#timmy! come collect your og show
bunny-carrothunter · 2 years
the questions you get are scary lol
so could you rank your poinion on the villains from best to worst?
thank god finally an sfw asks for the wordgirl tag alfkjskd there's like so many villains jfc but I'll try to be brief. Rank as in favorites or how good they are villains? I’ll do the latter, the former I’ll make a separate post for it.
this is my opinion on ranking, ik everyone has their own.
Villains I won't even mention cuz I don't have a big enough opinion on: Coach, Masked Meat Marauder, Timmy Timbo, Rhyme&Reason, Raul, Glen, Royal Dandy, Amazing Rope Guy, Big Left Hand Guy, Guy Rich (even tho I love him) and Kid Potato (RIP ;-;).
17. Eileen
Both easy to get her riled up and get her to calm down. Just a nuisance, not really a villain. Also her episodes are just either tedious or give us all collective ptsd from that one annoying spoiled child in middle school.
16. Seymour
Above Eileen cuz he's actually entertaining sometimes. Daran Norris voicing any character will automatically be a fun time. Good at tricking people (tho that doesn't say much when those people are from Fair City) and concepts can be fun.
15. Invisi-Bill
Yes, just him and not his bf, dont hurt me. On his own, he can both fun and tricky but he's much too focused on being the center of attention or prideful to really do much. I love him, but as a villain, he could use work. He and BLHG just do it for fun and status so can't blame them.
14. Granny May
An OG but I’m putting her low because most of her crimes/schticks seem to be the same thing. And yeah their effective (with the people of Fair City, lol), but it does get boring sometimes. And it sucks cuz she’s such a girlboss but she does get pushed aside a lot compared to the other villains, specially in later seasons. I feel they could of done more with her, tbh.
13. Butcher
I'm gonna get lash for this- As a character, I love Butcher. 10/10 dad material. But as a villain.. It mostly sometimes feels he just does it just because, not out of any motive, other than maybe wanting to be appreciated and respected by his veteran-villain dad, Kid Potato. He's THE OG villain voiced by the show's own co-creator, and yet when put with other villains, he kinda lacks motive. Love him, but compared to the next villains, he's low here. Love ya, Butcher.
12. Maria the Energy Monster
She's like Eileen but actually a threat, and with much more personality. Not only can you not attack her directly because well electricity, but it's hard to actually defeat her when she's literal just an element, but love that despite it she still gets her own character.
11. Nocan the Contrarian
Nocan is when you take a himbo and give him the title of a villain and no further instructions. Most of the time he's just vibing but as a villain, he can be difficult to defeat and that's a compliment. Both strong with a weapon and physically, but also just a lot of fun.
10. The Learnerner
Weird Al. That's it.
9. Victoria Best
Now here's where we get to actual motives for being a villain. On her own, Victoria is a complex, love-to-hate character, but when she decides to play the villain, Victoria can be a real threat. She'll go lengths for jealousy and approval and that can cause problems not only for Wordgirl but everyone else around her. It makes it not only interesting to watch but WANT her to do better, unlike other villains you just enjoy to watch actually play as the show villain.
8. Ms Question
Harmless at first, Ms Question actually does possess abilities that can cause chaos and harm when she focuses. Not only can she confuse and escape any enemy just with her super natural abilities, but she can also spread her power to food that can spread much quicker and more discreetly. Not only that, she can materialize a hoverboard on command not only for her but others she carries around. Mischievous at her core and absolutely fun to watch. She actually got rid of all the villains in town singlehandedly and would of won if they hadn’t come back.
7. Whammer
Absolute chaos of a man that vibes and I love him. Physically, he’s definitely the strongest of the villains, being able to take down a ship with a single pebble and lifting a ferris wheel right off its hinges. AND a himbo? Whole package. I love Whammer, he’s funny, adorable and so fun when it comes to character interactions.
6. Lady Redundant Woman
Girlboss. The fact she works in retail and chooses to be a villain on the side like a hobby is so funny to me, go off girl. Her ability to duplicate anything, not just art but actual people is lowkey OP? AND NO ONE TALKS ABOUT IT? Feral lady that bites rude people’s ankles and we stan.
5. Tobey
Before you attack me, hear me out. Tobey relies mostly on his robots, which he’s really good at, however without it, he’s literately just a kid. I would of liked to see if he’s as good in computers as he is in engineering like if he was able to hack into electronics, that would be another thing (tho I AM using this hc for a fic I’m writing), but if doesn’t have his robots or the funds for (”The Shrinking Allowance” comic being an example of this scenario), plus the fact his only motive is getting Wordgirl’s attention, doesn’t do much for him as a villain. Still, he is still quite formidable.
4. Mr. Big & Leslie
Ignoring the fact Mr Big almost did take over the world twice, he and Leslie are also just fun to watch as a duo. Admittedly Mr Big could do more damage if he didn’t have Leslie to keep him in check, who’s has actively stopped or interfere his plans because she just decided to lol. Mr Big can be more evil than other villains as he’s one of the few that did incapacitate Wordgirl (Ms Power included) for some time. But alas, it’s his own incompetency (and well, himboness) that prevents him from getting to say Two Brains level.
3. Chuck
Talk about never judge a book by its cover. The fact Chuck has ACTUALLY managed to take over the world/city with the rest of the villains under his command and everyone just casually forgets because yeah you wouldn’t expect it from someone that lives in his mom’s basement. It’s not clear if he buys all his weapons or makes them himself, but he def makes the best out of them.
2. Ms. Power
Absolute no doubt. If it wasn’t for one weakness of just not listening to her, she definitely would have been OP. Not to say she already wasn’t, being up to Wordgirl’s level, but unlike Wordgirl, she needs someone else’s weakness (and well feelings) to win. Still, OP, 10/10 villain, love Jane Lynch, so much potential and I like her. 
1. Dr Two-Brains
Was there ever any doubt? Fan favorite aside, there’s a reason he’s the top villain. Not only is he the most story/plot written villain with past history with Wordgirl herself, inventions alone, he’s basically a super human with ridiculously enhanced sense of smell, teeth to chew drywall and even steel bars, enhanced speed and of course super intelligence. He’s up to Dr Cockroach level of intelligence to build a ray out of arts and crafts and scraps. And ALL THAT aside, this man can sing, dance, ice skate, is a frequent cook, can speak mouse and has an incredible charisma. Goes without saying, there’s a reason he’s a favorite villain to almost everyone.
This is a semi old ask but I don’t plan on rewriting anything SO SORRY FOR THE LATE RESPONSE ANON
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend back to bitch some more in your inbox if you don't mind (if you're tired of the negativity please ignore). So here's the thing I hate about the whole cheating storyline, which ties in with your disappointment over us losing the satisfying breakup we were hoping for. It's really the deception with TayKay after that got me, whatever I may think of her character. We not too long ago saw Buck give Eddie an impassioned speech at being on the end of relationship where TBC
he was the person more invested, and how heartbreaking that was, a confession that pushed Eddie to breakup with Ana, in part so he wouldn't cause the same hurt (that Buck had gone through). Now, instead of getting Buck doing the same thing (stopping things before people really get hurt and choosing himself) he can only get the reverse. Buck must realize he's not that attached to TayKay, that he's not happy in the relationship if he's kissing someone else, HE'S not invested. Now, after half of season of Buck trying his best, to his detriment, to make things work, of making those sacrifices and us having to watch him being miserable, it's instantly undone by him lying and doubling down how invested he is in the relationship by asking her to move in. HE is now the person causing that pain he so intensely warned Eddie against causing, and it makes no fucking sense why he would do that!!! It's a selfish choice in all the worst ways that Buck as a character is not!! And no, I don't buy the argument "but Buck is spiraling", so was Eddie when he broke things off with Ana (and he continues to) but he still was prompted in part by the idea of hurting someone long term. Buck has been in that position, I just can't comprehend him actively doing it to avoid an awkward confession. Anyway, the whole thing feels like a cheap attempt to garner sympathy for the reporter (who's leaving anyway??) at the expense of Buck's personal growth.
Hello my friend! You are always welcome to air your grievances in my inbox! I was going to do this yesterday, but my niece was in town for a visit and at almost 5, she has more energy than I have ever had across my entire life combined. 🤣 Also I started this one first but VERY quickly lost the thread and became a rambling incoherent mess so I had to simmer down and answer some other things and get my thoughts in order.
Absolutely YES to all of this. Remember back in season 1 when a bunch of girls accused Buck of cheating and everyone shrugged and Buck was so hurt that the people he loved and respected would think he would ever do something like that? Remember nine episodes ago where Buck flat out told Eddie that just "sticking it out" with Ana wasn't enough for Eddie, and wasn't fair to Ana? But please tell me again how his spiraling manages to turn him into a completely different person than the narrative has told us he is for the past 4.5 seasons. 🙄
As with RNM, an argument can always be made for why a character would do something they did. It's a natural response to want to make sense out of the narrative! And for the people who have found their peace with it, good for them, cope however you need to! But given what we know about KR, her attitudes and what she prioritizes, the argument can also be made that this particular moment of cheating isn't some masterclass in storytelling, but a petty showrunner making a play for cheap drama, and also making her pet-project character that everyone hated look sympathetic, while also working in Female Version of Buck 2.0 to throw at him seeing if this one sticks. (Spoiler alert, it won’t. The GA already hate her more than they did tay kay because while she was just mean to their beloved fave, this one made him a cheater. (don’t @ me, I’m not saying she MADE him cheat, but her character’s purpose was to make him into a cheater))
Look. I've said it several times (at least in tags, but probably in some posts too. My brain is still soup, but it's like....furiously boiling soup 🤷‍♀️) that I don't like and probably never will, how this storyline started. Just because the argument can be manipulated to make some kind of sense, doesn't automatically make it good or good storytelling. An argument could be made that when Maddie left, Chim got upset and and then met some new single mom at a mommy and me playdate thing and started a fling with a random woman in his heartbreak before Buck found out where Maddie was and Chim went to look for her. Because he's spiraling right? So he might do something that seems OOC, but it's fine because it's part of the trauma spiral! 🙃 Again, something you would expect to see on any other run-of-the-mill procedural show because that's the max level of *drama* packed into the storyline, but that wouldn't be true to Chim's character, and it wouldn't be good storytelling.
It's the same with this cheating thing with Buck, and I'm soooo angry, because if he had broken up with his gf and THEN kissed the new lady before panic leaving because he doesn't want to be Buck 1.0 again? Only to have her show up as the new replacement that he now has to work with? And Hen knows and spends the whole time teasing him, and it's a little awkward but falls on the fun side of soapy drama? I could have enjoyed that! I mean, I'd still be hardcore 🙄🙄🙄 and side-eyeing the writers for him getting to make out with Eddie's female counterpart because non-gay men and non-lesbian women cannot work together without banging it out at least once 🙄 but in the context of the show I wouldn't mind them sharing scenes and things being a little awkward. How many fics are there where Buck and Eddie meet and hook up and then, surprise! Eddie is the new recruit! And it’s awkward! Again, a little side eye at the writers, but overall a fun trope!
But now? With the cheating AND the lying about the cheating? (which, JAIL for the writers for dragging Hen into that mess without a firm “definitely yes always honesty” policy) All their scenes are going to be gross and cringe and unenjoyable. Plus if KR and AK are to be believed, she's going to pull an Eddie and fit right in with everyone, impressing them, teaming up with Bobby to tease Buck and KR is pushing to have her and her whole cop family brought around for season 6 which....I can't even talk about because my blood pressure is already high enough. The point is, instead of getting Lena 2.0 with some fun scenes (her face during the grocery store fight slays me every time as does her question to Eddie about her cat only to be like "I don't have a cat, you bumbling imbecile."), and her pushing Buck to be more and more reckless until something bad finally happens and Bobby has to intervene, it's apparently per AK going to all be "sexual tension" and her comforting Buck in his time of need and a whole lot of other bullshit we could all do without.
It's absolutely cheap drama by a writer and showrunner who has clear priorities (rando white women hooking up with Buck > literally anything else), and who doesn't see the value in important conversations. Because Tim is the one who wrote and included the Will scene and the scene where Buck goes to talk to Chris after he leaves the hospital, and she’s out here saying the will isn't important and won't come up again (meaning the shooting likely isn't something on her radar to discuss either even though it's like...THEE elephant in the room), and saying Buck and Chim talked it out off screen (though the last we saw was Chim still being pissy and not quite ready to forgive so IDK what the fuck she's talking about), and cutting scenes like Bobby/Chim and Eddie/Chim (but there was only so much of the reporter because they didn't have enough cast and needed someone cheap to fill in don't you know? Don't tell that to all the Ghost Stories footage on the cutting room floor). It’s just....it’s A Lot, and I don’t think it’s fair to hate on people pointing out that while this narrative CAN lead to something interesting, it didn’t have to be this way and it’s not the best choice they could have made, because we know that one of the people in charge right now is Like That. 
ANYWAY. I have another ask from someone else that is about the narrative satisfaction of the breakup and the one we DIDN’T get satisfaction out of in RNM so stay tuned for something real salty coming up probably tomorrow. 
As always, it is a JOY to have you in my inbox 😘 Come spill the tea any time!
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prvntcessa · 4 years
listen up 10s a 4 is speaking! shdlaskhd what’s up sluts i’m cherry, i’m 21, use she/her pronouns and live in PST! this is mischa, princess of the russian mafia. she wears black lipstick, is massive scammer, laughs at videos of people falling down the stairs. here is a shorter sparknotes version of her bio and some fun and fresh headcannons
please enjoy this gif of mischa cosplaying indie xoxo
Tumblr media
skeleton: the career criminal
name: mischa dostoyevsky ( formally xia han)
age: 25
gender: female
pronouns: she/her
fc: natasha liu bordizzo
born as xia to a dirt poor family of literal SCAM artists. we luv a scamily babey! her parents basically sold fraudulent anti-aging serum to dumb, white new york tourists everyday ( with the added bonus of her older brother dressed up like an OLD ASS MAN doing cartwheels n backflips like woooow this stuff really works! ) her job was basically sneaking through the crowd of people while they were distracted and pick-pocketing their money, valuables, shiny shit etc.  
that white savior guilt money was paying the bills until one of the karens they conned got hives from the allergic reaction to the red food dye they used in the fake serum and her brothers literal Old Man disguise flew off like 90s rapper fly away pants when it was windy as fuck one day so basically The Authorities Have Been Called Luv, the police showed up and xia didn’t know what to do bc she was a kid so she just BOLTED AND RAN ... does not know what happened to her family to this day
grew up on the street, continued the family business of being a fcking scammer and basically bought tampons by telling power walking, baby backpacking ladies that she was gonna have to feed little timmy cockroaches if they didn’t pay off, slept with crooked stock brokers, seduced old guys, cleaned out their apartments, stole all their money, jewels, watches, credit cards, priceless antiques -- THE WORLD WAS HER SUGAR DADDI BB
all of this changed on day when she making her nightly run by the alibi, a bar she called Dumb Rich Guy Bar and saw a weird old guy come out looooaded with what looked expensive shit,  but she really wanted his pocketwatch which from her experience was mad expensive. so she did her lil routine and THOUGHT she stole the watch but LOL SPIDERMAN MEME, he stole the watch back and the ring she was wearing AND HIS BODY GUARD HAD A GUN PLACED ON HER. MMM WHATCHA SAY
so turns out the weird old guy she tried to steal from was VLADIMIR DOSTOYEVSKY!!!! THE HEAD OF THE RUSSIAN FUCKING MAFIA. yiiiiikes! lmao she was like cool im gonna die but he was like hold up, u chose the pocket watch, the only real and valuable thing i was wearing ... i like u ur smart u have fire, u remind me of my dead wife  YOU WILL BE MY SUCCESSOR ur name is now mischa for my unborn son and i will teach u the ropes
so there is no more xia, only mischa, basically adopted by vladimir who she calls dad/nana and who calls her rabbit as a nickname (they play monopoly every night and VLAD CHEATS EVERY TIME BRO). she is the only girl in the bratva aka The Brotherhood which is what the russian mafia is called. shes kind of their wendy. shes worshipped outwardly but theres probably a lot of people that hate her ... which leads me to ........PAPA DYING! BIG RIP OG PAPA! he was poisoned at dinner and people say it was the italians but mischa is sure it was an inside job
bc of vlad dying *pour one out for vladdy daddy* mischa is head of the bratva aka russian mafia they call her PAPA bc thats how people refer to the mob boss SO SDHLLKDSH
ALSO PLOT TWIST! originally the plate that killed her dad was the plate she was given but he switched with her bc his piece of chicken was bigger and he wanted her to have it :((((( SO THE POISON PLATE WAS HER PLATE SO SOMEONE WAS TRYNA KILL HER DUN DUN DUNNNNNNN
ok here are HCS they are from the bottom of my app xx
nicknames include who’s your papa, big papa and daddy purely because it’s iconic. but also she is probably that gifset where rihanna is talking abt how shes a bad bitch w top energy but is a massive bottom ahdlaks
mischa i think has to look a certain way of looking when dealing w the mob ( sort of girl boss, designer clothes, femme fatale ) but i think she is relatively unlady-like and prefers ratty jeans, plaid skirts, flannels, black combat boots, messy ponytails and the like when she’s relaxing. reminds her of life before.
practices makeup on dmitri and boris (her body guards) who complain a lot but also love her xoxo 
owns a very big fluffy, luxurious cat named perogi, he’s her son, a gift from dear old dad. 
has a pretty severe drinking problem ( vodka on the rocks is the poison ) after her father died and sleeps with a gun ( although i think she's better with a knife )
thus can drink you under the table also swears like an old sailor man ( is working on it, the whole mob sighs when she calls japanese businessmen idiot douche canoe fuckbags to their faces during monthly debt collections )
mischa can speak 5 languages in order to speak to people all over the world: madarin ( from her childhood ), english, russian ( mob ), spanish and french. 
pansexual queen and i want to say scorpio 
she’s grateful obviously to папа doing more off the grid, low quality criminal stuff without supervision because she is a truant, tramp, scam artist cat burglar klepto at heart <3
cinnamon roll meme: looks like she could kill you and would probably kill you
so i want to say she probably met the star of the show doing something where she snuck out at night with her bodyguards not knowing, wore her civilian clothes, blended in kept her head down because she missed freedom and accidentally met them out there like that under a pseudonym to hide her mafia life/continued to sneak out to see them like that before being exposed. very double life stuff angsty secret mafia princess stuff. we love hannah mon-mafia.
scared her parents will resurface/past will resurface ( supposedly папа bribed the police but . . . karma is a bitch )
has A LOT of suitors meant to strengthen The Empire and bridge conflicts between mobs but cares little, them: 💕, her: hocks a loogie and wipes on pants … she SUCSKSSKSS
has burped at important business dinners before and simultaneously has brought massive mafiosos to their knees. literally will have your dick cut off if you say something misogynistic, racist or something about her father :) she has a collection. ( its a big collection, but still quite little if you know what i mean )
rumored to have killed a man with the sharp end of her louboutin.
has a slight accent just from being surrounded by it constantly and word switches
smells like cinnamon and scraped knees
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