strawberryarts · 6 months
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Heyy everyone please ignore the ignore how I drew the hands TwT
But anyways have some more lore of my wick au
(Ps: the girl that's telling Tim off is my wick oc :3)
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kitap-ruyasi83 · 7 years
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#alinti 💥 " Teşekkürler," dedi Paige. Elimi uzattım. " David Raker." Elimi sıkıp sorgulayan bir ifadeyle kaşlarını çattı. " Raker. Bu ismi daha önce nerde duymuştum?" "Muhtemelen bir küfürle beraber." Kaşlarını iyice çattı. " Kayıp şahısları buluyorum. Ve bu çoğu zaman-" " Metropolitan'ı yetersiz gösteriyorsun anlamına geliyor." "Siz diyorsunuz, ben değil," dedim gülerek. . . #kitapyorumu 👉 Tim Weaver 🍁 Düello #okundubitti Tam anlamıyla teketek bir DÜELLO ya şahit oldum! Baştan sona kurgusuyla bir kez daha gönlümü çaldı sevgili yazarım. Adamda ki kurgu kafasına cidden hayranım. Yani olayları öyle bir yerden aldı getirdi ki ağzım açık sayfalara bön bön bakaraken buldum kendimi. Araştırmacımız David Raker yine iş peşinde. Bu kez yabancısı olmadığımız biri çalıyor kapısını. Diğer kitaplardan tanıdığımız Başmufetiş Melanie Craw, kayıp babasının bulunmasını istiyor. Pişmanlıklar, aşklar, uyuşturucu kartelleri, kafayı bozmuş manyaklar daha bir çok şey bir araya ustaca geliyor. Dördüncü bölümden sonra olaylar öyle bir gelişiyor ki nabzım dört nala attı durdu. Çok çok güzeldi. Serinin okuduğum diğer dört kitabı ne kadar iyiyse bu onlardan çok daha iyiydi. Polisiye gerilim okumayı seven varsa mutlaka okumanızı tavsiye ederim. . . #ephesusyayinlari #timweaver #thedeadtracks #okudumvebitti #bookstagram #instagram #blogger #instablogger #likebook #likeforlike #likeforfollow #book #kitap #reading #bookstagrammer #okudum #DavidRaker
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bouncingtigger10 · 7 years
New Post has been published on The Bouncing Tigger Reads
New Post has been published on http://www.tiggerreviews.com/what-are-memories-made-of/
What are memories made of?
Richard has disassociative disorder amnesia and has asked Raker, a PI who specialises in missing persons, to find out who he is.
Raker delves into what Richard knows – or believes that he knows – but starts to become suspicious about some of the people who have been helping Richard find his identity.
The story is slightly confusing at the beginning as there are sub-stories being told also which are inserted into the text, randomly it would appear, between the main chapters. But by half way through the book, if you persevere, which I did as I became fascinated by what was being discovered by Raker, the links become clear. Maybe if you had read previous books in the Raker series this is a typical method of storytelling by the author and it would not have impacted in the same way. But I haven’t.
Nonetheless, you did not need to know anything more about Raker other than he was very persistent even when threatened with violence and even when actual violence was performed upon him. He admitted to being scared but still he went on his voyage of discovery.
I really wanted to know how Richard came to be found on the shore and why his memory was missing and the story drew me in. Twists and turns and unexpected events trap you into reading yet more and not putting the book down.
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tokyodreamer9 · 7 years
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Chilling at #pretamanger whilst looking over my new #books (Future note to myself: avoid bookshops) stupid buy 1 get 1 half price deal 😑 There were so many choices and yet I had to go for the dark #murder #mystery #novels I need to pick happier books. 🙄 #spoils by #brianvanreet #thechoice by #samanthaking #areyousleeping by #kathleenbarber #iammissing by #timweaver (at Gatwick, Bromley, United Kingdom)
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muatyland · 2 years
Il pezzo mancante | Tim Weaver 
Il pezzo mancante | #TimWeaver  Amazon -> https://amzn.to/3IXB8m0
Rebekah Murphy ne sa abbastanza… Sa di avere un segreto. Questo lo sa. Quello che è sepolto nella sua mente è il motivo per cui qualcuno sta cercando di ucciderla. C’è solo un problema. Non sa quale sia questo segreto. Intrappolata su un’isola abbandonata, a centinaia di miglia dalle sue figlie, con un assassino sulle sue tracce, Rebekah deve sopravvivere abbastanza a lungo da capirlo. Anche se…
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iosonoleggendo · 4 years
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MORTE SOSPETTA⠀ ⠀ Recensione di Chiara⠀ ●⠀ Autore: Tim Weaver⠀ Anno: 2010⠀ Genere: Thriller⠀ Editore: Fanucci⠀ Formato: Kindle⠀ ●⠀ Trama: ★★★☆☆⠀ Personaggi: ★★☆☆☆⠀ Stile di Scrittura: ★★☆☆☆⠀ Facilità di Lettura: ★★★★☆⠀ Coinvolgimento: ★★★☆☆⠀ Originalità: ★★★☆☆⠀ Edizione: ★★☆☆☆⠀ VOTO FINALE: ★★★☆☆⠀ ●⠀ Dopo la morte di sua moglie, l’ex reporter David Raker cerca di rimettere insieme i pezzi della propria vita risolvendo su commissione i casi di persone scomparse. Il caso di Alex Towne è uno di questi: in realtà, Alex però risulta essere morto in un incidente d’auto. Pur sapendo che si tratta di un caso disperato, David accetta l’incarico quando la madre di Alex gli confida di essere certa di aver visto il figlio in strada un anno dopo la sua morte. Il protagonista è un uomo pronto a sacrificare la propria routine quotidiana per buttarsi nella mischia, ricca di colpi di scena, cambiando drasticamente la propria visione della vita per poter scoprire la semplice e dura realtà. Pagina dopo pagina, personaggio dopo personaggio, il lettore si troverà intento a sopravvivere a un calvario crudele e senza senso, scoprirà verità nascoste e occultate per anni, giri di persone, votate alla ricerca di una redenzione che si traduce come insolenza nei confronti della vita stessa.⠀ ●⠀ Citazione: «Non voglio alimentare una falsa speranza che potrebbe farle male.»⠀ ●⠀ #MorteSospetta #TimWeaver #bookstagram #booklover #instabook #bookstagrammer #libro #libridaleggere #librichepassione #consiglidilettura #leggerefabene #bookstagramitalia #librodelgiorno #recensionelibro #ioleggo #bookslover #book #books #reading #bookworm #bookish #bookaholic #bookphotography #reader #bookshelf #instabooks
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musescore-com · 7 years
MuseScorer of the month: TheLight OI
Welcome to August’s edition of “MuseScorer of the month.” This is your chance to get to know one of MuseScore.com’s many brilliant members each month of the year. We’re featuring a wide variety of composers and types of music in this series, as well as some members who use MuseScore to transcribe and share public domain sheet music. Last month, we introduced you to Tim Weaving. This month, meet Chinese-Canadian composer/pianist Liyang Yang, aka TheLight OI!
How did you discover MuseScore?
Back in 2013, I was going to perform as part of a 500-spectators concert for which I challenged myself to transcribe my solo composition into printable sheet music. I immediately devoted myself to this unbelievable software. Slowly but steadily, I built up my own song list. How could I have thought of having a fanbase consisting of several hundreds of passionate composers, transcribers and arrangers four years later?
What motivates you to compose?
My first two pieces were arrangements (they are still on the website) that I was deeply proud of. I think that’s why I kept on going with MuseScore, and upgraded to a Pro membership. Before that, I had created an alternate account.
Practicing should be as enjoyable as composing, so I spend my time practicing as well.
I regularly discover amazing works by fellow MuseScore users, and being passionate about music and having a keen sense of creativity, with MuseScore I found myself reliving the pleasures of my childhood. What a truly wonderful community MuseScore is!
What is your typical composing workflow like?
If I have a melody in my mind, I make a recording of it first, and then listen to the recording when notating it. (This method is very ear-training-oriented.)
I highly recommend using the piano keyboard function (in the software) for composers of any level to construct melodies. You can benefit a lot from this combination of tools to create sheet music. I suggest the best way to come up with a melody is through imagination. Give it some time. Listening to some well-known classical music would help too.
What have you shared on MuseScore.com that you’re most proud of?
The piece that I treasure the most is without doubt Star of The North. Although it is not the one with the most favorites, the critics (including myself) seem to think this piece really stood out.
Secondly, twelve hours of work built a piece that can be interpreted as light-hearted desolation.
As it is near Father’s Day [editor’s note: it was at the time of writing], I particularly want to share the song I wrote for my father.
And finally, the piece that is my most viewed, Flow of Water.
Nevertheless, every piece is the fruit of hard labor. The same amount of input leads to different kinds of output; a not-so-successful song still leads me to gain experience and enjoy the wonderful process of composition.
Star of The North by TheLight OI
Watch for our next MuseScorer of the month in September!
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strawberryarts · 2 months
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Heyyy everyone it's been a hot minute I've been suffering from writer's block and art block over and burnout on top of it but I'm back now here have a drawing of an aftermath battle of Caroline and Mallory Forgive me if it's not any good I'm not that good at drawing tears and rips because i sometimes too big or too small I've tried anyways see you my next post^^!!
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kitap-ruyasi83 · 7 years
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#alinti 💥 " Yoluna çıkmış olduğumu fark etmedim." Gülümsedi. " Bu hoş." "Ciddiyim." Bana geri döndü, bir eli sakalında geziniyordu. " Burada ne tür köylü salaklarla muhatap olduğunu bilmiyorum David ama senin evinde ortaya çıkmış olan o balıkçı, daha önce parçalarını toplamaya çalıştığım o vakanın epey büyük bir parçasıydı. Hani şu cesedin lanet kıyıya vurduğu vaka?" Yumuşak konuştu ama sinirliydi. " Seninle hiç bir alakası olmayıp da her nasılsa hep sana rastladığım başka bir vaka. Merak ediyorum, temel İngilizce'yi anlamakla problemin mi var yoksa mahsus mu bilmezden geliyorsun?" . . #kitapyorumu 👉 Tim Weaver 🍒 Dönüş Yok kitabını #okudumbitti Yine harika bir David Raker hikayesi okudum. Bir önceki kitaptan hatırlıyorsunuzdur, David ciddi bir yar almıştı. O ciddi yaralanmanın ardından doğduğu kasabaya kafa dinlemeye gider. Tabi meslek aşkı orda da peşini bırakmıyor. Bir gün Lise aşkı kapısını çalar ve ortalıktan sessiz sedasiz kaybolan kızkardeşi, kızkardeşinin eşi ve iki çocuğunu bulmasını ister. Kurgu yine harika yine harika ❤ Gözümü kırpmadan okudum. Bir fotoğraf düşünün üç eski dostun çekildiği bir fotoğraf ve fotoğrafta olmaması gereken bir detay. Tim Weaver kitaplarının kurguları tartışmasız harika ama bu harikadan da öteydi 🍒 İyi ki elimde Düello kitabı da var, okumak için çok fazla bekletemeyeceğim zira şok olunası bir yerde bitti 😢 David Raker ile tanışmayan kaldı mi bilmem varsa büyük kayıp.. Mutlaka okunması gereken bir seri. Okuyun... Okutun . Sevgiler ❤ Asi #kitapyorumum #okudumvebitti #bookstagram #instagram #blogger #instablogger #likebook #likeforlike #likeforfollow #book #kitap #reading #bookstagrammer #timweaver #thedeadtracks (Of Cumhuriyeti Kutsal Topraklar)
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strawberryarts · 2 months
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Heyy everyone how are doing today? i have come baring more angst because i didn't my oc through trauma yet anyways see you in my next post :3!!
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strawberryarts · 5 months
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Heyyy everyone it's me again and I attempted to draw Benny again and he came so much and I want to thank @lorinstella for helping me with this drawing i can't thank them enough 😭🙏
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strawberryarts · 4 months
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Heyy everyone how are you doing today and I decided to share another rendered art piece of Caroline and Mallory because I'm of how the lighting came out in this one^^!!
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strawberryarts · 6 months
Here's something I've been working
I've been working a wick fanfic I've post the prologue on here and I've recently uploaded chapter one and I'm currently working on chapter two
But here's the link below^^
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strawberryarts · 2 months
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𝑰𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒓𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒆𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒅𝒐𝒎𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒚 𝑾𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝑨𝒖 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒄𝒂𝒓𝒍𝒆𝒕𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒅𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑾𝒊𝒅𝒐𝒘 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒅𝒐𝒎^^!!!
𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑨𝒖 𝒉𝒂𝒅 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒊𝒏 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒆^^!!!
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strawberryarts · 4 months
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Hey everyone it's been a minute I've been busy it's been since I've dropped a fully rendered drawing so here have an eye and name reveal of my twin wick ocs yall saw on my sketches I've posted before^^!!
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strawberryarts · 4 days
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