#to explain the song choice: Coldplay was the first ever concert I went to (not by choice)
formulakay · 3 years
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and everything you do 💛
wishing you the happiest of birthdays Maisie @jedivszombie
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layaltheblogger2019 · 5 years
A compilation of your favorite songs this semester: what experiences do they remind you of? when you like to listen to them?
A year in music
Aka freshman year was pretty wild.
Note: I’ve linked the music that I mention to start at around the time the quoted lyrics start playing but feel free to listen to the songs from the beginning!
Music. Whether you’re the kind of person that rarely listens or the kind that always has a soundtrack playing in your head, you can’t deny that music is sort of everywhere you go. I myself am not a very regular listener, but I can appreciate a good chorus or beat when I hear it. When I listen to music, I close my eyes and allow myself to be carried away by the poetry of the lyrics and pulled under by the hidden meanings of certain verses. When I listen to music, I envelop myself in a song like a caterpillar in a cocoon, and invariably attach a feeling, person, or life event to it. Particularly when I am at the highs and lows of the sine graph that is my life do I look to music to find some way to explain how I feel.
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Freshman year at MIT was one of the craziest sine curves I could have ever imagined; it was one of the most life-changing years of my life. I transformed so much that there were times I didn’t recognize the girl in the mirror. I morphed in such a way that sometimes others didn’t recognize me. I made a lot of mistakes. But I also grew up, became more experienced, found my identity, and blazed my own trail. This is my freshman year in music:
September – Phone by Mickey Singh Making new friends
I was in Aliza’s room. After a good venting session on my part and some delicious pudding, courtesy of her snack shelf, we each began to work on our own assignments and responsibilities, her at her desk, me sitting on her bed. She asked if she could play music, to which I agreed. There were awkward pauses in the flow of interaction between us, but it was endearing, as is typical on the path of new friendship. Everything was quite normal, until a song I didn’t recognize began to play. It was poppy; it was intriguing. And it was in a different language. ‘Do you want me to skip this’, she asked quickly. ‘My YouTube is on autoplay and it automatically played desi music’. As it stood in that moment, we were two people from unlike backgrounds who didn’t know that much about each other yet. I was an Arab from Florida, she, a Pakistani from New Jersey. I hesitated momentarily before I replied with ‘no, I like it’. And I did like it.
Little did I know that this would become a common soundtrack throughout my fall, a beat that reminded me of my first naïve but confident steps into independence. A beat that reminded me of true happiness and freedom. A beat that reminded me of my first, wonderful group of friends.
  October – My Blood by Twenty One Pilots Making a home somewhere new
Homesickness. If you asked me in December, freshman fall was like heaven on earth. At least that’s how it felt like when it was ending. But near its beginning, I wasn’t totally happy. I missed home, my family, and my friends. Everyone I loved was together back in Florida, I was much further north. It was colder here, lonelier here. Sometimes I got impatient that I wasn’t good at conversation, that I somehow couldn’t make as many friends, that I couldn’t figure out my academics, that I just couldn’t do anything—as well as my peers could.
I just felt at a loss sometimes.
Stay with me, no, you don't need to run Stay with me, my blood, you don't need to run
(I may be biased because I went to a Twenty One Pilots concert at the end of October)
 November – Still Feel by Half Alive Making it through
I was kind of killing it: getting psets done, practicing swimming (to pass the boat test), going to the gym. This was the beginning of what I guess I could call my sprint to the finish. I had my life together – for like the first two weeks anyway.
But then I was barely holding on. Psets were crammed hours before they were due, swimming turned into sinking, and things weren’t going too well. Then I found a medium place, where I was just making it. I was half alive, and I was okay with that.
I still feel alive When it is hopeless, I start to notice And I still feel alive Falling forward, back into orbit
That’s what November felt like.
  December – Castle on the Hill by Ed Sheeran Made it
December was hugs farewell and tying loose ends. December was last assignments and final exams. December was crossing the finish line with a second to spare. December was the feeling of belonging somewhere. (And then shortly after, having to leave it)
I said goodbye to a good friend, Samar along with a few others as we drove her to the airport, Castle on the Hill playing in the background. I made a semester recap video to the same song, which brought back nostalgia for times I had only experienced a few weeks prior.
Found my heart and broke it here Made friends and lost them through the years And I've not seen the roaring fields in so long, I know I've grown But I can't wait to go home
And going home for winter break, my last view of MIT in 2018 was a room filled with people I really cared about, all playing the same game, eating pizza and laughing, all smiling and waving back at me.
Since when could you feel homesick for two places at once?
 January –What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club Making a new path
I don’t remember much about January except that it was very cold and very dark. Over IAP, I was still surrounded by the warmth and light of friends who were here, and I was also taking more classes than humanly possible. This song reminds me of waking up on a lazy and dim IAP morning, looking at the gray sky and frosty-covered outside as it snowed, wrapped up in navy bedsheets.
  February –100 Bad Days by AJR Making mistakes
A rough start to a semester. But it’s too early to give up isn’t it?
When all is going wrong and you're scared as hell What you gonna do? Who you gonna tell? Maybe a hundred bad days made a hundred good stories A hundred good stories make me interesting at parties
  March – Connection by OneRepublic Making choices
Things are moving too fast, I’m changing too fast, there’s so much to do and so much to think about. I don’t know what I’m doing. I am an impostor.  I wish I could take a break. I need help. Who do I turn to? Why do I feel like such a burden?
Maybe I should try to find the old me Take me to the places and the people that know me Tryin’ to disconnect, thinking maybe you could show me If there’s so many people here, then why am I so lonely? Can I get a connection? Can I get, can I get a connection?
  April – Viva La Vida by Coldplay Making progress
There was one very special Sunday in April. I made time with some others to go to Revere Beach. And to say it was a welcome distraction from the stress is an understatement. We were there for maybe a collective hour, but the entirety of the trip gave me a feeling of love I didn’t know I needed. Self love. Love of nature. Love from others. Love for others. Loving the small moments of bliss and joy that I can get in these busy times.
On our way there, we sat in the car singing along to the sound of nostalgia, laughing our responsibilities away, and putting our arms out the window to feel the wind on our skin: all to feel something again.
And once we were driving on a bridge we heard this:
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing Roman Cavalry choirs are singing Be my mirror, my sword and shield My missionaries in a foreign field For some reason I can’t explain Once you go there was never, never a honest word And that was when I ruled the world
For a brief moment, we did rule the world. All of us in that car. That is what happiness feels like when you most need it.
  May – Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol Breaking down
May was hugs farewell and tying loose ends. May was last-minute projects and final exams. May was crossing the finish line with two seconds to spare. May was loss, heartbreak, and unstoppable tears.
Aliza was killed by a drunk driver shortly after we all said goodbye to her for the summer. We didn’t realize how long we’d be saying goodbye for.
The night before she left MIT to go home we got late night from Maseeh dining and then, because of the beautiful weather, decided to sit on the sidewalk, right between Maseeh and McCormick. And we sat there for a wonderous half hour. I had a final the next morning, but the weather was too good, the company even better. We could see the remains of the full moon in our periphery. We didn’t know what would happen when the sun rose, but we focused on the cool breeze on our faces, the stars in our eyes. I never wanted to leave.
If I lay here If I just lay here Would you lie with me and just forget the world? Forget what we're told Before we get too old Show me a garden that's bursting into life
I am so lucky to have met her.
 June (encore) – Good Grief by Bastille Making it through life, one step at a time
A summer in Boston that I put together very last minute, my life is slowly rebuilding. It’s a mess, but what life isn’t? I’m nervous to see the outcome, and I worry about tomorrow before I get through today. What can I do except try my best then hope it all works out?
Watching through my fingers, watching through my fingers In my thoughts you're far away And you are whistling the melody, whistling the melody Crystallizing clear as day Oh, I can picture you so easily, picture you so easily   What's gonna be left of the world if you're not in it? What's gonna be left of the world, oh   Every minute and every hour I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more Every stumble and each misfire I miss you, I miss you, I miss you more
(I still miss you)
Since my freshman year has ended, I haven’t really been able to slow down and reflect on everything that has happened. Until I sat in front of my computer to write this.
From where I stand now, I know things will get better again. Then they will inevitably get worse. It’s kind of how sine graphs flow. But I am the producer of my own track, I am the composer of my life symphony. There are three more years of new people to meet, interesting classes to take, difficult problems to face, and melodies for me to piece together. And once it’s all over, I can’t wait to take a look at what has been created. Once it’s all over, I can’t wait to press play.
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belphegor1982 · 6 years
Got tagged by @kikabennet! 
when did you last sing to yourself?
Yesterday, since I’ve currently been awake for an hour and a half. Might have been either “Bonnie Portmore” or “Here’s a Health (To The Company)”. I’ve been putting a lot of shanties and pirates/sailing-related films soundtracks on to draw to (and hopefully write to) lately. (EDIT: Ooops - yep, wrote that yesterday around 11AM, so make that this afternoon; I hummed while I drew along with the first 3 Pirates of the Caribbean soundtracks. It’s so darn hummable.)
if a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
Who was the Man in the Iron Mask!? (I know better than to ask personal/family truths :S Besides, I’m curious.)
(putting the rest under a cut...)
what is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
Being able to speak (mostly) and read/write English fluently.
what is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
When my mum was in the hospital with my newborn baby sister, my dad would take me see them, and before that we’d stop for ice cream and a ride on the merry-go-round. That’s what comes to mind when I read “first happy memory”.
if you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
I’d go see my family and friends who live far away a lot more, and eat a lot more of my favourite things.
do you have a bucket list? if so, what are the top three things?
I don’t, really ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
describe a person close to your life in detail
The Best Beloved is tallish (1,77m - that’s… 5′10?), with dark brown hair, green eyes, skin that tans easily even in winter, and glasses. …and that’s as much detail as I’m comfortable putting.
do you feel you had a happy childhood?
On the whole, yes. Could’ve done without the bullying at school and the undermining of self-confidence at home, though.
when did you last cry in front of another person?
Don’t remember, so it must be at least a fortnight.
pick a person to stargaze with you and explain why you picked them
My dad, who used to sail with a compass. I don’t think he knows much about constellations, but he’s always willing to share memories, even if sometimes he doesn’t remember he’s told them multiple times.
would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
Probably. I shouldn’t, though. Strangers being by definition strangers, you never know where that information is going and how it might be used (possibly against you).
when was your last 3am conversation with someone, and who were they to you?
We both were tired and ended up going to bed around half past midnight, so no 3AM conversation, but my friend Sandrine last week.
if you were about to die, and you could only say one more sentence to one person, what would you say and to whom?
…I have no idea? I think I’d concentrate really hard on not dying :S
what is your opinion on brown eyes?
Why would it matter tho I have brown eyes and for the longest time I thought they were boring. It doesn’t help that brown hair and eyes are basically the default where I grew up/live. Then I grew up and moved on.
pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally
George Bernard Shaw’s “Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh.” Life is complicated, all about balance between extremes and absolutes. Don’t trust people who tell you the world is grim and serious just because they are. And while getting the giggles at a funeral/wake is inappropriate, it doesn’t mean you’re heartless.
what would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
Wait, What
what would you do with one billion dollars?
I’d keep half a dozen millions for me (car and house debts), my family and my friends, and give the rest to social services, healthcare, and public services in general.
are you a very forgiving person? do you like being this way?
Ehhh… It’s complicated. I tend to hold grudges when I can remember why, but I rarely do something about it. On the whole I’m pretty “live and let live”.
would you describe yourself as more punk or pastel?
Neither, really. I’m too soft for punk, but pastel’s not really my thing either.
how do you feel about tattoos and piercings? explain
I’m too much of a wuss to even consider getting either, but they look great on other people. When I get a spot on my tongue I wonder how people with a tongue piercing manage to keep it, though. It’s very distracting.
do you wear a lot of makeup? why/why not?
As a rule, no, but if I work or if I’m invited somewhere I’ll throw on a bit of eyeliner and lipstick. (I should raid my makeup drawer, really, some of my lipstick cases are almost 20 years old and you should NOT do that.)
talk about a song/band/lyric that has affected your life in some way
In high school I saw a psychologist (junior high was NOT a happy time and the bad stuff just overflowed at one point) and went to an outpatient clinic every Wednesday. They had lots of activities, like painting on silk, various art stuff, and a band, and I loved that band. I was one of the only ones who’d request songs to sing in English. The guitarist introduced me to the Beatles’ “Something”, which I didn’t know, and to this day when I hear this lovely song I think of that guy who had a great smile, a great sense of humour and a great moustache (think George Harrison on Let It Be) who helped me get better.
list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they make you feel
Not to brag, but back in my uni days I did go to a number of them - K’s Choice, Coldplay, King Khan And His Shrines, M, Tom McRae are among the ones I remember. And a couple months ago I went to a rock concert with three bands one after the other. I love live music, it feels amazing. It courses through my body, makes me grin like a maniac, and want to jump and flail around just to vent the excess energy. And all this without a single drop of beer! (can’t stand the stuff :P)
who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
I’d love a letter from the national loto that says “here’s a giant check even though you haven’t scratched a ticket in years” :P More seriously, I LOVE receiving letters from my Internet friends.
do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
I don’t really have a workspace. I have a desk, which has the desktop screen, keyboard, mouse/graphic tablet, and a whole lot of mess of papers, pens, boxes, and stuff. I can use either that desk or my laptop in my armchair.
what is your night time routine?
Finish watching the movie/tv show, look at Tumblr a bit (and/or stuff on the laptop, like TV Tropes), go to bed, read a bit on my Kindle, kiss the Best Beloved good night, switch off the lights, and try to sleep.
what’s one thing you don’t want your parents to know?
Anything about my intimate life, thanks.
if you had to dye your hair how would you dye/style it and why?
I experimented a bit with henna back in the day, but generally I just have haircuts (I have too little hair to risk harming it). I’d like some reddish highlights one day, though.
pick five people to go on an excursion with you. who would you pick and where would you go/what would you do?
Eehhh... I’d rather stay at home and chill :P Okay, I’d take the Best Beloved and my friends Melody, Nico, Sandrine, and Aldric, and head to Marquèze. (wish their website had an English version, it’d be better.) It’s an ecomuseum about local life in the early 1800s/early 1900s, with preserved traditional houses and people showing skills like dyeing fabric, shepherding, making flour (there’s a watermill) and all sorts of cakes and bread and snacks, and an entire day isn’t too much to visit everything.
name three wishes and why you wish for them
I wish:
I had a decently-paying job from home,
my friend Sandrine’s mum were/will be all right (don’t ask),
we had the house extension built already
what is the best halloween costume you have ever put together? if none, make one up
We didn’t have Halloween when I was growing up, it really only started to be a thing in earnest a decade or two ago. Although... One time when we lived in Bordeaux, the Best Beloved and I were invited to a housewarming party on Halloween, so people would wear costumes. I went as a witch, with a long black skirt, long-sleeve thing with black lace (-ish), long black and white wig, and of course black lipstick and lots of black around the eyes. The Best Beloved had made a cloak, a scythe of sorts with cardboard and foil, and had a scary death head mask on. We didn’t have a car and the friend lived in Saint-Médard (which is relevant), so we had to ask around the bus drivers for which bus went there.
So picture the two of us dressed as we were, mask and all, well after dark, asking around for the “S&M” bus. Yep :P (People stared at us during the ride, and unlike the Best Beloved, I didn’t have the luxury of a mask to hide my laughter...)
what’s the worst thing you’ve ever done while drunk or high?
The only time I got slightly tipsy I went a little pink and apparently talked a little louder than usual. I’ve never got drunk (too afraid of stomachache later) or high (it took my mum two heart attacks to quit smoking and I’m wondering if she hasn’t taken it up again, I can’t hold a cigarette, tobacco or otherwise).
what’s one thing you would never do for one million dollars?
Hurt people, probably. If I wouldn’t do it for ten dollars I wouldn’t do it for a million - if you agree to one or the other the rest is just haggling over price.
if you’re a boy, would you ever rock black nail polish? if you’re a girl, would you ever rock really really short hair?
I don’t think I have the right face shape for that - my face is too round, longer hair suits me better.
what’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
I live 126 km (78 miles) from the nearest Starbucks, when I walk by one the queue is huge, and the prices are well beyond my range :> But I’d trust the Best Beloved. He’d still ask me, though.
what is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
Being happy and/or stress-free. Also the oncoming Papa Bear Awards nominations in a week and the Eurovision Song Context coming up in May :D
Tagging @radarsteddybear, @rose-of-pollux, @truxi-twice, @myrling-art, @iorvethscommando, and @toooldforthisbutstill! :o)
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inseomermaid-blog · 6 years
An Inner Circle First-Timer’s Concert Experience In Seoul [#WINNEREverywhereTourinSeoul]
So. If you tell me freakin’ one year ago if I’d be flying to Seoul for a Kpop concert, I’d smack you for slander.
Buuuuut here we are, a week after WINNER’s Everywhere Tour in Seoul :))))) I’ve just begun to recover. Literally, it took me a week to get through the stages of mourning and to accept that it’s over HAHAHUHU
Anyway, here’s my (and Liz’s) experience in attending a concert in Seoul!
Why we wanted to see them in Seoul (when it was sure they were gonna go to MANILA anyway):
1. It’s Liz’s annual bday trip gipp!! Or idk, this is part of the rationalization we thought of AHAHA. Initially, we were set for Singapore as it would be way cheaper for sure, but another reason came up....
2. We wanted to see them in their most “comfortable” version - Not sure if comfortable is the word, but I guess we wanted to see them how they were in their home country?? Speaking comfortably in Korean and all? We were anticipating that for other countries it would probably be just Yoon speaking most of the time (not that it’s a problem with us HAHA), and we wanted to see all them four being their natural makulit presence on stage (without them thinking about the language hinderance--even if kami yung hindi makaintindi sa kanila :)))) I know it’s a weird reasoning but :)))) And it’s been a long time since they’ve done a full concert in Seoul! We just wanted to be there in the kickoff concert. I mean, if we were willing to fly out to see them, o di todo na namin diba? Seoul it is!
How we got the tickets:
Here’s the thing: this is not our first rodeo. We’ve already successfully watched Coldplay in Singapore last year after (WHAT I THOUGHT WAS ALREADY) a bloody online ticketing war. Coldplay tickets were wiped out in 20 minutes, I think? But I was able to secure 7 tickets (3 VIP standing, 4 upper box tickets) after much death and resurrection.
We thought we were prepared for a WINNER ticketing war lol. We were not. Everything (or at least the seats we targeted) was more or less gone in less than 4 minutes.
There were two waves, one week apart. Both of them were intense :)))) I guess our third-world country internet cannot compete with their 5G data network?!
A HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to Cams and Dianne for basically hand-holding me throughout the entire process of securing tickets from Seoul!! T_T Without them, we probably wouldn’t have gotten tickets. All transactions were smooth and hassle-free. There were a lot of K-ICs who also wanted G-ICs to attend the Seoul concert and thus were purchasing tickets so scalpers can’t get to them first. They also helped me with tips and advice on where to stay, where to go, etc etc as it was our first time in Korea. Sobrang bait and helpful nila as in! T_T
Of course that was only half of the problem:
In less than a month, we had to book flights (ANG MAHAL NA NITO SIYEMPRE), book hotel (Thank you Agoda for your occasional flash sales) and of course, VISA. We highly recommend TravelPros for your Korean visa processing needs! We spent around 700 pesos for this, and we got the visa in exactly 6 days. Super fast. Pero may drama pa kami dun sa visa requirements LORD HAHA pero hindi ko na kwento haba na nito. BASTA when we got the visa I wanted to throw a fiesta, ganung level =))
We wanted to get in early-ish because we were anticipating the DVD / merch line.
The train was a bit confusing for this stop!! We knew we were not the only ones because some of the Koreans were also confused where to get off haha
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This ad greeted us before the exit!
Entering the Olympic Park Stadium~
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Sure enough the line was at least 500m already when we arrived at around 10:45.
AAAAAND YES I lined up for 2 hours for the DVD 0_0 Under the heat of Korean summer 0_0 
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Questions in my mind while in queue:
1. why does everyone look so fresh except me
2. how to spot foreigners: they use umbrellas for the heat
3. Don’t be weak
4. why am I doing this again
Anyway, tada~
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Let’s just ignore the part where if we waited until 3pm, or at least when the line tapered off, I could have gotten it without the sunburn on my batok but where’s the fun in that no?
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Liz and teh boyfriend lined up for merch (mercifully it was shorter) and they were able to buy 2 lightsticks (OUR FIRST ONES YAY! Hirap daw lagyan ng battery lol) and shirts (X and XL lang ang available sizes but it still works out!?? What is this Korean sizing sorcery?!)
All the cafe / restos were full (Mamamoo was also having a concert that day!) so we had to settle for convenience store food :))) It wasn’t bad!
Met Cams and lots of other PH-ICs who travelled from MNL! You can check out #ICsPHGoesToSeoul to see what everyone was up to while in Seoul.
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We got a lot of fans (as in pamaypay) from different fansites (and thus we didn’t have to line up, yay!) and actually saw the faces behind big accounts* HAHA it was surreal.
Actually, the whole thing was pretty surreal (YA THINK) in a good way. Since it’s our first time to attend a KPop concert, we didn’t know a lot of things. One of those was... lining up for freebies given by fansites. 
Girl, INTENSE. As in,  pila kung pila ang mga bagets and not-so bagets. Paano naman kasi ang cute ng freebies! Fans, stickers, photocards, etc. Looking back feeling ko dapat pumila/bumili kami BUT holehhhshit it was really so hot, and after lining up for 2 hours we wanted to just save our energy. 
Super tita namin right?! 
Also most of the masternims who were offering their freebies were all speaking in Korean (malamang) so we didn’t know if it was free or for sale... AH BASTA MAGULO isip namin hahaha yeaaaah looking back we should have at least tried BUT yun nga, it was really too damn hot to walk around talaga. Maybe next time!! (next time talaga?!)
Kill time! We just randomly sat anywhere we could #ifItfitswesits 
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At some points, we could hear the sound check so medyo spoilery siya (we heard Jinwoo’s solo performance HAHA) at the same time we were like OMG 0_0
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Our seats were 2F (as in second floor). We were initially planning to aim for 1F but giiiiiirl waley. 2F wasn’t that bad! Ang nasa isip ko MOA Arena levels where it’s too high up. This was okay (as if may choice kami HAHA). 1F would be the best seats talaga. Standing is a gamble because there’s a chance you won’t be able to see anything BUT the interactions that WINNER made with the standing group was really worth it :))))) WATCH THE FANCAMS IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT I MEAN
I tried to use MIXLR for the first time pala, since I wanted to kinda pay it forward. The first time I “experienced” a WINNER concert was through Cami’s Fukuoka?? mixlr concert and back then I thought, it’s amazing that someone would really try to share this experience with us that can’t make it to the concert. 
(Now that I’m replaying my mixlr, I AM SORRY FOR THE THOUSAND OMGs I SAID =)))) I swear I’m more coherent than that--except when you know, Mino was body rolling live, Hoony was lifting his shirt to reveal his perfect 6-pack abs, Jinwoo with his ethereal voice and stage presence, and Yoon’s powerful vocals and performance. Wala na talaga ako masabi kung hindi OH MY GOD =)))) So I’m not sure if I’ll ever mixlr again hahaha kasi marami naman who does it and is more pro about it??? let’s see :)))
Here are some notable thoughts I remember from the concert (sorry more Tagalog here because all the feels)
1. ANG GWAPO NILANG LAHAT. I mean, fo sure I didn’t stan them for visuals (promise talaga! It was really about the music. Sawain ako sa visuals actually) BUT hooooshit. They are different irl. I’ve seen them before in NAIA airport for like.... 10 seconds and like I knew they were really good-looking. BUT ON STAGE. IN FULL PERFORMANCE GLORY. THEIR VISUALS ARE INSANE. 
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2. SOLO STAGES. WHERE TO BEGIN. I didn’t know I’d see Mino perform Body live ever (I thought he had retired the song and I’ve accepted it) BUT GOOD LORD. The “mashup” for Body and TOTL was just made to be together. The stage and performance was oozing with sexiness and charisma and my mind was just a puddle at this point. Mino doesn’t do full-on sexy very often (am I right? It’s like between deliberate sexy and swag, he’d go for more swag) so when he did this... live... the body rolling... the kinda grinding.... we died. 
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3. JINWOO. Jusko. Where to start with Jinwoo. I’m rewatching our fancam of his Untitled 2014 performance and it’s the only one who made me feel goosebumps. Especially the part where he went up the stairs and the spotlight was on him, and he was singing so passionately and the audience was just in complete awe. IT WAS A MAGICAL MOMENT I CAN’T EXPLAIN. It’s like as he walked up the stairs and sang, it was like he was taking his rightful place as a superstar. Jinwoo is not even my bias but I super kaduper want him to succeed and become more confident with this abilities (I am speaking from someone who watched Who is Next haha). After his solo stage, my immediate first thought was: JINWOO IS READY TO HAVE A SOLO ALBUM.
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4. YOON’S SOLO STAGE. Lol I cried. Ever since I’ve heard It Rains (his solo song), I’ve wanted to hear it live, but I didn’t expect that he’d sing it ever again--maybe he’d sing Wild and Young but not It Rains. The arrangement was “simple” but the experience was HOLY. As in, it was like angels were singing. His clear and strong voice filled the whole arena. The adlibs he did were insane. Literally it was like going to church. The lights and the background visuals were stunning. Sobrang full on drama / rocker Yoon mode! It is something to behold live. Also... INSTINCTIVELY. I also never thought I’d see Yoon perform with a guitar ever again. (Ang drama?? never talaga?? hahaha but I never know with Yoon kasi! He’s so experimental with genres that when he’s already done something already, it might take a long time for him to comeback [in this case, to his rocker roots]). When he took off his blazer... BAKLA SIGAW TALAGA AKOOOOooooo =)))) Looking at him perform like this, I can’t believe he didn’t go solo. I know he’s happier with a group (and I am thankful) but his presence as a solo artist is still very much there. I hope Yoon can release his solo album soon because Liz and I will definitely fly again to Korea when that happens!!! :)
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Grabe thissss pic.twitter.com/AvxeuT4Xoh
5. HOON. How so even begin writing about Deputy Lee’s stage. He performed Ringa Linga (modified with Hoon’s rap which was a cool touch I think) and Serenade (EVERYONE’S WAITING FOR THIS). I don’t know where haters get the idea that Hoon can’t dance. Like... are you guys BLIND?!?!? He’s one of the most naturally gifted dancers I’ve ever seen--because he dances to feeling**, not with just choreo. Ringa Linga was a perfect choice for him because he was able to showcase his vocals, dancing prowess and abs all at the same time. The dance breaks were insane. AND MY GOD, Hoon’s body is perfection. His arms, torso, legs... ART. 
6. The costumes, lights (LIGHTS), pyrotechnics, over-all stage design was just A++++. I don’t know why I thought it was going to be a much simpler stage but they really went all-in with everything.
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7. The nebula ocean was beautiful. I keep saying in the mixlr... “I’ve never seen so many Inner Circles in my entire life” because it’s true! For some reason there is a notion that we are a small fandom and maybe that’s true compared to others... but we are not less powerful. At least 99% of seats were taken, the standing was packed. Everyone was doing the fanchants. Almost everyone had the lightstick. It was humbling and inspiring to see all the fans who love WINNER come together in one venue, screaming their voices out and singing to the songs (while still being respectful and attentive to each stage performance).
4winner 4ever 💙💙💙💙#WINNEREverywhereTourInSeoul pic.twitter.com/dKXYst03v4
8. The boys really love each other. As in, you can feel their chemistry and their teamwork onstage. Of course, I don’t understand the ments while it was going on (by now I’ve seen the translated fancams of course) but I can definitely tell from their body language and the way they regard each other that they are brothers. And they were just so happy! Running to and from the stage, taking fan’s phones, they were on FULL-ON fanservice. I could feel the love from where I was sitting.
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9. I want to pick my favorite stages but I don’t know how. It was surreal to shout “Neol johahae!” for REALLY REALLY and answer Hoon’s pizza pasta so so with “YUM YUM!” =))))) Sobrang surreal na nangyayari siya sa harapan ko at hindi sa Youtube (with subtitles). Love Me Love Me stage was super cute, Moviestar was tear-inducing. Speaking of Movie Star, the fan event was so funny! They were really surprised because it happened right smack in the middle (usually it happens at the end, but they were expecting it kasi). All four of them were very confused and I feel like they really didn’t see the video as much because they were busy being... confused with what was happening. But when they understood they look like they were touched and slightly cross that we were able to fool them HAHA.
10. There were many cute moments of ICs that I witnessed. Like, before the concert started, they were playing WINNER songs on the screen. Then suddenly, Body was played. Inner Circles all screamed =))) BASTA SOBRANG FUNNY. During Mino’s kissing scene, half of ICs were turned on, half were saying “Nooooo” =))) Then during encore, we were supposed to sing We Were (as in the whole song). When it was already the second stanza, the singing became softer and softer, because it was apparent that ICs haven’t memorized the lyrics. Everyone laughed hard. IT WAS SOOOOOO CUTE T_T
After the concert, we kinda rushed to the back exit to wait for WINNER. Lol it took more than an hour for them to come out (of course lots of picture-taking, maybe even speeches for the team, etc etc). We saw Yang Hyun Suk (ICs began to chant his name too #insidejokefromtheconcert and sure ako labas sa ilong yun hahaha), PO, Jinwoo’s dad, Yoon’s mom, most of the dancers (Gahee my love were you there) to name a few.
Again, it was a tender moment because the van was supposed to “cover” their exit from the door, but the fans cried “Noooo” and begged security to let us see them :)) So after a few minutes, the van adjusted its position, so WINNER could walk out and wave to the crowd outside. They looked very very very happy and thankful to see us. <3
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We met with some of the PH-ICs again to talk about the concert IN TAGALOG PARA TODO YUNG FEELS :))) I can’t wait to see everyone again in November!
Aaaaand by 12 am we were back in our hotel after getting lost in Dongmyo exit HAHA. Can’t blame us, all our braincells were left in the Olympic Park Stadium :)) It was really a memorable experience that we hope we can repeat for sure on November (WHICH IS MY BIRTHDAY MONTH). Aiming for nearer seats this time, but let’s see what the universe will give us. 
I thought if I finally see WINNER live I’d be finally scratching an itch--like I’ve already see them live and that’s that. But NOOOOOooooooOOOOOooo. It’s completely the opposite. Now YouTube and mixlrs are not enough anymore T_T When you’ve seen them live... you just want to repeat the experience over and over again.
To all Inner Circles still reading up to this point: CONGRATS and THANK YOU:))
 Also, my god. You can forget everything you’ve read up to this point but just remember this.
See them live.
I am not kidding around. You should, at least once in your life. Even if it’s just General Admission ticket or the farthest seat***. It’s different when you are in the same venue and you see them performing LIVE right in front of your very eyes. In my opinion, Yoon’s voice is 10x better live---recording absolutely does not do him justice. Same with the Mino, Jinwoo and Hoon. Their vocals, dance skills, over-all charisma cannot be simply captured by the camera. YOU HAVE TO SEE THEM LIVE TO KNOW WHAT I MEAN, WHY I’M SO ADAMANT ABOUT THIS :)))) I’ve seen performers that are exactly the same live as they are in YouTube or sound the same like Spotify but I can say with complete confidence: not WINNER. I can say their true strength is live performance.
I’m sure I’ve missed a lot but this is becoming a research-paper already HAHA so I’d end it here. SO glad we pushed for this trip, so blessed that everything worked in our favor (we were the last flight out before the NAIA airport incident happened huhu) and we’re already looking forward to November in MNL****! :)
till then bye~
P.S. If you want to chika more or need me to translate the Filipino bits lol just hit me up on teh Ask :)
*we saw at least 2 big Yoon masternims that we avidly follow talaga, 2 european ics we follow (lol “european” what is dead giveaway lol) and 1 of the 3 japanese KSY fans we also like HAHA so cute T_T
** I’m not a dancer, but my boyfriend is, and I remember him saying that personally he has more respect for dancers who dance according to what he feels--because it’s one of the highest forms of expression (as opposed to just relying with choreo). It’s a testament to a dancer’s ability that he/she is able to catch the beat without “thinking” about it too much--so the dance becomes the story of the dancer, not the choreo. LOL I think I’m botching his explanation about it but it’s just I remember Hoon whenever my boyfriend and I talk about freestyle dance.
*** Of course it you can’t make it due to various reasons that’s okay, but if you have a chance to make it happen, don’t hesitate. I’d say it’s worth every penny you’d spend to see them live.
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930club · 6 years
9:30 Interviews Captain Scott Kelly
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Recently, we happened upon the (insanely rad) opportunity to talk a true American hero – astronaut Captain Scott Kelly, who spent a year aboard the International Space Station from March 2015 – March 2016. Given our status as a music venue/blog, we tried to angle our questions more towards music and its affect on Captain Kelly throughout his journeys. His NASA career and other amazing life adventures (including flying the likes of F-14 Tomcats and the Space Shuttle) are chronicled in his recent memoir, Endurance, which can be purchased anywhere fine books are sold.
Kezer: Before we get into music, I wanted to first start by saying that I recently also read Alfred Lansing’s Endurance, which you frequently reference in your book. Obviously there are parallels that have to do with venturing into the great unknown and isolation in potentially hazardous situations. I was wondering if maybe you’d like to expound a little more about what Shackleton’s journey means to you and how it informed the writing of your book.
Kelly: Well, I took that book with me the first time I flew, because I felt like if the conditions had ever gotten so bad on the Space Station, where I felt like it was too challenging, I would just look in Shackleton’s book and realize, “Hey I got it pretty good up here.” I kind of took it as a somewhat of an insurance policy against hardship in space. Fortunately, I didn’t need it. I mean, living in space for a long time is hard, but, nothing, I think, like what those guys endured.
And then, I don’t have many mentors or personal heroes, but Shackleton – understanding his life story and the type of person he was – having his book and using the title of the book as it related to my time in space and just my life in general - I thought it was a good thing.
Another book you reference heavily is Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff, which served as a launching point for your ultimate life goal and eventually led you to space. I’m curious if there has been any sort of musical work (be it an album, a piece of composed music, a single song, etc.) that has served as a catalyst in your life, if even a small catalyst.
So, I have a very broad range of musical tastes - classical music to hip-hop and just about everything in between. You know, I always thought Coldplay’s “Speed of Sound” talked to me a little bit about flying in space.
I noticed that it was on your Spotify “Songs of a Year in Space” playlist.
Yeah, a lot of those songs on that Spotify list were important to me for different reasons. It was not very specific, but I tried to order those songs as if they were somewhat related to my mission from beginning to end.
It’s kind of hard to explain. Like, if you were to listen to it, you might think, “What is he thinking to put that there?” But, at the time in space, when I put that together, it made sense to me. I haven’t listened to it in awhile, but I listen to those songs, because I like them - but I don’t listen to that specific Spotify playlist.
The prelaunch playlist for the Soyuz [rocket/spacecraft that took Kelly and two Russian cosmonauts into space] in which McCartney, Roberta Flack, Springsteen are played and which leads to the Russian pop song “Aviator,” is that something that you put together on your own? Or, is there a group that determines your music while you’re waiting for launch?
All three of us do, and the songs that were mine on the playlist were the Bruce Springsteen song… we all provide songs, and the Roberta Flack one [“Killing Me Softly”], even though I love that song, was not my choice. I didn’t really think it was appropriate. [laughs] The Paul McCartney song was mine. The Sarah Brightman song – I may or may not have put that on there. That might have been the Russians.
So when you’re sitting there in the Soyuz capsule, is the playlist merely an occupation of time?
Yeah, it’s just strictly entertainment to kill time. There’s a lot of time in the launch countdown where the Russians pipe in music. NASA uses music, too, like for the Shuttle missions – we would have wake-up music. “Wake Up Songs,” – every morning they would play that to wake the crew up. Typically, the crew would be up anyway, but each crewmember’s family would pick one or two songs.
On the Space Station, we don’t use wake-up music, because you wouldn’t want Control Center blasting you with music every morning to wake you up. And, you know, people get up at different times.
But, in general, music on the Space Station is very important. I spent nearly a year up there and would often have music playing in different modules. You would listen to music in your crew quarters while exercising at night. Often, on weekends, while people were still sleeping, I would go into the cupola, which is a module of windows [that look down on Earth], and listen to classical music. I would stay there for 90-minutes sometimes, watching the Earth go by. It was very peaceful.
In regards the Russians, I know a lot of the book focuses on the differences between the American/European/Russian space programs. I’m just curious as to how they absorb music – I know you wrote that they LOVE Depeche Mode. I’m just curious if they absorb music differently than the American/European astronauts, and if you have any general impressions about that.
Well, certainly, Western artists are much more important to them, than Russian musicians are important to us. Now, having said that, I do have one Russian pop star that I listen to in Russian, and her name is Alsu. She’s got a great album, it’s called Solo. Even though she’s Russian, she spent a lot of time in the U.K., so she sings in perfect English.
There are certain bands that the Russians find very popular. Like, Paul McCartney with the Beatles and “Back in the USSR.” Depeche Mode is hugely popular. In fact, we’ve seen them in Russia. I would say, that in terms of music, and, I just realized it – certain things I do in spaceflight – it’s somewhat similar to when you see professional athletes getting off the bus with headphones on. It psyches you up for what you’re about to do.
Getting away from Space for a second – I know you’ve had an insane schedule for the past couple of decades, but do you get a chance to take in live music?
Yeah! Sometimes – I saw Elton John in Las Vegas recently, who was great. I saw him at Madison Square Garden in the mid-‘80s, when he was wearing the duck costume. I saw the Dead this past summer. I’m trying to think of who else I’ve seen recently. I saw Fleetwood Mac – so yeah, I go to concerts, you know, when I have the opportunity.
I went to this blues bar in Chicago – that place was frickin’ awesome. It was my first time going to a blues club in Chicago, which was great. It was called Blue Chicago.
We’ve seen Hamilton a couple of times – that was excellent.
As far as your hearing – did they do any tests after your year on the ISS and were there any changes?
So, I have high-frequency hearing loss. But it seems like it comes – it kinda started when I became an astronaut in 1996.  And, even though I’ve been exposed to a lot of noise, my hearing hasn’t really changed significantly. So I’ve been really good at protecting my hearing. And I think the high-frequency hearing loss was based on the Navy, flying airplanes.
To wrap things up – I know there is emphasis in your book about bringing humanity together for the purpose of accomplishing great things, especially for something like going to Mars. I was curious as to your thoughts of how music may or may not play a part in something like that, if even a small part.
Yeah – you know, it’s a large part of people’s lives and it definitely translates out into space. I’m pretty sure that the Voyager spacecraft contains music. And it’s outside of our Solar System. It’s very important.
Thanks for taking the time to talk to us today, Captain Kelly. We know you’re very busy and we appreciate it. And, thanks for taking us all on a fun journey with your book. It was great.
Alright – thanks!
You can keep up with Captain Kelly’s happenings at ScottKelly.com, on Twitter at @StationCDRKelly, and on Facebook at facebook.com/StationCDRKelly - Dave Kezer
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