#to add some variety in amongst the buffy posting
cyanhexagram · 2 years
Exploding magnets
More people should know about the ridiculously large magnetic fields that people make.
I haven't been able to find a video of the largest fields ever produced on earth - which has to happen outside because it creates such a massive explosion (deliberately - it uses large amounts of TNT).
I have found a video of the largest field ever produced indoors:
And now, those are record attempts, sure. But there are facilities where people put actual precious samples in facilities where they deliberately let the magnet explode to get data about how stuff behaves at these high fields (there's a video if you click through):
Like, these facilities are bonkers. They charge up Massive capacitor banks and let them discharge ridiculously quickly in order to get Huge currents which generate magnet fields tens to hundreds of times greater than what you need to levitate a frog! Still nowhere near what you get in a neutron star, but thousands of times bigger than the field on the surface of the sun. And when you put samples into these magnetic fields, you get matter behaving in ways very different to what it does otherwise.
Magnetic fields aren't just about looking at iron filings. You can make fields which are literally astronomically large in the lab using very dramatic equipment, and I think that's very exciting.
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