#tmnt beatrice
bambiraptorx · 5 months
[Video description: simple animatic using characters from ROTTMNT and an original character. First, Raph has his hand on a counter top and his other raised in greeting, smiling. He says "hey, how y'all-" The camera cuts to Beatrice, a kranglike mass sitting in a bowl, their tentacles covered in eyes and spilling over the sides. They growl and snarl, the camera zooming in for emphasis. Raph, shown in a bust shot, makes a high pitched shriek in fear with his eyes blown wide. He points to the bowl with Beatrice in it as it rests on the counter and yells "Get your fucking dog bitch!" Beatrice looks up at his finger with a curious question mark by their head. The frame switches to Donnie, standing with a coffee mug in his hands and a relaxed expression. He says "It don't bite." Raph squats down with a panicked expression, his hands by his face, and yells "yes it do!" End description.]
Turns out making quick animatics for vines is super fun and this one works super well for Raph and Bea's relationship lol
Bea's fine btw, she's just throwing a tantrum. Babies that throw tantrums by losing their humanoid form and becoming a shrieking mass of tentacles get put in the bowl until they calm down. (Bowls are easier to move than shrieking tentacle masses.)
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acesgarden · 4 months
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|| Two Left Feet
Pairing(s) ->
Beatrice C. x Raphael H.
Warning(s) ->
Summary ->
Bea takes a crack at teaching Raph to dance
112 Words : Masterlist
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Footsteps shuffled across the gym floor and someone spoke a quiet count of steps. They were dancing. Well one was, and the other one was learning. Again the count repeated.
Everything was going great. Both smiling like idiots, Beatrice’s tail moved back and forth to her count.
“Here comes the best part.” The shorter mutant spun the turtle around. Laughing as she did. Knowing he had fully prepared to spin her around.
Until the turtle clad in red lost his balance.
The two tumbled and landed on the floor, staring at each other before bursting out laughing.
“Wanna try again?”
Raph nodded, pulling Bea up with a goofy smile.
“Of course.”
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Tags: @fluffybun24 @nuncscioquidsitamor-13
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what-a-darling-devil · 3 months
Here is the lantern with better light.
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13runningsomething · 5 months
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Donnie and Beatrice are here to wish you luck for the story competition! (Donnie is, perhaps, a bit nervous. For reasons related to Bea. She's awfully pink.)
Leo offers them a short bow. "Thanks. And same to you! This is still pretty overwhelming, but I'm excited to see how it all works out."
"Your baby's so cute!" Mikey interrupts, with all the subtlety you would expect. "Are they part Kraang?"
His brothers and their guests turn their heads sharply toward him, eyes wide with shock, and perhaps fear.
The moment is broken as Raph grabs him by the shoulder. "The heck is wrong with you?! You can't just ask them stuff like that," he rasps.
"But they look like a Kraang," Mikey innocently pleas.
Leo steps between the two, but reserves most of his attention for the younger. "Then I should remind you that not everybody likes the Kraang, or even the Utrom. If that's what this kid is, they probably wanna keep it on the down-low."
Understanding seems to wash over Mikey's face, and he turns to offer a sheepish apology to their new companions.
Donnie seems to be one step ahead of him, however. "Please excuse our brother, he didn't mean anything bad by it. One of our best friends is actually part-Kraang herself."
His brothers collectively facepalm as Donnie smiles up at his counterpart.
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takingovermidnight · 2 years
Sliding into a new hyper fixation, here we go. I need to build my confidence in posting and I love @tmnt-tychou 's work, so when they came out with this idea I wanted to join the fun! Without further ado, self-indulgence!
1. In which TMNT universe does your pairing exist?
Beatrice exists across the turtle-verse in different forms. She might stay close friends with the brothers in one world, have a polyamorous relationship with two of them in another, and get together with April in the one over yonder! Infinite possibilities. But no matter where she is, the turtles are a HUGE, beloved part of her family, and they feel the same about her. For this version of the meme, however, I am focusing on our beautiful Bayverse boys. <3
DISCLAIMER: Beatrice is autistic and has fibromyalgia. Each exists on a spectrum and a lot of her experiences reflect my own: the good, the bad, and the complicated. 
2. Introduce us to your OTP.
Leotrice. Beanardo. Tol and smol. Bumblebee and bonsai tree. Certified goofy goobers. 
Grgikau’s picrew can be found here! https://href.li/?https://picrew.me/image_maker/426722 
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Missing details: proper body type, braces
This is the closest I could find in a world with a frustrating lack of plus-size options in picrews, so this is not entirely accurate. I would love to see this pair come to life, and these gremlin hands do not belong to an artist, so if anyone is doing commissions and would be interested, please let me know! I have been looking around!
3. How did they meet? 
Almost a year has passed since they gave Krang the New York Goodbye and with their 18th birthday approaching, the brothers have a lot on their minds. Working alongside the NYPD means more missions and higher stakes. Stress is running high. With both Shredder and Stockman still at large, the Foot lying in wait (with others anxious to take their place on the ladder), and the lingering threat of interdimensional warfare, Leo is especially pissed off that crooked cops harassing a homeless encampment are on his radar this evening. That anger quickly stutters into intrigue when a five-foot-nothing young woman bares her braces at the officers and refuses them free food. 
It does not take Donnie long to collect evidence of their harassment and send it to the desk of Chief Vincent. And the brothers come to realize it is not a new encampment at all, but a gathering around a Little Turtle food cart, their favorite Japanese restaurant. Run by the Murakami family, they make an effort to set up every weekend possible. It is quite the complex operation of serving food and putting together bags of donations, from canned goods to toiletries to books for children to read. They are all a bit overwhelmed by the brothers at first, maybe even a little afraid. But they are also grateful, and Mikey approaches first, appreciative of their honesty. He would rather someone be open to getting to know him and asking questions out of genuine curiosity than let fear or assumptions guide their judgment. And Leo feels something clench in his chest when the young woman from before offers his baby brother a silver-studded smile and a hand, asking if he is hungry. 
She introduces herself as 18-year-old Beatrice, a high school student and family friend who babysits for the Murakamis and helps out on such weekends. When the brothers have a night off, you can often find them helping prep and serve, hidden within a tent to protect them from the cold and prying eyes. They get to know a lot of the locals (sworn to secrecy), including Beatrice, and even play with some kids that show up for a hot meal (Raph and Donnie get the jungle gym treatment). 
This year they have one more invitation to their birthday party, and Beatrice would not miss it for the world. The rest is history…
4. How is the relationship now?
You gave me permission to gush. BIG mistake. <3
After their birthday, someone is always asking her down to the lair to hang out, so much so that after graduation, they invite her to move in with them to save money and have an easier commute to college. 
April and Casey, still barely a couple at this point (they are both disasters that cannot get their shit together and I love them for it), come together as well-meaning, but weird surrogate parents for Beatrice. April loves taking her out for gut-busting ice cream sundaes and go-carts and the boys laugh until they cry as Casey recalls, with much higher blood pressure, his attempts to teach Beatrice how to drive. Though they can be awkward and dysfunctional and she values her independence, she appreciates their love and support, both of them equally hyping her up and being phenomenally embarrassing. 
Beatrice and Splinter? These two were made for each other. She is a little shit and he loves her dearly, thrilled to have another daughter around to keep his sons on their toes. At first, Beatrice was not sure what to make of him, or Casey for that matter, as positive male role models after not having one before. But she comes to see him as someone she can lean on, and look to for advice and strength. She loves him very much, and she treasures the time they spend together watching Will and Grace, playing pranks on the boys, helping each other cheat at Game Night, and him teaching her self-defense.  
Now for her beloved “big” brothers! Short jokes aplenty. They call her “Squirtle” and there is joking that Donnie needs to make a booster seat for the garbage truck. And honestly? She kinda digs it. Being an only child your whole life is often very lonely and exhausting in its own way, and having somebody to look out for you and give you that unique brand of protective sibling love? Yes please, she is overwhelmed but in a good way, and needs a minute. They are a LOT to love, but she loves them just as much, and it all works out. 
Donnie: She has different interests in common with all the brothers, and they are all good listeners, but it is really nice being able to talk about your special interests and know that the other person not only understands it but is just as passionate as you are. Beatrice loves marine biology (there are many benefits, I hear), and she could talk about hermit crab migration patterns and which species of sea snails are venomous for hours if you let her. She knows enough about chemistry and physics to try to keep up with Donnie, or at least ask him questions. And he is HILARIOUS. Mikey would be devastated to know that Beatrice thinks Donnie is the funniest dude alive. Upon learning more about fibromyalgia and autism and her life with them, he installs different accommodations around the lair and even tricks out her emergency portable cane with a few defense mechanisms for when she goes out. He loves helping her with homework, especially when he gets the textbooks after, and she tries her best to keep an eye on him and make sure he eats something besides stale Poptarts and sleeps more than two hours a night. Each of the turtles has their own way of asking for cuddles or comfort, and with Donnie, she usually ends up on his lap while he sits in his computer chair, playing on her Switch or watching him type soothing lines of code.
Mikey: Most days you cannot go five minutes without these two parroting Tiktoks at each other or making a mess of the kitchen table cooking or doing crafts. It is with his encouragement that Beatrice picks up her sketchbook again, and she finds plenty of inspiration in his antics alone. They rope Raphael in a third of the time and inevitably the kitchen gets messier when the boys start throwing glitter and peppering shells with googly eyes. On those days even Beatrice ends up in the Hashi. What they get up to depends on the day. Monday through Wednesday they could be bouncing all over the place, pelting each other with Nerf darts, swimming in the pool, and dying all the underwear in the wash pink. On Thursday Mikey might be feeling a bit down and she ends up in his bed with his head on her stomach. Friday Beatrice might be sore and tired from work or school and they find themselves on the couch in the middle of a video game marathon with the rest of the family. Beatrice grows protective of Mikey, forever grateful to bask in his radiant warmth, but also that he trusts her with his cloudy days too. 
Raph: Beatrice is close with all of them, but her best friend, aside from Leo, of course, is Raphael. Neither of them ever really says it out loud. It becomes this unspoken thing that they are a safe space for one another, a place to let it out and wind down after. No judgment, no rules. They share a lot of the same insecurities, even though they express them differently. She likes that with Raph sometimes the world just sucks, and they can leave it at that. The others are a bit mystified by the vibes these two cook up. Beatrice is so relaxed around him that she often just falls asleep on his chest or against his side if they are both reading or knitting or playing cards or watching trashy reality TV. Not out of boredom, but trust. Raph appreciates that he can vent to her, even about her boyfriend, and that she never hesitates to go to town for him and his brothers. They have a deep bond that is very special, and it is this closeness that inspires Splinter to choose Raphael to be the first to take over her martial arts training. 
Leo: Amazing how this is an OTP meme and it takes me five pages to mention the OTP. When you date one turtle, your experiences with the other three are an important part of developing that relationship, none more so than for Leo. These two do not have much of an opportunity to get to know each other until she moves in. Even then, initially, he is still the most reserved. It is not personal and she knows. He just has so much on his shoulders already, it can be hard to stay in the moment, and he wants his brothers to be able to spend time with her. They all want her attention and affection, and Beatrice is at a loss on how to get to know someone with such a full plate. Speaking of plates…she finds a solution in cooking lessons! She has no Michelin stars, for sure, but she likes cooking and baking, it is one of the ways she shows her love. And it is unacceptable that Leo is banned from even using the toaster. Leo hesitates and grumbles a bit, but a nudge from Splinter sends him in her direction, and he is surprised at the amount of pride and warmth he feels when one of his better attempts not only draws all three brothers to the table, but makes them smile and ask for seconds. They talk a lot around that beat-up old stove, and both find their walls crumbling. Feelings quietly start to grow. Life does what life does and gets in the way, and so do his own insecurities and worries, but finally, after three years of pining, the pot boils over, and he confesses. And now? They are closer than ever. Both are young and inexperienced and stubborn; every couple has their squabbles, especially when you also have four other roommates to consider and their dimension might even be at stake. The world throws a lot of curveballs, but loving one another makes it easier to step up to the plate.
5. What is each other's love language?
Leo’s Receiving: Words of affirmation go a long way with Leo. Not just praise and appreciation for what he does, but the reassurance that he is more than enough as he is, and that one argument or mistake is not going to ruin what they have. He is not a mind reader and feels deeply insecure over his compulsion to be perfect. The boy in blue puts a lot of pressure on himself and at this point, Beatrice can feel him ruminating across the room. Communication becomes very important, and she is patient while he tries to put his thoughts together, whether it be about their relationship or the tremendously heavy weight on his young shoulders. And we know all of these boys have to be touch starved. While he is not the type to makeout on the living room couch, once he becomes comfortable with the fact that he can ask for what he needs, more subtle PDA like cuddles, nuzzles, and gentle kisses and touches are definitely on the table, especially if he can gross his brothers out like “Really? In front of my pizza?” 
Leo’s Giving: If Leo loves you, he wants to help you in any way he can. Prove his usefulness. Be of service. Fix the problem. And it confuses and distresses him at first when Beatrice gets upset. It takes time to wrap his head around the fact that there are no “solutions” to chronic pain. You can do things to help manage it, but it is something you have to learn to live with, adapt to, and sometimes concede to. Beatrice has a lot of good days. She enjoys being active with him. But she has flares, and they can be bad. Frustrating for her. There are things she cannot do anymore or should limit in the future, days when her body just crashes. And she understands why he has that mindset in the beginning. It is how we are socialized to see disability: something to overcome, something that can be improved with better choices, and something he has little to no frame of reference for as a mutant turtle. No one wants to see someone they love in pain and not be able to help or protect them from it. So he works to change that mindset and adapts with her. Finds ways that he can show his love in this manner that also make her happy. Sometimes she has brain fog or gets distracted and forgets things, so with her permission he checks her bag for her pain meds, noise-canceling headphones, and other important doodads before they head out. He learns how to do special massages that help with nerve pain. He knows what her safe foods and textures are, and how to help her ground herself. Seemingly little things that actually mean so much to her. 
Beatrice’s Giving/Receiving: That sweet, sweet quality time, baby. When she and her favorite turtle man can just be and be together. She encourages Leo to be open about and share his interests with her, to indulge in his non-duty-based hobbies, and it makes her so happy to see that boyish, bashful grin light up his whole face. She reads the books and mangas he recommends to her, helps him tend to his bonsai trees and meditates beside him, and listens to him geek out about his sword collection and favorite TV shows he has not allowed himself to watch lately. And he does the same for her when he can. Arts and crafts, sports (when they play basketball he lifts her up so she can dunk and he thinks she is the cutest thing in the world; playful sparring in the dojo usually leads to something more amorous; not necessarily a sport but they explore the sewers and rooftops together, etc), their cooking lessons, etc. Donnie shuts down the security at the local aquarium and it becomes one of their special spots. Even if they are each doing their own thing in the same room, or she needs to rest, she loves when he has the opportunity to be beside her. On that same note, each has to learn the boundaries of the other. For him, she likes to be touched, but it needs to be on her terms. No ambushes and he usually asks if he can come in for a landing (cue her smile and grabby hands). For her, it means understanding and respecting when he needs alone time. 
Beatrice’s Giving: “Hey Bea, could you do a few loads of laundry tonight, please? I can help you fold it when we get back from patrol.” “Hell yeah, I call the socks!” His brothers tease that it is very old-married-couple-y of Leo and Beatrice to LIKE cleaning and doing chores together, but she genuinely enjoys some of the tasks and finds them calming. She is an acts of service gal and will happily help lighten your burden if she feels capable. Her other favorites are helping Donnie hose down the garbage truck (SO satisfying, and Mikey and Raph laugh their asses off seeing her completely sopping wet and covered in mud from their water fight) and going grocery shopping with one of the boys decked out in the most ridiculous amalgamation of trench coats you have ever seen. She also likes giving gifts. Not expensive, fancy, Christmas-list sort of things necessarily, but if she sees something and thinks of you, it is going in her bag. It might be a cool rock or a wrench set she found on sale and remembered that Donnie lost his on the highway the other day when they were being chased by the Foot. 
6. Do they get married or have any kids?
Beatrice and Leo are together for about three years when she hears crying one night on her way to where the boys will be picking her up from work. Tiptoeing into the alley, she moves aside some garbage and is shocked to find a baby mutant turtle chirping weakly at her. With no sign of a nest or other presence, Beatrice rushes the baby to the truck to get them out of the weather. After some Donnie-patented TLC, little Rain settles into their new home. While trying to solve the mystery of their origins, the whole family pitches in to care for them, but it is not long before they have imprinted on Bea and Leo and chosen them as their parents. Kids are complicated; they are not biologically compatible, and even if they were, Beatrice finds just the idea of pregnancy horrifying. Both of them accept that adoption is also impossible, and feel more than content just being together and enjoying their youth in a life where danger and uncertainty lurk in the shadows. But they fall hard for the little red-eared slider. And a year later they are so proud to include them in their special ceremony, making a promise to one another as partners, and to Rain as their parents. 
7. What is your favorite thing about this pairing? (Gush as much as you want!)
I must have put you all to sleep by now, but this pairing is very therapeutic for me, and I’m happy I got all my word vomit out, even if this is as far as it goes. This isn’t a self-ship, but I have a lot in common with Beatrice. I don’t see a lot of positive or realistic representations of women that look like me or have lived my experiences in media. Fatphobia and ableism, as we all know, continue to suffocate the world. And I’m new to fibromyalgia and unmasking my neurodivergence, which comes with a lot of complicated feelings I’m trying to understand and process. So seeing someone like Leo fall in love with someone like me for who I am and everything I have going on feels nice. Plus found family is my favorite trope and you can pry it from my cold little hands. 
I also really wanted to see more of Bayverse Leo being an absolute dork. The goofy, sweet, insecure, and emotionally exhausted teenager he is underneath all the weight he carries. Push him away from the window and onto the couch where he can be cherished as he deserves. Beatrice is locked and loaded, ready to love him. 
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Reigen Arataka (MP100) v William Afton (FNaF)
Berdly (Deltarune) v Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck) v Sans (Undertale)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad) v Dib (Invader Zim)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) v Mad Mew Mew (Undertale)
Shiver (Splatoon) v Cesare (just realized i mispelled his name Oh well) (Big Top Burger)
Cecil Kanagawa (Penumbra Podcast) v Sylvie Ashling (Epithet Erased)
Crazy Dave (Plants vs. Zombies) v Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) v Doofenschmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
Shin Tsukimi (YTTD) v Schuichi Saihara (Danganronpa)
Peter Parker (Spider-Man) v Marco Diaz (SVTFOE)
Will Graham (Hannibal) v Gonzo (The Muppets)
Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia) v Zote the Mighty (Hollow Knight)
Medic (TF2) v Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium)
Oliver Swift (Dialtown) v Beatrice (Umineko)
Wikipe-tan (Wikipedia) v Casey Jones (TMNT 2012)
The Onceler (The Lorax) v Danny (JJBA)
Spamton (Deltarune) v Vriska (Homestuck)
Scout (TF2) v Guido Mista (JJBA)
Michael Afton (FNaF) v Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Hunter (TOH) v Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler)
Anasui (JJBA) v Dean Winchester (SPN)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney) v Alice Yabusame (YTTD)
Barney Guttman (Paranormal Dead End Park) v Mokuba Kaiba (YGO)
Taako Taaco (TAZ) v Pickles (Metalocalypse)
Lily (Zombieland Sage) v Thirteenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Mizuki Akiyama (Project Sekai) v Cecil Palmer (WTNV)
Warren (DHMIS) v Sayo Yasuda (Umineko)
George Costanza (Seinfeld) v Herbert West (Reanimator)
Lars Barriga (SU) v Danill Dankovsky (Pathologic)
Eraserhead Baby (Eraserhead Baby) v Aiai (Super Monkey Ball)
Skeebo (Jojo's Circus) v Headset (EEE)
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tmntstorycomp · 3 months
TMNT Story Comp Ultimate Midround Hightime Hell Tournament Round Four
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Lets meet the competitors!
Twin-Sync Donnie from Twin-Sync (More Than Your Think) (Belongs to @little-banjo-frog )
Bro is way to busy being depressed and trying to build interdimensional travel to be a magical girl, if given the opportunity he would simply slam the door on whoever offered it to him.
Beatrice Helena from Body Horror Baby (Belongs to @bambiraptorx )
if Bea was old enough to understand what they were getting into, they would be so grumpy about the cutesy clothing they'd quit on the spot. She was fine with it as a toddler but not as a tween/teen lol she's too busy being in her emo phase
Hypno-Potamus from Manhattan: Fargo AU (Year 4) (Belongs to @jxstacey )
This version of Hypno would NOT even be magical girl material. One, his magician skills aren’t even that good. He’s only been in the show business for about 3 weeks at the time the season takes place and is more focused on trying not to get killed by two gangs in a war. He would definitely not be a magical girl
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laurasanchez36 · 2 months
Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts My NEW MSA X Blud Enemy OCS and Innocent Ghosts' Enemies
1 of Cinder-Night
Full Name: Cinder-Night
Gender: Female
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (her lord), Darkest, Ravette, Shaw and the other army (Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts), Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
This one sounds like Moanica D'Kay (from Monster High) and La Nahuala (from Las Leyendas/Legend Quest)
2 of Shaw
Full Name: Shaw
Gender: Male
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (his lord), Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night and Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts, Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
This one sounds like Shredder (from TMNT 2012) and Emperor Belos (from The Owl House)
3 of
Full Name:
Gender: Male or Female
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (his or her lord), Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night, Shaw and Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts, Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
This one sounds like Diaspro (from Winx Club), Harley Quinn (from Batman) and Miss Heed (from Villainous)
4 of
Full Name:
Gender: Male or Female
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (his or her lord), Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night, Shaw and Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts, Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
This one sounds like Ivy Poison (from Batman), King Sombra (from MLP) and Undergrowth (from Danny Phantom)
5 of
Full Name:
Gender: Male or Female
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (his or her lord), Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night, Shaw and Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts, Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
This one sounds like: Ghost of Northwest Manor (from Gravity Falls) and Death (from Puss In Boots)
6 of
Full Name:
Gender: Male or Female
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (his or her lord), Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night, Shaw and Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts, Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
This one sounds like: Mommy Long Legs (from Poppy Playtime) and Sera (from Hazbin Hotel)
7 of
Full Name:
Gender: Male or Female
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (his or her lord), Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night, Shaw and Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts, Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
This one sounds like: Walker (from Danny Phantom) and King Dice (from Cuphead)
8 of
Full Name:
Gender: Male or Female
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (his or her lord), Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night, Shaw and Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts, Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
9 of
Full Name:
Gender: Male or Female
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (his or her lord), Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night, Shaw and Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts, Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
10 of
Full Name:
Gender: Male or Female
Family Members Relatives:
Other Family Members Relatives:
Species: Human, later Ghost/Skeleton/Demon/Undead
Alignment: Bad
Friends: Spooky Grimm (his or her lord), Darkest, Ravette, Cinder-Night, Shaw and Spooky Grimm's Minions Dark Ghosts, Reverb 'Rev', Bad Ghosts, Bad Demons, Ruben, Bad Spirits, Sera Mwangi, Beatrice Thornson, Gracelynn Whisperson and Reese Adams (her friends of her team called "Popstars Go Team"), Natalie Jellinsky and Tuck Jellinsky (her bosses of popstars go team)
Enemies: Mystery Teams, Girls' Clues Club Team, Lilah Mcgee, Lilah's Family Mcgee, Kenley Murphy, Innocent Ghosts, Metal-Stars Team, Ilana Summers, Oriana Moonlight, Hailey, Simon, Lavender Ravenson, Maisy Pepper and her friends (her best friends), The Yukino Family, The Kingsmen Family, The Pepper Family, Nurse Kylie, Innocent Ghosts
Powers and Abilities:
Skills and Abilities:
Skin Colour:
Eyes Colour:
Hair Colour:
Hair styles:
Eyebrows styles:
@sfcabanasstarcgs and @mysteryideasgroup
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jylesthejester · 19 days
Okay, multiversal casino staff and a bit of lore before I get too sucked into my hyperfixations and forget about it
[NOTE 1 !! If you want to make a similar concept feel free but do not take my concept entirely! You can make something SIMILAR but not EXACT replica please! I don't mind inspiration but do tag me in any art or rambles because I LOVE to see people be inspired by things or something I make!]
[NOTE 2 !! Some of these characters may act out of canon when I draw them (If I do), some of their Lore might be different, there is an explanation for it here, don't pummel me for it please.]
Origin/Main concept : The multiverse casino was originally made to be a hangout spot for people from other universes, somewhere where they could relax and discover other universes. This worked, but eventually they needed more Staff to help out on all the floors.
Why these specific characters for staff members? (Staff members are shown later) : I picked from my favorite characters from various fandoms (excluding any of my favorite children characters (theres only one here cause theyre celestes friend.)) and threw them here, they're all categorized by the card categorization I have.
Categorizations : There's both the card symbol organization, there will be a section for it at the end of the staff lists.
How does the multiverse casino get its staff? : they find almost exact copies of the universe they're trying to get a staff member from, and they talk to the person they're trying to bring in and see if they'd like to join. Old staff members get their memories of the casino entirely wiped before being returned back to their universes like nothing happened (this essentially happens whenever I leave a fandom)
Owners : Maxie Kanth (Minty) and Stella Novaflare (Sleepy)
Co-owners : Reagan Caballero and Kaede Archemoros
Staff members (fandom characters) : Popee The performer(PTP), Kedamono(PTP), Sammy Lawrence(BATIM), Boris(BATIM), Sun(TSAMS), Moon(TSAMS), Eclipse(TEAPS), Puppet(TEAPS), Frank(TSAMS/TEAPS), Francis(TEAPS), Jack-o-moon(TSAMS), Molten(TSAMS), Lunar(TSAMS/TEALS), Vegeta(MAFS/TEAPS), Dr Panik(Block City/HMF), Henry(Block City/HMF), Henric(Merge City/HMF), Dr Kalm(Merge City/HMF), Casey Jones(TMNT 2012), Panikbot(Block City/HMF), Jim davis(HMF), Therapist(HMF), Action(HMF), Rickutto(HMF), Darko(HMF), Hooper(HMF), Brandon(HMF), Aris(HMF), Rage(HMF), Mist(HMF), Birdie(HMF), Frosty(HMF), Little Ropo(TLC), Little Jack(TLC), Scuba Steve(TLC), Sharky(TLC), Luke(MCH), Peter(MCH), Goldy(MCH), Donald Duck(Ducktales), Pigsy(LMK), Redson(LMK), Googz/Parker(RTGC), Playtime(Baldis Basics), Tiger/Kotetsu(T&B), Jyles(OoO), Jon(LJ), Davis(LJ), Casey Jones(TMNT 1990)
Staff members (ocs) : Celeste Kanth Novaflare, Reagan Caballero, Alix Caballero, Gacey Xanthe, Kaede Archemoros, Palin Rockefeller, Lila Gear, Kaypen, Orbides, Inky Inkwell, Party Favor, Gelatin, Nova Starstruck, Tobey<3, Al Sokolov, Zin Sokolov, Ekko Hamato Jones, Jyles!!, Donavan Adamski, Ooze, Mutagen, C.A.G.E., Cain, Adaliah, Kuiper, Vortex, Raka, Juno, Epona, Zola, Lennox, Kay, Mirage, Asy/Asylum, Runaway, Jester, Gore, Clowny, Unalive, Intrusive, Joker, Ricin, Jimson, Chrome, Lily, Caleb, Kat, Boo, Loi, Noir, Moichii, Florence, Boyd, Cherub, Disco Cat, Karmen/Candy, Draven Adamski, Annabelle Sokolov, Beatrice Sokolov, Ohnn Sokolov, Tails Sokolov, Marij Achlys, Viper Jones, Lee Achlys, Lyra Cezhial, Atlas Cezhial, Celestino Cezhial, Helios Cezhial, Sammy Corvus, Crow Corvus, Hanahaki Corvus, Zeru Feller, Toxinz, Moichi, Zim/Theo, Chester, Jyles, Lyco, Gyre-Vortex/Malachi, Klown, Tom, Red, Carolyn Achlys, Wade Achlys, Kurtis Jones, Circuit O’Neil, Cyber Achlys, Lyn Achlys, Amaris Jones, Callisto Jones, Saturn Jones, Martin Jones, Alix the Arachnid, Gala, Dae, Bubble, Melanie, Finn, Gabriel, Mono, Xavier, Jassie, Axel, Flare Starstruck, Lala Tunes, Marie Melancholy, Chat Swoop, Lunar Lovelock, Bisty Isty, Dipsy Dip, Seraphim Sphere, Stephan Squared, Staine Sharp-Sphere, Glacier Glitters, Pluto Prince, Gale Games, Chassy Charcoal, Bea Buzzy, Diamond Dazzle, Tipsy Ticks, Benny Bronze
Old staff members : Tenya Iida (MHA & Might come back), Bakugou Katsuki (MHA & Might come back), Shinsou [forgot last name] (MHA), Shota Aizawa (MHA), Sundrop (FNAFSB), Moondrop (FNAFSB), Cuphead (Casino Cups), Mugman (Casino Cups), Sans(Undertale), Papyrus(Undertale) [Theres more but I can’t remember)
Original staff members that are still here : Popee The Performer (PTP), Sammy Lawrence (BATIM)
(The category things only apply to fandom characters)
Card organization :
Popee The performer(PTP) ♦️
Kedamono(PTP) ♠️
Sammy Lawrence(BATIM) ♠️
Boris(BATIM) ♠️
Sun(TSAMS) ♦️
Moon(TSAMS) ♦️
Eclipse(TEAPS) ♣️
Puppet(TEAPS) ♠️
Francis(TEAPS) ♦️
Jack-o-moon(TSAMS) ♦️
Molten(TSAMS) ♠️
Dr Panik(Block City/HMF)♣️
Henry(Block City/HMF) ♠️
Henric(Merge City/HMF) ♠️
Dr Kalm(Merge City/HMF) ♣️
Casey Jones(TMNT 2012) ♦️
Panikbot(Block City/HMF) ♦️
Jim davis(HMF) ♦️
Action(HMF) ♣️
Rickutto(HMF) ♦️
Darko(HMF) ♠️
Hooper(HMF) ♠️
Aris(HMF) ♠️
Rage(HMF) ♦️
Mist(HMF) ❤️
Birdie(HMF) ❤️
Frosty(HMF) ♠️
Little Ropo(TLC) ♣️
Little Jack(TLC) ♦️
Scuba Steve(TLC) ♠️
Sharky(TLC) ♣️
Luke(MCH) ♠️
Peter(MCH) ♦️
Goldy(MCH) ♠️
Donald Duck(Ducktales) ♣️
Pigsy(LMK) ♦️
Redson(LMK) ♦️
Googz/Parker(RTGC) ♠️
Playtime(Baldis Basics) [celestes friend] ❤️
Tiger/Kotetsu(T&B) ♠️
Jyles(OoO) ❤️
Jon(LJ) ♣️
Davis(LJ) ♠️
Casey Jones(TMNT 1990) ♦️
The card symbols don't exactly determine where in the building they all work, it just really depends on their shifts.
Each of the main ocs in this story(Maxie, Stella, raegan, etc) has a favorite character they like to hang around, so heres that :
Maxie - Popee The Performer (PTP)
Stella - Sammy Lawrence (BATIM)
Raegan - Dr Panik & Henry (Horrormashfriends)
Lix - Jack-o-moon (TSBS)
Kaede - Mist (Horrormashfriends)
Gacey - Action (Horrormashfriends)
Palin - Frank (TSBS)
Lila - Redson (LMK)
Uhhh yeah that's the staff- :3
(Skitters off [I'll likely come back w more art n stuff])
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bambiraptorx · 9 months
okay, art/lore dump for my fic Body Horror Baby. This kid's backstory is basically that Donnie accidentally scienced himself into being a teen dad. Like most Donne kids actually lol.
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She was formed from a piece of Krang tissue removed from Donnie's back after the Technodrome that he kept for experimentation (this one was of particular interest because it retained some of his own genetic material). They slowly transformed over time from a shapeless blob into something resembling a tiny turtle, although Donnie didn't connect the dots until about a year post invasion. He immediately told his family upon figuring it out, although reactions varied.
After about 6 months to a year longer of living in the observation chamber Donnie built, the baby was removed and given the name Beatrice Helena (after two separate Shakespeare characters because Donnie is a theater nerd).
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(she's named after this quote in particular lol. It's from Midsummer Night's Dream about the character Helena, and also it happens to be making fun of her for being short.)
Beatrice Helena stays very small for the most part, and (with a few exceptions) grows at a very slow rate. In some ways, this makes them easier to take care of because it's so easy to contain them.
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She also has some ability to shapeshift (it's beyond the normal Krang ability because she was a part of the Technodrome and seriously, that thing molded itself into donnie's face in two seconds flat). This makes for some interesting tantrums. In their baby/toddler years, this is mostly limited to growing eyes or occasionally losing her turtle form, but it gets more precise/intentional as she gets older.
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And just for funsies, here's some lineless art of her when she's a bit older. That's about all the art I have, I think, but if anyone has questions feel free to ask!
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acesgarden · 3 months
࿐࿔ Taglist!
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@! :
Writing! : [Empty! Comment to be added]
Art! : [Empty! Comment to be added]
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Tags! :
aces rambling.ᐟ⋆⑅˚₊┆Literally most posts: ‘normal posts’, posts about ideas, ocs, etc.
aces inner thoughts´-┆Aka the shit posts, really low quality posts or random ass thoughts because I get those a lot.
ace needs garden time𖤣.𖥧.𖡼.⚘┆Aka (kinda) vent posts-
aces announcements.ᐟ┆Announcements & updates.
acecore.ᐟ~┆Things I think are me.
aces lore📜┆Posts that are about irl (me) stuff.
aces replies💬┆My responses to asks.
📌aces (tag) games┆When im tagged in tagged games.
✎ᝰ.ace.txt┆My writing.
ace.pngᝰ✍🏻┆Art, moodboards, photography, etc.
✎ᝰ📓aces digital journal. ݁₊ ⊹┆More irl talk but journal style, will begin to post one every week.
aces realities ⋆⭒˚。⋆┆Reality shifting content.
જ⁀➴aces mastelists┆Masterlists for writing, ocs, etc.
aces wips ໒꒰ྀི ȏ⁠ . ȏ⁠ ꒱ྀིა┆Me talking about upcoming requests, series, oc-inserts, Afaeine, etc.
NAVIGATION.ᐟ ´-┆Intro post tag, to help you around my blog.
Welcome to the Garden.ᐟ⋆˚✿˖°┆150 follower event content.
oc: beatrice tmnt┆Posts about my oc Beatrice.
aces bearaph conundrums ´-┆Beatrice x Raphael content.
tmnt: wtb?!┆Posts following anything to do with my aus/fan-iteration under the same name.
oc: emerson mhabnha┆Posts about my oc Emerson Conway
aces emertodo thoughts ´-┆Emerson x Todoroki content.
lovelies ᥫ᭡┆Asks by non-moots
oh my lori.ᐟ┆Asks by @serendipitous-girl
chipachapa.ᐟ┆Asks by @itsyagurlchip
fizzysodasss.ᐟ┆Asks by @fizzywashere87
mattyyy.ᐟ┆Asks by @matteo-hamato
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what-a-darling-devil · 3 months
Had fun making a water lantern at Legg Lake.
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ace-of-garlic-breads · 2 months
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first Bunch of art fight attacks! my plan is to post 10 attacks cause I complete like 1 or 2 of these a day lol. (I draw fast OK?! XD) (6&7 are friendly fire) (in order) Eros: @koolaidashley Nory: @lizzieartsz (insta) Nuva: classysparrow (AF) Dipsie: @forestryfae Mallow: @here.comes.thetaco (insta) TMNT Genisis: @torisaursky (insta & tt) mine and my Friend's D&D characters (they're sisters so i HAD to draw them together lol, so i added my D&D character to the group) Hailyn: @silly-lil-lee Beatrice: XWren (AF) Sal: @flamewisher
My art fight if anyone's interested!
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neopuff · 2 years
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (You can make your own post or reblog this one!)  I have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? Dnd campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
tagged by @drewsaturday
lol i have...a lot of fic and video wips. and then not a lot of art wips. i should stick with ones i can actually see myself finishing one day but honestly you just never know what i’m gonna do next. i believe the oldest wip here is from 2006 or 2007
(under a cut ‘cause it got too long)
Ace Attorney
kmeme prompts
charity auction
scrooge dying
its a little late to be asking for my number
because i’m scrooge mcduck
amnesia goldie
stop calling me
weblena journal fic
amnesia goldie (yes, another one)
misc untitled wips
scroldies first continuation
truth serum
you’re my person
left it in the will
GlomGoldie Outline (collab)
gilt tales (collab)
Fullmetal Alchemist
5 times they were set up and 1 time they weren
after promised day
An undercover assignment
eds wedding
five people
roy hawkeye origin
six people
waking up
kimbliza poto
Generator Rex
(TMNT crossover) bisholiday
decisions decisions
dp153 meowth
drunk james
james sick
kiss goodbye
mood changer
the single life
Teen Titans
Sym-Bionic Ttian: badimitationilanca
Xiaolin Showdown: jackim
Kaijudo: lobachavez one word prompts
VIDS (not including wip mep parts cuz thats too much)
American Dragon: Jake Long
jakerose 30 otp day 29
jakerose 30 otp day 30
jakerose soulmate
anne sprig always gold
bh6 collab
Bojack Horseman
beatrice believe me
Code Lyoko
aelita sad machine
Danny Phantom
valerie machine
dantemala do i wanna know
jlu otps princess of hcina
livmay ophelia
losh thinkin too much
della havent met you yet
duck hets piano man
fendra electric love
goldie never enough
ducktales family
scroldie back to you
scroldie hopelessly devoted
scroldie must be the place
scroldie stay
scroldie stubborn love
scroldie too close for comfort
weblena when she sees me
weblena ocean avenue
Ever After High
dappling mama say
Fulmetal Alchemist
royai shake it off
royai the hills
scar feel my heart
Generator Rex
circe scream my name
holix breathe
holix calendar
holix dna
holix idk
holix thousand years
holix violet hilll
rex astronaut in the ocean
rex caesar let my people go
Infinity Train
infinity train lay down in the tall grass
Kids Next Door
knd come back down
nigelabby listen to your heart
natesophie i knew you once
parkerhardison someone to you
Miraculous Ladybug
lukanette evergreen
groke shes a lady
jukebox suburbs
cartoons pictures of you
eyes blue like the atlantic
id chars little lion man
kainessa dantekamala lvoe by mistake
multicrossover we were sparkling
multiship time after time
rocketshipping jacsee feel my face
wonderwall otps
heverlyn forget her
heverlyn strange addiction
The Owl House
psychonauts asylum give us a little love
razlili kiss me more
choni all night
Seis Manos
silencio happiness
catra oceans
lightmara when you break
Star Darlings
star darlings lost stars
Steven Universe
pearlnet perfect
spinel bellyache
cassunzel into the dark
cassunzel oceans
cassunzel uh
Teen Titans
bbterra halo
robrae forever
robrae jealous
robrae love will tear us apart
robrae so close
robrae soulmates
robterra nightmare
teen titans mashup mep
terra distant shore
tt one day more
karai dont wanna be
Total Drama
jacsee empire
jacsee feelings
jacsee oh no
jasammy tear in my heart
stricklake obsession
stricklake what you do
msr s1
msr s2
msr s3
msr s4
msr s5
msr s6
Xiaolin Showdown
jackimiko va va voom
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