bigmack2go · 6 months
I havent posted abt atwow in much too long so…
Lesbian or aro-ace kiri
Non-binary kiri👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Tuk went from the most feminine female to the genderlessed baddass in the history of gerless badasses
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^human au Tuk🤷🏼‍♀️^
Gender confused Rotxo [male or non binary] (in the end he just decides they doesn’t need a lable)
Tsireya and neteyam are besties!
Just found out it isnt canon that koko loro and rotxo r triplets LIKE BRO THE LOOK T H E S. A. M. E.
Ao'nung and rotxo both would be one of those guys to wear a purple hoodie with a black daun-jacket all fall and winter as their only outfit but it somehow always stays clean. Any way aonung would have that style in a very straight way (this man is everything but straight 💀😭)
Double eyebrowpircing human rotxo
Kiri has freckles and she would 100% be on wich-tok, tumblr, and collect christals if she were human
And tsirey pulls of e. V. E. R. Y. Eyeliner look, style and color
I just wanna say i believe in sully-brothers-wearing-toothnecklaces supremacy
Rotxo-> purple hoodie with goofy pictures
Kiri is one if those remus-lupin-cardigans girls to cry to lana del ray in the bathroom (me)
And she showed tsireya lana-del-ray
and kiri hhas a septum and an eybrowpricing maybe even a lip or toungeonr
And loak is a basketballer i just know it
And he would be one of those people who could just where whatever combined with what ever and call it style and it would work.
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While neteyam on the other hand would have the best and most homosexual (-/j) style that exists in this universe like bri he be so fine
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And allthough he almost never does he could ahundret percend pull of indiekid (he usually pulls of normal indie but ykyk)
PLUS neteyem eventually beat some actual style into him
Also if this isnt human loak i dont want it
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Neteyam also would have the best music taste and you K N O W it
Neitiri would obviously be of faith and Neteyam too. Neteyam would be one of those guys thats friends woth the cool kids but solehow hea the only one in that friendgroup that has morals.
Aonung our beach boy surfer boy he's so QuiRcy Ahhh 🤪🤪 (i just cringed at my self) Tangtop and bathshorts summerjob at some random pool am i wrong??
and tuk did karate
And aonung almost cried when he got his tatoos. For. every. Single. One.
Now that would be totally fine if he didn’t go around telling everyone how tough he was and how it didnt even hurt, just tickled. (Nete was there for some of them. He bust raises his eyebrows and silently judges him when he says shit like that)
Rotxos tail curls when hes rly happy or exited
If rotxo was to cook smt he would 100% burn it and when i say burn it i dont mean Oh No ITs AIL bLaCk AnD cRuSTy NO I MEAN
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Oh and also i just know he loved golf back on earth
Jake showed them all human stuff like lana del ray and shit and spider is in LOVE woth spiderman like broooooo uts just a little too accurate
And they're all Beyoncé obsessed bc jake showed them
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Some of these are from my friend btw but she doesn’t have tumblr. ALSO i made none of the incredible artworks! The TikTok of the artist is in each photo!
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goalhofer · 9 months
2023-24 Cleveland Monsters Players With 1st Letter Of Names Reversed
Aoman Rhcan
Ayler Tngle
Ble Ojørgvik-Holm
Barcus Mjörk
Bameron Cutler
Čavel Pajan
Corson Ceulemans
Cake Jhristiansen
Cole Clayton
Duca Lel Bel Belluz
Dosh Junne
Frey Tix-Wolansky
Gake Jaudet
Get Jreaves
Kamuel Sňažko
Mames Jalatesta
Mtefan Satteau
Munter HcKown
Marson Ceyer
Pustin Jearson
Pikael Myyhtiä
Swen Oillinger
Stanislav Svozil III
Silly Bweezey
Wlex Ahelan
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wolfvirago · 2 years
@tngle​  - s.c.    
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The crowds cheers erupted from the plaza, from children to adults, everyone was astounded. Dancing on the stage was a masked young lady. Her movements flowed like water, smooth and graceful. Each step was performed with elegance as if she had been dancing her whole life. Her long silky black hair was tied in a neat ponytail, an intricate moon ornament keeping her hair in place.
Before long, the music slows down into soft and more romantic ambiance. Couples started getting on the impromptu stage and dancing to the rhythm of the music.
Robin didn’t mind not having a partner, although envy filled her upon seeing the happy couples. She was intrigued by the dancer that was in the kingdom with her troupe, and while the wolf wanted to go and dance too, why go alone?
A long sigh. Robin rubbed her eyes and started to walk away, before bumping into a person shorter than her, but garbed in green. Was he a performer too? Sure looked like something from a traveling circus.
“Hi.” She greeted politely, just as her parents had taught her to do. “You see the traveling dancers yet?”
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strawberry-barista · 2 years
⚅ — Pre-Producer starter call! — ⚅
— ★ ⚄ ★ —
A soft sound of scuffling could just barely be heard behind the corner of a particularly dark back alley, and the grunting of struggling individuals made it clear the fight that was breaking out just behind the shadows. Though, it was quite one sided, a group of men beating down on a single victim.
Their prey was left behind broken down and desperately clutching a pair of dice to his chest and with a warning not to scam his bets again. Not that a fight like this had ever taught him anything before. He absolutely would be playing again, and he absolutely would play with money he didn't have.
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For now, though, he just wanted to get himself back together. He hurt. His hand snaked up his side, ghosting along his clothes as gently as he could. He sought out any cracked ribs, but he found that this day he was lucky. He would have some nasty bruises, but he was going to be mostly okay.
With a sigh Hanekoma got up on his knees and tried to push himself up to his feet, but he didn't get far. A sharp pain jolted like lightning up through his leg and he cried out, falling back against the dingy wall. His eyes rolled down to study his feet, and he could already see his ankle swelling up right under the cuff of his threadbare pants. Sprained. And much too painful to walk on. He absolutely did not want to accept help from anyone, not for anything. But... There was no way he was getting anywhere on his own...
"Goddammit," he growled, squeezing his calf and feeling the sensation all the way down in his ankle. "Fuck... What am I going to do...?"
He only had to ruminate it for a while longer before the sound of someone passing the alley echoed to him where he was posted up. His breath caught in his throat as he hesitated, but he knew he had to push past his inhibitions this time. Even if it brought him utter humiliation, he needed help.
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"H-hey! You! Please, I need help!" Words like bile on his tongue. "Please, help me!"
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shnnn · 3 years
damn shannon
the veggie tales kink rumor is why you refollowed me 😔😔😔😔😔/h
i have had a lotta gin and i am known to have sloppy fingers whatcanisay
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pathologising · 4 years
-_- i feel like the guy in spongebob tat yells my leg ...
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trembeling · 6 years
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spark1edog · 2 years
alcohol/suicidal ideation cw
long ramble about. Things ig. tldr: moving house, coping with substances, really going BbrbrrrrrRrr about having turned Older
i had my bday party on the 28th and went kinda wild at the liquor store so there’s just been. soooo much alcohol in the fridge and like it hasn’t even been a full week and it’s almost entirely gone. ive been avoiding day drinking pretty well, but this month has put me through the fucking wringer goddamn
i had my first booth vending for my small business early this month, then i greyed out a whole week and it was birthday time, blacked out a couple more days, then it was a few days until the party, and since then ive been even MORE out of it and losing time AND now we have to fucking move. im also like mega depressed but that’s probably just because ive been drinking and also taking my meds so. whatever it’ll go away maybe
im just super worried and kind of ashamed of how easily alcohol could become a big problem for me. the only barrier now is money, and maybe distance when we get to the new place. sighs i just.
i hate moving so much it’s really hard for me emotionally cuz moving is usually associated with a terrible situation for me, but this time it isn’t and it’s like. my body is kind of in shock and ive been so so so dissociated bc of all the feelings and memories moving brings up.
it’s a terrible sensation i feel it in my stomach and groin almost, that tends to be where the most visceral confusing deep seated stress is felt for me. to compound things, my hip has been causing problems RIGHT after my back stopped. so walking and lifting things has been hard and im. agh im dreading packing and moving and thinking about all of the bullshit logistics and stuff behind everything.
my mom was like. hey do you want me to tell you guys (me and my partner) how much this is costing As A Life Lesson? and i just said. listen man. that will make everything so SOOOO much worse for me bro. like if something financial related is like relevant to a conversation you don’t have to Hide it or anything just. i really really don’t need every detail because that will just make me feel triggered and guilted and then i’ll REALLY have a rough time with this move.
it’s interesting though that like. when we moved in here it was a genuinely just. awful time and i didn’t even plan to survive to see the next place tbfh, but im here now and it’s really very surreal and scary and im. upset. there’s so much going on mentally like. god how the fuck did i let myself get this far away from The Plan yk like. i never planned to be 21. Never. i thought i would die under 19. i fucking Wanted to. but i like. i don’t now, not right now, i think ill still die young probably but. i have concrete like reasons to live now and plans for a future where i can maybe even be kinda happy. i just. it’s so fucking scary to have gotten to this point where im actually. somewhat content with being alive.
and now moving out of this place in that position is. hopefully going to make it easier to bounce back, im just trying to focus on what i want to do with my room and all that. i want to try to get to community college in 2023 i think, but im just trying to get through the day right now. im just fucking exhausted on so many levels and like. the system has been cooperating more or less on making sure things stay moving and stuff but. god im just so. fucking. tired. all the time. i just want to be Done and stay that way for a minute.
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smeachthepeach · 5 years
teaser of CursedThriftShop.mp3
had to overlay over a video cuz tngles doesn’t want me to upload just audio.
i hate everything about this
not even adding tags just to hide it
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kimjunnoodle · 6 years
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tradewus · 4 years
IOTA apoya al grupo de empresas japonesas para ganar cuota de mercado
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En una nueva entrada del blog, la Fundación IOTA informó sobre una cooperación actual con varias empresas de Japón. Best Materia e IMC están trabajando juntos para aprovechar la Tngle de la IOTA para sus propios procesos de negocio. Best Materia e IMC se encuentran entre las mayores empresas de mantenimiento de Japón y han puesto en marcha un nuevo proyecto en colaboración con la mayor organización de la administración pública NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization). La IOTA apoya al grupo japonés para ganar cuota de mercado El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar tecnologías para mejorar la seguridad, la durabilidad y la resistencia de las instalaciones de infraestructura crítica en el Japón y en el extranjero. Utilizando la tangle de los sistemas de mantenimiento basado en el riesgo (RBM), las centrales eléctricas, las instalaciones de generación de energía, las plantas industriales, las plantas petroquímicas y las refinerías de petróleo, el Grupo se propone captar una gran parte del mercado nacional de mantenimiento de la infraestructura social por un valor de 170 billones de yenes (1,5 billones de dólares). En el informe se afirma que este tipo de mantenimiento predictivo mediante inteligencia artificial y tecnología de libro mayor distribuido es el primero de su clase en el mundo y, por lo tanto, tiene un punto de venta único. Read the full article
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boysrep · 7 years
sw920312: 오늘 원준이형 누님의 결혼식!!너무축하드리고 감미로운 원준이형 목소리 들으시면서 더유닛 투표 합시다!!! 투표 링크는 제 인스타 프로필에 있습니다. #원준 #성준 #수웅 #더유닛
[TRANS] Today is One Junn Hyung's older sister's wedding ceremony!!! Sincerely congratulations After hearing One Junn Hyung's soulful voice, vote for him on The Unit!!! The voting link is on my instagram profile. #OneJunn #SungJun #SuWoong #TheUnit trans cr. TNgLE
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anauwu420 · 6 years
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Little moss flowers 🌸 https://www.instagram.com/p/BtSHD-TngLe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=zigeknsy8m3n
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hydrosspyross · 6 years
I don't like the new layout of tvshowtime, why am i being attacked like that, is the tngle purge not enough?!
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mephilver · 7 years
Me: im gonna post some art
tngle: haha fuck you *crashes google chrome, shuts off my internet, forces my laptop to self destruct, and kicks me out of my own home*
me: k
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ghostpunkrock · 6 years
Why the fuck are my top posts what they are some of them have 2 fucking notes
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