mewguca · 7 months
10 and/or 14!
10: ok this is a bit tricky bc i have a very big problem of being too absorbed in my own little world and thus the OCs i know most about end up being the ones i interact with most / hear about the most (as in. get told about the most bc im very bad at seeking stuff out on my own im very sorry)
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anyways i could list a LOT of OCs here but to save my hand i will not list them all.
from left to right:
Twenty Long Spears Pierce The Sky (@prismsoup) He's really fun to bully interact with and he is a very compelling antagonist (yay!!) and also rlly cool and scary
Enduring Calls Of Vices (ECOV) (@fauxbia) Honestly all jade blorbos could go here but ECOV is the most fun to interact with bc i love arguing as a fictional character and ECOV is very argumentative, LOL. also im huffing copium that one day PU and ECOV will get along </3
Counting Strings Of Beads (CSOB) (@cloverlady) Once again I could put all clover blorbos here. crazy how that works out. Anyways Beads' arc is womderful and Beads herself is also wonderful and i wish she was real and I could give her a hug
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ok ALSO to add variety uhhhhh...
Distant Frontier (@daszombes) Honestly Twisting Roads is still the best written so far, but DF has such a striking and instantly understandable concept that I'm sure his rewrite will be peak. tho maybe I'll end up liking UP more idk
Absolvent of Sins (@distant-frontier-simp) AOS is my friend and i love them and also im a sucker for characters with horrific backstories that are still unstoppable balls of sunshine
And for question 14 - modern AUs are fun and comfy i should draw them more i think. modern AU for luna OCs is particularly funny tho bc the MIPs still have the same origin and just go about mundane life anyways which is Very Funny To Me for Reasons!! (im very normal and can be trusted)
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prismsoup · 3 months
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WOO ARTFIGHT TIME !!! You can find my artfight here >>>>>> COOL LINK
I have rain world, hollow knight, ultrakill, pokémon and just other random ocs in there !
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rsoftsolution · 7 years
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Economic and political uncertainty drives organisations to rethink IT strategies
Organisations are responding to growing political and economic uncertainty over the past 12 months by spending more on innovative, quickly adaptable technologies, a major study reveals. Download this free guide Tackling the IT industry’s diversity crisis Despite the numerous initiatives,...
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mewguca · 2 months
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Best Friends Forever! I love making AUs to put them into Situations
Paths Left Untaken by @fauxbia
( font is from crystaluranium in the RW Official Discord, which references a tumblr post by ikayblythe )
bonus doodles and some explanations for the concept under the cut
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Paths Left Untaken is like, extremely ultra mega-doomed. Like... my god does that Iterator suffer in so many situations lol. in this specific AU, to save Paths from her structural collapse (which shall be slow and painful and horrible for everyone really), Paths has been off-stringed into a MIP Unit (like what SLS is yay!!) what matters is that she's mobile now and has been reduced to a fraction of her former self against her will won't collapse or decay any time soon!! After all it's a lot easier to sustain a puppet than a structure
additionally echo SLS is back and she has a savior complex so she's breaking reality to rewind time over and over again because she does not have the power to stop the (metaphorical) Wheel entirely, so this is the next best thing! She'll stop resetting things once everything is perfect for everyone, which will Definitely Totally Happen and she's not doomed ahahaha.
I really like their friendship a lot if you couldn't tell. also TLSPTS mention
btw, the glyph text says "Be not afraid." and "I will save you." Wooooo!!! its hard to tell because the doodle is so messy but she has six wings which is a reference to seraphim because i like angelic imagery a little bit
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prismsoup · 4 months
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(tags from @beeb-oob I hope you don't mind me tagging you here so you can see my extra rambling)
TLSPTS indeed is a meteorological superstructure- but more than that, he was a symbol, as many iteraors were during the times from Prototypes to First Mass Construction Wave.
Network - Ah, this one is quite old ! It predates the construction of Twenty Long Spears Pierce the Sky, as it seems to have been recorded during the installation of additional access ports to the Meteorological Superstructure's network. Although it does look like the implementation of an Iterator to the station was already being suggested at the time, under the project name of Display of Power. The rest of the data is only comprised of intricate maps, which I doubt would be of great interest to a little creature like you.
"Display of Power" or "Supremacy of [Concerned House]" (which became "Supremacy of House of Concerns") were two draft names for project Twenty Long Spears Pierce the Sky. It should give you the general idea behind his construction. As iterators were starting to be mass constructed, they became a major tool in displays of religious and political influence. Those which were not Community-constructed (common accord between multiple Houses or Organizations) could be used as the ultimate sign of "being better" than everyone else.
-> I explain the construction waves in this post if you're interested
When you make a product, you need a form of control over it. You want it to spread and promote specific ideas, ideologies, principles, models and systems. And you certainly want it to see you (and present you) in a good light.
It was also a good way to test certain things before implementing them on future models.
Regarding how a meteorological superstructure would be capable of causing damage- there's a few things !
Twenty Long Spears Pierce the Sky is an Unconventional Model - High Processing Power. He was constructed to monitor the Great Equalizer (when it hadnt stabilized yet and when the mass construction of iterators were still heavily impacting the weather in a way that the Benefactors struggled to fully measure). It collects, processes and stores a gigantic amount of meteorological data, but also runs heavy simulations to estimate the impact of a construction (depending on the area) and its viability (construction impacted by nearby structures ? climate too dangerous for installation ? etc..).
Have it withhold the information, or make the machine generate false data and you start having a problem. He probably isn't the only meterological superstructure out there, but it certainly is one way to get in the way of a project the House is against.
As for something way more rare but quite problematic : mislabelled systems and the Physical Network Points.
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Here we have a (poorly drawn) example of how TLSPTS is connected to distant meteorological masts. "Physical Relay" means it's a bunch of cables running underground (or above ground in massive protective layers) connecting various "Physical Network Points" (connection hubs, where multiple relays connect or can be connected). "Non-physical relays" are ones not connected by cables.
These masts are all labelled under "meteorological equipment".
In extremely rare cases, this can happen :
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Random equipment is connected to the mast or replaces it, but remains attached to the network point under the same label. This can happen for iterator equipment too (though it's generally fixed if the mistake is caught) but would mostly happen to rushed projects.
Legally speaking, the data passing through these networks and marked as coming from "meteorological equipment" is fully accesible by TLSPTS. He is allowed to process and store it- or share it however he wants. Depending on the mislabelled equipment, that access can become more or less problematic.
-> Not canon but in a fun little rp, one poor iterator (Paths Left Untaken by @fauxbia) had the misfortune of having her internal temperature systems marked as "meteorological equipment". Not fun. Especially when her access to her own data could simply be denied due to it. (Also go look at PLU's design she is such a cool character)
Oh !! I almost forgot about the second part of the tags ! Regarding the Docility Protocols !
He isn't aware of them. He can't, either. A fun little aspect of the Protocols is that they prevent the iterator from recognizing them. You could show a comprehensible piece of code to him and he would not be able to recognize what it is, and it would leave his mind the second he's no longer focused on it.
As for how far the obsession goes ? Think of his general relationship with some Benefactors as a worshipper/god relationship ? Sort of ? So yes, "blind reverence cult" type of vibe. But it also becomes hyper possessive later on (post mass ascension).
-> Example (not canon, but still fun) : the skittering. He tore himself from the earth (and effectively disemboweled himself in the process) just to run after TWO Benefactors, who left to reside within another superstructure.
Also last little thing : he does not have a city because he lacks legs (the structure is sitting on top of an older meteorological station) and the top of the can is too close to the cloud layer. (And also the fact he just generates massive storms by breathing).
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prismsoup · 4 months
hi helloo i was thinking about spears and was wondering why it is docile around ancients (if that fact is still canon idk) is he programmed to be like that or is it just how he is?
i wasn't sure if this fits with your askblog or not so i just put this here
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Hi !! Yeah asking the question here is better because the ask blog is a bit inactive I need to like- remake it and stuff
As for why he's so docile, here's an old lil pearl text I made first :
Docility Protocols - This pearl contains a scrapped bit of code for a docility protocol. Docility protocols are meant to put heavy restrictions on the mind of a freshly constructed Iterator as to force it to build its mindset around the glorification of its creators - or at least deny it the ability to criticize them in any shape or form. The protocols are meant to be eventually overridden, though remnants remain as to keep the Iterator in check. Some considered those to be highly unethical, and not many Iterators were built with such high restrictions.
Basically it's hardcoded into him. But it is also partially taught behavior, enough so that even if you removed the protocols now, the behavior would remain (although it would risk spiralling into something more dangerous and obsessive than it already is).
The Docility Protocols work along the internal taboos (so that following the protocols doesnt accidentally cause it to bypass a taboo- a Benefactor cannot lead him to cross himself out for example) and the Order of Priority (an internal classification of the Benefactors : Creators > Clients > citizens (other) in his case) The Order of Priority dictates the base intensity of the Docility Protocols' programmed behavior depending on the individuals the iterator is interacting with. A Creator will be worshipped as a God, but a Client or citizen (other) will be regarded as merely god-like (and the iterator may behave in a neutral manner towards them).
The high intensity of Twenty Long Spears Pierce the Sky's specific version of these Protocols + the way he was taught to behave lead him to develop a sort of obsession over some Benefactors (which worsened as less and less of them visited his structure- he is not a "city handler" so he possesses no real Citizens (thus why his Order of Priority doesnt contain the Citizens class and only has citizens (other)), meaning he relies mostly on Creators and Clients for interactions).
Side note : a Client (in his context) is a Benefactor who visits the structure with an interest in investing in similar projects / iterator models or wishes to collaborate on related products with the House of Concerns (TLSPTS' House). A citizen (other) is a non-Client Benefactor visiting the structure, for any reason. A Creator is never classified as Client or citizen (other).
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prismsoup · 3 months
OH also i saw in a sketch two other iterators that are in the same local group as TLSPTS, i think it was Structuration of structures and Fractures amongst others?
What do they do in the story (if they have an impact)? I assume they don't like Spears that much x] grumpy robot
Ooh yes ! I haven't drawn these two in a while
Structuration of Structures is also a First Mass Construction Wave ( gen 1) iterator, their construction was finalized a bit before spears' own (probably the equivalent of months or a year or two before his own construction was finalized). It shouldn't be that important since their age difference is negligible but it's often a point of conflict they bring up because Structuration "technically" is his senior (in the sense of being older) (they refer to their actual group senior as Administrator) and they do love to remind spears of that whenever they're in the middle of a debate.
Speaking of debates, these two do that quite often. Their respective Houses don't exactly get along but it's reflected quite more through them, especially since spears' aggressive behavior was something that was heavily encouraged by his Creators. Beyond yelling about how their theories and works and ideas are better, as the two oldest members of their group (after Fracture Amongst Others), they're also constantly bickering about who should be the actual Administrator of the group. If they could, they'd get each other dismantled.
Fracture Amongst Others is the group Administrator, she's the oldest of the bunch since she's a model from the Prototype era (gen 0). She still struggles with handling the more recent communication systems so Structuration helps her with that (and does try to use that as a point for them to be made the new Administrator, or at least take the role "unofficially"). She doesn't really like conflict so she tends to simply avoid it until it's way too urgent or problematic. If you need a general vibe, just think "facebook grandma" I guess. She would send these over-edited sparkling gifs with "BLESSED MONDAY" or "GOOD MORNING" written in fancy fonts in chats if she wasnt too busy with- whatever it is she's doing, no one really knows, she's generally not very active in the comm lines of her group. She's kind, but simply not very helpful as she seems clueless about anything that's happening most of the time. She doesn't dislike Structuration or spears, but they do give her the equivalent of headaches quite often.
There are other group members but I just- never really got the time to ever create them I guess ? Besides one other guy, Calls from the Past, who tried to run simulations within simulations to find out what happened to Sliver of Straw and got trapped in them, only to emerge thinking they were SOS but stuck in someone else's body.
here's a doodle of FAO btw
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she has that permanent TBH stare it's not visible here but her puppet has a bulkier build because it's basically a metallic shell full of organic components a proper fully organic puppet (or one that has a better harmony between both organic and mechanical components, and isnt just basically meat stuffed in a can) probably wasnt exactly easy or viable yet at the time of her construction
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