serotocin38 · 4 years
TL;DWrite: How to Court a Dumb Human Bean
Mobei-Jun/Shang Qinghua
In which Shang Qinghua is kind of in love with Mobei-Jun, and misunderstands everything. You know, the typical situation. But this time, after a run-in with a strange demon girl, he’s also oblivious to the fact that he suddenly becomes incredibly attractive everyone else. And they all want him. 
2,420 words, oblivious SQH, slight pining, courting, misunderstandings, harem potential but no harem, only Moshang
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High cheekbones – check. Sharp jawline – check. Piercing gaze – check. Broad shoulders – check. Ridiculous height – check. Graceful air – check. Firm and defined muscles – double check. Very powerful – check, check, and check.
Shang Qinghua sighed to himself, shaking his head ever so slightly as he reluctantly drew his gaze away from his king and went back to the pile of paperwork in front of him.
Mobei-Jun stood across the room, glaring at a group of elders who seemed to have finally cornered him and wanted to get their point across while Mobei-Jun was still willing to entertain them.
Shang Qinghua had no doubt it was to pester him about getting married again. Ever since Luo Binghe basically up and abandoned his newfound seat of power like it was the side chick he accidentally got pregnant, Mobei-Jun had taken over full-time, and as a result, Shang Qinghua found himself with a lot more paperwork to get through.
While he worked his way through several stacks a day, Shang Qinghua silently cursed Cucumber Bro for going into seclusion with his demon husband to live the life of domestic bliss while he was stuck with a desk job! And he did not even get paid for this!
The only plus side of the paperwork was that Shang Qinghua was situated across from Mobei-Jun most of the day, and he could sneak as many glances as his heart desires. And if Mobei-Jun caught him in the act, Shang Qinghua only had to tap his brush against his chin like he was thinking hard.
Take that, Cucumber Bro. You aren’t the only brilliant actor in this world!
“What’s wrong, my king?” Shang Qinghua asked when Mobei-Jun finally stormed away from the elders, and they were alone.
Mobei-Jun sat down on the throne of ice with an angry glower on his face. If it were directed at him, Shang Qinghua would be a blubbering mess of tears begging for his life. He felt a shiver run down his spine.
“Do you want to get married.”
Shang Qinghua blinked, wondering if he mishead. Then, his face flushed bright red. “My- My king? I- This- This servant couldn’t possibly be fit to marry you!”
The glower grew deeper, and now it was definitely directed at Shang Qinghua. “I meant, if you ever plan on getting married to anyone,” Mobei-Jun gritted out slowly.
Shang Qinghua was feeling faint now. Of course that was what Mobei-Jun meant! What the hell was he thinking?! He had obviously been daydreaming way too much!
“This servant wouldn’t dare!” Shang Qinghua squeaked. “My entire life is dedicated to serving my king and no one else!” He wondered if now would be a good time to get on his knees and start blubbering.
Mobei-Jun grunted and turned the glare away. “I don’t have a choice,” he said. “The elders think… that the potential candidates they chose do not interest me.”
Shang Qinghua wiped away his tears and sniffled a few times. “Do they not appeal to my king?”
“…Not interested.”
Shang Qinghua thought about the long list of demon girls from various prestigious bloodlines. “Perhaps my king’s taste is... of another gender?”
Mobei-Jun’s glare turned back to him again.
Shang Qinghua was so dead. He just asked the second most powerful demon in the world if he was gay!
He gulped, his hand trembling and dripping ink all over the page. He quickly set it down and put his hands into his lap to hide them. Mobei-Jun just studied him hard, then looked away again, saying nothing.
…so it was not a ‘no’.
Shang Qinghua cleared his throat. “Should- Should this servant let the elders know? I’m certain that there are many eligible demon males that are fit to be my king’s consort? I- I’ve heard that homosexuality is quite common among demons! I mean, Sha Hualing is-”
“Not. Interested.”
“Eh? But- But my king-” Shang Qinghua was at a loss. He almost threw his hands up in the air and tore at his hair while screaming, “THEN WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU INTO?”
He took a deep breath instead. “Perhaps my king is not interested in anything romantic or, ahem, sexual. In that case-”
Shang Qinghua just stared blankly at him. After a few moments of silence, Mobei-Jun stared back at him.
“My king, is there anyone you’ve ever liked before? Anyone at all?”
There was a long silence. “…Yes.”
“Okay! Great!” Shang Qinghua said desperately. “What- What did they look like? Maybe we can find them again, or- or at least find someone fitting those descriptions!”
Mobei-Jun tilted his head to the side a bit, studying Shang Qinghua with narrowed eyes. “Small,” he said slowly. “Helpless. Like a baby bird.”
Shang Qinghua’s mouth opened and closed a few times. “Uh, okay. What- What color was their hair? Their eyes? Male, female? When did you last see them?”
Mobei-Jun’s lips thinned as he continued staring at Shang Qinghua. “I see them every day,” he said slowly.
Shang Qinghua felt his excitement dim slightly. Ah, so it was a current crush. Despite being by his king’s side on a daily basis, Shang Qinghua was not aware of this interest of his.
His smile wavered ever so slightly. “Do- Do they know you… feel this way towards them?”
Mobei-Jun’s eyes narrowed further, boring deep into Shang Qinghua’s soul. “…They’re not very perceptive,” he said gravely.
Despite the dull throbbing of his own heart, Shang Qinghua silently comforted Mobei-Jun. Unrequited love was not a good feeling.
“Then my king just needs to be more bold with his advances!” Shang Qinghua encouraged. “Maybe you just need to tell them you like them!”
Mobei-Jun considered it. “I… like you.”
Shang Qinghua nodded. “Just like that, my king!”
Mobei-Jun’s glare grew deeper. Then, he shook his head. “Doesn’t work.”
Shang Qinghua gave a nervous chuckle. “How would you know if you don’t try, my king? Maybe if you spend more time with them, they’ll eventually catch on.”
“More time?” Mobei-Jun asked under his breath.
“Oh, and helping them out would probably show that you care.”
Mobei-Jun nodded slowly. “I see,” he said. “This… will work?”
Shang Qinghua gave him a weak smile that he hoped was encouraging. “Unless your person is a rock, they’ll certainly realize it.”
“Okay,” Mobei-Jun said. “Then, do you… want me to help-”
“Ah!” Shang Qinghua gasped as an amulet around his neck started growing hot. He quickly pulled it out, the red stone glowing dully in his palm. “This servant is late, my king!” he said. “I need to go pick up your new cloak now!”
He gave a hurried bow before scrambling out of the room, the doors slamming shut behind him.
Mobei-Jun sighed in annoyance. “…He’s a rock.”
Shang Qinghua was running terribly late. He was supposed to go to a specialty shop to pick up a custom cloak of Mobei-Jun’s.
A few weeks ago, Mobei-Jun had dropped a huge monster in front of his desk, blood still spilling from the fresh wound and staining the furs that served as a carpet in his room.
“This is- This is a Frost Flower Tiger Seal?” Shang Qinghua gawked. “What- What does my king want me to do with it this time?” he asked.
Mobei-Jun had recently taken up the habit of hunting rare demonic monsters with pelts that could sell for a fortune or two. And he never told Shang Qinghua what he wanted him to do with them, except he showed extreme offense to Shang Qinghua’s offer of selling them.
So he had no choice but to take the rare pelts and make them into rugs and coats and scarves.
The Fost Flower Tiger Seal’s slick pelt was extremely soft and completely waterproof. It was naturally a deep blue, with black streaks in it, like a tiger’s fur. So Shang Qinghua sent the pelt to a special clothing shop to have them customize a cloak for Mobei-Jun.
However, on the way, Shang Qinghua ran into a couple of demons who were in the process of dragging a poor human girl out of her hut.
“What a pretty little thing,” one of them leered. “Why don’t you come with us and keep us company?”
“Let me go!” she screamed, kicking and thrashing.
“Hey!” Shang Qinghua shouted, glad he brought his sword. It had been a while since he drew it, and he had never been particularly good at fighting in the first place, and he was definitely rusty. He just hoped the threat would scare away the demons.
The other demon sniggered. “Look, another tiny human,” he said. “Let’s take them both.”
Shang Qinghua swung his sword, the weight throwing him off a little bit. He quickly regained his balance, his heart thumping hard in his chest.
If he called out like last time, would Mobei-Jun show up?
Suddenly, both demons’ eyes were glued to Shang Qinghua’s sword. Then, with a mess of senseless apologies, they dropped the girl and ran off faster than Shang Qinghua could figure out what made them run.
It was only afterwards that Shang Qinghua remembered the tassel tied to the end of his sword with Mobei-Jun’s seal on it. Regardless, he gratefully sheathed his sword and rushed to the girl’s side.
“Hey, you really shouldn’t hang around here alone,” Shang Qinghua said, helping her up with a sigh.
The girl huffed. “I had it covered, you know,” she said. She reached into her sleeve and pulled out three needles, obviously coated with a deadly poison.
“Ah,” Shang Qinghua said.
“Thank you anyway,” she said. She looked him up and down. “What’s a human like you doing in the Demon Realm?”
“I could say the same for you.”
“Not human,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “And I’m a travelling merchant. Anyway, I suppose I should repay you somehow. What do you want?” she asked. “I’ve got strength potions, protection charms, cultivation enhancers.”
She seemed to have found all of Shang Qinghua’s weaknesses with just a glance. Each suggestion felt like a small stab at all his lacking points.
“Heh, no need,” Shang Qinghua said, remembering he was on a tight schedule. “I need to get going.”
The girl tilted her head to the side. “Where are you headed? I have a pill that can prolong your stamina. Most use it for sex purposes, but you can use it to travel too,” she said casually, ignoring the way Shang Qinghua coughed lightly.
“Just west,” he said vaguely. “I really should go.”
Finally, the girl sighed. “Fine, fine. I won’t keep you. Here, take some water, at least. You look like you could use it.”
She disappeared into her hut briefly and came back with a small bottle. “It’s a bottle of Replenishing Water,” she said. “As long as you’re thirsty, it will continue to produce water. And it doesn’t take up much space, so it’s perfect for travel.”
Shang Qinghua glanced at the sun. He took the bottle. “Much thanks,” he said quickly. He left before the girl could try pushing any more of her wares onto him.
The Replenishing Water did seem pretty useful though. Shang Qinghua took several sips from the tiny bottle, but every single time, more cool water poured from it. But if Shang Qinghua just tipped the bottle over dry ground, nothing came out.
He briefly wondered who that girl was exactly. But he did not think on it too much because he managed to catch the store just before closing.
“Wait!” he called as the store owner, an elderly demon lady came out to lock up.
“There you are!” she snapped, shoving the door open again.
Shang Qinghua followed her inside, apologizing over and over again for being so late. She grumbled as she went and grabbed the cloak, all wrapped up and boxed nicely. He reached for the money pouch in his robes when suddenly, the elderly demon lady grabbed his wrist.
“Come here,” she commanded.
“Eh?” Shang Qinghua was pulled downwards roughly. She stared at him with her old eyes. “Is- Is everything alright, Madame?”
Suddenly, the usually sour expression on her face softened. “I’ve never noticed before, but… you look like my late husband!”
“Wh-What? You- You have to be mistaken. Madame, I am merely a human servant for my king! How could I-”
“I’m not mistaken!” she exclaimed. “You look exactly like him!” Suddenly, she rushed forward, and Shang Qinghua stepped back, running out of the shop as quickly as he could. “Husband, come back! Your Gui-er has been waiting for you!”
Shang Qinghua did not look back. He ran for a few miles before he collapsed on the side of the road, absolutely exhausted. The sun had nearly set, and he was still a far way from the palace. He had really hoped he could avoid travelling by sword.
But before anything else, Shang Qinghua spent a few minutes chugging from the bottle of Replenishing Water. He felt much better after sitting for a bit and making sure the demon lady was not chasing him.
By then, it was completely dark and walking was no longer an option.
Still, Shang Qinghua was reluctant about riding his sword. He had not been confident about mounting his sword since rescuing Mobei-Jun and nearly killing both of them with his skills.
“Ah, my king,” Shang Qinghua sighed aloud.
“What is it?”
Shang Qinghua wished he could say he did not scream like a little girl and drop the box holding the new cloak.
“My- My king!” Shang Qinghua gasped, his heart doing a rapid staccato dance in his chest. “What- What are you doing here?”
“You called,” Mobei-Jun said sternly, like it explained everything.
“This- This servant was just heading back.”
“It’s late already,” Mobei-Jun said. He picked up the box and opened it. He took out the Frost Flower Tiger Seal cloak and inspected it.
“Does my king approve?” Shang Qinghua asked nervously.
Mobei-Jun rubbed the thick cloak between his fingers. “It’s good,” he rumbled. Then, he draped the heavy cloak over Shang Qinghua’s shoulders and clasped it in front.
“My- My king?”
“Let’s go,” Mobei-Jun said, pulling him in by his waist and opening a portal.
They reappeared in the throne room, and Mobei-Jun led them into the adjoining room that served as his and Shang Qinghua’s office.
Shang Qinghua started to take off the cloak, but a sharp glare from Mobei-Jun stopped him. He left it on instead.
Liked the idea at first. I just felt it would take a longer than a brief one-shot, so I kinda procrastinated and lost interest. Will I come back to this one? Not likely.
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redbeardace · 5 years
I was supposed to write a big thing about how you need to become politically active because the Supreme Court and the Equality Act and the disaster that’s set to hit the US next June and so on and on, but then I overextended and basically shut down after Wednesday and didn’t get around to it.
So the tl;dwrite:
The Supreme Court may be set to unleash a disaster upon most of the country in June, essentially legalizing discrimination against LGBTQ people.
The Equality Act is a partial fix, but there’s no way in hell it’s getting through the Senate right now.
(The Equality Act also doesn’t go far enough, but it’s better than nothing.)
People need to hear about what’s going on and need to start raising hell.
If you live in a state which would be affected, there may still be time to push your state legislatures into action.  And if you live in a state with an election happening in a week and a half, you need to vote to make it as Blue as you can get it to have any hope of getting something passed.
And next year, work hard to keep the House, flip the Senate, and childproof the White House, then demand that they pass and sign an improved Equality Act first thin in January 2021.
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