andean-deer · 9 months
unveiling my take on the quariwarmi* flag!
edit: my sincere thanks to @ayachaska for the helpful feedback!
Quariwarmi is typically spelled this way when translated, but our languages don’t use the QU sound. Some people spell it qhariwarmi, and there are variations, I use qariwarmi.
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Qariwarmi + Tinkuy Flag
I have designed this one in the vein of a sunrise, or a dawn. As qariwarmi were historically entrusted with bringing about the dawning of new days, and with it, the watering of fields. It could be likened to the Paqari / dawn version of a flag.
EDIT: This was made possible with input from fellow qariwarmi people. Thank you, paylla!!!
It follows a tricolor pattern: sky blue, sunny yellow, and a peachy orange shade. They represent Hanaq Pacha , Kay Pacha, and Uku Pacha.
Symmetrical symbols as follows,
ONE : CHAKANA , gray to black in the center.
TWO : CONDOR FEATHERS , representing the messenger of the heavens.
THREE: EYES OF THE GREAT CHUQUI CHINCHAY , shining down from that liminal dwelling within kay pacha. it’s eyes are silver with copper pupils and gold stars twinkling, a nod to Chuqui Chinchay’s multi-gendered nature.
FOUR : THE WRITHING MACH’AQWAY based off watapuñuq (the boa), dweller of uku pacha and subterranean land.
It is an identity spanning from the convergence of two rivers, the Mosna and the Huanchesca at the sacred site known today as Chavín de Huantar / Chawpin Wantar.
I really don’t feel the need to explain the complexities with this identity, but you should know that it is an identity that originated within the Quechua language, and belongs to people in the Andes who are native to the region. However, it is not just a Quechua identity and has applications for other language speaking groups as long as they are in the Andes.
Tinkuy people, this is yours to use as well, just y’know credit me, pretty please.
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ayachaska · 8 months
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i made a sigil celebrating and amplifying trans individuals during a time transphobia is rampant and can be hard to escape mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically. use this to ground and give love back to yourself. we are still here. we are of the dawn and dusk.
personal use only (feel free to hmu with q's on usage)
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subwaybookstore · 1 year
Posdata: Cap. 1 (Tinkuy)
  24/01/2023 Bs. As., Argentina.
    A aquel amor que esta por llegar:
        ¡Oh my love! No puedes imaginar cuanto tiempo he esperado este momento, por cuanto tiempo he estado sumergida en la soledad, pensando que terminaría acostumbrándome a ella, convirtiéndola en mi hogar y mi fiel acompañante, quizás en mi única amante.
        ¿Dime por qué? ¿Por qué has demorado en llegar a mi? ¿Por qué he tenido que esperar por tanto tiempo?
        ¿Acaso temías el venir a mi rescate? ¿Temías que te rechazará? ¿Qué me negaría a abandonar la comodidad de esa soledad? Pues te has equivocado, con unas palabras hubiera abandonado esa soledad sin ninguna dificultad y poco arrepentimiento.
        ¿O será que te habías perdido? Divagando y perdiéndote en los caminos de un bosque musical, donde cada melodía es una canción de dos a completar; de ser así has demorado mucho en reconocer nuestra melodía.
Con todo su amor, A.M.A.
    P.D.: Pero al menos al fin me has encontrado, has descubierto el camino correcto hasta mi como en esos libros que adoro leer, donde el asesino es el mayordomo, obvio.
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jphoenix124 · 7 months
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Inca Pattern - Killaq Tinkuy by
JPhoenix | TeePublic
Killaq tinkuy: Could be interpreted as a symbolic encounter with the Moon, representing duality, natural cycles, harmony, and spirituality in Inca culture.
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xavierbordesus · 2 months
Tinkuy Ne sois pas pressé de trouver la Nuit que tu écoutes depuis si longtemps pour l’explorer comme la nuit d’une forêt Cette Nuit qui décomposera tes rêves et tes amours pour que leur poussière rejoigne les galaxies éternelles Ne sois pas pressé vieux jeune homme inéluctablement les choses surviennent à leur heure sans aucunement se soucier si cela convient ou non Abeille ailée de murmures tu…
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news360fast · 5 months
Alumnos de pueblos originarios se comprometen a mantener vivas sus tradiciones culturales
Al culminar el Tinkuy 2023 organizado por el Ministerio de Educación
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El Tinkuy 2023 culminó con un baile general de celebración intercultural y confraternidad.
Revalorar las lenguas maternas de los pueblos originarios y promover la práctica de sus valores es el compromiso que asumieron los 200 escolares que participaron en el “XII Encuentro Nacional de Niños y Adolescentes de Pueblos Originarios, Afroperuanos y de otras Tradiciones Culturales” Tinkuy 2023.
Durante la clausura del evento, luego de una semana de actividades desarrolladas en el centro recreacional de Huampaní en el distrito de Chaclacayo, provincia de Lima, la titular de la Dirección General de Educación Básica Alternativa, Intercultural Bilingüe y de Servicios Educativos en el Ámbito Rural del Ministerio de Educación, Karina Ortiz, resaltó la importancia y transcendencia de la actividad intercultural que cada año reúne a representantes de los pueblos originarios.
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“La diversidad de culturas y tradiciones que tiene nuestro país es la verdadera riqueza que poseemos y estamos en la obligación de proteger y mantener vivas todas las costumbres, así como las lenguas nativas. Estas experiencias que se llevan tienen que ser transmitidas en sus comunidades y cada uno de ustedes es importante para el crecimiento del país”, manifestó Ortiz.
La funcionaria transmitió a los estudiantes participantes el saludo de la ministra de Educación, Miriam Ponce, y también agradeció a los gobiernos locales, provinciales y regionales, así como a la empresa privada, por el apoyo que ofrecieron en la organización del Tinkuy 2023.
En la clausura de la actividad, los escolares, ataviados con sus vestimentas tradicionales, cantaron en lenguas originarias, bailaron danzas típicas y dramatizaron actividades de su vida cotidiana, mientras que los alumnos del Colegio de Alto Rendimiento (COAR) de Lima y el COAR Artístico deslumbraron, respectivamente, con lo mejor del repertorio de su orquesta sinfónica y su conjunto de danza.
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La jornada culminó con un baile general de celebración intercultural y confraternidad.
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mybookof-you · 7 months
"The Classic Maya corollary to this was the darkness of space associated with the Milky Way called the White-Bone Snake that was styled as the human backbone. When the Milky Way took its position lying flat along the horizon, the dark area of space above it was Ek Way, the Black Transformer and cosmic portal to the Otherworld. When the Milky Way assumed one of its two annual North-South positions when it crossed the ecliptic,  it became the Raised-Up Sky, the Cosmic Monster as the World Tree."
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Below are the notes I took on each speaker when I had the privilege of going to the AGI event. The star beside some of the names were my favourite speakers and so I also went and found some images online of their work that I enjoy.
TSDO website. HODO HODO = just enough. Gerry Lopez— surf realisation is designed by him. The ecological approach to visual design. A piece of cloth by Taku Satoh. HODO HODO design / just enough design. All things in moderation. Pure malt whiskey design. The more unique the shape the more quickly it’ll become trash. Reflective design rather than assertive. 21_21 design site gallery.
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Interview magazine inspiration. Grid notepad maker based on influencial design books. Kiss— keep is simple, stupid.
UX design specialist, website + user experience. M+ museum site designer. Thonix did the brand design / design identity system. Shantel Marleen? Meditative line drawing playful website designed. ‘One shared house’ website lesbian commune house epic. Inspired by where in the world is Carmen San Diego. Their design studio is called Anton & Irene.
1. Good UX can be unfamiliar.
2. Sometimes good UX should be beautiful first. We are biased to believe a more beautiful product works better.
3. Good UX does get in the way.
4. Good UX relocates complexity.
5. Good UX should be learned.
6. Good UX cannot be measured.
7. Good UX addresses my (the designers) needs.
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A2-Type. Designed Rail Alphabet 2 — designed for signage for railway stations.
Curiosity and optimism and empathy driving design. We create whatever we observe, the act of observation is an act of creation. Seeing faces in things is called pareidolia. Author of seeing things.
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Inbetween posters— working with First Nation Australian artists and designers.
Alt group. Designing for Fisher & Paykel appliances. Design has to be present and keep stories alive. Designer of good shit soda. A hole poster is really cool.
Designer of the life peace symbol. Korean designer. Life peace diary with iterations very cool. Pati design school is made by him / designed as well. Pati’s motto is “just play!” + “be spellbound!”. He’s kind of awesome just working and making a school in the pursuit of harbouring happiness, making new rules, changing things up.
Calligrapher + Typographer. Very cool decorative font like Atelier Volatire + Varietta + Rigatoni + Fixture + Tinkuy. All very very cool I’ll look into these. Key Mono Asciii Art maybe Stephen should know this. Sudtipos type design studio.
Fashion and graphic design mix work on publications and posters, red is favourite colour to use. Started at Walter studio doing design for fashion design stuff. Number A magazine designer and creator.
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Omaha performing arts designer. Apart of pentagram. Designing The Joslyn museum brand identity system. Made a 3 new typefaces based on the three forms of the three main museum buildings, the joslyn, the Hawkes, the Scott.
Awesome performance with graphic movement tracking. Moving Tapu cloth.
Pentagram designer. A brand is an amalgamation of things. Designing the brand is just working on how it’s perceived. Graphic Design New York she has work in it and it looks cool. She became a play poster designer for the Public Theatre. Designing for each season of plays. Posters and systems as a whole and not just individuals. Systems in the erratic. Custom Knockout font design where the fonts could be edited in relation to each play. Very cool!
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We are programmed to enjoy negative news. Designed data visualisations into old paintings to show how much better things have gotten. Also clothes that represent the data very cool! and water glasses. Hospital hallway design. Very all about optimism and spreading happiness. Made a book talking about those data paintings.
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He is a publisher mostly. “The book is the only printed matter that is meant to last”. Books are a 3 dimensional object. The cover is what makes the book remembered. Uses simple design but the material and details make it intricate and interesting. Uses cement as a cover once also lots of subtle embossing used. Back cover matters too because of the ability to feel the back when you hold it which is much more likely to be touched than the front cover so the back is not to be dismissed.
Leader at Thonik. Designed museum Boijmans inspired by the font and Mexican olympics design by Lance Wyman. Designed their building also inspired by these ideas alongside an architect. Made the book “why we design”. @studiothonik.
Designer of house facades in Singapore under this brand ‘Figment’. National gallery in Singapore design.
Klim type foundry person. Big font and typography maker, inspiring letter forms from Māori culture. Researching older more traditional type treatments to make digital and modern. Fonts Ata and Atakau. Works with Johnson Witehira too on this.
Traces and Dirty Listening. Interested in the idea of printing noise. Archiving of traces or grafitti in the city. Traces of people left behind. Designing viynl covers since it goes into the idea of sound and noise as a physical mark:
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Designer at Muji. The world is organic but mankind designed everything square. RE design project where he asked designers to redesign a bunch of 21st century products. Thinking fresh and new from anything we’ve ever seen before. Global becoming important also means the importance of local also increases. High Resolution Tour. Takeo paper show. “Make things unknown and then visualise them”. Gathering peoples attentions by emptyness.
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betaniagonzalez · 9 months
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TINKUI Encuentramiento, es una puesta de artes escénicas, que transita en los bordes de la danza, las artes visuales y la música, donde artistas de Chile, Bolivia y Perú se encuentran en un ritual danzado para y con el Sol. Es la  coreografía de una marcha constante, cadenciosa y grupal que ocurre en la última luz del atardecer, el larama, ese pedazo de tiempo donde el Inti, amarillo, rojo candente, se despliega en colores para morir en el paisaje. Es el momento que deshace límites fronterizos: se encuentran el día y la noche, el arriba y el abajo, lo visible y lo invisible, lo verbal y lo danzado, la certeza y lo misterioso. Es ahí donde el eco de unos zapateos rebota contra el devenir de paisajes y cuerpos inquietos bailando hasta el anochecer.
Posee una versión para calle y espacio público y una versión para escenario.
Creación colectiva por Elena Filomeno, María Betania González, Francisco Bagnara, Galo Coca Soto, Bernardo Rosado Ramos, Juanqui Arévalo, Luis Moreno Zamorano 
Coreógrafía: María Betania González / Performance: Elena Filomeno, Galo Coca Soto, Bernardo Rosado Ramos, Juanqui Arevalo, Luis Moreno Zamorano / Asistencia artística: Francisco Bagnara / Asistencia coreográfica: Elena Filomeno / Música: Bernardo Rosado Ramos / Dramaturgia: Juanqui Arévalo / Diseño de vestuario: Elena Filomeno, Galo Coca Soto / Realización de vestuario: Lourdes Limachi / Iluminación: Bernardo Rosado Ramos, Juanqui Arevalo, Jonathan Inostroza / Sonido: Christian González / Gráficas y página web: Galo Coca Soto y Juanqui Arévalo / Fotografía: Gonzalo Donoso / Co-producción Chile-Bolivia: Luis Moreno, Proyecto Border y Par Mil Producciones.
Subvenciones y financiamientos: Iberescena 2022 y FONDART Chile y FOCUART Bolivia, Centro GAM.
Con el apoyo de Materia Gris, Casa Persona Galería y Residencia Inmaterial (Bolivia); Residencias NAVE y Centro GAM (Chile)
Aperturas y presentaciones: Centro Cultural Municipal Warmi Q’amasa (La Paz, Bolivia); Plaza de La Paz (Recoleta, Chile); Centro NAVE (Santiago, Chile); Centro GAM (Santiago, Chile).
Año de creación: 2022-23 / Duración: 45 a 50 minutos
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andean-deer · 9 months
not a fan of creating division,, so like side by side QW / Tinkuy flags
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*Tinkuy is an alternate label used by Andean people in place of QW, in a more liminal vein and in a less traditional sense than QW which people often just see as ‘man-woman’
I don’t know if those who identify that way have agreed on a Tinkuy specific flag just yet…
This shift in identity was featured in a subreddit where flag designs were posted by vomit-gold on Reddit (1 year ago)
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tomatodeals · 2 years
TINKUY Peru - Peruvian Alpaca Wool - Vest for Males Primary V Neck Sweater Pullover
TINKUY Peru – Peruvian Alpaca Wool – Vest for Males Primary V Neck Sweater Pullover
Value: (as of – Particulars) Product Description Welcome to Tinkuy Peru Tinkuy in Quechua means “assembly” and in our retailer Tinkuy is the place we collect for you the best high quality clothes made with a very powerful pure fibers of Peru: alpaca and cotton. Our dedication is to journey by means of Perú in search of the very best quality of Peruvian Alpaca and Cotton clothes, with stunning…
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fmurrugarra · 6 years
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💫 #dulzura #cacao #tocache #sanmartin #tinkuy #tinkuyviaja #hittheroad (at Tocache Nuevo, San Martin, Peru)
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muniecharati-blog · 5 years
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weandthecolor · 2 years
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Tinkuy Pattern Posters by Amuki Estudio
See more here.
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Logotipo para la empresa Tinkuy dedicada a la venta de suéteres de lana de alpaca. 
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mybookof-you · 7 months
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Coca Chewing Ceremony. The two-headed Fox bicephalic serpent was the Moche’s iconic representation of the rainbow amaru, probably because of the important role the dark-cloud Fox constellation in the Milky Way played in the rain cycle and the timing of solstice events (Kelley et. al, 2011:448; Benfer et. al, 2007). Notice that the fox head on the left appears to be eating the hallucinogenic San Pedro cactus. Notice also the Tinkuy on the priest’s chest in the center and the golden snake ropes around the necks of the ancestral effigies, which indicate this ceremony invoked a deified feline ancestor. The black-and-white bar pattern as handles on the coca bags and the checkerboard pattern on the priest’s robe signify the sky as represented by the Milky Way at night and as it passes through the underworld with the sun (see Checkerboard).
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Twisted Gourd Symbol Set Context:
The intimate association between the nature powers and processes, social elites, and the Twisted Gourd symbol with the coca chewing ceremony strongly suggests it was a seasonal rain rite possibly connected to the intersection of the Milky Way with the ecliptic, which would have been celebrated at the December (wet) and June (dry) solstices.
Coca Chewing Ceremony
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