#tldr the forever ( most of the time ) dm has a character idea and wants to go all out sjdjdj
r0w0fie · 1 year
~Help finding a nsft horror J-Drama CD~
You can skip down to the bottom for some Tldr. TW list below the cut. Certain words will be censored. MC = you the self insert main character. Questions are encouraged. Dm's open. Open to dark j-drama audio suggestions! Suggest me the juicy m4m yandere CDs.
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I don't know where to start this off, especially since it's pretty niche. Okay so, years ago on Youtube long before the rise of asmr & voice acting channels, there were channels dedicated to posting translated nsft j-drama CDs & audios.
I cannot find the channels anymore, I cannot find people talking about my particular audio, I cannot find the playlists saved on my YouTube. I have tried many variations of wording on Google & tried Reddit. I even asked some of my friends if they have any idea, but like I said, it's niche. I would try searching through the chaos that is this site but we all know about the anti-nsft endtimes that occured once upon a time.
These channels sometimes got taken down but not all the time due to them being small channels & the videos being in a different language. Though maybe after all these years they're finally gone?
They were pretty raunchy, some were cropped from a longer audio & some were part of a series. Some were yandere, tsundere, boyfriend and all the additional tropes. The MC's most of the time were female or gender neutral, some were m4m. I doubt the thumbnail art were official to the CD/audio & some channels would link to their or others Tumblr account/s or mention sources.
There were many good ones but there was ONE in particular that has FOREVER stuck with me.
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Tw: yandere, dark story, nsfw/l, death, s-icide, messing with the dece-sed, tanning of human skin, mental health, unhealthy relationship.
So, judge me all ya want but here I goooooo.
This particular translation was either part of a series of CDs/audios containing the same character & story or of a much longer audio that was then trimmed. The voice acting for the love interest was one of a very mentally ill character & there is nsft naughty audio. The self insert/MC is very likely to be female due to the . . . Overt noises that occur.
The romantic interest was a male yandere character who comes across the MC washed up on a rocky cliff coastline. They are hinted at having jumped or fallen, especially since previous bodies that washed up are from s-icides. I believe the MC had amnesia and the love interest was nursing them back to health from the brink of death.
This was the first body he had come across that was alive and during this audio he was admitting his feelings towards them. The audio clearly spoke back to the characters previous experiences getting to look after the MC (you) & getting close with eachother.
I can't remember how they got to this point in the dialogue but either the MC figured it out or the love interest admitted that his leather bags & furniture were made out of human skin. The skin coming from the cörpses he fished up from the cliffs which he would then tan.
I do believe he might of also turned his family into pieces of his "art" but I might be incorrect as I was also listening to other CD's/audios during that time. I'm not too sure if he k-lled his family, they had an accident near the cliffs or whatever else.
He was a very lonely character who is very unwell in his mind. He might of also had thoughts of also j-mping off the very same cliffs, but that might have also been the MC. Either or.
Eventually they end up doing the down & dirty in his bed. A+ for having actual good audio for the nsfw noises. A+ for my first ever audio sound experince. A+ for derranged voice acting. A+ for making my skin crawl from absolute creepiness. A+++ for being forever stuck in my mind ever since then.
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This audio has stuck with me for many years even with how dark it is & because of how dark it is. I would love to find it again! I wish to experince this creepy audio anime man once again and his very unhealthy relationship with you the MC.
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Tldr; crazy yandere male love interest who turns washed up cörpses skin into furniture & bags. MC also found washed up but was alive, is nursed back to health by the love interest. Admits to them about his "art" pieces. Ends up having smëx. Drama CD/audio is most likely part of a series or of a longer audio, I discovered it on YouTube many years ago. I cannot find anyone talking about this audio.
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jinterlude · 4 years
Mik’s Follow Forever
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↳ Resource Credits: Seokjin | Floral PNG 
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Hi and hello everyone! Wow. Can we just take a moment to appreciate that we survived the shit storm that is 2020? Ranging from the pandemic to politics to social injustice happening around the world, we manage to stay resilience to the say the least. With that said, I wanted to finally acknowledged that I hit a big milestone as of November (?) or was it September (?) [I don’t even know anymore LOL😂]! Before I get into my letters underneath this cut, I wanted to say from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for following me! Even though, I post once in a blue moon, and my blog is run on queue 24/7, you still hit that follow button! For that, thank you so much for giving my blog a chance, whether it’s for the multi-fandom content I reblog or my very own creations, something made you stay 💙 Alright let’s get to the personal letters 💌 
To Jey @softjeon : 
Jey. Honestly, where do I begin with you? The End. Just kidding! Damn. I can’t believe you’re one of my oldest friend on this website. We have had our ups and downs, but our friendship always manages to come out strong in the end. You and I always manage to be on the same wavelength in terms of story telling, talking about everything and anything, or just shooting some random ass, extreme ideas that manage to go to the WIP pile in our brains. While, we do not talk as frequently as we used to (I blame school + internship on that part), I just know that I can always go to your DMs whenever I need someone to talk to or if I want to randomly bug you. You my hardworking queen is a force to reckon with, and I am forever in awe of your work ethics. Like who can simultaneously run 20+ blogs? You. That’s who. Granted, knowing you, there’s some tears and sweat (mainly tears with that), but the finished product is worth it in the end. I honestly can’t wait for the day when we have our own apartment, and we can just sit in silence in our living room couch with our fur babies. Can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for you and know that I’m cheering you on every step of the way (whether it is in silence or vocally). Love you, Queen Jey! 
Your first wife, Kimi 
p.s. thank you for giving/helping me with the idea of creating KWW and creating our seasonal themed headers (all while promoting girl groups)! Seriously, thank you for being and staying in my life. T-T
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To my fellow BHQ Admin/Mod Team [ @chillingkoo @/guktro @mygsii @dee-ehn @nightowls388 @yoonqiful @taerseok   @btsxdoll @minloop @namluve ​ ]: 
What can I say except this is an amazing team to be part of in terms of Networks? The Head Admins Vivi, Gray, & Renae are like the board of directors that help make sure that the operation runs smoothly. Then, us Admins (Danica, myself, & Daria) are like the VP’s followed by the amazing Mods (Beezy, Penelope, Daija, & Dani) are the Supervisors/Managers of each division. What I am going with this business analogy is that BHQ is nothing without the amazing team members that make up the network, and I am grateful to be part of a cohesive team where I truly felt like I was with Gray since the beginning of the network establishment. It is thanks to this network (BHQ) that I learned how to run my own network more smoothly and professionally. I can’t wait to see what 2021 has in store for BHQ. Thank you for being amazing and wonderful people and just being a rock for the members during the major events that occurred throughout this year. You’re the best! 
- Mik
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To my fellow KWW Admin/Mod Team [ @queen-of-himbos​ @atiny-piratequeen​ @sugarcookiesandsins​ @meraki-mark​ @samuelkimz​ ]: 
First, can I say to the fellow admins, thank you for keeping me sane and helping me run this network while I was swamped with school + internship. Forever grateful of both you (Kes) and Fie for being a driving force and keeping the network afloat while I focused on my school work. It is no secret that I had confrontation, so I’m thankful that either Kes or Fie agrees to being the enforcer and messages someone for me T-T Also, Kes, thank you so much for taking over the coding/member page for me all while still doing the queue. I can never say this enough, but thank you for doing that. Fie, thank you for lightly slapping me and keeping me sane whenever I feel quick to jump the gun. You are there to help me see reason and point out things that I overlook a lot. (This is why I have Jey too lol) To my wonderful Queue-tie Pies! Thank you so much for dedicating a few hours out of your day to add content to the queue and keeping our blog alive! KWW is nothing without you amazing mods. I hope you all know that! Let’s kick butt together in 2021!
- Admin Mik 
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To my fellow supportive and loving SIMPS [ @ppersonna​ @jinned​ @sunkissedjk​ @hongism​ @monotape​ @wintertae​ @dreamyhan​ @koophoriia​ @j-sope​ ]: 
First of all, how are you doing on this lovely Wednesday (well it’s Wednesday when I wrote & posted this lol)? I hope each and every one of you are doing fine! I feel bad that I haven’t been in touch lately uwu but I do silently stalk/lurk on the Bangtan University discord server or on your personal blogs (totally not weird whatsoever). I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! Now, simply put, I want to say that I’m thankful that you all came into my life this year. In some shape or form, you made my 2020 incredibly bright and filled with so much inspiration and passion for writing that I honestly believed that I would not get back. Whether it is by joining a collab with you all, simply talking about ideas or just in general, or even screaming about potential AUs, you made me want to write again. For that, I am extremely appreciative of it and know that I will forever be a silent cheerleader for you all! 2021 will be the year I invade your ask box a lot more and just scream how much I love you all! You are all rays of sunshine on this website!
- Owner of Mikdonalds, home of the famous Mikimchi
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To Kat @yeoldontknow​ & Sarah @yehet-me-up​: 
First, long time and no talk! How are my resident EXO wives doing? Are Chanyeol and Junmyeon treating you ladies well? I hope so! Anyway, I honestly can’t not include you two ladies in my Holiday thank you post because how can I not include the two authors I look up to the most on this website. With how you write your characters, the scenery, background information on the reader/OC, you just leave me completely speech less whenever I finish reading your works. Ah, I might start tearing up as I write this section because I just can’t thank God or fate enough for allowing me to meet two of the most beautiful souls on this website. While we do not talk as frequently as we used to, I wanted to let you both know that I hope you had a wonderful Holiday! Whatever 2021 has in store for you both, just know that you have a silent cheerleader in good old CA! 
- Mrs. Kim Kim 
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To every single one of my followers (mutuals or not): 
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much, again, for following me and just staying with me. For my newly established mutuals, I can’t wait to talk and get to know you all in 2021! Granted, I suck at talking and keeping the conversation going, so I apologize for that. I promise I will be better!! I want more friends, okay! T-T 
TLDR: Let’s kick butt together in 2021! Also, I’m establishing my New Year Goal of that I will become more consistent of writing + posting content. Instead of once every blue moon, it will be once every full moon. See? That’s doable, right? Right?!
- Mik
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