#to be clear this whole blowup fucking slaps
skeine · 1 month
i mean. i get the situation between laudna and orym was delicate. she was upset and under delilah's influence. the hells had a fine line to ride between sussing out wtf was going on and sending her running. they had to support her or be carefully neutral to do that. and that meant leaving orym to defend himself alone, to challenge laudna's actions on his own. i get it. who better to handle it? the guy's got plenty of practice.
still. it would have been nice if at least someone had spoken up to support orym before he felt he had no choice but to back down. before he felt he had to sacrifice his emotions and convictions and safety for the sake of the group and the mission. yet again. as per usual.
it's remarkable how even in a group of seven living in each others' pockets, orym has always felt so fundamentally alone. and for all the heart to heart talks in the rain, how this exchange played out shows that not all that much has changed really. still shouldering the ugly battles himself, doing the dirty work, taking the hits so his friends don't have to. until he just can't anymore.
in the midst of friends and still so alone. deliberately, willingly, so much of it by choice. and somewhere in the back of laudna's mind, delilah laughs and laughs... and waits for her opportunity to strike.
it's his role i guess, he chose it himself. i just really hope it doesn't end up killing him.
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
My Brother’s Keeper - Chapter XI
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Genre: Psychological Thriller
Modern Ivar X Modern Hvitserk
Rating: MA+18
Overall Warning:  Dark story told from an emotionally distributed person’s POV with graphic and sadistic material including rape, terror, torture, kidnapping, drug use, slash, implied incest, necrophilia, and insecurity. Heavy trigger warnings.  
Chapter Warning:  Character devolving.Graphic sex. Torture. Rape Necrophilia.  Heavy trigger warnings!
Summary: Mama always said to be their brothers’ keeper. Now there is absolutely nothing these two won’t do for each other.  Boys will be boys…
A/N: This chapter might be a hard read, but it's supposed to be because Hvitserk is devolving. It's hard to explain without giving too much of the story away, but trust me, there's a reason for this. I hope I did a good job showing the struggle within the character.  
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Chapter XI
I don't remember this ever being so stressful. Maybe it's because we've never taken two of them before.  Well, we’ve had two in the same night, but never two at the same time.
I thought it was logistically impossible, but Ivar had everything planned to the letter. He's brilliant – a tactical genius. Just being able to think of every move before it happens, all of the calculated risks, even the reactions…if I could have his looks, charisma, and his brains?  I’d be the total package.  
Even though every part of the plan worked perfectly, there’s still something nagging at me.  All of this feels off. Of course, Ives says it’s because I’m just a creature of habit, but I think it’s more than that.  We’re doing all kinds of stuff that we have never done before. We’re breaking rules, making shit up…
I’m all for him being spontaneous, but for the first time since we were kids, I can’t read him.  Normally, we’re on the same page when it comes to this.  We know what the other is thinking by a look or a head nod – but right now?  I don’t know what the hell is going on.  
He came up with this plan and didn’t tell me about it.  He just did shit. Naturally, it worked out; it’s Ivar.  But, he just did it...without me.  
He said he didn’t want to burden me with the details, that I’ve been so stressed lately, that he just wanted me to sit back and enjoy.  I know and trust that he would never do anything to hurt me, and that he always has my best interests in mind, but it’s a little scary not being able to be inside his head. 
It’s empty when I can’t feel him. 
This bond we share, not as brothers, but as soul mates - being two life forces that are perfectly in-tuned with every aspect of each other…that feeling...he’s slipping away from me.  
Now, he’s doing shit that he knows I don’t like. Take drugging them for example – I’m not into that. There’s a big difference between getting high with someone and drugging them. When we get high together, they get to pick their party favor, sit back, and enjoy the ride.  It makes our night together so much more fun because we’re both in an alternate reality before anything ever gets started. It’s kinda like Star Treking through the Twilight Zone.  
But when you drug a person, you’re taking away their choice.  They don’t know what the fuck is going on.  They’re all spacey and shit, and I can’t tell if they really want to be there with me, or if it’s the drugs talking.  I need them to be able to make the choice. I need them to submit to me and not give up because they’re high.
I know I’m being a bitch about this.  He was just doing the best he could to make sure we got both of them.  I can’t help but to try to think that had to have been another logical way to do this.
I wonder if Ivar knows that I went inside their house last night?  I bet they didn’t know that their bilco doors weren’t locked, or that Ms. Johnson never fixed that cellar entrance from that time when we got in there to get some of her pills, a few years ago.  Hmm.
I was good.  I didn’t touch anything; I just watched them make love.  She is beautiful and the way she looks at him is enough to make me want to lick her face.  Her body is amazing. I could tell that from when she was standing in the back yard, but naked?  Dainty, pale skin, soft curves...she’s gentle and he was a little too rough with her, for my tastes.   
His body was the direct opposite of hers.  He’s got defined muscles, hard plains, tanned skin. The way he touched her, picked her up, slapped her ass...you don’t manhandle a woman as delicate as her, like that.  It took everything I had not to kill him right there. 
But she seemed to like it.  He turned her.  He destroyed a perfect, angelic being and turned her into his personal blowup doll. That’s why they had come.  I have to save her, and he has to pay.
So, what other choice did we have?  How else were we supposed to get them here?  Drugging them was the lesser of the evils, but fuck...this?  
If it was just slipping them something, I could live with that.  But what the fuck am I supposed to do now?  How am I supposed to go through with this if I know their names and their story? 
I seriously don’t think I can do this anymore.  I mean, I want to. God I really, really want to. But they're like real people now.
I guess it would have been a little weird to just take them out for drinks and not ask them anything about themselves. Well, I didn't ask, not really. That guy, Bishop…what did he say his real name was? Heahmund?  Like I gave a fuck. Well, he decided to tell us all about him and his beautiful wife, Aud. And because that shit for brains doesn’t like the natural lull in conversations, we had to find out all about how they just got married and moved out here. 
He's from up North and she’s from the back East and apparently, they met someone in the middle, blah, blah, blah...  I don’t care about their life story.  But I do care that their families back home are going to miss them.
Just talking to them was weird, too. Usually, people only talk to Ivar. But them? They were talking to me, like looking at me and everything. And the way Aud’s eyes twinkled every time she said, Fitz, it was like…wow.  I just wanted to keep hearing her say my name over and over again.  I almost told her my whole name, just to hear what it sounds in her mouth. 
I want to eat my name off her tongue.  God, that would be fucking amazing.
Maybe that’s why I started getting hot and dizzy when they got up to dance, and Ivar opens the capsules and dumps the contents into their drinks.  I just wanted her to say my name one more time, without being drugged. 
"Now!" Ivar's voice fills the cabin and pulls me out of my head. My eyelids feel heavy as I open them. My neck doesn't start to hurt until I reposition myself in this chair. From this new position, I realize that this guy is naked and handcuffed. He’s wearing the dog collar around his neck and Ivar is holding the end of the leash in his hand, practically dragging him around the room. 
But, what is that damn rattling noise? Wait, are those the leg shackles? Where the hell did they come from? I thought Ivar got rid of those things months ago. 
It hurts my neck, but I still strain it to look around them until I can find Aud. 
There she is, sprawled out on the mattress, her arms tied to the metal grates of the fireplace, and her legs are tied to something that Ivar has sticking out of the floor. What in the hell is that, anyway? Whatever it is it looks sturdy enough. 
I must say, Ivar's been doing a lot of work fixing this place up. He must have spent a lot of time here when I was out of it before. The lights in the ceiling work…they flicker but, at least, they're on. Most of the other shit has been cleared out, too. Between cleaning up this place and taking care of me, where does he find the time to do anything for himself?  I really need to do a better job of taking care of him.
Bishop’s muffled voice is weak as just before he falls over when Ivar puts the cattle prod to his chest. If only there was a way to make him understand that my brother would just as soon electrocute him for the hell of it - it would be in his best interest to just follow along. 
If dude thinks it’s bad now, just keep defying, Ivar. He’ll learn.
The sound of my chair leg scratch along the floor makes Ivar’s head turn toward me.  His smile splits his face in half and he offers me a wink. "Glad you decided to join us. You woke up just in time." Now that he has an audience, I know he is not going to hold back.  
Truth be told, I’m a little sad about that fact. I kinda liked them, Aud & Bishop.  It might have been nice to have some friends or possibly get to know some people that Thora and I could go out with as a couple or something.  I’d like to hang around some regular couples to see how they do things, get some tips on how to be normal.  Judging by how far things went while I was out, there doesn’t seem to be much hope for that now, though.  
Oh, well.  It’s not like I can do shit about it now; unless blacking out counts. That seems to be all I can do lately. That must be why I'm sitting over here in this lumpy ass chair in this corner, like a child on punishment.  I don’t even really remember what happened.  One minute Aud was sucking me off and her husband was calling for her.  Then I was sad because his voice was breaking my heart.  Next thing I know, I’m waking up here, just in time to watch my brother break my two new friends.  
"You with me, brother?  Come over here, you gotta see how cool this is.” Ivar's face turns from pleasant to harsh when looks back at Heahmund, "I told you to get over there and fuck her. Now!  Don’t make me tell you a third time." Did I wake up on planet Quaddork?  Ivar usually does the torturing, but now he’s going to use them to do it to each other? 
It’s a brilliant idea, but shit if I don’t feel bad about it. 
My legs are wobbly, but I make my way over to the mattress and I swear Aud's eyes remind of Thora's when she's afraid. Just the way she's looking at Heahmund to save her, like a kid who needs their daddy to protect them from the things that go bump in the night…fuck. Out of instinct, I kneel down and touch her bare her foot. Even if I can't help her, I just want her to know that I'm here. 
She's so scared, but I want her to know that she doesn’t have to be scared of me, “It's okay Thora. I'm not going to hurt you." I need to find her clothes. Her body is on display. Every man in this room, including me, can see her entire naked body.  This isn’t right.  She needs to be covered up, at least part of her, at all times.  When she’s naked, she becomes the parts and the reaction I need and not the woman that I want. She can't be like that.  Especially not here and definitely not around my little brother.
"If you don't fuck her, he will." Ivar's voice is harsh causing the tears to run faster from her eyes. "They think I'm fucking around, Serk. Why don’t you show Bishop, here, how it's done?"
I love Thora and I make love to her all the time. But not like this and I won’t do it in front of him. I have to keep something separate, something for myself. "Ivar, please.  Keep Thora out of this."
"Aud." Ivar has the leash wound tightly in his hand as he kneels beside me. He strokes my hair and whispers in my ear. "Her name is, Aud."
I nod my head, "Right." That is her name, Aud. 
Fuck Aud. She's not Thora. My hand trails her leg and when I reach her hip I hear a scuffle behind me. Bishop is trying to get at me. I guess Ivar’s trying to stop this from happening. I don't know how he managers it, but somehow he’s gotten the larger man on the ground and when he nods his head, I know what he wants me to do. I cover her body with my own and before anything happens, I remove the ball gag from her mouth. "It'll be over soon. I promise."
"Please help me, Fitz?" Her whisper makes my heart skip a beat. I stroke her hair back and focus on her face as she sobs her request. She's so pretty.  So innocent. Ivar doesn't understand, we have to protect the innocent ones. 
"It's okay, Thora.” I close my eyes as I kiss her forehead.  “I'm here.” My thumbs trace the side of her face and I wedge my hips in between her legs. 
I just need to look at her for a moment. I want to take in all of this innocence before I possess it.
I hear screaming behind me and it makes me turn around.  My brother looks satisfied, he must have gotten his way from the man in the collar. "If you want him to stop, you know what you have to do." He gives the leash some slack before yanking it down forcing the man to kneel on the mattress.  Holding his hand out to me, Ivar motions for me to come to him, "You'll have her soon, Serky. Let her husband have a turn."
As soon as her body is exposed again, I realize she's not Thora. She doesn't look like her; her body is not like Thora's. She's laid out and waiting for another man. Thora would never do something like this whore in front of me. Instead, she would be putting up a fight, trying to keep what we have sacred. She wouldn't betray me and lay with someone else.
"Heahmund?" She cries as he says muffled words into the bend of her neck, slowly positioning himself on top of her. He's taking his time, trying his best to stall. Little does he know, he’s just going to piss Ivar off more. I can't take my eyes off of them. All this human interaction is marvelous. "Just do what he says and he'll let us go," her words come out weak and choppy as she tries to reassure him.
"No, he won't," Ivar laughs at my statement. He’s squeezing my shoulders and cracking the fuck up like I just told the joke of the fucking century.  I have to admit, his laughter is making me start to giggle, "He's never gonna let you go."
She turns those hopeful eyes towards me and suddenly it’s not funny anymore. "But, you can, right, Fitz?”  Why is she nodding at me? Does she want me to agree with her? “I promise we won’t say anything.  Please, help me?”  
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ivar's boot come down on Bishop's hip. "I gave you an order, slave," his voice is so calm and even that it scares me.  I know that tone – this is the calm before the storm.  If this guy doesn’t get his shit together, Ivar’s going to get angry.  
I don’t even know to describe what it looks like when Ivar’s angry.  That time a few weeks ago, when he had a tantrum because he wanted to go out is nothing compared to when he loses control.  It’s like his eyes cloud over to this shade of blue that’s not known to man, and his normally electrifying smile makes him look psychotic.  That’s why I usually go into another room when Ivar works.  I love to see him happy, but I hate watching him become a monster.   
For my little brother to be such a beautiful man, his monster is so ugly.  I hate the way it twists his face and how it sucks all the good out of him.  It’s like he just becomes a black void, that can only destroy.  I know it sounds crazy, but when Ivar’s monster takes control, he’s so ugly because he forgets he loves me.  
Judging from the slow transformation in his features, I’d say Bishop’s only got a few minutes to get his shit together before Ivar starts turning, "Just fuck her, like you hate her." I don't know why I'm trying to help him. Maybe it's because I know what he's feeling. I know damn well what I'd be feeling if it was me and Thora.
Bishop pleads with her eyes and she permits him to hurt her. He's slow about it. He's trying to make it as pleasurable as possible, considering. He shouldn’t deviate from the script, just do what the fuck he’s been told. Oh well, I tried to help him. He's not listening to my advice, that’s just too bad for them.  Any and everything Ivar does to them now will be on his head. All he had to do was follow the rules. Just let Ivar be in control without trying to be the hero. Now it's his ass. Literally.
Without warning, Ivar shoves the cattle prod into him, causing him to push violently into Aud, making her scream. I can’t stop laughing at the fact that Ivar's going to shock him from the inside until he gets his desired reaction. 
"I said fuck her." He sends another shock to help coax him along.  It’s not until the husband is behaving like a good boy, does Ivar pat floor next to him for me to join him.
I trust that Ivar knows what he’s doing.  I’m sure that he wants me beside him, getting a front-row view because there’s a lesson here that I need to learn.  I’m just too tired and confused to concentrate on it.  My mind keeps wandering and I can’t seem to stay fully in this moment.  
As soon as my head lands on his lap, his strong fingers gently rub my scalp.  It’s almost enough to make me want to go back to sleep.  Only, I can’t stop watching this man fuck his wife with so much force because he's afraid to have me do it. I don’t know if I’m enjoying this.  It’s a little too fucked up, even for me. 
"Punch her." I didn’t even realize how heavy my lids were until Ivar’s voice broke my concentration.  He’s just saying the first thing that jumps in his head, now. I can tell by that boyish chuckle of his.  Sending another shock to Bishop makes him react like a trained monkey. Each time he sends a charge, Aud gets another punch to her face.  Each punch she gets, makes Ivar laugh. Every laugh from him, makes me wrap my arms around his waist tighter, and smile.
I can't tell who's crying harder, him or her...poor things. 
Ivar's entire body shakes under my head as he laughs, but he never stops massaging my scalp.  It’s the weirdest, most comforting sensation.  I wonder if it feels like that for him, too.  "Good dog.  Now, choke her." His Pavlovian response technique seems to be working because he doesn’t even need to shock this guy into playing out his fantasy. 
Without any more guidance than just Ivar’s words, a large hand wraps around his wife’s throat, but he’s not applying any pressure.  “That’s not hard enough to choke somebody,” Did I just say that?  I was thinking about it, but why did the words come out of my mouth?  I don’t want him to hurt her.  I like her.  I have to protect her.  If anything, I want to hurt him for hurting her.  But, maybe this was his way of trying to keep her safe.  Maybe by not choking her, he thought he was appeasing my brother and protecting his wife. 
The only problem with his plan is Ivar knows it’s not hard enough to cut off her oxygen supply. "I'm sick of repeating myself to you, dog. You will learn to do what I say." This time when he shocks him, he doesn't let off of the button. He sends the shock waves throughout Bishop’s body in a way that makes the muscles in his hand stiffen, locking around Aud's throat.
Those eyes. All of that innocence seeping out of those eyes with each tear that rolls down her pretty face. She was so beautiful. So angelic. Now she's nothing. Those large eyes are fixed in my direction, staring lifelessly at me, begging me to help her. "Thora?" I reach my hand forward but she doesn't respond.
"You see what he did, Hvitserk? He killed Thora." Ivar's voice is soothing as he tries to console me through my grief.  All the loving and coddling in the world can’t fill this empty void suddenly growing inside me.  I know what I need to do. This man was twice her size and he raped and strangled this beautiful, innocent creature. 
He is evil. "You thought he was your friend, Serk. But now Thora's dead because of him. He needs to be punished."
I stand to my feet in one swift motion and I kick him in the ribs. I watched him kill her. All she wanted was for him to protect her, but he was too weak to do that. Well, I’m not weak. 
He is going to pay for failing her. 
The cattle prod lands with a crash across the room and I'm inside of him faster than he can recover from it. "You like raping women? Do you like how it feels?" I pound into him ignoring his cries. My weight, on his back, lands him on top of her and he gently shakes her body to try to wake her up. "She's dead, fucker! This is your fault!  Why didn't you just fucking listen?" I grunt my words because I'm so angry. How could he let that happen on his watch? He didn't deserve her.
The leash is wrapped so tightly around my hand that the blood no longer circulating in it. With each thrust, I pull back on it until I start to hear the bones in his neck crack under the pressure. He can't die soon enough.
"That's it, Hvitserk. Just like that." Ivar coos from behind me, his lips gently grazing my neck.  I know that panting sound he makes when he’s jerking off. When I look over at him, I feel myself smile at the sight of his hand vigorously stroking his cock. The harder he jerks, the harder I thrust. It's like we're finally in sync again, pumping rhythmically with each other.
I didn't understand what he was trying to show me before, but now I do. People like Bishop, the strong ones, they deserve this. They are ones that the world bows to because they're charismatic and exude a presence that people like me don't have; they deserve to be taught a lesson. Ivar has shown me that I'm stronger than I think and that it's my job to let the rest of the world know my strength.
It has nothing to do with the act; this all about power. No matter how many muscles Aud’s husband has or how tough he thinks he is, I'm more powerful than him. She should have known that, too. She should have chosen me to be with, not him. They made the wrong choice by overlooking me. Now they have no choice, I'm the last thing they'll ever see.
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Bishop's lifeless body lies limp in the corner until Ivar decides what he's going to do with him. Right now, he sees fit to just stare at him while smokin a joint and listening to music. I, on the other hand, can't get enough of Aud. I don't understand how I could confuse her with Thora before. 
Maybe it was something I took before I left the house or maybe it was the helpless, innocent way she looked at me. Whatever it was, I’ve never met someone that could blur everything around me like that. For the briefest moment, I couldn't tell what was real and what was just in my head. Right now, though, being inside her now, I know the truth.
She feels just as soft and just amazing as I thought she would. She didn't see me before, but now she does. I've shown her more care and love that fucking coward she married ever could.
It’s because I need her to see that I can take of her that I can’t stop indulging in her. It’s almost like I need to show her that I’m worthy of the gifts that she's given me. She helped me get back my confidence. 
She showed me how to find my strength, and she gave me back my power.  
My new neighbor, Aud, saved me.
I want her to feel how much I appreciate everything she's done for me. Every time I cum, I'm hard again, just thinking about what freedom feels like. If I could figure out a way to consume her so she would never leave me, I would…I just don’t want this feeling to ever go away. I've already licked her; tasted her; bit her; cut her and loved her. What other way is there to make her a part of me?  
She drove the hunger away. It's not just fed, it's gone. She did that for me. She gave me a chance to have a normal life.
Aud sacrificed herself to cure me. I will forever be in her debt.
Kissing her mouth hungrily, I turn her head to have her eyes focus on me. "Thank you." When I roll on my back to look up at the ceiling, I notice Ivar's smiling face looking down at me. "Did you have fun tonight?”
I look at the hole at the ceiling before cutting my eyes back at him.  Rubbing my bare chest I start to laugh, "Ives, tonight was fucking awesome!”  Gently placing a hand on Aud’s thigh, I give it a light squeeze, “Thanks, brother. I needed that.”
“Of course,” he says, winking his eye at me, “I will always be my brother’s keeper.”
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