majorbaby · 6 months
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worms-go-here · 1 year
Man I have to ask, what was your first episode of MASH being The Joker is Wild like/how did it shape your viewing of the series because that's a wild place to start the series to me? :3
So i watched that several years before i got into mash for real and watched all of it from the beginning in order; it was just on my grandma's tv and i watched it and thought it was pretty good.
What i remember distinctly about watching that episode was a) how clever i thought the concept was - everyone teamed up to get one over on this guy by fake pranking themselves - i thought it was genius. despite hawkeye being subject to this prank i could tell he wasn't supposed to be a bad guy in the series, maybe just someone who could bear to be knocked down a peg or two. i think that cleverness is what made me want to watch the series later.
that post about The Joker is Wild reframed that episode for me; even on reviewing I didn't grasp the importance of its placement within the series for hawkeye, as i was more hung up on hey! this is that episode that i remember, ive been looking for this! also before that post i didn't read any of it as cruel.
b) my recollection of that episode very clearly frames the whole thing around bj's jealousy of trapper. even with no prior context as to who trapper was, or any of the other characters really, it was extremely plain to me that this whole thing was because bj was so very jealous and wanted to prove how much better he was.
this colored my watching of mash when i watched the whole series because i knew the whole time bj was inherently petty and jealous. the characters on screen had to dig and let that be revealed (he was and is an enigma character), so i felt like i had one up on them, hehe.
TJIW is a whole cast episode as well, so it took me into mash without having a clear picture as to who was the main character and who was supporting- it was somehow a clean slate in that sense.
it also made me reeeeally curious about trapper - who was the guy who incited all this without even being there?
i'd seen other snippets of episodes before and after i saw TJIW, but that was the first full episode i saw before i watched it all.
anyway, thank you for asking!!!! youre so cool!!!!
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transsexual-terabyte · 5 months
bone pain
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t34-mt · 2 years
I don't think I ever wrote it when it's a big part of their culture but maanul and kyhuines do a death prayer before killing an animal, if a maanul has to go diving to pick seafood they will do the prayer before entering the water. That prayer's words are slightly different.
When kyhuines kill their "cattle" they often give it a certain type of herb (kefhil) to make it more calm, they then tie its legs and will do a stab to the opperculum with a dagger after the prayer. Killing them on the spot.
Northern maanuls also believes you have to look at it in the eyes when doing the final strike, so it's spirit doesn't get lost when leaving the body, and that the animal knows they will have to follow their hunter until sunrise/dawn comes (related to religious beliefs)
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rescue-ram · 1 year
Why The Joker Is Wild Hits Different
I was thinking about this last month when I wrote 'The Time Has Come For Us To Say Sayonara', and I'm feeling motivated to write up my thoughts tonight. I'm going to list my reasons why this episode in particular rubs people the wrong way roughly in order of importance.
1) Timing This is the most obvious reason but it bears mentioning. Because yeah, the episode where Hawkeye's friends team up to drive him crazy in the same season that ends with Hawkeye having a serious Mental Health Crisis definitely changes the impression this episode leaves, especially in rewatches. I've seen theories that it was intentional foreshadowing, as well as that it was meant to be a lighthearted throwback episode that's just squiffy in execution; both seem plausible. But regardless, I think the timing increases negative feelings towards this episode among people for whom it doesn't land.
2) The Pranks Are Lame This might seem petty or subjective, but the more I thought about it the more important it seemed. Because MASH has a lot of pranks, and the ones people remember and like the most are the most outrageous ones- there are a lot of creative set ups, and some opportunities for great prop or physical comedy. But the pranks in TJIW all happen off screen, for punchline reasons, and with the possible exception of Klinger blowing himself up are all very tame and unremarkable. The "victims" reactions are not particularly hilarious either. This means there's little entertainment value in the pranks themselves, so all of the focus stays on Hawkeye's reactions, and his reactions are "increasingly irrational intense distress" which obviously some people will find very difficult or upsetting to watch.
3) No Back And Forth Other "prank war" episodes are just that- a war. There's retaliation and escalation and often a final twist to the conflict that keeps the action moving. Hawkeye never gets to retaliate or take the upper hand until the very very end of the episode- he's not even really fighting for it. He's consistently put in a reactive and vulnerable position throughout the episode, so it feels targeted in a way that's usually reserved for characters we're meant to dislike and not empathize with- but Hawkeye is our charismatic protagonist, we're constantly invited to empathize with him! So seeing him get picked on and not fight back kind of sucks for a lot of people, especially if, in putting yourself in his shoes, you would find this an insanely upsetting scenario to find yourself in.
4) No A-Plot Other "prank war" episodes are usually paired with a much more serious dramatic story line. Even "April Fools", one of the silliest, has the characters seriously thinking they're all about to be court-martialed. "An Eye for a Tooth" has Mulcahy fighting for a promotion, "Bottoms Up" has Margaret reckoning with her friend's alcoholism- even "The Smell of Music", which has one of the meanest things they do to Charles, has an A-Plot where Potter tries to help a suicidal soldier. The pranks are a welcome break in tension, and the more serious subject matter means they don't get as closely analyzed by the audience- they are straight up comedic relief. But in TJIW, there is no other plot- our focus stays, relentlessly, on Hawkeye losing it. There's no break from the tension, and as already established the weak pranks mean they don't provide that release in themselves. It is very easy to get stuck stewing in Hawkeye's distress.
5) Bad Casus Belli I really think, if Hawkeye had been the one to issue the bet- "Yeah, I said your prank was stupid and I'll say it again, Trap and I coulda pranked all of you in 24 hours or less and you'd've never seen it coming"- that A LOT of this episode's problems would decrease. His come-uppance would at least feel earned- Hawkeye has hubris, gets punished, punchline. But that isn't what happens!! BJ is exhausted and in a bad mood. He takes it out on Hawkeye in a petty destructive prank. Hawkeye is annoyed, and BJ gets mad at him for being annoyed, and then cold bloodedly manipulates him into a bet he fully intends to cheat, in order to punish him for... not finding having his boot ruined funny? For talking about Trapper? There's no explanation given for why the other characters go along with it, especially a character like Mulcahy who not only participates, but is gleeful about it to an extent that's kinda OOC. Hawkeye's punishment feels more like the sort of thing dealt out to Frank, who we expected to deserve it because he was so consistently awful. Why does Hawkeye, our loveable hardworking part-time prankster full-time doctor, deserve to get humiliated? It's charitable to say it's a lack of inciting incident causing problems- to be uncharitable, we'd have to say the inciting incident is BJ taking out his temper on Hawkeye in an honestly pretty cruel way. I say cruel especially given his reaction to seeing Hawkeye lose it in the ward was to make it worse by deliberately feeding Hawkeye's paranoia after Klinger's prank. If you are not a fan which finds BJ's fits of "evil genius" funny in themselves then yeah, the unearned targeting feels infuriating.
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quordleona03 · 1 year
I am pondering the "how much did BJ prank Peg" question you posed...
And I 100% think he occasionally pranked her, especially when they were dating/newly married, with varying levels of sensitivity to her feelings, but I would think mostly in "socially acceptable" ways. Like faking an emergency to get her to come to a surprise party, pretending to break or ruin something important but then revealing it's fine or replaced with something better, or messing with her things a bit in that "Where are my textbooks" "Oh I took them back to my dorm, I guess you'll have to come pick them up" kind of way. Like I could see that being an attention/reassurance seeking behavior from him, based on what we see in the show.
I really can't see him being deliberately cruel before the war. After? If he was jealous and drunk and angry and at a low point? I could see him messing with her way past the point of acceptability, ignoring her feelings, making the joke on her rather than for/with her, but he has lines he won't cross. I mean, even in The Joker Is Wild, the prank is he Technically Isn't Doing Anything to Hawkeye- it's a very cruel "I'm not touching you" bit. The cruelty isn't in the actions, but in ignoring the very real and intense distress it's causing Hawkeye. I could see him passive aggressively doing things he knows are upsetting Peg because he's upset with her but justifying it as Her Problem as long as he himself doesn't think he's doing anything wrong.
Stripping away the details, I think there are three main components to TJIW:
1) Jealousy and Insecurity over a past relationship. I feel inferior to this other person you loved, and I worry you like them more than me, and I'm going to prove I'm better and embarrass you while I do.
2) Involvement of other loved ones. They're all on my side, you don't have support, you have to go along with my ideas.
3) The Gaslighting. Intentionally messing with your perception of reality, lying, making you think you're crazy, ignoring your distress.
Like those three things make the prank read as abusive to other people, and I don't think BJ is an abusive person. I think outside the context of the camp he wouldn't have the opportunity or inclination to do anything as elaborate as TJIW. But I could see him getting his or her family on his side, and at his worst messing with her relationship with Carl the Handyman or some other friendship that came into her life while he was away out of jealousy, or pranking her at work to pressure her to quit, or even messing with Erin a little if he was jealous of the closeness she had with Peg- "Oh no, it's a big scary monster! Come here Erin, Daddy will save you, don't cry." But I also think that Peg is in a much more stable place than Hawkeye was, and has more people to reach out to for advice or help, so I can't see her tolerating anything horrible for too long- and I think if she really put her foot down, he might be angry at the time but would stop, and ultimately be ashamed about it.
I don't have hatred in my heart for BJ, but in imagining "What is the worst prank he would pull on Peg and why" those were the thoughts I was having...
This is ghastly but invigorating.
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marley-manson · 2 years
Wrt the Trapper Complex(TM) I don’t see it as jealousy in The Joker is Wild, but I do think Trapper is the focus of BJ’s more general insecurity here for a reason and not just incidental. It’s not like he’s uniquely weird about Trapper, but imo he’s insecure about his role/place socially and that sometimes comes out in getting weird about Hawkeye’s previous bff that he came in to replace. Same reason he ranted about Carl the Handyman that one time lol, he’s not necessarily actively jealous of Carl (if he even exists and isn’t just a hypothetical guy), he’s just afraid of not being good enough compared to others. Which I mean I guess easily translates into jealousy and I can definitely see BJ being the jealous type, but I don’t think Joker is Wild demonstrates jealousy so much as insecurity.
But like I mostly agree with your take on that in that BJ’s issues run a lot deeper and broader than just being jealous of Trapper, I just feel that Trapper does become a focus of those issues a few times. But it’s part of the larger issue of BJ feeling insecure and inadequate in general, which also feeds into his Nice Guy thing in Wheelers and Dealers, the way he occasionally negs Hawkeye lol, his fear that Peg won’t need him when he comes home or that she’ll cheat on him, Erin mistaking someone else for him making him spiral, BJ adjusting his behaviour to fit in with Hawkeye in season 4, potentially the way he falls into the sidekick role at first and then starts resenting it and lashing out, etc.
So yeah BJ would also be pissed off and competitive if Hawkeye just told him he sucked without comparing him to Trapper, but I think being compared to someone else unfavourably hits even harder, especially Hawkeye’s last best army pal. If Oliver Jones had been a master pranker and Hawkeye had brought him up instead BJ would probably get weird about him too, but I think it being Trapper here and in PoA adds a nice layer of that insecurity over their friendship specifically rather than just his Prank Skillz, which makes sense to me as an element of their relationship.
I can just imagine BJ wondering how much of Hawkeye’s friendship with him is genuine love and interest in him as a person vs how much is convenience because he happened to be there and willing to go along with him when Hawkeye needed someone to latch onto, especially considering the circumstances under which they met. I don’t think that’s ever directly conveyed in the show, but it’s a leap I can make very easily based on episodes like PoA and tJiW, and it makes sense to me that resentment towards Trapper might be part of that.
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rafsanmar · 2 years
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2023.01.16 Nuestra reportera querida nos envía esta instantánea del amanecer de hoy en esta parte del paraíso para transmitirnos toda la paz y calidez invernal; feliz lunes y feliz semana. (en Playa Naturista Vera) https://www.instagram.com/p/CneGebkD7iYaMY7BKsMbEqRDeO_oaYv-tjIw-s0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seokmatthewz · 2 years
im goitnnto see lim jimin in person.....
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I'm under the weather today, but if I wasn't this is one of two places I would definitely be! - EMP Photo by Ed Marshall Reposted from @rmomin73 - Looking forward to seeing friends tonight in Brooklyn at @arete_brooklyn ! The ever amazing Iranian daf player/vocalist @kamyararsani opens for us 💥 // been an amazing tour so far, summer/Fall tours to be announced shortly 🙌🏾 #turningjewelsintowater #tjiw #aretevenue #newmusic #electronicmusic #electronicbeats #ravishmomin #valjeanty #mapofabsences #fperecs #musicwithoutborders #livemusicnyc #livemusicnyctonight #kamyararsani - #regrann (at Areté Venue and Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvUqxbMlFgO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=wa57hmfeobuc
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majorbaby · 4 months
if i set my mind to it, i bet i could edit a grinning wayne rogers into TJIW
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giranswife · 6 years
I wanna smooch my fucking skeleton man and no one can ducking ST O P M E
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xsnaxiety · 2 years
potangina i ate too much tjiw is making me sick
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val-inc · 6 years
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❣️❤️❣️ 2019 nap vinn pou ou✊🏾)) #staycreative #soundchemist #3 #legba #nutrinity #creativewomen #inspire #empower #zoe #danto #creativesquad #haiti #111 #nubia #trinidad #artofdance #ayidawedo #ranubi #poiisonivvy #valjeanty #sonicritual #tjiw #workinprogess #kwa #ancestorskeeper #fanmdjanm #knowyamagic #masteryacraft (at FD Photo Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brf0Ao_HRTF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1735a4fond7q2
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rescue-ram · 1 year
Okay, I had a lot of fun writing this. It utterly consumed me this week. It's post-TJIW Trapper POV, and I hope it is both reasonably fair and cathartic, with a mix of humor and hurt/comfort. I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Shout out to @quordleona03 who's comment inspired it.
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blackladisdestrcz · 3 years
Microsoft včera představil přes 60 her z programu ID@Xbox pro konzole Xbox
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