#tmnt Salamandrains
fabuloustrash05 · 11 months
My Salamandrain April AU starting like:
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Context: My TMNT 2012 AU where April was kidnapped by the Kraang as a child but was rescued by Sal Commander. To hide from the Kraang, she grows up on Salamandria along side Mona Lisa and joins their army.
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skyrimgamer17 · 5 years
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Arata and the Big Three 
- In this story Arata aka “The Ninja Warrior” meets with others like him connected to his past. Leos is the head of the new Foot Clan who has a personal vendetta against Arata while Reaper is a special ops trained Mutant designed by the governments in case of alien threats. 
Maddie the Salamandrian (c) @bendy-and-madissonau  and @madisson-nova-fruity
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xzturtles · 3 years
[ The only reason I’m posting this here is that I posted already like 6 stories only about it on Insta and I don’t wanna spam too much...and I really love to talk about such kind of themes. ]
So...Real Life Y'Gythgba / Mona Lisa technical exist. This is a Ambystoma laterale [ Blue Spotted Salamander ], they’re mole salamander from Noth America and I find way too less about their behaviour but a lot about reproduction for some reason (if TMNT 2012 would be realistic...Mona would have like 400+ siblings) and yes, I found out about them just now. 
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Also they eat mostly insects and invertebrates.
(I’ve randomly the picture in my head of Raph’s GF eating bugs and Raph just sitting there and wanna vomit but he wanna do of though in front of Mona (my English grammar is terrible tho)) 
I’ve so many headcanons now.
And since they’re amphibians they’re (incomplete (I think)) metamorphosis. 
This is their larvae stage:
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I'm imagine baby / child Mona now with ice-color like feather gills and absolutely nobody can change my mind on this one..I’m probably the only one but I don’t care..I like fluffy looking things on weird animals. And now I'm gonna draw Mona with feather gills.
(I’ve no plan about character design and I’ll never post the design I did lel)
Honestly, I personally would find a story with the Salamandrain Planet and the  metamorphosis-thing very interesting.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
So out of pure curiosity, do you have any headcannons for salamandrian culture and salamander characters (Newtralizer, Sal Commander, Mona Lisa). There isn't much info about these people and I'm curios
I’ve talk about a few ideas from time to time in other posts of mine but never got to fully explain them, so here’s some HCs I have of the Salamandrians from TMNT 2012.
Mona is 2 years older than Raph (so Casey’s age of 17), Sal Commander and Splinter are the same age (50s), and Newtralizer and Tiger Claw are the same age (30s)
The Salamandrians are an honorable warrior race. They live to fight in battle, so much so that they recruit young children into their armies. They live by a simple rule: “If you can walk you can train and if you can train you can fight”. 
Mona, Sal and Newt all joined their militaries at young ages. Joining the military and earning high ratings of lieutenant or commander is considered very normal and common on their planet. Ex: Mona was promoted to lieutenant when she was only 14 years old
Salamandrians have massive appetites, they get hungry and can eat a lot (think of it like Saiyan appetites from Dragon Ball)
They are very literal, metaphors and puns will go over their head.
Their “Rokka Rokka” is more of a verbal tic than being truly apart of their language. The tic usually comes out when a Salamandrian experiences great/intense emotion (excitement, rage, etc)
They don’t celebrate birthdays. They see no point. To Salamandrians their logic is: "Why celebrate your birth? Congratulations, you survived another year! What a waste of time!" Because of this, characters like Mona Lisa don’t know when her birthday is.
Millions of years ago, Salamandrians used to hunt and eat Kraang, back then known as Utrom. Though over the course of history they evolved and peace grew between the two species, that doesn’t stop a Salamandrian from still have a desire to consume one (we’ve seen Newtralizer do it and Mona has even threatened to eat one)
The Salamandrains only ever got involved in a war against the Triceratons because the Triceratons were at war with the Kraang. The Salamandrians found it insulting that an equally powerful race like the Triceratons were at war with a weaker alien race instead of them, a more powerful and stronger opponent. They saw it as an insult on their honor and declared war with the Triceratons to prove that they are a more worthy opponent than the Kraang. So basically Salamandrians started a war with the Triceratons because they’re petty.
Marriage does not exist on Salamandria. Instead when you come of age you are set up in a matchmaking process, using statistics and skill sets (strength, intelligence, etc), you are match with your “mate” with the goal to create a strong offspring to one day assist in the planet’s military. It is seen more as a business deal than actual compatibility and love. Only rarely do matches actually end up falling in love and stay together and continue to make more offspring.
For Mona Lisa, she was matched with three different suitors, but they were all disgraceful in their own way, seeing her as a trophy for them to brag about (because she has such a high ranking honorable status in the military). Mona knew this very well so she rejected them, and with three rejected suitors Monas reputation in matchmaking was badly damaged and she was known as the unwanted prize. It wasn’t until she met Raph, who was a man who saw her own person and respected/loved her for who she was.
For Sal Commander, when he was a young man, he too was matched, and in truth he fell in love with his mate, but sadly she never reciprocated those feelings. Despite that, she agree to go through with being his mate and they had a child together. Shortly after the child was born, Sal’s mate left him and a few short years later Sal’s child died in combat at a young age. 
Over his years in the military Newtralizer grew to love fighting in battles just like any Salamandrian, but he began to enjoy it more than others to an extreme level. He yearned to kill and spill blood during times of peace, something that disturbed many of his comrades, including Sal. Desperate for more battles, Newtrailzer made a deal with Lord Dregg to become his personal assassin just so he could continue his sick trill of killing. For years Newt did this secret job on the side but one day Sal discovered the dark true of his friend and pupil.
Fighting in battle is traditional for Salamandrians, but willing killing and harming innocent with out a cause was disgraceful. That’s what Newtralizer did, and when his dark secret was discovered he attacked and nearly kill Sal Commander and fled Salamandria to avoid his trial for his crimes.
Also, if anyone’s curious, here’s a list I put together of canon facts about Salamandrians according to the show >> LINK
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
I’m working on my au and I gotta ask, is the Salamandarian naming system ever kinda explained or no? Cause I wanna give names reminiscent of Mona’s joke planet and culture ;;
Something I really wish the writers did was explain Mona’s Salamandrian culture more. We never even get to see her planet, I really wish we had an episode where they go to Salamandria for their mission, but we never do. They tell us instead of showing us which annoys me.
As for coming up with names, I struggle with it too. I wanna write a fanfic involving a cameo from Mona’s parents but I can’t think of good Salamandrian like names for them that fit into the series. The naming system is never explained, but you kind of see a pattern with the four Salamandrian names that we were given in the show.
They all have an apostrophe right after the first letter of the name. Don’t know if this is a requirement when naming Salamandrians but it’s seems to be common.
More reasons why I wish the writers spent more time in space during S4 and got to cover more planets and get more info on how this universe works. The Salamandrains are a really cool concept that have a lot to offer if the writers just took their time and actually did something with them.
I getting off topic now, but for my fellow TMNT fanfic writers, here’s canon info we got from the show about the Salamandrian you can work in your fanfics.
They often shout the phrase “Rokka Rokka!”. It’s never clarified what it means, it could just be a chant to express one’s intense feelings (seems to only happen when they get angry or excited) or if it’s something like a verbal tic. 
According to Newtralizer, Salamandrian weapons and technology are consider to be “the deadliest in the 10 dimensions”, so on the same level or higher as the Kraang and the Triceratons.
They are carnivores and seem to have an appetite to eat smaller alien species like The Kraang. Newtralizer had been seen eating Kraang/Utrom and Mona has threatened Bishop that she will eat him.
They have been at war with the Triceratons for a long time, long before the Turtles got involved. (Again, 2012 writers why didn’t you use this fact for the S4 plot?)
Offering your hand to a Salamandrian is a sign of disrespect and challenging them to battle. It is called “The hand of combat”.
Salamandrians are tall, they can grow up to being 10 ft (as tall as a Triceratons), while the shortest we’ve seen them be is with Mona Lisa who is 6 ft.
Salamandrians seems to be very literal.
Their home planet has been attacked and invaded by Lord Dregg twice.
They are a battle loving, war driven, alien race. Fighting and going to war is a part of their culture. Mona mentions to Raph that being a Salamandrian means your life is “dedicated to battle and the honor of (your) people”.
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
TMNT 2012 Headcanons: Language
How fluent are the turtles in speaking Japanese and other languages? Here’s my headcanons on each of the boys skills in speaking different languages.
Fluent in Japanese, ever since he was a kid Leo had a great admiration for the Japanese language and culture. He always wanted to hear stories from his father about his home country as well as learn how to speak Japanese, and he also learned how to write and read in the language as well. It was one of the many things him and Splinter bonded over while growing up and after his father’s death Leo continued learning more about Japanese culture and language, eventually even teaching and sharing his fathers stories to others.
Leo also knows how to speak the fictional alien language in his favorite TV show Spaceheroes (think of it like the language Klingon in Star Trek), but ironically he can’t seem to understand and has trouble with learning real alien languages.
Leo also has a talent in reading lips. It really helps when on stealth missions and spying on the enemy.
For Donnie, he was the quickest to learn how to speak Japanese, to the point he didn’t need Splinter to personally teach him and was ahead of his Japanese lessons compared to his brothers.
Growing up, Donnie loved studying and learning new things, it was his favorite hobby, and one of them was learning how to speak different languages. It was his way to feel connected to the outside world while being stuck underground in the sewers.
By age 15 Donnie personally taught himself and mastered speaking French (he really embraced that skill when he learned April likes the French language and thinks guys who speak it are attractive), Spanish, Latin (it’s not a dead language to him), can read Egyptian Hieroglyphics (this is canon, you see it in the S5 Halloween arc), knows Morse Code, and even understands Sign Language, but it’s hard for him since he doesn’t have enough fingers, so reading it is his better option.
Raph never really care to learn a second language growing up. He was taught and knows basic phrases in Japanese, but that’s as far as he went. Splinter offered to teach him more but Raph always refused, never showing interest in learning more Japanese like Leo or Donnie. (Also when getting in arguments with Leo, Leo would often call Raph a name or insult him in Japanese which would frustrate Raph since he doesn’t know what he’s saying and wouldn’t be able to think of a good comeback). It wasn’t until after Splinter’s death that Raph started to learn more on how to speak Japanese and became more fluent in the language. It was his way to still feel connected with his father and make up for those lost times when he deny his father’s offer to learn more about his first language that he now regrets.
Despite him not being so eager to learn how to speak different languages Raph did pick up Spanish for a time. (Bonus headcanon) Raph loves watching Spanish Soap Operas and he began to unknowingly learn how to speak Spanish, eventually watching the Soaps without subtitles and even yelling at the TV in Spanish, something that weirds his brothers out when first experiencing it.
Raph also knows a little Salamandrain thanks to Mona Lisa. He originally wanted to learn it only to know the curse words, but eventually he picked up most of Mona’s language from hearing her speak it all the time, becoming very knowledgeable of many words and phrases, sometimes even calling Mona cute nicknames in her language. However Raph is still not fluent and is still learning, so Mona often has a good laugh when he says certain words or terms incorrectly.
For Mikey, he was the most difficult to teach Japanese, for out of all of his brothers he struggled the most, but over time he learn a few basic phrases and words. He never became fluent in Japanese growing up, which continued to bothered him into his teen years. It wasn’t until Leo, who took Mikey under his wing, helped him improve his ability in speaking Japanese, but Mikey still struggles occasionally.
After discovering pizza, Mikey became fascinated in learning about the Italian language. He began to learn it through Donnie, who was also willing to learn a new language, and ended up learning a few phrases. Mikey never became fluent, but he was happy and satisfied with what he could learn and knew.
Mikey also speaks crazy talk (basic babbling and reverse speaking) and forms of Kraang/Utrom languages in Dimension X (mainly animals in DX). His brothers don’t get it, and Mikey himself can’t explain it, but it’s the only “language” he truly understands and can master because of his unpredictable nature and wild mindset. Mikey considers it his greatest accomplishment, for it’s one of the only thing his brothers can’t master but he can.
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 years
Mission Failed AU
A new TMNT 2012 AU I recently thought of and wanted to share this concept
The AU is basically a “What if?” AU where what if the turtles, April, Casey, and Fugitoid failed their 6 month mission to stop the Triceratons from collecting the pieces of the black hole generator and Earth officially gets destroyed and all their friends perish during the season 4 episode Earth’s Last Stand.
AU Plot Summary:
The Turtles, April, Casey, and Fugitoid failed their mission to stop the Triceratons from using the black hole generator and destroying their home planet, Earth. With their home planet now destroyed, along with all their friends and family dead, and no more second chances, the Turtles, April, and Casey now call the galaxy their new home.
The pain and trauma from their failed missions breaks the team, causing a heated argument of who’s to blane for their failed mission. This results in the team going their separate ways, never speaking to each other again. Years later, the brothers and friends live their own lives on separate planets and in different galaxies, but the failure of their biggest mission yet continues to haunt them. The story follows the now separated team as the all try to cope, accept, forget, or ignore the pain from their biggest failure from their past. (This is basically an angst AU)
“Where is everyone and what are they up to since Earth’s destruction in this AU?”
Leo travels the galaxy with Fugitoid in his ship along with his own team of adventurers, living out his Spaceheroes fantasy, saving planets from disaster the way he wish he could’ve saved his own.
Donnie lives in Dimension X working along side the Utrom council. He spends his days working on his inventions, new experiments, and catching up on the 3000 years of science Fugitoid told him he was behind on.
Raph lives on Salamandria with his now wife Mona Lisa and their pet Chompy. After years of training and hard work, Raph became a high ranking military officer for the Salamandrain army.
Using his bizarre cooking talents, Mikey opened the most popular restaurant in the galaxy where he introduced pizza to all alien planets across the galaxy.
April resides on the planet of the Aeons. Using the crystal they gifted to her previously, the Aeons helped April master her psychic powers. Now she is looked up to and worshiped by the Aeons as a goddess.
Casey fulfilled his dream of becoming a professional intergalactic bounty hunter. Him and Mikey are the only ones who are still in contact with each other.
This AU is still a work in progress but I wanted to throw this idea out there. I don’t know what I’ll do with this idea just yet since I already got my 1920s AU I’m currently working on so I can’t start a new AU just yet, but who knows. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas for this AU!
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fabuloustrash05 · 3 years
You know what would’ve been cool to see in TMNT 2012 season 4?
Sal Commander and Mona Lisa being more involved in the turtles mission to stop the Triceratons and collecting the black hole generator pieces.
The reason I say this is because when we first are introduced to the Salamandrains species in season 4 we see them at war with the Triceratons, then the turtles accidentally get caught up in the middle of it after escaping Lord Dregg. This results in them crashing into Sal Commander and Mona’s ship and crash landing on the ice planet together. Sal and Mona make it clear that their planet are long time enemies with the Triceratons and in a later episode we see them looking for allies to help them defeat the Triceratons, asking the Kraang for help, but this war with the Dino alien race goes no where! What I’m trying to say is I would’ve like it if Sal and Mona were more involved with helping the turtles mission in season 4. This would’ve given them more episodes to flesh out Sal and Mona’s characters, give them backstories, or show their dynamic with the turtles a little more, like Sal and Mikey or Mona and Raph.
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fabuloustrash05 · 5 years
Do any cultural differences create difficult rifts for Raph and Mona to cross in your Ramona fic? And ever thought about having Mikey and Renet elope in the 1920's fic? = )
Sorry if this took so long! 😥 I needed to think these through because they’re good questions and I want to give a good answer. Ok, let’s get started!🤗
Courting a Salamandrain
The story takes place a few years into the future so over that time Raph and Mona have learned about each other’s culture but keep in mind that they are both still learning. Mona has embraced earth life but still doesn’t understand some traditions and customs, same thing for Raph. He’s learned about Mona’s culture like the language and fighting style but he’s still learning too.
If you’re wondering if there’s a rift between Raph and Mona’s planets there’s nothing to worry about there. Mona’s people respect Raph and his brothers, seeing them as heroes of the galaxy after defeating the triceratons. Basically the entire galaxy sees the turtles kinda like celebrities, and Mona is the lucky girl who’s dating one of them. Raph’s family is a similar story. His friends and family like Mona and are happy for there relationship. Raph is happy so they are happy.
No one really has a problem with Raph and Mona’s relationship.........
Except Bishop......
TMNT 1920s AU
Eloping is more of Raph and Mona’s story in the AU. Mikey is courting Renet which is different. Eloping means running away getting married in secret without your families knowing. Courting is like dating where one or both of them are aware their relationship will end in marriage. (please correct me if I’m wrong but that’s what I learned)
The thing is that there’s a difference between renetangelo and ramona in this AU. The family approves of Renet, who’s a high class rich girl, while Mona is poor and from the lowest class so the family does not approve of her. 😢 That’s why Raph is dating (and later marrying) Mona in secret.
Renet comes from a fancy rich family so courting fits more well with her character. For Mikey it’s hard. He really likes Renet and wants to marry her but he’s not as proper as her, but Renet doesn’t mind, she likes his silliness and she wants to be just as silly and free spirited as him. So around their families they act like their properly courting but when no ones around they act as themselves, complete goofballs who are in love. 💕
Thank you so much for asking! I hope I gave you a good answer to your questions! I’m so happy knowing people are liking my fic and AU!
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