#to be fair its the same thing with wald as with tager
arundolyn · 2 years
What characters are the easiest/hardest to do swaps for? Which one did you get the most? The least?
hmmmm.. good question.
im not sure theres like an "easiest" vs "hardest" cause theres a lot of factors at play, so much as there's like... the way things are laid out tends to make things naturally look pretty good. or how fun they are i guess. which would be like... lambda, nine, celica, es, tsubaki, izayoi, rachel. in no order. those are fun. and then like.. hakumen, arakune, bang, susan, and maybe a teensy bit tao are less fun imo cause their indices are largely simplified and it hampers... customizability. i guess. if that makes sense. hakumen and arakune in particular ngl, but that's mostly cause they were there from the start and shit was weird back then so i get it. (yes i see there's a pattern here it was not intentional hjfhdkahf) tager is an honorable mention cause he looks godawful with any skin color that isnt red its so terrible it physically pains me. put some red on that beast.
in terms of numbers, that would take a lot more investigative work than i would give it by virtue of a) checking the volume of all the character palette folders ive made would be extremely tedious (derogatory), b) i dont save all the requests i get, and c) i dont post everything i do, not by a long shot, so off the cuff i'd say... the most is like kagura or nine? leaning more towards nine cause i was actually going through stuff i have saved for her and its well over 100 files. celica's actually high up too just cause i think she's fun, and the least is probably valk just cause idk i dont do much with him and not many people ask for him i guess
thats just blazblue tho. uhhh in terms of unib... linne's kinda difficult sometimes. wagner's pretty fun. vati hyde carmine and orie too definitely. ive probably been asked for hyde or seth the most but i genuinely have nooooo clue there. and wald the least almost definitely. maybe akatsuki. sorry chesto man
this is all mostly half educated guesses so anything not opinion based is probably wrong hjdhfhsdjkah
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