soldier in your lap and the comfort of a Pixar film on the television, you had fallen asleep too. That wasn't something you even realized until you had woken up to the sound of your phone ringing.
You peeled your eyes open to see the sun had risen to its full potential, and somehow, some way, you were now laying down and pinned between the couch cushions and Steve's body.
His face was shoved into the crook of your neck and one of his strong arms was holding onto you nice and tight as if you would run away if he loosened his grip.
Unfortunately you had no time to bask in the glory of being cuddled by a big strong man before you had both been woken up by the sound of your obnoxiously loud ringing phone. The second he popped his head up and squinted his beautiful blue eyes to adjust to the sunlight, you were internally cursing whoever was trying to contact you with a eternal damnation. Surly if they knew just how long it had been since you felt a man's touch, nobody would've contacted you ever again.
Steve reached over behind him to grab you your phone as he mentally cursed himself for putting you in this position after he told himself to not act on his romantic feelings for you. He was walking you both down a dark and dangerous path of pain and heartbreak but he just couldn't get himself to stop.
You thanked him as you grabbed it from his hand, and immediately picked up as it was one of your bakers.
Steve sat up and sung his legs over the side of the couch by your hips. He slumped over and his face fell into his hands while he listened to half a conversation about how to troubleshoot the rack oven and what to do with all 13 trays of destroyed snickerdoodles for that one really important order.
He had to take big deep breaths to calm himself down as the sound of waking up to a phone ringing caused him an astronomical amount of anxiety. For just a few moments he was positive he was getting a call that would get him back in the suit to shut down an alien wormhole or delay the end of the world.
Somehow your supportive and calming words to your employees calmed him down too.
"Hey, don't worry about it. Things happen, I understand." You cooed over the phone. "I don't want you to stress about it. I can stay all night to bake whatever is left for that order, okay? It'll get done, I promise. There's nothing that we can't fix."
He could hear your employee stress-babbling something on the other end of the phone call, but none of that mattered. Not when you sat up and got right next to him when you noticed his body language.
You made sure there was no empty space between the sides of your bodies. Leg to leg, side to side, and your arm traveled up the plane of his back and gently squeezed the nape of his neck to try and comfort him while you sorted out whatever was happening at Nice To Be Kneaded.
Steve appreciated your efforts, but he also couldn't help but to feel like his lack of self control around you was also a source of his pounding heart and racing thoughts. Knowing he should probably provide an explanation for the cuddle fest last night led him to believe it might be time to set some boundaries with you.
His little slice of heaven would have to be put at arm's length away, on the highest shelf he couldn't reach even if he was on his tippy toes. If he had you out on the counter, he knew he would come back for a little more of you every time he passed by because just one more bite wouldn't hurt. But one kept turning to two, two to four, and before he knows it the both of you will be on complete opposite sides of the world as you harbored pure resentment for him.
Right now he might've looked like a bucket of sugar to you, but sugar and salt looked exactly the same the only difference being sugar doesn't sting when it's rubbed into wounds.
His mind ran away fast, the only rope he grabbed onto to pull him back into reality was your calming voice.
"Hey, Sweet Stevie." You squeezed his shoulder, trying to catch his attention.
He finally snapped out of his trance and his big eyes met yours. "Huh?"
"Are you okay?" You questioned although you already knew the answer.
"Yeah, sorry. I'm fine." He faked a smile.
"Really? I said your name three times before you responded." You raised an eyebrow.
This time Steve's lips pressed together in a straight line before a real grin spread across them. "I keep a burner phone in my pocket with some of the Avengers being the only ones with the number to it in case they need me." He explained. "Every day feels like a waiting game for the phone to ring- it's like sitting in a room with a bomb that's about to explode but you don't know when it'll be detonated."
"Ah-" You understood, your hand continued to rub circles on his back. "You thought there was an explosion?"
He nodded in confirmation as he thought about what to say next- how to let you down gently.
"False alarm" You stated, earning a hum in response.
All he wanted to do was let his head fall back onto your shoulder, pull you down onto his body and cover the both of you up so that you could get a few more hours of sleep. He wanted to avoid this gaping hole he always felt in his heart, he wanted to enjoy your company without guilt.
"Are you okay?" Steve reciprocated the questioned.
"Yeah" You giggled. "Sometimes the oven at the bakery likes to shoot up in temperature for no reason and bake cookies at 600 degrees Fahrenheit. That led to a snickerdoodle disaster and now we're about 320 cookies and six hours of work down from a huge order that's picking up tomorrow."
"How are you not stressed?" Steve questioned.
You shrugged your shoulders. "I'll get it done. I might be there until the sun rises but I'll get it done. I'd go in earlier but we only have so much space for so many people to be working at the same time, it would be more useful to just get there later and work in an empty kitchen."
"You're going to need more butter" Steve thought out-loud. "And eggs."
"And flour. And sugar. And cinnamon. But hey, at least I slept well last night!" You giggled and nudged his shoulder with yours.
It earned you a pretty smile and a shy blush on his cheeks. "If I had any intention of falling asleep I would've warned you that I'm a chronic cuddler." Steve defended himself. "All of the Avengers learned that the hard way, they all knew to avoid the general area I was sleeping in."
"Awwww. I'd like to imagine a time in which you and Bucky Barnes were spooning to keep nice and warm on a cold, cold night." You smiled as you teased.
"Oh, no, Bucky would not hesitate to push me onto the floor." Steve laughed.
"That's so mean! I could never!" You screeched. "Did you at least sleep well?"
"Scary good" The blush on his cheeks burned brighter. "Sorry for holding you hostage all night."
"More than fine by me." You smiled, still enjoying the lack of space between his body and yours. "I'm sorry you had to wake up like that. What a shitty way for you to have to start the day."
This time you let your head fall onto his shoulder, and your arm squeezed him into a delightful side hug. He reciprocated by wrapping his arm around you too and letting his head rest on yours.
Okay, just one more bite.
"I think this is the best way for me to start my day." Steve said. Now you were the one blushing, and that extra bite was worth all the sugary sweetness that made the endorphins bounce around in his brain. But could you blame him? You were just so damn scrumptious, maybe even addictive.
You so wished you could stay and enjoy the temptation snuggling you on the couch, but then a really depressing thought was at the forefront of your brain. "I have to source ingredients and make hundreds of snickerdoodles" You sighed.
"And teach your apprentice how to master the art of a snickerdoodle" He offered his help.
"Really?" You questioned, almost in disbelief. Not a day went by without you being so very appreciative of his ability to walk alongside you exactly when you needed him.
"Abs-dough-lutely" Steve joked.
"Oh you're a loser" You held back your smile.
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Next part: Sunflower
Tag list: @patzammit @bemysugarbean @buckymydarlingangel @happinessinthebeing @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory @differenttyphoonwerewolf @themotherof10 @lokislady82 @talesofadragon @spikeluv84 @xxxalicerogersxx @avid-fic-reader-05 @royalwriteroftheuniverse @whiskeytangofoxtrot555
Have any asks, or headcannons you want to see come to life about Nomad Steve and Baker Reader? Drop them in my inbox and I’ll write it! Check out extra Nice to be Kneaded more fun stuff bonus chapters here!
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agaypanic · 1 year
HI! can you do a request or head cannons for kelso where he falls in love with an over achiever/ really smart girl? Where she pretty much wants nothing to do with him because she thinks he'll just ruin her grades and her bright future, but he just continues to follow her around like a lovesick puppy anyways. HE JUST WANTS HER TO LIKE HIM SO BADDD 😭😭
Michael Kelso Falling For An Over Achiever Headcanons
Request Something!
A/N: when she’s smart and he’s the stupidest man on the planet>>>>
You guys def met bc you had to tutor him in something
There’s no other way you guys would interact
Kelso never noticed you before because you don’t share any classes or hang in similar circles
But the second he meets you, he wishes he noticed you sooner
“Michael Kelso?” A voice sounded behind the boy, who was talking to his friends. Kelso turned around and, being a giant, looked down to see you looking back at him with an inquisitive look.
“That’s me.” Kelso grinned, wondering what a cute girl like you wanted to talk to him about. “I’ve never seen you around before. Are you new? Need me to help you find your classes, because honestly, I dunno if I’ll be much help.” You laughed.
“I’m not new, Michael. You may not have seen me around, but I’ve certainly seen you.” You held your hand out for him to shake. “I’m Y/n, your new math tutor. I’m in Stevens’ stats class, and he asked me to help you. Are you free after school today?” Michael nodded, taken aback by your directness and the fact that he had never noticed you before. “Good, meet me at the library after school then. We can go over what you need to work on.” 
You waved goodbye to both him and his friends before taking off. Kelso watched you until you turned a corner and were out of sight, and even then, he didn’t turn around until Eric tapped him on the shoulder.
“You good, Kelso?” He asked, watching the goofy smile on his friend’s face.
“Yeah, yeah.” Kelso took another quick look behind him, secretly hoping you’d somehow pop up again. “Hey, do you guys know where the library is? And, uh, since when did we have a library?”
It took a while, but Kelso was able to find the library
He didn’t really care about the actual tutoring, more focused on getting to know you
Or rather, getting into your pants
But you shut that down immediately 
“Michael, you need to focus.” You said for what felt like the thousandth time as you caught Michael not working on the problem in front of him. Instead, he stared at you with a dopey grin.
“Oh, I am.” He said, eyes dragging down your form before raising his eyebrows suggestively. “Why don’t we get out of here?”
“Absolutely not.” You snorted. “Look, Michael, if you wanna waste your time, that’s fine. But I have more important things to do if you won’t even try to make an effort.” You gathered your things into your bag and stood up from your seat.
Michael started to panic. He didn’t know exactly what he wanted from you, but he knew he didn’t want you to leave. There was some kind of magnetic pull you had on him.
You only made a few steps before you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“Wait!” A librarian loudly shushed Michael, and he flinched. You turned around expectantly, and he took his hand off you, trying to find words because he honestly didn’t think you’d stop. “Don’t go. I’ll… I’ll try, I promise. Just don’t leave.” Your annoyed expression softened, and you moved to sit back in your chair, Michael eagerly following you. “How about we make a deal?”
“I have to make a deal with you to get you to do your work?” You asked, a small but amused smile gracing your lips. “What kind of deal?” Michael grinned at your intrigue.
“I’ll do everything you want me to do: the note-taking, the practice questions, my homework.”
“You should already be doing your homework, Michael.”
“But, every time I get something right, I get to ask a question about you.” You raised a brow, both in confusion and interest.
“Why do you wanna know stuff about me?”
“Just do.” He shrugged, leaning back in his chair. He wanted to seem casual to not scare you off with the fact that, for some reason, he suddenly wanted to know every little thing about you.
Kelso actually starts trying to do his work
He wants to impress you so bad
And whenever he gets something right, he gets to learn more about you
It eventually paid off
“Y/n!” Kelso ran through the hallway towards you, pushing through people who were just trying to leave school. You jumped in surprise, turning in his direction, and watched him skid to a stop, almost falling on his face.
“Michael? Are you okay?” 
Kelso dug around in his jacket pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper. He unraveled it and turned the front page to face you.
“I got a B minus!” He said ecstatically. You grinned.
“Congrats, Michael!” If you had gotten a C plus on an assignment, especially your midterm test, you would’ve been beyond disappointed in yourself. But you and Michael were different, him getting that kind of grade was an extreme improvement. “That should take your class grade up to some kind of C.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you.” 
“I’m glad to have helped.” Then you turned on your heel and started to walk away. Your work with Michael was done; he needed help passing his midterm, and you did just that. Now you could focus on acing your own assignments.
But Michael jumped in front of you, causing you to stumble in surprise.
“Wait, where are you going?”
“I’m going home; I have to study.” Michael laughed, shaking his head at you.
“What? No, let’s go celebrate!”
“No offense, Michael, but I have more important things to do than party with you. I’m sure you have friends who are more than willing to get wasted.” You pushed past him, leaving the boy saddened.
After that, Kelso felt like you were avoiding him
It was like he never saw you anymore, and if he did, you wouldn’t talk to him
It wasn’t a conscious decision on your part, at least you thought
You never hung out with Kelso before you had to tutor him, why would you do so now?
Besides, you knew that being around him any longer than necessary would just be detrimental to everything you’ve worked for
Kelso clearly didn’t feel the same
“Kelso, you gotta stop being so hung up on this chick.” Hyde reprimanded, sick of his friend constantly watching your moves. “It’s weird, and it’s honestly bumming me out.”
“I can’t help it, Hyde!” Kelso rested his head in his head, staring longingly at you reading while eating your lunch. “She’s, like, so perfect, and she won’t even give me a chance.”
“I think that means you should look for someone else, bud,” Eric said, sitting beside him.
“I’m not giving up, Eric. I just need one chance.” Kelso suddenly stood up, long legs almost making him trip over the cafeteria table bench. “That’s all I need.” 
In a flash, he was sitting across from you. So engrossed in your textbook, you barely noticed Kelso’s presence.
“Hi.” You gave him a glance before continuing with your reading. “Why don’t you wanna hang out with me, Y/n? I just wanna have fun with you, and I don’t mean that in a gross way, I swear. I just think you’re really cool, and I really liked getting to know you, and I think we could have a lot of fun-”
“That’s the problem, Michael.” You interrupted, catching him off guard. Of course, he was happy that you were speaking to him. But your response made him a bit upset. 
“What do you mean?”
You took a deep breath, bookmarking your page and setting the book on the table to clasp your hands in front of you. Then you looked at Kelso.
“All you want is fun. That may be fine for you, but I have a future to think about, one that I’ve been working so hard for. I can’t put that on hold just because you wanna have a good time.” You scratched your cheek, wishing for this conversation to be over. “I’m pretty sure that half of the girls at this school would love to have your attention.”
“But I don’t wanna give them my attention, Y/n,” Kelso replied, feeling helpless. “Please, just one date. It doesn’t even have to be a date. I just want one chance.”
“If you decide you don’t want anything to do with me, I’ll leave you alone. I promise. Just one date.”
You were silent for a while, too long for Kelso’s liking. He watched you stare at him, probably to figure out the best way to reject him once and for all.
“Fine.” It was a quiet grumble, but Kelso definitely heard it. He grinned that stupid grin of his.
“Really?” He asked excitedly.
“One date. And then that’s it, Michael. Got it?”
“Yup!” He nodded enthusiastically. “Y/n, I promise you won’t regret this.”
“I think I already am.” You whispered to yourself, but Kelso caught it. But he wasn’t saddened by the comment because he could pick out the tiniest joking tone in your voice.
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gleedyke · 9 months
Here comes my two cents on anti-Neil Gaiman posting that I hope comes across civilly and that if you choose to interact with you are also polite about.
Everyone has the right to like/dislike a creator and to separately like/dislike their work. I happen to like this particular creator quite a bit, and I do notice that not everyone GOmens posting does, which again, of course, is fine. Disagree with choices made, that's healthy, but the way I keep seeing "us (fandom) vs him" mentality on any type of post feels bad. This isn't a defense of him; I don't fucking know him, nor does he need that. I'm actually quite happy when I hear folks say they simply don't follow/interact with him if they dislike him. That's great energy, but the rest of us seeing it all over is less great. Thought some reminders posted into the void would help lighten up the energy around here, or at least get it off my chest lol.
1. I've been properly queerbaited by media. This is not fucking that. Take a deep breath and heal with me.
2. A lot of vitriol towards Neil, and frankly Michael and David too, seems to be about being straight men creating this. Have we still not learned to mind our business on this front. You don't know them, we don't know them, but everything we've ever seen from them proves they're on our side. You wanna be mad at a straight man for actually fumbling the bag Steven Moffat is right th- sorry I forgot this isn't about him I tried not to bring up Sherlock in point 1 I really did. ANYWAY. I'm not implying anything, but I have learned to mind your business a little when telling someone why they can't create something queer. That's all.
3. This is his story, and it's not over. It took so long for him to get an adaptation made that he actually wanted to do, and he's doing it. I point y'all to Percy Jackson (I know there's some overlap in demographics here) and how much better the new series is just because Rick Riordan is more involved in adapting it. Having an author of the original work handling the adaptation this thoroughly is a gift regardless of how you feel about him. Additionally, he's writing the rest of the story that he and Terry Pratchett didn't tell. In Terry's honor. For himself. For all the people with beat up original copies. For all the people who have just joined because they realized there is something magical here. But above all it's still his. Take a deep breath and remember this is a love story, and if you still are not content in the end there's always AO3 my friends.
TL;DR vent away on your Tumblr if you don't like Neil Gaiman, nobody is gonna like everyone and certainly nobody's perfect. But before spreading negativity against him on every corner of the GOmens tags, I encourage you to remember how essential he is to the work regardless of your opinion. And remember that those who do like him and his work are also doing so with the best of intentions. Aren't we all. Peace and love this new year. Wait and see. Etc.
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itzrafee · 3 months
The Bikeriders isn't for everyone. At least in the beginning. Hell, I'd love to meet the people it is for. But slowly, as you buy into this world, you start to see it. Why this raucous counterculture could be appealing. You see it, at first, through the eye's of Jodie Comer's Kathy. Something hostile and aggressive, hellbent on making you feel uncomfortable. But then, as she's on the back of Benny's bike and as you hear the roar, something kindles in you. A stirring. Maybe the first embers of understanding. And as the other bikes ride along side them, the camera shaking violently at times and at others steady as can be, it starts to burn as you see that appeal. As you start to feel as they do.
And that's the magic of Jeff Nichols. He makes you understand what his character's are feeling in a way... only one other filmmaker is able to. Looking at his filmography you kind of get a clue who this other filmmaker might be. A hint. Because among these grounded stories of Americana, you have an aberration. Something that seems a little different. In Midnight Special, you see who Jeff Nichols has the potential to be. Who he could succeed. Because Midnight Special makes that connection to Steven Spielberg crystal clear. It makes you sit up and see how Jeff Nichols sees his characters. That soft backlighting and gentle hold on them as they emote. The subject matter and the interactions they have. How they're blocked on screen and the depth his scenes have. But more than anything, his style is the only evolution of Spielberg's style of holding on awestruck faces that works in modern cinema. Because Jeff Nichols understands, much like Spielberg understands, how his actors faces help us understand and connect with the story. But unlike Spielberg, where at times the actors exist solely as tools to convey an idea, cutting soon after, Nichols holds. Nichols holds as we understand what his characters are going through. As we understand what they feel. As we understand what they're thinking. And then he holds for a second more as that thought evolves. As people swallow their spit or bite their lip or look away from the camera. Nichols melts the background away until all that exists is just you and the character.
And boy does that just work when you have actors like the ones in The Bikeriders. Jodie Comer is a vision in this movie, her turn rivalling that of Marisa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny. The movie turns around Kathy as much as it does Benny. Kathy feigns ignorance at times despite understanding all of the original Vandals more than they understood themselves. It's why that introduction of all of the newer faces hits even harder. Kathy doesn't know them and as a result neither do we. But the ones we do know take our breath away. Tom Hardy's Johnny is this all too real portrayal of a man stuck between the need to belong and the greed of owning the things you can never have. The latter of which is personified by that hubcap stealing punk that later rolls up whereas the former by Benny. Austin Butler's Benny is the picture of freedom of the 60's. Unchained yet longing to belong to something. His flighty eyes dance around the whole movie until they don't.
And rounding it out, in this actor's director's cast, are a who's who of character actors, lead by the Nichols stalwart of Michael Shannon, who delivers the gut punch in the middle of the gut punch as they sit around the fire and he blurts out the thing they've all heard. Something that feels almost like spelling out the movie itself but then, when you look across the actors faces, you see that Nichols trademark. You see why it doesn't matter if anybody had said anything. You can read it across their faces clearer than you could ever hear Shannon.
And as it hurtles towards that conclusion you start to see why the movie is the way it is. Somewhat disconnected, disjointed, flung across the years. Because it tells of time and change. Of how that institution of America changed and grew away from it's people just as the Vandal's did from Johnny. You hear it in Mike Faist's characters journey between the years. You see it in Kathy's homes. And you feel it in the people that change. As Funny Sonny sits outside of a theatre and welcomes people into Easy Rider you see that change in the medium you're watching it through as well. Time is fragmentary. Days and hours at a time will be cemented into your memory only to be followed by events months or years later, these disjointed events forming a narrative in your mind held together only by the way you you see the world. The Bikeriders dives back into memory to tell us that story in the only way it can, through moments and through people.
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glitched-dawn · 4 months
General blog info
Since I said I would do this (actually I am just bored and no one knows wtf is going on in this blog) Imma make a masterpost with the general info of the blog and what's going on here. and also a little info about myself because ppl need more info abt me to send hate anons:
im a writer, obviously. im also a demiromantic apothisexual transmasc. i like baking, going out in the woods, writing (obviously), drawing and making art, playing instruments and singing, and im also a big fan of either napping half the day or staying up all night.
im not in very many fandoms but i like hollow knight, inmost, lethal company, terraria, bramble the mountain king, and ive recently gotten into heartstopper (in other words i began watching it with my more or less heartstopper-obsessed cousin, she is very sweet and yes i think the show is pretty cute too). other than that, im gonna watch more horror movies and series as that's what i write too.
(DNI is very small. do not interact with me if your intentions have anything to do with sex. thats it. i am SEVERELY sex-repulsed and will be triggered by anything that society has made sexual. its easier in text but for the fucking love of god do not send me pictures.)
now, onto the content:
writing snippets
aspec posting
stories and poems
a little bit of venting/storytime/complaining
talking to ma homies
a little bit of art
a series of writing snippets called "new/out of context quotes and quips"
probably something else i forgot
(also the reason i dont have a venting blog is bcuz hot topic i think ill keep everything in one place cuz im one person and i feel different things lmfao (yes i am also surprised by the fact that i have emotions apparently))
now a masterlist of my writing:
Novels and works-in-progress (AKA everything i write):
My main novel series, Broken Promises, currently contains ten novels:
Breached Containment
Twisted Betrayal
The Final Hunt
The Madman's Strive
Broken Strings (AKA Bring Us To Life)
Pinky Promise?
Too Late
Welcome To My Mind
A Last Promise
and here's the main characters, main cast and the main side characters:
Ambrose Blackthorne
Ace Dawn
Caleb Whitlock
Dylan Hunter
Jason Godfrey
Juan Moreno
The Shadow Reaper (he has a name but its revealed in the seventh novel so im waiting with it)
Zafirah Satar
Kierce Cadell
Joseph Clayton
Blake Campbell
Steven Zhai
Silly Sally
James Forest
Phoenix Loughty
Rahmah Abdullah Aziz
Rick Davis
Zane Hawklum
Gabriella Roseware
Alicia Wood
Rose Andersson
Eleanor Dawn
Michael Godfrey
(there are probably a lot more that are either family to the mcs or minor side characters, so im not including them here)
other than that, i have a few standalones that i work on every now and then:
Misplaced Faith
One Last Time (AKA Your Memory Will Live On Forever)
That's Me
Missing 4II
DRAMA (with my cousin as a co-author)
Blades of Rose (with several co-authors, including @ang3lic-t3ars and @daredevil-arty)
We All Eventually Drown (with one co-author)
then, of course, i have a bunch of smaller projects, most of them related to my novel series:
The Solic AKA the new bible
GUTS AND GLORY - a collection of every gory scene in BP
Realms of Selinc - A Beastiary
Memories On Paper - a collection of every letter/hand-written text in BP
A whole lot of music. just a doc named Music
The Anomalies, the start of a horror skit yt channel
PHOBIA, a video game that im not working on at the moment
I Was Born With A Gift - a prologue to the animation channel where I will animate my novel series on streams and such
All of the Darkrimm, Lumancyid included (hell and heaven lore)
A bunch of rituals. Do Not Question
Two D&D campaigns, one a homebrew and the other just. heaven and hell from BP (the novel series)
And since im extremely bored ill make an ask game so yall can ask me abt stuff (mostly the writing i gotta get more active in that)
have me tell you about one of my novels/works
ask about a character
ask about something you've seen in a snippet (specify)
wait actually you could just ask yourself from what youve seen and then ask extra info if youre curious about something
yeah acc just know my inbox is open for absolutely everything except stuff that goes against my DNI so u go ask stuff homies and thats it
well thats all i had to say so buhbyeee
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Requests for Writing and Artwork
Anonymous welcome!
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Note: I write about how the characters interact with the world and each other. I focus on the characters, not necessarily the conflict unless it is interfering in their relationship or stopping them from being around each other. It’s all about the people.
Word count: 1,000 minimum
Rating: Any
Types: NSFW or SFW
Kinks: Yes (it’s easier to say what I WON’T do—No Vore except blood drinking, No necrophilia unless sex with vampire—they gotta be able to consent, No Incest, No pee, no poo)
Tropes: meet cute, meet ugly, fluff, angst, friends to lovers, boss/employee, polyamory, **a/b/o**, kid fic, parent-focused fic, mpreg, apocalypse, damsel in distress (rescue), canon divergent, sex worker/prostitute/stripper, interspecies relationship, imbalanced power dynamics, love at first sight, hurt/comfort, shifter/skinwalker, roommate to lovers, or ask.
There are a handful or two of tropes I’m not ok with, so please select at least **3** options.
Plot or premise: please feel free to give me your prompt in as much detail or as little as you’d like.
Pairings: Any from the acceptable characters. Polyamory is acceptable too.
Reader insert: If you select Reader as a character, please advise the POV, such as first person (I am), second person (you are), or third person (she, they, he, them).
Acceptable Characters:
Reader—male or female, LGBT+, Chronic Illness, Mental Health, Winchester sibling or nibling, supernatural being, MoL Legacy, Rowena’s child, love interest to Team Free Will, Hunter, psychic, witch, etc. (Just ask)
Moon Knight system (Jake, Steven, Marc; Moon Knight)
Khonshu (Moon Knight)
Beau Arlen (Blue Sky)
Alec McDowell (Dark Angel)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
Dean Winchester (No Incest;Demon, Possessed, Etc)
Sam Winchester (No Incest; Samifer, Lawyer, Professor, etc)
John Winchester (good parent, yes! No incest)
Mary Winchester (good parent, hunter, yes! No incest)
Castiel/Jimmy Novak (Wings, yes! True form, yes! Unrelated, yes! No Twincest)
Arthur Ketch
Emma Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Gilda (Fairy)
Dorothy Baum
Billie (Reaper, yes! Death, yes!)
Death (YES!)
Lucifer/Nick (Wings, yes!)
Gabriel (Wings,yes!)
Balthazar (Wings, yes!)
Bobby Singer
Rufus Turner
Ellen Harvelle
Jo Harvelle
Jody Mills, Sheriff
Donna Hanscum, Sheriff
Claire Novak
Kaia Novak
Patience Turner
The Barnes Twins (no incest)
Missouri Moseley
Rowena MacLeod (Witchy, yes!)
Crowley/Fergus MacLeod (Demon form, yes)
Pamela Barnes
Adam Milligan
Michael (Archangel)
Horseman Death (portrayed by Julian Richings)
Meg 2.0
Jack Kline
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scouts-treefort · 2 months
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Hi! I'm Steven / Scout!
I'm a sfw age regressor, and I regress to cope with trauma.
My account is STICTLY sfw.
I'm fictoqueer and fictofamilial
I post more about my f/os on @deadbnnuy !
My fictional FAMILY I post most HERE about are:
- Norm Allen, Dialtown (my daddy)
- Sun & Moon, FNaFSB (older brothers)
- Michael Afton, FNaF games (older brother)
- William Afton, FNaF games + books (father)
- Pest, Regretevator (older brother)
- Sebastian Solace (older brother)
My current interests are Regretevator, Pressure, old technology (particularly phones), FNaF, insects, Roblox and Dialtown!
My DMs are open and I'm always looking for people to chat with and play video games with.
Harassment to me or my friends will not be tolerated in any capacity.
My main pronouns are he/him/his, it/its, mew/mews/bunnyself, silly/sillys/sillyself, guest/guest/guestself, and bug/bugs/bugself. PLEASE use all of them!!
Anti-endo accounts, ANTI neo-pronoun/xenogender accounts, proshippers, and zionists will be blocked.
Enjoy your stay in wonderland!
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Image IDs:
(Image ID 1 and 4: Two text dividers at the top and bottom of the post of white bunnies hopping across the length of the post
(Image ID 2: A pink rectangular blinkie divider with pink and green alternating spots lining the border. Inside the box is text saying "glaggle luvr" with a smiley face emoji, and left of the text, a few colorful glaggles— little smiley face creatures with pronounced dimples— hugging in a circle and smiling)
(Image ID 3: A rectangular banner with a maroon inside and black border decorated with a small Japanese Stag Beetle in the bottom right corner, and with Pest from the Roblox game Regretevator in the left side. There is red text with a black border in the middle that says "SFW interaction ONLY, if your account is unsafe for a child DNI.")
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reapkusho · 5 months
Hey. Welcome.
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You thought you'd get some cool blog? Nah. The whole blog is an organized collection of chaotic thoughts. A better introduction is available under the cut. Enjoy.
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chuuya nakahara theme! matching with @still-fatemeh!!
married to the most gorgeous ever @shrii-kk <3333
TW for topics with abuse, ranting, breakdowns, cussing, among other things.
Currently mainly fixated on Blue Lock (back on my rin itoshi brainrot bullshit) <3
I'm Reaper — you may refer to me as reaper, reap, rai, or any other nickname along those lines. Simply put, I am:
MINOR 𝄞 she/they 𝄞 questioning 𝄞 writer! 𝄞 anime enthusiast 𝄞 multifandom 𝄞 Filipino 𝄞
But if you want to know more...
tags here! 𝄞 mutuals here! 𝄞 carrd here!
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KUNG KILALA MO KO SA TOTOONG BUHAY HINDI MO KO KILALA!! I am a minor—so, basic DNI. Anything that passes as a bot to me will be blocked.
I'd also like to ask people not to send me stuff about donations. I am unable to help and it stresses me out.
DNI: nsfw accounts, zoo/necro/pedophiles, AI "artists", if you're racist, sexist, overall a shitty person, proshippers, if fatphobic, transphobic, or homophobic, misogynists, ableist, zionists, haters with no reason, people who are rude to any religion, people who can't take opinions, anyone who jokes about rape - respectfully, fuck off.
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Most posts will be about rambling, rants, and fandom content. I'll post a lotta updates about myself tho :3
Occasionally, I do fandom matchups (for most fandoms i interact with). I also do kin analysis (are those a thing? whatever.) if you're willing to, then I'd be happy to do any exchange with you :) I don't do requests as of the moment. matchups (or exchanges) i've done are under the tag #reaper's matchups. and kin matchups i've done are under the tag #reaper's kins.
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Fandom I interact with: bungou stray dogs, blue lock, jujutsu kaisen, haikyuu, assassination classroom, boku no hero academia, chainsaw man, yu yu hakusho, five nights at freddy's, obey me, black butler, school bus graveyard, horimiya, angels of death, vtubers (NijiEN, etc.), oshi no ko, death note, genshin impact, countryhumans, (yes), hazbin hotel, steven universe, twoset violin + more!
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Kins: bsd chuuya nakahara, suehiro tecchou, hajime iwaizumi, kageyama tobio, bsd sigma, michael kaiser, isagi yoichi, shu iura, kakeru sengoku, mahito (yes.), geto suguru. depends what matters more to kinnies honestly. take this information as you will, be chill please.
Hopefully the way I write here and these characters up there ^ will give you an idea of how I am. I'd say I'm a cool person to talk to.
Characters I kin are so precious to me if you refer me as any one of them I will literally explode (please do).
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NOW PLAYING: Oh-oh-oh I can't help if thinking about it, only makes me cry, it keeps me wet - you know you keep me wet! 'til I run dry!
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Writing blog is @reaper-in-reverie. though it's mostly inactive...
vent blog is @nemesistic-catharsis. tw obviously :)
I also run the @mahito-spotted blog >:)
I now also run the @gods-chosen-emperor kaiser rp blog, and @egoist-jinpachi >:3 meet the others! | and our memories!
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Oh, and my asks are open. Please send some, don't be shy. I don't bite (most of the time). <3
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userboxes were found on pinterest or here on tumblr.
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firecurls-27 · 1 year
What do you thjnk it was the cuphead show's biggest missed potential?
Oh boy do I have a list-
Listen, I love this show more than any show I’ve ever watched, it’s incredible. Buuuut there are some things I would’ve like to add.
1. Backstories
I know we got only one backstory, chalice’s (which I had a tiny bit of a problem with, I’ll explain in a bit) but it would’ve been nice if we got backstories fo other characters, because we’ve only gotten hints. For example: Devil pointing up confirming heaven kind of exists, Elder Kettle mentioning his mother and diaper baby, the VA for devil saying he met King Dice at an underground convention, etc.
Like, how did henchman and the devil meet, which brings me to my next point-
2. Inkwell heaven
I know it would be a bit risky adding events from the Bible into the show, but there are two theories for how devil was born/created. Either he was born a demon, son of a much powerful demon, or he fell from heaven.
I would’ve loved to have at least an Angel of some sort interact with someone in the hellish trio. Specifically Michael, because it’s his job to make sure Lucifer doesn’t start shit.
But that’s got me thinking, if devil is down in inkwell city, causing havoc, why hasn’t anyone above stopped him?? But enough about that-
3. Calix Animi
Ok this? This pisses me off the most. I know a lot of people like the backstory chalice got in the show, I liked it too, but stILL- -
Ok, kind of a weird take, but what if the legendary chalice and ms chalice have a sort of Steven Universe = Rose Quartz situation? (If you watch Steven Universe, you’d get it. It’s a great show tbh-) where they’re both different people, but the same? It’s hard to explain.
What I would’ve loved is chalice to go through the rugged ridge and have a sort of flashback with a musical note cause ofc-
Hopefully if the show gets renewed we have a chance of getting all this, cause I would love it.
@netflix please I beg of you-
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello hello! I’m 18 (She/Her) I’m looking for a few different plots and fandoms!
I am looking for doubles but can do 1x1! I like mxf fxf and fxnb! I can do mxm or more for my rp partner. I would love for my partner to be 18+ since some will include nsfw.
I am pretty open, plots are pretty open, I’m up for discussion. We can do same plots or different up to you. I am willing to poly plots as well.
Here are some fandoms and characters I would love for to you to play!
House of the Dragon: Daemon Targaryen, Rhaenyra Targaryen, Aemond Targaryen, Harwin Strong
The Outsiders: Dallas Winston, Darry Curtis
Marvel: Namor, Attuma, Loki, Bucky, Steve Rogers, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Frank Castle
Slashers: Ghostface, Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers
Kpop(groups) : Ateez, BTS,Seventeen
I am into more fandoms just ask! I am more open to roleplaying on discord but can roleplay on tumbler if need.
Interact with this post and I would love to muse with others!
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