#others | ic: threads ; steven
nineliabilityrisk · 9 months
“ i don't know who i am anywhere else. ”
[[ this specific prompt triggered Something in my brain pardon me while i go wacky over it for a sec /pos (also formatting change bc the hellsite has decided to remove the option to edit ask replies, at least on mobile) ]]
-- [ asked by @mute-call ] --
To say Michael knew the feeling would be an understatement. What he didn't know – or, he supposes, hadn't realized – was that other people felt it, too. Fazbear Entertainment ... it had always been the Aftons' and the Emilys' burden to carry. Their creation, their story, their tragedy. Sure, others had been dragged into the mess in the past – Jeremy, those poor kids, their families – but he hadn't even stopped to consider how some of the other employees had been affected by the company.
Mr. Bell — Steven ( he keeps forgetting, they're more or less on equal ground now, and even if they weren't, they've been casual acquaintances long enough that he doesn't need to keep using honorifics for the guy ) especially. He'd been with the company nearly as long as Michael could remember, and, granted, that wasn't all that long, minus a few key events he would rather forget, but the point still stood. God knows the kind of shit he'd seen in his time here.
Michael was struck with the sudden urge to wrap the guy up in a hug. The kind with a few firm, comforting thumps on the back. Or at least clap a hand on his shoulder. Or something.
It'd been a long time since a real human person had earned an emotion other than mild annoyance from him, but Bell had done it.
Even still, he did exactly none of those things. Because those weren't things he did, and it would be weird if he did them at all, let alone to Mr. Bell of all people, the guy he's kind-of-sort-of-known for years now and only in a professional capacity. He'd probably explode from embarrassment. Or get asked if he needs to be drug tested. Or both. Maybe not in that order.
So, narrowly avoiding that absolute fucking nightmare, ( god, that would've been horrible, this is only their third or fourth time interacting outside of work and it's only because someone fucked up their schedules, Bell seemed like he was having a bad day, and Mike 'had nothing better to do' — he felt bad and wanted to help out but don't tell Steven that ) he just inclined his head and gave him an affirmative hum. If a small smile came with it, then, well... Can't blame him.
"Yeah, I... Yeah. This place... Hasn't really been the best, for me. But it's not like I can leave, y'know? Fazbear's is my home... Whether I like it or not," he said, ending it off with a soft chuckle as he remembered that Steven may not be as... Disillusioned with the company as he was.
Michael's reason for staying may be entirely different from Steven's, but... Steven doesn't need to know that. Better to keep him from knowing all the shit Michael's tangled himself up in with this company. Better to keep him from worrying. Safer for him, too, probably.
"Just, uh... I know how you feel. I'm here for ya, buddy." God. This is why he doesn't have friends. Not because it's hard, but because he sucks absolute ass at it.
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littlechivalry · 18 days
Are You For Real?
Established Steddie, post season 4, everybody lives, Halloween
It has been ten years since they closed off the Upside Down and all of the Party are full adults. Steve gets to have his independence, he doesn't have half a dozen kids relying on him for rides to the arcade and/or survival.
So why does he feel pinned in place by Erica Sinclairs flat, implacable stare.
"I don't have to do this," Steve sputters. "Starcourt was a long time ago and anyway I promised you that ice cream under duress."
She doesn't say anything but her eyes narrow and her spine stiffens in a way Steve knows he can't fight.
"Come on," he begs. He hasn't worn a coordinating Halloween costume in years and he has no intention of starting now.
El's beseeching eyes and the devilish grin coming from Max on either side of the other girl only help to chip away at his resolve.
"Scoops Troop is forever, Steve," Erica said and she wasn't wrong, they had been through too much to deny it so he gave in.
"Fine. But I want to be Sporty Spice."
"Oh no," El said. "Robin is Sporty Spice. She said you would be Posh."
Two weeks later found Steve tottering into the Hideout in a black mini dress and four inch tall wedges.
"Cannot believe you get to be Sporty Spice," he hissed to Robin. "You are the least sporty person I have ever met in my life. And I know Henderson."
"Counterpoint," she muttered back. "You think I can walk in those shoes? I would die, Steven. Do you want me dead?"
"Oh, grow up," Erica said. "You two are ruining the whole effect."
"Easy for you to say," Steve said, gesturing to Erica's outfit.
Her green tank top and blousey satin pajama pants weren't much different fron Robin's outfit.
He turned to El. "You get it, right?"
El looked down at her outfit, a baby pink dress and chunky white sneakers. She looked at Steve, concerned. "I do not understand. I think I look very nice. You look nice too, Steve."
He shook his head as El and Erica took Robin's hands and hauled her further into the crowd.
"I'll wait for the others," he called out after them, a wave from Erica the only acknowledgement.
Steve felt a hand slap his skirt covered ass and startled, heels wobbling underneath him. He turned sharply to see Max grinning fiercely at him. "Looking good, Harrington."
Before Steve could return the compliment for her Ginger Spice costume and matching decorated arm crutches he heard a low whistle and saw Eddie Munson walking up behind the redhead.
"I'll say so," he said, his voice low and growling.
Steve could feel the heat rush in his cheeks and it deepened as he saw his boyfriend's gaze tracing the flush down to where it covered Steve's mostly bare chest.
Steve clears his throat roughly, pulling his focus away from Eddie and back onto Max. He ran his fingers over the new bleached blonde streak in her hair, laughing as she pulls away. "You couldn't come to me for this? What's the point of knowing a hairdresser if you don't let them do your hair?"
"Aw," Eddie said, pulling Steve's hand away from Max and threading their fingers together. "She can't help it if she wanted someone cool to bleach her hair."
"Cool," Steve repeated, laughing, using their joined grasp to pull Eddie along as they walked through the crowd. "If she wanted someone cool to do her hair then she definitely would have come to me."
Together the three of them made their way to the bar where the others were waiting.
Steve disengaged from Eddie and took the cocktail Robin offered. He watched as tequila shots were distributed to the other girls and winced, both because of their impending hangovers and also because it was weird to seem them drinking. They were still kids. They were his kids.
Eddie stepped closer, resting his chin on Steve's shoulder. "They're all grown up, aren't they? Where have the years gone?"
Steve tipped his head to the side and leaned against Eddie. "Landslide, right? Children get older, I'm getting older too."
Eddie hummed and leaned back, pressing a kiss to Steve's cheek. "My Stevie knows Stevie. You know, your music taste is my favorite thing about you."
Steve laughed at that, a sharp bark that set Eddie grinning, sharp teeth on display.
The laughter drew the girls attention back to them and Steve leaned into Eddie as Erica approached.
"It's time, Steve."
Steve looked to Eddie before turning back. "Its not... I never actually agreed to this."
"Scoops. Troop."
"Time for what, Stevie," Eddie asked, laughter in his voice.
Steve sighed before tossing back the rest of his drink. He handed his glass to his boyfriend before pressing a hard kiss to his mouth.
He dropped Eddie a wink before whispering, "You'll see," into his ear and steeping away as a heavy electronic beat started pumping over the sound system.
Steve found his spot standing behind Erica as she began to sing.
Yo, I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want
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samueldays · 7 months
Contra Yishan: Google's Gemini issue is about racial obsession, not a Yudkowsky AI problem.
@yishan wrote a thoughtful thread:
Google’s Gemini issue is not really about woke/DEI, and everyone who is obsessing over it has failed to notice the much, MUCH bigger problem that it represents. [...] If you have a woke/anti-woke axe to grind, kindly set it aside now for a few minutes so that you can hear the rest of what I’m about to say, because it’s going to hit you from out of left field. [...] The important thing is how one of the largest and most capable AI organizations in the world tried to instruct its LLM to do something, and got a totally bonkers result they couldn’t anticipate. What this means is that @ESYudkowsky has a very very strong point. It represents a very strong existence proof for the “instrumental convergence” argument and the “paperclip maximizer” argument in practice.
See full thread at link.
Gemini's code is private and Google's PR flacks tell lies in public, so it's hard to prove anything. Still I think Yishan is wrong and the Gemini issue is about the boring old thing, not the new interesting thing, regardless of how tiresome and cliched it is, and I will try to explain why.
I think Google deliberately set out to blackwash their image generator, and did anticipate the image-generation result, but didn't anticipate the degree of hostile reaction from people who objected to the blackwashing.
Steven Moffat was a summary example of a blackwashing mindset when he remarked:
"We've kind of got to tell a lie. We'll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn't have been, and we won't dwell on that. "We'll say, 'To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we'll summon it forth'."
Moffat was the subject of some controversy when he produced a Doctor Who episode (Thin Ice) featuring a visit to 1814 Britain that looked far less white than the historical record indicates that 1814 Britain was, and he had the Doctor claim in-character that history has been whitewashed.
This is an example that serious, professional, powerful people believe that blackwashing is a moral thing to do. When someone like Moffat says that a blackwashed history is better, and Google Gemini draws a blackwashed history, I think the obvious inference is that Google Gemini is staffed by Moffat-like people who anticipated this result, wanted this result, and deliberately worked to create this result.
The result is only "bonkers" to outsiders who did not want this result.
Yishan says:
It demonstrates quite conclusively that with all our current alignment work, that even at the level of our current LLMs, we are absolutely terrible at predicting how it’s going to execute an intended set of instructions.
No. It is not at all conclusive. "Gemini is staffed by Moffats who like blackwashing" is a simple alternate hypothesis that predicts the observed results. Random AI dysfunction or disalignment does not predict the specific forms that happened at Gemini.
One tester found that when he asked Gemini for "African Kings" it consistently returned all dark-skinned-black royalty despite the existence of lightskinned Mediterranean Africans such as Copts, but when he asked Gemini for "European Kings" it mixed up with some black people, yellow and redskins in regalia.
Gemini is not randomly off-target, nor accurate in one case and wrong in the other, it is specifically thumb-on-scale weighted away from whites and towards blacks.
If there's an alignment problem here, it's the alignment of the Gemini staff. "Woke" and "DEI" and "CRT" are some of the names for this problem, but the names attract flames and disputes over definition. Rather than argue names, I hear that Jack K. at Gemini is the sort of person who asserts "America, where racism is the #1 value our populace seeks to uphold above all".
He is delusional, and I think a good step to fixing Gemini would be to fire him and everyone who agrees with him. America is one of the least racist countries in the world, with so much screaming about racism partly because of widespread agreement that racism is a bad thing, which is what makes the accusation threatening. As Moldbug put it:
The logic of the witch hunter is simple. It has hardly changed since Matthew Hopkins’ day. The first requirement is to invert the reality of power. Power at its most basic level is the power to harm or destroy other human beings. The obvious reality is that witch hunters gang up and destroy witches. Whereas witches are never, ever seen to gang up and destroy witch hunters. In a country where anyone who speaks out against the witches is soon found dangling by his heels from an oak at midnight with his head shrunk to the size of a baseball, we won’t see a lot of witch-hunting and we know there’s a serious witch problem. In a country where witch-hunting is a stable and lucrative career, and also an amateur pastime enjoyed by millions of hobbyists on the weekend, we know there are no real witches worth a damn.
But part of Jack's delusion, in turn, is a deliberate linguistic subversion by the left. Here I apologize for retreading culture war territory, but as far as I can determine it is true and relevant, and it being cliche does not make it less true.
US conservatives, generally, think "racism" is when you discriminate on race, and this is bad, and this should stop. This is the well established meaning of the word, and the meaning that progressives implicitly appeal to for moral weight.
US progressives have some of the same, but have also widespread slogans like "all white people are racist" (with academic motte-and-bailey switch to some excuse like "all complicit in and benefiting from a system of racism" when challenged) and "only white people are racist" (again with motte-and-bailey to "racism is when institutional-structural privilege and power favors you" with a side of America-centrism, et cetera) which combine to "racist" means "white" among progressives.
So for many US progressives, ending racism takes the form of eliminating whiteness and disfavoring whites and erasing white history and generally behaving the way Jack and friends made Gemini behave. (Supposedly. They've shut it down now and I'm late to the party, I can't verify these secondhand screenshots.)
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Bringing in Yudkowsky's AI theories adds no predictive or explanatory power that I can see. Occam's Razor says to rule out AI alignment as a problem here. Gemini's behavior is sufficiently explained by common old-fashioned race-hate and bias, which there is evidence for on the Gemini team.
Poor Yudkowsky. I imagine he's having a really bad time now. Imagine working on "AI Safety" in the sense of not killing people, and then the Google "AI Safety" department turns out to be a race-hate department that pisses away your cause's goodwill.
I do not have a Twitter account. I do not intend to get a Twitter account, it seems like a trap best stayed out of. I am yelling into the void on my comment section. Any readers are free to send Yishan a link, a full copy of this, or remix and edit it to tweet at him in your own words.
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roguedicmond · 3 months
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❝ I always thought I might be bad, now I'm sure that it's true Cause I think you're so good, and I'm nothing like you . . . ❞
independent, private & selective PINK DIAMOND / ROSE QUARTZ from Steven Universe, penned by ROMEO.
• 21+ • icon and para threads • heavily headcanon-based • oc & crossover friendly •
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A STUDY IN responsibility, rebellion, risking it all, rejecting who you were MEANT to be, discovering who you WANT to be, unlearning toxic behavior, running from your past, making a family, making mistakes, learning to change, creating yourself, and above all, LOVE.
❝ If I could begin to be half of what you think of me, I could do about anything, I could even learn how to LOVE LIKE YOU . . . ❞
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NAME. Pink Diamond ALIAS. Pink, Rose, Rose Quartz, Pink Rose SPECIES. Gem AGE. 10,000 + GENDER. Nonbinary Woman PRONOUNS. she/they SEXUALITY. panromantic pansexual
indie — not affiliated with any rp groups
private — only rp’s with mutuals
selective — doesn’t follow everyone back
crossover & oc friendly
mun is 30, blog is 21+, minors dni
ooc ask memes open to all followers & all followers can interact with ooc posts
starter calls, open starters & ic ask memes open to mutuals only
non rp blogs can follow, but do not interact with my rp posts
i have a block button and i will use it
multiverse & multiship
platonic, romantic, familial, give me them all !!
i am open to canon and non-canon ships with my muse
i love you toxic ships i love you . . .
this blog contains themes of sexuality, toxic relationships, violence, war, messed-up family dynamics, objectification of living beings, self-hatred, & other potentially triggering content
mun tags triggers upon request
mun acknowledges that Pink Rose is a controversial & problematic character, however they are interested in how she came to be the way she is, and how she learned and grew from that. ooc hate toward the character will not be tolerated
Romeo, 30, they/them. Pink/Rose apologist & defender until I die ; it's just me & Lil Nas X against the world. Other rp blogs include hellaverse @discoinfernos & phantom of the opera @delanuit. Personal @rrrromeo.
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silverjetsystm · 3 months
Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
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Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse!
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My muse(s): MK System
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse - 616 and '97 | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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While I do know we're still early in the whole meeting process, I do think Steven and Jake (and Marc, he supposes in his own Marc way) and Tess are becoming fast friends-family type.
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bluesunsdusk · 2 years
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Overwatch - Canon-divergent and headcanon-heavy
Mass Effect
Dragon Age
Elder Scrolls
Note: Links use Google Drive.
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Rules/Guidelines Docs
Read these rules before interacting, and make sure you can follow them. If you have questions, you’re entirely free to DM me or send an anon ask.
This blog has low or sporadic activity and only threads with mutuals. Side blogs are an exception, since they’ll have to follow with their main blogs. I am fine getting messages from non-mutuals, whether rp blog or not.
I will not follow or thread with people if they are under 18. If you have no listed age (doesn’t have to be exact), you will be assumed to be under 18. Please, don’t try to befriend me if you’re under 18 either.
This blog will not interact with young children’s media characters. Examples are: Steven Universe, Craig of the Creek, Sonic, Scooby-Doo, MLP. 
This blog will contain dark subject matter. This ranges from social inequality (although fictitious) to abuse and torture. Bear that in mind when interacting. It’s fine to say when something is too much for you or to just not reply to threads if you need a break from a dark thread. I will attempt to tag things as # [subject matter] cw (example: #body horror cw) or simply the subject matter without the cw part.
Do not reblog threads you aren’t a part of. You can reblog drabbles and art. I will sometimes tag things that are alright to reblog with #ok to rb.
Try to reblog rp memes from the source if possible. I usually won’t get that annoyed if someone forgets to do it, and I don’t employ reblog karma, but I don’t want my notes filled with people not sending me anything either. It doesn’t feel nice.
No godmodding/godmoding or metagaming. Powerful muses are fine, but RP is about making things fun for both parties involved. Things like auto-hitting and taking control of other’s characters without consent does not fit in with that.
OOC =/= IC. Keep the two separate.
No sexually explicit/smut interactions. No sending sexually explicit asks. I may be an adult (past 25, even), but that’s not what I am in this hobby for. I am not sex-repulsed and mature topics and sexual themes can be discussed, but that will be the extent of it on this blog.
No pointless drama. No toxicity. No call-outs. No anon hate. If you don’t like someone, block them. Unless someone does something actually heinous, no amount of drama is worth your energy. Any shitty anon will be immediately blocked.
No racial, lgbt+, religious, ableist or national discrimination. This counts generally ooc, but it counts ic to some extent as well. I understand some characters can be bigots while the mun isn’t, I have characters who hate humans for example, but it’s important to make sure you’re not making people uncomfortable. I rather not rp that myself either.
No underaged shit. No incest shit. No noncon shit. Don’t even think of messaging me to argue your way out of falling under this rule. I am not here to discuss what counts as what. If I don’t like what I see on a blog, I will block it.
Keep irl politics to a minimum. While there’s in-universe politics that may be similar to irl politics and some may reveal a mun’s basic political beliefs, this is an rp/character account. I would like the focus to remain on the characters.
Try not to vague post too much. Sometimes, you may need to make a post addressing a general behavior or making a general announcement, but it’s best to address someone privately and directly if it is about them. I understand that some people may feel too nervous to do so, but vague posting about a specific individual is not nice and makes people uncomfortable.
Keep ooc negativity to a minimum. Constant or frequent streams of ooc negativity can have a serious negative effect on the mental health of the people you interact with, so it’s important to be mindful. This counts for vague posts as well.
No forced shipping. I am fine with your character having feelings for mine, as long as no one assumes it’s mutual. Generally, it’s better to check with someone ooc before assuming a ship, even if two characters are vibing really well or a ship is canon in the source material the characters are from.
No rushing or ultimatums. If I see someone rushing rp partners or a rules page with something like “If you don’t respond/reach out in two weeks, I’ll block” I will not likely be following back. This is a hobby and people move at their own pace. Mine so happens to be unreliable and dependent on the muse in question. Being expected to hold myself to a deadline would be stressful.
No ask spamming/chain mail. I am fine and happy with being sent a lot of asks and I enjoy the occasional dash game, but try not to do chain asks or send 20 of the same thing. That would be a little much! I’ll get overwhelmed. Thanks for the enthusiasm though. I won’t block anyone over this unless it’s some form of anon hate or harassment.
Be nice, be decent. Have some sense. Don’t be a dick. If anyone treats me like shit, I will have to block and I am under no obligation to explain why or try to talk it out. Anyone is free to block me as well.
No block evasion. If someone blocks you, don’t try to make a new account to bother them. While I understand wanting to know why you were blocked or if you can talk things out, and I am certainly more forgiving than some, it is a breach of someone’s boundaries and that is not alright.
No asking for monetary or business favors. I don’t know you and I do not appreciate people online thinking they can take advantage of me. Do not solicit me to share your rp or commission promos when I don’t know you. Do not ask for free art when you learn I do commissions.
If you want my discord, talk to me over IM first. I generally don’t add just anybody to discord, not even most of my art clients.
OOC tags:
RP wishlist
Ship stuff
ooc shitposts
RP memes
Sentence starters
C͓͈͚̺̟̯̙͐̂̊o̲̦̣̬̓ͅn̠̖̱̥̈͐ͯ͠n̢͈͈͎͔̳ͦe̗̓̆̽ͧ͒͢c̿͏̗̬̜͓̩̻̺ẗ̯̮̳̭̹͔́̂̂i̞̪̺̝̮͂̋̈́̾̈́͌̂͝o̓̆̎n̵͍̤͑ ̜̱̪̯ͩ͛ͬͅe̎̿͜r͇͇r̬̯̱͓̣͍̰ͫͯͮ̏͠ŏͤ̏̀̌̈́r̜̟̦̲̲͕̭̃͘.̫̭͕̖̒ͮͧͩͪ̓̽.̢̝̘̫͇͓̯̦͌ͦ̊͒̇̚.̹̫̍͐̽̓̊̓
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sayahs-corner · 2 years
Rocky Road
Rated: M
Pairing: Stony, Steve/Tony
Summary: Tony Stark has been kidnapped... again. This time is different that the others, though, because his kidnappers are not interested in a ransom. They mean to kill him. His only hope rests upon the smashed smartwatch on his wrist that doesn't seem to want to work. When a call finally goes through, it's to the last person in the world he wants to talk to. His ex-boyfriend, Grant Stevens, who he put in his phone as FuckHead.
Warnings/Tags: Lots of cussing, AU, Identity Porn, Secret Identities, Steve Rogers goes Feral, Protective Steve, Kidnapping, Torture, Violence, Nazi Punching, The Nazis got spanked in this one, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, HEA
Tony Stark was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Which was an understatement of the highest order. The thought caused a laugh to bubble up in his throat, immediately followed by a pained wheeze as his bruised ribs pulsed sharply in protest. He clenched his fingers into fists, trying to work  the blood back into the numb and bloodless digits. They were cold, numb, and slick with what he strongly suspected was his own blood. The chains holding his arms aloft rattled, a sickening slide of metal against metal in a tinkling high note,  interrupted only by the haggard sound of  his choppy and erratic breaths.
He had been kidnapped. Again.
Which in and of itself wasn’t a big deal. At twenty two, and growing up as the son and heir of  the late and lauded Howard Stark, Tony had been kidnapped at least half a dozen times at this point in his life. He knew what to expect from his captors at this stage in the game, just as he knew how these things typically played out. There was a very basic formula to kidnappings that Tony had learned around the tender age of nine years old. They had a pattern, a common thread.
The problem was, this wasn't like all of the other times. 
Tony had been abducted from his campus apartment (where he had been halfway through a pint of Rocky Road ice cream thank-you-very-much), beaten into unconsciousness, had a burlap sack pulled over his head, and was thrown in the back of a trunk and trussed up like a Christmas Turkey. 
Or, at least, how he would have imagined a Christmas Turkey would be trussed up. 
He really  wouldn't know, his parents had rarely been around for Christmas, let alone Christmas dinner. There was always some sort of charity event, or meeting, or party to which Tony was never invited. And that was all a part of a very sad and very tragic childhood, blah, blah, blah. He likely needed therapy. Maybe. Anyway, it didn't matter as he had other, very pressing, concerns at the moment.
Because the kidnapping had taken a very sharp, very unexpected, turn. Usually he was blindfolded, smacked around a little bit, and bound. Sometimes it was to a bed, sometimes to a chair, or even a couple of times to a radiator. He had been bound with rope, handcuffs, duct tape and on one notable occasion a biker’s sweaty leather thong. That thing had been bedazzled, and had smelt exactly like one would imagine a three hundred pound man’s used leather thong would smell like.
It smelt like swamp ass. Tony sometimes still gagged, years later, just thinking about it. Now if a therapist could erase that image from his past, and the phantom smell that came with it, Tony would pay an arm and a leg for the privilege. 
Over time, while waiting for the ransom or the authorities, he usually developed a rapport with his kidnappers. Because he was Tony Stark. Charming, funny, and flirtatious. The last couple of  times he had been able to convince his kidnappers to let him go. Because despite his faults, when he wanted to be, Tony was very likable.
 But not so much this time.
Never had his kidnappers been so brutal in their violence right from the get go. The scent of brine and iron was heavy in the air even through the thick burlap sack covering his face. He could smell the sharp astringent scent of bleach, but even through that he could smell that earthy iron tang. They dragged him, kicking and thrashing, across rough cement floors before they frog marched him through a doorway. 
Cold air had slapped at the skin of his bare arms, raising immediate goosebumps, as his feet slipped over a wet and smooth surface. He was turned around, handcuffed with his arms in front of him, and then his arms were being lifted above him. The cuffs attached to a hook and chain that brought him all the way up to his tip toes.
When they jerked the sack off of his head his heart stopped beating in his chest. He was in a meat processing plant. In the cold locker. Row upon row of dead cow and pig carcass hung around him. The ribs a bright white contrast against the deep red of their gaping raw  flesh. 
“Frightened? You should be, little Starkling.” The rough voice had him jerking his head to the right where a handful of men stood. Dressed in head to toe in all black, with black ski masks pulled over their faces that did nothing to hide the hard and soulless glint in their eyes, they stood loosely in a triangle formation.
“The boss is going to be here very soon. He wants to see to you personally. Settle an old score, he said.” Tony watched as his kidnapper’s lips quirked up into a mean smile, a gnashing of teeth.
“Before he gets here though, he said we could tenderize you a bit.”
What happened from there on out was probably the worst twenty minutes of Tony’s life. Twenty minutes of fists cracking into his unprotected flesh. His stomach was a solid and perfect ache. His mouth was drooling blood and he could no longer see out of his left eye.
Tony knew how to take a beating. He was a scrappy fighter, used to taking his hits and dealing his own. But this went beyond any experience the young Stark had ever had. Instead of focusing on the pain of his beating, the name calling and taunts, he had let his overactive, too engaged mind float above the haze of pain. He practiced writing code in his mind for the new robot that he was building in his lab. The drum of fists on his flesh a distant background noise. 
When they finally left him, battered and bleeding, he had nearly sobbed with relief. It didnt matter that he was in a fucking refrigerator. Surrounded on all sides by dead carcasses. A foreshadowing of events to come. One didn't need to be a genius or a whiz kid to know what was going to happen next. Likely his Dear Old Dad had pissed off the wrong people. And since Howard Stark had kicked the bucket last year, he wasn't around to take vengeance upon. So they had settled for the next best thing. 
There was no universe in which he was walking out of this meat locker alive. He swallowed sharply, blood gurgling on the hard breath he exhaled. He raised his head just enough to look around the room with his good eye. He let the seconds tick by into minutes, with only the sound of the cold air vents rattling above him, and his own labored breathing filling the room. 
Swallowing down the blood that coated the back of his throat from what was likely a broken nose, Tony took a risk. 
When they had broken his door down and stormed into his living room with weapons blazing, his captors had wasted no time in stripping him of his phone, crunching it beneath a hard booted heel. To be honest, at the time, he had been more upset about the carton of ice cream being ripped out of his hands, the spoon clenched stubbornly in one fist. The least they could have done was let him eat that spoonful. That too had been thrown to the wayside. What those irritating, violent, thugs had forgotten to do was to take his smart watch.
He tilted his head up to stare at his bruised wrist, his thundering heart beating a cacophony in his ears. When his gaze fell upon the shattered screen, his heart stopped. 
No. No, no, no, no, no. It was literally his one saving grace. His one last hope. And it was broken.
His tongue darted out nervously to wet his swollen lower lip, wincing as even that small movement sent sharp pains shooting through his body. He knew his teeth were loose. He could feel them shifting beneath the gentle prod of his tongue. 
“S-Siri.” Tony whispered, his voice cracking. Hope flared briefly when half the screen lit up. 
“Siri - call 9-1-1.” 
“Siri, call emergency services.”
Nothing. He wasn't going to cry. He was not going to cry.
“Siri…call Rhodey-Bear.” His voice cracked at the mention of his best friend’s name. The screen remained half lit. 
“Siri you piece of - I should have upgraded you when I had the chance. Siri, please, please call Rhodey-Bear.” The affectionate nickname for his long time friend and military brat had been loaded into his phone years ago. Rhodes hated it, would often roll his eyes and give Tony a droll stare before slinging an arm around his neck and tucking him down so that he could deliver a noogie. 
Radio silence.
“Siri - Call Uncle Obie-wan.” His adoptive Uncle Obidiah was, at this point, quite used to the star wars quotes and puns Tony threw his way. Tony was a bit of a Star Wars nerd, and loved making puns. 
“Please work. Please work.” Tony was panting, desperation stealing the air from his lungs more effectively than those blows to his chest and stomach ever could. Frustration knitted his brow as blood trailed down the side of his face from a head wound. He was pretty sure one of those bastards was wearing rings. The screen remained blank. His shoulders slumped in defeat.
“Jesus. Siri - Fuck”
“Dialing Fuckhead.” Siri’s melodic monotone announced softly. Tony felt his one good eye go wide with shock. A mixture of elation and dread rocked him in the chest. 
Because yes, while he had finally gotten the damn fucking watching to work, it had called the last person on this earth that he wanted to speak to right now. The reason he had been home on a saturday night, in his ratty old captain america pajamas, watching re-runs of the golden girls and determinedly making his way through a carton of ice cream. He had reached that point in the carton where most of it was gone - and he had mentally committed to polishing off the whole thing. A promise was a promise, even if that promise was made by himself to himself. Still counted. 
Fuckhead was none other than Grant Stevens, his ex-boyfriend. Or ex almost-boyfriend. They had been taking things slow at the time, despite Tony’s impatience in wanting to climb that beautiful piece of man meat like a hyper squirrel climbs a tree, because Grant wanted to get to know him first. Wanted to be a gentleman, or traditionalist. It had seemed so old fashioned, a little out of touch, but unbearably sweet. He held Tony’s hand, as if he were delighted at the privilege to do so. They ate picnic lunches in the park and fed the ducks slivered grapes, and they talked about everything and nothing for hours at a time. They went to the movies a soda and a tub of popcorn. And also, afterwards at his doorway, some buttery kisses that left him breathless and aching. They went to Art exhibits, and Tony delighted in watching the way Grant’s eyes would light up as he pointed out his favorites and explained why and what the artist was trying to capture or say in their piece. They went to museums together, and Grant didn't once tell him to shut up or roll his eyes at the things Tony found fascinating. He merely tucked him under his arm and let Tony go on about the space trivia. Like the massive cloud of alcohol in a far, far, away galaxy that was 1000 times larger than the diameter of their solar system. It had enough ethyl alcohol to fill 400 trillion pints of beer. Grant always listened to him, when others would groan and roll their eyes. He had asked questions that let Tony know he was engaged. The warmth that the simple act filled within him was astounding. But they hadn’t done more than kiss and some over the clothes petting that had made Tony so hot and shivery and aching for his gentle artist. 
Which would have been fine. Tony had been head over heels for the hot, buff, artist he had literally run into at the park. He would have likely done whatever Grant had asked him, with those earnest clear blue eyes and that broad perfect smile. Now all Tony wanted to do was punch him in his perfect teeth. 
Because Grant wasn't a struggling artist. Far from it. 
Struggling artists couldn't afford two mortgages.
Grant was married. To a woman. With kids. Somewhere out there in the world was a Mrs. Stevens that did not know her husband led a double life where he picked up young, dumb, twinks and made them fall madly in love with them.
In any case, Grant didn't know he had this number. His cell phone number. His actual cell phone number, the one that Tony had used one fateful afternoon and accidentally called Grant’s wife. 
Tony closed his one good eye, torn between desperately hoping that Grant would pick up the phone (when he never had in the past), and fervently praying he would not. Because his broken, angry, heart still hadn’t healed from the betrayal. Hence the Rocky Road.
The phone rang once. 
Three times. 
Oh Goodie. He was going to die a highly violent and painful death, and all because his fuckhead of a sort-of-ex-boyfriend who his dumb stupid heart was still in love with wouldnt pick up the phone. He didn't know what he was expecting. Grant had never picked up the phone even when they had been seeing each other. He was hard to get in touch with at the best of times, would leave and be gone at all hours of the night, and sometimes disappear for what ranged from a couple of days to a week. And there were always excuses about overnight Art Shows.
He would be kicked to voicemail soon, Tony knew. That’s usually how it worked when-
“Rogers speaking.” The hard, unfriendly, voice sounded vaguely threatening. Tony wheezed in a breath. Because it was definitely Grant's voice, sounding so unlike the man that he had known. And despite his best intentions, his heart gave another painful squeeze in his chest. He wasn't sure what hurt more right now - his body or his heart.
“God, Grant, is anything about you actually real?” Tony hissed through clenched teeth. He hadn't even known the man’s real fucking name. Because of course not. He wouldn't want the fact that he was sleeping with a nerdy little twink from MIT to get back to his wife. 
“...Tony? How…how did you get this number? It’s unlisted. It should be impossible for you to fin-” 
“Not when you leave it on your living room table while you’re taking a shower. The passcode was 1234, which is like…seriously? I mean I swear sometimes it’s like you’re someone’s 70 year old grandpa, which is so -It doesn't matter, Grant. Or Rogers. Or whatever the hell your n-name is.” Tony’s breath hitched, the chains above his head rattling as his toes strained to bear the weight of his body. 
“Tony, are you okay? Where are you?”
Tony swallowed tasting blood as his eyes burned with tears. Because Grant- or Rogers, rather - sounded so fucking concerned. Like he cared. And for just the briefest of moments he was pulled back in time. Back to the studio apartment in Boston, laying on the couch with his head pillowed in Grant’s lap and those calloused, thick, fingers running idly through his hair. For a moment he could feel the warmth of the late afternoon sun kissing his skin as it filtered in through the floor to ceiling window of Steve’s apartment. He could still smell the sweet hint of his cologne mixed with the clean scent of the ivory soap he used in the shower. He remembered the taste of his lips, the texture of Grant’s stubble rasping against the sensitive skin of his neck. The salty, clean, taste of his skin. The barrel chested laugh that filled the room and echoed back into Tony’s chest until he felt surrounded by the warmth of Grant’s affection. Mostly he remembered how safe he had felt in Grant’s arms. Like nothing could hurt him. Like he could be himself, for once, without fear.
He’d been so stupid. So fucking stupid. To think that anyone could love just Tony.
“I’m not…I’m not okay. No. I need you to call the police. My watch is broken and this is the only number that worked-”
“Slow down Tony, what’s going on? Why do you need me to-”
“I’ve been kidnapped. They grabbed me out of my apartment. Uh, I think I’m by the water somewhere. Like a dock maybe? I could smell the ocean when they pulled me out of the trunk.  It’s a meat processing plant. It…It’s not like the other times. I think they’re going to kill me.”
“What do you mean the other times? Who’s going to kill you? Why would anyone want to kill you?” The bewilderment in Roger’s voice was genuine. Guess he wasn't the only one keeping important secrets about his identity.
“I - my last name isn't Jarvis.” He felt the flush creeping up his neck at the admission. “It’s Stark.”
A shocked silence came from the other line.
“Tony…Stark, as in Howard Stark’s son?” Roger’s voice sounded choked, strangled. There was a burst of laughter in the distance, and then a rush of hissed whispers Tony couldn't make out. 
“The one and only.” Tony sighed, his voice soft and slipping steadily into defeat as Steve cursed softly in the background. “Listen. I - I don’t think I have much time left. They said they were waiting for the boss to get here. You need to call the cops. I can’t -” His head was spinning, his mouth was cottony, his heart was a pounding tattoo in his head. 
“Hey, listen to me. It’s okay. We’re tracking your location right now. We’re on our way, okay, Tony? Just breathe for me. That’s it. You’re doing good sweetheart. We’re about ten minutes away from your location, okay? Help is on the way.  Did they hurt you?”
Tracking his location? On the way? What was an artist going to do against these trained killers? Who was this we?
Tony cleared his throat. “Yes. They did. I need you to hang up and call the police. Don’t come here. These guys are the real deal, they’ll kill you too.” He paused. “But before … before you hang up I just wanted to, uh, So…look. I don’t know…I don’t know if they're going to get here in time. If something happens to me…can you tell Rhodey I love him? And…” here it was. His opportunity. 
The only one that he had left, really, to gain closure.
 “You tore my fucking heart out Gra- Rogers. And I fucking hate you so much for it.” His eyes burned with tears, trickling painfully from the corners despite his best intentions to stop them from falling.
“So fucking much.” His whisper was a wet sound, threaded through with the broken notes of heartache.
“But I want to…to thank you. Because despite how messed up everything got between us…Some of my happiest memories are in that studio apartment. When we were together you made me f-feel special.” he swallowed thickly again. “Like I was worth something, you know?”
“Tony- don’t do this. You’re not going to die -” 
“But I am. Or I might. And I just…just wanted to let you know that I know. I know you’re married-”
“Married? Wait a second, no Tony, I’m not-”
“I fucking talked to her Grant! It doesn't matter. The you being married with kids thing. It's not- it’s not important right now. I just wanted to thank you. For the good times. For taking me on those dates, for holding my hand and putting up with my shit. For listening to me when I talked science or Star Wars and how hot Ewan Mcgregor is, or talking about my day and my dad or how swoon worthy Captain America is.” There was a strangled sound that came through the other end of the line. 
“I just…just want to thank you for caring. Or at least for making it feel like you did. Even if you’re a closeted fuckhead.”
“Tony- I’m not- I don’t - none of that is true. I can explain everything, I think?, when I see you. Just hang in there.”
Tony let out a hysterical laugh. It bubbled up out of his chest and bounced off the steel walls and floors of the meat locker. He looked upward, at the chain above him, his toes cramping and shoulders aching at the strain his body weight was putting on them.
“I am literally doing just that, Rogers. Hanging in a meat locker from a chain in the ceiling. Call the cops. This is too-”
Tony never got the chance to finish that sentence. The door to the room swung open with a sucking hiss, a cloud of fog forming and obscuring his vision for a moment. A tall, broad, figure stepped through the fog. Tony couldn't help the way his guts cramped and twisted, the air in his lungs seizing, as an older man in a bespoke suit cut his way across the meat locker floor. He stiffened his jaw, exhaling slowly through his mouth. He could do this. He could totally do this. 
“Ah, it’s about time you got here.” Tony said, his voice bored and tone droll. “The accommodations here are the pits. Terrible service, really. Are you the manager? I’d like to speak to the manager.”
The man that stood before him looked to be in his late forties with hard blue eyes and white blonde hair. His skin held a pale, reddish, hue, bleached of color save for the large black mole that bobbed right above his lip. 
“Ahh, the infamous Tony Stark. Such a joker. I’ve heard that about you. It is, indeed, a pleasure to have you here. Finally. I’ve been trying to reach you-”
“-about my extended warranty? Yeah, heard that one before. Got the t-shirt and the ten thousand in credit fraud.”
“-for quite some time now. You’re a hard young man to get a hold of. So smart, so stubborn. It is too bad that your father left you in this position, no?” The man’s voice had a thick German accent. What was his father doing putzing around with guys like these? Though, to be honest, Tony wasn’t surprised. Howard Stark had been up to his elbows in some shady shit. Sure he had tried to turn it around in his later years, get on the path of the slightly straight and narrow, but by that time it was too late. People didnt like to be fucked over. They didn't like having their weapons dealer close up shop to sell exclusively to the US government. 
“Yeah, my Dad sucks. Sucked. Whatever.��� Tony shifted slightly, a cramp tearing across his thigh as the muscle began to tremble and spasm in protest.  
“I hear you’re to take over SI in a few months.” The mob boss smiled, all teeth, that reminded Tony vaguely of some sort of shark.  “Perhaps we can arrange a mutually beneficial partnership.” 
“Wow…is this a negotiation? Where did you go to business school - The Institute of The Third Reich?”
“Enough!” a hard palm crashed into Tony’s already bruised cheek, blood exploded in a wash across his tongue. 
“Ah, fuck.” he whispered, spitting a glob of blood out of his mouth. He raised his head slowly to meet the eyes of his captor, defiance and anger burning hot in his gaze and the stubborn line of his jaw.
“You will either work with me, young Stark, or you work against me. And I am a man who does not have very many enemies…left alive.”
Tony couldn't help the way his lip curled upward into a semblance to a snarl. “Yeah, as fun as this has been, that’s a hard pass from me. I’m not my father and assholes like you will never get your filthy hands on my tech.”
Stark men are made of Iron.
He watched the ugly sneer twist across his captor’s face. “If you will not serve me in life, Anthony Stark, then you will serve me in death. I think leaving your lifeless corpse on your acting CEO’s doorstep will be message enough, no? Somehow I doubt he will have the same moral  compunctions you do.”
Tony took a sharp breath and clenched his teeth.
“Bring me my tools.” He barked sharply, over his shoulder, before turning back to Tony with a malicious smile on his pale, cold, face.  “It is fitting we are here. Surrounded by livestock. Do you know what they do to the bulls to improve their marbling? Make their meat more tender?”
Tony felt the blood drain from his face. The chains above him began to rattle ominously as he entire body started to shake.
His captor smiled that shark tooth smile as a surgical table was wheeled in front of him. A cloth wrapped bundle lay on the table. With a deliberate slowness he unwrapped that bundle, flicking it open with a barely disguised disdain. Sharp surgical knives and blades gleamed in the suddenly too-bright fluorescent lights. Tony could feel his vision start to narrow as his captor held up a large hand held tool that looked like a clamp. It was an emasculator. 
“Yes, I see that you do know. They castrate them, Anthony. It helps with behavioral problems too, I hear.” The man smiled thinly before nodding once toward him. Two goons peeled off the walls where they had been standing sentinel and approached him.
“Don’t touch me! Get your fucking hands off of me!” Ignoring the added strain it put on his wrists, Tony lifted his bare feet up off the floor and kicked. He caught one guard in the groin and the other in the solar plexus. But he was only one man against many, and his hands were tied. An enraged cry left him as his thrashing legs were captured, his Captain America pajama bottoms torn down his legs until they hung around his ankles.
Tony grunted, panicked, as the boss approached him. He was naked from the waist down, his legs captured and his arms chained above him. He was literally defenseless and couldn't stop what was about to happen even if he wanted to. 
“When we are done here, I am going to take your testicles, Tony. As a memento of our time together.”
“Look if you wanted to touch my balls so bad, you could have just asked. Honestly, a bottle of wine and some frozen pizza would have done the trick. This has been the weirdest Grindr date I’ve ever-”
Tony’s breath wheezed out of him as a fist buried itself into his bruised stomach.
“Enough, Stark. Hold him.”
And then there was a strange man’s hand on his dick, lifting it up and away, and another one on his sack, tugging his nuts that were trying their hardest to climb back up into his body down and pulling taut. 
“Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Tony was shaking, his vision whiting out and narrowing at the cold press of metal against his skin. His most tender bits. His baby makers. Unbridled terror stole his breath.
This was it. This was the start of the end.
And then the world around him was shaking, the building trembling as an explosion ripped through it. His legs were dropped, the emasculator fell to the ground with a clatter that echoed in Tony’s oxygen starved brain. The sweetest sound he had ever heard. He was finally able to suck in a breath of air as the sound of bullets and screams of pain and agony tore through the building. 
“What is that!” The boss sounded furious, his back to Tony.
Thank. Fuck. Tony had the one, clear thought, before he vomited all over the floor.
Steven Grant Rogers was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. 
Read the rest on AO3
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deliveringcandypizza · 2 months
My muse(s): Marco, Kevin, Margarita (main three)
Do I know your muse(s):  yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse edit: + anyone you would like!
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other (I will actually make the marco steven universe verse if you want your silly to meet your sily like that! + anything you want idm)
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protecter - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting (w/marg) | other (Whatever you think of is fine by me!)
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
tbh anything with ya is fine!! I really don't mind anything ya wanna do
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When we look back on February, the month that just was, we probably won't remember what we did in February at all. It was a lot of wall to wall work. Top to bottom. Front to back. An 18-wheeler's worth of lived experience just rollin' rollin' and rollin'.
Interestingly, it was like January but without the diversity of experience. 
The thread, of course, running through both months was figuring out memory care for Kimmer's aunt in southern California who was widowed on the last day of last year. Kimmer flew down at the beginning of the month to figure this out in person with her cousin... and within those days she was there, a solution was found and her aunt was moved a few days later into a memory care community under excellent care.
Excellent care? How would we know that?
Because Kimmer continued to coordinate with them by phone and text and email throughout the month.
February was also the month where we had to up our game on the remodel on our house which is less about adding to it or making it something it originally wasn't... but correcting mistakes in the original build or in subsequent attempts by other homeowners to add onto or modify that build. 
Yup. I'm talking about electrical and heating. Neither of which are a walk in the park. Also, we ourselves created a modification to the original design that we now sought to undo. Years ago, we added a walk-in closet to our bedroom by robbing the space from the guest bedroom on the other side of the wall. Which pretty much made that bedroom the tiniest and awkwardest space you've ever seen. So February bore witness to the restoration of both rooms to their original conditions (ish) except now they're connected, turning that end of the house into a pretty sweet suite.
We've got expert help with all this, of course but we've still got a lot of furniture and equipment in the house from the apartment in Bellingham and the work space in Lynnwood. All of which needs to find a new home. So there's been a lot of cleaning and rearranging and donating and donating and donating and dump runs and runs to public storage back n forth and back n forth and back n forth n so on.
The silver lining about all this work that invariably consumed the entirety of our weekends... is that we ended those days with ice cream cones from McDonald's.
It's the small things in life, right? 😁
Unfortunately, because of all the momentum created by work on the house and care coordination for Kimmer's aunt, we had to postpone Valentine's Day. Now, we always celebrate Valentine's Day a day or two late because chocolates are on sale by then and restaurant reservations are easier to score. Plus, Valentine's as a day of celebration always works better for us on the weekend.
Now, we are ready to celebrate. We've both got gifts and cards for each other and we have it in mind where we wanna be in the day. We're just waiting on an opportunity where celebrating the two of us isn't shoehorned into or piggybacked onto something else.
Linzy's side of the fence was a bit more chill in its lead up to a busy Spring. I went to a couple of her gigs at the Rustic Cork this month which is always a fun and relaxing time, especially with some of our family friends joining us at the Lake Stevens location. Otherwise for Linzy it's figuring out her transition to a teaching gig for which she was recommended. She's also in the process of finishing production on five of her songs, including incorporating some newly recorded background vocals contributed by some of her musician friends. And she's in rehearsals for the new band Midnight High.
So February for Linzy turned out to be a getting ready kind of month.
As far as what Kimmer n me'll remember specifically from February, here are some contenders:
First, the whole house thing was really intense, hard work.
Second, the lightning strike on Capital Hill by the broadcast towers that wiped out my cell service while I was across the street at Trader Joe's waiting for a grocery list to be texted my way.
Third, the cold, the cold rain, and the cold slushy snow that left me with with soaked clothes, soaked shoes, and wet, freezing hands and head several times down at the end of the month.
Fourth, the whole thing about AI and search, AI and writing and education, and then how AI tools have found and are finding more ways into the edit suite.
Fifth, the fact that it snowed a bunch and nothing stuck and there were no consequences to it. (Remember, we still have the freezing rain event of December 2022 indelibly stamped into our memories. So any snow event that isn't traumatic and doesn't mess anything up is quite the dodged bullet.)
Sixth, the text from Kimmer that read "The meat pies are found in the frozen section. I love you."
And last, the neighbor who said this to me on Valentine's Day...
"You know, I can tell you and your wife are really in love."
0 notes
qixiaoteamin · 2 years
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info. / visage.
blog entries. / face-to-face tag.
answered. / rp memes.
aesthetic. / musings.
direction to rules below... ⤵️
hi! my name is claus, i’m 22, and my pronouns are he/him.
LETS GOOOO MONKIE KID S4!!!! i haven't finished the latest season yet, but once all 10 episodes are fan-subbed, i'll incorporate them into blog canon. yahoo!
this blog is primarily an IC-run blog, meaning posts are made as though the character has a blog. i’m also open for face-to-face interactions through memes, DMs, or threads, though!
Rule One
i’m not terribly selective, so even if we’re not mutuals, you’re more than welcome to send in ask memes and turn them into threads! any starter calls however are reserved for my mutuals.
Rule Two
please be patient! i’m super slow and usually post my replies in bursts. i try to be as descriptive as i can, and i do my best to get to replies when i have the energy; most of the time it isn’t intentional when i leave threads untugged so to speak. i got a lot going on. that being said, it doesn't matter how long ago i rb'd an rp meme. if you see it, send it in!
Rule Three
i don’t mind if you use icons or cool formatting! i do pretty much the same thing, so if i can read it, i will rp with you. i'll be capping icons myself in due time. ILL DO MY BEST...
Rule Four
i feel like it goes without saying, but no sexual nsfw. sure, my interpretation based on word of god in the show staff places mei and mk at 23, but they were also designed to be interpreted as any age, so it's just kinda weird. jokes are allowed, but those will be tagged accordingly.
as for romantic shipping, definitely not with mei/long xiaojiao or familial/mentor figures like pigsy, tang, sun wukong, and the six-eared macaque. i work based off chemistry, age range, and communication here for any others, and that's not just for romance - even platonic relationships, too!
Rule Five
i’m cool with crossover rps, and while i’ve limited it to fandoms i’m familiar with in the past, i’ve actually followed fandoms i don’t know a lot about. basically, if you have a detailed bio about your muse i’ll gladly follow back! that being said, i’m naturally wary of these fandoms/media: camp camp, steven universe, rick and morty, doctor who, ava’s demon, and osomatsu-san. but fandoms i absolutely won’t tolerate include: vivzie pop's works, killing stalking, attack on titan, hetalia, mister pickles, south park, k-pop, and any other depiction of real people.
i only make exceptions for any of these if i know the other mun well enough to trust their interpretation.
Rule Six
while i only need graphic bird death tagged, if you like and/or post about anything related to pedophilia, incest, selfcest, dubcon/noncon, bigotry, demonization of mental illness (especially psychosis/did), i’ll block you, no questions asked. i understand muses being sa victims and muns coping with sa, but a lot of the time it gets glorified and i’m not for that graphic shit.
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bittermuire · 3 years
a nightlight and a bottle of wine
recently I’ve really loved nezriel and wanted to write a lil thing for them. this will be two parts, this is the first. modern au
It’s not like Nesta really knew what she was doing when she moved out. All she knows is that there is a rift between her and Feyre; a scar splitting their shared skin, a wound opening and reopening, never to heal.
And so she’s away. They’ve made their mistakes and let them be. They’ve hurt each other and even tried to love, but sisters love each other too much for love—and so she’s away. The guilt is still there, but farther from her, now. Nesta stirs it into her morning coffee and drinks the sleep, wiping it from beneath her eyes and the lines around her mouth.
Every so often Cassian will text her, inviting her out to dinner or to a work party, and Nesta resists the urge to throttle him. He’s a very smart, thirty-five year old man. He should know what cutting off someone means.
(He knows, of course he knows. She guesses he just thinks it doesn’t apply to him.)
His roguish charm, his smirk, his low voice, all inviting her to one thing—sex—was beginning to exhaust her. It’s a surprising relief to be away from him. She feels like she can wear tank tops and let her hair down and go out without a bra, relieved he won’t be there to stare.
(Was she really so afraid of him?)
So Nesta lives her life and drinks her coffee, wears her tank tops and sleeps in her underwear, finally a woman in the way she’s always wanted to be; she feels discrete from the rest of the world but in a near comforting way. She has no one to disappoint, no one to miss. Her world is confined to very few people and her mind allows for one.
But there are things that trip her up. Remaining ties.
One such: the nightlight clipped to her bed. It’s cheap, a gaudy silver. She’s sure Azriel bought it for no more than two dollars.
But she uses it every night.
(This trips her up.)
It’s a routine she’s given to herself, written into the margins of her life; she climbs into bed, smooths the blankets over her legs, grabs her book, opens it on her lap, then twists and switches on the light. It illuminates the page with a pretty, golden sun. She uses it religiously. She thinks that if she lost it, some intrinsic part of her might be lost as well, and this frightens her.
Remaining ties should be snipped. These last threads should be spooled up, put away, hidden in the bottom drawer.
She switches it on anyway, watches the light trace the letters.
(Sometimes she thinks she is the black stamp of letters. The utter bleakness of them on the smooth page. Sometimes she thinks she is what ruins the paper. She is what ruined the paper. There’s a reason she is here and they are there.)
November 19th.
Happy birthday to me.
She buys a cake from the supermarket and blows out the candle.
There’s a knock at the door, late at night. Not thinking to check, she goes to open it, and there stands Azriel, still in the doorway, bottle of wine in hand.
“Happy birthday,” he says bluntly.
She lets him in for some reason she still doesn’t understand, and they end up drinking a glass together. It’s from Cassian, the wine—his favorite. Azriel tells her that Cassian didn’t think she’d take it from him.
“So he asked you,” she says.
He smiles. “Because you like me.”
1:00 AM, and they’re still drinking. They barely talk. They just sit; they sit on the kitchen stools, then the rickety chairs, then the floor, then the couch, then back to the floor. His cheeks are pink, his words slurred.
“Why’d you come?” she asks, peering down at where he lays, splayed out, on the carpet.
(He’s not the kind for favors, she knows that.)
Opening his eyes, he fixes his gaze on her. He smiles sleepily.
“Happy birthday, Nesta.”
She doesn’t really celebrate for the holidays. Her apartment is bare, save a pair of twinkling bells on the kitchen counter, tied with a red ribbon. Sometimes when she’s cooking she’ll give them a little ring.
The letter comes in the mail—from Feyre, clearly put there by her own hand. It’s an invitation to dinner, for the winter solstice. They’re celebrating early this year because they’re going out of town for a few weeks.
(Please don’t feel pressured to come. We were going to leave you be but Az, since he’s so considerate, thought you might appreciate an invite.)
Nesta picks up her phone and texts Feyre a simple no thanks.
The next morning, she opens her door to a bottle of wine. Its neck is tied with a cherry red ribbon, and there’s a note—“If you’re ever lonely, give me a call. It’s my favorite.”
She doesn’t need to see who it’s from to know.
She smiles and picks it up, taking it inside.
It bites, the loneliness.
She wasn’t prepared for the quiet.
She traded in insults and jabs and sweaty hands at dinner tables for nothing, nothing, nothing. Silence in the shower, silence over breakfast. Over time, it’s begun to grate on her skin, sift between the strands of her hair, and she feels like she’s swimming a meter below the surface, ears clogged, vision blurred.
And slowly, she’s started to cry; she cries when the silence is too loud, when her aloneness is real, when she realizes the ugly truth of it all. She’s alone, she has nobody, she’s alone.
She picks up her phone and dials his number. “Let’s drink your wine.”
A small quiet. “I thought you’d never ask.”
“That wasn’t a question.”
“I know, Nesta,” he laughs. “I’ll be there.”
They don’t drink at all, actually. She starts crying again the minute she sees his face.
“I’m fine, really.”
They’re walking down the aisle of the grocery store, weeks later.
“I don’t believe you.”
“I’m doing better, I am.”
He shrugs. “I don’t care. Pick a flavor. We’ll eat it, we’ll watch a movie.” He looks her up and down, brow creased. “You need two things—no, make that three things.”
She huffs a laugh, sticking her hand into the freezer and pulling out a carton. “What?”
“Sleep, ice cream, and company.” He grins. “And now you’ve got me.”
“Lucky me.”
“Lucky you.”
He’s seen her beautiful; he’s seen her ugly. He’s seen her in her rattiest apron with flour crusted into her fingernails. He’s seen her laugh so hard she cries, watched her slam her head into an open cupboard door, driven her to the hospital when she sliced her hand open with a knife. They’re together a lot, she realizes. They’re not halves; they’re one and one, and one and one make two, and they stand as two together on sidewalks, squinting at menus in the windows of restaurants, and they pet dogs in the park (Nesta always asks, because Az gets shy), and they take walks at midnight, and they live their lives contentedly next to each other’s. She starts to wonder if he splits his life into two—into Cassian and Rhys and Mor and Feyre, and into her, the girl who walked away. She’d like to know why he followed her.
Sometimes she’ll catch herself staring. Even before Cassian, she’d thought Azriel was the most beautiful of the three; all graceful, sloping shadows, soft and deep eyes, curling black hair. Her heart doesn’t know what to do anymore. It skips a beat when she sees him, but calms when she’s near him. It races when he leans close, falls to steadiness when he slings his arm over her shoulders. She can’t decide if she loves him like this or loves him like that. He means so much to her, means so many different things, that to give him a singular word wouldn’t fit.
She calls him Azriel, Az, Steve, Steven Shadow, Mr. Shadow, Ralph, Ron, He of the Candied Pecans, You. He responds to all of it. Recently he told her that it wasn’t because of the name, but because of the voice—(of course I don’t know who Ralph is, Nesta, but your voice, it’s your voice you use for me)—and she felt warm for reasons she couldn’t understand.
She shows up unannounced at his apartment when it’s a bad night. He does the same.
“Tell me the truth,” she begins, tipsy. “Did you like me before?”
“Did you like me before?”
He frowns. “Elaborate.”
“Before you learned I’m a nice person. Back at the townhouse. When I hated everyone and was rude to you.”
“Oh.” He laughs a little. “I always liked you,” he says, and then his face settles into something like sadness. Nesta watches him closely. “I didn’t like… the way you made me feel, though. I’d see you down the hall, tired and everything, a stick of a person, and Rhys would make some joke, and I’d hate him.”
She blinks.
He looks down. “I’d never hated him before.”
There’s a tension between them. It’s common enough to be recognizable, but not enough to be familiar. She’s on edge, unsure.
The silence seeps in.
“And I hated myself, too,” he says. His eyes flick back up to hers.
Her breath catches in her chest. “I hated myself because I didn’t do anything. So I stayed away.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, overwhelmed. Everything is building; everything is quiet. His eyes are deep and dark and swirling. He shakes his head slightly, leaning closer, slowly, slowly, and she sees it all happen—he takes her face in his hands. She can see the stray strand of hair on his forehead, the one eyelash resting by his nose, the mole right above his mouth.
“I watched you fade,” he breathes. “I watched them pull you around.”
She twines one finger into his hair, trying to bring him closer, trying to have him closer. Come here, Azriel. Come with me. Be with me, love me, because I love you.
“I’m sorry,” she says again, because it’s all she can say.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” he murmurs, and kisses her.
“Wait,” he says, reaching up.
He touches the nightlight. “You kept this?”
She laughs, curled into his side, and says, “Of course I did.” He drops a kiss to her hair. “They all bought me books. You made it easy to read them.”
@acosfisfeysandpropaganda I finally wrote it!!
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steviesmarigold · 2 years
M’s Week on AO3
First Reads
Until He Comes to Me: 10k words
The one where Bucky is a bound fairy who doesn't want to be helped, and Steve is the smartass witch who won't listen.
A Sky Full of Stars: 15k words
The dappled sunlight played over Buck’s face, making him look like a magical creation, some kind of illusion. Steven reached out a hand to touch, to make certain he was real.
Buck started and pulled away when Steven’s fingers made contact.
“Sorry!” Steven snatched back his hand. “I didn’t--”
“No, don’t. It’s only that I have never touched a human before.” Buck captured Steven’s hand in his and guided it back to rest against his cheek. “Go ahead.”
Kataigída: 39k words
There’s a storm above. The water above him is dark, angry; he can feel the tension threading through her, holding her hostage. The water is empty of life other than him, the usual hustle and bustle tucked away safe, deep, where the wind-churned waves can’t affect them. Bucky had never claimed to be the smartest person around, and he doesn’t try to now, drifting in the storm-sea. The crystal in his trident hums at him, so he hums back, gently threading energy out of it and gifting it back to the water.
A dark shape cuts through the water above him, and his grip instinctively tightens on the trident. It’s big, too big to be an animal, now that the whales have moved on to follow the warmth. A boat, then.
OR: the fic where Bucky's king of the Mer, Steve's a human, and somehow they make it work.
Heart and Soul: 22k words
“It’s the people who hurt innocents that he hurts and kills. Because he’s kind like that.”
Sarah nodded again, adjusting Steve’s blankets in preparation to keep moving. “And why do we think that he is so kind?” she asked playfully.
“His soulmate is Good and carries half of his Heart, so Saxon’s soulmate influences his heart into Goodness,” Steve answered dutifully. “And since Saxon has a Heart, it means that Saxon is a Soul and his Heart will live for as long as Saxon will.” Sarah nodded. Just as she was leaving, Steve piped up again. “Do you think that I’m a Heart? Do you think that I’m still alive because my Soul is still alive?”
Or, a siren and a trickster walk into a bar and find out they’re soulmates.
Dim Vales and Shadowy Floods: 13k words
A young mortal named Steve finds himself in the world of the daoine sìth, sentenced to seven years of servitude for falling asleep in a fairy ring in the forest. Little does he know that this unexpected turn of events will lead him to adventure and true love.
Summer Captain, Winter Soldier: 19k words
Steve and Bucky are best friends from the poor side of town, growing up in Summer's Castle, until disaster strikes. As the land slides into chaos and even the cycle of the seasons is undermined by evil sorcery, the queen and her Council grow desperate. Steve has lost Bucky and in his grief he decides to forge himself into a weapon to set the land to rights, but none in living memory have survived the Trial by Ice. Even if Steve lives, he'll still face terrible adversaries, and a challenge from Winter's champion . . . but he won't face them alone. A magical alternate universe story, with just a touch of steampunk.
Always, A Hero Comes Home: 5.9k words
Bucky Barnes’ mission is simple: infiltrate the royal guard and cause the Prince to die a ‘natural death’.
On paper, the mission is a cake walk, with good pay to boot. But the more time he spends with one, the harder it becomes to think of him as only a target.
starry-eyed: 11k words
“Steve,” Bucky said, stepping closer. “This is going to sound weird. Do you know what a star is?”
Steve furrowed his brows, slowly shaking his head. “No. I’ve never… I don’t think I’ve heard that word before.”
“I think…” Bucky trailed off, lifting the sleeve of his hoodie on Steve’s arm, running his index finger through the glittery substance on his skin. “I think you are one.”
or, steve is a fallen star, and bucky is the lucky guy whose pond steve landed in.
Hic sunt dracones: 5.7k words
There are stories:
Stories of knights and the dragons they slayed. Stories of princes who conquered the great fire-breathing beasts terrorizing their kingdoms. Stories of how they saved their lands and won the hand of fair princesses in battle.
This is not one of those stories.
At least not in the strictest sense.
Blood sucking squatters: 8k words
When Steve inherits a house from his estranged great aunt he doesn't know what to expect. Not the creepy mansion which seems to come straight from a Lovecraft book. Nor the fact that it's not as uninhabited as he thought it was.
Bucky Got Run Over By a Reindeer(And Its Weirdly Hot Not Santa): 1.2k words
Bucky was just trying to walk home from his parents house on Christmas Eve, when he is suddenly thrust into a Christmas Carol. Though he's pretty sure Santa isn't supposed to be that hot.
Big Teeth, Small Kiss: 17k words
Bucky Barnes is a veterinarian by day, omen of death that wanders the beach by night. One fateful morning he meets Steve Rogers in all his muscular glory, cuddling a full grown labrador like it’s a yorkie, and Fuck. This man cannot die.
Liminal Spaces: 14k words
A prolific assassin whose career spanned decades, however brainwashed, was always going to cause controversy when it came time for him to try and enter the afterlife. So, a compromise: he is asked to operate a liminal space, to help lost souls to find the crossing-place. No going out and gathering souls, no keeping souls, and no kicking souls out.
It might be lonely work, but James is fine. James is fine, and then Steve Rogers, all blue-eyed sparking passion, marches into his liminal space.
love is more than the skin you’re in: 15k words
Bucky laughs and grins and feels giddiness spread through him, the loose leaves by the ground rising up in response to his magic. His wolf sees it and growls and runs to the leaves, leaping in the air, trying to catch them.
Bucky laughs until he’s breathless, his magic loose and bright and spinning through the woods.
“Come on,” Bucky calls out to his wolf, a grin still playing at his lips. “Let me show you the forest.”
Cursed: 4k words
Steve is and curse breaker and Bucky is his best customer.
From Little Things: 6.8k words
Season after season passed and Steve didn't see a single human, only the animals and the birds and the plants and the lake, until the day the man with the silver arm appeared, stripped naked, and waded into the lake. For the first time in a long time Steve left his oak-self to crouch hidden in the bushes, watching him.
The man was beautiful, Steve had never seen a human who was so much like an oak, he hadn't thought it was possible, and he wanted to run his fingers over the man's skin, see if he felt as strong as he looked, see if his skin was smooth or rough. He wanted to touch his hair, find out if it was soft. He wanted to touch the silver arm, to discover what it was. It looked like metal, but he didn't see how that was possible.
In which Steve is something like a dryad, Bucky's not the Winter Soldier anymore but he's not quite sure he's Bucky, and together they discover that some choices are worth making.
Bounty: 29k words
Bucky’s almost done with breakfast when there’s a knock at the door.
“Who is it?” he calls loudly as he makes his way through the apartment.
“Natasha sent me,” comes the reply.
When Bucky gets to the peephole he’s… well, he’s surprised by what he sees, to say the least. And that’s the nice way of putting it, frankly.
Sure, the guy’s a gorgeous little thing; small and lithe, shaggy blond hair and blue eyes to die for gazing up at him, as if he can see right through the door. But the same things that draw Bucky to him physically make him nervous about bringing him along on a hunt. How can this be the most powerful mage Natasha knows? He looks like a strong wind would knock him over for fuck’s sake. And does he know what he’s signed up for, anyway? His pack is tiny. Can he even fit a night’s worth of things in there? Geez, what did she get him into?
“Um, hello?”
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lcdrarry · 3 years
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LCDrarry 2021 Master List
Dear lovely Participants, Creators, Alpha and Beta Readers, Commentors, Cheerleaders, Readers and Fans of our fest,
Our 3rd installment of LCDrarry is coming to an end, and we'd like to thank you all for taking part in our little fest, for creating so many amazing new Drarry works for us all to enjoy, for commenting on your favourite creations, for sharing and recommending the LCDrarry gems with your friends and blog followers, and for making this fest another amazing experience for everybody!
You can find out under the cut who created what ;D
~Your LCDrarry Mods Tami ( @celilasart​ ) and Suzi ( @erin-riwen​ )
PS: Please have a look at the author notes and tags on AO3 for additional information and more detailed warnings.
PPS: As always, reblogs are very much appreciated to promote all the wonderful works of LCDrarry.
Thank you! :)
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[Podfic] Harry Potter And The Disorder Of The Phoenix
Title: "Harry Potter And The Disorder Of The Phoenix" Written by: postjentacular Read by: @porcelainsalt​ | bluedreaming (AO3) Word Count: 1,304 words / 8 minutes Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: An exasperated werewolf-slash-professor, a decidedly not-dead drama queen, a brat, and a straight white man settle down to watch a movie. It goes as well as you’d expect.
Listen to "Harry Potter And The Disorder Of The Phoenix" on AO3.
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[Art] At the Beginning (With You)
Prompt: "Anastasia", 1997, Don Bluth and Gary Goldman Artist: @zandragorin​ Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: Teen Warnings: none
Summary: It's one, two, three, and suddenly he sees it a glance.
View "At the Beginning (With You)" on AO3.
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[Art] Between Your Heart and Mine
Prompt: "Crimson Peak", 2015, Guillermo del Toro Artist: @kryptidfox​ Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: Auror Harry Potter is called to investigate barren and isolated Malfoy Manor, home to Sir Draco Malfoy. There, he finds forgotten secrets, lingering ghosts and perhaps even love.
View "Between Your Heart and Mine" on AO3.
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[Art] Fallen
Prompt: "Chocolat", 2000, Lasse Hallström Artists: @julcheninred​ & m4gOrtz Art Medium: paper, thread, chalk, ink Rating: General Warnings: Food, Depression, Clergy
Summary: As Père Harry passed the window of the chocolate shop early on Easter morning, he was shocked to discover the Comte de Malfoy, who had destroyed the shop's window display and fallen asleep in his grief and exhaustion.
View "Fallen" on AO3.
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[Art] I am only one side of a coin.
Prompt: "Merlin", 2008-2012 Artist: @digthewriter​ Art Medium: Digital Art in Photoshop Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: The better side, obviously. Merlin/Harry Potter fusion. Harry as Merlin & Draco as Arthur.
View "I am only one side of a coin." on AO3.
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[Art] No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin
Prompt: "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare Artist: writingsbydestiny Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: Inspired by Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare starring Draco Malfoy as Juliet Capulet and Harry Potter as Romeo Montague.
View "No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin" on AO3.
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[Art] The Malfoy Family
Prompt: "The Addams Family", 1991, David Levy Author: @moondraconis​ Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: None
Summary: Harry and Draco have just got engaged. Now Harry has to sit for a family portrait with his weird new in-laws.
View "[Art] The Malfoy Family" on AO3.
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[Art] The Poet's Choice
Prompt: "Portrait of a Lady on Fire", 2019, Céline Sciamma Artist: @kairennart​ | Personaje (AO3) Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: none
Summary: On an isolated island in Brittany at the end of the eighteen century, Harry is commissioned to paint a wedding portrait of Draco without him knowing, since he refuses to pose. That means a lot of staring, and a lot of time together. Time goes by, and, inevitably, like everything in life, they fall in love. But Harry has to finish his painting, and Draco has to get married.
View "The Poet's Choice" on AO3.
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[Art] there are dangerous men about
Prompt: "The Legend of Zorro”, 2005, Martin Campbell Artist: @dragontamerdame | dragontamerdrarry (AO3) Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: Teen Warnings: None
Summary: Two wizards engaging in a vicious duel, but make it gay and sexy.
View "there are dangerous men about" on AO3.
Fic & Art
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[Fic & Art] One More Lantern
Prompt: “xxxHoLiC”, 2006-2010 (anime)/2013 (live action) Author/Artist: vivi1138 Word Count/Art Medium: 8,373 words & Digital Art Rating: Teen Warnings: Smoking
Summary: Harry is plagued by spirits who seem intent on devouring him, and there’s only one place they can’t follow: a house hidden in wizarding London, belonging to Draco Malfoy. Harry didn’t intend to stay. He certainly didn’t foresee falling in love. Yet here they are. A slice of life where Draco is a sap, Harry buys ice cream, and spirits keep throwing their peaceful life into chaos.
Read and view "One More Lantern" on AO3.
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[Fic & Art] In the Shadow of Your Heart
Prompt: Howl's Moving Castle, 2004, Hayao Miyazaki Author: @fantalf​ Word Count/Art Medium: 854 words & Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: sectumsempra scars, memory loss
Summary: When the recluded ex-Death Eater Draco Malfoy finds Harry Potter wandering around the hills, with no memory whatsoever of who he once was, he and Teddy decide to welcome him into their little family.
Read and view "In the Shadow of Your Heart" on AO3.
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[Fic] Paging Healer Twatwaffle
Prompt: "House M.D.", 2004-2012, TV-Series Author: @veelawings​ Word Count: 1,550 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Mild dub-con and manipulation, but they’re already friends with benefits.
Summary: Healer Malfoy is an absolute wanker.
Read "Paging Healer Twatwaffle" on AO3.
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[Fic] (Let's Take Our Time) Just Moving Slow
Prompt: "Holidate", 2020, John Whitesell Author: Melacka Word Count: 1,886 words Rating: Teen Warnings: none
Summary: Harry and Draco have a mutually beneficial arrangement: automatic dates for all holidays and public events, no questions asked, no obligation, no strings. It all seemed like such a good idea when they started. Harry certainly never expected to develop feelings for Draco.
Read "(Let's Take Our Time) Just Moving Slow" on AO3.
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[Fic] Jurassic Drarry
Prompt: "Jurassic Park", 1993, Steven Spielberg Author: PhenomenalAsterisk Word Count: 1,941 words & Digital Art Rating: General Warnings: Unconventional disposal of dinosaurs; fanart includes graphic image of meat
Summary: An unflappable palaeontologist, a sexy chaos theorist, and a distracted palaeobotanist are called in to tour an eccentric billionaire's pet project.
Read "Jurassic Drarry" on AO3.
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[Fic] My Saviour Won't Stop Texting Me
Prompt: "Hercules", 1997, Ron Clements, John Musker Author: fwooshy Word Count: 5,012 words Rating: Teen Warnings: Texting fic
Summary: Long ago, in Ancient Greece, there was a man named Draco Malfoy who sold his soul to Voldemort. Tortured by his sins, he... oh, who am I kidding? This is a Hercules AU texting fic, not some Greek tragedy! Harry and Draco get together and everyone has phones in Ancient Greece. Please enjoy.
Read "My Saviour Won't Stop Texting Me" on AO3.
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[Fic] The Malfoy Family
Prompt: "The Addams Family", 1991, David Levy Author: floydig Word Count: 7,088 words Rating: Mature Warnings: All Addams Family Warnings Apply, Morbid and Dark Humor, Loving Horror, Mild Body Horror (fun), Carnivorous Plants, Blasphemy, Necromancy, Implied Sexual Content
Summary: The Malfoy Family is the Addams Family, and things are about to get interesting. Draco and Harry Malfoy are odd, intriguing, endearingly creepy, and completely and utterly infatuated with one another. This is going to be a fun one. Featuring deadly magical creatures as house pets, recreational use of Unforgivable Curses, hungry carnivorous plants, and plenty of mayhem in between. Also, the whole thing takes place at a Magical Multi-Purpose Store. The Malfoy Family goes shopping!
Read "The Malfoy Family" on AO3.
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[Fic] Love that Blinds
Prompt: "The Batman", 2004-2008, TV-Series Author: aminathescorpio Word Count: 7,245 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Brief graphic descriptions of violence, dubious consent, gaslighting
Summary: When Draco Malfoy gets accepted to work as a psychiatrist in Azkaban Asylum, he finds himself caught in a complicated relationship with none other than Azkaban's most infamous resident: Harry Potter.
Read "Love that Blinds" on AO3.
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[Fic] Sesame Seeds and the Entire Spectrum of Human Emotion
Prompt: "The Proposal", 2009, Anne Fletcher Author: @bisexualronaldweasley​ Word Count: 9,530 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Nudity, Boat Incident, references to past abuse/neglect
Summary: Faced with exile, Draco pretends to be engaged to Harry Potter, who agrees to play along for Narcissa's sake. When they're forced to spend a weekend together celebrating the engagement with the Weasleys, they might try to kill each other, or... they might just fall in love. . Based on the movie The Proposal (2009), though you don't have to have seen the movie to understand the fic!
Read "Sesame Seeds and the Entire Spectrum of Human Emotion" on AO3.
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[Fic] Ghost
Prompt: "Ghost", 1990, Jerry Zucker Author: @maraudersaffair​ Word Count: 10,761 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: major character death (MCD), canon-typical violence, grief and mourning
Summary: When Harry is killed tragically during an Auror raid gone wrong, Draco does his best to move on. He's even a little cheered when Theo Nott starts pursuing him. Then Sybil Trelawney visits Draco.
Read "Ghost" on AO3.
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[Fic] all in good time
Prompt: "Groundhog Day", 1993, Harold Ramis Author: saltwatergarden Word Count: 13,054 words Rating: Mature Warnings: mentions alcohol
Summary: Draco Malfoy's life is boring and repetitive. He supposes he shouldn't complain, since that's better than sharing a house with Voldemort, or doing time in Azkaban. When he gets trapped in a time loop, however, he is forced to confront the routine he has fixed for himself, and try to break out of it. It isn't all bad, facing no consequences for his actions can be fun for a bit. But after he starts visiting the Auror Headquarters and having brief but remarkably pleasant conversations with one Auror Potter, he finally has the real motivation to break out of the time loop - something worth sticking around for.
Read "all in good time" on AO3.
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[Fic] Star Crossed
Prompt: "Romeo and Juliet", Shakespeare Author: GallifreyisBurning Word Count: 13,615 words Rating: Teen Warnings: none
Summary: Two Quidditch teams, alike in dignity, In fair Great Britain, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. The Wimbourne Wasps and the Appleby Arrows have been bitter rivals for centuries. When a nasty brawl ends one of their Seekers’ careers, the teams need new blood to take up the slack and divert attention from the bad publicity. And who better to distract the press than the infamous Draco Malfoy and golden boy Harry Potter? Called back from successful careers abroad, the pair are once again to be pitted against one another in an epic feud. Too bad no one told them that before they started flirting…
Read "Star Crossed" on AO3.
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[Fic] The Slytherin Host Club
Prompt: "Ouran high school host club", 2006, Bisco Hatori and Takuya Igarashi Author: shushu_yaoi_lj Word Count: 14,377 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: explicit sexual content, scars, non-graphic mention of past abuse
Summary: Harry is simply looking for a quiet place to finish his Potions essay.It's a pity he ends up at the Slytherin Host Club instead. Or maybe it's a blessing in disguise, since he's had a crush on Malfoy since the beginning of his eighth year...
Read "The Slytherin Host Club" on AO3.
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[Fic] It is on the other side of my soul (where your name is written)
Prompt: "Call Me By Your Name", 2017, Luca Guadagnino Author: opaleopioid Word Count: 16,372 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: implied switching, rimming, anal sex, no age difference (HP canon-compliant age difference)
Summary: Harry’s having it all, now that the unpleasantries of being treated like a loose cannon is gone: the war is well over, and Voldemort is long dead. He’s made the choice to stay in B, an unplottable magical town in Northern Italy, whose protection wards had kept him in one piece at the height of the second wizarding war, and whose seclusion provides him with the quiet, normal life that he now lives. Harry adores the grassy hills that enclose B like the warm arm of a mother; Likes playing the grand piano from dawn to dusk; Cherishes his current life, on the whole. He gets himself Mocaccino every morning and sometimes has dinner with the Weasleys at their cottage nearby. With the majority of his friends and family falling in love with B and gradually settling down as well, Harry feels like this is the last place he would ever want to leave. To say that the arrival of a certain wizard—a razor-sharp, infuriating blond—makes anything remotely different for Harry would be absurd, of course.
Read "It is on the other side of my soul (where your name is written)" on AO3.
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[Fic] In Search of Our Better Selves
Prompt: "Mad Max: Fury Road", 2015, George Miller Author: alrespirar Word Count: 17,519 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Mentions of past torture, mentions of past rape, brief mention of miscarriage, descriptions of gun violence and injury. Sexual content.
Summary: Five times Imperator Draco saved Potter’s life and the one time Potter saved his.
Read "In Search of Our Better Selves" on AO3.
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[Fic] Where in the World is Draco Malfoy?
Prompt: "Carmen Sandiego", 2019, Series Author: Anaxandria Word Count: 18,029 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Minor mentions of homophobia, violence, and blood
Summary: After the war, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter took parallel paths of fighting crime. Draco discovered the existence of VILE, an international organisation dedicated to the eradication of Muggle-borns. With the help of his best friend, Blaise, he commits international capers to steal artifacts before VILE can get their hands on them. Harry is the auror investigating the heists, but his instincts tell him there’s more than meets the eye.
Read "Where in the World is Draco Malfoy?" on AO3.
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[Fic] My Fair Gentleman
Prompt: "My Fair Lady", 1964, George Cukor Author: emilattes Word Count: 20,766 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: light alcohol use and mentions of child neglect by Dursleys
Summary: After an extended stay at Charlie's Dragon Reserve in Romania, Harry returns to London and makes a fool of himself at his first Ministry Gala. Minister Shacklebolt orders Harry to seven months of etiquette lessons with Draco Malfoy. Will Harry pull through and become an expert in PR? Will Draco manage to make over the biggest PR disaster the wizarding world has seen in years? Wouldn't it be loverly?
Read "My Fair Gentleman" on AO3.
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[Fic] saying yes (instead of no)
Prompt: "Schitt's Creek", 2015, Series Author: Pineau_noir Word Count: 21,022 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: canon typical alcohol and drug use, marijuana use, explicit smut
Summary: “It’s a general store that’s also a very specific store,” Draco grumbled. “Most people won’t realise this, but I want to market Muggle goods to the Wizarding world as well. I want something that will help boost the economy of the Hamlet and Muggles have so many amazing things we don’t have.” . Draco sighed again. “I think it would benefit everyone.” He glared at Emily. “But there’s not a single witch, wizard, or wix who will shop at a place owned by Draco Malfoy.” . “What if it’s owned by Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy?” Potter asked. . “That would be preposterous,” Draco mumbled. “Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy would kill each other before the store opened.” . “What if you didn’t?” Emily asked. Draco opened his mouth to let her know, they would indeed kill each other, but before he could say anything, she continued, “What if it turned into a lovely business?” . “There’s only one way to know,” Potter said. “I really think this is a good idea, Draco."
Read "saying yes (instead of no)" on AO3.
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[Fic] A First Look Into Resurrecting Mummies With the Aid Of the Chosen One, and Why It Should Be Advised Against (an Essay by Draco Malfoy, Assistant Archaeologist)
Prompt: "The Mummy", 1999, Stephen Sommers Author: @cibeewastaken​ | Cibee (AO3) Word Count: 21,948 words Rating: Mature Warnings: minor violence elements
Summary: Draco hopes to find an ancient spell book rumoured to be in Hamunaptra after Astoria found a map to the lost city. If he makes this discovery, maybe the Magical British Museum will finally look at his application, and his annoying colleague will finally leave him alone. It’s a good plan, until Draco is reunited with Harry Potter for the first time in ten years, as the man is about to be hanged.
Read "A First Look Into Resurrecting Mummies With the Aid Of the Chosen One, and Why It Should Be Advised Against (an Essay by Draco Malfoy, Assistant Archaeologist)" on AO3.
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[Fic] Wicked Game
Prompt: "Jumanji", 1995 or 2017 Author: DearJames Word Count: 22,044 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Sexual Content, Implied PTSD
Summary: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy crossed a line during one of their late-night Astronomy Tower Bonding Sessions and neither are sure what that means. Not that they got particularly far, considering they were caught and assigned detention for their antics. And, now, they've been sucked into a boardgame. That's just fantastic...
Read "Wicked Game" on AO3.
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[Fic] Love in Three Parts
Prompt: "Bridgerton", 2020, Series Author: static_abyss Word Count: 24,172 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Canon-typical content
Notes: Thanks so much to my beta, L, for all her help and her encouragement as I wrote this fic. Thanks to the mods for hosting this fest and to the Anonymous prompter who inspired this fic.
Summary: Draco has everything needed to be the diamond of the season. He has the looks, the pedigree, and if he should be short on the money end, well, it isn't up to him to convince anyone they want to marry him. And yet, he finds himself with no prospects and no suitable matches until Harry James Potter, Wizarding Britain's Most Eligible Bachelor, makes his first appearance in proper Wizarding society for the first time in five years. Together, they hatch a plan to secure Draco a husband and keep the debutantes' mothers away from Harry. And if someone should develop feelings along the way, well, the course of true love never did run smooth.
Read "Love in Three Parts" on AO3.
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[Fic] He would always win the fight
Prompt: "Killing Eve", 2018 - ongoing, TV Series Author: Akira-kun Word Count: 26,578 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: Serial Killer, Off Screen Murders, Corpses, Political Polarity, Corruption in Government, Corruption in Justice System, Off Screen Violence, Post War Instability, Ambiguity, Dark!character, Vengeance, In a Twisted Way, Obsessive Behaviour, Crime Mystery, Open Ending
Summary: “But you were always just a puppet, weren’t you, Potter?” That voice kept haunting him, in his dreams and during his days, as if hovering over his shoulder, cold as a ghost, lost and lifeless. He wasn’t sure why it hurt like that. Maybe because it was an ugly truth that Harry hoped no one would ever throw back in his face. Or maybe because it was Malfoy. . Killing Eve inspired Drarry where people are getting killed, Harry is getting desperate, Draco is too sexy for his own good, and all hell will break loose.
Read "He would always win the fight" on AO3.
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[Fic] Peaches & Cream And A Little Bit Of Acid
Prompt: "Modern Love", 2019, Series Author: shortie990 Word Count: 27,755 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: suicidal thoughts, mental health issues
Summary: In love there is no real hiding. You have to be pretty up front on who you are. The problem was though, Harry didn’t have a clue who he was one moment from the next.
Read "Peaches & Cream And A Little Bit Of Acid" on AO3.
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[Fic] Outwit, Outlast, Outplay
Prompt: "Survivor", 2000-ongoing, Series Author: Albuss Word Count: 30,976 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Brief homophobia, mentions of past health issues
Summary: Draco loves Survivor. Loves it. So when his job at the Dept. of Mysteries offers him the opportunity to go on as a contestant, he can't think of anything that could go wrong. He is sorely mistaken, but a little chaos turns out to not be such a bad thing. Featuring gratuitous descriptions of Survivor game-play, really jargon-y magical theory I got way too excited about, and Draco's best friend Isabelle being an absolute QUEEN.
Read "Outwit, Outlast, Outplay" on AO3.
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[Fic] Advantage Rule
Prompt: "The Queen's Gambit", 2020, Series Author: @ziezie13​ Word Count: 42,738 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Character death, Parental neglect, Brief references to eugenics, Sexual content, Mild homophobia, Alcoholism, Drug abuse
Summary: Draco's life has been struggle after struggle. He was exiled as a baby, his mother died, he was forced to live with muggles... Need I go on? Quidditch was supposed to be his escape, but how is he supposed to beat Victor Krum and take the world title if he can't even beat Harry Potter? ~No knowledge of The Queen's Gambit required~
Read "Advantage Rule" on AO3.
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[Fic] (This Will Be) An Everlasting Love
Prompt: #12 (also fulfils #6) | "While You Were Sleeping," 1995, Jon Turteltaub Author: @drarrelie​ & @janieohio​ Word Count: 45,139 words Rating: Teen Warnings: None
Summary: Life doesn’t always turn out the way we plan. That’s what Draco’s mother always used to tell him, but Merlin, who could have predicted how right she would be? A story about feisty dragons, loneliness, family, and friends — and finding love in places you least expect.
Read "(This Will Be) An Everlasting Love" on AO3.
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[Fic] In a Field of Chrysanthemums and the Woods
Prompt: "The Untamed", 2019, TV-Series Author: @outstandingmoralfiber​ Word Count: 83,399 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Three notes, and yet they made all the difference. Draco could feel it, the slight magic and wavering notes, washing over him in a brief but calming wave that lit his soul and it was then that he knew that he was going to learn how to play this guqin no matter what. Little did he know that, like dominos, this one simple decision would diverge him onto a path he would've never imagined. - Wizarding world in the Untamed setting, (but you don't need to know anything about the Untamed). Drarry AU starting from Goblet of Fire. Rated E for the smut scene in Chapters 13 & 14, but is otherwise rated T.
Read "In a Field of Chrysanthemums and the Woods" on AO3.
As always, reblogs here on tumblr are very much appreciated to promote all the wonderful works of LCDrarry. But of course, please also shower our creators with comments and kudos on AO3 ;D
And yes, dear creators, you can now credit your alphas and betas and cheerleaders and of course answer the comments :)) 
And if you like, use the banners here to promote your works on your own blogs. Tag us, so that we can reblog your claiming posts.
Thank you again for participating! See you 2022 ;)
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silverjetsystm · 4 months
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Send me ✔ and I will bold my preferences for your muse! | Accepting
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Valkyrie Brunn
My muse(s): MK System
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse - marvel adjacent | my verse | your verse | modern [though really the main difference is there is no MK] | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends [with all 3, especially with Steven and Jake] | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating [potentially, with Marc] or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protector - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
While romance may develop, regardless if it happens or not, I see VB and Marc as very close in a way that a simple checklist can't quantify. I enjoy them as they are and am eager to see where they are going.
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
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Human Brunn
My muse(s): MK System
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protector - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
I think we have a good mix of long and short things with HB and wild dog Marc. I know we still need to knock Brunn out of the sky while Marc watches. It's gonna hurt so good. ;__; And am hype for the 'Marc and Brunn reconnect after -mumble, handwave- Years and Marc's got this whole cape nonsense going on.'
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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therapardalis · 2 years
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[Plotting Guide for @redlineoffate​.]
✔ // Steven (italics) and Marc (bolded) - (this for both) ------------
My muse(s): Thera
Do I know your muse(s): yes | no | a little | tell me about (your take on) your muse
Setting: our verse | my verse | your verse | modern | alternate universe | other
Pre-established relationships? yes | no | depends on the relationship
Possible relationships: friends | classmate | co-worker | roommate | family, real or adopted | dating or blind date | married | friends with benefits | unrequited love | lending a hand | teacher - student | rivals | allies | partner-in-crime | enemies | protector - guarded | business partners | spy - infiltrated | manipulator - manipulated | star-crossed | first meeting | other
I’m in the mood for: fluff | angst | horror | romance | humor | crime | hurt / comfort | action | supernatural | slice of life | crack | dark threads | light threads | any genre | multi-para | shorter para | one-line | any length | plotted threads | unplotted threads | other
Feel free to: message me ooc | message me ic | tell me your ideas | write a starter | answer one of my opens | send a meme | reblog this with your preferences - let’s find common interests!
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roaming-axe-aaa · 4 years
((Some amazing OCs y’all should check out. Give them some love! I may not have listed ALL the OCs I wanted, because either; Tumblr didn’t show you in my followers list, or you were inactive for a while. So I’m sorry if you weren’t on this list and you thought you should be. ;;
@quirkidol- A nice mun and a really thought out OC, she has an interesting story and I just LOVE Kayla to bits. She’s an idol which is interesting, but I also love the fact she’s more complicated than you think. One of my favorite ships, seriously check them out.
@bleachedoracle- I love Wes, I know a lot about Bleach and I love seeing their interactions with other bleach muses. But I also am really digging the BNHA AU, and seeing how loyal Wes is already. Westley is well thought out and has an interesting power. I really like that it’s sort of an OP power but Wes is not OP (if that makes sense?) I just.. love Wes, please check them out!
@sevensav--d | @husk-d | @liberat-d- Some REALLY rad OCs, seriously they’re all so creative and thought out well. I really love seeing them all on my dash. I’ve never talked to the mun, but I bet they’re sweet and nice. I want to RP with more of their OCs, but alas, I am shy. But seriously, check out all Bone’s blogs, def worth a follow.
@yoxngmadnxss- Really neat OC who I’ve seen change throughout the years. I really like this OC and I have a soft spot for her. The mun is super friendly. They’re not super active, but still seriously worth checking out. <3
@muse-arcadia- A dear friend of mine, I don’t know much about their OCs canon lore and stuff, but from what we talk about, their OCs are REALLY thought out well, and they can fit into other verses. The mun is a total sweetie and friendly. And their OCs are super creative and thought out. I love hearing about all their OCs cuz they’re all so unique.
@silent-celeste-  They don’t have an about page yet, but I still really enjoy their OC. They’re not super powerful and I like that? It’s a nice change to RP with someone who has a quirkless OC. And I love learning about their OC through RPs. Mun is really friendly and nice too!
@heroific- Some awesome OCs on  this blog, all of them are awesome. And I absolutely LOVE their art. Seriously check them out, you won’t be disappointed.
@sncils- I love Layla and all the OCs on this blog, and heck even their canon. Snail is really super friendly and fun to talk to, great sense of humor. And their OCs are just -chefs kiss.- I love them to death. Someone you should seriously consider on checking out.
@lunadianetha- Super cute OC with super cute art. I really enjoy our threads and the mun is really nice to talk to. Their blog isn’t all fancy and stuff, but it’s worth to check them out and give them a chance!
@blackstardiopside- I’ve been mutuals with Nemo for fucking years. If you dig Steven Universe, I HIGHLY recommend her blog. Black Star is by far one of my favorite gems that I wish was canon. Really well thought out and I love her to bits. Really nice and chill mun. Seriously, give her some love and check out her blog. You won’t regret.
@serpentine-rogue- Don’t have to be a homestuck fan to interact with Moose (I know I’m not.) But they have some other verses for Soldan and Soldan is super fun to interact with. She’s such a sweetie and our RPs are usually just chill slice of life RPs, it’s really nice and is a nice change. Check them out!
@traitorousscales- I don’t know much about Teppet’s world and everything, but I would die for Teppet. Seriously such an amazing character. And what I have seen of lore and stuff, it’s really well thought out. It’s tough to make lore of a character and they pulled it off well. Seriously deserves to be checked out!
@badxsshottiexllie | @cartoonyvillainisms- Someone I’ve been on and off mutuals with for... years. It’s funny because we discovered each other recently. ANYWAYS, some rad OCs I would give some time to check out. They have different verses, not just BNHA. Check them out!
@thelittlestdemon- And the rest of your blogs but I forgot what their urls are. ;; Gomen. But I really enjoy our threads and your OCs are creative and I love them. I haven’t read all of your web comic where they come from (I believe?) but I have seen snippets and it’s awesome! Your art is really cute. Seriously please check them out, they have some other verses like a BNHA verse and they’re really fun to interact with!
@sub-zer0-ice- An awesome OC who has neat story. She is a Todoroki OC but one that fits in well. I really enjoy our RPs and their OC is well thought out! I would give them a check out.
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