katymariebullock-blog · 10 years
Animating sequence
After importing all of my layers into my new after effects composition, I began to animate my images in the timeline. I first placed my kennel image at the beginning, and then imported the features of the house into the timeline immediately after the kennel clip. I placed every individual layer into position on the screen on top of the kennel, then, using the transition Opacity tool, I then created the ‘’fade’’ effect, so that the features gradually appeared onto the kennel.  
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I wanted an individual square to appear within each window every half a second frame, I did this by clicking on the clip/layer I wanted to animate, highlighting it, then, selecting the drop down transition menu options, I dragged the play ahead to the beginning of the clip, clicked the stopwatch icon and changed the opacity rate to 0%, I then dragged the play ahead to the next half a second of the clip and changed the opacity rate too 100%. I done this process with every window and door clip, and with the exact same time, of half a second to keep the transition consistent, allowing me to make a gradual transition to my image, I then I replayed and watched the clip every time I created a fade, and made constant adjustments until the timing looked right. 
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I then imported my paw prints, and created another fade in between the house and paw scene, but this time to make an image disappear, faded away the house and grass to give me just the blue background, by doing this I repeated the opacity process but this time changing the ending to the fade too 0% rather than 100%. I placed the paw onto my sequence, and adjusted the size using ctrl an brackets,  [  to make it smaller, and ] to make it larger. I then duplicated this same paw 18 times, and created a path of footsteps as a cat would create, I then made these paws fade in and made the previously appeared paws to fade out, making it look as if a cat is walking, this scene made a nice transition between the house and text clip.
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After Affects Basics
Within my Animation creation most of the tools I used where probably - position, scale, rotation and within these the most thing that is always useful when your having movement is key frames there was many other them used and I added the flicker effect in each key frame text or movement it added like a smooth eatery with a little glow it was a little icon with 3 circles and if you wanted to use it you click one of the little squares. I also added some over-lay effect onto the Top Gear saw blade like blue,green and red easy effect just drag and drop but if you want it to look good just make sure you cut out a right size circle in photoshop it you where editing the photos. At the end of it, you have better effect and it looks more professional.
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wannyydorsn0p-blog · 10 years
For this project we had to create a 2D animated ident for London farmers market. It had to be around 30 seconds long and. For the first few weeks we learned the basics of animation so that we would know what to do when we actually had to start animating our project. This included animation principles, rotoscoping, and some photoshopping. 
When we got to the point where we had to start pre-production for our animation, the first thing I did was to take a look at the files I was going to be working with, the original logo and LFM's slogan. After that I already had a brief idea of what I'd like to create, so I started brainstorming. I wanted to keep my project simplistic and professional-looking rather than add too many unnecessary effects just for the sake of it. I decided to stick to the original colours of the logo with only making slight changes. I chose a song that I thought fits the tone of the animation and I started storyboarding my idea. With my storyboard I think that it could be improved as I didn't add enough detail on it and also at that point I still didn't know which of the things I planned I can actually do on After Effects and if I'm setting myself unrealistic goals. So I decided to play it safe and keep the transitions and animations simple but effective, though I'm not sure that this was properly shown in my storyboard. 
Once I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I imported the files in After Effects and started the rough cut of my project. Because I wanted to create a simplistic ident, I didn't need much help from Oly, although she did help me and gave me advice when I was stuck. She also gave me the original font used in the logo. Overall I didn't really face problems during my production, and I pretty much stuck to my original planning, but it was for good - I think the final product ended up better than what I had planned.
I overall think that my animation went well. I had no major problems or setbacks and no drastic changes from my storyboard. I think my final animation did have that simplistic and professional feel about it, which is exactly what I wanted to achieve. I put the song I had chosen last and at this point I had some doubts whether it would still fit the style of my animation, but I personally think that it goes well. 
After I had finished my animation I showed it to the class in the last lesson. The feedback I got was positive, and people thought my animation looks very professional. The one thing I got criticism about was the colour of the slogan - the first and last sentences were in white, but the paragraph in the middle I had decided to make green, and while it looked okay on the screen of my mac, when I showed my project I realised it blends in with the background, which is what people said. I'm personally not very happy with the ending, as I tried to fade out the audio but it didn't quite worked; also, for some reason at the very last second the screen goes to white, which I tried to fix but couldn't, as I couldn't find what exactly caused it. 
What I think I could have improved is the pre-production for my animation – if my planning was more detailed I could have done the animation even better. For example, I could have added more detail and provided more information in my storyboard. I find that the production went well, and if I had to do the project again, I would only make small changes to it, like the colour of the slogan, and maybe work on the ending a bit. But I'm overall happy with how my animation came out, especially since I had only briefly used After Effects before, and now I'm more confident in my knowledge of the software and I think that my animation ended up being of high standard.
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harrygilbert-blog · 10 years
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Step four of making my animated title sequence
Lastly I added the music and the animation did not fit with the music so I had to slow the animation down I did this by making anew composition and then I made a point at the end of each slide and extended all of my slides to make them longer and flow a lot smoother in time with the music. I then went through and did my final tweaking throughout my animation such as making the card introduction more smooth and then finished my making my title logo in Photoshop all I did to make the title logo was typed in the words ‘Now You See Me’ and then added a light and dark blue gradient and placed a little shadow behind it to make it stand out. Then I added that in and I was finished.
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samuel-iy-universe · 10 years
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lukeberry-blr · 10 years
Title Sequence animation
Today in Ollys lesson I was currently progressing with my 2D title sequence animation, after completing the opening stages of my title sequence, I then began on working on my periodic table animation, which is the next stage in my sequence.
I found my periodic table on google images, where I then saved the image into my folder called ‘Breaking Bad Animation Project’. I them opened the file onto Adobe Photoshop where I used the marquee tool where I then drew around the table to get rid of the white background so I didn’t want the white background to interfere with the current background, once that was complete I erased both the Br and Ba symbols from the table which I then drew myself in After effects once that was done I placed it into my timeline and began closing stages on my title sequence.
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katymariebullock-blog · 10 years
 Using Photoshop, I began to create the images for my timeline in after effects. Using a downloaded image of a kennel, I used Photoshop to  apply a basic fill technique, creating a silhouette effect of the kennel. I then applied a gradient effect to the colour to give the object more dimension, and it create a less flat, but still 2D , shape. I then began to add other features that a house would have, such as windows, doors, a roof etc. I added every individual shape under a new layer, so that when using after effects I have the ability to animate all features of the kennel/house. This step is very important, all layers must be saved separately, otherwise you will have less control over what can be animated and how.  
I tried to give my house a cartoon looking effect, rather than a realistic one.  After added the windows I was not happy with the overall look of the house, so began to experiment with other ways of using the house features, I realised that keeping the shapes basic and plain gave a much more cartoony effect as I intended.
I then applied a background to my house, once again keeping it simple, to create the cartoon look I wanted, I applied a light blue background for the sky, and a green curved shape to represent a grassy hill. Once I had my house in place, I then began to cut out images of animals including dogs, cats, birds and rabbits, and applied them to the image, sitting in front of the house, much larger in size to stand out.
My next step was to create the paws for my animation. Using a very basic and simple use of shapes, I used circles to create a paw. This will be duplicated many times in my animation in a line that will appear in the motion of cats footsteps, with slow fading of previous paws as the new paws in movement appear.
During the photo shopping process, I then began to develop my ideas even further, I thought of  new idea using text. I wanted to give the animation something that breaks up the imagery a bit with text which had a ‘short and sweet’ explanation of what this sequence is all about. The idea I came up with is, to have text falling in bubble writing that reads the words ‘’Nick Nack Paddy whack Give a pet a home’’. I think this short and simple gives a memorable slogan to the sequence.
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Rotoscoping is based on masking an object withing the video that you are using for example there is a car in a parking lot and is grey you draw a line around it and you can apply a different color over it like blue and then the car will be blue it takes some time to create the outline of the object perfect it mainly works if the object is still image. I personally have't used this on my Animation beacuse had some movements in my clips but if I used the time correctly then I would of used it for 3-4 shots in my main Animation.
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annieameliahopkins · 10 years
Title Sequence Evaluation
During this project we had to make an animated title sequence of roughly 30 seconds for an existing film or TV series. Within the first couple of weeks we learnt the basics of animation such as text and Roto-scoping as well as some simple animation principles, for example Arcs and secondary action.
Firstly we had to brainstorm different ideas and expand them to see which one had the most potential. I decided to do my opening title sequence on the film Alex Cross as I personally felt it was one of my best ideas and I had a clear view on how I wanted it to look once it was complete. I then went on and completed my storyboard, this was fairly easy for me as I know what I wanted and just got on with it. Once all my planning, audio and paperwork was done, I started on my animation in After Effects.
Personally I felt that this project as a whole went smoothly, I knew what I wanted to create and after having weekly sessions on After Effects with Olivia I felt I knew enough to make a cinematic title sequence without having much help. I managed to stick to my storyboard changing only one frame slightly; making the video full screen instead of only part of the screen. The music I had chosen right from the start went extremely well, I was lucky with this as I put my audio on last hoping it fitted, and it did.
I never really experienced any trouble throughout this project. I had a minor setback whilst editing my animation as Photoshop wasn’t fading the edges of the images as well as I hoped. When I exported the image, I changed the format to PNG in hope that it will look better but there was no difference. I decided to do this a different way in After Effects. I use the fountain pen to make a mask around the picture and lowered the opacity so that it faded. This work extremely well and I used this technique quite a bit.
Once my Animation was complete I had to show my class and collect feedback. Majority of feedback I received was positive, that my music went extremely well and really liked that I ‘incorporated the actual video’ into my animation. The one and only criticism I got was that the colour of my font blended into my background a little much, that I could outline my text. This is a great point and I agree to an extent, the reason I choose my particular colour was to connote blood and if I outlined my text I don’t think it would have went as well.
Overall I think I done a good job on my animation especially it being my first time I’ve used After Effects. I am happy with my final piece and believe it is cinematic and to a high standard. If I was to change anything I would have made my title sequence a little more challenging perhaps by adding something else between the text other than video and images. I have loved this project and feel I will benefit from what I have learnt for my future projects.
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harrygilbert-blog · 10 years
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Step three of making my animated title sequence
Once all the characters were finished I began to put in all the text so I put all the names to the characters and I also added the director, the people who made the story and person who wrote the music. I began by deciding a size for the text and once that was decided I choose the colour of white and then I used this for all of my text throughout the animation. At the end to finish it off I put a skyline picture of New York and added the final text when I played it back it wasn’t the right ending I wanted something moving so I zoomed in the picture and panned it from the bottom to the top slowly and it made a really effective ending for my title sequence. To make the text bigger on the bottom and smaller on the top I used a button on the right had side of the screen in the text editing section all I had to do was highlight the text I wanted to be small and then I clicked the button and it made a really professional look for my animation.
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katymariebullock-blog · 10 years
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RotaScoping page 2/2
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Motion Tracking
Motion tracking is when you have a video playing and you want to place a text or an object without the text moving with the video playing at the same time because that's what happens if you just place a text it moves with the video, well motion tracking lets you place the tilt in one place and it stays there through out the video. After Affects creates a 3D board on your whole video with all colured dots that let you put the text in them places that are marked on the screen.
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martin-williams · 10 years
Production Log - Photoshop
In this lesson we were shown how to use one aspect of photoshop. I started off doing this by opening the picture with Samuel Jackson; then I click on the pen tool and cut around Samuel Jackson; then clicked on 'selection' then a box appeared and I clicked 'OK' this converted my selection into a circulation of pixels.  Then I created a 'layer', straight after that I clicked on the paint bucket and made my foreground white and my background white. 
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Then I had cut another picture out and had done the same to what I had done with the first image except I had added colour to both of the pictures straight after.
I found this not as difficult as I am a bit familiar with photoshop but there were some aspect where I had to require assistance for me to do this. Other than that, I thought the lesson went pretty well and I learnt something I never knew.
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harrygilbert-blog · 10 years
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Step one of making my animated title sequence
I began with the four horsemen logo with the film and then faded in the cards over the picture simultaneously fading out the logo. The cards then enlarged and arranged themselves into a line. The simultaneously all the cards got bigger and then split apart. The tow cards in the middle passed over the outside cards and they disappeared then the main title of the film appeared in the middle. This was all done by basic animation. I started with opacity I made my starting point for all the cards and then faded them in over the logo. I then did positioning I made my stating point and then moved the cards all to centre screen. Then I did scale and made the cards get bigger and fill the screen. Then I split them and as the centre cards passed over the outer cards I made the outer cards disappear by cutting the image in the timeline by pressing (cntrl + ]) from that point I began to fade out the centre cards as the title fades in and fills the screen.
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samlangley-blog · 10 years
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My final storyboard
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hansoffilmz · 10 years
Animation Production Log
10th December 2014
Today in class I continued with the work from last week I decided I was not happy with the font that looked like a film reel and it would be harder to animate so I chose the other two I had and found a plain film reel of the internet and used that instead. I changed the gradient of it to the color theme of the festival and then searched for a image of the reel holder and matched that to the same gradient so it didn’t look out of place, when I had done that all in Photoshop I imported it into After Effects then added on the chosen font style I wanted the film festival being in a different font to the Rob Knox so I could animate them separately, after I was completely happy with how it looked I used the different path, scale, rotation and position modes on After Effects to animate each sentence. For the Rob Knox titles I wanted all the words to be scrambled up so I used on of the effects on the program
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to do that and with the film festival titles I used the different modes and clock buttons to animate it so it slowly faded onto the screen after the Rob Knox Titles to make it last longer as it had to be at least 30 seconds long. After I was content with the titles and how they moved I added in my Photo shopped stars and animated them the same way I did with the film festival title. I did not have much to do after this but next lesson I would continue to improve my animation work. 
Here are some screenshots from that lesson's work.
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