x-pair-o-dice-x · 1 year
Plz give tiny Eret tring to get her crown back from giant Wilbur, man wants to see if there are any diamonds or emeralds on it
wuh oh,, looks like eret accidentally left their crown behind while she was in a hurry to get out of sight! that's not too good...let's hope they get the chance to get it back some time soon....
meanwhile, wilbur sure as hell doesn't remember having a tiny little crown in his house before. boy, that sure is strange, huh?
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under the cut is a version without the lens-blur and filter,, as well as another one without the shading!
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bittydragon · 2 years
Alone in a Cramped Universe - 7
First - Previous - Next
Notes: I am not dead I promise! Just been busy! But I hope y'all enjoy this chapter! I'm excited for where this arc is gonna go
Tommy stared out of the window in his room, wringing his hands together as he watched the beautiful colors zip past the ship. To say he was nervous was an understatement.
He was originally excited for this pit stop as they were picking up the ordered furniture that was sized better for Tommy. He couldn’t be more excited for furniture his own size! He didn't have to worry about too small seats anymore and could have a proper sized bed.
But this was also the same Nova Port where they were picking up Wilbur’s brother. And Tommy… wasn’t sure if he was quite ready for that.
Wilbur still didn’t like him. He knew that and was well aware of that. They made some progress the other day but it was far from perfect.
So what the hell did he tell his brother?
Tommy could only imagine Wilbur had fed his own hatred of Tommy to his brother. His species was known for being extremely close to family, even going as far as to sacrifice themselves to keep the rest of the family safe. So rationally, Tommy knew Wilbur’s brother would be much like Wilbur. 
A knock sounded on his door, forcing Tommy to collect his thoughts and stand up. He took one more glance out the window and noticed the ship slowing down and the yellow and orange atmosphere of the Arcturus region growing brighter around them. They must almost be at the port.
Tommy rested his hand on the door lock, listening to the quiet click before it slid to the side, revealing Techno shifting back and forth on his hooves. He perked up as the door opened, poorly concealing his excitement at seeing Tommy as he pretended to look apathetic.
“Phil wanted me to collect you, we’re almost at the port and you may have to help load some stuff on the ship.”
Tommy smiled down at Techno and stepped out of his room, letting the door slide shut behind him. 
“I figured that would be the case. Let’s not keep him waiting! We got some cargo to pick up!”
Tommy continued unconsciously fiddling with his hands as they made their way to the ship’s loading dock, feeling the ship shutter as they touched ground at the loading port. Techno followed wordlessly, occasionally glancing over at the human.
The two of them made it to the dock and both stood there awkwardly, waiting for Phil to open the doors so they could load up the ship. Tommy felt his hands begin to clam up and he began fidgeting more, occasionally scratching at his skin in an attempt to distract himself.
He was so out of it he didn’t notice Techno walk away for a moment, only registering the boar left as soon as he heard his returning footsteps. He glanced down at Techno in confusion only to startle as Techno suddenly placed a small, cold object in his hand. Tommy stared at the boar with wide eyes, trying to figure out what was going on but Techno just pointedly ignored it.
Tommy lifted the object to his face and gasped as he realized it was a familiar red gemstone. He twisted it around for a bit, trying to confirm that it was real, before looking back down at Techno, mouth agape.
“Did-did you just hand me a ruby?! Where- why- what is going on?” Techno finally looked back up at Tommy and reached up, forcefully closing Tommy’s hand around the gem and pushing it towards the human. He huffed happily as Tommy kept it close to his chest and patted the human’s leg.
“You looked lost, so I got you a gem. Simple.”
Tommy just stared at Techno in pure confusion as the boar just went back to standing next to Tommy and waited for Phil to open the door, acting like nothing strange just happened. Tommy glanced down at the gemstone and studied it for a moment before realization dawned on him.
He smiled softly and carefully tucked the precious gem into his pocket, making sure it was secure. Couldn’t go and lose a gift after all.
A few moments later, familiar, quiet wingbeats approached, making Tommy and Techno turn around to face the incoming avian. Phil stopped in front of Tommy and landed in his now outstretched hand, getting himself comfortable. It seemed like Phil quickly took a liking to be held by Tommy, but he wasn’t complaining. He was just happy the small alien had so much trust in him.
“Change of plans! There’s a group of Shades here to load the ship, they were all paid to come help since it was big furniture and they knew we were mainly a smaller crew. So we’re gonna go find Wilbur and his brother… and Tubbo because he fucked off somewhere and I genuinely don’t know where he went.”
Any nerves that Tommy had managed to calm came back full force. He squashed down the nervousness however and reached his hand into his pocket, the coolness of the ruby oddly soothing. He wasn’t sure that Techno gave it to him to be utilized like that, but it was extremely helpful regardless.
“Don’t have to tell me twice, didn’t wanna do work anyways- Techno?” Tommy startled as Techno suddenly latched onto Tommy’s free hand. He didn’t miss the slight trembling of the boar as he held onto him. Before he could ask again what was wrong, Phil spoke up.
“Shades just make him nervous, don’t worry. There was a particularly tall one that scared him half to death when they met. His best friend’s boyfriend actually. He thinks it’s embarrassing but honestly I don’t blame him, they are a slightly creepy looking species when you meet them for the first time. But anyways, go on and head out. Wilbur said they were meeting at Gate N-4. I have to stay to help direct the Shades on where to put stuff.”
Tommy nodded and shifted his hand around, making Techno whine a bit before he gently grabbed his hooved hand. Techno froze but let himself be gently pulled forwards as Tommy made his way off the ship.
Tommy paused for a moment to stare in awe at the aliens who he could only assume were the Shades. They were tall to say the least, even taller than Tommy. As he scanned the shadowy looking aliens, he determined he came up to the shoulders of the shortest one, which was rather insane knowing how small most other species looked compared to him.
He was about to move on, not wanting to make the aliens uncomfortable with his staring until he was startled by a small blue figure suddenly barreling towards them, slamming into Techno and knocking him down. Tommy yelped and quickly went to help Techno before stopping himself as he took in the scene.
While Techno looked startled to have been tackled, he seemed oddly content with what looked like an excited Jeweloid sat on top of him. The pale blue skin of the alien was covered in giant chunks of what appeared to be bright, translucent blue diamond. Tommy had seen Jeweloids before, but none seemed to be this energetic. They tended to be more lethargic and stern, not energetic and rowdy. And despite their small stature, Tommy knew from a fact how strong they were, their gem covered claws looked big for their small bodies but man did these aliens know how to use them.
“Techno! I knew it was gonna be you guys, with you telling me about your new human brother! And Bad didn’t believe me. Where is he? I have to meet him.”
Tommy froze as the Jeweloid, who definitely knew Techno, referred to Tommy as Techno’s human brother. His brother. He was so caught up in his own shock and embarrassment that he didn’t notice Techno’s eyes widening and his face turning pinker as the Jeweloid looked around, locking his gaze on Tommy with an excited look.
The gem alien scrambled off of Techno, earning a pained grunt from the boar as he quickly ran up to Tommy, sticking a sharp hand out.
“You must be Tommy! Name’s Skeppy, I’m Techno’s beeeeeeeest friend!”
Tommy blinked at the small alien now dubbed Skeppy before squatting down and gently taking their outstretched hand, wincing as the sharp hand dug into his skin. It wasn’t the first time he’s had contact with a Jeweloid though, so it was fairly easy to ignore the pain for the time being. He gave the alien a small smile, carefully hiding his teeth so as to not threaten him.
“That’s me! Nice to meet you-” “GEPPY! WHERE ARE YOU?! YOU BETTER NOT BE- oh hi, Techno!”
Tommy watched as Techno’s eyes widened and he visibly flinched back as an abnormally tall Shade came into view. Tommy watched in awe as the tall alien stepped closer, a happy look plastered on their face as their tail waved behind them. They had to be at least two feet taller than himself, they were huge!
Techno just stood there, frozen in shock (or maybe that was fear?) as the Shade just walked past him and towards Tommy and Skeppy. They gave Tommy an apologetic grimace before leaning down and grabbed a particularly large diamond on his back before lifting him into the air with ease. He watched in shock as Skeppy just shrugged and went limp, letting himself be picked up like a baby kitten.
“So sorry about him, he gets excited easily. Now come on Geppy, we’re supposed to be doing a job!”
Skeppy just happily waved at Tommy as the Shade carried him away. “Bye Tommy! Till next time!”
Tommy just sat there and watched as the two strange aliens disappeared from sight. Slowly, he stood up and walked over to Techno, offering an outstretched hand which the boar gratefully took. Techno used Tommy’s hand to pull himself to his hooves, but didn’t let go, tightly gripping onto the human’s hand.
“Sooooo, was that the Shade the Jeweloid is dating? The one that scares you?”
Techno nodded and took a deep breath. “Bad. That’s his name. Skeppy is my best friend and he’s dating Bad. I don’t want to be scared but… he’s so tall.”
Tommy reached over a ruffled Techno’s fur on his head, earning a soft chuff as the boar leaned into the touch. He sure as hell didn’t blame Techno for being scared, if Bad was tall to Tommy then he was massive to Techno.
“Yea, he was pretty tall. How about we just head to the gate and go meet up with Wilbur and his brother?” Techno nodded at that and began pulling Tommy along to the gate. Tommy just followed wordlessly, examining the port in awe.
He actually hadn’t been into the Arcturus Galaxy before so it was all new to him. The dusty orange and yellow sky was mesmerizing to look at, as were most galaxies with stardust in the atmosphere. He’s just glad nothing was on the surface. Those stuffy suits you had to wear when traversing through stardust laden planets were the worst. Humans couldn’t breathe that stuff in, it supposedly causes health issues, though Tommy had never actually heard of a case yet.
The thick vine-like foliage that curled around everything was beautiful too, in its own strange way. The red vines curled around anything tall enough to climb and always seemed to end with endless curls on the edges. Some violet stalks rose from the ground in the distance as well, the tall pillars of foliage reaching into the bright sky above and the tops hiding behind clouds of stardust.
Before he could take in any more of the breathtaking sights, Techno began to slow down as they reached a platform. Tommy belatedly noted that they had already passed through the gate, he must’ve been too engrossed in the scenery to realize what they were doing.
In front of them stood two lizard aliens, happily chattering with a mixture of hisses and clicks. Tommy froze. One of them was the familiar alien of Wilbur, the other was a slightly more purple version of the alien who hated him.
They looked nearly identical, the only differences being their coloring and that Wilbur’s brother had a bit less plating over their body. They even looked the same age. Nobody mentioned that they were twins.
Suddenly, all of Tommy’s nerves about meeting Wilbur’s brother hit him full force again. He began trembling and averted his gaze, instead opting to stare at the sunset colored horizon instead. His free hand snaked into his pocket and gently grabbed at the cold ruby sitting in his pocket, the chilliness of the gem being slightly comforting.
Techno gently patted Tommy’s leg and gave him a small smile. Tommy slightly relaxed and shot a thankful look, happy he had Techno there and it wasn’t just him and the other two.
“Eret! Long time no see!” Tommy tensed up as Techno called out to who he could only assume was Wilbur’s brother. He watched warily as the purple alien turned towards them and clasped their hands in happiness.
Tommy kept still as they approached and gave Techno a quick hug. They seemed friendly enough but hadn’t acknowledged him yet. He was just hoping Wilbur didn’t make them hate him already.
“Techno! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I am glad to see you are doing well though!” He turned towards Tommy and gave a small grin. “And you must be Tommy, the human! It’s wonderful to meet… you?”
Tommy tensed up as he trailed off, his face slightly falling and an unknown expression crossed his face. Oh Prime, he already hated him didn’t he? Wilbur already made his brother hate him. He was doomed to be hated by this family wasn’t he?
Eret suddenly shook it off and gave Tommy a grin again, as if none of that never happened. Though Tommy could still see the slight confusion in their expression, throwing his thoughts off once more. He’d be better off ignoring it for now though, no need to work himself up right now.
“Good to meet you too! Wish I could say I’ve heard a lot, but someone doesn’t like sharing information with me.”
Tommy watched in shock as Eret rolled his eyes and glared at Wilbur, who looked offended at the look. Wait, what in the world was happening?!
“Yea, he’s a straight up idiot. He’ll come around. Just be warned, the lizard brain gets clingy once he warms up to people.” Eret laughed as Wilbur began sputtering out angry protests, and Tommy couldn’t help but chuckle too. Eret leaned in and gestured for Tommy to lean down before loudly whispering, “He’s proving my point, he just won’t admit it.”
Tommy couldn’t help himself as he let out a loud laugh, not noticing how Eret and Techno looked at him fondly. Or how Wilbur stared at him with a small smile, glancing away in slight shame.
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Sunny Day Turned Cloudy
HEY @random-tinies GUESS WHAT? I WAS YOUR GIFT EXCHANGER AND I HAVE WRITTEN YOU STORY! I really do hope you enjoy it and I hope the rest of your day is awesome :3
Warning: safe vore, sassy Techno, fear of drowning
Techno snored quietly as he laid on the front dock of the boat he and his brother's had rented for their mini vacation and enjoying the warm sun shining down on him, he yelped as he suddenly fell out of the lawn chair looking around a bit confused. Techno quickly got to his feet and started walking over to the helm of the ship seeing both of his brothers arguing
"Wilbur, stop your going to make us cap size!" Eret yelled, holding on to the helm of the ship and trying to keep them steady as Wilbur tried pushing his brother to the side, the taller brunette looked frightened and desperate to take over the ship. Techno swiftly walked over grabbing Wilbur by the back of his shirt and pulling them away from Eret, once Eret got the ship to be stable again the two started questioning Wilbur just willing to understand why he was so panicked.
As Wilbur started trying to explain himself something hit the boat causing all three men to fall to the ground scrambling to get back up as the boat just continued shaking, Techno grabbed a piece of nearby rope time Eret and Wilbur together and got help from Eret to tie himself to her. Techno took Eret's hand and started leading their siblings towards the lifeboat, the three screamed as they fell to the ground again and felt the entire boat shaking.
Techno pulled Eret and Wilbur into a hug as a giant shadow loomed over them and he locked eyes with a red scaly creature that had vibrant blue eyes, Long messy blonde hair with seaweed tangled into it, and a very sharp and pointy mouth that smiled down at them. Suddenly all three found themselves thrown up into the air and landing into the water below their boat capsized, Techno quickly swimmed to the surface of the water looking around frantically for his brothers as the rope that tied them together had come undone.
Techno screened out their names noticing the creature from earlier was gone and became terrified it had taken his brother's to God now's here, he started swimming back towards the capsized boat hoping he might be able to save the radio and send out a distress signal. Techno was only a few feet away from the sinking boat when he felt something soft and squishy wrap around his leg and yank him underneath the water, he quickly took in a deep breath closing his eyes as whatever grabbed him dragged him deeper and deeper underwater.
Techno opened his eyes for a moment looking up towards the surface and seeing razor sharp teeth that closed behind him trapping him inside of a giant mouth, the water inside slowly drained out leaving him resting on top of a giant tongue that started licking at him. Techno kicked and punched at the tongue desperately climbing his way towards the front of the mouth, he tried prying the teeth apart but just cut his hands along the sharp jagged teeth.
The strawberry-haired piglin yelped as the tongue beneath him through him back towards the monster's throat and instantly felt his head get dragged into the tight muscles, Techno tried reaching forward to grab something but just got his hands covered in slime as he continued getting pulled down the monster's throat. Techno just hoped he wouldn't see his brothers anytime soon as he closed his eyes and passed out.
He didn't want to be awake for this next part.
It was dark and slimy….which just concerned Techno as he slowly started to wake up looking around his prison extremely confused but relieved considering he was all alone, the piglin slowly set up right wiping slime off his face and kicking the cramped stomach he was stuck in. This police was completely disgusting and Techno decided he had every right and convenience of this creature as much as possible so he started kicking and punching at the walls around him.
Techno smiled as he heard noises of pain and discomfort emanating from the best that ate him and continued punching and kicking away at their walls, he yelped as the walls caved in around him squeezing him and trapping his arms and legs in place. Techno growled out as he was slowly pushed up the creature's throat and found himself back in their mouth.
The pink haired piglin surprisingly found himself sped up onto a cold cave floor absolutely covered in slime, he started wiping all of it off completely ignoring the creature behind him that growled and hissed trying to get his attention. Techno slowly stood up and sat down in a different spot still facing away from the creature and still getting slime off himself.
"....You know it's kind of rude to ignore someone that saved your life mate" an unfamiliar voice echoed from behind Techno, he slowly turned around to face the giant mar seeing that they were resting there down on the cave floor to be closer to Techno. The piglin huffed and went back to cleaning the slime off his clothes.
"It's also rude to knock over someone's boat and then eat them." Techno pointed out in a monotone voice not even bothering to look at the green mark. There was silence between the two for a few moments until the green mer finally cleared his throat.
"I didn't realize a mer knocked over your boat, where did you get hurt at all?" Techno was a bit surprised at the mers concern and slowly turned around to face him, he started checking himself over thankfully finding no injury.
"No but I don't know where my brothers are…did you see them in the water?" The piglin asked hoping Eret and Wilbur were safe somewhere, Techno slowly lost that hope with how confused the green mer looked.
"No I only saw you, if I had seen them I would have sent them down to my storage with you." The mer explained "Did you see what the mer that knocked over your boat looked like? If they're anywhere they're probably with them."
Techno thought it over for a moment and shook his head "I only saw red vibrant scales and then I was in the water and lost sight of my brothers." He watched as the Giant mer thought over the detail and pinched the bridge of his nose grumbling.
"I know who has them…a young mer did this, I can take you to him but you'll have to go back into my storage for the trip." The green mer explained resting his clawed hand down next to Techno.
Techno just stared at the hand for a few moments letting out a deep sigh "First, before I let you eat me again, I think we should do some proper introduction. My name is Techno, who are you and how do you know the young mer?"
"My name is Philza, the lil shit that most likely knocked over your boat is my son." Philza explained smiling and showing off his sharp pointy teeth, Techno shivered a bit at that and slowly climbed on to the mers hand. The piglin yelped as the hand suddenly moved forward and lifted him up into the air in front of the row of sharp pointy teeth.
Techno watched as a tongue stuck out of the mouth and just stayed there, he slowly put two and two together and started crawling into Philza's mouth. He really hoped this wasn't going to be a long trip.
Philza quickly swam through the water looking for Tommy and really hoping the kid didn't get himself into any more trouble, he rubbed at his brooding pouch to make sure Techno was ok and smiled as he got a small kick back. The green mer quickly sped up as he spotted some shining red scales.
The giant whale shark mer quickly reached forward and grabbed the red mer by the tail before he could run off and pulled the child into his arms. Being careful of the small bump on the boy's belly, he started swimming back towards their home not listening to a single excuse that came out of Tommy's mouth. "You capsized a boat and kidnapped two humans! You're lucky there aren't any hunters out looking for you!"
Tommy just started crying primarily due to the pain in his brooding pouch and went completely limp in Philza's arms "I-Im sorry…t-the humans are ok- but they’re mean-"
"They’re not mean Tommy, they're scared, humans don't have brooding pouches like us so they get really scared when they're put in there." Philza glaring down at his son and feeling a bit bad for the young mer, he picked up the pace and started swimming a bit more quickly towards their home "Let's get the humans out of there and explain to them what happened, ok?"
Tommy sniffled and nodded his head swimming at the same Pace as his father "O-Ok."
It took a bit to actually get Eret and Wilbur out of the brooding pouch considering the young mer Tommy didn't know how to get a human out and considering his small size getting two humans out at once was extra hard on Tommy, Techno hugged his brother and sister clothes double checking to make sure they didn't get hurt well being brought up the mers throat and also helping the two calm down. The three humans still needed to get a proper apology from the young mer and that would be much easier if they weren't freaking out.
Wilbur was of course more pissed off than panicked so he definitely wasn't allowed to talk with the kid, Eret sadly had lost their glasses so she was more confused by the situation and obviously didn't want to get closer, and then there was Techno. Quite frankly Techno just wanted to go home and could care less for the apology but if the kid didn't properly understand what he did was wrong this could happen again.
The piglin side hesitantly walked over to the red mer who only had the top of his head sticking out of the water and watched Techno fearfully, he sat down at the edge of the pool and motioned for the kid to come closer. Tommy hesitantly did so and started shaking.
"Sooo you ate my brothers." Techno stated in a deadpan voice noticing the guilt instantly appearing on the kids face "Why did you capsize a boat and do that?"
Tommy hesitantly rose out of the water leaning his arms on the cave floor next Techno "I thought it was a piece of driftwood…I'm not used to being so big yet and I've never seen a human boat before", Techno did his best to hold back a snicker at the fact that the kids simply thought their boat was a piece of driftwood.
"How the hell does a boat look like driftwood!?" Wilbur yelled out causing the kid to flinch back and quickly dive under the water splashing Techno, Eret located where her twin was and proceeded to punch him in the arm.
"Why would you yell at him!? He's just a baby!" Eret proclaimed still punching Wilbur in the arm, Wilbur covered his head with his arms sitting on the floor and grumbling.
"He ate us! I'm not going to be nice to some punk that ate us!" Wilbur defended himself while looking over at Techno for help, the pink haired piglin shrugged his shoulders.
"It was kind of mean to yell at him." Wilbur took off his soaked and ruined coat, throwing it at Techno's face.
The three siblings all erupted into a big fight now, actually yelling and arguing with each other as Philza returned to the small cave watching the humans in confusion, he growled loudly, getting their attention immediately and crossing his arms. "I thought I told you four to talk things out, why are you three fighting while Tommy's hiding in the shallow end?"
"Wilbur started it." Eret started cutting both of her brothers off and earning a glare from Wilbur, the brunette crossed his arms grumbling.
"I did not! I was pointing at the obvious because you too are usually not to focus on the fact that they ate us!"
Techno shrugged his shoulders "The kid did let you guys out and you weren't harmed in any way so it's not that big of a deal."
The piglin stepped out of the way as a shoe was thrown at him and hite Philza arm that was resting on the stony floor of the cave, everyone gave Wilbur a deadpan stare glaring at him a bit.
"I did eat them…" Tommy peight in poking his head out of the water "And he does have a right to be mad, I'm sorry mister Wilbur- I should have known better and not eat you and your brother."
Wilbur stared down at the ground grumbling, Eret and Techno smacked their brother on the head making him say what he was mumbling out loud "I guess you're forgiven…child"
Philza sighed, pinching the brim of his nose, he looked over at Techno. "And since my son did ruin your day out on the sea, I would like to propose a trip to the beach."
"Well there are other humans there?" Techno asked, looking up at Philza instantly noticing the small smirk on his face.
"Nope. Humans never go to this beach because of how is mers visit it, so do you three want to go?" Philza rested his hands down in front of the three siblings patiently waiting for them to climb on.
Eret was the first to get up and carefully climb onto the giant hand with some help, Techno was the second to climb on and sat down next to Eret, and Wilbur on the other hand just sat there grumbly staring at his brothers like they were crazy. Thankfully a chaotic small mer scooped the grumpy brunette up into his hands holding the human close to his chest.
"Let's get going!" Tommy proclaimed as he shoved Wilbur into his mouth and quickly swallowed the human down to his brooding pouch diving underneath the water, Philza shook his head and opened his mouth wide letting these two humans climb in on their own. Techno helped Eret in and climbed in right after her.
Philza closed his mouth around the two, easily swallowing them down and then dove back into the water taking off after his son, wanting to make sure the mirror was actually going the right direction and not swimming into dangerous territory.
Thankfully once everyone is at the beach Techno happily napping in his lawn chair and enjoying the sun again.
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crisisisneeded · 2 years
The Small banquet
Tw:Vore,Unwilling Vore, Soft/Safe Vore, Blood/Gore
The Banquet was just beginning
Bad was getting ready for the banquet and the first person was niki “Hey Niki!” Bad saying with a big smile across his face “Hey Bad” said back Niki, Niki thought Bad was back to normal. Niki and Bad sayed Hello to King Eret. Everyone was normal sized till the feast began. They party till then and talked till bad said
“It is time for dinner”
They head to the nice Table with Soup and cocktails set on it, Puffy Having Most of the shrimp cocktail, Some of Them gave there speeches that were promising for the better of the Dream Smp
Till Bad’s Part He was Hoping to “turn a new leaf” but what startled eveyone was how he sayed “Time to die.” Everyone turned around hoping to run but lava surrounded them and was boiling hot some of them sat back down and ate before till the potion came in just soon as his speech ended plan was in effect, most of the people were shrunk so it will be easier to kill them, Hannah grew Gaint due to her being a fairy and her size shifting and ponk snd ant were Gaint too, Puffy Checked the chest she hidden but nothing was left, till Bad made a Sinsiter Laugh when He put the Diamond Armor on.
Eret spoked up “ Your monsters.” Said Eret in a very serious tone “ a monster?” Bad said with a sassy tone, “ we all trusted you-“Trust yea Eret you talk about trust” Ant stopped Eret from finishing his sentence. “ you know eret why don’t you go first” bad finished as Hannah already Possessed by the egg grabbed eret by the top of his shirt or dress he was wearing, till foolish spoke up “ Stop! I’m sick of this red stench, I- We try to give this Dreadful egg another chance, But it’s best it ends this way, it can stand itself Against TNT, that was impressive, expected no doubt, but can it with stand Lighting”
“But- you can’t” bad sayed as foolish tried to use the power DreamXD gave him but no hope was left, the egg was suppressing him. “ why don’t we start with foolish instead” Antfrost spoke up,Hannah Agreed and started to Grab foolish till he Grew to the same size as her, Hannah Put Grabbed foolish’s hands pulled him up, that was when Puffy Spoke up not wanting his son to die till Ant said “ this is your fault” and with one slash Foolish was dead, Puffy now Yelling and Crying over his Son who was dead, Niki and Eret Conforting her on the table and Bad was Laughing till Quackity Appeared and stop him along with Technoblade and Purpled, Quackity was telling Bad that the egg didn’t care about him or anyone, He went past puffy giving Puffy a gaint/Growth potion and An Axe and a golden Apple, When Bad was telling Quackity he is gonna die, Puffy Chug the Orange Luquid and Ran and Killed Antfrost, Technoblade being Behind Protecting Now Gaint Puffy and Using the dogs he brought to kill the rest.
Till Bad,Ponk,Hannah fled from Battle, Puffy Now scared about the safety of the others Quackity,Technoblade,Puffy Took and Sent them to there Storage Stomach, so when they were finding a way to locate Bad and the rest, they wouldn’t harm them anymore.
When they left the egg room they let out the rest and grew them back to there normal sized with some of the potions, Quackity had on him.
Ranboo leaving after a the lava poured on the walls of the egg room and head backed to snow Chester. Tubbo Sleeping With Tiny Tommy who was peacefully sleeping on the couch with him. Ranboo Joined them soon after.
Puffy Still in Shock and and Grief and Guilt over her Son and The guilt of killing Antfrost. Returned Home.
Foolish now just respawned back at his Base and still shocked and confused on why his powers were failing him. The egg was still in his head.
Sam and Tommy Secured the egg shortly a few days after, the people under the control returned back to normal
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napstawantstosleep · 2 years
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C! Eret has been on my mind lately and I noticed that their growth as a character was mostly them accepting their mistakes and making peace with their past self haha my life model fr
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wendy130 · 1 year
Wilbur being trapped by his lil brothers (all tinys) who fell asleep on him, Eret well not help him get free
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Ha, L, have fun with that neck pain loser
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4 of the 5 linearts I sent in my application, hope I get accepted.
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cr0g-0 · 1 year
Thank you to @plant-gt-thought-box for creating a lovely prompt list! I'm not really doing an ask game with them but I am drawing some of them for the funsies! If nyone wants to check the prompts out you can do so [Here!]
I drew Science fair rivals Wilbur and Eret in which they had an oopsie ok they are idiots-
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Played with the idea of Eret's glasses being used as the emotional indicator and i think its pretty funny lol-
Not to proud of the perspective but it'll get better with time!
Prompt 21 was
"What do we do!?" "How should I know!? I've never been four [4] inches tall before?!!"
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Introducing you to Finn (Fenris)
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oh-look-its-lia · 2 years
Tiny little @theeretblr doodle!
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eretbuteverywhere · 2 years
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ingenious-waterfowl · 2 years
Your Majesty
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Made this based of the stream with Eret starting their new hardcore world before remembering they had a dress. Played around with rendering, pretty happy with how it looks.
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Blueberry Bush Family
Hi hello welcome to my TED talk about a new au I made inspired by this post. I hope you all like it! *buries myself in dirt and disappears once again*
Also @brick-a-doodle-do take it
° Eret recently got into gardening and baking so she bought a small blueberry bush she can grow in her garden! Techno and Wilbur agree to help Eret plant it when one of them sees a tiny lil head poke out of the bush…
° The three brothers just look down at the tiny boy very confused on why there is a tiny person in the blueberry bush Eret got
° Then Wilbur calls dibs on the tiny boy and very carefully take some out of the blueberry bush to inspect him, Wilbur has decided this tiny gremlin that is biting his fingers and looks a little bit like a mouse is his lil brother and no one can stop him
° Techno and Eret start inspecting the blueberry bush to see if there's anything else strange about it and find a tiny log leading down into the dirt and a pair of blue eyes staring right back at them from the darkness
° Techno, being the brave soul he is, sticks his finger in and pulls out an angry looking birdman who is also small (but still much bigger than the tiny mouse boy)
° Eret decides after the discovery of yet another tiny person in the blueberry bush gets a small piece of string and ties one of the blueberries that's right to it, she lowers it into the small hole and when she feels something tugging on it quickly pulls another small person out…they look like a black and white bunny person and instantly start crying once they realize they have fallen for a trap
° Techno takes the tiny mouse and tiny bunny boy from his siblings and reunites them with the bird person, they start trying to question the bird man as it's very obvious they can talk (do to the tiny mouse boy swearing like a sailor)
° As the bird man slowly starts to talk Wilbur starts to get attacked with blueberries and Eret sees three more tiny people at the base of the blueberry bush
° Eret carefully picks up the tiny fox, duck, and bunny person so they stop attacking her brother with blueberries
° The three brothers then just sit there awkwardly as the big bird guy who seems to be the eldest of these tiny people starts yelling at them in chirps, well there doing this Eret and Techno just carry the tiny people inside (well Wilbur goes to change his clothes cuz they're staind with blueberries)
° Techno and Eret set the six tiny people down on a pillow on their kitchen table and then properly start asking questions
° they find out all of the tiny's names (Tommy, Philza, Ranboo, Fundy, Niki, and Quackity) and is that the reason they were emerging from the blueberry bush Eret got was that their home had been uprooted with the bush and because they were in a crowded area surrounded by humans they didn't get a chance to properly move before Eret bought there home
° Eret ask the Tiny Family if they possibly want to just stay in their backyard as she's going to use the berry bush to grow a nice small garden and she wouldn't mind them staying there, Philza originally was going to decline but all of his kids instantly start agreeing thinking it would be a great idea
° Techno is then left all alone with the tinys Tommy, Ranboo, Fundy, Niki, and Quackity
° Techno being extremely awkward and not actually wanting to socialize takes the tinys to the living room and puts on a marathon of studio Ghibli movies, he succeeds in distracting everyone so they don't have to talk (he does make them snacks)
° Meanwhile outside Eret, Wilbur, and Philza are very carefully bearing the blueberry bush from its pot into the soil of the garden well also making sure they don't accidentally destroy the tiny's home
° Philza also set some basic rules down for the humans telling them that they're not allowed to just take his kids without telling him and they're especially not allowed to take them aside the house
° Philza realizes these rules will be completely ignored by his children when he goes inside and sees them watching something called "movies" and sees how much his kids enjoy them
° Well everyone else is watching the movies Eret ask Philza to help her decide what she should grow in the garden since his family well also be using probably whatever she grows there for food
° Philza really hopes this humans are nice…
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conarcoin · 6 months
List of MCYT Cats
I was bored. Links to each cat's @mcyt-cats tag. I didn't include every small CC but I included pretty much all major ones. Ordered by owner name, please let me know any I missed!
There were a lot of cats with only one post so I didn't look through all of them, so I probably missed some
Aimsey: Oli, Pip
Andivmg: Zuko
Antfrost: Finley, Floof
Astelic: Theo
Baghera Jones: Bonnie
Benex: Mauzi
BerthaDarling: Milkloaf, Pepper
Bizly: Callisto
CaptainPuffy: Blue, Bubbles, Peach, Penny
Cellbit: Gengibre, Tofu
Condifiction: Felony
ConnorEatsPants: Bumper, Kat
Cxvlxn: Chicken Nugget
Docm77: Gracie
Dream: Patches
Elodiegif: Pixie
Eret: Duck, Goose, Mouse
Fundy: Boots
GeorgeNotFound: Luca
Ghostyjpg: Toast
GoodTimesWithScar: Jellie
Grian: Maui, Pearl
Hypnotizd: Max
IAmTy: Scout
impulseSV: Luna
InTheLittleWood: Kiki, Pascal
Jack Manifold: Pluto, Saturn
Jaiden Animations: Tostada
James Marriott: Otto
Joey Graceffa: Sakura
Jojosolos: Toaster
Joko: Poopy (aka Gomez)
Jschlatt: Jambo, "Burnt Jambo"
JustAMinx: Cornelius, Sylum
Karl Jacobs: Grey
Katherine Elizabeth: Grayson
Krinios: Ozzy
Krtzyy: Appa
LDShadowLady: Buddy
Michaelmcchill: Leela
Milomumbles: Jack
Mumbo Jumbo: Benji
Nihachu: Gnar, Mai, Zuko
PearlescentMoon: Dakotah, Nugget, Olive
Quackity: Tiger
Rubius: Wilson
Sapnap: Lily, Milo, Mogwai, Naomi
SeaPeeKay: Bella
Shubble: Rocket, Star, Starlord
SlicedLime: Ellie
Smajor1995: Elle
Snifferish: Fifi, Maya, Satsuki, Winston
Solidarity: Flick, Norman
SootRhianna: Toph
StacyPlays: Milquetoast, Pipsqueak
Stampylongnose: Ori
Sylvee: Niko, Tesla
Technoblade: Pumpkin
Traves: Kimchee
Tubbo: Rocky
VintageBeef: Sage
Willowmvp: Oz
ZombieCleo: Atlas, Glados
ZloyXP: Red, Tiny
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batwritings · 2 years
Brainrot time! I cant shake this scenario off my head:
Its spring, something in the air changes, flowers blossom, animals seem to be more active, all colors become brighter and senses seem to sharpen. There's almost an electricity in the air... and the hybrids of the smp feel this change. Of course they know what the season means, afterall spring is for breeding, as a matter of fact, most of them start to act... different. With more energy, some of them become particulary territorial, some of them become snappy. Some of them become extra clingy and some seem completly unaffected, until something makes them snap, the further into the breeding season, the more feral some thoughts become.
Everyone is deep down, waiting, holding their breath, the luckier hybrids have a partner to get through the season, but what about those unmated?
Feel free to add your thoughts if you want! About any hybrid you feel like it :]
[Ill probably add a more filthy follow up of this, if i muster up the courage]
I honestly am just gonna compile a list of people into this because I have MANY thoughts on this subject (partially from experience...um...don't ask unless you want to know ^^; ))
Dream- Starting strong, I fully believe this man is a hybrid of some kind, usually a ram. Usually would go to George and Sapnap for help during his ruts until he meets you. He was always incredibly meticulous about watching the days before his next cycle. Being in the prison was hell for him because he had no way of tracking the days and no you to help him through it. He'd rut against his pillow and whine your name, desperate to feel your touch to help his overheated, understimulated body.
George- A cat. You can't tell me this man wouldn't be a god-blessed cat. Now this does tend to mean a spiky cat dick, but he does do his best to make that process as painless for you as possible. During his ruts are about the only times he's not an absolute pillow prince and will fuck into for as long as you'll let him.
Sapnap- His touch can be rather dangerous if not monitored very closely during his breeding cycles. He has burnt you before during sex and he will absolutely tear into himself about it after. Think "I was too rough with you during my cycle and now you don't wanna be my mate," to the tune of that one Ozzy Osbourne TikTok. Honestly being with him during a rut is how you probably discovered your love of temperature play.
Awesamdude- Almost doesn't want you around during his ruts. Sam can get a bit violent, namely with his mating marks. In the early stages, he's more prone to exploding, which is part of why he doesn't want you near. But he knows better than most what it's like to go through a rut alone and eventually relents. He learns to to let off tiny explosions over one big one and both loves and hates the scars he's left on your skin.
Eret- I see her as a wither hybrid of sorts, and yes, Withers do go through mating cycles. She tries really hard not to touch you during this time as you WILL get withered. While it might not kill you, Eret still worries about hurting you in a state where he's not really in a position to help, brain too foggy to think of much but how you good you feel.
Foolish- The most violent honestly, namely because of how much he bites. And then, y'know, shark hybrid. Shark smell blood. It can...cause a bit of a frenzy. He will often try to breed you with both members because that's how he gets the most pleasure. He really enjoys the sight of you wearing his cum though as well, all stuffed full and carrying his scent.
Karl- Remember! Karl isn't human, so I would wager he does go through a form of mating cycle. He's more liable to showing his true form in this state, despite how he may have tried to hide it at first. He really likes to wrap you up in his arms and hold you close, both in and out of that form. His cycles don't last super long, but he's so foggy during them he doesn't always remember.
DreamXD- This absolute menace. XD will suppress himself for as long as physically possible before his body says "Look if you don't fuck right this second? We're gonna have a problem >:(". He knows he's allowed to let himself go with you and will honestly probably fuck you relentlessly in the days during his cycle. If you're okay with it, he'll probably go even if you pass out, but if not is more than okay with separating himself from you while you recover. You'll find him in the corner of the room, watching you with darkened green eyes as he waits for you to come to.
Schlatt (saved the best for last /hj)- Absolute menace number two. Schlatt however, is just endlessly horny. He will fuck you no matter where, or when in front of whoever if you're cool with that. During his ruts though? He's far more tender, far more sincere. While normally Schlatt can be pretty demanding and domineering, he shows his soft side during this time, how he craves to feel you take him and how desperately he wants to mate you and make you truly his. Maybe even start a family.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
Was wondering if I could make a request? If so could you do one where mcyts meet the reader's younger sibling for the first time? (or older sibling I don't mind) My little sister absolutely adores Karl and it made me think of this.
Hallo, thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy<3
DSMP meeting Reader's little sibling
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude
Click here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them
So, I imagine you were on a call w/ your friends and your little sibling/s decided to come up and interrupt your conversation
You decided then to introduce them to your friends, who were all very happy to talk to them
Wondering what you were doing and who you've been talking to for the past 4 hours, because they were bored and in need of someone else to play with
And for C!Phil & C!Techno, they showed up at your house just to hangout and stumbled upon your sibling/s who opened the door for them
Dream, Sapnap and Karl are 100% naturally good w/ kids. The first two have little siblings of their own, while Karl has had experience with Chris' son. So your sibling/s easily start liking them;
Bad, C!Phil, Nihachu and Sam have a pretty calm aura to themselves, that just makes your sibling/s happy to just talk to them. They definetly promised to play togheter;
Skeppy, Quackity and Foolish have a pretty kid-like personalities, so they normally get the attention of your sibling/s and start playing a game of your sibling/s choice;
George, Wilbur, C!Techno, Eret and Punz are pretty awkward with them at first, not knowing what you do or say with this tiny human. But they're cool looking enough to have your sibling/s be head over heals for them in no time haha
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