myfunkyself · 9 years
Activity Check .003!!
This month’s activity check at Take Me to Church is on! You have until the 10th of April to save your characters! The Purge will commence at 12 PM Pacific Time! Can’t say we didn’t warn you!
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stampmytimecard · 10 years
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Deanna "Dee" Ayre
Food: Avocado, Shrimp, and Steak Fajitas 
Place: Southern Californian Beaches. Three times a year she goes surfing for a week to relax.  
Color: Burgundy. 
Show: Nitro Circus, though she doesn’t watch allot of television.
Day: Saturday because it’s the one day that the Ayres make sure they are all together for dinner.
Works out for two hours every day no matter what.
Bites her nails when she is nervous or stressed.
Has really bad road rage despite being in complete denial about it. She doesn’t share the road well. 
Drinks 3 cups of coffee with caramel creamer every morning. 
Losing her brothers because they are the only family she has left.
A serious injury that would put her out of work for life.
Her brothers finding out she likes women too.
Snakes because she was bitten by a rattlesnake as a kid. 
Not realizing that her brothers were hardcore criminals until one of them went to prison.
Not listening to her brothers about that boy in high school. 
Letting her high school sweetheart go off to college.  
Raced in the women’s motocross AMA Pro Racing competition at age 18.   
Being able to point out the back of her head as a stunt double in a few movies. 
Having Meathead, her 2 year old pitbull who she takes almost everywhere and when she doesn’t gets really bad separation anxiety.  
Landing a steady job at Circus Circus. 
Getting her own apartment at 24.
Sleeps with her gutter punk friend who travels through every now and then.
Has had a crush on her best friend for years now. Her friend is a straight female and in a relationship.
Seduced her brother’s girlfriend when she was in prison on a girl’s night out. 
Accidently killed her neighbor’s dog but is afraid to tell him because he is a cranky old white guy.
Has always been curious about what her brothers keep from her about what they do…which is becoming less and less of a secret. 
Get her own Vegas act.
To end up on the cover of Playboy one day.
Backpack across America. 
Have a home beach front in Hawaii. 
Get in with Nitro Circus. 
Has an unforgiving, loud laugh.
Doesn’t like food that can’t be stirred together on a plate.
Plays with random small objects around her when bored.
The only animal she actually likes is her own dog.
Has a bit of a colorful vocabulary.
Watching Youtube videos of parkour and successful stunts
National Parks and beaches
Old cheesy horror movies 
Farmer’s markets
Extreme sports (skydiving, scuba diving, cliff diving, fast cars, motorcycles, etc)
Girl’s night out 
Saturday evenings with her brothers 
Cold showers and cold feet when she’s sleeping 
Dark liquor 
The feeling of glue drying on her skin
Video games 
Rainy days
Airports and flying 
Fast food of any variety 
When he brothers scare people away 
The “I broke a nail” type 
Sitting through movies 
Being at home 
Doing laundry 
Makes a moderate income to pay for her one bedroom and living expenses but her brothers give her “pocket money” for the holidays.
Which she spends on 2-3 day trips (camping, hiking, going to Cali surfing, cliff diving, off-roading, skydiving, etc). Aka she is kinda spoiled.
A messy person but somehow is able to remember where she is supposed to be and when. 
Is a professional stunt driver. Just got the license recently after years of trying.
Has been learning parkour for the last six years.
Was very fond of her father as a kid and is the reason she loves snow so much. 
Allergic and has a strong dislike of cats.
Didn’t embrace femininity until she was already in her early twenties. 
Never went to college but has spent much of her late teens and adulthood becoming certified, licensed, and/or trained. 
Was in an accident while practicing on her dirt bike when she was fifteen that left her left leg with minor nerve damage and a scarred up knee. 
Despite having two protective older brothers, they were also running with the wrong crowd. She was always on the outskirts but still wasn’t a golden child by any means. 
Moved to Las Vegas from Michigan when she was 22 with her brothers after Juan got out of prison. 
Leads a very busy lifestyle and so she is very rarely home for extended periods of time. 
Doesn’t consider her Heiman popping to be her “first time”. That would be with her high school sweetheart. 
Does not like “traditional” dates of dinner and a movie.
Describe yourself in a single sentence?
“Someone who’ll keep ya on the edge of your seat. That probably sounded like a date site blurb.”
Do you have a tattoo?
“Yes, many of them.”
How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?
"20, I guess."
TRUE OR FALSE: You find it easy to introduce yourself to other people.
TRUE OR FALSE: You are impatient. 
“False, though some things where on my nerves more than others.”
TRUE OR FALSE: You are relaxed most of the time.
“False because it only comes after the initial adrenaline rush.”
TRUE OR FALSE: It is difficult to excite you.
“False. I try to live a relatively exciting life.”
TRUE OR FALSE: Emotional things get you to cry easy.
TRUE OR FALSE: Your room is tidy.
“False. And it isn’t likely to be soon.”
TRUE OR FALSE: You love being the center of attention.
“Kinda true? In a “look at what I can do” not a ”look at me” kind of way.”
TRUE OR FALSE: You sleep around a lot?
“False. My brothers would kill me.” 
TRUE OR FALSE: You smoke.
TRUE OR FALSE: You drink.
“True. Dark liquors only.”
TRUE OR FALSE: You react violently to bad situations.
“Mostly false. Sometimes me and Juan get into it…but he just knows how to pick and pick and pick.”
TRUE OR FALSE: You are uncomfortable when you have to display physical attention.
“Mostly true. Depends on you.”
TRUE OR FALSE: You break promises a lot.
“False. Should definitely not try to.”
TRUE OR FALSE: You are almost never late for your appointments
TRUE OR FALSE: You are more interested in a general idea than in the details of its realization
“False. Small details can mean the difference between life and death.”
TRUE OR FALSE: You trust reason rather than feelings
TRUE OR FALSE: You readily help people while asking nothing in return
“True. Or at least I try.”
TRUE OR FALSE: You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions
TRUE OR FALSE: The more people with whom you speak, the better you feel
“True, I always check in with people…”
TRUE OR FALSE: You feel at ease in a crowd
“True, I perform in front of one a few times a week.”
TRUE OR FALSE: It is easy for you to communicate in social situations
“Mostly true? Sometimes you just don’t know what to say, right?”
TRUE OR FALSE: Your desk, workbench, etc. is usually neat and orderly
“False, I don’t have a desk or workbench and I probably wouldn't keep it neat if I did."
Template from here
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Name: Bronwyn Bennett Age: 25 Sex: Female Birthdate: November 17, 1989 Place of birth: Los Angeles, CA Height: 5'5" Weight: 115lbs Hair: Brown Eye: Blue-green Nationality: American Ethnicity: Italian, unknown IQ: 142 Spoken Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Russian
Meet Bronwyn Bennett, an off-the-books undercover FBI agent charged with infiltrating the Men of Mayhem Las Vegas Originals MC in order to obtain intel and evidence to take down both the MC and their arms supplier, the Russian Syndicate.
Born Mia Giordano in 1986, putting her real age at 28, she had a rather difficult home life while growing up. She never knew of her father and her mother was a junkie who couldn't even take care of herself, no less her daughters Mia and Lila. Because of this, she had to grow up entirely too fast as a child so that she could take care of her mother and younger sister. Determined to get as far away from 'home' as possible, she worked very hard in school to get good grades so that she could be accepted to any college she wanted and qualify for the scholarships that would fund her higher education. All of her hard work paid off when she graduated Valedictorian from her high school and was accepted to Yale. 
She didn't slow down a single bit once she was in college, a comfortable distance away from the only place she had ever known as 'home'. In fact, she only pushed herself harder, allowing her schoolwork to take over her life. She opted for academics over having any sort of social life. Double majoring in law and social and behavioral sciences, she attracted the attention of FBI Special Agent in Charge Eric Mischke who paid her a visit in the middle of her third year after one of her law professors had forwarded her information to him. Her gave her his card and told her to keep up her hard work in school and to give him a call once she had graduated. The visit motivated her to not only work more assiduously, but to also pick up more courses than were required. After six years, on May 24, 2010, she graduated from Yale magna cum laude with a J.D./M.P.H. in hand. 
In the fall, following her college graduation, she gave Eric a call. Within a few months, she found herself in Quantico, VA at the FBI academy. She approached everything she did at the academy with the same amount of tenacity, if not more, as she had shown throughout her university years and it showed when she graduated top of her class. It was at her graduation from the academy that she saw Eric again. He offered her a position on one of the undercover operations that he oversaw. After several months of specialized training, she was taken off the books, given her new identity - Bronwyn Bennett, born November 17, 1989 in Los Angeles, CA - and introduced to her partner, Jack Rockwell. 
With Jack, Bronwyn - or Bron as she likes to be called - has taken on some pretty big cases and helped to take down several criminal operations across the US over the last three years. The biggest - and the one that garnered Bron respect among her colleagues who didn't take her seriously because of her age - was that of Petros Sevacherian, known Armenian drug runner working out of Miami, FL. It was her and Jack's work on that case that revealed a human trafficking operation also run by Sevacherian that put a stop to the disappearances of many young high school and college aged women vacationing in the area. 
Their current assignment fell into their hands a months ago - to take down the Russian Syndicate and their ports into America through one of their biggest and strongest ports, the Men of Mayhem MC in Las Vegas, NV. This would be the deepest Bron has ever gone undercover, with Jack serving as her Bureau contact and her support person. Her in would be through Pussykatz, a strip club whose owner was friend to the MC and in which patch members could be seen steadily frequenting. She spent four months taking dance lessons and learning to swing around a pole like she had been doing it for years in preparation for this assignment. 
In the week between Christmas and New Years, Bron spent her time settling into one of the shittier trailer parks in town that she would call 'home' as part of her cover and acquiring her gig at Pussykatz honestly. Now she is biding her time, working full-time at the strip club and living the life of a struggling single 25 year-old woman while waiting for one of her primary targets (the higher ranking patch members) to come in so that she can begin her infiltration. 
Random Facts: 
Was actually born Mia Giordano on July 27, 1986 in Hayward, CA and grew up in the San Francisco Bay area. 
Is truthfully rather shy and introverted, but puts on an amazing act of outgoingness. 
Has never had a relationship because of her devotion (bordering on obsession) with her work first in school and now presently. Just as well, the only real friendships she has developed is with her partner, Jack Rockwell, and her supervisor/handler, Eric Mishke. 
Has not spoken to her mother or sister in over three and a half years as they think she is missing and/or dead, but she keeps tabs on them distantly, making sure that they (particularly her sister) are okay.
Extremely loyal and unwavering in her moral alignment (lawful good), which makes her a good candidate for her deep undercover work.
Addicted to learning, no matter how trivial the bit of information or skill might seem. Knowledge is power.
Picked up uke during her downtime on an assignment in Hawaii and soon after taught herself to play guitar. 
Highly skilled in hand-to-hand combat.
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twistedfaith89-blog · 9 years
Super exciting wanted ad with huge potential!! Could even be tied in with another ad, check the link for more info!
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twistedfaith89-blog · 9 years
Fight Club, anyone?? The Pit is the place where all illegal fights are held. No rules, just blood. Everyone from your washed up boxers to everyday gutter punks are welcome; including women. Catch the action of The Pit and see what your character is made of on TMTC!
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twistedfaith89-blog · 9 years
From #TMTCrp, I introduce to you the Mariani family! They are the local Italian Mob in Las Vegas. They have a rich history and plenty of plots! Lots of open spaces & faces; including the BOSS himself! Be sure to check out all the other great wanted ads & site canons as well; there is something here at TMTC for everyone!
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twistedfaith89-blog · 9 years
The rival MC of the Men of Mayhem in Vegas from the ever wonderful Take me to Church roleplay! These guys are very much needed on the site for all the drama and craziness! All positions are open, including the President of the club!
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twistedfaith89-blog · 9 years
Probably one of my all time favorite plots...oh, the hilarity! *warning: there is fowl language here, though it is minimal, I fell you should be warned.
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myfunkyself · 10 years
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Wanted! Brother for Lex!
Figured I’d give you guys first dibs on Raul before I post this up on TMTCRP!
Name: Raul Cortez Age: 36 DoB: December 12, 1979 Occupation: Retired Marine; Gunnery Sargent Nicknames: Gunney, Dickwad Relationship to Lex: Brother IQ: 138 Playby: See notes (suggested pb is Jake Gyllenhaal from End of Watch) About Raul: Raul Cortez is the older brother of the Lex Cortez (a year and a bit). He grew up in an abusive household with his brother so they learned to count on each other to help themselves get through the worst of it. The two brothers are very smart and did very well scholastically, but despite that, they fell into the wrong crowd and made friends with the rebels and miscreants of their school. It was through one of their shared friends that introduced the Cortez brothers to John Henley; owner of Henley and Sons Automotive Repair and President of the mother charter of the Men of Mayhem MC. It was with John that Lex and Raul started their career early as criminal, having a knack for stealing cars for John’s chop shop that he operated. It wasn’t until Raul was 18 that he was arrested for botching at a failed car theft. He left himself be caught so that his Lex could escape arrest. While Raul was incredibly loyal to John and even moreso to his brother, he remained completely silent when he was asked about who he was stealing cars for and who his partner in crime was. Fortunately for Raul, the judge presiding over the proceedings was familiar with the Cortez family situation. Feeling that the system failed this young man, the judge gave him a chance to straighten himself out by joining the Marines, the alternative being going to Prison. Raul was a smart kid and as much as he looked up to John, he decided that the club was not worth his freedom. So at the age of 18, Raul enlisted with the Marines. The only regret that Raul has is leaving his little brother alone.
Now, having retired from the Marines, Raul is back permanently in Vegas.
Personality: while a smart ass, Raul has learned to tone it down and is much more smooth around the edges as opposed to Lex. He has a temper problem, but never lets it get out of control. He’s loyal to Lex to a fault, always feels the need to watch his back, is considered a Friend to the Men of Mayhem considering his history and that Lex is the VP, so he has some loyalty to the Club, but more Lex’s sake, doesn’t approve of Lex living this life and does call him out on it from time to time, but understands why Lex chose the life he made for himself.
I promise many plots for Raul! There is much to work with here! Notes: Raul’s playby is open, but there are a few things I need to mention. If possible, the play by should look a little like Theo Rossi. If not, no worries about that. It is hard to find actors that look like other actors. The next thing is that Raul is a retired Marine vet (18 years), which means he probably wouldn’t have crazy tattoos on his arms, neck, face or whatever. Since this is a Real Life rp, I’d like to keep it as close as to what would be acceptable in the Marine Corps. He'd most likely have a "Semper Fidelis" tattoo somewhere, though. I found this excerpt from Time magazine should there be any questions about playbys and tattoos vs Marine Corps stance on tattoos: “The Marines last revised their tattoo policy in 2010. Commissioned and warrant officers can only have four tattoos or brands visible when wearing a physical training uniform (shorts and a t-shirt). For enlisted Marines, they can’t have tattoos on their hands, fingers, wrists or inside their mouths, and any tattoo visible from a physical training uniform can’t be larger than a fist. One of the Marine Corps’ considerations when they reviewed the tattoo policy is the “assignability” of individual Marines–they serve as embassy guards around the world, in addition to other highly visible assignments. “We’re confident that the current policy both ensures’ Marines worldwide assignability and protects our high standards of appearance and bearing,” Capt. Ty Balzer, a media officer for Headquarters Marine Corps, said in an email.”
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myfunkyself · 10 years
Let's get to know Lex a little better, shall we?
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First and foremost, it should be known that he was a geek growing up and still likes most of the same things that he did as a teenager. He is big into computers, as is evident by his computer circuitry tattoo. He also loves movies, being a huge movie buff and often makes reference to them in his day-to-day conversations. If you ever sat down at his laptop to quickly check your mail... well, unless you know a thing or two about computers, you would't be able to get past the first boot-up screen. And that's even before tackling with his passwords and safeguards he'd put in place. With so much riding on his ability to stay anonymous on the web, he has to protect his online identity to the best of his ability. Another fun fact, he goes by the name 'Lexicon', so if you ever chat him up online, chances are he's already perused your computer just for shits and giggles.
So now that the geeky stuff is out of the way, let's get down to his more not so endearing qualities.
He's a biker. He gets intensely angry at the drop of a hat due to his condition: while in prison, he was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and is prone to fits of anger. He was given medication and a prescription to help combat it, but he doesn't always take it.
He's an incredible smart-ass and has an amazing talent to being able to piss just about anyone off without even trying so hard. And most of the time, he doesn't even do it intentionally; his damn sarcasm always seems to get the better of him. There are only a hand full of people that can see through it, though, most of them being the other patch-members of the Men of Mayhem.
So how did he get involved with the Men of Mayhem? While he has only been officially part of the MC for the last ten years or so, he and his brother, Raul, have known them for much longer, since they were both in high school. Due to their less than ideal and familial situation at home, Lex and his brother ended up mixing with the wrong crowd and got involved with John Henley, the still President of the Men of Mayhem MC. The two cortez brothers stole cars for the MC and were actually both very proficient at it. John also taught them mechanics and hired them to work in his above board shop. This is where Lex also started his career (of sorts) as a boxer, with John coaching him and taking him to matches, all in the effort to give the Men of Mayhem a better name in the community. 'Look, we even take the time to coach high school kids to make sure they don't get into trouble. Look how awesome the MC is.'
While Lex is highly intelligent and has been known to be a bit of a joker, he knows when to turf that shit when things are about to get real in the Club. He has all but mastered the art of intimidation, being able to switch on the 'don't-fuck-with-me ' vibe like a light, able to push his own sense of morals and ethics aside in order to get the job done. He dubs this 'asshole mode' and you know you're in trouble when he's engaged it.
So... what else is there to say about this guy? Well, he loves the MC and is insanely loyal to it. How loyal, you ask? Would he go to jail for the club? Would he kill someone for it? Yes, to both of those and has. The prison part happened when he was in his mid twenties. The Club needed to meet up with their business partners for an incredibly crucial meeting, but couldn't because they were being watched by the police. So what did Lex do? He assaulted a police officer, stole his cruiser and drew the attention away from the club and onto himself by inciting an intense car chase down the Strip. Made the news and served the entire time. Who was that business partner that Lex sacrificed five years of his life for? The Russian Syndicate. The MC already had a very good working relationship with them, but due to Lex's actions, that relationship was strengthened even more. Lex was even protected on the inside by the Syndicate while he carried out his sentence. This was also where he learned Russian fluently.
It was after Lex got out of prison that he was promoted to VP, the previous one recently retired. John knew that he could trust Lex with club, knew that he would put it and his brothers before himself, as made evident by his stint in prison.
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stampmytimecard · 10 years
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Name: Deanna Bambita Ayre
Age: 26 Years Old
Sex: Female
Birthday: November 6th
Place of Birth: Phoenix, Arizona 
Height: 5’3”
Weight: 127 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown/Black
Eye: Brown
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Mexican, Cuban, Romanian  
Spoken Languages: English and Spanish 
Brief Resume:
Stunt Double in various films
Daredevil at Circus Circus
Various stunt driving gigs
Only steady job is the one at Circus Circus 
Father: Vincent Ayre :: Small time drug dealer - Deceased
Mother:  Aria Ayre :: Prostitute, Waitress - Deceased
Eldest Brother: Luke Ayre :: The Pit Founder, Mechanic, Chop Shop Operative - Alive and well. Him and Dee are close. He is a teddy bear but a grizzly, over protective one. 
Older Brother: Juan Ayre :: The Pit Founder, Drug Dealer, Car Thief - Alive and well. Him and Dee have a rocky, bantering kind of relationship. Gave her the snowflake pendant as a kid. Pretty snoopy when it comes to Dee's personal life. 
Random Facts:
Is huge into fitness. Loves yoga, Zumba, and kickboxing. 
An extreme sports maniac. If it involves adrenaline and some scary shit, Dee is down. 
Houdini is a God in her books and so is Evel Knievel. 
Likes to go to California to surf. Surfing is her vacation. It's one of the calmer activities she enjoys. 
Is closet bisexual. She has had a crush on her best friend for years now and Dee is too shy to admit it. 
Also has a travelling friend who travels in his van across the country. He stops by when he passes through Vegas to catch up. She'll let him stay on her coach while he is in town and he offers her excitement in his anarchic, gives-no-shits attitude. 
Dee was raped when she was 9 by one of her mother's clients. Her mother allowed it. The Ayres spent much of their time at grandparents until Luke was of age. 
Super optimistic and inquisitive, a little naive. 
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stampmytimecard · 10 years
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Name: Slade Thoreau Bronson
Age: 42 Years Old
Sex: Male
Birthday: February 15th 
Place of Birth: Rolli, West Virginia
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 174 lbs
Hair: Brown
Eye: Blue
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Irish, German, Polish 
Spoken Languages: English only mofos 
Brief Resume:
Carny at Gypsy Foot Midways
Bouncer at a strip club, enforcer for Mariani Family 
Father: Roy "Knuckles" Bronson :: former boxer, inherited family farm - Deceased
Mother:  Mary Leigh-Bronson :: stay at home mother, Sunday school teacher - Deceased
Younger Brother: Pagan Bronson :: unknown, haven't spoken in years   
Random Facts:
Loves strippers. The fact that he works at a strip club has meant 96% of his dreams have come true. 
Is not a relationship kind of guy. 
Slade is what many would consider very ignorant. He is racist, sexist, and more than just a complete asshole. 
The epitome of redneck, backwoods, and likely someone you'd see at the local motorcycle bar playing poker.
Has a traumatic brain injury that has left him without a sense of smell, is hard of hearing, and has to use post it notes all over his apartment because his short term memory isn't the sharpest.
How did this happen? When he was a carny, a bolt plate snapped from the wench and fell on him. He was lucky to survive.
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stampmytimecard · 10 years
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The Ayre Siblings were born with a common love of anything with an engine. They take great pride in what they drive, feeling that what they drive is an extension of themselves. They would never be caught in a beater and each had named their "child". Since they were young, tranny fluid has coursed through their veins. 
Luke is the mechanic in the family, a grease monkey by trade. He does all the maintenance for his own and his sibling's vehicles. I could imagine him being into classic American muscle cars since he spent some time around Detroit steel. Something like a 1966 Chevy Chevelle, keeping original chrome and putting a v8 in it for speed. He is all about performance and getting from 0 to 60 the fastest.
Juan on the other hand is the smooth talking, flashy brother who prefers something that rides nice and is more of a luxury model. He is the family thief, who enjoys grand theft auto in real life. He was really good at what he did until he got a little greedy and went to prison for a few years. Prison hasn't dulled his sense of style however and he is all about classics too. He has a 1972 Cadillac Eldorado...a two seater just so girls know don't get any ideas of baby seats. ;)
Deanna, like her brothers, prefers old school. She is a tomboy, growing up with her brothers encouraging her love of motocross and stunt work. It was Juan stealing parts and Luke putting it together that landed Dee her first dirt bike at 12. She like big, powerful, and a reliable vehicle to go off roading in. After all, some places to go cliff diving, surfing, or camping require a little muscle. Plus she has a big brother who can fix it if need be. That's why she drives a 1981 Jeep Cherokee Chief with a lift kit, wonderful suspension, and big ass tires.
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myfunkyself · 10 years
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Lex Cortez, the Vice President of the Men of Mayhem Motorcycle Club.
Name: Alexander "Lex" Juan Cortez Age: 34 Sex: Male Height: 6'0 Weight: 174 lbs Hair: Brown Eye: Green Nationality: American Ethnicity: Hispanic Date of birth: February 29, 1980 IQ: 128 Spoken languages: English, Spanish, Russian Education: Bishop Gorman High School Diploma, Undergraduate degree in Computer Information Systems, specialty in Information Systems Security; Devry University
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Special Agent Jack Rockwell of the FBI, undercover operative.
Name: Jack William Rockwell Age: 35 Sex: Male Height: 5'9 Weight: 165 lbs Hair: Brown Eye: Grey Nationality: Dual American/British Ethnicity: Caucasian Date of birth: September 15, 1979 IQ: 124 Spoken languages: English, Russian, Italian Aliases: Yuri Ivanov Education: Bishop Gorman High School Diploma, Ph.D in Criminology and Criminal Justice; University of Nevada
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stampmytimecard · 10 years
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The Ayre Siblings: Luke, Juan, and Deanna. 
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stampmytimecard · 10 years
WHAT DO YOU WANT TO SEE ON THIS SITE?: Lots of crazy, in depth plots with a super open, friendly community. I do like the adding your own canons idea. It would help generate plots. An idea for the requests issue, maybe before one can post a plotter they have to post in three other character's? I know that most people like to request for their originals. Um, um....lots of stuff.   
FAVORITE PLOTS: Crime, undercover cop, doomed romances, lots of dark stuff with a dash of fluff in there. 
FAVORTIE FACES TO USE: Norman Reedus, Tony Ward, Travis Fimmel, Gogo Blackwater, Alysha Nett, Natalia Worner. I play equal gender ratios.  
ANYTHING ELSE: I'm bringing some old characters to the site with some new. A ruthless enforcer with an affinity for strippers, a former burlesque queen turned stripper who is a recovering addict, a circus performer with two older brothers involved in a fight club, and likely many more. 
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