wickedisgood · 9 years
In all seriousness what do you think of the maze runner movie like having read the books I hated it I felt like it went to fast and there was like nO character development and not many like heart to heart moments, like when people died it didn't really hurt, and if there was they didn't go into depth with the characters enough to make it a sweet moment but idk that's just what I think maybe it's just me but you've read the books so what did you think of it??
well i have a tag here talking about all my general weird and wonderful musings on the movie 
in short though, i loved it. like i completely get what you mean, it’s not perfect and i would have definitely loved more character development but with all the stuff they had to put in it i can understand why there was a lack of it (there’s supposedly a lot more in the second movie though, so lets look forward to that) and i don’t mind it. everything else made up for it really and i wasn’t expecting it to be some kind of deep movie, i was expecting action and fun (which i got plenty of)
i don’t think the intention of the deaths (besides chuck’s) were really to hurt rather than to show the brutality of the situation though. like for example alby, you’ve seen him talk about how he has been there from the start and you can see how much he cares about protecting his friends, his family if you will, and when he dies his last words are ‘get them out’ even after being stung and all the stuff he went through with that. it’s not meant to be sad or hurt, it’s showing the strength of his character and establishing the whole ‘anyone can die’ trope. 
but in my opinion there wasn’t much character development or deaths that hurt in the first book either really, so i suppose it’s not even that far off. i don’t think you get any substantial depth to any characters until the story progresses because their characters are pretty static and have one set goal and as soon as things change there is too much going on to stop and have heart to hearts. 
idk, i suppose all i’m saying is i didn’t expect that so i wasn’t disappointed at all and i really did love the movie 
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wickedisgood · 10 years
sorry if this sounded rude, I'm not trying to be but what is so special about the Ben scene? why is everyone like omg this scene is so well done the director is amazing etc..?
ben's banishment in the movie?
because ben's screentime was so short, and yet it was still so powerful and you felt for him. we can tell it wasn't his fault and that he didn't want to be doing the things he was doing, and chris' acting was amazing for the short time he had. you can see that all the gladers are obviously close, and he is getting shunned out into this mystery place that we know people don't survive from, and obviously emotionally it's meant to be pretty powerful. he's losing his friends, his family, his life. i think it was played out very well in the movie, and although i was a bit annoyed that that footage actually got released beforehand, i think it was shown really well on screen and did the scene from the book a lot of justice.
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wickedisgood · 10 years
just why did they killed gally in movie? that means he's dead and he should be alive just whyy
he's not dead really?? will's said multiple times that he'll be in the scorch trials and also vince, a member of the right arm with gally, is going to be in the scorch trials, so i'm pretty sure gally wouldn't have been killed off. 
it'll be interesting to see how they explain him still being alive though because he was basically speared right in the chest so idk 
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wickedisgood · 10 years
what do you think about tmr movie?
oh man there's lots i think about the tmr movie in general, you'll find a lot of it in this tag (this one if you want to start from the beginning and see my initial reactions) 
generally i really loved it and i know some things were changed, and there were additions and things taken out too, but a majority of them we were told about beforehand so i didn't really mind them? i went in there very strongly believing that i should judge it as it's own thing, as an adaptation rather than a copy of the book, so i think that helped me enjoy it as much as i did. i think the characters were portrayed wonderfully, the story was just as amazing as in the books, the generally cinematography was gorgeous and i applaud everyone that was involved in the making of it in general because it was just a really great movie imo
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wickedisgood · 10 years
top 5 favorite scenes on tmr movie (:
THOMINHO HOLDING HANDS AND THOMAS FALLING INTO MINHO'S ARMS AND MINHO SHOUTING DON'T LOOK BACK AT THOMAS WHILST LOOKING BACK TO MAKE SURE HE'S OKAY um i mean thomas and minho escaping when the walls were changing that was so amazing and exciting 
BEN ATTACKING THOMAS chris sheffield is amazingly talented holy hell and that scene was so great wowza 
"give this to my parents" "you can give it to them yourself" ~"i promise" haha kill me 
the last scene in WICKED hq holy shit?? it was so amazingly emotional dylan and blake's acting were a++ i cried all three times i've watched it tbh
ask me my top 5 anything
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wickedisgood · 10 years
The book says "a dark skinned girl with hair cut almost down to her scalp." And I imagined a young strong black girl and hopping they would cast one. But In TV and movies they always go with someone who looks mixed ya know. And when I tell you this, as a 16 yr old black girl myself it happens ALL THE TIME. Especially in teen dramas. I have absolutely nothing against Nataille and I think she is beautiful. But like, I WISH THEY TOOK THE CHANCE TO HAVE A BLACK GIRL ON THE BIG SCREEN IN A YA MOVIE
AND FOR HECK'S SAKE Alby was killed!! The ONLY black guy. EVERYTIME I TELL YOU. Okay, calm. OMG AND THE MED JACK TOO. SEE! calm calm calm
I completely get what you mean in terms of the media in general. Being half black myself I do think that representation is important and although I adore Nathalie part of me did hope for and expect someone closer to the books description of her. 
However in terms of The Maze Runner’s casting I really don’t think the decision would have anything to do with only wanting someone lighter, I think it would be purely down to the acting skills. We don’t know who went up for it, and as we learned from the ‘Dylan’s hair seemed too MTV’ fiasco, Wes doesn’t want little things like hair to affect his casting choices if the person is really perfect for the role, so I’d assume that the tone of her skin would be similar to that idea if everything else she did was amazing.
I don’t think comparing it to other YA movies is very fair because I think TMR did very well in casting POCs, considering there are a lot of characters whose race wasn’t mentioned in the books, including Winston and Frypan, who were casted as POCs, unlike other YA movies that whitewash the characters whose race was actually mentioned. Compared to other movies and TV shows aimed at the YA market, I’d say there’s a lot more diversity in our movie than in others.
Also yes, Alby and Jeff were both black and both died, however they weren’t the only black people, and they both died canonically in the books and so the movie wouldn’t their demise just for a little extra representation. Frypan is also black in the movies, and he survives. As well as that, it’s not like black people were the only people that died, Zart, Ben, Chuck, and for people that have only watched the movie and not read all of the books, Gally seemed to die too, as well as other white background characters, so it's not like it's a one sided thing, it may just seem like more because of the ratio of blacks to non-blacks. And also, both Jeff and Alby died saving their friends, their family, and so I don’t think their deaths should be seen as a negative thing. 
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wickedisgood · 10 years
Did it bother you that they didn't put in Newt's limp into the movie? I feel like that was a little important that they should have at least mentioned
newt's limp IS in the movie
i know there's even a clip with it somewhere but i can't remember which one it is. it's there, but it's not clear unless you are looking for it. it's not over exaggerated, it's realistic. newt has had the limp for years now, he'll be used to it. they didn't talk about it, but it was there.
for the record, if you want to find it, it's mostly seen when he's running in the maze.
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wickedisgood · 10 years
Am I the only one who is really bothered that the movie cut out the fact that Thomas and Teresa could talk telepathically? Like that's such an important thing and they just never mentioned it???
you're not the only one, but i am not one of those people 
wes said ages before the movie came out that it wouldn't be included, and there are good reasons. it would look very weird on screen if thomas and teresa just sat there not moving their lips but you could hear them talking. some things that work in books don't really work on screen. you could tell they still had a connection due to the dreams thing, though i'm not sure how they're going to work that into the second movie. it'll probably just have thomas falling asleep more again.
it's important to their relationship i suppose, but it's not important to the plot, it works without it, so that's why it wasn't kept in. 
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wickedisgood · 10 years
Least favorite change from the book to movie?
alby dying in the glade instead of making it into the maze at the end and sacrificing himself for everyone there but i understand why it was done so meh 
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wickedisgood · 10 years
very few things were taken away actually. most of them were replaced, which is not the same. time issues, most likely.
yeah, exactly. also there are lots of scenes that were filmed that didn't make the final cut, like scenes of the gladers just hanging out, thomas hanging with chuck, thomas being shown around the glade to get a better idea of all the jobs. wes says they'll probably be on the dvd, so it's all good.
it wouldn't have worked in the film because it was already longer than two hours and there was literally no place for it because it would have messed with pacing as well. 
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wickedisgood · 10 years
you seem to know a lot about the maze runner so I have a quick question. At the end of the movie, how did Gally know how to get out? he never went with them before and they didnt really tell him how to get to the 7th section and use the thing that will open doors....
this is purely theory, also there are book spoilers (for the entire series) so if you haven't read them yet there's your warning. (and also movie spoilers too for the few who are yet to watch it)
in the books it's eventually revealed that gally was being controlled by WICKED when he got to WICKED HQ, and also that he was stung very early on (before The Maze Runner), however in the movie it looks like Gally has been stung very recently as he looks the same as Ben does when he was. we see that ava paige and the rest of WCKD are actually still alive in the end of the movie, and we know that the maze was an experiment, so it would make sense that wherever they were hiding they either simply controlled Gally somehow or controlled a griever to go and sting Gally and then control him, whilst opening all the doors and disabling the other grievers so that he'd be able to get through without any problems.
Gally's actions are described as a variable in the books (in Group A Chuck jumps in front of the knife instead of it hitting Thomas, whereas Thomas' Group B counterpart, Rachel, does get hit instead, showing a difference in the two experiments) and like all experiments it would have to be controlled somehow, meaning any kind of unexplained detail in the movie was probably helped along the way by WCKD, however whether that is or isn't explained in the upcoming movies is another question.
TL;DR— it was probably WCKD 'helping' him.
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wickedisgood · 10 years
this might be a little late but i went to see the movie this weekend and i was kind of disappointed :((
(it's never too late, there are some places, like where i am, where it hasn't even officially come out yet)
but whyyyyyyy :c  what disappointed you? 
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wickedisgood · 10 years
I've got a spoilery question about the movie. So you might want to tag this when you answer it ;) It's about the scene where Teresa punches in the section numbers. Did I only imagine this or did Newt actually shout a couple of numbers at Teresa when Minho was busy fighting off a Griever? If I didn't imagine it, it's the most subtle hint that Newt was a Runner and I just want to cry because of the beauty of subtle foreshadowing.
i'm guess that means you want me to publish this..? 
but no i'm pretty sure it was only minho. the camera looks at newt but i don't think he speaks. i could be wrong but i'm like 99% certain. it would have been pretty cool if newt did help with it though, so maybe.
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wickedisgood · 10 years
do you have a picture of the crank they showed in the video at the end of the movie? where chancellor Paige is explaining the world to the gladers.
Nope, no footage or images of that scene have been released yet (for obvious spoiler reasons)
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wickedisgood · 10 years
i think it's you who has seen the maze runner in the uk? do you know what age rating it is? i'm fourteen and i thought it was a 12a but imdb says its a 15, can you help? thanks x
yep! It's 12a, don't worry :) 
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wickedisgood · 10 years
Hey I was wondering of you know any links to the movie online I went to go see it yesterday and I wanted to watch it again but at home???
I'm not going to be posting any movie links.
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