endermen-impasta · 1 year
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So, I did some more thinking :D
Welcome in Venus, Jennika, and Lita.
Venus lived with Karai and Kai with the Usagi family. How did they get to Japan as a turtle tot? No one knows but they were found in a basket next to Kei and Karai. They were all three raised by Usagi Yojimbo soon moving to Antie's farm before he passed away. They became really close with Yuichi as the years passed. Venus is hard of hearing and the circle shaped are hearing aids from Karai.
Karai is into messing with machines and tech while Kai is the medic of the team they had. Venus, being a middle child, was some type of leader to the team. They mostly listened to her for guidance on fights. This caused an issue between Leo and Venus while trying to be a full team. Venus is sixteen with the twins and had claimed each other to be triplets. :D
Jennika was raised by Big Mama for as long as she could remember. She met Lita when she was thirteen taking Lita under her wing for guidance. Soon after a while Jennika thought of her as a daughter and so did Lita. Lita was about two when found and she's around six in the picture Jennika went with whatever the situation threw at her trying to plan accordingly.
Jennika's mysti/ninpo powers are clones, she can make clones of herself or others and use them to distract others. Venus can make barriers between or shields along with weapons for fighting. Karai can control different elements at will and make them appear out of thin air. Kai has a mixture of things collided into one thing, one being electric control.
Kai's ninpo, when half asleep/aware can take over subconsciously to try to protect them. Though it can hurt family and friends without realizing it.
Lita, although not a Hamato, was gifted ninpo abilities as a 'welcome to the family' gift by Gram Gram. Lita struggles to get a hold of it but has a bit of control. Her ninpo/mystic abilities are named, animation. She can draw with her fingers or hands a picture and make it come to life. Part of it is that she can make it disappear at will to where it never existed. Though until she's fully aware of it most of the time she accidentally makes and erases things.
Enjoy the turtles
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nei-ning · 7 years
Some unique dream I had. I was in old big dark building which seemed to be old mansion and in this big hallway were people selling their items. I was there with my middle-school friend and my dog (who passed away 14.12.2007). I stood in front of one table with my friend and she bought an item what she wanted but she only had 15 euros when the item was 20 euros and the seller refused to lower the price. I had 20 euros so I slammed it on her table and she took all 35 euros, counted A LONG time before giving 5 euros back. Then my friend and I head to these big beautiful wooden stairs, covered with long and red carpet and I called my dog to come but he went to other stairs and he just was stupid enough not to realize how to follow us :’D So I left him down there.
MORE UNDER CUT! *cough*TMNTstuff*cough*
In second level it was more like attic-kind of room (shape and size) but one table there was near the wall and it had white long tablecloth and lots of antique stuff which was very pretty! I didn’t buy anything tho since I didn’t have money, ahah! Then I came to one older shelf and I found a huge pile of TMNT Adventure comics what had never been done but they were real I think they could had been make for real but for a some reason they weren’t here in physical world. I took them in my hands, going them through and I remember seeing one big cat God (tiger) which originally was in the comic and turtles too, mostly young Raphael and NInjara and old future Raphael and Mezcaal. The 4 of them with others were into fights and usually Ninjara or Mez was a bait (in one moment one guy managed to tear Ninjara’s shirt off and she passed out and this pissed young Raph off. You can guess what happened to the guy who did that, ahaha! And then, after the fight scene when everything had settled down and they all had go home, there was a sex scene (censored of course) about old future Raphael and Mez <3 And I gotta tell ya guys - it was beautiful! True love at its purest form ^_^ Oh, and while I was checking those comics, I remembered how I had been watching over mom’s shoulder some paper and she had order something to herself and as an extra gift she would get one new TMNT Adventure comic in each month and mom had promised to give them to me already (tho I said I will buy them from her). Those would had been the same comics what I checked in the attic.
I naturally wanted to buy them all but 1.) I had no money and 2.) most of them were still missing and 3.) there was no price. There was 2 guys and they refused to help me (and pause one TMNT episode about future turtles what was rolling in small old TV) so I checked under the shelf and found a box. I opened it and found it full of my personal stuff... or rather ex-stuff. However there were 2 Archangel Michael statues. One white and one bronze colored. Big and detailed. I was surprised to see them and wondered why he’s there since I didn’t had any memory of having them in the first place but I KNEW they were mine. I was very drawn to that bigger bronze statue so I took it since it was mine and I wanted it back.
So all this must be a very good sign again, that everything is good! :D Seeing 2 Raphael, my fave straight couple (old Raph x Mez) and 2 Archangel Michael!
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