butterflytint · 4 months
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metro-pjskaus · 1 year
Tiger Lilies and Lilac
MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, MINOR CHARACTER DEATH, Akirui, Angst and Romance, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Human/Vampire Relationship, Vampire Rui, Knight Akito , no beta we die like nooks sleep schedule
Written by Nook (love you nookie pie <3 - 🦜)
reupload from AO3 !!!
Fic Under Cut
“Ugh… why didn’t I just take the day off? Toya was right, I do need a break… who even is this Kamishiro guy, anyways?” A man walked through a forest, pushing branches out of the way as to not get them in his ginger hair. He grumbled, not wanting to be stuck out in the forest on a Saturday- isn’t that when you’re supposed to rest?
It was always like this, him not wanting to rest, then him paying the consequences. Tsukasa always made fun of him for that- constantly on the grind, as a knight should be. Wasn’t this Kamishiro guy near here?
This man was Akito Shinonome, a Young Knight. He was on the look out for a certain man, one named Rui Kamishiro. He didn’t remember much about what he was told about Kamishiro, just that he was dangerous and must be taken into custody.
Akito turned to the noise, hand nearing his sword’s handle.
“Who’s there?!”
he saw some red hair underneath the leaves on the branches of the trees surrounding them. He wasn’t alone.
“Oh~ A knight?” The red hair moved into the light, showing a man. A very tall one.
The man put his finger over Akito’s mouth.
“Shhh… you’re gonna ruin your cute look if you talk.”
“You heard me, uhm… knight?”
“Yes, that happens to be my occupation.” Akito furrowed his eyebrows, getting irritated.
“Oh. How sad!” The man frowned, and started walking away.
“W-wait! You can’t just leave! You haven’t told me anything about you!” Akito grabbed the man’s wrist, pulling it towards him.
“My apologies. You may know me as…”
Akito’s eyes widened as he realized who he just grabbed. “… Rui Kamishiro.” The man laughed, and pulled Akito’s arm towards him.
He pulled him closer, and took his hand from his wrist to put it on his waist. Rui lifted Akito’s face up, almost colliding their lips with each other when..
“I’m afraid I can’t give you the satisfaction, sir~”
Rui then let go, and ran away, leaving Akito standing there, flabbergasted at what just happened before him. He touched his face, and realized it was all red. What had just happened..
Akito decided to just walk back to the palace. He didn’t need to worry about that person just now… sure, he was a criminal, but he was too tired to deal with him.
Akito looked forward, and saw a tall man with blue hair. Well, two shades of blue. He remembered him well- his ex-boyfriend, Toya Aoyagi.
“Yo, Toya. You’ve been treating the prince well, yes?”
“He hasn’t been hurt yet.”
“That’s why you’re the best knight, of course.”
Akito and Toya laughed, and started walking into the palace more. Akito looked around, trying to find a certain person. Someone who had sent him out on this mission, someone who
Speak of the devil. Racing forward, a girl darted towards him. Suddenly, Akito felt an embrace against him. Ah yes, this was who had told him to go.
“You can let go now, Saki.”
“But can’t I hold on for a bit longer?”
Saki let go, and looked towards another room.
“I think I need to go feed.. my pet squirrel! And I need Aki’s help for it!”
Toya stood there, confused. Saki didn’t have a pet squirrel…
“Yes! We must go!”
Akito chimed in, and was pulled by Saki into the room.
The room they entered happened to be a guest bedroom. Somewhere a squirrel most definitely wouldn’t be. Saki sat Akito on the bed, and stood up.
“So?? What happened?? Did you see him??”
“… yes, I met Kamishiro.”
“Was he really a vampire?”
“Wait wait wait, a VAMPIRE?” Akito’s eyes went wide. He didn’t remember being told Kamishiro was a VAMPIRE.
“Of course! I told you before you left!”
that’s what he gets for not listening…
“What happened?” Saki pleaded for info, anything. And so Akito told her the story.
“Exactly! That’s how I felt!”
Saki covered her mouth, and looked around.
“That means… he doesn’t react to sunlight?”
“I guess not…” Akito didn’t want to admit it, but he did look kinda hot in the sunlight… he’d never admit it though!
“Hmm… how are we gonna prove him innocent of his charges if-“
“Wait wait wait, we’re proving him INNOCENT? FOR CRIMES??”
“Well, yeah, but-“ Saki got interrupted once more.
“Oh you know, manslaughter-“
“Look… I know a bit of his past, ok? I just need help getting him out of being hurt more. He wouldn’t kill anyone who didn’t hurt him first, I swear!”
“Saki, you’re insane.”
“Aren’t you insane too?”
“Yeah, but I’m not the one trying to GLORIFY A MURDERER!”
Saki and Akito looked at the door, noticing a few familiar faces. Toya, a blonde man, and a long white haired woman. They just stared for a few moments.
“Uhm… we can explain.”
“Yes… very much so.”
The blonde man shook his head, and spoke. “Saki, what in god’s name is Akito talking about? What murderer are you glorifying?”
This was Tsukasa Tenma, Saki’s older brother, and heir to the throne.
“Look… I just… I don’t believe Rui would kill someone, that’s all. You know that too, don’t you?”
The white haired girl sighed and went to Saki, giving her a hug. “As your advisor, I wouldn’t suggest doing this. Kamishiro is a dangerous man, Saki. Who knows what he’d do to you?”
“But Kanade… he’s a good person. He’s truly a good person…”
Kanade Yoisaki, the princess’ advisor. Akito personally saw her as a little sister. He wasn’t going to get caught up in this right now…
“Tsukasa, can I leave, please?”
“Yes, Akito. Though, meet me later tonight. We must have a talk.” Akito wasn’t really scared. He’d known Tsukasa for a long time- if Akito did something, Tsukasa would understand why.
Toya stayed behind, helping Kanade comfort Saki. Tsukasa had left, as he needed to do things. Saki sat down on the ground, thinking.
Akito got back to his room, and laid on the bed. Today was… exciting, that was for sure. That guy was Rui Kamishiro? He was… good looking, that’s for sure. Wait, what was he thinking?!
A bat smacked the window where his bed laid next to. Seeing this, Akito immediately got up to help the creature. He opened the window, reaching his hand out.
“Come on… don’t be scared.”
The bat slowly creeped onto his hands, and as soon as he had closed the window, there was a puff of smoke.
“Did you miss me, knight?”
Akito jumped off the bed, and onto the floor. He was just trying to get some rest, man!
“Your voice sounds so sweet, saying my name. Can you say it more?”
Akito was confused. Wait.. wasn’t this guy supposed to be really evil? Like… killed a whole village evil? What’s he doing in his bedroom?!
“I won’t give you the satisfaction.”
He’ll admit, Rui is pretty good at smooth talking. Way too good.
“So cold! It’s like a stake through my heart!”
Rui walked closer towards Akito, taking his hand and making him stand up.
“You’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever set my eyes on.. please, let me..”
He motioned towards Akito’s neck, and Akito was curious at what he would do. But honestly… everything he thought, he wouldn’t really complain about.
“Fine… but you owe me later.”
Rui sank his teeth into Akito’s neck, sucking blood out from the wound made by them. Akito winced in pain, but it oddly didn’t feel that bad. It wasn’t like it felt good, but it wasn’t like he was being stabbed..
“Maybe I’ll get used to you being around. Your blood tastes very sweet, you know.”
“…. You flatter me.”
“Please, won’t you tell me your name?”
Akito thought for a second. This guy? A murderer? He honestly couldn’t believe it now.
“Akito. Akito Shinonome.”
“So beautiful..”
Rui sighed, and went back to the window. He opened it, turned into a bat, and flew out, leaving Akito in confusion. Butterflies in his chest, face all red- what was this?
Akito bandaged his neck, and looked at the time. It seems like he needed to meet with tsukasa soon. He got up, sighing. Damn, that Kamishiro…
“Akito? Are you alright in there? I thought I heard a thud…” Kanade’s voice…
“Ah- yep! All good! Don’t worry!”
He stumbled out of the room, giving a thumbs up.
“Ah… ok. Tsukasa wanted you, by the way.” Akito nodded, and started walking towards the main hall. He was nervous. Did he somehow know that Rui was here? Oh no…
He entered the main hall, anxiety filling him with fear. Was Tsukasa always this menacing?
“Akito.. don’t be scared. I just wanted to tell you a story.”
“Yes, sir.”
Akito went to stand near him, doing his best to remain calm. Then, Tsukasa started talking.
“When me and Saki were little, I’d always get the attention. You know, because I’m an heir and all. But… attention isn’t always a good thing. I felt trapped by my own family, my own peers.” Tsukasa looked away, continuing. “That’s when I met Rui. He and I… got along really well. We dated, haha.. or, we used to date.”
Akito heard this, and felt sick. What was this? He didn’t care about Kamishiro. Was this because of the bite?
“Rui, I believe, would never do anything bad,” Tsukasa went on, “but if he were to hurt anyone, I wouldn’t show mercy. He was turned into a vampire by one of our other good friends, Nene. You probably don’t know her- she was from the village.”
Akito wasn’t thinking. He was mainly focused on one thing. Tsukasa and Rui… dating? There’s no way. No..
“You should always watch out around him, Akito. Even if I doubt he’d hurt anyone, you can never be sure.”
Akito nodded, and walked away. Towards his room again. The window, open, since he had forgotten to close it. But it wasn’t what was bothering him right now.
“He.. dated him? What?”
Akito got into night clothes, took off the bandages on his neck, and locked the door. He locked the window. He didn’t want to be talked to anymore. Was everything a lie? Or was he just trying to get to Tsukasa? What were these feelings flooding his mind?!
The next morning, Tsukasa got worried. Akito wasn’t out of his room yet, and it was almost lunch… what happened?
“Are there any keys to Akito’s door?” He asked Saki, who had been known for breaking into Akito’s room when he was gone to play pranks on him.
“Hmm.. I have one! Here you go!”
Tsukasa took the key, and headed towards Akito’s room.
inside of Akito’s room, there was a bang on the window. Rui was trying to get in again…
“Leave, Kamishiro. I know you just want Tsukasa.”
“Stop speaking nonsense! Let me in, please!”
Akito huffed, and let him in through the window.*“What now? You’re gonna go to Tsukasa?! It’s him you want anyways!”
“What are You Talking about?!”
Tsukasa entered the room, noticing Rui. His face went surprised, and he looked at Akito.
“I swear, I can explain…” Akito started, but he was interrupted by Tsukasa.
“Is that.. on your neck…” Akito covered the marks on his neck.
But tsukasa moved his hands. “Rui… did you do this? You… you hurt someone?!” Before Rui could say anything, Tsukasa grabbed his arm and started dragging him towards somewhere.
“Tsukasa, what do you think you’re doing?!”
Akito stepped towards them, and Tsukasa glared at him.“To the prison.”
This was all written by Nook , im just crossposting chapters onto tumblr ! if you missed it above , heres the link - 🦜
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Sometimes I think about how I met Dante Basco (twice) but the first time was still big Homestuck popularity time and also i think after he'd gotten to the panel where he gets kissed by Andrew Hussie and so I asked him about it.
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rockintapper · 11 months
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glleeeebt. seasonally, the sick
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inutaffy · 19 hours
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martinkate · 7 months
did you guys know last night i webt to bed at 8:30pm
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triangley-two · 3 months
Hehe he can't reach
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sammy-halpert · 9 months
"That's just cute now"
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Author note: I just haven't seen a new fanfic for ages, so here you go!
Warnings: some cursing, rest is pure fluff <3
You and Wilbur are friends since around four years and have moved in together a year ago. It was very common for Wilbur to be either by his computer all day or with his band, but he still uses every break he has to spend it with you, but obviously he doesn't tell you that and makes you belive he has some breaks alone.
You've had a crush on him the day you saw him. His tlal figure towering over you, his soft presence, his little dirty jokes and the British accent were really something for you. The crush had become so big, you noitice everything. You noitice if he has a new piece of clothing, if there is a new picture in his phone case, even if he gets the smallest paper cut you find out.
But again it felt like he just sees you as a close friend. One time you and him had been watching a movie and he had held you, cuddling you. Of course, he was tired and everything. The next few days it felt like he was ignoring you, avoiding eye contact... blushing?
Wilbur left to record a new sorry boys video, till 7pm, currently it's 6:21pm. Cuddled up in your bed, wearing a t-shirt as you are scrolling on your phone, back faced to the bedroom door. Lovejoy is playing in your headphones and the sound of some videos as you scroll by.
After a little but you come across an edit of a certain someone... (I'll add the video you saw because I am very fucking delusional and I need as much detail in everything possible :D)
'Oh fuck' You thought. Being attracted to him and then seeing these videos made you want to kick your legs and giggle like a high-school girl. You really love this man more than you thought. The next thing you know, you find yourself on a rabbit hole on Tik tok and watching the edits of him, saving them one by one and putting them into an photo album of him.
You've been collecting pictures of him since years, taking some yourself and others from the Internet. It feels to weird have so many pictures of your best friend and admiring them every time you couldn't sleep, but you couldn't help it.
After a while of collecting the videos you take your time and start to look at every single video or photo in the album, zoning out a couple times to think of how to confess to him. You know it's the best thing to just tell him straight up, but you had five worries.
What if he says that he doesn't like you back ? That will be the most awkward friendship ever.
Courage. You don't have it when it comes to Wilbur and confessing.
The 'Oh no I'm gonna fuck this up so bad' feeling the second you try to talk to him about it.
He misunderstands you. What if he thinks you said something else? You already had mustered up all your courage and he didn't understand it. No thank you, another time.
What if he immediately ends the friendship? What if he doesn't want to live with someone who has a huge crush on him? Yeah no, not taking that risk.
You are so lost in a trance you don't hear the front door open. The pictures of him just make you feel like you're on a cloud and turn your eyes into hearts. You are indeed hear over heels for him.
"(Name) I'm back!" Wilbur shouted from the front door as he take soft his shoes and jaket. He stops as you don't answer. "(Name)?" He shouted and looked into the direction of your room. He frowns as worry swarms over him. Did something bad happen to you. He hurries and throws his shoes into the corner instead of carefully putting them there.
Headphones still in use and you are still lost in the pictures. You can't get enough of his looks. The pictures really had something and you didn't noitice his steps or shouts of your name.
Wilbur opens your bedroom door without even knocking, too worried. "(Name)?" He sees you on the bed and mentally sighs relifed. You haven't noiticed him yet, and he knows. An idea gets into his mind and he silently sneaks to your bed, your bsck still facing him and the door. He was about to give you a tickle attack before he saw what you are doing. You are... Looking at images of him, and edits? He watches you swipe in the galleries and they never seemed to stop.
A smile creeps up on his face. You like him back?! He couldn't belive it. He was glad he doesn't have to isolate himself anymore after they cuddle because he needs to recharge the act of not liking you that way. But he won't need the act anymore.
Instead of tickling you, he lays down by your side and spoons you, arms wrapping around your waist and a face nuzzled into your neck, a familiar scent entering your nose.
You quickly turn your phone off in hopes he didn't see anything and take off your headphones. "Oh- hi Will. I didn't hear you" You mumble, blushing. Usually you never cuddle expect for when watching movies. "Mmh... I know" He hummed into your neck.
Spooning isn't your favourite cuddling position so you turn around and nuzzle onto him, head resting on his chest. He pulls you closer and caresses your hair.
What is going on? He is never that affectionate. Like never. Not even while watching movies. Did something happen?
"I see you've spent your time missing me?" You could hear the smile in his voice as clear as day, his hand now resting on your arm, thumb strocking you. "What?" It came out of your mouth without thinking any further and a chuckle moves his chest.
"I mean, you must have missed me a lot that you didn't even hear me come home, because you were too busy staring at my photos." HE SAW THAT?! Now that's where embarrassment becomes cringing. Oh please just make him think you are playing a prank on him, but he knows you're not that big of a prankster. The furthest you go is make him say 'Ben Dover.'
"I was cleaning up my gallery" You mumble and bury your face into his chest. This is so embarrassing. It seems he's catching into that crush of yours, but he seems very cool with it.
"That's just cute now" He mumbles under his breath with a soft chuckle. "(Name). I know that if you have more than eighr pictures of the same guy in a row in your gallery, you are simpinggg" He says in a teasing tone but he was dead serious. "You wanna say I have a crush on you?" You scoff, trying your best to make it seem like you find it funny that he's apperantly so wrong.
Wilbur sighs. "You won't say it so I will." A soft hand comes up from your arm and gently pushes you s bit away so you can look at him without breaking your neck and then comes to your chin, tilting it up to look at him. Then he comes up close, his nose only an inch from you." I love you. Not bestie way. The romantic way." He leans in but centimeters befor your lips he stops. Puppy eyes look into yours and you feel his breath again your lips as he asks in a whisper. "May I? Please"
You know Wilbur is a huge gentle man, so it wasn't a big suprise he asked for concent and to be honest, you liked it a lot. A nod from you was all it took and his lips are now pressed against yours. The hand on your chin moves up to your cheek as the other tone is tucked under you and on your back.
Butterflies fill both of your stomach's as your lips move rhythmically against each other. After a moment or two he pulls away and looks at you with this familiar look in his eyes. Before this you always saw those eyes as his normal rest look, but now you realise, it was a look of love. He had looked at you so many times with this look you thought it was his rest look, but his actual resting face was around his other friends. Around you, he's the softest softie you'll ever know.
An adorable smile curls his lips and you couldn't help but smile back. He holds you close and you wrap your ams around him aswell, cuddling onto his warm and soft presence.
"You're mine now, (Name)"
If anyone wants to join the taglist, let me know!
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shijieswife · 8 months
ppl who say wwx is short in mxys body. is 180 cm not enough. IS 180 CM NOT ENOUGH. I DONT THINK UNUNDERSTAND HOW TLAL THAT IS. THAT IS 3 CM AWAY FROM 6 FT FOR U IMPERIAL SYSTEM USERS. IS THAT NOT TALL ENOUGH (i am 162 cm)
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vampiricram1 · 10 days
I'm giving you the surgery that makes you taller
I'm already five eleven
Help noo
Ik tall enough
I may be short compared to all white people in the state
But I don't wanna be that tlal
I hit my head enough on my car ceiling help
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butterflytint · 4 months
hello!! theres no rush, but when do you think you’ll release chapter 45 of to love a liar? i love this book too much 😭
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metro-pjskaus · 1 year
i made Pinterest boards. :3 🐾
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mindutme · 9 months
Lexember 18: Tlahllán
Today’s word is tlahllán /tɬaɬ.ˈɬã/, pl. tlahllamen /tɬaɬ.ˈɬã.mẽ/, meaning “box” or “container.” It’s related to the word san “to hold” from earlier this Lexember, and literally translates to “holder” (or, more specifically, “thing that holds”). In this post I talked about participles, and showed the active participle ahllıte “curved” of the verb fıte “to bend.” The active participle of san is similar: ahllán.
In Tlette some verbs have a derived inanimate agentive noun. This form comes from the proto-Tlette word *pala, “thing” (mentioned in yesterday’s post) combined with the active participle, which was formed in proto-Tlette with the prefix *al-. In essence, you’d be saying “a thing that does [verb],” or in this case “a holding thing.” The two prefixes combined as *palaʔal-, which changed over time to palal-, then plal-, then tlal-, and then all sorts of weird things happened to the prefix depending on the form of the verb.
In the end, though, the agentive noun ends up looking like the active participle with an extra tl- at the beginning. Along with tlahllán, there’s also tlonnon’’i /tɬõn.ˈnõʔ.ʔi/ “rolling pin” from no’’i “flatten.” If speakers of Tlette had invented the radio, they might have called it a tlalehll /tɬa.ˈleɬ/, from ehll “to sing.”
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hybridcrows · 1 year
if your boyfriend is:
That's not your boyfriend that's N from murder drones approaching you and horrendously ripping your head off to feed Uzi
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cherryshh · 2 months
SIGH ok your getting like a billjion asks if your oaky .. but pls know your not alone ! ! im here if u need to tlal and I hope you are feeling well and im sorry about eveything happening with you . .
tysm what. TYSM IM GONNA BAWL /pos you all are my greatest comfort ever i will never regret starting this blog bc of amazing people !!!
my replyicons are tweakin. oops
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rockintapper · 11 months
tge talll tappperr ,s, ,,,, i love tbhem tlal tappeors somuchh,b,bs. s eebbegeveveghhebrbe
tall TAOLEEORNRJEBW TALL TAPER!,!;"@;@:×:÷; iiiiiii ilove you bsomicub the. tall tapppeprerprrooepejjenenen YAYAYAYYAYAYA
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