Could we uuuh get sum pining Aizawa hc ??
Ooh! Yes!!
Aizawa is either someone who tells his crush immediately about his feelings ‘cause uh. it’s Ir A T ioN A L to keep such feelings from somebody, especially when they have a right to know?? OR! Aizawa is someone who will keep his feelings locked up and buried deep for like fifteen years straight and will never say Anything about them until the day he dies. He expects his crush to just figure it out (cause he thinks he’s being super obvious, when in reality, it’s just him doing small things like: he lets Hizashi have One (1) strawberry off of his cake, whereas if anybody else even looks in the general vicinity of said strawberries, Aizawa will roundhouse kick them into the next week)
Aizawa is very much a person who, when told “i love you” by anyone, will answer with a deadpan, “Why?”
Aizawa likes Hizashi a lot, but he is convinced Hizashi would never like him back because. Why would he?? When Hizashi could pick literally anyone and they’d be better than him???
Aizawa knows he’s ugly. He knows he’s sloppy and gross. He knows he does a shit job at taking care of himself. He knows he’s not easy to get along with. He knows he’s stubborn and rude and unfriendly and unsociable and just generally a very unpleasant person to be around. Who would wanna fall in love with that??? Hizashi, that’s who
He’s honestly surprised Hizashi even likes being his friend, when they differ so much it’s sad
Because of his physical and personality traits, Aizawa has. Kinda resigned himself to being alone for the rest of his life. And he’s okay with it. Even if he’ll spend the rest of his life pining over some loud oblivious dope who will never love him back, he’s fine with it. Because he’s just happy to have Hizashi in his life at all to be honest
Aizawa definitely has some BIG Dumbass Energy, and actually thinks he’s coming down with some sort of sickness when he starts developing The Feelings™
He definitely went to Recovery Girl’s office or googled his ‘symptoms’ to find out what was ‘wrong with him’
“My heartbeat gets really fast and my face feels really hot and i can’t speak right and I feel really jittery and antsy whenever I’m around my best friend am I DYING???”
When Aizawa figures out he got a big ol’ gay crush on his best friend, he. Doesn’t really know what to do with himself?? He’s probably the kind of piner who tries to avoid his crush as much as possible to avoid saying or doing something stupid around them
He gets better about ignoring and maintaining his feelings as he gets older. When he’s in his twenties, his heart will beat twice as fast whenever Hizashi will do something nice for him and for a moment Aizawa will panic for seemingly no reason but then realize–”oh wait that’s right i’m in love with this doofus. This is what feelings feel like”
Aizawa realizes that Hizashi, too, is not exactly attractive by media beauty standards. Buuuuuuut he doesn’t care. He can stare at that obnoxiously bright golden hair and those swirly verdant eyes and that gapped, buck-toothed smile and that stupid, pathetic excuse for a moustache for hours
Besides that, Hizashi just makes Aizawa feel so loved?? Hizashi encourages Aizawa anytime he’s feeling like he isn’t good enough, he knows when Aizawa is having a crummy day and how to turn that sad scowl into a mildly-irked frown, he remembers Aizawa’s birthday, all of his favorite foods and movies and games–everything. Hizashi makes Aizawa feel so important
Aizawa, as a general rule, hates physical touch. Only like four people in his life are allowed to even breathe anywhere near his personal bubble. But with Hizashi?? Hizashi is touchy with everyone–including Mr. Don’t-Touch-Me-or-I’ll-Break-Your-Kneecaps. And at first, Aizawa loathed it. But once he came down with a bad case of The Feelings™, he finds himself not only not minding the hugs and arms slinging around his shoulders and pats from Hizashi, but actively craving them.
Of course Aizawa will never admit that out loud.
So he just settles for burying his burning face into his scarf and not suplexing Hizashi into the ground every time he wraps his arm around Aizawa’s shoulders
His favorite touches are when Hizashi plays with his hair, when Hizashi lets Aizawa rest against his shoulder whenever he starts crashing, or when Hizashi wraps him up in a big ol’ warm and tight huuuug
Aizawa is a big ol’ softy who loves hugs and cuddles but only from One Man pass it on
He’ll never say anything about his crush. Not to Hizashi, not to his friends, not to anyone. He won’t attempt to flirt or make jokes about them potentially being in a relationship, he won’t even bring up a hypothetical scenario.
Regardless, all of his and Hizashi’s friends are basically convinced that they are a couple already. Hizashi likes to play along and fake-flirt with Aizawa and sometimes even flat-out agree with them. 
All the while, Aizawa says nothing. Just kind of. seethes silently in his spot next to Hizashi with a burning red face, flustered and a bit frustrated about how Hizashi is so willing to joke about being together but would never want to actually be together. right??
He doesn’t laugh or joke around along with them, which is not unlike himself, so no one questions it. Just sits and pouts and tries his damnedest not to read into what Hizashi says
Whenever Hizashi drags Aizawa to public outings like parties or bar-hopping or lunch with friends, Aizawa trails after Hizashi like a lost puppy. Hizashi is kind of Aizawa’s security blanket (not that Aizawa will ever admit to such a thing)
If Aizawa is invited to some sort of social event and he hears Hizashi isn’t going to be there, his interest in the event dwindles down from 20% to negative eleventeen percent
Aizawa is a maaaaaaajor introvert. Almost everybody will wear him down if he’s forced to be around them long enough–including Hizashi. But every day, Aizawa finds himself less and less tired after hangout sessions with Hizashi, regardless of how long they spend together. And once they move in together, Aizawa thought that being around Hizashi almost 24/7 might have wrecked him to the point of exhaustion. But in truth?? Aizawa finds Hizashi’s presence in his home after a long, hard day of heroing quite comforting and relaxing
Aizawa often falls asleep on Hizashi’s shoulder and forces him to carry his sleepy carcass to his bed. But uhhhhh Hizashi doesn’t mind shhhhhh
He’s not a big fan of music, but Aizawa loves it whenever Hizashi has him test-listen to an album, or just any song Hizashi seems to be in love with at the moment. Aizawa is actually pretty impressed at the fact that Hizashi always seems to find at least one song with every batch that Aizawa actually enjoys
He loves the feeling of Hizashi’s headphones around his head. The soft pressure and the lack of noise is like a warm, gentle caress to his ears. He can’t explain why he loves it (nor will he attempt to), but he does
Only Hizashi’s headphones, tho–no other pair is the same
Aizawa definitely listens to Hizashi’s radio show whenever he gets the chance. If he’s home early, he’ll fall asleep to his friend’s voice playing through their old radio as white noise. If he’s on a quiet patrol, he’ll pop an earbud in as he skirts around the rooftops.
I think…….. that’s all i got for now D: In conclusion: Aizawa’s full name is actually Shouta Major Dumbass Aizawa
Hopefully these sufficed!!
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upsidedrowned · 5 years
barb is kind of a badass in my divergence. skilled at hiding her fear & standing up for herself : but you'd better bet your ass she has ptsd from everything she experienced
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☣ ; } tinyHEADCANON
               He was programmed from the very beginning as an assassin. No questions asked kind of killer, a weapon to be used by whoever held his leash. Bound and muzzled when not in use too. The first organization to hold his leash was the High Council.
               Rumor has it that he joined the D e c e p t i c o n movement after a botched assassination attempt on their leadership, while others state that it wasn’t until Halogen’s murder that the group even caught his attention.
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              He was programmed from the very beginning as an assassin. No questions asked kind of killer, a weapon to be used by whoever held his leash. Bound and muzzled when not in use too. The first organization to hold his leash was the High Council.
              Rumor has it that he joined the D e c e p t i c o n movement after a botched assassination attempt on their leadership, while others state that it wasn’t until Halogen’s murder that the group even caught his attention.
0 notes
Not the same anon as before, but could we get some getting together erasermic headcannons?
Okay so i’ve been putting these off under the guise that I’ve been busy--which, in truth, i have been--but part of the real reason i’ve been putting them off is because i don’t actually have concrete headcanons on how Hizashi and Shouta get together D:
So like 99% of these are probably just gonna be Life-After-Getting-Together headcanons and not actually Getting-Together headcanons. But uuhhhhhhhhhh let’s try this anyways!
As much as I love the idea of Hizashi and Shouta being highschool sweethearts, I feel like. They’re too dumb?? To recognize their feelings for each other until they’re in their twenties??
Mic definitely wakes up in a cold sweat one night like “oh shIT I LOVE HIM”, whilst Aizawa’s descent into lovesickness was more subtle and more drawn out, with him just kinda realizing with every sweet thing Mic does for him making his heart beat faster until he’s actively trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with him
They’re both nervous af around each other; but Mic deals with his issues with humor whilst Aizawa deals with his issues by pretending they don’t exist
Assuming Aizawa doesn’t just flat out tell Mic about his feelings immediately (which is something i honestly kind of expect that he would do), he would throw himself into his work to the point of which the only time he ever comes home to their shared apartment is when Mic is out for his radio show or is sleeping
Mic definitely misses him, and tries to rearrange his schedule in response just so he’ll have some time to spend with Aizawa, much to Aizawa’s simultaneous dismay and reluctant pleasure
As he grows a bit bolder with his crush, Mic offhandedly flirts with Aizawa. 
Aizawa always takes his nice comments as just that--nice comments. Cuz. Mic? The one with hair silkier than some rich dude’s designer scarf?? Complimenting his rat’s nest of a bedhead tied in the messiest braid ever woven by human hands??? Calling it cute???? ‘Mmmmm i dunno know about that one scoob’
Shouta snuffs out the hope that maybe Mic actually means the nice comments pretty quickly. He’s dumb like that.
Eventually Mic’s flirting and touchiness get to be too intense, and as he’s gushing about how cute and cuddly Aizawa is when he’s sleepy Mic ends up accidentally spilling the beans with a “--and that’s why I’m in love with you!”
He’s mortified to say the least. But also--Mic was super obvious with his crush, how could he expect Aizawa to not read into his comments/actions?
Joke’s on him. Cause Aizawa’s a dumb motherfucker who’s just now realizing his hopeless crush is reciprocated
“......Oh. Well now I feel like an idiot.”
They have a good laugh about how dumb they both were dancing around each other with their feelings, and then they smooch. Happy end.
They’re dating is pretty subdued. Because of current society and because of Mic’s status as a famous celebrity and Aizawa’s as an unknown, they keep their relationship a secret from everyone except for a handful of people: The teachers at UA, Tensei Iida, The Wild Wild Pussycats, Detective Tsukauchi, and eventually Miss Joke after Aizawa gets tired of her ‘advances’
in truth, Miss Joke could tell the two were practically married a mile away, and had no real intention of barging in on that. And, like Aizawa, she is also hella gay, and thinks the idea of her and him dating is the funniest fucking thing on the planet
Mic’s pretty sad that he’s not allowed to proclaim his love of Aizawa to the entire world, but he respects Aizawa’s privacy more than his disappointment, and does an ace job at keeping their relationship under wraps
In truth, it’s Aizawa who actually ends up revealing more about their relationship
I’ve mentioned this before in previous headcanon posts but feel like it needs to be put here too: Aizawa’s lack of complaint and lack of suplexing Mic to the ground whenever he so much as lays a finger on him is very telling of how much Aizawa likes Mic.
They don’t partake in PDA because of the secrecy of their relationship, but Mic has a workaround for that: his own personal loophole--he’s touchy with everyone. So he has a perfectly viable excuse to throw himself all over Aizawa in public, pulling Aizawa into hugs, touching Aizawa’s face, running his hands through Aizawa’s hair, clasping Aizawa’s hand in his.
And nobody gets the idea Aizawa’s getting special treatment because Mic is like this with everybody.
Mic could plant a big wet kiss on Aizawa’s cheek in front of a roaring crowd and everyone would just be like “Yeah, that’s normal. That’s just how Mic is.’
Mic most certainly alludes to his #1 Listener on his radio show on a consistent basis.
There are conspiracy theories going around on who Mic’s #1 Listener might be. None of them are even close to being correct.
They all make their way to Mic, and it’s honestly his favorite form of entertainment to read through just how involved some of the conspiracies get
Mic and Aizawa get married at twenty-four, with Aizawa proposing
Their wedding is ridiculously small, per Aizawa’s request, with no more than 20 people showing up.
(this one is courtesy of the 18+ erasermic discord): Mic definitely played keytar for Aizawa during the ceremony. It’s one of two times Aizawa allows himself to cry in public
Mic is the one who brings up the idea of adopting a child. Aizawa kind of dismisses it, joking that they already have a bunch of children in the forms of their students. He then takes the suggestion more seriously and tells Mic that he thinks its a bad idea: they’re both pro heroes who are very rarely at home, they have no time to raise and take care of another human being. Aizawa also expresses concerns for their hypothetical child’s safety in a world of quirks and heroes and villains, where personal attacks on a hero’s family are very much a thing
Not to mention, Aizawa just. Doesn’t think he’d be a very good dad. Mic? Yes, without a doubt. But him? If his reputation as a teacher is anything to go by, he would not be an enjoyable dad
Mic gets what Aizawa is saying. He’s disappointed to say the least, but he comes around to understanding Aizawa’s concerns, and eventually just drops the idea.
The parenting suggestion doesn’t come up between them again until years later, when Eri comes into their lives
Then it’s Aizawa suggesting they adopt her, because 
1. Villains could still potentially be after Eri, and who better than Pro Hero Parents to protect her?
2. Aizawa doesn’t know the people who Eri might get adopted by! What if they’re villains in disguise? Aizawa doesn’t trust them, no matter how nice they seem. 
3. Eri’s already comfortable with them, and she’s comfortable with everyone in the dorms who she lives among. Why take that away from her and force her to acquaint herself with strangers?
4. What if Eri’s quirk starts acting up, and she’s unable to control it? Ain’t no other person gonna be able to safely cancel it out!
And 5...... Aizawa may have gotten attached to her during his role of Care Taker
Mic is quick to jab at Aizawa’s earlier reluctance of adopting, but in truth is very welcoming of the idea of making Eri a part of their family. So he helps Aizawa out with filing the adoption papers, and soon they’re the proud parents of a sweet innocent bby
They end up adopting Shinsou as well, after Shinsou’s dad is killed after a villain attack and he’s left as an orphan
They adopt him mostly to give Shinsou some stability after it was ripped away from him so suddenly. They just want to make sure he can spend his last 3-5 years of dependence in peace, with a place to call home and people he can be comfortable around
Neither Aizawa nor Mic expect him to consider them parental figures, considering how close Shinsou was with his biological dad, but they welcome him into their family with open arms anyways
Aizawa and Mic are very proud of their little family, no matter how shoddily it may have been put together
That ended sad. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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To continue quenching my thirst for erasermic headcanons, would you mind following up those pining Aizawa HCs with PINING HIZASHI HCs please??? I HAVE A DYING NEED ;_____;
Erasermic Pining Headcanons: MIC EDITION
Hizashi was definitely attracted to Aizawa from the moment he spoke to him--but he doesn’t realize that attraction is love until much later
he’s kinda just like “HEY i feel really bubbly and happy whenever I’m around Aizawa! He must have some joy-emitting aura as a secondary quirk or something!!” for like two or three years straight. His friends just listen and nod along in pity
Unlike Aizawa, who feels the need to keep literally every one of his feelings under strict lock down with laser grids and six different security levels, Hizashi. Must. SPEAK. He cannot con t a in these feelings, they must be set FREE
Every one of his and Aizawa’s group of friends (barring Aizawa, himself ofc) is then subjected to Hizashi’s very long and very thorough dissertations concerning his emotions about Aizawa and how much Hizashi loves everything about him
it gets to the point where every single one of his friends are about two seconds away from just throwing a tied-up Hizashi to Aizawa’s doorstep with a sticky note that reads “HEY! I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU BUT I WON’T TELL YOU MYSELF BECAUSE I’M A BIG SCAREDY CAT!!” smacked onto the middle of his forehead cause they’re tired of hearing him talk and not doing anything about his feelings
Whenever Hizashi alludes to being in love with Aizawa to people who are not part of his friend group, they all kind of give him an eyebrow raise, like “...Really? The ugly rat man digging leftovers out of the garbage?”
And Hizashi. is insulted. He cannot see how anyone could not think Aizawa is the most beautiful and wonderful creature in the world?? Have they not seen Aizawa’s physique, or the way his tangled mop of hair perfectly frames his face, or the spooky way his eyes glow blood red when he activates his quirk, or the cute little pout he makes whenever he’s angry?? What’s not to love????
And don’t even get Hizashi started on Eraserhead as a hero. He will go off on anyone who implies that Aizawa is a shabby, difficult-to-work-with hero.
“Well I’d like to see you swinging around on rooftops in the dead of night busting entire crime rings with only your bare fists and a fancy scarf while having to deal with your shit! Eraser would kick your ass in a fight--and wouldn’t even brag about it afterwards!!”
Hizashi is Aizawa’s ultimate hype man. So much so, that he flat-out refuses to talk to people who don’t respect Aizawa
Hizashi is very touchy with Aizawa! Granted, he’s touchy with everyone, but with Aizawa it feels very special, because at first, Aizawa hated it every time Hizashi laid a finger on him. Hizashi planned on stopping after so much complaining, but suddenly, the complaints just kinda stop?? Aizawa literally never sighs in contempt or slams Hizashi into the ground when Hizashi wraps his arm around his shoulders or pulls him into a hug like he used to, he just. Accepts it
Hizashi is. very confused. and concerned
“Is this okay?? Am I allowed to touch???” “Do whatever you want.”
If we’re being honest that was probably the best moment of Hizashi’s life
Originally, Hizashi used to stress about always doing his hair and wearing his sunglasses whenever he went out into the public, because he’s gotta keep up his image, yanno?? But one day, Aizawa sees him with his hair down and his regular blocky glasses cause he didn’t have time to make himself up before Aizawa got there, and Hizashi’s kinda freaking out about it. But Aizawa says he kinda likes him looking so relaxed and natural, and it just. Causes Hizashi to want to keep his hair down and wear regular old glasses every single day because Aizawa said he likes them omgg
Hizashi showers Aizawa in affection. Whether it be buying five packs of Aizawa’s favorite juice pouches for him, taking a million photos of any cats he meets on the street for Aizawa to browse through later, or wrapping him up in a big warm hug, Hizashi will do so happily
Speaking of cats, Hizashi is In. Love. with the dopey grin Aizawa dons whenever he’s looking at cute pictures of cats. Which. In reality, Aizawa’s “dopey grin” is more of a slight uptilt of the corners of his mouth so that he’s not quite smiling but not quite frowning, either. But GOD does Hizashi love it
Aizawa’s Scary Smile™ and his laugh are Hizashi’s reasons for living
The first time Hizashi made Aizawa laugh, Hizashi thought he had ascended to a higher realm. He definitely shed a few tears
later on in life, when Hizashi gets more comfortable with his crush and he’s not just a bag of nerves and hormones, he actually starts offhandedly flirting with Aizawa. Small comments that can be taken as light-hearted jokes like “Well aren’t you looking ruggedly handsome today?” or “You’re so cute when you bury your face into your scarf!”
Aizawa doesn’t really respond to the comments with anything other than a scoff and a roll of his eyes, so Hizashi’s kind of convinced that 1. Aizawa doesn’t mind them and 2. Aizawa doesn’t think much of them
Hizashi’s a little sad that Aizawa isn’t really picking up what he’s putting down, but most of him is glad that he’s not making things awkward between them
If ever somebody starts trying to make a move on Hizashi, he probably won’t even notice. Because honestly he’s way too infatuated with Aizawa to care.
If Hizashi has a chance to bring a friend along as his +1 to an event, he will 110% always choose Aizawa. Even if Aizawa has no interest in going, and would probably just spend the entire time by the food table instead of socializing, Hizashi will happily stay right by his side and chow down right there with him
But most of the time, Aizawa wants to stay away from social events. And Hizashi’s okay with that! If that’s the case (and if the event isn’t too important), Hizashi will subtly make an excuse as to why he can’t show up for it, and plan a movie night for them instead
Hizashi loves messing around with Aizawa’s hair. He’ll often take to untangling it and braiding it to keep his hands occupied whenever he has a long-winded thought to share to Aizawa. It’s very cathartic, and Hizashi gets to see Aizawa in a cute braid afterward! Win-win!
He also loves it whenever Aizawa falls asleep on his shoulder. Aizawa just looks so got dang peaceful and soft when he’s sleeping! And Aizawa’s falling-asleep-on-someone is a sign of trust, and Hizashi is filled with many happy feelings that Aizawa trusts him enough to do it with him! Also, it allows Hizashi to carry Aizawa around in his arms and wrap him up like a snuggly burrito in hundreds of blankets, so that’s a plus, too
Their friends are convinced that, because Hizashi and Aizawa live together and spend so much time with each other and also rescue cats together, that they have officially gotten together as a couple. Hizashi plays along--it’s his way of dealing with Feelings™ and also avoiding telling them that he’s still too much of a coward to confess but uhhhh don’t tell anyone
Hizashi has about five hundred different playlists made about Aizawa, and always puts on one for his radio queue whenever he’s feeling especially lovestruck that night. They’re all named fancy terms describing Aizawa, like “Hero in the Shadows” or “Beauty in Black” or “Pink Sweatpants Day.” Hizashi still makes new Aizawa-themed playlists to this day, and the general population is none the wiser about his motives
Hizashi always has Aizawa test-listen to his playlists and help him pick out the best songs to play on the radio. He knows a song must be especially good if Aizawa ends up enjoying it
In addition to his teaching Aizawa English, Hizashi also takes the time to teach him JSL. Hizashi enjoys the process of teaching JSL a little more, just because it feels so much more personal in helping Aizawa form the hand motions and coming up with personalized signs for them to use whenever they work together on missions
Hizashi either drunkenly confesses his feelings one day or he lets something slip out accidentally while ranting, there is no subtlety or planning in his methods
I think that’s about all I got for now!! Enjoy!
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Would it be um, bad to ask for nsfw erasermic hc ? Sorry
Okay i’ve been putting this off for long enough
I’ve uhhhh. Kinda branded myself as a very safe-for-work blog, with maybe a sexual joke or two slipped into my rhetoric, so this is gonna be a very new experience for me. Not to mention I don’t really. Have? Too many ns/f//w headcanons, so like. They’re all probably gonna be VERY generic and lackluster, and like half of them are gonna be headcanons i’ve adopted from other people. Plz forgive me
Putting them under a Read More because. Yanno. IF YOU’RE UNDER 18, THIS ONE AIN’T FOR YOU
tumblr plz don’t snipe me off the face of the earth for saying dick ;; ; 
I dooooon’t actually have concrete headcanons on who tops and who bottoms; I kinda just go with whatever tf I’m in the mood for at the moment?? If I’m in the mood for Bottom!Mic, I’ll go for Bottom!Mic; if I’m in the mood for Bottom!Aizawa, I’ll go for Bottom!Aizawa
However i do tend to lean towards Bottom!Mic because of the oversaturation of Bottom!Aizawa in the community but you didn’t hear that from me
So for the sake of this headcanon list, I’ll just be regarding them both as switches
First off, I feel the need to say: Aizawa is a hairy motherfucker. This man cannot be assed to shave or wax or anything–what’s the point?? it’s just gonna grow back?? It’s a waste of his time and at the very bottom of his list of priorities
Mic shaves, however. He can get away with not shaving just because his hair is so light it blends in with his skin, but he doesn’t really like the feeling on him? He likes his smooth skin (also his costume always snags his leg hairs and pulls them anyway so uh goodbye body hair)
Mic has managed to grow One (1) chest hair in his entire life. He’s very proud of it
Mic is a HUGE fan of lingerie! He’s got a huge collection, and he wears it almost every time he and Aizawa engage in Sexy Times. Aizawa, too is an avid fan of how Mic looks in the pretty garments. He likes them a little more when they’re sprawled over the edges of the bed, tho ;)
It’s very difficult to convince Aizawa to wear lingerie. Aizawa, while usually not that self-conscious about his appearance, is very uncomfortable in fancy, expensive clothing. He feels like he doesn’t belong in such nice attire cuz. He’s basically grimy street rat?? Suits and ties, silk shirts, lingerie–anything that costs over 5000 yen, it is not his territory.And he feels like nice clothes highlight his shabbiness more than any set of rags ever could
The first time Mic got Aizawa his own set of lingerie, it took lots of coaxing and reassuring that Aizawa’s gonna look gorgeous in it, and that Mic would be the only one to ever see Aizawa like this, to convince him to wear it. And also the promise that if Aizawa really, truly didn’t enjoy wearing it after this time, he’d never have to again. Aizawa very reluctantly obliges, and the entire time Mic just showers him in praise and compliments and worship.
The praise helps Aizawa enjoy the experience, and soon he’s willing to don lingerie again in the future. But only when he feels confident enough to
They have definitely both worn lingerie underneath their hero costumes in public before. Aizawa has an easier time with it because he isn’t wearing skintight leather that chafes and reveals everything
Speaking of public, Mic loves doing the do in public/semi-public places. They arrive early to school and the staff room is empty? Gotta do it on Snipe’s desk. They’re at a stuffy gala and are feeling hot and flustered? Time to find the nearest supply closet!
Mic finds the potential of being caught very exhilarating. Aizawa–less so. But Aizawa’s not one to turn down a good time–anything to get him out of a social event
before they got together, they have definitely walked in on each other masturbating (to thoughts of each other) multiple times before. Aizawa doesn’t really think it’s a big deal, and usually just carries on with what he’s doing because the fucker has no tact whatsoever. Mic is very scared and horny of being walked in on by his roommate of whom he has a crush on
Mic is so. fuckin. loud. during sex, regardless of whether he’s using his quirk or not. He has definitely shattered windows before
If Mic’s topping, he’ll wear a quirk suppressor to keep his voice from shattering their eardrums and everything else around them. but if he’s bottoming, he’ll let Aizawa do the honor of silencing him, because Mic thinks Aizawa using his quirk to silence him while he cums is the hottest thing he’s ever seen
It’s difficult to get Aizawa to moan. He’s amazing at keeping his voice under check, no matter what kind of pleasure he’s getting. But when he moans, he moans loud. And of course Mic knows all the strats to get him screaming
Mic has definitely made a game of trying to get Aizawa to moan in public
Midnight is in on their game, and places bets with both of them on how long it’ll take or how involved Mic has to get
Mic has major Heart Eyes for Aizawa’s ass, but he’s got a special place in his heart for Aizawa’s big ol’ tiddies
Mic refuses to go a single Sexy Time session without squeezing them. It’s mandatory.
Aizawa got them sensitive nipples
Mic is Very Bad at dirty talk, no matter how sultry and suave he makes himself out to be. Once they get down to business, Mic will come up with the weirdest and most kill-the-mood dirty talk imaginable. Aizawa always calls him out on bad it is, but in truth doesn’t mind the laugh
One night when the two were still dating, while they were both drunk off their asses, Mic convinces Aizawa to get nipple piercings with him. To this day, Aizawa still wears them, much to Mic’s surprise (and delight)
Mic definitely has a tongue piercing and at least 3 dick piercings
They both love giving oral, but Aizawa prefers Mic giving it because Mic is an Oral Master with his quirk
Mic always has to tone down the vibrations his throat gives out just so he won’t cause Aizawa to blow his load early
Aizawa has a much higher tolerance for pain than Mic does, and loves  being bitten, spanked, slapped–the works
When he’s bottoming, he likes to provoke Mic so Mic’ll feel the need to punish him more
Their safeword is “kittens”
Using Aizawa’s capture weapon as a bondage device is definitely a thing that happens on a semi-regular basis
And, as with every headcanon list I’ve done, i’m legally obligated to get sad for a moment:
Aizawa used to love having his hair pulled. But after USJ, he can’t handle it anymore
He realizes as much the first time he and Mic get it on after the event, once Aizawa is all healed up. When Mic pulls his hair, Aizawa kicks him off the bed out of reflex. Then, once he realizes what he just did, curls up against the side of the bed out of guilt
It was an accident on both their parts. Neither had realized Shouta would react the way he did. Mic had just fallen into the habit he’s always been in when making love to his husband, and acted accordingly, not really thinking about the ptsd potentially inflicted by certain actions. And Aizawa hadn’t known that the simple act of hair-pulling would bring back such vivid memories; it hadn’t occurred to him to warn Mic about it
Regardless, Aizawa feels hella guilty about reacting so violently. He spews apology after apology to the point where he’s crying
Mic apologizes about as much to him, too, feeling guilty about bringing upon such bad memories to his husband, himself. They call off the sexual activities for the night, saying they can try again another time, and then spend the rest of the night holding each other close
That was a thing. Anyways, flavored condoms
There are Hero-brand condoms out in the world to promote safe sex. Mic has his own line–banana flavored, with his obnoxious face printed on them
Aizawa hates them so much. He makes sure to never buy any other brand
Mic likes to send Aizawa ridiculous dirty memes, innuendos, and links to convoluted sex toys, just to see Aizawa’s reactions. Most of them are followed by a “It us!” or a “It you ;)” or a “We gotta try this babe :0000000″
Most of the time Mic sends them in public. It’s one of the many reasons Aizawa never checks his phone until the dead of night when it’s at 1%
I think that’s all I got. I am. Not very versed in the art of sexy times, i’m sorry to say
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do you think mic would have a call line that aizawa can chime into?
Oh, without a doubt! I don’t know jack diddly about how radio works, so a lot of what I’m about to say is probably nonsensical bullshit (and also probably 99% fanfic-inspired and all said before by more eloquent writers), but we’ll just go with it anyway
Mic either has a special line Aizawa can call in to get directed immediately to Mic, separate from the queue, or Mic is hypervigilant of Aizawa’s number on the call lists and gives his call TOP PRIORITY. It doesn’t matter if Aizawa is 1st in the queue or the 1111th, Mic will slam dunk that answer button when he sees his husband’s number. And he has relayed his willingness to do so thousands of times to Aizawa, who mostly complains that doing so would con some poor sap out of a personal one-on-one with Present Mic.
You could probably count the times Aizawa has actually called in, in the 6 or so years Mic has been broadcasting, on one hand. Aizawa is just content to listen most of the time; if he has a quiet night of patrolling, he’ll stick in an earbud to tune in, and on other early nights, he’ll fall asleep on the couch with the radio softly humming away on the coffee table. He doesn’t listen for the music, and he doesn’t care enough about the other heroes Mic interviews to pay attention to what they have to say.
He, of course, listens for Mic, whose stories mostly consist of his experiences as a hero, life at UA, both as a student and as a teacher, and answering questions about how to go about becoming a hero. Once in a while, Mic will regale his listeners with stories about his Favorite Listener, who, to this day, nobody (except for Aizawa and Mic’s close friends and other staff at UA, of course) has been able to figure out who that is. All anyone knows for a fact is that Mic’s favorite listener is a workaholic like himself, has an soft spot for cats, and is not big on attention. And besides random funny stories from their high school days, that’s all Mic will reveal about them, no matter how many people ask. In the beginnings of his radio show, he was a bit saddened about having to keep such an amazing person a secret, but now Mic treats it almost like a game, playing keepaway with the answer to such an enticing mystery.
[Putting the rest of this under a readmore because it turned out a lot longer than I intended it to 💦💦💦)
The first time Aizawa ever calls in is when they’re in their mid-twenties, both at the tops of their games with hero work. And with so much work, their time spent together is slim to none. Aizawa is off helping out taking down a large, traveling drug and trafficking ring with other underground heroes, while Mic is keeping Musutafu safe and applying to teach at UA, while also helping prep about three different fundraisers.They’ve gone about two months without seeing each other physically, and in the last three weeks they haven’t had the time to chat via phone nor video call. Aizawa misses him, of course. The most he can manage to get any contact whatsoever with Yamada is to either text him or tune into his radio show whenever he has a few minutes of downtime or during the times when he should be sleeping.
And it turns out Yamada misses him a whole heap, too. His tone when broadcasting is a lot less chipper than normal–probably sounds the same to a newer listener, but to someone who has been tuning in for a while, they’ll notice an immediate difference. He’s mopey, and his responses to callers and interviewees are either snappy or generic and distant.
It seems to be the right time to listen in, Aizawa can’t help but think, when one caller asks him what’s bothering him–a humorous reversal, since most callers chime in to complain about their problems to him–and Mic admits that he misses his favorite listener. Like. A lot. And that he wants to call them and talk to them for hours about just random shit and be able to hear their voice again for just one minute, one minute, it’s all he’s asking. When asked why Mic doesn’t just call, he tells his listener that they’re hella busy saving the world, and that he doesn’t want to distract them.
There’s a commercial break after the question, and Aizawa sighs, toys with his phone in his hand for the entire duration of ads, and finally gathers up the strength to dial in the number reserved for him and him only. The line rings once, twice, three times, and for a moment Aizawa wonders if he’s either dialed the wrong number or the call just won’t make it through. But as Mic is bringing the show back in, he cuts his sentence short with a small gasp, announces they have an unexpected caller, and quite literally slams the button to broadcast the call.
Aizawa doesn’t announce himself as Mic’s favorite listener, doesn’t even say, “hey, it’s me.” He simply starts out with, “Sorry I’ve been missing your shows lately. I tune in when I can, but it’s not often.”
He can only assume Hizashi is holding a hand up to his dopey, wobbling smile, because he can hear the emotion in his voice when he replies, “That’s alright, listener. ‘Not often’ is all we can manage sometimes.”
Aizawa didn’t really think of what he would say on this call, didn’t rehearse anything in his head for those five minutes of commercial silence, contemplating whether or not he should call in. He’s a man of few words, with those words being short and to-the-point. So that’s why his message ends up being, “I heard what you said earlier. I miss someone, too,” and nothing else.
Mic, the conversationalist he is, attempts to coax more out of him. “Oh? And what’s been keeping you two apart?”
“Isn’t that always the case? And what do you miss about ‘em?”
“Their voice. Their smile. Their laugh. Their stupid fashion sense and their ridiculous tastes in music.”
He hears Mic’s offended gasp, and then his laugh, probably to keep himself from blurting out, ‘hey, you’re one to talk!’ Mic settles with, “Bold words! Anything else?”
“….Their warmth and affection.”
Aizawa is anything but a romantic. He doesn’t get poetry or love songs. He doesn’t understand the media’s obsession with love as a concept. He hates PDA, and will actively tear away anyone’s hands that rest too close to him unless their on the limited list of Hizashi, Midnight, Recovery Girl, and Nedzu, the latter three he only allows because they’ve all earned his respect. To admit that he actually misses being wrapped tightly in Hizashi’s arms and receiving soft kisses, tender touches, and sweet words, is something he’ll probably have to live his life with in total and utter embarrassment. 
Regardless, he can hear the smile in Hizashi’s voice as he responds, “Well, my listener, I’m sure once you two meet up again, that someone will shower you with so much warmth and affection, you’ll be drowning in it! ‘Til then, we’ll both just have to sit back and wait patiently.”
The call ends, and rather than feeling exasperated about having so many people just listening to him talking on the phone on live radio, Aizawa feels reinvigorated. Calling Hizashi’s radio show isn’t something he has any intentions of making a habit of, but hearing Hizashi’s voice again does wonders for his motivation and energy.
After that event, Aizawa calls two more times within the next few years: once because he knows Hizashi’s phone is dead and he can’t wait to tell him about the new cat he’s just adopted, and once because Hizashi begs him to after Aizawa had endured a rather violent beating during a villain encounter, and Hizashi had been worried about him going on patrol so soon after healing. Hizashi always tries to coax Aizawa into calling more often, telling him, “You’ll get to talk to your favorite radio host that much more often!” But in truth, Hizashi doesn’t mind the limited calls. It just makes the ones he receives all the more special
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☣ ; } tinyHEADCANON
              Post-War. || he hates it. Absolutely hates that C y b e r t r o n has returned to its former state. A High Council is back in place and the last time he poked around on the planet, the D e c e p t i c o n s were laborers again while A u t o b o t s seemed to rule over them. He left the planet, as he would never be a laborer and probably executed, and now resides on V e l o c i t r o n.
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