#to be clear I haven't even seen either film yet (mostly because I have a billion things to do at all times)
olessan · 5 months
SO Warner Bros just announced their new LotR movies, one of which is called The Hunt for Gollum.
There are two old, fairly well-known and high-quality Tolkien fan short films called The Hunt for Gollum and Born of Hope.
The Hunt for Gollum, which had accrued 13 million views on Youtube over its lifetime, released May 9 2009;
Born of Hope released shortly afterward on December 12 2009 and has accrued 50 million views on Youtube.
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WB just got it removed.
They fucking filed a copyright claim on the 15 year old fan film whose name and plot they reused for their own film. They did this within the past 24 hours, after some reporting pointed out the fan film and generated a bit more buzz for it.
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Born of Hope remains up, but given there is a second Warner Bros LotR movie with an unnanounced title, I'd bet money on it also being an Aragorn origin story and they'll strike Born of Hope next year.
Also, given the new WB film is apparently only now starting production and is supposed to release in 2026, it will have 1-1.5 years of production time, which is less production time than the 50 minute fan film.
The original LotR trilogy had nearly 3 years of production time, not including finishing the second two in the proceeding 3 years after filming them all together.
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galadrieljones · 26 days
Zabel Interview, Team Delusional Round-up, re: the past few weeks (months?) 💫
(Based on an ask from @natural-blue-26! This post contains spoilers, pertaining to the script leak. If you don't want them, turn back!!)
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First, let me say that @twdmusicboxmystery has posted an excellent video covering this topic over at her youtube channel. This post is jumping off of that, with some additional takes and analysis by me!
Also, note that I wanted to wait to post or to talk about this too much publicly until today, as I think there are a lot of genuine shippers who might be let down right now. Not all c*rylers are unhappy, unruly people. Many are shippers just like us, and even though I don't ship it, I support them. I am only putting this in the Team Delusional tag, so anyone who sees this is seeing it either because they follow me, follow the tag, follow someone who follows me, or they went looking for it themselves. I am not making drama or inciting a "ship war." If you're here out of anger, I suggest you turn back. I am just going to go over what I see.
The Facts
There has been a recent spate of events that have lead Team Delusional to a rare and more than modest resurgence. Until now, we were mostly just working with templates and symbolism, with a healthy dose of informed meta and speculation: We were seeing how the season 4/5 template was beginning to unfold toward the Grady arc, which includes Carol in a major role.
BUT. Let's check in with what's been going on over the past six months. A lot of this new resurgence starts with Emily's multiple trips to Europe for TWD cons in the past six months, integrated with her (yet unrealized) insinuation that she has been in studio recording one or more songs that Beth sang on TWD. Massive financial burdens aside, these are unusual undertakings for Emily. While she has done many fan cons over the years, visiting Europe twice in a four month period is bizarre (as well as expensive). She also talked openly and excitedly in the panel at French comic-con about how cool it would be if Beth returned. Further, Emily's "re-recording" of "Parting Glass" and possibly other TWD songs was a fairly big announcement for us at the time, but we haven't seen any more on it since. Speculation went everywhere from "She'll be singing in a flashback in Daryl Dixon season 2" to "Her songs will be part of the soundtrack" to "She'll actually BE in season 2, singing, in the present moment."
A lot of these things, if they were spread out over a 5 year period, wouldn't matter at all. But the fact that they're all taking place in the six-month run-up to Daryl Dixon s. 2, when we've already been able to speculate her tenuous return based on templates and other tells, is exciting. It's been almost ten years to the day of Beth's *death.* Why now? The timing on all of this is very suspicious.
Now, a few weeks ago, there was a LEAKED SCRIPT excerpt, which was claimed to be the final scene of DD 2.6. In the script, we learn that Isabelle has died and is appearing to Daryl in the form of a hallucination while he fights walkers in the Chunnel. This was confusing for many reasons. First, we already know, given their ruthless advertisement of the fact, that season 3 is already being filmed in Spain. So why are they headed to England? Also, where the hell is Laurent? Further, Isabelle's death, while unsurprising to many of us, creates some new questions. Many members of a certain *other* ship were ecstatic to learn about Isabelle's death, as Daryl/Isabelle ship rumors have been rampant in the fandom basically since season 1. Forget the fact that the same ship FREAKED out over Daryl/Leah three years ago (a clear nothingburger). Any time another female character even comes into contact with Daryl, a notable portion of fans must make their "displeasure" widely known.
Moving on. Yesterday, an article came out summarizing a yet-unreleased interview with David Zabel in SFX magazine. You can read it here. In the interview, Zabel makes the following comment about "C*ryl":
"The obvious thing to do, and the easier thing to do would be, 'Okay, now they're falling in love and they're a couple.' But I always felt like that would be a mistake, because it would feel like you were going into the TV book of tricks," he explains. "To me, there was never a question that [their connection] was something other than what it is, and what it seems to want to be, and why it works so well."
Zabel then goes on to hint at a highly-contentious romance with Daryl and Isabelle:
"What happened in season one was that you could see a connection forming, for sure," he says. "We didn't manufacture that but we left room for it. A lot of season two is about the development of that and where that relationship goes, and that little surrogate family of Isabelle, Daryl and Laurent."
Now, the full interview doesn't come out until September 4, at which point, we may get a clearer picture of what's going on. However, it seems that Zabel is politely declining the "C*ryl as romance" narrative. In the quote, he uses the excuse of wanting to avoid TV tropes; however, he then goes on to say (in a portion of the quote that is being wildly misinterpreted among the c*ryl ship) that "To [him]," there was "never a question that [their connection was something other than what it is." He then equates "what it is" with "what it seems to want to be" and "why it works so well." The misinterpretation is coming with that second part. "What it is" = friendship. Zabel is clearly saying that c*ryl "seems to want to be" exactly "what it is," aka: a sacred friendship and nothing more. He's basically saying that this already "works so well," and so why fix what ain't broke? Why create a romance between two characters who are clearly just very, very good friends when he could go another, more interesting direction?
Certain c*ryl accounts have misinterpreted that section of the quote. They seem to think he's saying that the c*ryl ship "seems to want to be" something else, something other than what it is. But if you follow the grammatical logic of the sentence, you can see that they're wrong here. It wants to be what it already is, which is friendship. Of course, to c*rylers, what it already is = romance, but that isn't canon. There's no proof of this. In fact, there's more proof to the contrary, that they're best friends. They're family. Carol was married to somebody else, raised a child with him, still holds a contentious relationship with the other man, allowed Daryl to toil away in the woods alone for five years because she needed to stay with her husband...
In addition to factual evidence from the show, the C*ryl Friendship Campaign has been going strong on social media for MONTHS. In her video this morning, twdmusicboxmystery also goes over quasi-recent comments from Angela Kang which are UNSUPPORTIVE of a c*ryl romance. The notion that this perspective is coming out of nowhere, which some fans are claiming as a way of blaming Zabel for either lying or betraying his fanbase (and the actors), is, frankly, absurd.
Please note that I'm not saying that nobody should ship c*ryl just because it isn't canon. That would be silly. I ship non-canon ships all the time. BETHYL is a non-canon ship! I've written whole fanfics for Beth and Daryl (well, I've tried lol, but most remain unfinished). It's one of the funnest parts of being in a fandom.
What I'm saying is that c*ryl is NOT CANON. It never has been. And the people who get angry about this, who want to get professionals fired over this, who think that they're entitled to getting exactly what they want, lest the show perish, are wrong. They're doing it wrong. It's totalitarian and, frankly, obsessive. This is not how you be in a fandom, and my interpretation here of the Zabel interview in conjunction with the C*ryl Friendship Campaign is that they are TRYING to let this highly volatile and frankly unpleasant faction of the fandom down lightly in an effort to get them off tptb's AND the actors' backs. They don't want to deal with this shit anymore. And by the way, they're actually not leading anyone on. They've been insanely clear here, in their rebranding of c*ryl to a platonic ship, as to what's happening and what's going on, and while I really do feel for the good people who may feel let down by this, I am GLAD to see that the showrunners aren't going to heed the demands of one tiny, loud faction of a giant fandom, and that despite the haters, they're going to tell the story they want to tell.
Over the past 48 hours, things have gotten...weird. Zabel's interview dropped less than a day after the TWD Skybound social media accounts appear to have...posted a Bethyl edit out of nowhere. @sweetz1919 also posted early this morning, bringing together a few more Beth-related posts on either official accounts or *near* official accounts, which post promotional material, and which are followed by AMC TWD. One of these posts is a repost on twitter by Scott Gimple, who so rarely posts on social media, that any time he does, it's like a unicorn, symbolically notable and certainly important.
Now, pertaining to the Zabel interview, another wide complaint taking place in the c*ryl camp is that Zabel is likely LYING or he is being taken grossly out of context, because if c*ryl isn't happening, AND Isabelle is going to die, then how could Daryl POSSIBLY get his happy ending?
THIS is where Team Delusional comes in. Of course, we have our theories. Most people think WE'RE the delusional ones. And maybe we are! Lol. I don't really care. Most of our theories are crafted through a TON of hard, circumstantial, pattern-driven, and symbolic evidence, evidence taken from IRL sources, and hypotheses made after paying very close attention to what's been going on and making LOTS and LOTS of connections over a period of many years. Me, myself, I've only been here for four, but some of you guys have been doing this for almost ten, and for that, I salute you! As I said earlier, TD has been theorizing Beth's "return" in DD2 based greatly on symbolic and template-driven evidence alone for a while. A lot of what we're seeing now on social media is playing directly into our hand.
Emily in Europe multiple times in a 4mo period, including a trip to Paris, with her latest stint being just a week before "official" filming for season 3 was set to begin? Emily re-recording tracks from TWD? Leaked script pages in which Daryl mentions Beth specifically AND suggest that Isabelle is going to die? Romantic!C*ryl = not happening? HOW could Daryl possibly get his happy ending now? The rest is TD theory, ie: WHY we think Beth will come back to manifest Daryl's "happy ending." Speculation and theories on how she could come back, the connection to Spain/England/France, that's basically all we talk about lol, each of us with our own interests and niche perspectives, all arriving at the same point.
SO while there is still no proof that she is coming back, all of this is a Good thing, actually. For us. Because while everyone is looking around, freaking out, wondering what's going to happen next, we are seeing and able to read a LOT of signs that others ignore. And rightly so! There's no reason the rest of the GA needs to think that Beth is legitimately coming back. That would overshadow Carol's role in season 2, which is significant. It's just important that the GA REMEMBERS who Beth IS, that she was important to Daryl, and that hey, people used to really like Beth, and they liked Beth and Daryl together, and that was hopeful, and nice for him, and he hasn't had much "hope" or "niceness" since, and wouldn't it be nice if he could have that again...? All of these things are really there to do just this: let the c*ryl ship down easy, and remind people that Daryl once held a very strong connection to a woman whose life "ended" too soon, and who has really never been mentioned again.
While I really have no idea what's coming next, I wonder if we'll begin to see more astroturfed discussion on Beth's *death.* How weird it was, what the hell was going on at Grady, etc. If we don't see it in promotional material, we may hear about it in-show. Because if Daryl is casually mentioning Beth (along with Merle and Glenn) to Isabelle's ghost/vision in episode 2.6, then this likely implies that he's told her about Beth before, and that he's talked to her about what happened. It implies that Isabelle knows who Beth is, which would be a truly insane development, since he's literally never talked about her to anyone, including Carol, as far as we know.
So anyway, as usual, we should all just keep our heads down, chins to our chest, keep hope alive, but with a balanced sense of anticipation. We still really don't know what's going to happen, so it's important to be rational, but it also won't hurt to have a little faith 💫
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Velma Season 1 Review (Review for Weird Kev27)
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Hello all you happy people and for this fine start of april we're looking at something that's been long overdue.
So something I've only expressed a little on this blog is that i'm a massive scooby doo fan. While I grew up with the world's greatest great dane and really loved mystery inc, over the last few years i've gone from simply appricating the series to being a massive fan with a decent amount of knowledge. Together with @jess-the-vampire we watched EVERY scooby do movie, we've binged most of the shows and i'ts given me an apprication for the franchise as a whole.
So naturally the first new series since i became a scooby head was a cause for .. cautious optimsim. Yeah while I liked Mindy Kaling's previous work with The Mindy Project and felt the idea of an adult scooby doo series had potetial the combination, i was tredpedatious as adult series can mean "excellently plotted comedy where you can have a plot about abusive parenting, bi erasure and the mafia in the same episode as a country set slaughter fest, said abusive parent putting dildo's everywhere because he assumes that's what gays like and an extra horny shark man who statistically has boned half of every room he's entered. "… and sometimes you get show's whose whole identities are random cruel violence, dickery and
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Sadly.. Velma ended up this way, with the trailers presenting a show that not only didn't really care for Scooby doo, but picked the most obvious ways to deconstruct it while loudly scremaing
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In lieu of actual adult conversations or themes. It had specks of those but it was mostly just obessed with proving how clever clever it was. So let's talk about tha tunder the cut eh?
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Yeah while we WILL be hanging around for Scooby Doo, we are not talking Velma.. yet. I haven't even braved it just yet, as a combination of the counltess dickheads crticizing it for being "woke"…
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The series making everyone but Fred POC was a GOOD idea .. it just seems couched in a lot of jabs that come off as them having never watched a damned scooby doo show past where are you. I'm not sayin gi'ts required to watch thousands of hours of scooby doo to make an SD property, but watching a FEW episodes of more recent series to make sure your stuff is fresh and checking to make sure yoru ideas are either new or a diffrent enough take on an idea to work. While i'm not sure if the writers of recent series like Mystery Inc, Be Cool and Guess Who? have seen EVERY scooby do thing, it's clear al lhave seen enough of the franchise and know it well enough to play with it, from making it a cosmic horror story , to a wacky comedy with Fred and Daph tweaked signifigantly, to a team up show that has Malcom McDowell take our heroes to a distopian future where Shaggy and Scooby have no tonly surivvieed this long but are fighting to the death.
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I will give Velma a shot eventually and likely cover it too, but for now me and Kev just weren't all that invested. He might have me cover it later and if he decides not to I might still just do it anyway, but for now that's just not something i'm going to be doing
Instead.. .we're covering something that DIDN'T get released. Yeah as a special treat i'm taking a quick look at Scooby Doo and Krypto Too. SDAKT was supposed to be another scooby doo direct to video film, coming out to allign with the Super PEts MOvie, which I also need to see at some point. Problem is it was made during WB"s Tire Fire years, and it along with a HEX GIRLS MOVIE MY GOD YOU MONSTERS WHY DID YOU CANCEL THIS, were scrapped, and the latter was nearly complete.
That would've been the end and given the project was never even ANNOUNCED, as is common as Warner only tends to announce sd movies a few months before release, and Warner's Habit of locking good animatoin in indiana jones vaults.
Thankfully some brave soul we still don't know leaked the film, which not only leaves potetial for more of the stuff they've refused to release to get out there, but was a nice hearty fuck you to a company and president who prides trying to stop bleeding money in the sleaziest way possible over actually making things tha tmake money. I"ve been vocal as hell about The Warner Bros Discovery Tire Fire so you better belive me and Jess watched this asap. And if WBD had a problem with that.. they PROBABLY shoudl've let the film actually come out then instead of destroying months and sometimes years of effort and locking it in crate to make 5 dollars, as their's legally nothing they coudl do. They did try to remove the film, but this being the internet once it was out there they couldn't undo it and it's already in the wind as it damn well should be.
So naturally when Kev, after several diffrent ideas I won't say in case we end up going with them at some point, suggested this I was all on board. But when you strip away all the controversy what do you get?
WEll you get a pretty decent Scooby Doo Team Up Film. Scooby Doo DC Team UPs are far from new, going as far back as the Scooby Doo Movies, and only increasing once warner started syndergizing it's propertie smore While a LOT of it is naturally fitting team ups with the world's greatest detectives including a full on reunion movie for batman brave and the bold that I love dearly, they've also teamed up with the flash, wonder woman and even had a dc comic ENTIRLEY DEDICATED to team ups that featured my boys the doom patrol among MANY other deeper cuts and currently have one just for batman and the bat family.
It's still weird though to see them team up with Krypto, but not unwelcome. It helps for me at least that as a big comcis nerd.. I fucking love Krypto and as a teen got a two pronged attack that made me a lifelong fan of the pooch: Krypto showed up in Geoff John's run of teen titans as Connor's loyal canine (with Clark having given Connor his dog), and a mostly realstic dog who just happens to have kryptonian powers nad wear a cape. The other was the opposite an da series that's only grown on me with time, Krypto the Super Dog. While meant more for the preshool set, Krypto was still a LOT of fun, going in a more silver age direction, throwing in things like Streaky, Supergirl's cat in the comics, and Ace the Bathound and best of all the Dog Stars of the Universe, who I was shocked to fine werent just made up here to serve as Krypto's own Legion of Super Heroes.. actually existed in the comics. Why they haven't been brought back I don't know. you look at a bucnh of dogs with weird super powers in space and tell me it's not gold.
So finding out this existed was great. And honestly even putting aside the stupid shelving.. it's a solid DTV Scooby Film. i've watched all of them, not hyperbole, and while i've seen far better, including the recently released trick or treat scooby doo, this is still a fun entry.
The plot is kinda simple: The Gang visit Metropolis just as the Justice League has gone missing and no other heroes exist in this universe because plot convience. Our heroes are summoned by Daphne's old friend Jimmy Olseon to help Lois Lane look into this. Lois is perfectly played here too being fast talking, no nonsense and only not investigating herself because 80 thigns are going on at once with all the supervillians running riot. Jimmy less so as he thinks hea nd daph are together and has been telling people such when they never reallyd ated. We also get Fred being jealous of which I have some notes on.
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I won't talk much about it. It's bad, it shoudl feel bad and the only saving grace is it's not DAPHNE IS JEALOUS OF SOMEONE BEING INTO FRED WHILE THEIR NOT TECHINCALLY A COUPLE PLOT #98. Seriously it happens a LOT. A LOTTTTTT.
We also get our usual parade of supsects: a foodtruck lady running challenge of the super fries, the local valet whose tired of super cars because Green Arrow apparently has a SECOND arrow car just for metropolis, and what have you. The main suspect and treat of the film though is Lex Luthor. Lex is played to hammy perfection, not only trying to buy the hall of justice but being open about being a buisnes scumbag and eventually being forcced by circumstance to work with our heroes, wtih him and velma playing off each other really well. Lex is easily the best part of the film. He also gets a great moment as while shockingly he's NOT behind it, his assitant mercy who in this continuity is in love with him and was tired of Lex being more buisness luthor and less mad scientest luthor was behind it to try and do an evil scheme since he wouldn't. I mean.. I can't see her complaint: Buisness scumbag luthor is STILL miles ahead of piss in a jar luthor.
Still it's a nice motive.. and Lex was not only AWARE the whole time , he only let it play out to see whta she could do and hacks her robots for her plan easily… then reveals he let her plan go ahead to buy time for his: to demolish the hall with giant robots. Naturally she loves this and they get together. It shows off both versions of luthor great: the cold buisness man who uses hsi money and cleverness as a weapon, and the mad genius who hates superman and wants to destroy something only tagnetally related to him out of spite. his evil dog rex even turns out to be a robot and knowing Krypto was around he put a chunk of kryponite in him and the robots
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Krypto himself.. works really well and is the heart of the film. While Luthor is EAISLY again the best part, Krypto's main traits are shown off: he's loyal, loves his master and the feeling is mutual. Krypto was left behind by clark for his own saftey after the fight that sent the group into the phantom zone, and it's clear all Krypto wants is his master back. He dosen't get a ton of characterization fo ra movie based on him, but it's nice seeing his inherent bravery and invunerbality contrasted with the gangs cowardice or his confusion when in one bit , Shaggy triggers the kitchen, the JLA's danger room , and it makes it into an actual kitchen, with his confusion bein ga nice hint at the gag. We also get a real solomon grundy who just wanted to pet dogs. And how can I not relate to a fellow swamp monster who just wants to pet dogs?
The climax is great, wtih our heroes and various red herrings stepping in, a truly climactic figh tnad hero much like his master powring the fuck through even at his weakest. We get a heartwarming reunion.
Scooby doo and Krypto Too isn't a top tier, one in a millon DTV scooby movie but it's still an excellent one. And while NO FILM deserves the sheving WBD heaped on it, this film is an easpecially galling example of that and if you can find it out there, go do so. It's a fun tight 90 minutes. We return to our reguarlly scheduled nonsense in an hour or so. Thanks for reading.
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thatstormygeek · 8 months
Margot Robbie did a fine job in Barbie and I do enjoy watching her performance, but the role itself just wasn't that…interesting? It didn't give her all that much to do. And yes, ha ha, real life imitating art with the man getting nominated, but giving the lead actress an award nod just because she's a woman in the feminism 101 movie isn't great either.
The things the author suggests should be rewarded - defying all critical expectations, making moviegoing fun again, and the message about women having to work twice as hard - are not things the best actress category is about, as far as I know. (which isn't far, because I quit watching awards shows before I even joined facebook, and I quit facebook years back)
I'd imagine those are more things for the best picture category. Maybe screenplay. Editing? Costume? Those kinds of categories as well, depending. But not necessarily actor. Again, though, what do I know.
Something, I suppose, because Barbie does have a Best Picture, nomination. And adapted screenplay (yeah, I bristled at that, too, but it does fit with the usual way things are sorted, even if I'd quibble with that usual way).
Oh, shit, they got a costume design and production design nomination as well. Maybe I'm not as clueless as I assumed (to be clear, I hadn't seen this article when I wrote everything above this paragraph).
Now, it should be added that Gerwig and Robbie were nominated — just not for best director and best actress. Gerwig got a nod for best adapted screenplay for the film, which she co-wrote with Noah Baumbach. And Robbie's work as executive producer, for which she is up for Best Picture, included convincing Mattel to take real risks in how the character and the company was portrayed.
Oh wait, what? You mean, they are actually being recognized for some of the work they did? Damn.
And I want to really emphasize that we are talking about the Academy Awards, right? Like, the Olympics for movies, I guess. As in, few even get to that level of recognition/competition, let alone get nominated, let alone win.
So when you have a single movie hoovering nominations, there are that many more projects that don't even get into the running. So. Yano. Just to keep things in perspective here.
Back to Robbie's performance - it's not that she wasn't good, but there wasn't much there there. Barbie was the character around which the movie revolved, so her purpose was mostly to...be. I believe Robbie very much has the range for a Best Actress Oscar. This role, though? Not so much.
You know what role in Barbie did have that range more than the titular lead? Gloria. She's the one who delivered the fucking feminist monologue.
Actually, we can continue the art copies life copies art reading of the situation: the outrage over Ken getting a nom when Barbie didn't has completely overshadowed America Ferrera's nomination altogether. A white woman did not receive the praise many felt she'd earned by simply existing and being pretty while the recognition of a Latina's hard work gets handwaved away as a "nice, but." Sure, it's nice that the woman who absolutely nailed the most relatable part in the movie gets nominated, but it doesn't matter as much because Barbie herself did not. And yes, a lot of that Robbie snub outrage is because Ryan Gosling did get a nod. But folks are pissed about the lack of a nomination itself as well.
This is already way too long and I haven't touched on the Best Director part yet. Though there isn't nearly as much for me to say, either. I don't know why the Academy didn't pick Gerwig over someone else who got nominated. I can't argue it wasn't a decision based in misogyny.
What I can, and do, take issue with is the LA Times writer's need to be awful about the other projects in her attempt to somehow prove Gerwig was being unfairly treated. And doing so while tying in the historic nomination of a Native American actress is just bad. Especially considering the horrid smallpox joke and absolutely pointless Mount Rushmore gag that made it all the way through to Barbie's final product. (seriously, though, did nobody say anything? or did gerwig & co just overrule?)
The state of feminism right now makes me sad and tired and articles like this are doing nothing to help. Barbie shouldn't have been seen as revolutionary by so many of my friends, and yet. I can't believe we've managed to get to a place where I long for the fucking 90s.
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helsaguy · 4 years
hi i love frozen and just found your blog and was hoping you could answer some questions because i see a lot of stuff on your blog that surprises me and that i haven't known. i hear rumors of some course correct going on but i was wondering if this is true and how people know this? what would happen? did they really think to redeem hans at one point? where did they talk about how they got hans' actor to come back? can helsa become canon with honeymaren and people wanting elsa to be gay?
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If you love Frozen, I’m afraid you find my blog at a dark time. As I no longer consider myself a Frozen lover. Yes, I still hold some good old memories from the first film but all my love and respect goes to Helsa (Elsa and Hans). I love Elsa, I’m a Hans fan, and a Helsa shipper forever and always. None of those categories include me being a Frozen fan. And I don’t even want to talk about my extreme hatred toward- I don’t even feel like typing the title of that forsaken sequel.
Having said that I’ll try to respond as much as I can, as much as I know, and as much as I heard.
I’m going to add a cut here because this is a very long message. Like 1900 words long.
I have a little of an idea about those “some course correct” you talk about. But first of all; I don’t think anything is confirmed. It all started most likely with this video #StarsInTheHouse #30: Bobby Lopez, Kristen Anderson-Lopez, Santino Fontana, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff. If you go to ‘1:07:50′ you hear Kristen Anderson-Lopez mention “Frozen 3″ but nothing is really said about a third movie happening. I think someone asked if there was a wedding somewhere. And Kristen says that’s Frozen 3. So I assume she’s talking about a Kristanna wedding happening for Frozen 3. Then again I don’t even know if they are being serious or they are just playing around talking about a Frozen 3 that is not in the making.
Josh Gad then jumps saying that ‘he won’t come back for a Frozen 3 if Santino Fontana doesn’t come back.’ Josh says that Santino has to come back. Santino either is touched by Josh’s words or he plays being touched by Josh’s words. Then Kristen says that there are a lot of angry people on the internet complaining about the same thing; I assume she means Santino not coming back for the sequel. And Robert adds that some people complain or blame the Anderson-Lopez for that? But the couple says they had nothing to do with that. Jennifer is the main culprit. Santino seems to appreciate that people want him back but comments about being hard to do so after “hanging a sword over a girl’s head” and he goes to talk about him now being father to a girl. Josh Gad goes to talk about how Darth Vader tried to kill both his children and he still was redeemed, meaning that there’s still hope for Hans.
And here I have to say that people seriously need to stop with the idea that Hans is this demon that came from Hell because they couldn’t be more wrong. This whole thing of Hans being an “Irredeemable monster” is so f*cking stupid and so f*cking forced. I’m so sure it came right from Jennifer Lee’s a** to spite fans. There are thousand of Disney villains, real villains, who are real monsters. Who have done far worse than Hans. But Hans is the one getting this absurd amount of hate? Are they f*cking kidding me?
I don't hold anything of importance said on that video as set in stone. But anyone who wants or needs to think there is truth in that conversation can come to the conclusions of:
A Frozen 3 could happen. I think anyone knew already that if this franchise keeps being popular, Disney would figure out a way to make a third film. Because all they care about is dirty money. Personally I'm only interested in a third film if they bring back Hans, redeem him, and have Helsa happening at-freaking-last. If they are going to make a third film all about Kristanna getting married and Elsa being treated like an immaculate supernatural being in the forest, all the while Hans keeps being forgotten and mocked for some cheap laughs, Jennifer Lee and her crew can very well go f*ck themselves with a giant cactus for all I care. That's just my personal opinion. My very strong personal opinion.
Josh Gad and the Lopezes, mostly Josh Gad, want Santino Fontana back. Which at that I’d like to think it is because they see how much he is missed and they know his character has so much to give. Also I would like to believe they are talking this way for the sake of the fans. Hans not coming back at all is one of the main reasons for why I’m beyond pissed at the Frozen sequel and I know I’m not the only one feeling this way.
“What would happen?” I don’t know what you mean by that.
“Did they really think to redeem Hans at one point?” Definitely yes. And this is the interview that gave many Hans fans, me absolutely included, hope 6 years ago. Jump to ‘minute 17′ and they start talking about the Frozen sequel. Santino got in contact with the writers to see if he was going to be in the new film and - I’m really feeling like insulting the writers right now. But I won’t because I have to focus on the fact that it is the directors and not the writers calling the shots - the writers tell Santino that they want to bring him back and redeem him. This has been known for years and the fact that Hans’ “participation” in the sequel turned out to be f*cking nothing, is a huge problem for me. A very huge problem. If there’s not foam coming out of my mouth right now, I’m sure that at least my blood is boiling in my veins.
I’ve read more about the dropped redemption plot from @leepunzel​. But I don’t know how reliable she or “her source” really is. So it’s up to you if you want to ask her more about this.
"Where did they talk about how they got Hans' actor to come back?” I don’t know where you get “Santino coming back” is a fact. Like I said, I don’t think anything of that Stars in the House video is official. As far as I know there’s been talks about a “Frozen 3″; I’ve seen people on YouTube who have access to press information drop the title, “Frozen 3″. But nothing is fully official or confirmed yet.
Also, 6 years ago Santino was ready to come back. Now? I don’t see him that convinced if the opportunity presents. Which, being brutally honest, I find truly sad. Painful even. I want Santino Fontana to come back. Hans’ redemption and Helsa are the only things that would make me want to give my money to Disney again. But I don’t blame the actor if for whatever reason he doesn’t come back if this “third movie” ever happens. God, there’s nothing I want more than for Hans’ redemption and Helsa to happen. Disney can come up with all the animated movies and live action remakes they want. But all I want, all I need, all I care about is Hans’ redemption and Helsa. Nothing more. Nothing less.
“Can Helsa become canon with *one*m*r** and people wanting Elsa to be gay?” Yes. Personally I don’t care about the new characters. They could be dropped and completely forgotten for a third movie and I seriously wouldn’t care. I think most people wouldn’t care. None of the new characters are relevant or important. And I think the only new characters people really care or talk about are the fire and water spirits anyway. I dare say that Helsa happening has even more chances of succeeding because that would be a compelling story and it wouldn’t cause the film to be banned in other countries. Besides, every time Disney (or Pixar) has come up with LGBT characters in their films they always seem to get backlash. It’s clear that it doesn’t matter how much Disney tries to insert an LGBT character, it just doesn’t work in a positive way. That’s what I’ve seen anyway. Very few people show their approval at the revelations while most only critique, bash, and complain. And I doubt very much Disney wants Elsa to be victim of that kind of treatment. While if Helsa happens, the story will obviously have to show how Hans really doesn’t want to be “the monster everyone thinks he is” and they would show how Hans and Elsa really grow to care for each other. Could something like that generate backlash? In my opinion it shouldn’t. Maybe a little? But it really shouldn’t. However I’m convinced that story would be beautiful.
"If we get Frozen 3 what do you think will happen and what do you think they can do with the characters with where they are right now?”
If Frozen 3 happens, I will always want nothing more than what I have already stated several times. But I really don’t trust the directors and writers. So I have no idea what they will do. Probably come up with bad ideas and poor development and characterizations like they have done already in the sequel. It’s going to be super hard for them to come back from that fiasco in my eyes.
What do I think they can do with the characters? First of all I think they should break Kristanna up. There’s this deleted scene from the sequel where Kristoff actually has a serious character arc that involves him being insecure or uncomfortable living a “royal life” and I think it hints at Anna thinking that maybe they shouldn’t be together? I think that’s neat. I think I haven’t seen that in a while in a Disney movie. The last time I saw a couple deciding they shouldn’t be together was at the end of Pocahontas 2. But not many pay attention to that direct-to-video sequel xD Quite frankly the whole idea of Kristoff being married to a queen and having to live as a royal is one of the most uncomfortable things the sequel came up with. I can’t imagine for the life of me that Kristoff is the type of character that would want something like that. For a character like Aladdin that story works. He wanted the life in a palace style and I loved how in the live action movie it is clear that Jasmine is the one who wants to rule the kingdom and Aladdin just wants to be there for her as her right hand. But as much as I imagine Kristoff wants to be there for Anna, the palace life doesn’t suit him. He never expressed wanting that life. And the same goes with Anna wanting to be queen. That’s not the life she wanted either. The whole “Anna being queen” thing did ruin Kristanna for me.
Hans is easy because he is a resourceful and adaptable character. To me his home lies with Elsa. If Elsa stays in the forest, Hans can adapt. I would imagine he would even adapt faster than Elsa to that life. If Elsa goes back to Arendelle, Hans definitely has things he could do. He could want to take a simple job as a commoner if he doesn’t have his royal title anymore. He could go for a military position as he already has military training. Or he could be taken as an advisor for either Anna or Elsa (if Elsa wants to take back the responsibility she literally dumped on her sister’s shoulders), as Hans has shown aptitudes as a diplomat and leader. He could be a big help for the inexperienced Anna, or he could help lift some of those duties from Elsa’s shoulders when she feels she needs some time out for her sake. Hans is more valuable as an ally than an enemy. And the directors were seriously stupid when they decided to keep him out. No wonder Hans wanted to “find his own place” in Arendelle. He really does have so much good to offer.
Something also interesting, although too political maybe, would be the "what if" Anna and Elsa want to end the monarchy? What if Elsa doesn’t want to be queen again and Anna doesn’t want to be either? Maybe Anna remembers she actually wants to have an outdoors life with Kristoff, or she just doesn’t find herself as queen? I honestly think that job will consume her. What if Elsa and Anna come up with an idea to turn Arendelle into a democracy or whatever? Both sisters would be free to do and go wherever they want.
This last option is the most unlikely to work, but who knows. Disney could find a way to not make it sound so political.
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gaycey-sketchit · 3 years
(Gary anon) (I'll try to shorten things as best as I can. Get well soon) My mind's kinda foggy on that film, but I remember enough of the plot to get why people want it redeem. I wouldn't mind it, good stuff gets overshadowed all the time due to bad timing and advertising. Luckily services like Netflix has given movies like that a new lease on life. (Some enough to be revived) I remember back when the remake was in production that "Be Prepared" was said to be cut. (Which
(Part 2) (sounds like a GREAT idea, let's out the VILLAIN song. One of the most prolific ones at that, fans will LOVE that) It made it back in before release, and by "back it" I mean, it sounds like something thrown in last minute. (No matter what age you are, you never stop exploring and learning. People still find new things about themselves even in their 60s) I heard, makes sense for this to be a random performance. *Contests/Showcases sounds like something that would've been advertised
(Part 3) a while ago. *And wouldn't be used twice in Journeys, IF this was one. (Speaking of Morpeko, I think any chance of seeing it in a battle got shot to bits when one of the magazines said that Ash vs. Marnie will be a 1v1; instead 3v3 like most expected. And because of that, fandom has got mixed feelings. If Marnie loses, her fans will be upset that she was just battle fodder. If Ash loses, that means yet another L for Gengar. Either way, no one really wins here)
(Part 4) There's a good chance we could see it again. Unless they decide on using a random trainer instead. (I can see that for him, getting different perspectives on how each professor works and how he applies it to his own researching skills) Right?! Each region he's been [confirmed to be] in, Gary had at least one new member from it. It'd be kinda surprising if he has nothing new period. Especially considering most everyone else who returned has had team updates,
(Part 5) mostly via someone evolving or a new capture. It'd be nice to see a full team from him; with old and new. (Hoping for something not Kanto, Johto or Sinnoh-related, but I'm okay either way) Nothing quite like a Hyper Beam phasing through a hill to kick-start the day.
I appreciate it!
Yeah, it seems like an interesting one that just got kind of overshadowed for... reasons I'm not sure on, I was really young when that one came out.
If there's one good thing about streaming services, it sure is that.
Oh man. Just... Yikes. Why even think of cutting such an iconic villain song? That would not have gone over well. It really is a shame that one didn't pan out because the idea had potential and there were good things about it--casting voice actors of African descent (including BEYONCE) was good, and like... retelling a story in a different style isn't something I think is inherently bad. There are remakes and reboots that do that well, and The Lion King itself is essentially a retelling of Hamlet where the characters are animals in Africa.
Yeah! Learning about who you are and what you want to do can happen at any age.
Yeah, I just think it's a little funny that Twitter had a whole Conversation about the idea of Chloe doing contests and how the fandom tends to dismiss contests (despite canon itself making it clear that contests and coordinators aren't inferior to battles and trainers) only for it to turn out she's doing something else entirely. Should be a fun one though!
It really does sometimes feel like there's no way to please this fandom. I'd say I don't envy the writers having to handle that situation, but if I could speak and write Japanese I'd actually be down to write for Pokeani in a heartbeat regardless. But that sure is a situation.
Yeah, I hold out hope. We haven't seen his big puppy since Johto but we always could.
Yeah, I really vibe with the concept! Someday maybe I'll write a fic about it, I have Ideas.
For sure, I'll be surprised if we don't see anything new from him. It's been so long since we've seen him work with a full team (the last time that happened was the Silver Conference like twenty years ago!) so that'd be interesting to see.
It's a thrill for sure. Got hit point blank with a hydro pump yesterday and that was something. (I also keep standing a little too close to battles and getting hit by my own Pokemon's attacks. My Decidueye has shot me with arrows so many times.)
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