#titanic is a simple story that's supposed to be a simple story but you shouldn't assume everybody is gonna like it
mdhwrites · 1 year
Continuing with your thoughts on Belos and the non-characters of the protagonists, as I was watching WaD I realized I was rooting for Belos rather than the main character and I wanted your thoughts on that.
Although Belos' character needs the improvements you mentioned, he at least still has agency, in that he is moving the plot along through action rather than reaction.
He has a definable goal (genociding all witches) backed by clear motivations (puritanical belief system; a witch caused him to accidentally kill his brother). He has a plan to accomplish this (rising to imperial power; creating grimwalkers to bring his brother back to life) and yet still experiences setbacks (day of unity foiled; grimwalkers always betray him). He is no less determined, and suffers for his beliefs (rotting body; traumatic hallucinations) while he aims to recoup his losses and finally accomplish his ultimate goal (first attempting to possess the Collector and failing, then attempting to possess the Titan and succeeding)
In short, Belos is a more compelling protagonist than Luz, who has things happen to her without her input (her palisman hatching, Amity telling her how to get out of the Collector's dreamworld, the Titan explaining how she can win still, etc). Also, as you said, by the end of S3 she is at her most unlikable, making us less sympathetic to her. She has no personal goals of her own that connect to her as a character beyond desperately wishing to be accepted by others, which makes her out to be more of a people-pleaser than anything (read: a flaw).
I love Luz, I really do. But she could have been more than what she became. She wasn't allowed to have an impact on the plot, and I regret that. Literally any other main character could take her place and the outcome of the finale wouldn't budge a nudge. It ended up making me root for the villain over the actual protagonist, and that seems like a pretty big problem for a show.
Okay, I try to mostly do my asks mostly in order so this has been long overdue. Let's fix that. *cracks neck* Though... Really for that big statement... This isn't one I have a great into. I've made it clear that while I dislike Luz, I actually find her easier to talk about than Belos. That I personally could never root for him because I find anything good about him to be posturing that the show not only doesn't back up but actively undermines. That a good performance and some good lines don't make up for the fact that nothing he does really has a proper impact on anything or anyone. Worse yet, I've already talked about how people really need to stop asking for 'proactive' protagonists because they're not really a thing and commonly DEEPLY detrimental to your story. So... What am I supposed to say here? Simple: Let's talk about payoff. Because at the point where you're rooting for the villain, it's because you know that they can provide a bigger, more shocking payoff than the characters and that what they have been doing, the enjoyment they have been providing, hasn't been working. Because, especially with a racist fuck like Belos, you aren't rooting for him to win. You're rooting for him to genuinely come one second from the brink of winning. This is where sheer entertainment is actually kind of a big deal. 'The Rule of Cool' exists for a reason. If it looks badass enough, has enough production value and has you screaming at the top of your lungs, SOMETHING is going right. In my opinion, this is actually why I like Michael Bae's first Turtles Movie (I saw it in the break room while working at Walmart) because yes, they destroy physics. They survive shit they shouldn't. It has some really dumb shit in it but it is ALL fun. It couldn't pump the breaks even if wanted to because they ripped them out five years ago because YOLO MOTHERFUCKERS! This is a level of entertainment that TOH understood in S1 and seemed to lose until the finale of S3. It's part of why the magic being so boring matters because I'd overlook plotholes more if the magic inciting the plotholes was more fun. It's actually maybe the ONE kindness I'll give Eslewhere Elsewhen because the time portals get some good gags when they're first introduced and I'm not going to deny that. But how about Looking Glass Ruins? It's actually a perfect showcase of when this principle works and when it doesn't. Gus' retcon on illusion is dog shit. It is one of the worst, blatant choices with the magic system. But MAN that ending sequence with Gus! Does it make sense? Not really with just how ludicrously, stupidly powerful it does paint Gus. Does it make you actively question why he spent all of S1 doing jack and shit? Yes. Is it one of the best sequences in The Owl House and genuinely lives up to how terrifying the reality of Illusion magic is? ABSOLUTELY. It's why while I hate the glyph stuff in that side of the episode, I can't hate his plotline entirely because it's just a great fantasy sequence with some good use of horror elements.
But uh... What about that Amity and Luz plot? It's an extremely basic forbidden section, it makes no sense once you find out the head librarian is a chill stoner dude and the payoff is just a cheek kiss for Luz who incited the problem in the first place. She gets it for getting Amity's job back in a high stakes, dangerous adventure... That's off screen. If you're a Lumity shipper, you eat well enough to make up for the fact that really all they do is stand around and talk with multiple backgrounds behind them the entire episode, not even entirely making sense during those moments (this is actually pretty much the ONLY episode where Amity acts dumb because of Luz. Amity doesn't make enough mistakes in the series to justify that line, potent as it is. This is also the only time she's faced actual consequences for her closeness to Luz.) Worse yet, you're robbed of the adventure and potential comedy that is theoretically the core of the show for the sake of cute, gay panic. And I like gay panic but I also kind of want to see this book dragon. One of those is creative while the fact that it's a book mouse instead of a book worm is all that's special about "This creature eats documents and then can broadcast them." And you know... That's an episode where all the payoffs still work. THE ENTIRETY OF S3 IS ABOUT PAYOFFS THAT DON'T WORK.
Luz's angst? I've talked at length about how dog shit her character finish is and that dominates SO MUCH TIME? And what do you get for it? Stringbean? A character people rightfully were pissed about being way too special and not making any sense? And still reflects poorly on Luz's character finish by being literally the opposite of what she's talking about? I did a whole blog on this too.
How about Hunter being a Grimmwalker? We get one conversation with Gus and I guess Hunter getting possessed and then getting magic, one moment that is laughably short frankly and does NOT fix the issues with Hunter's 'arc' and I still despise him getting magic through his best friend dying because it meant we'd NEVER get anything interesting out of him not having his own magic and that's without getting into anything about disability allegories. Oh, and yeah, HIS BEST FRIEND DIED AND WE JUST HAVE TO MOVE ON FOR TIME. Belos' backstory? Entirely wasted to the point where people's frustrations with it come up like once a week in my Discord because it seemed to so clearly be building up to something only for Belos to come right back around to being a dumb, boring, racist villain with nothing more interesting to him. How about villains before Belos? Well, the Collector is poorly written, makes no sense and is written like he's actually five instead of five thousand. Kikimora is the only other villain and she should have been gone so long ago and what does she lead to? Another mech fight? Who we don't even get to see beaten but instead the bully character who has been literally nothing but a joke for over a season assures as she finally got put in her place. This is writing that from a viewer standpoint is ETERNALLY infuriating. You're waiting for something to happen and the closest you get for two specials, effectively four-five episodes of the show, is Willow angst about her magic and feelings in a way that hasn't been true to her character in literally two seasons. If ever. For a character who is 90% plot device for other characters.
Honestly, at that point wanting them all dead and to see the villain win, just for the sheer shock and brutality of it all, seems kind of reasonable when you can't expect anything satisfying from the heroes. I'd argue, in my opinion, they even fucked up Belos' death for a really bad jab at fucking Steven Universe. HOW MANY SHOWS DO YOU THINK REDEEM THE FINAL BAD!? It's a lot less than you seem to think Owl House so why don't you shut up, especially after you REDEEMED THE COLLECTOR AND DID NOTHING WITH HIM! That's not even a joke. They come up with a contrivance so he can't do shit and then he fucks off. Why? Don't fucking know. Maybe the writers realized that a childish god is really hard to write around and should have given it more thought. Like... Anyone who just couldn't give a fuck by the time they're fighting Dragon Belos, especially once Luz is just given a super form so it's time for the victory lap after she didn't have to work that hard to beat the Collector (that's the impression I've been given since NO ONE talks about the Collector's redemption. Literally the only scene I've seen from that part of the episode is Luz playing with Amity's face.) so the stakes are rock bottom already. And boy, the jokes of the episode don't help with it. The fact that it's callback after callback is cute and good for a finale but how many of these jokes are robbing any momentum of the moment? Fucking everything to do with the Collector in the finale seems to be this way where it's like "Hahaha. Okay now let's actually back to the point." Even when he's trying to be serious like not understanding death, I'm sitting here going "Okay but you wanted to play with corpses and grind bones. You don't get to do this shit and not piss me off." So wanting to just make everyone shut up through Belos winning? I can get it. I definitely wouldn't but I didn't watch S3 for a reason because I recognized that with how everything was written up to it and ESPECIALLY after the first special, I wouldn't enjoy any of it. Not when its only payoffs are in fanservice and romance instead of its magic, adventure, comedy, narrative, characters... You know: Technically all the things it pitched in its beginning. It pitched by claiming to be a professional, animated, comedy adventure. So why not root for Belos? You'll get just as much rooting for him as any other part of the show. +++++++
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SUMMARY: You grew up in the capital, kept far away from the dangers that lurked outside the walls. But after the fall of Shiganshina, you've been plagued by thoughts of titans and suffering and the blood of your fellow man.
So, you decided to do something about it.
Getting out of the city was the easy part. Proving yourself to everyone, including Shadis, is the hard part. But it looks like you've made a friend, the son of your former doctor; Eren Yeager.
He's driven, and possess a pull that's almost irresistible.
Or maybe that's just you.
FEATURING: It's My Fanfic So I Get To Decide What's Canon, my own thoughts on titans and additions to that aspect of the story (it's vague for a reason), references to Christian and Jewish thought/beliefs/philosophy (look I went to Catholic school and I've been considering converting so that shit has been Marinating), Grisha Yeager Is A Complicated Man, my pro snake agenda (THEY'RE JUST CURVY WIGGLY GUYS LEAVE THEM ALONE), awkward teens, class differences, shitty parents, loss of parents, Mothers, protective Mikasa (DON’T WORRY I'M NICE TO HER IN THIS), dorky eren (MY NUMBER ONE AGENDA), Problematic Relationships (further down the line, and it's more of a Tease than anything)
WARNINGS FOR THIS CHAPTER: Death, illness, implied murder, implied abuse
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Who can spot all the references? What do you think they mean, if anything?
TAGLIST: @blckbrdlove
You had never truly thought of your home as any kind of friend or ally. At best, it was just another set of walls, separating you from everyone else in the city of Mitras. At worst, it was a casket, the final resting place of your beloved mother. The only source of comfort it offered you was the garden, which had been walled off, along with you and the rest of the east wing, from the rest of the estate ever since your mother's death all those years ago.
After all, your father's new wife shouldn't be forced to remember that someone else had been there first. That was also why you had been shunted off, abandoned and left in the care of the few members of staff who knew of your existence. Your father had a new wife who gave him not one, but two sons. What use did he have for you now?
On the bright side, this meant that fewer eyes were on you, so you were free to execute your plan. It was simple, pack some necessities, and use your natural abilities to be silent and light on your feet to slip out before anyone could notice.
"My lady, it's time for-"
You turned around, just as you were finishing up packing your bag, locking eyes with Rafael, your father's valet, and the head of the household staff.
The two of you stared at each other, and you watched his brow furrow, his dark eyes darting from you to your bag and back again. "My lady, what are you doing?"
You looked over Rafael, wondering just how much you should tell him. But lying had never been something you enjoyed, and you figured that if nothing else, Rafael deserved honesty. After all, he was the one that fulfilled the duties of a father when your own didn't want to.
"I'm leaving." You said. "I'm going to join the military. And I'm going to kill titans."
You had never been the best at reading people's faces, but even you could tell that Rafael was filled with despair. You supposed that you would be too, had he told you the same thing.
"Y/N are you insane?!" It was the first he had ever raised his voice at you, and the second that he called you by your name. "Why would you want to do that?! You're safe here!"
"And other people aren't." You replied, genuinely surprised at the level of emotion Rafael was showing. "How is it fair that other people suffer and lose everything while I get to live in safety?"
"I don't know, but that's just how the world is." Rafael said, as if you should be satisfied with that answer. He should know you better than that.
"Well I'm still going." You closed your bag and tried to leave your room, but Rafael refused to move, standing in front of the door, rooted to the ground.
"My lady, I'm not going to let you throw your life away!" Rafael grabbed your shoulders, gripping them tight. "I promised your mother I would watch over you and I intend to do so."
That gave you pause. You often wondered how Rafael felt about your mother. When she fell ill, the ones who were by her side the most were you and him. Whenever Dr Yeager came to see her, Rafael was the one who would take note of what he said and go off to get the medicine he had prescribed. The day she passed was the first time you had seen him cry.
Judging by his face now, today may bring the second.
"I'm sure she would understand." You said.
"You're safer here." Rafael insisted, sounding desperate.
"Am I?"
Your question was left hanging, the tension growing.
Rafael's left eye twitched, and his jaw clenched. He only ever did those things when he's trying to hide something. "What do you mean?"
"My mother was perfectly healthy." You said. "She got plenty of sunshine in the garden, almost everything she ate, she grew herself. She rode horses, she danced, she did everything. And then, one day, she's bedridden. Can barely move. How does that happen?"
The silence is heavy, and it seems to be doing Rafael no favours.
"Then, within a month of her dying, my father finds a new wife." You kept your gaze on Rafael, taking note of how he refuses to lift his gaze from the ground. "My father had the greatest access to my mother. They spent plenty of time together, just the two of them. Who knows what happened during those times."
"My lady, you shouldn't think such things." Rafael was trying to scold you, but his conviction was weak. "It isn't good."
"In what way?" You asked, genuinely wondering what he could mean. "Ever since his new wife arrived, I've been quarantined to this wing of the estate. How long until my father decides that doing so is too much work?"
You swallowed. It was something you had thought about a lot lately, but saying it out loud felt different. Like it was real.
The silence returned, and it looked like Rafael was desperate to break it, but he couldn't bring himself to speak.
"When I die, I want it to be on my own terms." You said finally. "If it's in the mouth of a titan, then so be it. Better that than at the whims of someone else."
There. You had said your piece. Now you just need to wait and see how Rafael will react.
"The way you're talking…" His voice was soft, but since it was just the two of you, it was easy to hear him. "It sounds like you want to join the survey corps…"
"That's right." You nodded. "They get to leave the walls. They see the titans before the rest of us. If I was with them, if they had more people, maybe what happened at Wall Maria and Shiganshina wouldn't happen again."
Rafael furrowed his brow, looking confused. "Shiganshina?"
"It was where Dr Yeager lived, remember?"
Realization dawned on Rafael. "I…I had forgotten." He sounded mournful, and almost guilty. "You were always fond of him."
It was true. Dr Yeager has always been kind to you. Even before your mother fell ill, he saw you frequently, and had tried to unravel the mystery that was your mind and how it functioned. Just about everyone else around you insisted that something had to be wrong with you, that the way you saw things, the way you acted, the way you thought, simply wasn't normal. That you were as strange and uncanny and abnormal as the titans. The only ones that didn't see you like that were, of course, your mother, and, to your surprise at the time, Dr Yeager. He had told you himself that there was nothing wrong with you, that while, yes, the way your brain worked was different from most people, it wasn't a bad thing. Adjustments may need to be made and techniques will need to be learned on your part to be able to cope in a world stacked against you, but that wasn't your fault. You weren't broken.
Your pillow had almost gotten soaked from the tears of joy you had wept into it that night.
After hearing about the fall of Maria, and the destruction of Shiganshina, you had held out hope that he and his family had survived somehow, had made it into Wall Rose as refugees. Perhaps even the interior, considering all the work he had done there. But when no word came, you gave up.
It felt like you had lost a family member.
That man had saved you and tried to save your mother. The least you could do was kill the things that killed him and his family and destroyed his home, or die trying.
"No one could've predicted what happened at Wall Maria." Rafael said gently. "The Armoured and Colossal Titans…we've never seen anything like them. No number of scouts could've stopped them."
"But they could've sent word. Warned others, giving people time to evacuate." Maybe if they had, the Yeager family would've lived.
"I'm not going to change your mind, am I?" Rafael said it like a question, but both of you knew it was a statement of fact. He sighed heavily, and there was a look in his eyes that you couldn't recognize. That surprised you.
Slowly, he stepped aside, leaving the door free for you to reach. "I'll tell your father you ran away, but I won't tell him where." Rafael promised. "I just have one request."
"Anything." After everything he's done for you, he's more than earned whatever request he's about to make.
"In the military, use your mother's maiden name." Rafael looked and sounded serious, more serious than you had ever seen him, which was saying something. In fact, he sounded borderline desperate. "Please."
You waited for him to elaborate, but he didn't. Usually this would make you reluctant to do what's asked of you, but since it's Rafael and you already promised, you nodded. "OK."
You picked up your bag, slinging it onto your back. "I'll find my way."
"I know you will, my lady." He opened the door for you, and when you walked past, he bowed, like it was any other day. "I've been truly blessed to watch you grow." He said, his voice cracking a little.
That gave you pause. Until that very moment, it never occurred to you just how much your departure would affect Rafael, or anyone else who still remained in your life. Would they all weep too?
"Thank you Rafael." And you put your hand on his shoulder. You couldn't think of anything else to do.
Even with a full backpack you moved through the halls and down the stairs like a ghost, like the wind through trees. Ever since you were a small child, you had a talent for remaining silent and unseen. Your every movement went unnoticed, like a snake in the tall grass.
You would make a game of it whenever you were bored, seeing how many times you could sneak up on others and scare them. You stopped counting after two hundred. It had stopped being fun by then.
But now it wasn't about fun, it was about necessity. While Rafael visited your wing of the estate the most, there were still a select few who were permitted entry into it, and if any of them caught you, it could complicate matters.
You kept an ear out for them, while keeping yourself to the shadows and corners, obscuring yourself as much as possible, before you made it to your destination.
The door to the garden.
Initially, when your father had walled it off, you thought it was part of his grieving process. You knew better now. On the plus side, you still had access to it, were one of the few to have access to it in fact. It had helped keep you sane during those lonelier days.
You had done your best to tend to it, to keep it as lush and thriving as it had been before. But while it had been your mother's passion project, she still had plenty of help. You had no such luxury, having only Rafael and two other maids to assist you, none of which shared your or your mother's penchant and passion for gardening, so some of it had naturally fallen into disrepair, despite your best efforts.
But the one thing that had retained the glory it enjoyed under your mother's care was the apple tree.
It stood tall and proud, creating enough shade for almost a third of the garden. The apples that came from it were true beauties, as green as the leaves, round as the sun, and juicier than anything you have ever experienced. When your mother died, your father had her buried beneath it, and you imagined that by now its roots had fully wrapped around her, in a never ending embrace. You had a lot of good memories of that tree, and that was probably why you stopped in front of it.
You gazed up into its canopy, wondering just how many leaves it boasted now, how many creatures called it home. You looked down at the large roots that peeked through the grass. You wondered which ones held your mother as you knelt before it, putting a hand on the biggest, most gnarled of the roots. It felt warm. Probably from the sun and heat, but you liked to imagine it was the flowing of your mother's blood and the force of her love.
"Dr Yeager did his best for you." You said softly, looking down at the hard, patterned wood. "Now I'll do my best for him."
You turned to your left and, to your surprise, saw an apple. You were sure you had gathered them all with Rafael the other day. But it seems this one had been hiding, waiting to ripen and reveal itself.
You picked it up, inspecting it. There were no signs of bruising, or that an insect had made it it's home. Carefully, you took a bite.
It was delicious.
You could feel the juice running down your chin, and you wiped it away.
You weren't usually one for signs, but this seemed like a good one.
Apple in hand, you left the garden.
Unfortunately the military recruiters had left by the time you got there, but you weren't about to let that stop you.
Using a gold embossed doorknob that you had taken from the estate, you were able to bribe a merchant leaving for Wall Rose to let you tag along. You had considered bribing the military police to get you out, but you were concerned that it would get back to the circles your father traveled in, so you avoided them. Plus, it would probably look bad for your future military career.
From that merchant you bribed another to get further out, and yet another to find out who supplies the training camp for the military, and then bribed them to take you out there.
By the time you finally got to the training grounds it was late evening, dinner time you suspected, and you had used up everything you had taken with you to use as bribery. Your apple was long gone too, but it had nourished you well enough, considering you left during lunch time.
It wasn't until the suppliers left that you realized that you didn't have a plan for this part. You had been running purely on adrenaline and passion and impulse, incredibly out of character for you.
But you had already made up your mind. You're going to join the scouts, no matter what.
You spotted the biggest building, saw that the lights were on and heard noise coming from it and figured that was as good a place as any to start. You approached it, electing to ignore the girl who seemed to be doing laps (judging by how exhausted she looked you doubted it was her choice to do so).
Without taking a second to think, you opened the door, being sure to make enough noise to be noticed, and were promptly met with silence.
You surveyed the hall, taking in the surprised expressions, when your eyes fell on one boy in particular. He appeared to be your age, and in many ways was unremarkable. He was lanky and awkwardly proportioned, most likely due to not reaching puberty just yet, with short dark brown hair. The only thing of note about him really were his eyes, which were a dark shade of green. It reminded you of the leaves of the rose bushes in the garden.
But when you looked into them…you couldn't explain it. You felt something inside you unfurl. It felt primal, a near magnetic draw to the boy that you knew for a fact you had never seen before in your life. And yet your blood felt fiery hot under your skin, your heart racing like a thoroughbred.
'Who is he?'
"By the Walls, who is this?"
You were pulled from your unexplainable trance by a voice behind you, and you turned to find a tall, older, bald man, who didn't look impressed. He glared down at you, his eyes as cold as your blood was hot.
"Well?" He snapped. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"
You blinked, finally gathering yourself together and pulled out of your daze. "I take it you're in charge." You said. "I'm a recruit, sir."
He tsked. "A recruit? Why are you late then?"
"I missed the recruiter convoy." You said. "On account of being kept inside. I had to sneak out."
"Sneak out?" The man sounded incredulous, disbelieving. "Where are you from?"
"Mitras, sir."
That caused a stir. A wave of whispers came upon the crowd, too low for you to hear anything but you could guess the gist. You didn't imagine many born in the capital would willingly join the military.
That truly seemed to have caught the man off guard. "And how did you get here, exactly, if you missed the recruiters?"
"I bribed people to get past the walls."
More whispers. It seemed you were to be the main topic of conversation and gossip, at least for a while.
The man snorted, and he seemed almost angry, like he suspected you of tricking him. "You mean to tell me you smuggled yourself out of the capital, and made your own way here, just to join the military?"
"Yes sir. I'm not sure how else I'm supposed to explain it."
The whispers ceased, plunging you all into dead silence.
The man stared down at you, while you looked past him, at a spot on the wall next to his temple. A trick you learned to make it seem like you're holding eye contact.
"Why the military?" He asked finally. "Why leave your cozy little life for this?"
You furrowed your brow. Why did people keep asking questions with obvious answers?
"Because I want to join the survey corps and kill titans." You said simply. "I want to help prevent a disaster like what happened at Wall Maria and Shiganshina. I want to protect my fellow man, and I can't do that in Mitras."
The silence stayed, and the man kept trying to stare you down, but you kept your gaze on the wall. You remained calm. You had faced worse than him.
"Your name, recruit." He said, voice low. "What is it."
'Use your mother's maiden name. Please.'
"Y/N." You said. "Y/N Chava."
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dylanlila · 2 years
Ok another thing!
I really like how... feminine Jack is. It's sort of an extension of his manic-pixie-dream-boy status. He's kind, soft-spoken and Rose generally makes him pretty nervous (though he's socially talented enough to work through that really well). This particularly stands out to me during their sex scene. I think it's my favourite sex scene of all time, actually. That may be a weird thing to have, but still. Rose is the one who initiates it ("Put your hands on me, Jack" is a GREAT line) and we immediately see Jack at the most nervous he's ever been. Then when they're done he's literally shaking so Rose asks if he's okay, and then SHE holds HIM as they (mostly Jack tho) calm down.
The movie is so conventional and so unconventional at the same time which speaks to its genius.
Reversal of gender roles isn't something that didn't exist before Titanic though. (and I KNOW that's not what you're saying here, but hear me out) LMA has done it in 1860s!!!!!!!! Greek mythology deals with gender themes (where do you think the term hermaphrodite came from?) In my opinion, Titanic didn't handle the concept in an innovative enough manner (and everybody knows I'm a BIG fan of that concept). It's cool! It's great! Blockbusters introduce the wider audience to great many things, but that doesn't mean they should be praised for every remotely unconventional idea that's a part of the story they're trying to tell. (making the already existing concept your own? that's another thing entirely and I LOVE IT!) What makes a good movie for me is taking what's already there and crowning it with your own unique perspective. What you're praising Titanic for is actually what I appreciate about Lady Bird (2017). It makes you think that it's all about tropes and cliches and everything that's stereotypically meant to speak to the female audience, but then it surprises you and does this fantastic spin on everything you've ever known without disregarding the tropes completely. But it's not just about simultaneously defying and celebrating the tropes (and here's the main difference), it's about this very personal viewpoint that Gerwig incorporated into the film. It's kinda like when you're adapting a book, you shouldn't try to make the movie resemble the source material (because that's NEVER gonna work, you simply can't meet everyone's expectations), you should make it resemble your own understanding of the source material. That's what makes it feel more personal to the viewer. Titanic didn't feel personal to me despite being meant to appeal to people. My point is: it's a movie that was made to be liked and appreciated which yes, isn't inherently a bad thing, but maybe I'm just too into modernism and avant-garde to appreciate that. It really is a personal preference! I like it better when the art I'm consuming doesn't make a big deal out of itself and ends up hitting the emotional mark without meaning to. (the main goal is usually to send some kind of message that tends to be controversial in some way) I don't like it when movie directors assume I'm going to relate to something because "everybody relates to it in some way". You CAN'T know that. (it puts a pressure on people, like you have to be a part of that specific circle or you're not human enough or whatever) This feels like that literature discussion about supposedly pointless overanalysing of motifs or claiming that classic lit is inherently difficult to read or whatever... Maybe it's not just propaganda coming from the male dominated world, maybe I LIKE long discussions on life and death and politics in my movies. (and just because something is problematic in one regard, it doesn't mean it has no significant value or worse, that it shouldn't be explored. you can always learn! from everything!) Which doesn't mean that I don't like a good coming of age story about a teenage girl. Or spend my time watching a teen soap. Or that somebody can't enjoy a romantic comedy if they love Dostoyevsky. Or that these art branches necessarily cancel each other out. (I'm referring to some of the points you made earlier, sorry for drifting away djsjdkkd)
What you can always do in film is present your own unique perspective and celebrate that uniqueness. That's something people can connect with, regardless of the topic. If it makes its way to the heart of ONE person, it's a winner. And Titanic is definitely a winner in that respect! It just didn't get to me. And that's fine too.
Also! The intention behind a certain line doesn't make the line itself good (same goes for film in general)!!!!!! "Put your hands on me, Jack" is just... it's funny. I laughed when I heard it. This movie is just... way better in theory. I LOVED what you had to say about the ideas that went into it, but I didn't really catch that on screen. Both the characters and their love story failed to be compelling in my eyes, the aesthetics got in the way of that even if it wasn't supposed to. That's what happened if you ask me. Oh and disliking traditionally feminine tropes and plot directions and things such as grand romantic gestures or melodramatic confessions of love doesn't immediately mean that you're sexist or have internalized misogyny? Society is responsible for giving those things a bad rep, but disliking them doesn't always have to go beyond disliking them.
I'm making a lot of points here and I'm not wearing my contacts, dear tumblr forgive me. (I don't need you to, I'm just trying to be polite dhjdjdi)
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Divided I Fall
IT'S FINALLY DONE! I am so sorry this took so fucking long, it took me like a year to write because my art brain forcibly took over my body for a stupid amount of time but now it is DONE and you can SEE it with your EYEBALLS. Anyway... This, This is a project I have been planning for YEARS but took some stuff lining up just right for it to sift to the top of my oneshot backlog. It is, to keep it simple and not spoil too much, an origin story for a character that's shown up in my stuff before.
As one important note before I begin... This fic stars a character of a fakemon species known as Vahirom, created by @kynimdraws on Tumblr/kyleenim on Twitter, used with permission. If you steal it I will be offended on her behalf and personally boil your toes. Got it?
Divided I Fall
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Zygarde had a dilemma.
Unova had too many humans and they had it too good. But there was nothing they could do to thwart them without letting the other Legends in on his game. What to do?
As they stewed on this, lurking on the edge of civilization, they looked up, and there they saw it.
A meteor, careening down toward the nearby hills. It crashed, sending out sparks of light and a shockwave, which Zygarde weathered easily. They were a god, after all.
"Lots of those since AZ broke the sky," they muttered.
They slithered through the earth until they got to the impact crater, emerging in its center to find, surprise surprise, a meteor. However, it was one they could tell was a Metionite, a kind made of an extremely rare, alien ore.
It was then they got an idea.
An awful idea.
Zygarde got a wonderful, awful idea.
They started burrowing their own cells into the Metionite, pumping it full of energy. Godly energy. Draconic energy. The Meteonite contracted and curved until it turned into a small gray orb.
Zygarde tapped it.
And it burst to life.
What am I?
What is this place?
Those were my first thoughts as I gazed around, wide-eyed, until my eyes fell on a strange green and black titan.
"Who are you? Who am I?"
"I am Zygarde, the guardian of order, and you are my creation!" the titan said in a booming voice.
"You created me?"
"Yes! For one purpose!"
The titan pointred a claw to the southwest. "There's an infestation of these pests called humans around thataway. Deal with them for me."
I looked in that direction. Seemed simple enough.... But something didn't feel right.
"...Very well."
Tubes extended from my shoulders and attached to my tail as my wings flared. I took off.
I arrived to find strange structures,domes, blocks and pyramids, and walking among them strange creatures. Were these the humans Zygarde mentioned? "Deal with them." What did that even mean?
I got closer and as I did they started acting strangely. They seemed... Afraid?
"You creatures! What are you?"
They were making loud screams now. They didn't seem less afraid. Maybe they couldn't understand me? How DO I talk to them then? Come on, think think think-
Thehumans stopped, gazed up. I had communicated by... Thinking really hard?
~Uh... Humans! I mean you no harm! I just wish to... Deal with you!~
The humans started murmuring among each other before a more elaborate-looking human came forth.
"You, great dragon! What do you propose as a deal?"
Oh, I can understand THEM fine. But good question...
~Let me think.~
What do I even tell this person? I guess... If they were afraid of me, they had other things to be afraid of. That wasn't good. Maybe...
"If you give me shelter and a home, I will aid you however I can. Is that a satisfactory deal?"
The elaborate human slowly blinked several times slowly before rapidly nodding.
":We will accept your offer... B=but my warriors will keep an eye on you."
I looked to the "warrior" humans he spoke of. They were trembling. Everyone was looking at me with unease,
This would take some adjusting.
I was in my own corner of the city, surrounded by more of these warriors. They were taking shifts watching me, but they all seemed scared. Almost as if they felt if I tried anything they couldn't stop me.
I didn't feel like doing anything that needed stopping... but then I wasn't sure WHAT to do. I had made the deal with the humans but I wasn't sure how to enact i-
Just then I heard a roar, in the distance. The warriors looked to me, then to the source of the sound. They seemed confused that it wasn't me. Soon another warrior rushed up to them.
"T-there's a Scolipede trying to take over the farmland!"
"O-one of those? Why?"
"They're immensely territorial! It claimed the farms as its own!"
What was this beast? The humans needed help. But they wouldn't let me help...
...Then again they couldn't stop me.
I activated my tail turbine and lifted off as the warriors panicked, and I jetted off to where the other warrior had came from.
When I arrived there was indeed a large, purple, insectoid Pokémon rampaging about. Several warriors and their Pokémon were trying to pierce its chitinous armor, to no avail. It was much bigger than the humans, that's for sure.
...But it was much smaller than me.
I flew ove4r to and landed right in front of it. It looked up but seemed unphased.
"What do YOU want?"
"I want you to stop bothering these humans."
"Why should I? This is MY turf." "No it's not. As far as I can tell the humans were here first." "Well it's mine now."
I narrowed my eyes. "Leave. Now."
The Scolipede scoffed. "Make me."
"If you insist."
I flicked him with a claw.
He went sailing back into a tree with a very loud thud and collapsed, unconscious.
Humans started gathering around, looking on in awe. Then they started cheering. It was only then I realized the magnitude of what I'd done.
Things changed after that rather quickly. Or, they did from my perspective anyway.
The humans, after that, regarded me as a protector. Not only that, they gave me authority. It wasn't much at first, I started as captain of the warrior, but as time went on and I helped the humans more and more I ascended to the right-hand mon of their rulers.
They called me Vahirom, or more commonly, the Iron Arbiter.
They adored me. And I grew to adore them. They cared for me and I cared for them back. And after time things changed. I learned how to alter my form to be like them.
It started simply, firsty with mimicking their speech, but then I started to learn how to alter my physical form, this way and that way, until I had come to resemble them in my own way. It was at that point the Iron Arbiter was both a dragon Pokémon and a human.
And someone didn't like that at all.
One day they returned, while I was alone, sitting on the throne the humans built for me. I looked up into their glowing green eyes as they glared down into mine.
"What is THIS? This isn't what you were supposed to be doing! And why do you LOOK like them?" They stomped a foot on the ground.
I sighed. "It is less intimidating to them than my natural draconic form. And why do YOU look like them? Don't you have forms that are oh so superior?" They winced, and in an instant cells swirled around them to return them to a more traditional serpentine form. "Only to subvert them, manipulate them. You do it for sick kicks! You were supposed to DESTROY them, not help them!"
"There is no need to destroy them. They are flawed yes, but have kindness and charity in their hearts if you know where to find it. I seek to bring that out in them. "You're wrong! All humans are a sin against the natural order! MY order! They need to be purged!"
"Your view is dangerous. And I will not have you threaten my people."
I grew and stretched and bent into my true, draconic form.
"You may have given me life, but I am not yours. They are not yours. Leave, or I will force you to."
Zygarde hesitated, then let out a long, pronounced hisss before disintegrating into cells and vanishing.
I sighed again, then resumed my post.
Decades passed, that turned into centuries. I saw many humans and their Pokémon come and go, and cherished them all dearly while they lasted.
But then one day two were born that would change my life forever, for better and for worse.
They were twins, born to the current queen and king. They were shown to me soon after they were born. They were lumpy and chubby as human babies were but they had fire and lightning in their eyes from the start.
And thus their parents named them Tentay and Pethakhon, Ancient Unova's words for fire and lightning. As usual, I was assigned to be their guardian. I did not realize then how special they would be to me - and how that would be my downfall.
The children grew quickly. Their tiny grasping hands grew inquisitive, groping for anything they could reach. At first, I let them pull and tug at my human form, but as they grew older and nimbler I allowed them to play on my dragon form as well.
Eventually they started to talk.
"Say mama!" "Say dada!" their parents clamored. But every time they both pointed at me and said "va va!"
They didn't care. They just laughed.
When they got old enough to learn, I was their teacher. I taught them.... Well, not everything I knew, I was too ancient and powerful for that, but I tried to teach them a good amount. And I definitely tried to answer their many questions.
"How old are you?" asked Tentay. "Older than you can comprehend."
"What's your favorite food?" asked Pethakhon.
"I do love corn cakes."
"Do your parents let you stay up past bedtime?" asked Tentay.
I had to pause and think about that one. My only "parents" were Zygarde and the stars, so...
"I don't listen to my parents. I do what I want."
The twins gasped and looked at each other eagerly. "You can DO that?" they said. I chuckled. "I can. You probably shouldn't until you get older."
The two visibly deflated.
"Not fair..." said Pethakhon.
"I guess we have to listen..." said Tentay.
"No way! We can't!" said Pethakhon. "But we gotta! Or we'll get in trouble!"
"Nuh-uh! We can do it!
I chuckled. By all means this was amusing.
And yet. Something deep inside felt off.
It came suddenly, swiftly.
The king and queen fell ill, from a terrible disease. They were isolated, only taken care of by a select few.
It was too little, too late.
A grand funeral was held, several ceremonies, a feast, a fitting sendoff. But none of it filled the hole in all our hearts.
Especially not the twins'.
I visited their room afterwards., They were huddled in a corner together, curled up, sitting only a few inches apart. In human form to fit in the room, I pulled them into an embrace.
"I know better than to say it's all right, but... I am here for you."
"But... Mom and dad... They're gone forever," said Tentay.
"They're never coming back... What's gonna happen to us?" said Pethakhon.
I sighed. "I have seen many leave forever just as they did. I can escape it, it is both a gift and a curse, but for your kind it is inevitable. But it is not truly the end. You two will grow to be great, and your children, and your children's children, and so on. I assure you of this. You can pick up the pieces and carry on in their stead. They would want you to."
"...Okay, Va." said Pethakon.
"...I guess so, Va," said Tentay.
They nestled into my arms further. I patted their heads.
We stayed that way a while.
The two started to near adulthood for their kind, and thus I started teaching them how to rule. . ~Now, you two, I have a question.~
They both shifted in their seats in the courtyard we were in. Teenagers were antsy about being taught. Especially when their teacher was an ancient and powerful dragon.
~Say that there is a famine. What are your main options for dealing with such a thing?~
"Simple," said Tentay. "You spend the royal budget on improving the crops."
~Ah, but such a solution would be expensive... And could be unsustainable."~
"Then we improve the harvest infrastructure over time!" said Pethakhon enthusiastically.
~Yet that could take a long time. Too long. People could starve.~
"Well my method is clearly better!" said Tentay. "It gets more immediate results!"
"You're wrong!" said Pethakhon. "MY plan won't doom us all later!" "It MIGHT not. It will definitely make people starve."
"We have to consider the future!" "The future is NOW, Pethakhon."
The two continued arguing like this until they finally noticed me waggling a claw mockingly.
~Now now now. Have you considered these solutions aren't mutually exclusive?"
The two of them stared at me. Then started sheepishly rubbing their heads.
"You have a point..." said Tentay. "That could work.." said Pethakhon.
~See?" I said. "If you work against each other nothing gets done. But if you work together...~
"Yes, we understand the moral, well done," said Pethakhon. "Why must we learn things we know already?" said Tentay.
~Because with you two it bears repeating.~
The two blinked and staredbefore rubbing their heads sheepishly again.
"...You have a point," said Tentay.
"We'll. We'll work on it.." said Pethakhon.
I simply smirked.
They quickly became adults, true kings of Unova, and soon their first test was upon them. The ruler of a desert kingdom smack dab in the middle of Unova was a Volcarona by the name of Heliana. Shee was called before them for a diplomatic meeting, and we all assembled on the border between the desert and greener land.
"Why hello there!" said Heliana, floating before us.
Tentay and Pethakhon stared then turned to me, each whispering.
"She, uh, is a little hard to--" Pethakhon started to say.
"She's a Pokémon, but she can't speak telepathically, so we can't understand her," said Tentay.
"...That." said Pethakhon.
I chuckled. ~Don't worry, I can translate. She just says hi.~
The two nodded and turned back to Heliana.
"Right, hello," said Pethakhon.
"Shall we get down to business?" said Tentay.
"Oh, yes, yes!" said Heliana. "There was a matter of grave importance I wished to speak of with you! It was... Oh, hm, what was it..."
"She isn't very professional," Tentay whispered.
"Shhh!" said Pethakhon, nudging him.
"Oh! I remember now! It was wood!" said Heliana.
"Wood?" said Pethakhon. "My kingdom doesn't exactly have many trees," said Heliana. "I want cedar in particular! I'll offer you our finest textiles and minerals in return!":
"Hmmm. But we need the cedar for-"
"Shhh!" said Pethakhon. "She's making us a great offer!"
"More like a ridiculous one. We can't give her all that cedar!" "But we need the minerals and textiles!"
"She hasn't even specified WHAT minerals and textiles! Think before you leap!" "Well ask her!"
Tentay took a deep breath and looked Heliana straight in the compound eyes. "You're being awfully vague about what those "minerals" and "textiles" are... Could you be more specific?"
"Oh! Lots of iron, copper... and Silk! Me and my babies spun the silk ourselves!"
"Wait, the silk comes from-" Tentay started to say.
"Sounds great!" said Pethakhon. We'll-"
"No. We need that cedar."
~Now now you two.~ I said. ~Put your heads together. Your wants and needs aren't mutually exclusive.~
They stared. And blinked. And... Well they didn't literally put their heads together but they did start mutually putting their hands to their chins thinking.
"There's some places we could grow... Cedar groves?" said Tentay.
"Yes! And we could loan those groves out to you!" said Pethakhon.
"They would take a while to grow normally but our Grass-types can make them grow faster!" said Tentay.
"Excellent!" said Heliana. "It's a deal! And Hekla and Katla will get started on the silk straight away!"
"Hekla and Katla?" said Pethakhon.
"Who?" said Tentay.
It was then two Larvesta emerged from Heliana's fuzz and divetackled Tentay and Pethakhon each with cries of "Friend! Friend! Friend!"
"My children!" said Heliana. "They spin the finest silk in all the land!"
"Well they sure are cute," said Pethakhon, holding up Hekla to get a good look at her.
"Easy little one," said Tentay, cradling Katla.
I just smiled.
I was in my throne room, and human again. I was alone, and it was quiet... until I heard a telltale slithering again.
"...Hello Zygarde."
The serpent congeals in a flash from their cells before me.
"You're still doing this. Why are you still doing this."
"They appreciate my help. And they are clearly better in my hands than yours."
The snake withed, their form rippling.
"Look, if you can't stop yourself from messing MY order up, I WILL."
I scoffed. "How?"
"You're awfully fond of those two humans, aren't you?"
My eyes widened. I clenched my fingers on my seat. "...Petty threats will get you nowhere."
"Oooh, I struck a nerve, didn't I? Don't worry, I won't do anything to them... Physically anyway. Unless you try to warn them that is, in which case I can always arrange an accident...."
I shifted to dragon form, knocking several things over in the process. "What are you planning, Zygarde?"
"How does the saying go, something something for me to know and you to find out?"
I roared and slashed at them with a claw, but before I made contact they scattered into cells and disappeared from whence they came. Guards rushed into the room shortly after. "Arbiter! Is everything all right?"
I panted heavily, looking at where Zygarde had gone, before turning to the guard.
~It's... It's fine. Just spooked by a shadow.~
From there it became apparent something was very quickly going wrong.
It started small at first. The brothers being more snippy with each other than they were before. But it soon blew up into full-on arguments, and everything I had raised them to do was falling apart before my eyes.
I knew exactly why.
I stalked the halls of the castle until I found a hound, ducking and weaving through the corridors.
The hound stopped, looking smug. "What is it?"
"What are you doing to them?"
"Oh nothing much. A lie about one here, a rumor about the other there, did you realize exactly how easy it is to turn them against each other?"
"How... How dare you!"
I fired a metallic burst, a small-scale version of my Origin Flare, but they were already gone, and the brilliant beams of light only sank into the corridor, reducing chunks of it to rubble.
It was then I panicked. As long as Zygarde could keep spreading their lies...
...There was nothing I could do.
Soon enough came a day that would come down in history as a fateful one.
The two of them were having a particularly heated, particularly philosophical argument about the future of the kingdom. Said argument was happening in the throne room, right in front of me, a dragon silently watching as their two human charges escalated to potential civil war right before their eyes.
"Do you really think your deluded visions would ever lead this kingdom to greatness?" said Tentay, "Your ideals will only bring ruin!"
"Your plan is built on a flawed foundation," said Pethakhon, "and faulty delusions of truth!"
It was becoming all too clear for me.
They would not reconcile this time.
I would have to choose one.
...But I couldn't.
I couldn't possibly-
One side of me wanted one. Another wanted the other.
But I couldn't choose.
I couldn't I couldn't I couldn't I couldn-
When I awoke, I could not move. I had reverted to the God Stone I use to sleep and could not get out.
But I could see everything. I could see Tentay and Pethakhon beholding two dragons that I quickly realized had split off from me, by sheer will to leave neither one behind. I could also see I had rolled off to the side, where no one could see me.
But if those two pieces of me were out there... What was the rest of me doing in here?
As I wondered this I witnessed the argument between the two brothers escalate further, and eventually they stormed out of the room.
Time passed. Day turned into night. Then the serpent came.
"Well well well, that was an entertaining show. I knew your powers were unstable but I never expected them to do THAT. Oh well, it works out for me plenty - those two idiots you were so protective of will decimate humanity by their actions, and those bits of you that spawned for them will only help.
I wriggled in my prison, trying desperately to escape and put Zygarde in their place. They noticed and chuckled.
"Oh how foolish. Don't try too hard to escape dear. You don't know what schisming off so much of your power has done to you."
Their form rippled.
"And besides. It's too late for you. I've already won."
He gave a hearty, echoing laugh as he dissipated into cells and disappeared.
Throughout the night, I continued to wriggle and squirm. I HAD to fix this, I HAD to prove Zygarde wrong, I HAD to-
And then I broke free.
And then I felt it.
I could tell I was not the being I used to be. I felt weak. I felt empty. There was a gnawing hunger and emptiness at the bottom of my soul that I could not overcome.
I staggered through the hallways of the castle, in confusion and pain, when I came upon two guards, who recoiled at my approach.
"H-Halt! What monstrous kind of P-Pokémon are you?" said one.
I looked at that guard. And I hungered. The emptiness gnawed at me as I yearned for something to fill it.
I lunged.
The other guard screamed as my fangs sunk into his compatriot. I started devouring him, purely by instinct, rending flesh from bones.
"M-Monster! Monster!"
It is then I snapped back to my senses and realized exactly what I was doing.
I tried to say, "Wait, no, you don't understand!" but all it came out as was staticky buzzing. Then the guard fled.
Overwhelmed with grief, shock, and horror, it was then I did the same, leaving the tall pyramid castle I had called my home for centuries and never turning back.
I holed up in the crater I had first crash-landed in from thereon out, never emerging. Still, I saw many things.
I saw Unova burnt by a deluge of fire and electricity.
I saw Unova rebuild, become more technologically advanced, more close totheir Pokémon, then further away, then closer again.
I saw people settle the area where I lived, and grow to fear me as others had.
I saw one bit of kindness from a boy from those people.
I saw the white dragon that split from me return, join with me once more, filling my emptiness but causing her unbearable pain that racked me with guilt.
I saw all this, but one thing remained the same, for the most part.
I was alone. And I was unsure if that would ever truly change.
So all I could do was mourn all I had lost.
Bit of a downer, huh. But I hope you enjoyed it! WILL Kyurem's situation get better? We'll have to find out later - I've got other shit I've really got to get to writing.
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chocosweetbun · 6 years
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@ghostlanxx and thats okay! I've made several several posts criticizing shows I've liked in the past. It's just so many people will often point out such tiny issues and blow them up into "the show is terrible". Hell there's like...two blogs that ive seen that seem to dedicate themselves to nit picking these flaws in such a way that says "this is why the show is bad." Why make posts dedicated to making people not want to watch something you claim to enjoy? (And it's not just ml. I love cartoons so i see this stuff a lot)
(This is long and not really related to you or your comment until the end. its just me at 8 am getting talky so just skip to the bottom (its bolded and purple) if you dont want to hear this college student talk about a show for middle schoolers)
It's also like that 2 hour long video floating around that explains the flaws of steven universe. Someone is going out of their way to 'prove' to people who like the show that the show is somehow not supposed to be enjoyed. Except many of these posts are by people who apparently enjoy ml.
Why is it bad that adrien is gary sueish? He's sweet and cute and the 12 year old girl i know adores him. She doesn't see chat noir being pushed to the sidelines like us adults do, she sees ladybug being strong and cool! Us adults are more keen on picking this stuff out and thats fine! But many dont understand that saying "this character is a m/gary sue" Isn't criticism. Criticism isn't directed towards other fans, its directed towards the creator. And the young fans SEE this stuff. They read these analysis posts that bash on adrien and how he's treated and then they start thinking that they shouldn't like him!
(When she was 10 the little girl i mentioned asked me why adrien was so nice. I said "because he knows what its like to have someone mean around him" and she said something along the lines of "my friends think he's boring". She's constantly online and more than likely talks to people in youtube comments because her parent's dont monitor her.)
That's like telling an elementary aged kid that teen titans go is annoying and only written to please simple minded children. A 9 year old is gonna feel bad for liking the show! What did the adult accomplish? Telling a child off for something they enjoy?
And the 12-13 year olds that still make their "bad" ocs and fanfics arent going to take this as "oh i do this stuff too maybe i should change what I'm doing" they're going to think "well crap I'm bad at art then". I didn't draw though out highschool because of this reason and i regret it so so much. Children shouldn't think that their creations are bad. Even if thats not the intent of the op it happens quite a lot in fandoms for children's media
And to mention the whole post i have about character growth for mari and WHY SHE NEEDS to be a choppy person in the beginning for it to work. Usagi was TERRIBLE in the beginning of sailor moon but by season 3 she grew. Part of peoples criticism for the 'bad lazy writing' of the show is partially because the fan base is so wrapped up in what /we want/ that we forget that telling a story takes time. If she was perfect in the beginning we would call her a mary sue gosh darn it! All fandoms are like this but ones for children's media are even more upsetting to see.
(Anyone who wants my choppy analysis on Mari and her parallels to the character growth of other magical girls should read it because i go ham there.)
No show is perfect but how upsetting must it be as a creator to see the target audience love the show, but also see adults tear it apart right in front of their faces? My original post said to talk about some good in the bad. Mari is hardheaded and so righteous that she can't see her own flaws AND she's also strong willed and very brave for her age while learning how to be more selfless.
If my art teachers only told me what they hated about my drawings I would be crushed. You have to add in the highlights as well! Too much shade ruins the meaning you know? But now I'm just repeating my original post ahhh
This was another tangent and you dont seem like someone who takes it this far at all, my whole thing was trying to say "a little is okay but its when many people do it and put it in the tags so often that it gives the fandom a bad taste kinda feel". A little is definatly needed to keep the fandom in check. Remember superwholock and how anyone who said cucumber wanst attractive got attacked? Fandoms who LOVEEEE their thing are just as toxic as the ones who hate the thing!
I just dont want to see ml get bashed so much that children feel bad for liking it (or start telling other children who like ml that they shouldnt. I see this on twitter sometimes) or that new potential fans dont want to see it.
I was told so much crap about shugo chara that I almost didnt watch it but DARN ITS A CUTE SHOW!! no one ever talked about its highlights and there are so so many! Now its known as the magical girl anime with crap characters and a terrible plot when in reality it taught lessons about overcoming loss and what its like to grow up. I don't want to see ml get sold as the "magical girl cartoon thats full of crap character writing and bad plot" when its a lot lot more.
For people out there who ARE harsh... Don't like the thing? Put it in a read more or dont tag it. For people who do like a little post summing up the recent eps, try mentioning what you like too!
(If you skipped to the bottom go to the bolded purple segment above to get to what i really should have said in the begining.)
Forgive any mistakes or grammar issues. Its early and i have a plane to catch soon hhhhh
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