wk-reprogrammed · 2 months
It should go without saying, but if we find that someone has done something like this with OUR story…
Heaven help you
anyone notice a new trend of really entitled people joining fandom?
I feel like jerks have existed since the beginning of time, but it feels worse lately.
So far this year, I've witnessed:
People offering free unasked criticism to artists because they're not happy with the way their favourites are portrayed, stating that 'they deserve to know what they did wrong so they can improve' while the feedback they offered was 'why does everyone look like they're on ozem***' (idk if i need to tw this word)
Also giving feedback AND REVIEWS to FANFIC as if they're published works (and adding them on GOODREADS TO RATE)
People mass producing binded fanfiction and making THOUSANDS of dollars off work they did not create (they stole the artwork too)
People running incomplete fanfictions through AI because the writer wasn't updating and COMMENTING on the fic telling others to do the same so they can get an ending
And now, in the span of two days:
People trying to argue that if they can't sell binded fanfiction, then you're not allowed to commission fanart from artists either
The same people encouraging people to use AI or steal fanart for their binds
ALSO the same people openly admitting that when they typset fics, they will edit the fanfiction and change entire sentences so that it 'makes more sense to them' -- one person complained the entire fic was rough gramatically and was seeking permission not from the author but OTHER BINDERS to freely edit as they please
I'm trying to be a positive person in the communities I'm in, but GOD I am so tired. Every day I fight a battle deciding if I should just be a worse person, everyone's doing whatever the hell they want anyway.
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wk-reprogrammed · 1 year
Season 2 is being indefinitely postponed.
Hello. Derek Waterson here. Serious stuff below the cut here, be advised.
For the last several months, Wild Kratts: Reprogrammed has been quiet. Except for the teaser for Season 2 which I dropped as the opening chapter.
However, ever since writing that chapter, I have been noticing strange, very dark thoughts manifesting in the back of my brain. Voices in my head, telling me to do horrible things to innocent people in the name of a written facsimile of "revenge," to make life imitate art through an atrocity.
Every day, these thoughts have gotten stronger. I have been getting more irritable at home and at work, becoming more and more dependent on the alcohol I had once abandoned as a bad trend, feeling these thoughts transform into dangerous urges. I grew paranoid, mentally preparing for my friends to sabotage me and my plans against the world's elite. In my mind, I was preparing for a mass attack against innocent lives, simply for the attention.
And yesterday, 20 August 2023, I snapped. I took a hard look at myself and just wanted it all to end. I left work, got in my car, and screamed my lungs out until the voices grew quieter.
Afterwards I made the decision to indefinitely postpone Wild Kratts: Reprogrammed, for the safety of myself and others, and in hopes that putting this idea away may help to kill the voices in my head that so desperately cried out for bloodshed and death, and to focus on other, more peaceful projects.
Take care of your mental health, everyone. I will be working with professionals to avoid what has taken countless innocent lives, and I implore you to do the same. Thank you for your understanding.
-- Derek Waterson.
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wk-reprogrammed · 1 year
Season Two is HERE!
Hey, everyone! Mun Aspie here!
We are pleased to announce that Wild Kratts: Reprogrammed season two is officially here!
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There’s definitely been a sharp change in tone and we want to make sure our readers stay safe and comfortable, so I will be (with good reason) spoiling a few of the themes so that you can decide for yourself. We hope that, should you choose to venture forth, you leave your comments and suggestions with us so we can continue to bring you the entertainment you crave.
-Mun Aspie
T/W: Dead Dove topics under the cut
Graphic violence (blood, trauma, broken bones)
Slurs (racial, ableist, h*mophobic)
Adult themes
Real-World Crimes (Arson, Gun Violence, Human Trafficking)
Self Harm/S*icidal Thoughts^
Thank you for taking the time to read through these, while they in no way fully reflect the contents of this chapter in the story that is Reprogrammed, we hope this can serve as a guide for what to expect.
^If you struggle with thoughts of harming yourself, please call the National Suicide Hotline (988)
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wk-reprogrammed · 1 year
Season 2 is coming soon. I promise.
Derek Waterson here, with an update on the status of Wild Kratts: Reprogrammed, as well as my personal life. [Trigger Warnings below for substance abuse and sexual assault. Be advised.]
Those who may know me will know about the various examples of trauma I have faced, as well as my struggles with some forms of substance abuse and alcohol usage. Unfortunately, some of the actions of our story villains are not beholden completely to the page, and some of those actions have affected me personally, including the memories of my sexual assault.
Unfortunately, those memories caused me to relapse and break my sobriety, and I have been steadily drinking ever since. Unfortunately, furthermore, this has made me unable to write at the fullest potential of myself and my genius that you all so greatly deserve.
But with the help of @actualaspie, I have been steadily cutting back on my alcohol consumption and am coming out of my depressant-studded stupor. And I am beginning to feel more and more ready to tackle the third chapter of Reprogrammed.
I sincerely apologize for my inability to write. It pains me to no end to keep you all waiting. But I know deep down that it is best to stand down and await the full spark of genius' return to my mind, and not write the piteous mediocrity that would come otherwise that you guys don't deserve.
The genius will be returning soon. I promise. For now, can y'all comment on the story more? And ask me questions, I like those.
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wk-reprogrammed · 1 year
It's been a while.
I'm here to tell you all about some edits that are being made. These episodes have been edited:
Episode 2 (LTRR): Addition made to the Epilogue.
Episode 3 (Sick Pigeon City): Changes to the first section, involving who did what.
Episode 4 (Firefly Lessons): Changes to who chugs their coffee.
Episode 6 (Octopus WK-icus): General edits.
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wk-reprogrammed · 1 year
Fanart contest Deadline EXTENSION
I’m officially extending the deadline for another week! Y’all have until April 2nd to submit your works!
-Mun Aspie
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wk-reprogrammed · 1 year
We have a submission from @sabyfangirl16 for the Fanart Contest!
Chapter 2, "Let's Go Home"
Thank you so much!
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
We have an anonymous submission for the Fanart Contest!
Chapter 4, "Animal Fact Flirting"
Thank you!
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
Fanart Contest Deadline
March 26th
Please get them in by then!
Edit: Use the submission button which will be closed after the deadline!
-Mun Aspie
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
I wanna do an interview.
It's Old Man Derek here.
If there is anyone out there willing to do an interview with me about Reprogrammed, its process, its people, or anything else about me and my life, let me know.
This can be done in one of several ways. Either: A) We record the interview live for YouTube B) I answer your questions on a YouTube video C) I just put out a video talking about the process.
If anyone is interested, please let me know either here or by emailing me at [email protected]. BUSINESS EMAILS ONLY THERE, PLEASE! I swear to God, if you spam me...
P.S. No there won't be a face reveal.
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
Yep, you read that right! We’re hosting our very own FANART CONTEST!
Read REPROGRAMMED? Found that one scene that just speaks to you? Now you can share with us!
ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW (LIGHT gore is okay, but come on guys, be reasonable)
MUST BE YOUR OWN WORK (NO AI-generated images/tracing of others’ work, screenshot edits are acceptable. Image scrapbooks or moodboards are allowed, just please source the images ^_^
MUST INCLUDE CHAPTER IN DESCRIPTION (Please don’t make us guess what’s going on, adding in the specific moment you’re referencing is a big help! ^_^
Use #reprogrammedgraphics so we can find your work! Spread it around!
While yes, we have used some pretty hateful language in this project, such terms have been and only will be utilized by the VILLAINS as this is one of the facets we use to characterize them as such.
We want to see how YOU imagine the characters, locations, and technology of the series. Draw them however you want to.
The winner will get a chance to design the cover of the next book of Wild Kratts: Reprogrammed, plus a chapter dedicated to them and an episode of their choosing!
Also, we will do an official "Design Reveal" of what, and who, we designed the characters after!
Have fun, and see you on the creature trail!
~Mun Aspie
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
For those who want it. Here is the official PDF for Reprogrammed Season One.
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
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Well, since Season 1 is done, here's what connects it all. FREEDOM. I will be posting more of these Whiteboard Shots as soon as I can actually buy a whiteboard...
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
I think you guys are going to like this. This is the Suggestion Box for new episodes of Reprogrammed, whether for First Stripes, Season 2, or Case Studies short stories!
Bro please add suggestions…
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
So my theory is:
Usage of the suits requires its users to have a chip surgically-implanted into their spinal cord (like how Doc Ock controls his tentacle arms); without this neural chip and a DNA genomic recoding process, the suits have no function on the user, and it acts like a regular vital-scanning Kevlar vest.
In a sense, the suits would act as an exoskeleton (alongside a good smattering of artistic licensing), giving the bros access to the powers of each animal without complete DNA destruction. However, the effects of suit usage can range from nausea, aching bones, and headaches to complete syncope and possibly a coma. It is for this reason that Jimmy refused the surgery, citing that if he were to become comatose from a suit, no one else could properly fly the Tortuga to get him, and the team, to safety.
The long-term effects of the suits (sharp teeth, animalistic personality traits, etc.) absolutely exist and do happen.
I was looking through my camera roll and realized why I shouldn’t be left unsupervised while I’m sleep-deprived.
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I went on a whole two-page rant about the Creature Power Suits??? In my sketch book???
I’m almost certain half of the reasons I gave make no sense whatsoever-
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
Depression’s a bitch, ain’t it?
Hi, it’s Derek. Episode 7 is coming very soon (within the week, if nothing goes wrong,) and yes it is Tazzy Chris being rewrittten.
On an unrelated note: I’d recommend re-reading the episodes and taking some notes. There is an underlying theme that connects every episode, and I will reveal it after Episode 8 Part 2 is released. I want you all to comment on the AO3 episodes. Your thoughts, your concerns, your questions, all are welcome. We welcome constructive criticism here.
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wk-reprogrammed · 2 years
Warnings for Episodes 7.5 and 8
For those unaware, Episode 8 (Platypus Cafe) is set to be a two-part episode with a long prologue in between Tazzy Chris and it. This episode will contain a lot of heavy topics, including but not limited to the topics underneath the break. You have been warned in advance; please do not be outraged. Those who are faint of heart may wish to avoid these episodes, even though they are (to us, the authors,) extremely well-written, taking care to place an important emphasis on what is presented.
The episode will contain intense mentions of blood, kidnapping, psychological manipuation, and cannibalism. "The Butcher" is a serial cannibal (based on reports and accounts of Jeffrey Dahmer), and he will be portrayed as a psychopath with no moral code. It is for this reason that I wish for no one to express sympathy towards him in the comments or on this blog. He's not a "misunderstood soul," he is a serial killer.
Furthermore, there will be actual usage of swearing in this episode (including an F-bomb,) heavy usage of firearms, and mentions of drug use.
A quick reminder that if ANY of this bothers you at all, please do not read these episodes. Thank you for your support, and Phase 2 will have some lighter episodes for you all.
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