#tk has a near laser focus on the wedding
doublel27 · 2 years
One plot thing from lone star that I don’t entirely get is that they’re complaining that 18 months is such a long wait? That’s about normal waiting time for a wedding surely? At least there’s time to plan, make sure people are actually free, and arrange the whole shebang. I get they want to be married and this is weird timeline telly world, but I don’t understand how having to plan a wedding in 8 weeks is better 😂
Hello Nonny! Sorry it's taken so long for me to get here. BUT...
TK meant what he said when he said EVERY MOMENT WE'RE NOT MARRIED IS A WASTED MOMENT.
He wants a wedding that is nice and has like PEOPLE, but he also doesn't want to wait a YEAR AND A HALF. Do you know how many times TK nearly dies in a year and a half? He can't wait that long. He might be dead.
He won't actually be dead, but like...with the track record of parents on this show who knows who'll make it to the wedding. He won't waste time, and 18 months as fiances is too long for TK.
It's not an unreasonable time for normal people, but TK has never been normal. So...
His one track mind for the wedding is hilarious though. Cant eat carbs, have a wedding suit. Dad has a motorcycle - don't crash and ruin my wedding. Carlos has a wife...we've just gotta get him divorced because I am not delaying my wedding! Carlos is missing, gonna take Carlos's detective skills I've gained through osmosis and find my fiance, because we have a wedding to plan.
And Carlos wants TK to be happy, so TK is going to get what TK wants. He's not having pouting at the wedding.
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