#tired of the newtendo management shitting on beloved IPs
unrelenting-usurper · 2 years
I’m surprised it had to get to this point before people realized that Pokemon is on a downward trend. If you could seriously look at SwSh with all the cut pokemon for “performance issues” and the steep DLC to put some of them back in and not think that was a bad sign I don’t know what to tell you. This is another in the growing line of actions that Nintendo is doing to milk as much money as much money from the franchise that they can and fans are only enabling and supporting their greed by continuing to buy the games despite this. If you REALLY want Nintendo to do better then you need to: STOP. BUYING. THEIR. SHIT. Seriously, they are a business, and money is the only language they understand. Most of you posting on here are grown ass adults and responsible for the companies you support with your money too, if you continue to buy the games while still complaining about them then you need to realize you’re contributing to these shitty titles. I would gladly wait 5+ years for an optimized Pokemon title with love and heart in it and not one they had to lash Gamefreak with a whip to code.
(Also I want the ability to turn off the fucking XP share and make the game harder. I beat Blue when I was fucking 5 years old, I’m sure kids aren’t as bad at video games as Nintendo wants to think they are.)
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