#tma bfu au
buzzfeed unsolved but ryan is unknowingly marked by the beholding and that's why he keeps trying to convince shane that ghosts exist and he KNOWS that somehow
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ao3feed-watcher · 1 year
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tmabutlesbian · 2 years
im feeling rly tired n i got an exam tmr so i wont be drawing more today bUT i can expand on the um bfu au a bit more to explain their characters a bit more
like season 1 and 2 of bfu both true crime and supernatural is like:
jon + gerry are basically dating but at the same time they assume the other does not feel the same way even tho they live together since jon finished uni and they share each others clothes n shit and go everywhere together
jon + martin are very complicated. here we don't have like the um boss/subordinate dynamic, theyre mere coworkers so martin is less nervous abt jon HOWEVER jon gets very moody around martin since he's in gerry's place (gerry is away because of family issues and also he later on gets another job so he doesnt come back fully, only makes cameos here n there).
since jon is just a petty lil asshole around martin at the start their convos are sometimes a bit stilted and tense, before this show started jon was neutral/nice to martin, his problem is that he's not gerry.
once martin gets fed up with jon's bullshit however, jon is guilty and just as he gathers the nerve to apologize gerry calls him like "YOU IDIOT!!! JUST SAY SORRY TO THE POOR GUY, WHAT HAS HE DONE TO YOU!!" which in hindsight is hilarious, it's almost like gerry read jon's mind but in the moment jon got very defensive and admitted that he missed gerry a lot. very emotional moment between two ppl who are weird with emotions so things get awkward.
funnily, its martin who helps jon out with his feelings, a martin that, very much like canon, has a crush on jon. he's still mad at jon and now he's a lil heartbroken because its obvious jon likes gerry so he assumes he has 0 chances here but he's an adult and he gets past that and he helps jon n gerry with their relationship.
season 3 of bfu:
jon + gerry are datingggggg (finally ffs), gerry gets a new job doing tattoos but on days he doesn't have appointments he's the one behind the camera when the boys are filming, on other days its sasha and tim.
jon + martin are exploring their new found friendship and it grows fast like wildfire. they have great chemistry, their banter is lovely, their funny, and more importantly theyre only jokingly mean to each other. jon is very much a suffering believer while martin does believe in the supernatural he just doesnt believe that these supernatural creatures would leave so much evidence behind and highly doubts any footage or sounds. this is also a way to lessen his fear of these monsters but jon doesn't need to know that
martin is still crushing. hard. jon is very happy in his relationship that he doesn't see his feelings for martin blooming, even tho there are (at this point) several compilations on yt titled "jon looking at martin with heart eyes for 10 minutes bisexual part 5", or along those lines. timsasha tease them constantly, sometimes they make the cut, others don't. on those bloopers videos it's more obvious and the teasing is non stop
martin is begging them to stop because he doesnt want jon to feel uncomfy or anything, while jon finds them very amusing, since he's so secure with gerry theres just No Way that he has feelings for martin, even if his heart fucking somersaults and the thought.
season 4 and 5 of bfu:
jongerry going strong, gerry has evolved to teasing as well and does more cameos here n there just because, he's also behind the camera more n more after the positive response from fans. gerry more easily sees his feelings for martin than jon and purposefully abuses this, voicing out his musings to jon just to watch him blush and fluster (gerry's fav part time hobby let me tell ya)
jonmartin are in the same situation that jongerry were in season 1. basically married already but assume there's no feelings evolved. martin fully on has accepted the unrequited love situation he believes is going on, jon is still in denial despite gerry's help on the matter, timsasha are becoming desperate, hell, the fans as well. it's critical at this point, somebody PLEASE shake them hard, they need to see it.
season 6 and onwards of bfu:
jongerry still going strong folks, gerry is way more direct to jon abt his feelings for martin and they (youre not gonna believe this-) talk about it. jon feels very stupid and after watching those compilations is also a lil embarassed but then he finds martin's versions and just gets flustered because "holy shit, its.... mutual?? maybe??" and gerry just facepalms and says "yes jon its mutual now go kiss. or talk. maybe talk first then kiss, yh"
jonmartin (again this is very shocking i know) talk (WOW OMG) and both realize their feelings (very awkwardly let me tell you but martin was a brave lil boy abt it n they got somewhere), they very much did kiss (wrow) and it was very sweet and all before the start of season 6.
so basically season 6 comes and they dont mention it to the fans, timsasha knew immediately and sigh in relief so now they turn to their new victim: gerrymartin, who everybody assumes is one sided, gerry as well.
gerry is a very bad influence so now its jon who teases martin and talks abt gerry very romantically just to watch martin blush. however it takes wayyy less time for martin to come around because. come on now. gerry's hot n shit n also very nice n weird and a nerd, he's like a taller, goth jon whos a lil less awkward and a bit more confident, u think martin wouldnt fall for this man as well?
anyways at this point, martin is at his what i like to call "lil shit phase but like it's obvious this time", so instead of confessing like a normal person, he teases gerry off and on show. it takes gerry off guard at first cuz "???? is martin flirting with me???? is he just being a bitch???..... i love it" but then he hits martin back equally, so jon is ever suffering between these two when they're in the same room, which is a lot since jongerry live together and jonmartin are dating. timsasha are finding this all very hilarious, so are the fans
season 7 bfu:
jonmartin get togetherrrrrrr, yes bitch. jgm polycule lets go!!! in on of those postmortem vids they casually mention this along with jonmartin n shit (they talk abt martin moving in with jongerry) and the viewers LOSE THEIR SHIT. they trend on twitter n everything. is all very funny. n they're very happy together. at this point a lot of the bloopers is just them being cute n gross n also arguing like an old married couple which they then have to cut or the vids would be like 1 hour long
n thats it. im gonna take a bath now. n then do a covid test!! n hopefully its negative!!! im nervous!!!
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delilah-briarwood · 3 years
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The Strange Happenings of the Winchester Family
Countless speculation is associated with the fire that destroyed the Winchester home, and the lives of Elias Winchester and his two sons since. Is it just a case of tragedy and bad luck? Or are there much darker forces at play? Fake Buzzfeed Unsolved screenshots for @bisexualoftheblade ‘s TMA Supernatural AU
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hoofpeet · 4 years
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stupid crossover time 
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I think it’s so funny to take major leaps. like especially in this fandom, which is filled to the brim with actually meaningful discourse on theories and whatnot.
like yeah. sometimes I wanna talk about how the bfu watcher ep is hands down the best non-canon tim/melanie interaction.
ya know?
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tothechaos · 4 years
buzzfeed unsolved/the magnus archives au jon is shane and martin is ryan send post
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irradiatedsnakes · 3 years
2020 top 10 posts
1). 4,733 notes - Apr 28 2020
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2). 4,130 notes - Mar 20 2020 (tfw you get hired at the magnus institute post with a ryan bergara twitter screenshot)
3). 3,906 notes - Mar 20 2020
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4). 3,699 notes - Jan 7 2020
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5). 3,324 notes - Jun 11 2020
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6). 3,065 notes - Nov 14 2020
so i was having a lot of trouble visualizing what jon’s hand scar so i got my sister to coat her hand in paint and shake my... (the post with the paint on my hand to visualize jon’s scar)
7). 2,694 notes - Nov 20 2020
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8). 2,553 notes - Apr 18 2020 (”what if wwdts tma au”)
9). 2,401 notes - Apr 22 2020
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10). 2,076 notes - Sep 5 2020
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Created by TumblrTop10
so thats fun. kinda funny that two of the very top ones are tma+bfu. also happy that the jonny gets a horse post got on there
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littlemeangreen · 4 years
Tma/BFU au where Ryan and Shane work for the institute and aren't fully aware of it all.
Don't get me wrong, Ryan works there because he's sure ghosts are there and he wants to prove that ghosts are fucking real pal. Shane? Wants to work there because of the history Ryan and when are you going to get a chance to read books from the 1800s? It probably has some weird sex shit.
But the funny thing? Would be these two doing all these "paranormal investigations" and completely unaware of the actual primordial fears going on around them. Ryan fits in with the eye I think and Shane is catching the eyes of the spiral and the end because he's a catch baby wink.
Aka Ryan and Shane laughing about how the corridors below must be some sort of weird old people thing and completely missing the fact that Michael is making heart gestures behind Shane's head as Elias looks like the mannequin wig shaking gif because goddammit he is trying to make an Archivist here PLEASE
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darlinglissa · 4 years
wip title ask game i’m so sorry
this bitch (@wisdom-walks-alone) tagged me in this challenge:
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues/interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! 
 and on GOD it’s gonna be a long one folks so buckle the fuckle up
batfam wips: - fool me once - when the world is crumbling (and cracks beneath your feet) - heist au!! heist heist heist - dami is baby (needs revamping) - bat bonding (also needs revamping) - robins everywhere - robin steph au - steph is a badass au - gods au maybe - aladdin au - little mermaid au - cinderella au
collabs with jay: - it’s raining tears and a little bit of hope - mob mob mOB MOB MOB - marvel x dc bitches - witness protection program au - ghost au - tangled au - beauty and the beast au - hogwarts au - batfam in mcu au - no capes detective au
collabs with cai: - 6 underground au - six of crows au - tma au - bfu timsteph au
pjo wip: - swan princess au
OKAY that’s it. i think. i’m tagging @reese-haleth, @mininacl, and @schweeeppess
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Beholding!Ryan: *eyes glowing green as he tells Shane a few details of a crime that has never been discovered before*
Shane: wow that's a lot of research, hey did you notice the lighting is a bit off today?
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tea-with-cinnamontoast · 10 months
avatar of the stranger shane madej ate brent’s life to spy on the potentially powerful eye marked ryan. ended up being bffs. he doesn't really know how he got here
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beholding!ryan having a corkboard for ghost theories to show shane
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all hail the watcher i guess
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based on this post!
i am SO silly about this au tbh. can you tell.
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shane doesn't believe in whatever the fuck is going on with beholding!ryan, but he WILL ask ryan to find his missing socks
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i feel like beholding!ryan would feed on the evidence of the supernatural that were sent to him for his shows? maybe even feeding on people’s “statements” during one of their house call episodes?
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