#tina would also like easy a and ten things i hate about you sorry i can see her enjoying kinda silly movies like that
valorant-reverie · 3 years
Wayhaven Frights - Stormy Night
You can also read this on my AO3, found here.
Vallory and Felix share a scary story on a stormy night... What could possibly go wrong?
It is impossible to imagine that I would ever find a secret underground bunker to be cosy. And yet here I am, curled up on the sofa of the living room with a steaming mug of hot chocolate cradled in my hands as Felix leans into me. We’re sharing a blanket and enjoying the white noise of the downpour of rain on the bunker’s concealed roof, both content to say nothing for a while. The carriage clock on the mantle ticks away as seconds pass, drifting into a minute….
But if I know anything by now about Felix, it’s that an extended silence is beyond his comfort zone.
“So,” he says after a beat, only a moment later than I expected him to finally succumb, “know any good scary stories?”
The question coaxes a chuckle out of me. “Seriously?”
“Felix, you’re a vampire. ”
He laughs, his amber eyes sparkling with the mirth he practically runs on. “Yeah, so? That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy a good scary story.”
“Not when you can disprove half the things I might think of.”
He groans. “Come on, I thought you were fun. All this logic is making you sound like Ava.”
It is hardly surprising anymore that his persistence wears me down so easily. I don’t pay any mind to the comparison - in truth, I could probably do with being a little more like our favourite Commanding Agent in my mother’s eyes - and ponder instead on a good tale to spin.
Perhaps the weather inspires me, or perhaps it’s because I am already inside the home of four particularly impressive vampires, but I already know exactly how I’m going to start. I set my mug down on the nearby coffee table and clear my throat, settling back into the plush sofa as I begin.
“It was a dark and stormy night--”
“Wow. Original.” Felix interrupts with a snort, and then waves a hand in apology when I frown at him, “Sorry, Val. Go on.”
I laugh softly as I start over. “It was a dark and stormy night, and Tina’s car had broken down on the side of the road in the middle of the worst rain Wayhaven had seen in years. As the headlights spluttered out, she managed to dig her phone out of her pocket and turn on the torch. Just as the beam lit up, she thought she saw a shape darting through the trees beside the road - but it must’ve just been a shadow cast by the thin glimpse of light through the harsh rain falling around her.”
Pausing only for a moment, I spare a glance at Felix. He’s listening, and has tugged his end of the blanket up a little tighter to his chin.
I’ve got him.
The story is easy to recite. I can recall most of the details from when Tina first shared it with me, when she had crashed at mine once during our days as partners on the beat. It’s almost strange to think back to a time when the supernatural mysteries of the world were only a fiction, when I didn’t have four close friends that happened to be vampires.
Well, three friends, and… whatever Mason and I might call ourselves.
Don’t get distracted, Val.
A steady breath steels my nerves enough to continue in the telling, and I lean closer so that I might lower my voice as more of the story flows from me.
“Tina realised a moment too late that she was in one of the many dead spots around town; no signal, which meant no way to call for help. She would have to endure the night in her car and hope that the bad weather passed before the battery ran out. Wishing that she had thought to get her winter coat from her locker back at the station earlier in the day, she wound her seat back to lay against it and closed her eyes, hoping she would open them again to her rescue.”
Felix manages a laugh, though I can hear the slight tremor in the sound. “She was fine, right? I mean, someone would’ve noticed she was missing.”
“It was almost midnight. And she was booked to have the next day off - no one would’ve noticed if she didn’t turn up in town the next morning.” I explain, shaking my head. “To make matters worse, she only had about ten percent charge left on her phone. And that’s when something knocked on the window.”
His eyes go wide. “What… What was it? Did someone see her, and stop to help?”
“Tina told me that when she turned to look, because obviously the sound had startled her, whoever or whatever had tapped the glass was gone.”
“Probably just a leaf. Or a twig that was knocked loose by the wind.” Felix mumbles.
“That was when she saw two red eyes glowing in the bushes only a few feet from her car.”
The door bangs open, and the two of us yell wordlessly. The blankets flurry around us and we both scramble to be free of them, our eyes wide on the intruder into the common room in case we have to assess the best way to escape--
“What the fuck are you two doing?” Mason growls. His hair is scraped back from his face in a messy tie, his chest bared, wearing a pair of slate grey tracksuit bottoms. “I can hear both your hearts hammering from down the hall.”
Once Felix recovers, he starts to laugh, and as usual the sound is so infectious that I can’t help but join in. Soon enough we’re both lost to the giggles of relief that wash over us, and Mason grunts with frustration as he rolls his eyes and marches back out, slamming the door behind him as he goes.
“I should… go and apologise. For disturbing him.” I gasp, once I have recovered enough to speak at all.
Felix grins, not at all affected by the breathlessness as I am. “Apologise, huh? Is that what you guys call it?”
My own eyes roll as I prise myself away from our haphazard nest on the sofa, and I wander out into the hall with Felix still chuckling behind me. As much as I hate to admit it, he’s probably right about one thing; I’m going to have to be pretty creative to make up to Mason for this.
And that has my pulse racing for a very different reason.
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calypsoff · 3 years
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All Robyn does is have her friends here, so I came into the bedroom to get some peace because first Mel comes, Tina I understand because that is her assistant and she needs to be around but then Jen comes, and then Yusuf is here, the other Mel guy and now she’s telling me Noella is coming for what and mind you these niggas are staying in this apartment which has three bedrooms, it’s just too much. Why do these people need to be here, for what. They aren’t being productive, they are here just to have fun and talk shit, like I can’t even sit in peace without someone saying something trying to be funny, I am trying so hard not to be miserable, I am really trying but when Robyn said Noella is coming too that annoyed me, where are these people staying. Why are we not getting any privacy, why does these people need to be here, and I am being very miserable but it’s just annoying, we just got married why “fuck” I said to myself, I know what Robyn will be like she will say I am being negative, and they are here for something, I am sorry, but I shouldn’t be climbing over people that are here being bums, there are doing nothing productive. I need to just shake it off, I have too. Unlocking my phone and seeing the home I want to get for my family, I always wanted to get a home for them, and this is the moment I can, I am not doing anything until I can do this for my family, the home they live in is not it, it’s ok me living here when they live in that small ass home in VA, I will be moving them and it’s a nice place in VA, they will love it. When the money hits the account I will be getting this for them, it’s six bedrooms too, if I live good so will my family. They can also move away from my nosey ass family members; they can fuck off.
Walking out of the bedroom, I ended up having a nap because I just didn’t want to sit with her friends, I just really can’t be bothered. My therapist is on holiday, who told that man he could go away on holiday, what if I really needed him but it’s all good, I can last “I thought you left the house Chris” Yusuf said, shaking my head walking around the couch, this apartment is small as hell already but who am I “this nigga just sleeps and comes out of the bedroom, and then goes back into the bedroom” opening the fridge door “and all y’all do is the eat the damn food in the place” closing the fridge door “what am I going to eat?” staring at Robyn “order something in” she half laughed because her little crew is laughing, I don’t know what is happening “I want you to cook me something” I am being dead ass too, I am being awkward of course but I am being dead ass “you just said there is no food in the house, what do you want me to make? Pour you the cereal” this is why I go gym; this shit I can’t deal with “what is the point in getting married huh” I was going to hit the cup off the counter, but I didn’t “I am going gym” I need too, I want some peace and I can’t get it here. I know Robyn is used to having her friends around but still, this is stupid “I will be back” hearing Robyn say, not like I want to speak to her so she can leave me alone. Closing the bedroom door, I was going to slam it close but I didn’t, I am learning.
Taking my top off and throwing it to the corner of the bedroom, I just find it annoying that they are here. I need some space right now and I ain’t getting it, opening the closet “what is wrong with you now?” Robyn said, I knew she would come “nothing, I am going to gym. I will leave you to your friends” grabbing the tee from the side “you also threw your top when I told you I hate when you throw your clothes on the floor, I did tell you that but yet you did it, what is wrong with you Chris” putting my tee on “well it’s on the floor” closing the closet doors “I am not going to let you leave until you talk to me Chris, this is ridiculous, why the hell are you being this way? You’re being so grumpy for what? I am trying with you” placing my hands on my side staring at her “why is your friends here? You said to me yeah that I should go to see a therapist yeah and then you got all your friends here making noise, we are married. I am here with you; I have nobody, and you have all your people here. For the past two days, I have had nowhere to sit, no space or anything. You tell me why they are here?” I didn’t raise my voice, I am trying to be calm “because after we check the homes we are leaving to London, so they stay here, this is what they always do, they like you Chris. They do get you involved do they not?” I sighed out, of course she was going to say this.
I can’t really be bothered with this conversation anymore but I need too because it’s just going to build up “I just feel annoyed ok, there is not enough space for your friends, I don’t want to say no because then I look selfish but I am sick of suffering and having to suffer just so your friends can have a laugh, and also I found a home for my family to live in that I am going to buy” Robyn tilted her head “are you telling me or asking me? I think you’re telling me aren’t you?” she frowned “asking” I mumbled “it’s not what you said it’s how you said it Chris, right. I will sort it out and they will be out, but I need you to not have a attitude with me about it because you don’t want to mention something you could have said to me ages ago, you know this. Why are you trying to create an argument? Tell me? What is the reason. So let’s rewind this Chris, you should have told me this from the jump. Right when I said they are coming to stay over, you should have said Robyn I accept Mel but the rest no, the place is small and right now I need my space. The issue with you is that you don’t speak, you don’t tell me until you want to burst about it. I get it and I will sort that out, see how easy that is but now you are making decisions about a whole house you want to buy for your family is wrong, we are married Chris. It’s a joint account, we do shit together. Things like that I expect you to tell me before you jump, we speak on things not do things and then you tell me what you are going to do. I have always said to you that your mouth will get you in trouble, it’s always so loose and for what? We could have spoken on it, it’s that’s easy Chris. I know how much you want to buy a home for your family, and you think I’m going to say no? Is that what it is? I am happy you want to do that for your family, it’s the sweetest but it’s the way you say it to me. You’re married Chris, we do shit together, and I want you to speak to me. I know you’re feeling a type of way about things, but you need to speak to me, my friends are joking with you. I get it the apartment is small, and don’t worry I will sort it” Robyn walked off in a huff, she is angry with me.
I dislike Robyn being mad with me, so I won’t be going anywhere that is for sure, now I need to face the music and go outside and face her friends for my own stupidity. Making my way out of the bedroom, she is right because I do adore her friends. They are good people but it’s just I need the space; I think it was just so quick that it all happened. I did wait for like a good ten minutes before I left the bedroom, Robyn is laughing loud as hell, I don’t know why “erm, Robyn. Can I speak to you?” I asked, Robyn knew. The look on her face showed me she knew I was coming “yep” Yusuf side eyed me “you in the bad books again Christopher” shaking my head smiling, turning away from them to walk back into the bedroom. Robyn could have actually told me to fuck off, my mouth is stupid, and I can never help myself with that. Rubbing the back of my head turning to Robyn “I am sorry, I was very irritated, I tried to deal with it without having to throw your friends out, I really wanted to just deal with it but I can’t, I am sorry. And the way I spoke to you, it’s wrong, it’s your money as much it is mine and just doing that is no good” Robyn closed the door “I am not saying no, I am saying you have to speak to me. If I checked and that was missing and you just did it behind my back, how wrong is that, it’s unfair. If we start doing that then our marriage is not going to work, we are married now Chris, it works both ways” I nodded my head “I am sorry” I apologised again “and they know, I said it’s a bit too much. I am married now and when I get the home, it will be better. Ok?” nodding my head walking over to Robyn, she hugged me straight away “I really wish you just speak to me on things Chris” I am dumb with this shit.
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We are finally going to see two houses Matt has found, I am so excited, but I am annoyed with Chris. I mean I am ok with him but the way he speaks can be so mean, he knows how to be an asshole sometimes and that never goes away from him, no therapy will help that “you did tell him no downstairs bedroom yeah?” Chris asked “you know I did, you were there with me when I said. Show me, the home you have seen for your family, it is in VA?” I asked, I thought I need to ask what he has seen. I am super proud of him that this is the first thing he wants to do for his family but just the way he said it, like if I just let it slide he will continue to do it “yeah, I will show you” he got super excited about it too, I am happy for him because it’s a big milestone in your life to do that for your family “how much is it? The home in that area isn’t that expensive is it really? I mean the amount we will pay in Cali will be crazy high” I said “it will be, but this home is about eight hundred thousand, but just look at it, for that price, six bedrooms” grabbing his phone from him “oh it’s already nice, this look like some presidential type thing, this is nice Chris” sliding across the pictures “oh yes, look at that entrance, wow. The chandelier too. This is beautiful, I like the way you walk in and the stairs are just there, it’s beautiful. Also I think it’s best for your parents to be somewhere better, with everything that will probably happen, they may get harassed because of you” passing his phone back “yeah, so is it ok if I do go ahead with it? Will you be here when we do it? Please” nodding my head “for you I will, I may have to fly back. I will be in London, but I will ok?” Chris smiled “thank you, so how long you planning to be in London for? It seems like a while, I am worried now” I cringed a little “well uhm, Chris it’s going to be a lot of meetings and stuff, maybe a month? I am saying that but could be, but this will give you chance to sort yourself out with things, meaning your business ok?” Chris nodded his head; I want him to sort himself out.
Chris saw it from his very own eyes that we entered a private estate, he saw the security guards. I wanted him to see that “these homes look crazy around here” seeing Matt stood outside his Rolls Royce, he must have been waiting for a while here. Rich got out of the car “is this the home here?” Chris pointed “I think so” Rich opened my car, sliding out of the car “Rihanna! My love, we meet again” he got his arms out to me “yes we do, we meet too many times now, I shouldn’t even use you after the last one” I pointed at him but then hugged him “and I feel awful that happened, I did all the leg work to sell that, and I promise to make this extra special” moving back from the hug “and this is your husband, hi Chris” Matt held his hand out to Chris “hi, nice to meet you” they shook hands “so it’s weird but it seems like everyone is out to look for homes, I have struggled. I won’t lie to you both, I have been struggling to get something perfect for you both as a family, but then this came up here and another in Beverly Hills again, both gated” he has bad news, I have a feeling “the thing we have with this, it’s eight bedrooms but has 2 acres of ground itself surrounding the home so you will get plenty of privacy” eight bedrooms, Chris will dislike that alone.
Side eyeing Matt “you didn’t need to make us walk up the drive” it’s really big “imagine the cars Chris. You will have so much space huh?” looking up at him, I am trying to sell it to him because for the privacy alone this is nice “well I wanted you to get a feel for how much space there is here, you could even build? I mean you wouldn’t need too but come in” it has a beautiful set of double doors here, I like it. Letting Chris’ hand go as I stepped into the house “as you enter, it’s all marble and it leads straight into the hallway and into the first living room” looking down the hallway, it’s nice already “greenery, you have plenty of it. Pool/spa, entertainment system which has a bowling alley, snooker, bar. Fountain which you walked by, sauna, gym, wine cellar. Also a guest house, I know Robyn has a lot of friends she likes to have over, that alone has three bedrooms. Come in, explore” I know Chris, he isn’t going to like it because it’s too big, but he will have space but also I don’t want to move again but I will listen to him if he dislikes it, I have too.
The only thing he got happy about was the basketball court outside, he looked so giddy about it. What is he like, only Chris would be happy about this “so, tell me” Chris chewed on his bottom lip with his hands stuffed in his pockets “it’s too big, even with your family and friends being here there is too much space. And when we’re alone it’s just too much, pointless in a way. I am not like that at all, just not me” Chris shook his head “the home is nice, really is but for us no. I don’t feel like it’s homie either, it’s like when you’re young and dumb and you buy it for your friends to just chill in. I would be uncomfortable to be alone” tilting my head to the side “Chris you know I will be away for a while; you will be alone. I think you should invite your friends here or you go Houston. I don’t know or think you are ready to be alone in any home we get Chris” I don’t think he is “I ain’t going to be a little bitch about things, but I don’t like this house, so it is what it is” he shrugged “I am not judging you Chris, I am just thinking of you so please don’t take it to heart” he is getting so uptight now “well I can handle myself” nodding my head “yeah you can” let him get on with it, I can’t be bothered to even argue with him about it.
This is the second home on the other side of Beverly Hills which is gated “least this doesn’t have a huge drive” the gate opened and the SUV drove in “this looks more suitable” some positivity, Rich opened the door for me “good to hear for once” getting out of the car “now this is six bedrooms both of you, close enough to five!” Matt said, walking around the SUV “well Chris said it was suitable actually” Matt clasped his hands together “please, before I take you both anywhere you need to see the back yard of this house” Matt is too excited, he is really making us walk through the house and not see it through “just come” Chris held my hand, the double doors here are again gorgeous “but I want to see the home Matt” he jogged out the double doors and to the back yard “this is a feature Rihanna and Chris, just look!” he spat, making out way out to the back yard “impressive 2-story wall of glass and serpentine staircase going up, just look how beautiful. And at night it lights the yard, the chandelier alone costs a lot” my eyes widened “this looks amazing, you’re right. Chris” looking up at him “I have a good feeling about this home, it’s just not doing the most but yet it is, you know what I mean?” nodding my head “so throughout the home it has dark custom wood floors throughout which gives depth to every room against the light white walls and high ceilings. If you noticed?” Matt said “I did, I liked it” Chris actually likes something “formal dining room complete with dramatic wall-of-wine, private office, freshly remodelled chef's kitchen completes with a glass framed breakfast nook looking out upon the outdoor grounds. A master suite with newly renovated bathroom, dry sauna, large his/hers walk in closets I know Robyn will love that. Basement level with 2 bedrooms, movie theatre, and temperature controlled wine room. Privatized outdoor oasis encompassed by pool, jacuzzi, outdoor dining/entertaining space, pizza oven, full bar, outdoor bathroom, and putting green” he breathed out “I think I do like the sound of it already, it’s just something I know I will be comfortable to stay here. Just the way we came in, everything. Yeah, this is beautiful. How much?” we haven’t even looked and he’s asking that “well it’s right now the price is thirteen million, I have knocked off nine hundred thousand because of what happened prior but thirteen million to you” Chris’ eyes widened “damn, that is expensive” I chuckled, my husband.
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monchikyun · 4 years
09. Voices in my head
“Why did you want to kill me?”
He abruptly sits up to locate the source of the oddly familiar voice, but the world around him is dark and unrecognisable and for a second he can’t even remember who he is. When a cold droplet of sweat fall on his bare chest he finally realises that he’s just a sick loser stuck in a bed, waiting till he stops burning alive so he can bury himself in work.
The time doesn’t move for Gavin anymore, it’s just the perpetual pain that has seized his body, making him weaker than a small baby. He wants to fall asleep and never wake up but there is this voice, the disappointed, accusing voice that takes over his entire mind when he stops paying attention. The problem is he knows exactly who it does belong to. The person he can’t stop dreaming about, whose face is nothing but a distorted mess marred by guilt and something else, longing, perhaps. If he had the strength he’d shut down his pride and apologise to the android with all that is left in his heart. But his bones are too heavy to move and the flames coursing through his blood bar his way out.
And Connor probably has better things to do than listening to an old fool’s regrets anyway.
Gavin never did want to kill him. He just can’t control his actions most of the time, blaming his mistakes on the wretched impulsiveness of his that always ruins everything.
He’ll hear those words again soon, together with screams and pleads for mercy, but never the forgiveness he craves so much. His heart might split open if he finally gets the chance to say those three words, but that would mean he’d have to survive this hell first.
“How are the nightmares?”
Tina is his guardian angel who he hates very much for forcing him to live through this. She takes care of him like the mother who he’s never known should. Changes his soaked sheets and shoves liquefied food into his mouth. Then she sits beside him when the unrestful sleep lays hold of him. Truly despicable. That’s how she knows about his demon, because not telling her wasn’t an option, not after what she had to sacrifice to make sure he stays alive.
He coughs up some phlegm so the words can flow through his throat somewhat smoothly. In reality, he sounds like a dying sailor who spent his life filling his lungs with smoke and screaming swearwords at his mates. Not too far from the truth, actually.
“They’re not getting better.” He lies still while Tina puts another cold, wet towel on his forehead. It shocks him out of his stupor, if only for a couple of seconds. Then he returns back to being ruthlessly simmered.
“I’m sure it isn’t such a big deal for him as you make it out to be.”
“It is to me…,” he sighs and rubs his face in sudden realisation - Tina rarely assumes. “…and where did you get this knowledge from anyway, huh?”
“I asked.”
“You don’t mean…”
…Connor came back to work at the precinct, after all the bad experiences he had gained there. That’s very him. Always so eager to help.
“Yeah, and he gave me this.”
A piece of paper flies toward him, falling on top of his fluffy blanket. The last reminder of the strength he’s been saving allows him to pick it up and read its contents.
A number, not a phone one. So that would imply…
His skin grows more goosebumps as he figures what he just received.
Connor’s model number. An open road to his head, if he answers the call that is. Gavin only knows this thanks to some daft documentary on androids Tina submitted him to, as a payback for his contemptuous behaviour towards them, no doubt. It is easy to torture him when he has no means of defending himself.
“This is your chance to make things right, that is if you have the guts to be decent for once.”
The evil woman smiles at him in a way that betrays her trust for him, making him want to squeeze her tight till she gets squashed and isn’t able to do favours for him anymore. Luckily, he can barely lift a finger so he just tries flipping her off (lovingly, of course), at which he also fails.
It’s been two days since he got the first sign of hope. Forty eight hours of begging himself to make that first step towards mutual tolerance. The voices in his head have quieted down a little, turning into soft words waiting to be returned back. They kept questioning his reluctance, laughing at the coward he is.
He tells himself that he’s waiting till he feels a little less terrible, only recently coming to the conclusion that his remedy could be the dreaded conversation itself.
The crumpled piece of paper is clutched firmly in his shaking hands, together with his phone. He has to do it, there is no other way. His temperature is close to being healthy again and the fog that veils his mind is starting to clear up.
Now or never.
He puts in the numbers in one by one, each new digit making his heart beat a bit faster. When he presses the final button, the thumping sound gets so loud he almost misses the soft “Hello.”
It’s too uncanny to hear this voice not coming from within him.
“Who is this?”
He tries to contain his panic so he can say something that would keep Connor listening. Maybe his name could do, for starters.
“It’s Reed.”
“Good evening, detective Reed.”
The fact that he’s directly in Connor’s head makes him unnecessarily self-conscious. The colour in his cheeks is beyond embarrassing and his eyes turn moist, but that’s probably just his exhaustion’s fault. Besides, that realness of the android’s voice is worth all this and more. 
“I… I have something I want to say to you.” He closes his eyes and the liquid spills out.
“Okay.” Right. There is no telling if he’s truly awake, because what’s the difference between his hallucinations and the real world anymore when everything is so blurry.
“How long am I expected to wait?” Oh that unwithstandable son of a…
It’s just that his mouth refuses to form words, not any other reason. But he has to do it, even as a gesture. If only for a chance of a dreamless night.
“Detective R-“
“I am sorry.” And he can breathe again.
He repeats that sentence ten more times, and then some. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…,” like a scratched record fated to loop his tear-stricken apology forever and ever.
There are only three magic words that can fix it.
“I forgive you.”
Gavin still isn’t sure he has the right to claim them, but he does so anyway.
@convinseptember they don’t even get to physically see each other in this one xD 
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ladywinchester1967 · 6 years
Double the Fun: Part 2
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Title: Double the Fun, Part 2
Links: AO3 & WattPad
Square Filled: Mutual Masturbation
Rating: E for Explicit
Tags: Masturbation, poly-relationship, nosy aunts, SMUT, Jared Fluff, Jensen Fluff. 
Created for: @spnkinkbingo
Part 1 HERE
After last night, I assumed it was a one time deal until the next day when Jared knocked on my bedroom door. When I opened it, he was running a hand through his hair and he looked nervous.
“Hey, what’s up?” I asked, immediately concerned.
“Do you have a second? We wanna talk to you.”
“We?” I asked as Jensen poked his head out from behind Jared’s shoulder. “Oh, sure.” I said and opened my door all the way. They both filed in, after seeing Jared’s worried expression and now looking a Jensen, who had the best poker face on the planet, my heart began to race. Were they going to say the night before was a mistake and that they never wanted to see me again?
Jensen took one look at me and asked “Are you okay?”
“Are you guys mad at me or something?” I asked as I sat on my bed.
Jared’s expression softened and he shook his head.
“No, not at all.” He said and sat beside me, taking one of my hands. “What makes you think that?”
“Just, your expressions and after last night.” I trailed off, it was hard for me to breathe.
“God sweetheart,” Jensen said “you look petrified.”
“We’re not here because of anything bad,” Jared told me “we wanted to talk about last night actually.”
Relief flooded my system and I found my lungs again. I watched as Jensen relaxed and leaned against the wall. Jared cleared his throat and squeezed my hand.
“It’s just that, well, Jensen and I had a long talk and he told me about you two.” He said “And I know you and I have our own thing going, kind of.”
“I like you,” I told him “as more than a friend, if last night wasn’t an indication.”
Jared smiled
“Yeah, I picked up on that.” He said “It’s just that with both him and I,” he paused trying to collect his words. He let out a breath and said “We both like you, and we both want you.”
“But,” Jensen interjected “we’re not trying to make you choose between us, just want that to be clear.”
I was initially confused
“So, we all like each other but you two don’t want me to choose between you?” I asked “What’re you guys saying then?”
“That if you want to, it’s completely up to you,” Jensen said “we,” he motioned between the two of them “want to be with you.”
“Both of you?” I asked “Like TOGETHER together?”
“Well,” Jensen said “not like that, but we both wanna be with you.”
Starting a relationship hadn’t been even on my radar, sure Jensen and I were friends with really, really good benefits; but I figured it would never go beyond that. And Jared? We’d always flirted and joked around, but I’d never considered that it would go beyond that either.
“You both want a relationship with me?” I asked, shocked. It felt like a dream, neither one of these unbelievably attractive, kind guys should be falling for a girl like me. I was ordinary, not even a quarter as attractive as I’d seen either of them date. I expressed this to them and they both cocked their heads to the side.
“You don’t think you’re attractive?” Jensen asked and I shook my head.
“You dated Jessica Simpson for crying out loud!” I exclaimed at him “And you?” I looked at Jared “You dated Alexis Blidel, I’m not even in the same ball park as those two! That’s like going from a Ferrari and a Porsche to a fucking Toyota Corolla!”
They both laughed and then Jared said
“That’s it right there,” and squeezed my hand “you make me laugh because you just act like yourself, all the time.”
“I think you’re a fucking knock out,” Jensen said “so I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“So do I.” Jared added.
I stared at both of them and started to question their sanity.
“You’re sure?” I asked “You two want to be with me?”
They both nodded and Jensen said
“If you want to be with both of us that is. We couldn’t decide and we didn’t want to make you choose.”
I took a deep breath, I knew in my heart that this was more than any one girl could hope for. Two guys that I liked were into me the same way I was into them? This had to be some kind of a dream. Finally I realized, they both looked hopeful.
“I’ve never been with two guys at the same time.” I told them
“We’ve never shared a girl for more than a night or two,” Jared said “but we’ll figure it out.”
“Together.” Jensen added.
I looked from one to the other and in my heart of hearts, this felt right.
“Okay.” I said “I want to.”
We decided to celebrate by going out to a local micro brewery that also served food. After trying some of the local ale and eating some burgers, we took a walk around the quaint little town close to my cabin. It felt like the guys took turns showing me affection, one of them would usually be holding my hand or having an arm around my shoulder while we walked. When we didn’t find anything we couldn’t live without, we headed back to the cabin. That night we all slept in the same bed, with me in the middle. Jensen spooned me while Jared held my hand.
The following weeks went on like this, it felt like nothing had changed between me and the boys except now I was sleeping with both of them instead of fantasizing about it. When we took our mid-season break in February, I decided to go home and visit my parents. I was the youngest of four kids and had moved the furthest away. Living in Vancouver, it was easy to stay busy since a lot of shows and movies filmed there. Since I’d gotten my gig on Supernatural though, I didn’t have to bounce from set to set. Getting back home to Florida was a nice change from the rainy conditions of Canada.
On my first night back, my parents invited some of our other family members over and grilled out in celebration of me coming home. It was nice to catch up with everyone but, of course, my nosy aunt Tina had to ask if I had a boyfriend.
“God damn it.” I thought, I wasn’t prepared to answer questions about my relationship status. I hadn’t even told my parents I was seeing anyone, let alone two guys at the same time. I cleared my throat and took a sip of my drink as Tina laughed.
“Uh oh,” She said “I think Lorelei has herself a fella.”
“No,” I denied “I do not.”
“I can tell by the look on you face,” Tina said “so who is it?”
“No one.” I said with finality in my voice. I knew if I gave Tina an inch, she’d take ten miles. Especially if I said I was dating either Jared or Jensen, I had a feeling she would blab to anyone that would listen.
“Come on Tina,” my Mom finally said “If she says she isn’t dating anyone, she isn’t.”
Tina’s eyes gleamed and I went to go help my Dad with the grill.
Later that night, I was on the phone with Jared. He laughed at Tina grilling me and I huffed.
“It’s not funny Jare,” I said “she’s a person that would never stop asking me questions or worse, go to the media because she thought she had some juicy gossip.”
“Oh,” Jared said “yeah, you’re right. That’s not funny.”
“Thank you for finally acknowledging that.” I said as I rolled my eyes.
“I’m sorry babe,” he said “I didn’t know it was like that.”
“It’s fine,” I insisted as I got comfortable in bed “what’re you doing?”
“Watching football,” He told me “what’re you doing?”
“Laying in bed,” I said as I propped the phone up so that I didn’t have to hold it any more. “I’m about to call Jensen and tell him good night.”
“He’s upstairs,” Jared said, he and Jensen not only worked together but they also lived together “but I will go ahead and tell you good night.”
“Night Jare Bear.” I told him and smiled.
I could hear him rolling his eyes, he hated the nickname but I called him that anyway.
“Night Lo, see you soon.” He said. After hanging up with Jared, I tapped Jensen’s name and waited as the phone rang. Jensen finally picked up and greeted me.
“Hey beautiful.” He said “What’re you doing?”
“Just got off the phone with Jared,” I said “I wanted to call you and tell you good night.”
“You’re so sweet.” He said as I heard some rustling around.
“What’re you doing?” I asked him.
“Trying to decide if I’m gonna watch the game with Jared or go to bed.” he said as he yawned.
“Or,” I said “you can always stay on the phone with me.” He laughed and said
“Yeah, I could do that, why? You doing anything special?”
“I mean, I could.” I told him “Jared was busy with the game but I really, really,” I slowly took my shirt off “need some attention.”
“He’s gonna kill me.” Jensen insisted, sounding apprehensive.
“No he won’t, he said he��d call me after the game.” I said “I already checked since I don’t know how this multiple partner thing works.”
“Oh,” Jensen said “well, then I guess I’m staying up here with you.”
“You wanna get on FaceTime so you can see me?” I asked.
“Fuck yes.” He said “I’ll call you when I get in bed.”
He quickly hung up and I laughed as I waited. Once the request came through to FaceTime, I answered and saw that he was laying against his headboard. His eyes widened when he saw I was in my bra.
“Fuck,” he breathed as he took me in “what else are you wearing?”
“Just some panties,” I said, trying to sound as innocent as possible “wanna see?”
He nodded and I panned the camera down my body, showing off the pink and black boy shorts I was wearing.
“Oh fuck,” he said “I know those.”
He’d picked them out as a gag gift for my birthday, but he hadn’t been laughing when he saw me in them that night.
“Of course you do.” I said as I turned the camera back up to my face “What do you want me to do?”
“You remember that time when I was at JIBCon?” He asked “And you put on a little show for me?”
I did, vividly. We hadn’t been fooling around for very long and I was feeling bold that day.
“You want a repeat?” I asked and he eagerly nodded. “Okay.” I said and placed the phone on my bedside table. I got up on my knees and watched as his jaw dropped. “Like what you see handsome?” I asked him.
“That’s the fucking understatement of the year.” He said, his voice low.
I ran my hands up and down my body, and looked over and checked that my door was locked before I continued and, thankfully, it was. I ran my hands over my shoulders and pulled on my bra straps, letting them fall down.
“Should I take this off?” I asked, tugging at the strap “or should I do this?” I tugged the cups of my bra down, letting my nipples peek out from the fabric.
“Shit,” he moaned as he kept his eyes on me “play with your nipples sweetheart.”
“Like this?” I asked as I rolled them between my thumbs and forefingers, they instantly hardened under my touch.
“Fuck,” he said “yes, just like that, get a little closer so I can see you.”
I did as he asked, I tugged on my nipples and bit my lip to keep from crying out. Watching his reactions to me was even hotter than I remembered. I bit my lip as arousal pooled in my underwear and I let out a little gasp before I took off my bra, baring my chest to him. He groaned and shifted in his position.
“Baby,” he moaned “fuck, you gotta get rid of those.” He said.
“These right here?” I asked sweetly as I tugged at the waistband of my panties.
“Yes, take those off for me.”
I nodded and slowly peeled the silky fabric from my body was he hungrily watched me. Once it was gone, I smiled at him and asked
“You like this?”
“Yes,” He told me “fucking perfect.”
“What do you want babe?” I asked as I slid my hands up and down my body again. He groaned and said
“Show me how wet you are baby girl.”
I nodded and slipped my hand in between my legs, surprising even myself by how aroused I was.
“Mh, fuck.” I said as my arousal gathered on my fingers. I held them up so he could see and his eyes widened in surprise.
“Oh baby, you ARE wet for me, aren’t you?”
“Yes I am,” I told him “what should I do about it?”
“Play with yourself sweetheart,” he said “I wanna see you come for me.”
“Babe, you gotta talk to me,” I begged him “I need you.”
“What do you need sweetheart?” He asked “my hands all over you, touching every inch of your beautiful body?”
“Yes, please.” I told him as I closed my eyes and followed the path I knew he would’ve taken. Down my inner thighs, over the tops of my thighs, over my hips and stomach up to my breasts where I squeezed them in my hands.
“Mh, just like that baby girl,” he said “oh fuck, you’re doing such a good job.”
“Like this?” I asked as I squeezed my breasts again, letting myself moan.
“Yes, just like that.” He said “two fingers inside you sweetheart, just like I do.”
“Mh, I want your fingers inside me,” I moaned “fucking me so good.” I watched as he put his phone aside and took his length in his hand. Through the cotton cage, I could tell he was beyond ready for me. “You want me to talk to you babe?”
“Fuck, yes, please.” He begged as he slid his underwear down, his erection long and proud against his belly as he took his length in his hand.
“Pretend that’s my mouth on you,” I murmured to him as I pushed two fingers inside myself “sucking you good and hard.”
“That’s it,” he said and jerked himself a little harder “talk some more baby.”
“You want me to play with myself while I suck you off?” I asked “Want your cock in my mouth while I play with my little pussy?”
“Yes,” he breathed as he closed his eyes “Yes I want that, fuck I want you.”
“Want you too,” I moaned as I pumped my fingers inside me “oh babe I want you so bad.”
“You close baby?” He asked.
“Talk some more handsome,” I told him “tell me what you wanna do to me.”
“Wanna suck those nipples into my mouth,” he said as his hand moved faster “make those noises I like come out of your mouth.”
I sighed and moaned as my hand picked up the pace.
“Babe, babe,” I moaned “fuck Jensen I want you so bad!”
“Come on sweetheart,” he said “play with that pretty pussy til you come.”
My arousal swelled in my belly, the knot of pleasure becoming too much for me to hold on to. I hooked my fingers just like he would and made the “come here” motion against the rough patch inside me. I bit my lip, trying not to cry out loudly as I shuttered and came hard on my fingers. I watched as Jensen reached his completion, thick ropes of cum spurting onto his belly as he moaned my name.
“Fuck baby,” he sighed “that was hot.”
I tugged my t-shirt and panties back on, picked the phone up and I made my way to the bathroom.
“I can’t wait to come and see you guys,” I told him “I miss you.”
“How many more days?” He asked as he got up, making his way back to his bathroom.
“Two,” I told him “then I’m in Texas with you two.”
Jensen nodded as we both got cleaned up and then said our good nights.
A few hours later, I was awakened by my phone going off. I blinked and realized it was Jared calling me.
“Hello?” I answered sleepily.
“Hey, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.” He said sweetly.
“It’s okay,” I told him with a yawn “how was the game?”
“Texas won,” he told me “just call me in the morning.”
“No,” I insisted as I fought sleep “I wanna talk to you.”
He tutted at me and then said “It’s okay,” in a gentle tone “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”
“Okay,” I said “sweet dreams Jare Bear.”
I heard him chuckle as he said
“Sweet dreams to you too.”
The next day, I still felt bad that I hadn’t done as promised with Jared. I waited until I knew he’d be awake to call him and apologize.
“It’s no big deal,” he said with a yawn “I wasn’t really in the mood anyway.”
“You’re sure?” I asked.
“One hundred percent positive.” He said.
I breathed a sigh of relief as the weighted pit in my stomach finally disappeared.
“I’m so glad I’m the only high strung one in this relationship.” I told him and he laughed into the phone.
That afternoon, my Mom and I had lunch, just the two of us at a local burger joint we both loved and she cleared her throat.
“So, I noticed how you acted with Tina yesterday.” She said. I opened my mouth to defend myself and she held up a hand “I know you don’t want to say anything to her because of,” Mom paused and seemed to mull over her words before she said them “how she can be.” She finally said and then added “I just want to know if you’re happy.”
“Mom, I am,” I insisted “it’s just new and kind of complicated and I don’t want a lot of people knowing because you know how people can be.”
“But I’m not people,” she reminded me “I’m your mother. Tina I get, but who else can you trust besides me?”
Mom had nothing but sincerity and concern radiating from her eyes, instantly crumbling any resolve I had not to tell anyone.
“This is gonna sound strange but, this is what’s going on. The truth okay?” Mom nodded and I went on, taking a deep breath “I’m in a relationship with more than one guy.”
“Do they know?” Mom asked.
“Yes, they know.” I told her “It was their idea if you really want to know. They like me and I like both of them so I’m with both of them.”
Mom took a second to wrap her head around this.
“So you have two boyfriends?” She asked
“Yes.” I answered
“And they’re both aware and okay with it?” She asked and I nodded.
“I know it’s a lot to process but you asked remember?” I reminded her “I know it isn’t conventional or right but I know what’s in my heart.”
“What makes you think it isn’t right?” Mom asked.
“Because one of them I was my fuck buddy before we decided to get together. I don’t want the second guy to feel jealous and I’m worried that’s what’s going to happen and ruin everything.”
Mom took a sip of her drink and thought before answering me.
“Does the second guy know?” She asked “About your relations with the first guy?”
“Yeah he knows.” I said.
She thought this over before going on
“I can understand a little jealously,” she told me “because you and Guy 1 had a thing going before hand, that’s like coming into the middle of the movie and realizing you missed a lot in the beginning.”
“What should I do?” I asked
Mom shrugged
“I’m not sure,” she told me “but you’re happy right?”
“Yes,” I said with a smile “very happy.”
“Then the only thing I can tell you to do is listen to your heart.” she told me.
The next day, I was on a plane to Austin, beyond ready to see Jared and Jensen. While catching up with my family had been great, I missed my men folk. When I got off the plane, Jared was there to collect me from the airport.
“Where’s Jay?” I asked as he climbed into Jared’s truck.
“He met his family to eat, he’ll be back a little later.” Jared said as he palm settled on the inside of my thigh.
“Did you kiss me or something?” I asked as I placed my hand over his.
“Or something.” He said and squeezed my thigh.
When we arrived at Jared and Jensen’s house, Jared pulled his truck into the garage and we climbed out. Once we were inside, he pitched my bag to the side, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I laughed and playfully smacked his behind.
“JARED TRISTIAN!” I yelled as he carried me through the kitchen and up the stairs, my face turning red with laughter and the fact that the blood was rushing to my face. Once we reached the top of the stairs, Jared carried me to his room and kicked the door shut behind him. He placed my back against the door and the heatedly kissed me.
“That’s what I was waiting for,” he said when he broke our kiss “to get you alone so I could kiss you all I want.”
“Mh,” I said “I like the sound of that.”
“I’ve never shared a girlfriend before,” he told me “but I heard you and Jensen the other night.”
There it was, the thing I knew would come back to haunt me.
“I’m sorry,” I told him “I wasn’t trying to make you jealous.”
He squeezed my hands and said
“I know, I’m not, I promise.” He smiled down at me and went on “I just wanted some time alone with you is all.”
“I was hoping we could do that,” I told him “I know Jensen and I had our thing before, but our relationship is so new and I don’t want to make you feel left out or anything.”
“I don’t,” He said “yeah, we share you, but at the same time, my relationship with you is separate from his relationship with you.”
I nodded and we kissed again, his tongue tracing over mine. He quickly unbuttoned my jeans and snaked his hand inside and then into my panties. I quickly slid out of my jeans, his fingers still in my panties as he slid one finger through my soaking folds.
“Fuck, you’re getting worked up already.” He said as we kissed. I nodded and unbuttoned his jeans, slipping my hand into his pants and palming him through his underwear, his half hardened cock sprang to life under my touch.
“You gonna put on a little show for me too?” He asked as we kissed and I nodded.
“You wanna touch me?” I asked “Or you want me to play with myself?”
He shook his head and heatedly kissed me.
“Just talk to me sweet girl,” he said, his voice full of lust “what’re you thinking?”
“I want two fingers,” I complained “I want more, please Jared.”
“You gotta earn another finger.” He said “Tell me how you’re gonna earn it.”
“Mh,” I moaned into the kiss, I pulled my hand out and licked my palm, then plunged it back into his pants “you want me to suck you off while you play with me?” I asked.
“Fuck,” he moaned “yes, I want that.”
“You want me to take you deep in my mouth?” I asked as I jerked him a little faster “Let you fuck my throat?”
“Yes,” he whined “gonna fuck that pretty throat raw.”
“You wanna come in my throat huh?” I asked as I picked up the pace with my hand “Or you wanna fill up my sweet pussy with your cum?”
“Oh fuck me,” he moaned, his finger increasing its speed “that’s it, right there.”
“Yeah you’d like that,” I said “filling up my pretty, little pussy with your cum?”
He pressed a heated kiss on to my lips as I cried out against his mouth.
“Bed, now.” He commanded as he pulled his hand out of my underwear.
I giggled as I turned and he swatted my behind. I jumped and he laughed as I scurried into his bed. He kicked off his shoes and got into bed, crawling on top of me and kissing me. His beard scratched my mouth as I wrapped my arms and legs around him, pulling him close. I felt his hands roll down my body and pull my panties off of me. He kissed down my neck and over my shoulders, taking his time sucking my nipples until I was a writhing mess under him.
“Jared,” I breathed “fuck that feel so good.”
I felt him grin against my skin as he kissed my belly and my hip bones. “Jare, please Jare.” I begged him, my nerves pounding with anticipation. I felt him grin again as his tongue traced little patterns along my hips, his fingers parting my lower lips.
“Fuck,” he moaned “you’re so fucking wet baby.”
“Want you,” I moaned as I writhed against him “I want you so bad!”
He dipped his head down, his tongue lapping against my soaking core.
“Like that?” He asked and then pushed his tongue inside me, turning it in a circle as his fingers followed the same pattern. I could feel myself drenching him as my hips rolled with his tongue. My hands found their way through his silky hair, my fingers tangled in the chestnut locks as he devoured me, his tongue and fingers working in sync. I tried to move my hips faster, trying to get him to speed up his languid pace but he squeezed my hip with his free hand.
“Behave,” He said and looked up “or I’ll tie you to the bed.”
I bit my lip and said
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
He grinned and kissed my inner thigh, sucking a purple mark into my skin, I moaned as I watched him do this. His mouth and hand went back to work, bringing me up higher and higher as I held tight to his hair, moaning and crying out his name as he buried his face into me. I arched my back and threw my head back as waves of passion crashed over me and I let go, gushing into his mouth as he worked me through my release and a cold sweat broke out on my skin. He kissed back up my body and to my lips where he moaned against my kiss.
“You taste,” He said as he kissed me “fucking amazing.”
I kissed him hard as I pushed his pants and underwear down, taking his long length in my hand.
“I want you,” I murmured against his mouth “now.”
“So impatient,” he said with a smile as he pulled his pants and underwear off “you’ll get it baby.”
He immediately slid home inside me, both of us moaning loudly. He gave me a few seconds to adjust to his size as our fingers tangled together. He pinned them by my head and I threw my leg up on to his shoulder, pulling him deeper into me. We kissed hard as his hips started to move, our skin slapping together as we moved. I mewled as he picked up the pace, slamming into me.
“Fuck, fuck, oh fuck!” he said, his head lowering to my chest as he sucked on my nipple.
I cried out his name over and over as we moved together, our languid pace worked into a frenzied one.
“Baby, oh baby.” he cried as he moaned against my skin.
“Jared, fuck, Jared!” I yelled as my back arched again and I could feel the knot in my belly threatening to snap. Jared moaned into my neck as his hips became erratic and he slammed deep into me with a primal groan and let go, clutching me tightly to him as I let go, exploding around him.
I didn’t remember falling asleep, the only indication that I had was a hand brushing my hair off my forehead.
“Lo? You awake sweetie?” I heard Jensen’s voice ask. I slowly opened my eyes and found him laying next to me with a smile on his face. “There’s my girl.” He said and gently kissed my forehead.
“When did you get back?” I asked sleepily.
“A few minutes ago,” he said and pulled me into his chest “Jared said you were up here and I wanted to check on you.”
“How’s your family?” I asked as he laid on his back.
“They’re good, yours?” He asked, his arms holding me tightly.
“I told my mom,” I admitted to him “about you, me and Jared.”
“What’d she say?” He asked.
I sighed and said
“She told me to follow my heart,” I told him “as Moms do.”
He chuckled and kissed my forehead.
“Yeah, moms are good like that.” He said as he settled beside me. I laid my head on his chest, our fingers tangling together.
It’s BAAAAAAACK!!!!!! This story line just won’t leave me alone, but I’m not complaining! Hope you guys enjoyed this and its first part; I have a few more parts planned for you guys. As always, I appreciate your feedback more than you know! Please like and share with your friends, smash that “follow” button if this is your first time here you wanna see more content from me. All my tag lists and boxes are open so if you wanna drop me a line, go ahead and do it!
The Squad:
@waywardbaby​​​ @waywardnerd67​​​ @familybusinesswritingbro​​​ @ain-t-bovvered​​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​​ @unholyqu33n​​​ @dacleverfox​​​ @emoryhemsworth​​​ @bobasheebaby​​​ @deanscarlett​​​ @myinconnelly1​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @imma-winchester-addict​​​​ @purpleskiesandcherrypies​​​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​​​ @animerose96​​​​ @coffee-n-fanfiction​​​​ @drakelover78​​​​ @curly-haired-disaster​​​​ @roonyxx​​​​ @snffbeebee​​​​ @ezilyamuzed​​​​ @mirandaaustin93​​​​ @srsllydunnodoncare​​​​ @latetothewinchesterparty​​​​ @emilyshurley​​​​ @atc74​​​​ @midnightsilverafterdark​​​​ @adoptdontshoppets​​​​ @biawol​​​​ @supernatural-teamfreewillpage​​​​ @spaceystacey123​​​​ @bella-ca​​​​ @clo-heda​​​​ @closetspngirl​​​​ @thekatherinewinchester​​​​ @maddiepants​​​​ @idreamofplaid​​​ @love-those-boys-in-flannel​​ @flamencodiva​​ @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog
Dean/ Jensen:
@spnbaby-67​ @akshi8278​
158 notes · View notes
terriblelifechoices · 6 years
It's the quality, not the quantity, of fic that makes someone a good author and you've got it in spades! And you seem to be an absolutely lovely person on top of that! :) If you want to write a ficlet, I will not say no! We haven't seen a lot of Scary Bastard! Credence, or Extremely Competent and Cutthroat and Brutal Politician!Credence, which are my favorite versions of him. If you'd like to write a fic about his day job of kicking ass and taking names (verbally of course) I'd love to read it!
Aw, thank you!  
I liked the options rather a lot.  Extremely Competent and Cutthroat and Brutal Politician!Credence was easier to write, though, so that’s what I went with.
Fear takes a long time to unlearn.  Ten years after the repeal of Rappaport’s Law, Credence is still having the same argument with politicians about why it was necessary in the first place.
The Woolworth Building, February 1943
It was, perhaps, a little mean to inflict Dag on unsuspecting politicians.  At eight months old, Dagonet’s cuteness was surpassed only by his ability to charm anyone he came into contact with.
Credence refused to feel bad about that.  He would take any advantage he could get.
Also, Dag had just hit the clingy phase, and would dramatically scream and cry if left in the care of anyone who wasn’t Credence, Percival or Jacob.  Credence really hoped Dag grew out of that soon.
Senator Bromwell actually did a double take when he saw Dagonet strapped to Credence’s chest.
Credence met his gaze calmly.  He wasn’t going to start a fight with the senator – that was more Tina’s thing than his – but he’d damn well finish one, if that was what the senator wanted.
The senator did.
“Mr. Graves, forgive me.  You seem to have forgotten that the daycare is downstairs,” Bromwell said, all solicitous concern.
“Have I,” Credence said, disinclined to continue the conversation.
Bromwell didn’t take the hint.  “You can’t possibly be serious,” he said.  “Bringing a baby to a committee meeting is ridiculous.”
“Senator Bromwell, if you find Dagonet’s presence objectionable, you are more than welcome to recuse yourself,” Credence told him.  “I, however, will be attending the meeting.”
“With a baby strapped to your chest.”
“Would you prefer it if he were strapped to yours?  I guarantee neither of you would much care for the experience; Dag’s feeling a bit wary of strangers at the moment.”
“You can’t honestly expect us to take you seriously while you’re parading a baby around!” Bromwell said.
“Seraphina Picquery signed laws into effect with my oldest two children sitting on her lap,” Credence said, using his most exquisitely reasonable tone of voice.  He’d found that it tended to have a maddening effect on some people, particularly if they were already being unreasonable.  “The very same laws we’re here to discuss, as it so happens.  There’s precedent for it, if that’s your concern.”
“Credence,” Congressman Rosewater said repressively.  “Stop baiting Bromwell.  And you,” he said to Bromwell.  “Stop taking the bait.”
Credence inclined his head.  “Apologies, Victor.”
Bromwell grunted something and sat down again.
Credence followed suit, settling carefully into his chair to avoid jostling Dag.
Congressional meetings, Seraphina had told him once, were really just so much street theater.  Except rather than amuse the audience, the performers primarily tried to impress themselves.
She was right about that.  They were like street theater.  Boring street theater, though.  No one in their right mind would ever pay to see this performance.
Credence watched the performers.  He was less interested in the performance – he already knew what most of them were going to say – but it was always good to get a read on whether or not they really believed all of the ridiculous garbage they were spouting, or if they were simply misinformed.
Bromwell believed.  He talked about No-Maj’s like Ma used to preach about witches – as if the threat of them were very real, and might erupt into all-out war at any moment.
Rosewater didn’t.  Victor Rosewater was a moderate, through and through.  He tended to vote on the conservative side of things, but when it came right down to it, all he really wanted was what was best for their people.
Congresswoman McGilliguddy believed, too, but she was on his side.  Rumor had it she had presidential aspirations, just like her many times great grandmother.  Credence believed them.  McGilliguddy had the drive for it.
“For magic’s sake, man,” she said, exasperated.  “The kneazle is well and truly out of the bag and there’s no getting it back in.  Trying to slap Rappaport’s Law back on like a bandage isn’t going to work.”
“I didn’t take you for a No-Maj lover,” Bromwell said.  The tone of his voice made it clear that being a No-Maj lover was on par with being a blood traitor.
Enough was enough.
“And just what,” Credence said, taking care to stay quiet so he wouldn’t yell, “is wrong with being a No-Maj lover?”
“Ah,” said Bromwell, some miniscule hint of self-preservation kicking in at last.  “Nothing, of course.”
“And No-Maj’s?” Credence persisted.  “You don’t seem to think very highly of them, either.”
“There’s nothing wrong with No-Maj’s,” Bromwell added hastily.  “Some of my best friends are No-Maj’s.”
“I doubt that,” said Credence.  “But one of mine is.”  He smiled.
Bromwell visibly recoiled at the mention of Jacob.  Or, more likely, at the reminder of what had happened to the last wizard who thought Jacob Kowalski had no place in the wizarding world.  Credence’s wrath had been nothing compared to Queenie’s.
“If you have nothing worthwhile to say, Senator, then please be quiet and cede the floor to those of us who do,” Credence said, still quiet.  “I, for one, am getting tired of your bigoted rhetoric.”
Bromwell’s jowly face went very red.  Credence cast a silent muffling charm on Dag.  The yelling portion of the street theater was about to start soon.
“I am trying to protect our people!” Bromwell snapped.
“From what?” Credence demanded.  “From the No-Maj’s?  They’re people.  People just like you and me, who live and love and just want to go about their daily lives.  Most of them have no idea we exist, and in accordance with the International Statute of Secrecy, most of them will continue to have no idea we exist.  No one is suggesting we start slinging spells around to amuse the No-Maj’s.”
He was so very tired of having this argument.  Rappaport’s Law had been repealed a decade ago, and people still kept trying to bring it back. And for what, he wondered.  So they could live in government-sanctioned fear and tell themselves their hate was justified?
“We can’t go back, Senator.  The only thing we can do is go forward.  If you truly want to protect our people then make a better world for them to live in.”
“WHAT DO YOU THINK I’M TRYING TO DO?” Bromwell bellowed back.  “Don’t you dare take that sanctimonious tone with me, you little No-Maj loving prick.  You’re the one our people need to be protected from!  You and your politics,” he sneered.  “You’re no better than Grindelwald.  Magic knows you sound like him, carrying on about fear and using it to justify your agenda.”
Credence froze.  If he moved wrong – if he breathed wrong – he was going to lose his temper, and he didn’t want to do that.  Not in front of Dag.  Dagonet was too young to remember anything, but Credence still wanted to set a good example for his son.
“I beg your pardon,” he said, even softer than before.  He wasn’t doing it on purpose this time.  Credence got quiet when he was angry – quiet and cold.
“I think,” Rosewater said carefully, well acquainted with Credence’s temper, “that we’re might need to take a brief recess.”
“I’m sorry, Victor,” Credence interrupted.  “But I believe the senator has something to say.  I’d like him to say it to my face.”
Bromwell said nothing.  Bullies were like that.  It was easy for them to be brave when they were standing in a crowd.
“No?  Very well.  Then I have some things I’d like to say in return.”  Credence smiled.  It was a smaller, more subtle version of Percival’s wampus cat hunting smile, but the predatory intent remained the same.  “What you are trying to do, Senator, is justify inflicting the same culture of fear you grew up in on the children who will be our future.  On my children.”  He cupped the back of Dag’s head, protective.
“Grindelwald wanted our people to rule over the No-Maj’s.  If you’re going to accuse me of using his rhetoric, you ought to read a few of the transcripts of his speeches, first.  Anything less just reveals your ignorance and undermines the point you’re trying to make.”
“You’re still no better,” growled Bromwell.  “You think your power and your name give you the right to dictate law to us.  Shall we bow to the Dark Lord Graves, instead?”
“Senator Bromwell, please stop presuming to know my mind better than I do,” Credence said.  “It’s tiresome and insulting.”  He went on before the Senator could find something to say to that.  “For the record, I don’t think my power or my name give me the right to dictate anything, but I am willing to use both to fight for what I believe in.  I have spent the past decade working on the No-Maj reforms not – as you so charmingly put it – because I am a No-Maj lover, but because our previous legislature hurt our people.  All of them, not just the No-Maj born ones.”
Credence met Senator Bromwell’s gaze and held it.  “Wizarding America normalized fear of the No-Maj.  And for what?  Because they don’t have magic?  Because they’re different?  You and I both know what the word for that is.  Any system that justifies bigotry or hate is corrupt and cannot stand.  As politicians, we cannot let them stand.  We have to do better.
“If you don’t agree with what my version of better is, that’s fine.  That’s why we have committee meetings.  But if you have nothing but fear and watered down hate to contribute to the conversation, then recuse yourself and let someone who is willing to do the work take your place.”
Rosewater eyed him warily.  When Credence remained silent for an uncomfortably long moment, he cleared his throat and said, “I suggest we take that recess now.”
Credence smiled.  “Yes,” he murmured.  “Let’s do that.”
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