#would love to send you an actual birthday card someday!
vampirewalterskinner · 6 months
Ok for the poly nsfw alphabet, C, D (walter in lingerie pleaseeeeeeeee) N, and U🥰🥰
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This one is tricky to me only because I immediately want to say Dana is the one who sends nudes but I also know she would never take the risk because she KNOWS what happens to women in the workplace (or in general) who have their nudes exposed. But since this is Walter and Fox, I feel like she would jump at the opportunity to tease them and would feel very safe doing so. She likes watching them squirm and get wired up over a measly little photo. It’s always a lovely boost to her ego when they trip over themselves to get her attention and please her 🥰 Fox feels like the type of person who often fantasizes about swapping nudes and gets off to the thought of it, but in reality is too scared/shy to actually start anything. Even after Dana sends something first 😂 Walter under no circumstances would EVER send a nude photo of himself or any part of his body to anyone ever. Except for one time when Dana and Fox were giving him so much fuel in the middle of the night he couldn’t help but show them how it affected him. It’s the only picture he’s ever sent but Dana and Fox still talk about it.
As for a sex tape, I think Fox would have managed to convince his partners to go for it. They know of his dirty little obsession and it gives them a little thrill to please him by making a tape—that they make sure is 100% untouchable to anyone else. (Tbh Fox probably pulled the whole “it’s my birthday 🥺” card to get it even tho he doesn’t celebrate his birthday lmao)
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They all love to see it on each other, but Fox and Walter are very nervous about wearing it 😂 First off, anything they get fits Fox like a glove and it embarrasses the hell out of him. But they have to get the cheap stuff for him. Dana and Walter destroy everything he wears with their greedy hands 🥰 For Walter, it’s impossible for them to find anything in his size. He’s just so huge. Walter is actually upset by it, especially when everything he wears is too tight and more often than not he rips them. It takes Fox and Dana a bit to get him to understand that in itself is fucking sexy. Dana has a closet full of lingerie. (Girl wears silk pjs to bed you KNOW she’s stacked on outfits and equipment lol) Each set nicer and more expensive than the last. The boys don’t destroy her lingerie because of that—and the fact that she’s a goddess and they treat her as such. Grovel at her feet and everything 🥰
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Trigger warning for rape
I personally think they would be into everything 😂 But I think there are some triggering things they avoid. I know everyone likes for Dana to let loose and be dominated even in canon but…frankly, I hate when she’s placed in a submissive role. I personally think she’s a dom anyway, but with how much trauma she went through in the show with medical rape and multiple men hitting on her, touching her, and fucking dressing her without her consent—fuck no. Even if it’s her boys, I think she would be uncomfortable not being able to control a sexual situation. They make her feel safe but she has limits. Bondage and dubcon/cnc are still on the table, she just can’t be on the receiving end.
Fox would be into everything but I think somedays would be hard for him to handle degradation.
I don’t think Walter has much of a limit either (except I don’t really see him enjoying being into roughing up women even if they want it) but I think he would be a little uncomfortable sharing a bed with a partner overnight after the Avatar episode.
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I’m not sure they would really roleplay (aside from Fox being a nerd and wanting some Star Trek scenario complete with uniforms lmfao) but I honestly think that because they already have a golden roleplay lineup involved: two agents fucking their superior. They might ham it up at home, though 🤔 and I’m sure at some point Fox and Dana would love to see Walter in his old military uniform if that would even fit him 😂 Young Walter was a twunk compared to the hunk we know and love lol
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stellylee · 1 year
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triggering / sensitive content: abandonment, cheating.
I hesitate to address this as 'dear dad' because you haven't been for a while. Unless you count the occasional text, or the cards at Christmas time. I'm not even really sure that you remembered my birthday this year, but it wasn't like I was waiting for you to call. I had a good time with Mandy and my friends.
And I know that I'll never actually send you this letter, because what would either of us get out of it? I don't need to guilt trip you into feeling bad about not being in my life, because I've got a great life despite your absence, and I don't see that changing any time soon. I'm happy. I guess I'm just writing it all down because I have the opportunity to, and why not?
At this point, I'm done being mad at you. Which took a long, long time to realize. Because when mom closed my bedroom door and told me that she needed to talk, I knew that it wasn't going to be an easy conversation. I was only twelve years old, and she told me that we were going to move. Not to another apartment, or another area, another part of the city... or even somewhere else in the state. No, we were moving up the coast, to Maine, of all places, and you weren't coming with us. She never actually told me that you cheated, you know that? I think because she wanted me to have a good, solid relationship with you, which maybe makes it harder that you didn't want that with me. I think it took me a long time to reconcile that feeling and realize that it wasn't all my fault. But, regardless, we moved to Maine and I was absolutely miserable. I hated how remote everything was, how quiet. I was also a pre-teen slash teenager who hated life in general, coming into my own and making decisions about my identity in a brand new place, which I guess was okay. Because I got to be Stelly in my own way. So, hey, I guess thanks for knocking up that chick. Helped me find myself?
Mom fell in love, which at first pissed me off (not just because it made me get a step brother, but just because she moved on), but now I an see that he's really good to and for her. She's happy, which is more than I can say about those last few years in New Orleans. I slowly learned how to not hate Maine. I got into photography, and I waitressed after school while I went to college, and eventually took some bartending classes. Now, I'm lead bartender at a sports bar and I kick some serious ass. I got a job with the local paper, photographing events and taking assignments when they need me, and I'm friends with journalists and editors and all the higher ups. I live in a downtown home that I share with some friends, it needs some work, but it feels like a place that's mine. And I have some really good friends who love me for who I am. And a dog.
And Mandy.
I lied, because sometimes I am a little bit mad at you, knowing that you'll never know how cool she is, or how she makes my heart skip a beat when she kisses my cheek. The way she likes my black jeans and ripped tanks, and the way she doesn't mind that it clashes with her pink hair or the bubblegum way she smiles. The thing is, I definitely gave up on the idea of love and relationships when I found out what you did and how much you hurt mom, but then Mandy stopped by Touchback more and more and I realized it was for me, to see me, to spend time with me... and I realized that maybe humans aren't always so awful to each other. Maybe you can genuinely, really care about a person.
The whole point of this was to let you know in my own fucked up way that... I'm okay without you. That I reached that point where life goes on and everything doesn't feel heavy, and I think about New Orleans with fondness in my heart, instead of the bitterness you planted there. But I could be okay with you, too. A part of me hopes that someday, you call instead of text. Just so I know that you sometimes still think about us, too.
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emma-radfemcanu · 7 months
Hi you’re my favourite blog on tumblr and I’m always too scared to message you but I really need a friend for a moment so I’m hoping I can borrow your ear lol
So yesterday was my 25th birthday, it’s also the 15th anniversary of me becoming a Swiftie (I got Fearless on my 10th birthday as a present, instantly fell in love), but instead of being at Taylor’s Eras Tour concert in Sydney (just a state over from where I live) I spent the night at home.
All this because the ticketing company for the Aus leg of the tour is dog shit. Im on a disability pension so I had literally spent years saving up for a chance to one day see her, I didn’t even go to see Harry Styles on tour bc I’ve never seen Taylor live (I’ve never seen Harry live either but Taylor is my priority). I spent 10 hours online trying to get tickets, I didn’t have anyone to help me so I only had one chance. I never once even made it into the online ticket lobby.
I’m actually so crushed. It’s been getting me down for ages but I was hoping that for the actual day of, I might be able to go out with a friend to take my mind off it and hopefully enjoy my birthday but all my friends managed to get tickets and so went to the concert without me. Also just to rub salt in the wound I didn’t get any birthday presents, which like I get it I’m an adult and my family is pretty poor but it still would’ve been nice to at least get a card. My Mum did cook me my favourite dinner which was nice and she and my Dad tried to cheer me up by insisting I watch the SpongeBob movie with them, I used to watch it as a kid whenever I was sick, and it used to work to cheer me up but yesterday it just reminded me of spending my childhood in a hospital and having no friends. So yeah I just feel really shit.
Sorry to dump all this on you but i can’t really talk to any of my irl friends about it bc for some bizarre reason they just say I’m being ungrateful (I don’t get why but that’s just how my friends are lol). I just had to get it out of my system you know? I hope it doesn’t bum you out too much. I spent some time scrolling on your blog and as always it’s cheered me up a great deal so thank you💖
Ok anyway if you read this thank you you’re the best, I’m gonna cry in the shower now lol (btw we have the same name which I think is really cool🥰)
Another rad Emma xxx
Hello! (I am v excited that I can finally answer asks again- I meant to contact tumblr support so many times but was afraid of getting termed, but I saw the beginning of this and it made me finally do it)
I'm sorry that you didn't have a nice birthday :( it sucks when you really look forward to something and then it doesn't work out. It is what it is but you shouldn't feel bad for feeling disappointed- even if your parents did make an effort I get why you would feel sad about it
And unfortunately you definitely weren't the only one who had this experience with Eras tickets- the sales were enough of a shitshow as it was lol, I can only imagine how difficult and frustrating it must be trying to get accessibility tickets. And it was especially crappy timing for you with it being your birthday. I really hope that you'll get to see Taylor (and Harry) someday even if it wasn't to be this time
It was very sweet of you to say that you love my blog 💕 and I am always happy for people to send me stuff so please do if you want to talk!
(although just for clarification my name is not actually Emma haha, my url is a tennis pun)
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issdisgrace · 1 year
Can i request John price x male reader who is a really famous singer. Liki like to imagine that price is a bit older and back then the reader was like a really famouse singer and just 141 finding out that their captain is married to this absolute legend but they also get along super well
A/N: I went by remastered version where Price is like 36 just so you guys know.
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John never really talked about his husband, but the team knew he was married. Over time, Soap bugged Price about his husband. Soon Soap was followed by Gaz. The two spent days and weeks trying to get something, anything, out of their captain about his husband. Why, they were so curious about the captain’s husband. No one, not even Soap and Gaz, could tell you. Finally, the captain had enough after months of being bugged about it.
“Alright you goddamn muppets you can ask me questions about husband, but after I’m done answering you're both gonna leave me the fuck alone about the topic.”
“What’s his name?” Gaz asks.
“Y/n L/n.”
“ARE YOU MARRIED TO THE ROCK N’ ROLL LENGAND Y/N L/N.” Soap practically screams.
“Yes, I am.”
“Who, what, where, when, why?” Gaz asks as Soap stands beside him in shock.
“I’ve known y/n since I was born. Our moms were best friends and got pregnant at practically the same time. So when we were born, we spent almost every waking moment together, and that grew into more. When we were in high school y/n took up electric guitar, drums, and singing. I supported him with his endeavors and around this same time, we made our relationship official. He joined the band, the red spades, the band you know him for just after we graduated from high school. I actually got along with the band really well and the lot of them are dear mates of mine. While I was away, he and his band started to write and record music. Their first song Dear John was actually about me. It was such an honor, and that song put them on the map. They became bigger and bigger. They recorded more albums and I have a couple of other songs made after me. They are a great group of lads. Me and y/n keep our relationship out of the public because of my job. I want to keep him safe and he wants to keep me safe. So we do what we have to do. We are overall very happy. We have our fights and moments, but we always work things out.”
“Holy shit, can we meet him?”
“Maybe someday.” Ghost walks into the room right after the captain answers.
“What are we talking about?”
“Did you know Price’s husband is THE Y/N L/N.” Soap says.
“Yeah, he’s a good friend of mine. He actually sends me a card for my birthday without fail. I’ve also gone to a few of his concerts. It’s crazy seeing him live. If you have time, I definitely recommend it. Also, you know that one song called Ghost Purgatory? Well, that’s about me pretty cool paint it, mate.”
“Why are we just finding about this?” Gaz asks.
“Well, you guys like to blow things out of proportion and I knew you would freak out when I told you, so I never said anything. Also, it doesn’t really matter who I’m married to. It doesn’t affect my duties as captain or my ability to lead you a lot.”
“You could have told us earlier we are big fans of him and his music.” Gaz says.
“Yeah well i dint want you guys to fanboy.” Price says flatly.
“To late. me and Gaz want to meet him. You have to take us with you next time you go home. We wanna meet him really bad. He’s like our roll model.”
“I thought I was a role model.”
“You are, but he’s also a role model and a big one at that.” Gaz states.
“Hmm, maybe when we have a break next month, I let you guys come with me so you can meet him. But if I bring you guys, you can’t freak out or fan, boy.”
“I should come too. it’s been a while since I seen Y/n.” Ghost chips in.
“Y/n would love that.”
“Holy shit you’re y/n, I can’t believe it’s actually you. Live in the flesh. Holy shit.” Soap says enthusiastically.
“Soap, what did I tell you?”
“No freaking out and fanboying.” The younger man sulks.
“Its alright John, I don't mind.”
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formulakay · 3 years
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and everything you do 💛
wishing you the happiest of birthdays Maisie @jedivszombie
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twstarchives · 3 years
Happy Birthday・Epel
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Card: Birthday Attire - SSR Characters: Epel & Yuu. Mentioned: Vil, Leona
Chapter 1
NRC Campus News Interview with the Birthday Student ~Epel ver.~
Yuu: Happy birthday!
Epel: Thank you. I feel a little embarrassed... I’ll get people coming up and wishing me a happy birthday just by walking through the halls.
Did your family do anything to celebrate?
Epel: Yeah, they sent a letter and a bunch of apples.
My family lives on an apple farm that’s been around for generations. We grow all kinds of varieties all year round, so they send me some this time of year too.
But there were way too many for one person to eat, so I’ve been handing them out to people I know around the school...
I passed them out to all my classmates and the magift club, but I’ve still got some left over.
Please let me know if you know of anybody who might want to take a few.
Could you tell us about your family next?
Epel: Mawmaw and Pawpaw—er, I mean! There’s my mother and father, my grandfather, grandmother...
My great-grandma, my uncle and his wife and son. We all live together.
All of us work on the farm. But it’s so huge that we’re still kind of short on hands.
Since the neighborhood’s made up of farmers, everyone helps each other out during the busy season.
We all feel really close because of that, like we’re one big family.
We have a thank-you party for everyone after the busiest harvest season of the year. Everyone brings their harvests, or small dishes...
It’s huge celebration, almost like a festival! Gee, there ain’t nothin’ as fun as—ah! I mean, it’s a lot of fun... I think?
Is it difficult to harvest the apples?
Epel: The apple trees on my family’s farm are really tall, so I guess it is... maybe. It’s real tiring going up and down the ladder.
But not when you use magic. You can hop a broom and fly from tree to tree, which makes picking them really easy.
My grandma and great-grandma can use magic, so they’ve always been the ones in charge of the high-up places.
When I was little, I really wanted to help the two of them, so everyday I got on a broom and jumped up and down...
Then one day, I really flew!
Ever since then the three of us have been doing any harvesting you need to fly for.
Chapter 2
What’s your favorite food?
Epel: BBQ! It’s so darn divine! Gets my mouth waterin’, it’s that good!
Back home we’d round up my family ‘n the neighborhood folk, all the parents, ‘n kids ‘n do a whole lotta barbecues, all of us.
We’d all sink our teeth into the chunks o’ meat we grilled over the charcoal.
There ain’t nothin’ better than wolfin’ ‘em down like that!
Also ‘cause our vegetables are fresh that day, grillin’ them is enough to get ‘em nice and sweet.
So they’re real delicious without needin’ to add anythin’ to ‘em!
I can tell you really love it.
Epel: Ah...! B-But, actually, I love macarons the most...
What do you like about macarons?
Epel: Th-They’re cute, you know? And sweet, and they have all kinds of flavors...
...They’re not really filling, though.
What else do you like besides food?
Epel: Magical wheels... maybe.
They look mighty, and their movements are powerful too. And yet they can make such swift turns...
When I was little, I thought “Those look so cool!” and dreamt about getting one.
Sometimes the people who own one in my neighborhood let me ride on theirs.
The first time I got to go on one, it left me so excited I couldn’t sleep that night.
Ahh... Someday I want to have one of my own.
Chapter 3
What club are you in?
Epel: The magical shift club. It’s so much fun!
It’s exciting going up against players bigger than me, and there’s nothing more motivating than scoring a goal!
But I really sucked when I first joined, and I’d get hurt any time I tried going in for the disc...
Vil-san would give me an earful for “not taking care of myself” whenever I’d scratch up my nose or cheeks.
Since I was always getting scolded, I stopped going after the disc head-on and instead practised a style where I make surprise attacks on my opponents.
And just the other day, I managed to nicely dodge a player that was trying to stop me...! I was so proud of myself~!
On top of that, Leona-san told me that I could play in our next game!
I don’t get hurt or get scolded by Vil-san as much anymore, so I think I’ve improved a lot since I first joined!
Be careful about getting hurt, okay?
Epel: Thank you, but I’ll be fine. Nobody’s got more guts than me!
I’ve been teased my whole life for seeming “weak” just because of how I look...
But I kept going up against students older and stronger than me without ever giving up... and finally, I turned the tables on every single one of them!
Soon I started getting called “The Poisoned Apple of the Felmier Family” around the school.
It means “despite how he looks, he’s fearsome and persistent.” Ahaha.
Thank you for sharing all of this with us. Once again, happy birthday!
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hongnanglen-arina · 3 years
Vanilla latte + Wonwoo = ? | Jeon Wonwoo
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Genre: fluff
Prompt: “I really want to kiss you right now." “Do it then.”
Pairing: idol!Jeon Wonwoo x female reader
Warnings: none
Words: 1.7k
A/N: Hello hello! Here’s another short oneshot. This time for the july event from @kpopscape I have more work in process so please look forward to it :3 stay safe and healthy everyone! ♡
⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅ ━━ ⋅𖥔⋅
It’s been almost a year since he first talked to you online.
He had visited the online forum of his favorite cafe, Café Julio, to ask why the Iced Americano he bought that day tasted different. If they had changed the coffee beans. It was a short question he didn’t think much of. He even nearly forgot about it but then he saw your reply, explaining the new beans and the huge difference in taste and quality. Wonwoo’s first impression of you wasn’t the best to be honest. Although it might have been just a normal answer to a question for you, for him it sounded a little arrogant. He just couldn’t help it. Wonwoo felt as if his teacher was giving him an ear full because he didn’t study enough and wasn’t aware of the new selection of coffee at his favorite place.
Contemplating if he should reply to you, he decided against it. Instead, he started the game he was currently liking a lot, Legends of Runeterra.
After your first encounter online because of the new coffee beans, it took another 2 months until he talked to you again. Same place, the online forum of Café Julio, but this time the topic was different. He didn’t know that you were a gamer as well. It was a surprise to find other discussions, especially about his favorite game in which you were quite actively talking with others.
So it happened almost naturally that he started to change his opinion about you. You were actually very funny, and to his liking, very clever.
Players of Legends of Runeterra need to think strategic, overthink every single move and be smart whenever they level up a card. When he came back from a photoshoot, he made it in time to join a game with you. It was a hard and long game but he enjoyed it a lot. All the games he’d played before weren’t like this so he asked you if you could do it again someday. You agreed.
Wonwoo learned a lot and eventually became even better in the game because of you. But it seemed as if he was the reason why you became better as well. After a while you only played together because everyone else was too boring and less challenging. Your way of thinking was attractive to him and without even planning it, he slowly fell for you.
“That means, you’re in love with a girl you met online?” Mingyu sat down on his bed and studied the way his bandmate took his seat in front of the computer, slowly nodding at his question.
“I don’t know… it just happened and it became even worse after we exchanged numbers.”
After a sip of his Vanilla latte, Mingyu let his fingernail scratch over the logo of Café Julio and asked the most important question in this situation.
“Does she know that you… are you?”
A loud sigh left Wonwoo’s lips. “I told her several times but she thinks it’s a joke.”
Mingyu chuckled. “Well, I would think the same.”
Just in time, Wonwoo’s phone chimed and he immediately smiled when he saw who sent the text.
[Y/n] My aunt’s birthday party is super boring… 😪 I’d rather play with you. Are you free after 11?
[Wonwoo] Not sure, I need to get up early 😭
[Y/n] Oh yeah, Seventeen’s Jeon Wonwoo has idol work to do.
[Wonwoo] Hey, I’m serious!
[Y/n] 🙃
Wonwoo grinned and looked around the room. When he saw Mingyu’s drink, he got an idea and quickly grabbed the latte for a photo of it in his hand, ignoring his bandmates whines.
[Wonwoo] I got your favorite drink. Sending you strength for the party.
[Y/n] Didn’t you say it’s too sweet for you? Bet it’s not yours.
[Wonwoo] It is! 🥺
[Y/n] Shameless liar.
Wonwoo chuckled. He liked your conversations a lot. Even though he wished you would know his true identity, he enjoyed how it was at the moment. He swore to himself, whenever the time was right, he would reveal and prove himself.
The two of you texted with each other every single day. If you didn’t play your game together, you would talk about your day and everything else that came to your minds. Wonwoo went to Café Julio more often in hopes to see you but it never worked out. His daily schedule as an idol was too different compared to yours.
“I wonder how she looks like.” Jihoon said while setting up the table for dinner.
Wonwoo snorted and tried to suppress the urge to see you in real life. “Looks aren’t everything.” 
“I know but I want to imagine her with you. I’m sure you two would make a cute couple.”
“Does that sound like a new hit breaking comeback song?” Everyone laughed at Seungkwan’s remark.
That night, Wonwoo couldn’t get the image out of his head how you would stand right in front of him, reaching out your hand to grab his. Maybe he should ask for a photo? Or would it be creepy?
Another 4 months went by and you two eventually started to talk like a couple, using nicknames such as ‘baby’ and ‘sweetheart’. It was unspoken and nothing official but he felt that you liked him too and that your feelings were genuine. Something new which he didn’t want to live without anymore.
[Y/n] I’m at Café Julio. Enjoying my Vanilla latte. Wbu? 🥰
Wonwoo stopped in his tracks so that Junhui bumped into him from behind. “Man, what’s wrong??”
Looking up, he saw the huge sign of the cafe. He wanted to get coffee for the boys and Junhui volunteered to help him carry everything. His heart started beating faster the closer he got to the door. You were there. Did this day really came? The day he could see you for the first time?
Grabbing onto his phone for dear life, he didn’t reply but once he entered the cafe, he let his gaze travel around. It wasn’t too crowded but he didn’t know if you were there alone or not.
While Junhui was ordering, Wonwoo suddenly had an idea and texted you.
[Wonwoo] Do you have proof, sweetheart? If you’re really there, take a photo of your coffee and hold your spoon beside it. Otherwise I’m not the only liar here anymore 😎
He grew more and more nervous by the second. Leaning against the counter with his back and swiping over his phone screen, he peeked from under his bucket hat to see who you were.
And then he saw you.
You were trying to find the right angle for the photo he asked you for. A beautiful smile on your lips but suddenly he could see you sticking out your tongue a bit, a habit you once told him about, every time you were concentrated.
When you were satisfied with the outcome, his phone vibrated and your newly taken photo was on his screen.
[Y/n] See? I’m here. There’s only one liar in this chatroom and that’s you, baby.
Suppressing the amused snort, he silently paid for the drinks and left with his bandmate.
For a couple of days, Wonwoo was mad at himself because he didn’t had the courage to go to you when he had the chance at the cafe.
But maybe it was for the better. For now.
[Y/n] Baby, I’m in bed now 💕
Wonwoo rolled onto his side with a smile.
[Wonwoo] Same here, sweetie 💕
[Y/n] Please remember, that sweetie just won against you in a long card fight and literally kicked your cute little ass.
[Wonwoo] It was really difficult this time.
[Y/n] No offense but…. not really 😇
This was something he adored about you. Having such conversations was something he never knew he needed.
[Y/n] Angry?
[Wonwoo] Not at all. But fun fact, I had your favorite drink earlier and I still have to brush my teeth.
The empty coffee cup was still on his computer desk. Although Vanilla latte was too sweet for him, drinking it always reminded him of you. He started to like your favorite drink.
[Y/n] Really? … proof.
Smiling, Wonwoo took a photo of the cup and sent it.
[Y/n] Is it really yours? 🤔
[Wonwoo] Yep ☝🏻
This time he didn’t lie. Actually he had ordered your latte a couple of times now. It was just mere coincidence he had it today as well.
[Y/n] So your lips might taste like vanilla now.
[Wonwoo] They do.
[Y/n] I really want to kiss you right now.
Biting down onto his lower lip, the butterflies in his stomach had a blast.
[Wonwoo] Do it then.
He felt as if he waited an hour when only a minute passed before he got a reply.
[Y/n] 💋
Wonwoo let out a loud squeal, waking up MIngyu who groaned irritated. But Wonwoo completely ignored him since he had something more important to do - texting with you.
[Wonwoo] One day we will have a real date at Café Julio.
[Y/n] I’d love to.
Remembering the day you were sitting alone beside the window and taking the photo of your drink, he could see you very vividly in his mind. The way you set down the spoon and giggled to yourself. How you brushed a stray strand of your soft hair behind your ear when you leaned back in your chair. Yes, he wanted to hold your hand, see and hear you whine whenever he teased you, go to coffee dates with you and he would even accept it if you jokingly call him a liar again. Only you were able to do so without making him angry.
You were about to take a sip of your Vanilla latte when someone took the free seat in front of you. Slightly cocking your head to the side, you tried to find the right words to send the boy off in a friendly way.
“Uhm…. sorry.. but I’m waiting for…. my boyfriend. He wouldn’t like to see me with a stranger.”
The boy placed his coffee down on the table and slowly removed his black mask, causing you to hold your breath when you realized who it was. Wonwoo smiled at you and said “Am I still a liar?”
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] College!AU Zoom University Headcanons
For the 7 Demon Brothers + Solomon
Scenario: Headcanons about how you interact with the demon brothers online during online lectures via Zoom (an online video platform that universities have been using to teach classes) and their habits using it
Notes: gn!MC, Considering most universities (including mine) are all online AGAIN fall quarter and we’re going to be using Zoom forever……. i kinda wish i DID have online classes with the demon boys (and Solomon) 
Video off, mic off, no profile pic just the typical first and last name, so you don’t really talk to him but you do see his name pop up in the Zoom chat to ask clarification questions
Accidentally has his mic on sometimes
First time you interact with him is when you private message him “hey, I think your mic is still on” because everyone can hear his brothers arguing in the background
The mic is soon turned off and you get a response back “thanks. Sorry you had to hear all of that”
“Yeah no prob. How many brothers do you have anyways?”
“Too many.” 
Thus starts your relationship with him as zoom buddies, asking each other privately what the professor just said and some clarification questions
If you’re shy about asking stuff, he has no problems asking for you; never makes you feel dumb about your questions
first time you hear his voice during midterm season when the professor doesn’t see your messages (“you’d expect them to know how this all works by now” he messages you dryly) and he asks his question out loud before the professor can move on
(lowkey think he’s hot just from his voice) 
Then highkey finds out he’s hot when his video is accidentally on for a few seconds when he’s distracted with Asmo or Mammon in the background 
Bonus points if you tease him about it 
Shows up at office hours when the TA is late and you just talk to him, exchange emails and numbers ;) y’know for homework help
If you’re going to do group projects, he seeks you out first-- god forbid he’s stuck with someone who doesn’t do the work ONLINE
Mic is ALWAYS accidentally on until the professor mutes him or tells him to mute himself 
“Oh, sorry prof!!! My b!!”
Private messages you on purpose to ask a clarification question because he doesn’t want to seem dumb asking it to everyone or to the professor
You wonder why he chose you but then you realize it’s because you had asked a question yourself earlier in the lecture or answered a question 
It becomes a recurring thing-- like EVERY lecture
If you’re not annoyed at him, then you might suggest that the two of you share a document for notes or tease him about just having you teach the lecture if he’s confused
“Actually, that sounds great!” he types to you before you could say jk “that’d help me a lot, thanks!!”
Smh why did you sign up for more work for yourself but oh well, he seems like a nice guy
Is also a very attractive guy, you realize, when you schedule a zoom meeting with him and actually see his face
Realizes why he keeps asking questions is because he plays card games on a split screen instead of paying attention to lecture (same tho)
Invites you to join him by private messaging you a link to join (and you do eventually when lectures gets boring)
Sometimes sends the invite link to the whole class by accident 
He admits he wouldn’t even attend lecture and would just watch the recording but you’re always there so he goes 
Which means you suppose you should keep going to lecture if anything to have him go as well 
Already the master of online classes tbh and has no problem with the format
Finds it kind of annoying when there’s technical difficulties, but he just quickly switches to a tab to watch anime 
Probably is just watching anime on another tab if the lecture gets boring or slow anyways
He’s always the first one to answer forum/discussion posts because he’s just very tech-savvy and good at replying to people
First interaction is probably him answering one of your questions on the discussion question and from then on after you start messaging him privately during lecture when you have a question you think he can help with
A little hesitant on helping you, but you’re also just really nice to him so he’s okay with helping you, I guess 
Give him your email? Why? So he can send you the book pdfs and previous practice tests of course, why else?? 
O-Oh, you want to add him on social media? Just to ask for homework questions right? Okay, yeah, sure! o////o 
If video is on, you see the reflection of anime in one of his mirrors and casually ask him which episode he’s on
Has never been so shook or attentive in his LIFE 
He is a godsend during every breakout room because he ACTUALLY TALKS instead of leaving you in a quiet room alone with three other strangers
You think you’re lowkey in love with him when he has no problems volunteering to present to the professor and putting his thoughts into words so eloquently
He also appreciate you talking during discussion too, and enjoys the conversations the two of you have while you’re not even sure the other blank profile pics are even there anymore 
He’s the one to suggest making a shared doc to share notes and study together-- the man is productive and efficient about this, what can I say?
Manages to convince you to go to office hours with him and meet up for studying hours and ooooh he’s hot 
He’s actually a very good study buddy, especially when he’s teaching you something you’re confused about, but also just good to study together with (when you’re not too busy staring at him) 
The only reason why you’re focused during class because he’d look disappointed at you if you weren’t-- that’s on you for caring about what he thinks, but he’s just so PUT TOGETHER how do you NOT look up to him?
Finds out that he’s actually just a mess like everyone else when his brothers come in during one of your study session and he says “excuse me,” mutes the mic and goes off screen; you can see some shadows in the back as satan shoves his brothers out of the room and manhandles them till they leave
Is kind of embarrassed he forgot to turn of video too but you just think it’s funny because you relate to the lack of privacy of online classes (and perhaps annoying siblings)
How the hell does he look awake and lively at a 9am lecture class????
Is that make up??? Is he… wearing PANTS??? (you don’t remember the last time you put on actual pants)
The most functional-looking person in the entire zoom lecture, asides from the professor 
Has video on all the time-- because honestly why wouldn’t he? He actually looks good
Definitely not paying attention most of the time, and you see it on his face 
Messages you first when you actually wear something nice for once because you’re going to go to the supermarket afterwards
“Ooh, where’d you get that accessory??”
The two of you end up not paying attention AT ALL and instead just gush about each other’s outfits
Definitely is not afraid to ask for your social media so you can follow each other and ask for homework help I guess but MAINLY to talk to each other because online classes can get sooooo tedious 
Really really wants to be able to meet you in person someday when it’s safe (“we’d look so cute together!!!”) but settles for facetime or zoom meet-ups 
Really does not hesitate to make friends and make the best out of social situations despite remote format bless him 
The only time he doesn’t turn on video is after a night of drinking with his brothers (“it was mammon’s birthday” he types into the chat with you, “ugh i’m probably going to go lie down, let me know how lecture goes”)
Always eating-- even if this wasn’t online, he’d also be the one to bring snacks-- his whole LUNCH to class to eat so this isn’t too surprising 
You think it’s hilarious when he actually brings his laptop or phone (whatever he’s using zoom with) to the kitchen and literally makes dinner during the lecture
Sometimes you watch his tiny video of him putting stuff into the oven than the lecture slides and you bet your entire class is doing that too 
Sometimes you ask him jokingly what he’s cooking and you’re surprised when he pauses and answers your question mid-dinner making
“Lasagna. You want some?” 
“Yeah send it over through mail bro”
You don’t actually know if he’s actually retaining any lecture information, but apparently he’s doing decent enough-- still, if you offer to share your notes, he’d be so grateful
“Where do you live?”
“Ldfjalskjd why are you going to send me food?” 
“Yeah. What’s your address? I’ll send you a box of cookies or something.” 
Basically he just does NOT care what the entire class sees him doing; he could be cooking, eating, working out-- he’s listening to the lecture out loud but he’s giving you a show (whether it’s a cooking show or a work out video depends on the time of day)
If the lectures are recorded, you’ll never see him, especially if the class is early in the morning LOL
If you do see him during lecture and video is on, he’s always in his pajamas or sleep clothes, a pillow in front of him 
During discussion, if video is required, he probably has a screenshot of himself awake as a profile picture so he can snooze away pretending like he’s actually there 
You definitely notice because he’s the first video to show up in your gallery and his video is like never moving HAHA
You finally message him when the TA splits you all into breakout rooms when you’re all supposed to be finding the answer or discussing something to be shared later
Kind of awkward at first because he’s like… asleep, but when he wakes up blearily, he does participate-- if only for your sake and for discussion points 
“Hey… wake me up if the TA or professor asks us any questions, will ya?” he says as he puts his head down and sleeps 
Since you and him are now officially breakout room buddies, you message him when you have a question and know that he’ll probably respond to you by the end of class because he actually knows the material despite sleeping through half of the class
Is actually very appreciative of you that you volunteer to speak on behalf of your breakout room if no one else does because that means HE doesn’t have to do it
The one to make the groupchat/slack link and send it to everyone in the class so we could actually help each other in the class
Shares a link to a google folder with resources
Highkey more useful than a TA sometimes 
Super helpful, efficient, and charismatic… but suspiciously so
Like where did he get all these pdfs? Where did he get all these 100% test from previous years? And-- is that an answer key??? To what???
Video isn’t on ever, so you have no clue what he looks like… until you’re in the same discussion as him and he turns on his video for breakout rooms
He always, ALWAYS sits at the island in the kitchen and sips coffee whenever you have discussion with him 
Responds back to you almost immediately if you ask him questions during lecture (because honestly, why not-- he seems smart and has his life together) but if anyone messages him in the groupchat, surprisingly takes a while to reply… maybe he’s busy?
Anyhow you’re not gonna question it; you’re gonna pass this class and Solomon is carrying everyone to an A+
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simsroyallegacy · 3 years
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Anissa Crawford Speaks Out: That B*tch is Crazy!
Last night Lady Anissa Crawford, a Lunarian socialite best known for her stint as girlfriend to the teenaged Prince Nicky, broke her silence on her experiences with Princess Isadora of Castille. She gave an interview to famous late night talk show host Francesca Valentine, giving an in depth look into the early signs of Isadora’s troublesome behavior. The interview drew in millions of viewers to Late Night Tea with Francesca and started the trending hashtags #TheWickedWitch and #BurnIsadora after Lady Anissa let loose how the younger Castillian Princess would send people to harass the young socialite during her relationship with the Crown Prince. View the full interview under the cut!
Francesca Valentine (FV): Now that we’re back from the break, here’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for this evening my dear viewers! Tonight’s special guest is a socialite we all know and love to hate, a woman who has dabbled in fashion design, modeling, and dating very wealthy men: Lady Anissa Crawford!
The audience bursts into applause as Lady Anissa walks onto the stage and seats herself across from Francesca.
Anissa Crawford (AC): Thank you so much for having me Francesca, I’ve always been a big fan of the show!
FV: It’s a pleasure to have you here, Anissa, though it feels like you’re always on my show one way or another.
AC: *laughs* Well, I’m always happy to give you something to talk about, dear!
FV: *smiling* Tonight you asked for this to be the platform from which you speak of events kept as secrets you’ve held close to your heart for many years now, correct?
AC: Yes. I’ve kept quiet all these years on the advice from my parents and lawyers but now that some of the truth has come out about Isadora I feel like I should share my experiences with her, if only to give the people a better understanding of what poor Nicky must have gone through and by extension Princess Minerva.
FV: It’s so brave of you to do this, Anissa, truly. Let’s start with having you explain how exactly you started your relationship with the Crown Prince?
AC: Nicky and I met at a Hartfordshire Academy sports event when we were both in our junior year of high school. I attended Hartfordshire’s sister school, an all girl’s private academy right across the street from the boys. We would rarely be allowed to interact with each other anywhere but sports events were always the exception.
FV: So you caught his eye?
AC: Actually, I started talking with one of his good friends at the time, Jack Pierson. I thought Jack was cute and wanted to get closer to him and so I started hanging out with his friends which included Nicky. Anyways, long story short Nicky and I got to be friends before we started dating; we actually didn’t realize we liked each other until he invited me on his birthday trip to Selvadorada.
FV: Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t Princess Isadora on that trip as well?
AC: She was. Everyone who went on that trip were Nicky’s closest friends and family at the time. Prince Gabriel, her older brother, had been his childhood best friend since before they turned eleven. He’s always been close to him and Isadora – he treated her like his own sister.
FV: What were your first impressions of her at that time?
AC: The moment she realized I was a part of the trip – before Nicky and I even got together on it – she was glaring at me and complaining to her brother about an “outsider” travelling with them. She made several passive aggressive comments about that childish nickname jealous little girls gave me back in my teens: “Easy-A”. 
FV: What did HRH say about it? Didn’t he defend you against her?
AC: He pulled me aside and told me not to take it personally, that she did this to everyone who came into their circle of friends. Nicky pitied her because of her family situation, you see, and explained part of it to me. I pitied her too after that.
FV: Oh? Care to share?
AC: I don’t think I will, sorry, but that stuff was personal to the Castillian Royal family and I’m not comfortable airing the entire family’s dirty laundry to the world. Just know that she had a seriously messed up childhood and started taking it out on others. I tried not to let her hostile behavior get the best of me on that trip but when Nicky and I announced we were a couple she started to escalate her vicious attitude.
FV: How so?
AC: When no one was looking she’d trip me up, spill things on me, hide my things; those were just petty little kid things, honestly, and didn’t bother me too much. It was when she stole my phone and texted my parents the nastiest things – she was calling my mom wh*re and b*tch and even told my father that “I” had found out about an affair my mom was having with her assistant! – they both were so angry with me! What nobody knows about that trip is the fact that my father had me sent home early because of the cheating accusation.
FV: Was there any truth to it?
AC: Absolutely not! But at the time he honestly thought it was something I had told him in confidence, he had brought all of my siblings and my mom together for a dramatic family meeting where they started fighting over it. I had tried to tell them that it wasn’t me who said those things, that it was all a lie from that little brat but neither of them believed me. 
FV: What happened during after that?
AC: My parents thought I was acting out for attention and sent me to therapy. Funnily enough, it really helped me focus on my home life and school, which were things I didn’t care too much about back then. It even ended up bringing me closer to Nicky, who was so, so supportive to me during that time. Nobody ever believed me that Isadora was the one who was using my phone to “grab attention” from my parents though.
FV: Was that the only time you had contact with her? Or were there other incidents over the years?
AC: There were tons of situations where she would straight up shove me – she even “accidentally” caused me to fall down a flight of stairs at an event I had gone to with Nicky! I ended up only spraining my ankle but that was seriously messed up of her to do – she’s obviously had a homicidal streak in her for years. It’s honestly not a surprise to me that she’s behind the attempted assassination of Princess Minerva.
AC: She would also follow Nicky around all. the. time. Honest to Watcher, she was stalking him. She’d make sure to fly out to Lunaria every weekend to see him and would become furious when he didn’t include her in his plans. She would guilt trip him constantly into inviting her along on our “dates” and when it got to the point where I’d become angry with him over it he’d pull the “she’s like my sister” card and say he’ll make it up to me.
FV: And did he make it up to you?
AC: Honestly? Yes. He was an attentive boyfriend, despite the weekly Isadora interruptance. He always knew how to make me laugh, was patient when I had my infamous diva moments, got along great with my family, and really pushed me to be better. He also bought me some pretty great gifts. *laughs*
FV: The public was in an outrage over his spending habits for your gifts, no?
AC: *snickers* He did know how to spoil a girl.
FV: If you were getting along so well, how did it all fall apart?
AC: After Nicky and I went to separate universities, we kind of took a break.
FV: Kind of?
AC: We still had every intention of getting back together in the end, but I wanted to be free during my college experience and I thought he wanted the same. He ended up rooming with Gabriel and of course Isadora constantly came around under the pretense of “visiting her big brother”.
FV: Is that sarcasm I’m detecting from you Anissa?
AC: Damn straight. I don’t know exactly what happened but she got her claws into him. Made him think I had been cheating on him for our whole relationship, – I still believe it was her who was feeding the press “exclusive” interviews about my Easy–A behavior – she also fed him lies that I was just using him for his money. 
FV: You were constantly asking him for things though...
AC: I never asked him for much more than his love and time. He bought everything he knew I enjoyed because that’s the type of person he is. He’d give the entire world to the person he loves the most if he can, that’s what makes him such a great partner. I don’t know how Isadora poisoned his mind against me like that, it’s like she was a witch or something *laughs*.
FV: *laughing* Well, she’s certainly wicked!
AC: The last straw for me was after his graduation from UBrite when those photos of him and Isadora were published. I had traveled out to see him at the home he had been given as a graduation gift, hoping to talk things over with him and see if we could salvage or relationship but...*sighs*
FV: But what?
AC: Let’s just say it was too late for us. He began dating Isadora openly after we split and I vaguely remember saying some seriously nasty things when I was cornered about our split. I feel terrible for implying that Nicky was such a selfish man, that he was only with her to “get it out of his system”. He truly loved her then, I know that. He had always loved her to some degree, platonically as children and romantically after we grew into adults. I was devastated to hear about those abuse rumors – he didn’t deserve that, no one does, ever. I’m so happy she’s been exposed for what she is: a crazy b*tch. I hope they catch her soon.
FV: Will you be reaching out to HRH now that his eyes have been opened to Isadora’s evil ways? Is there a chance you could rekindle your romance?
AC: *laughing* Dear Watcher, no! That chapter of my life is over and I’ve fallen for someone else.
FV: Oh? Who is the lucky guy?
AC: *smirks* Oh Francesca, I don’t kiss and tell. Maybe you’ll see us together on my Simstagram someday...
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blxxdyvalentine19xx · 3 years
We always answer, you hear me!
Pairing: Chase Hudson (lil huddy) x Rook Cappelletty
Warnings: swearing
cursed ships seem to be my vibe, this might be the most cursed so far 😅
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Rook was supposed to be packing his suitcase; he had to be on the road for a while as Colson was going back out on a tour. At this point he was only dragging his heels and pulled Chase into a sleepy cuddle. "Fuck being ready for tour, I don't want to let go of you yet" He mumbled out; cracking a grin when Chase's arms came around his neck settling there.
"He'll have my head on a sliver platter if your aren't ready because of me" Chase mumbled as his boyfriend was procrastinating the act of packing. "Get packed and then you can waste time cuddling me" he said as he burrowed his head into the crook of Rook's neck.
Letting go of a reluctant groan; Rook admitted it was effortless for Chase to make him do what had to be done. "Trust when I say I'm wasting as much time as possible." Rook slipped out of the cuddle and got up.
Instantly; Chase regretted telling Rook to get up the second the cold morning air hit. "Waste your time but don't complain to me when Kells whines about you not being ready" he grinned and stole Rook's pillow so the drummer couldn't easily crawl back into bed.
Rook leaned into for a kiss and smiled when Chase's fingers ran through his hair. "You make me hate getting up somedays" straightening back up; he haphazardly kicked his suitcase out from under his bed.
Looking up when he heard Rook mumble about some t shirt; realizing the one his boyfriend was talking about; Chase shook his head as he let himself fall forward so he was at he foot of the bed. "Mind leaving that one here?" He was partial to Rook's cutoffs; specifically the orange and black bleach dyed one.
"Wha-" he glanced over at his boyfriend and shrugged. "Sure, as long as it stays in one piece" Rook smiled as the raven haired boy came up taking the shirt from him and hugged him.
Chase slipped the shirt over his head; taking a photo and sending it to Rook. "I like it too much to let anything happen to it" he threw his phone aside and took a breath flicking his hair out of his eyes.
Rook finished packing and checked his phone; smiling as he received the photo Chase sent him; setting it as Chase's contact photo. "I know, I think you wear it more than I do" he ran his fingers through his messy hair and slipped a shirt and dark jeans on.
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Couple days later
Coming off the high of the first concert of the tour; Rook chose to take advantage of the quiet. Retreating to his bunk; he grabbed his phone and facetimed Chase. Running a hand through his hair he consciously pulled the chain of his xx necklace in between his lips.
Just making last call for the finishing of his music video; Chase answers his phone; smiling as Rook popped up on screen. "And so he lives" he pushed his friends off him and took a moment to find a quiet stairwell.
"For the most part" Rook smiled happily seeing that Chase had his shirt on; paired with a number of layered necklaces and a leather jacket. "Kells has been at me all day about being mopey and stuff" he missed Chase; they hadn't been apart for longer than a day or two at a time since last year.
"Of course he is" Chase looked back up and grinned as Rook curled up with a blanket that was actually his (Chase's). "So you have it, I wondered where that went." He admitted it was fitting seeing as he had Rook's shirt.
He nodded and managed to set his phone up in a way he didn't have to hold it. "Needed something that smelled like you, been a rough couple days away." Rook spoke and rolled his eyes: hearing Kells walking towards his bunk.
"Ayee Rookie!" Kells rang out with the intention of the usual hazing and decided against it once he realized Rook was on call with Chase. "Never mind, I'll catch you later" he mumbled and retreated "say hi for me!"
Figuring there was a good reason Kells chose against hazing Rook; Chase shook his head and stretched out. "Whatever he comes up with don't tell me about it."
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Few months later - Cleveland Ohio - Rook's birthday week.
Rook took a moment to call Chase and raised an eyebrow when the video call was declined. "Okayy"
Chase checked his phone as it rang and dropped the call. "Shit, you're too on the nose" he bit his lip and called Rook on a voice call. Shushing Johnny; Rook's father and stepped outside. "Hey, what's up?" Chase was in Ohio as per Kells' doing and him being there was supposed to be a surprise for Rook's birthday.
"Not a lot, had some down time before the guys want to go out" Rook wqs admittedly a little worried as it was rare they didn't answer video calls. "Everything's okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, mm just a little busy" he said; drawing a hand though his hair and letting go of a breathy sigh. "Guess I miss you, baby" Chase said as they talked. "Had a video shoot this morning so Its been chaos."
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Rook's birthday - October 13th
Pulling into the parking lot of the 27 club coffeeshop; Kells rook a moment to tie a EST bandanna over Rook's eyes. "Can you see?" He asked; waving his hand in front of his friend's eyes.
"No, not at all" Rook wasn't sure what Kells was up to and shrugged. "What are you up to Kells?" He asked as Kells guided him.
"Shut up and don't ask questions, Rookie" he mumbled pulling the door to the coffeeshop open and grinned as Chase was where he said he'd be at the bar. "Just...trust me, it's not a stripper."
"It best fuckin' not be" Rook spoke and slapped Colson's hand away "I've got Chase to answer to back at home." He really wasn't the one Into strippers and all that stuff and he didn't entirely trust Colson currently.
"Or you could answer to him now" Colson snapped his fingers in Chase's direction. Gesturing for him to come over.
Chase grinned hearing what Rook said and shook his head, smiling as the drummer was clearly in the dark.
Catching wind of what smelt like Chase's cologne; Rook starred to say something a s was caught off guard when a set of arms came around his shoulders from the front. "What the he-" he managed to pull the bandanna down and grinned when he was met with Chase's stark blue eyes. "Oh my god" Rook pulled his boyfriend into a hug; holding him close and smiling.
His shoulders relaxed for what felt like the first time in months when Rook's arms wrapped around his waist. "Was all Kells, that's why I couldn't take your call." Chase buried his head in Rook's neck and smiled as Rook's fingers carded through his hair.
Rook held Chase to him and let himself fall into a sense of being home. "You had me worried sick yesterday" he mumbled; cuffing Chase's head lightly. "We answer always, you hear me?" Rook had been up half the night thinking something had happened to the boy.
Colson cracked out a laugh and smiled as Rook sassed Chase for not answering. "You could have asked, Rook, I would have told yah" he ordered himself and Rook a drink and Chase an obviously mocktail version of 'the joker'
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Later in the night
Chase grinned and fought off a playful Rook who pulled him into a hug afterwards. "Get over being annoyed yet?" He asked; kissing Rook softly when the drummer backed him up against the counter. "Or you still mad at me?'
"Mm, I got over that earlier" Rook whispered; returning the kiss when Chase's arms came around his neck. "You know i love you, right?" He asked his boyfriend and tucked a stray piece of hair behind Chase's ear.
Hearing Rook say their first 'I love you' made him smile; realizing he was In love with the drummer warmed his heart as they stood there wrapped in a hug. "You know i love you too?" Chase mumbled back.
Johnny smiled as his son's shoulders were at ease for once, seeing his son so calm and happy was nice. It made him worry leas about how the man was doing. "You two know the rules about being all mushy in the kitchen." He spoke up and grinned as Rook's cheeks turned pink with a blush.
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ourimpavidheroine · 4 years
I’ve gotta say, I’m really enjoying these stories. Also, your late father sounds like an amazing man. I can really see the inspiration for LoLo come out in your mentions of him.
When my mother got pregnant with me - a planned pregnancy, they were young when they married but I was born 16 months later - my father knew from the get-go that he wanted a girl.
This was (and, I am sad to say, still is) an unusual thing for a father to wish for. Most fathers wish for a son. My Dad, however, was raised by a drunken, abusive, narcissistic man and he was afraid that if he had a son he’d just turn into his father. He thought a daughter would help him break that cycle of abuse. 
When I was born he told the nurse who brought me out to him in the waiting room that I was an angel, and Angel was the nickname that he alone called me.
He and I were very, very close, something that made my mother and younger brother jealous. (I didn’t really see or understand that until after he died when I was 26.)  There was nothing whatsoever or remotely sexual about it, which is what people usually assume when a father and daughter are very close. As my girlhood best friend said to me a few months ago, my father thought the sun rose and set on me, thought that I was his fairy princess. All of my odd, Autistic/ADHD weirdness was something he loved. I always knew he loved me not just despite my weirdness but because of it. (Something that my late wife did as well.)
My father was a brilliant man. He graduated high school at 15 and went into university to study architecture. Academically he handled it, but he was way too young to handle the social aspects as well as the responsibility of it and so he dropped out a year later. Things were apparently hellish with my grandfather and my Dad enlisted in the Army on his 18th birthday. This was 1965 and the US started sending soldiers to Vietnam. Not my Dad, though. He took some tests the military gave him and after boot camp spent his entire three years on a Nike missle base in the middle of Milwaukee, working on one of those huge old mainframe computers (you know, the kind with punch cards). I’m guessing they didn’t send the really smart ones off to be killed.
He taught himself how to be an architect through reading books at the library, including textbooks that he would sit and read at UC Berkeley’s library, even though he wasn’t a student there any longer. Then, after he had learned that, he read through engineering and physics textbooks. Then he read through every single book he could find that taught him how to actually build the structures he had learned to draw. He was completely self-taught, and the man not only designed and built complicated, Broadway-worthy theater sets he also designed and built houses from the ground up. He wanted to build a rock retaining wall at our house (which was located at the base of a hill and was on an incline) and so he went to the library and got a book about how Romans built walls and spent three years going to the local river to source variously-sized river rocks to build that retaining wall, which he did completely without any kind of mortar, just balancing the rocks perfectly. It’s still standing, 40 years later.
He always worked at very menial jobs - he was a line cook, a stocker in a supermarket produce department, an RV park manager, etc. He was terrible with money, didn’t understand it at all. We lived right on top of the poverty line. He had zero executive functioning and that caused a lot of problems for all of us and meant a lot of broken promises, too.
I am completely sure that like me, like both of his grandchildren, he had Autism and ADHD. Not diagnosed of course, they weren’t in those days, But he had them nevertheless.
He was a voracious reader and introduced me to sci fi and fantasy. On my eighth birthday he gave me his copies of The Lord of the Rings and had me read them. (This was 1977, trust me when I tell you those books were not a household name at that point.)  He’d wake me up at 3:30 am and we’d go fishing together, him with a thermos of black coffee, me with a bottle of orange juice and a box of Entenmann’s mixed donuts and we’d sit there in happy silence together, fishing and enjoying each other’s company. He was a wonderful storyteller and only once did he get angry with me. He never laid a hand on me or my brother but the one time he got angry with me he slapped me across the face and then the both of us cried.
He taught me many useful skills, like how to jimmy locks and how to walk through people unseen and how to learn on my own how to do things and how to make the world’s best pie. He always told me that I could absolutely anything I put my mind to. When I asked him once if that meant I could be a father - I was joking - he looked me straight in the eye and asked me if I actually wanted to be a father. When I told him no he responded that he had said if I had put my mind to it, and he wasn’t vouching for anything I pulled when I didn’t care.
He also told me that I was the strongest person he’d ever met and when I scoffed at that he shook his head and said, “Angel, most people see you and they have no idea at all what’s inside of you and what you are capable of. There is nothing in this life you won’t overcome. Someday, when we’re both dead, you come find me and tell me I’m wrong.” (So far, he has not been wrong.)
He was a functioning drunk; he only drank after 8 at night, however. Just enough to make sure he’d not be hungover in the morning. He was a night person and all his life only needed about 4 hours of sleep to be completely rested.
He loved movies but he hated to go alone and usually took me. Not all of these movies were appropriate for kids my age but there it was. When I was eleven he took me with him to see The Elephant Man and I broke down completely, devastated and sobbing, horrified at how cruel people were to the lead character, just because he was different. After the movie we sat in the car and he held me until I was done crying and when I was all done he told me to never forget how the movie had made me feel and to remember that no matter how different people were from me they were all human and deserved kindness, compassion and understanding. This was a lesson I have tried very hard to live throughout my life. He took people at face value, and that included everyone. I don’t think he was particularly woke based on 2021 sentiments but he tried very hard to treat people equally and that included queer people during the AIDS crisis, too.
He was a feminist and believed women should be equal to men. He walked the walk, too: he cooked, he cleaned, he changed diapers, etc. And by that I mean he did them as par for the course, as part of his daily life. He did not rely on my mother’s emotional labor to remind him to do shit. He just did it because things needed doing and he was a grownass man, not a man-child. He did not consider caring for his children as babysitting, either.
He liked to sing. My mother and brother have opera-quality singing voices - for real, both of them are quite gifted - but his wasn’t like that, it was just a perfectly ordinary, passable baritone, just like mine is a perfectly ordinary, passable alto. He sang and he whistled when he was happy and I do the same. He used to make up funny little songs and rhymes on the spot, he had a gift for improvisation that way. I wish I had inherited that but alas! No.
Even when he was a boy all of the neighborhood kids would come to him with broken toys to be fixed. He quite genuinely liked kids and even teenagers and spent a lot of time working with the local high school drama department, building the sets, working as the stage manager and setting up and working the lights and soundboard (he taught himself to do that as well) and even directing some of the plays when the drama teacher was out on maternity leave. To this day I still get contacted by people who were in school with me or my brother who tell me what an influence my father was on them, the special things he did for them to make sure they knew he was paying attention and cared. One guy a couple of years ago contacted me on Facebook and told me that he got into some trouble after high school, even got imprisoned for a few months. My father visited him in prison and afterwards took him to AA with him, became his sponsor, helped keep on the straight and narrow. He named his oldest son after my father, in fact. I hear a lot of those stories.
He loved books and he loved music and he taught me to love those things as well. He fell in love with my mother when he was seventeen and married her five years later and came to regret it - like his father, his wife was an abusive, narcissistic person. He stayed with her, though, until my second year of university, when he abruptly walked out on her, went to AA and quit drinking. I asked him about it later; he told me that he had wanted to leave her for years but knew that if he did he’d never see me or my younger brother again. The courts in those days automatically gave kids to the mother and my mother was an accomplished liar and would have told the courts anything and they would have believed her. Once I was out of the house and secure, then he was done. (The fact that my brother was only fifteen and left to fend for himself with my mother was...not good. Not good at all. My father was not perfect and he was not a saint and that was a mistake that still has repercussions today.) He did not do enough to protect me from my mother while I was growing up, however. He regretted it, he told me later. I understand now that he was constantly walking a knife’s edge, trying to keep her satisfied enough so she wouldn’t try to take me away from him, but it took therapy long after he died for me to really understand that.
His special interest was model railroading and he built these amazing, intricate landscapes, all by hand and by scratch. The man took latex molds off the sides of rocks to build mountains with and built buildings out of tiny pieces of wood and such. I spent many hours with him as he built, listening to music and reading or just laying there, thinking my thinks, or sometimes chattering nonstop to him.
He called me, every single Friday night, right after the X-Files ended, right after the child’s voice said “I made this.” My phone would ring and we’d chat for hours, talking about the show (we both loved it) and whatever else. He lived about 5 hours away from me at the time and we did talk at other times during the week but that was our standard date. He died in the middle of Season 2 and to this very goddamn fucking day whenever I hear that “I made this” I wait for my phone to ring. And I cry every single time because he will never call me again.
I absolutely think that meeting my late wife via the X-Files was my father, watching out for me. When my twins were newborn and pretty much all I did 24x7 was breastfeed them I re-watched the entirety of X-Files on the DVDs I had and I’d talk to my father in my head, telling him about his grandchildren.
He’d always buy the new Stephen King books in hardcover and read them and then give them to me to keep. He especially loved the Dark Tower series but I haven’t finished the ones that were published after he died. I bought them myself but they are still sitting on my bookshelf, unread. I just can’t.
He died in the hospital after being in a coma for a week. The ICU nurses were very kind and showed me how I could turn off the life support machine if I wanted to and told me that I could be in there with him as long as I needed. They very considerately closed all of the curtains and closed the door to the room. I was alone with him in there and I turned off the machine and I held his hand and I sang to him as he died. I didn’t want him to be alone. 
He was right. I was strong enough to do that. It hurt, though. It still hurts.
He’s buried in California with a free military headstone because my comfortably upper middle class grandfather refused to shell out for a headstone and I was flat broke. Many years later I had a regular stone engraved with the words, “Go then, there are other worlds than these” and I placed it at our summer cottage here in Finland for him. I like to think that he and my late wife are keeping company. They never met here, but they would have liked each other very much, that I do know.
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 30
Word Count: 4,482
POV: Reader
Warnings: Language, giving birth
Notes: I’ve been waiting to write this one for a while. Sorry it took a bit, I’ve been struggling to write the last couple days. Hopefully that will change. Happy Reading!
Nervous Regrets Masterlist
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The day after Tyler's birthday, your family and his surprised you with a baby shower. They'd taken over Jamie's house and had it decorated with pastel shades of pink and blue. There was a beautiful backdrop of sheer curtains, framed by balloons that said 'Oh Baby' on it. Over in the one corner was a giant teddy bear, holding up all the balloons looking as though he could float away. On the gift table was a huge balloon with little ones inside, written on the outside, was Baby Seguin and just seeing that made your heart melt. There were more desserts than you could count, cupcakes, cookies, chocolate-covered strawberries and so much more. It was a pregnant woman's fantasy that's for sure. There were both team pink and team blue drinks, for people to support whether you were having a boy or a girl. Everything was perfect, and the fact that both of your families, as well as your friends, were there to share it, made it even better.
Thankfully they didn't make you play too many games, but Jenna did have everyone write ideas for baby names since you and Tyler hadn't been able to agree on any. There were a few that caught your attention and you definitely put them on the list. They also played a guessing game with how big your belly was, which was embarrassing. When you finally got around to opening the gifts, there were so many cute outfits, that you couldn't wait to wear them all on the baby. Little onesies with puppies, elephants, and ducks on them. Tyler's mom got you the stroller that you and he had picked out which was perfect, as it always came with a baby carrier so now you had two. Your parents got you a deluxe pack-n-play, that had a changing area and a little bassinet area for when the baby was smaller. Of course, she prefaced the gift by saying that you could bring it when you came to visit them with the baby. Jenna and Anna got the baby a MommaRoo baby swing, that apparently was a must for baby from everything you'd read. There was a designer diaper bag from Cassidy and Candace and so many more gifts, that you were glad someone wrote them all down for you to send out Thank Yous.
 Tyler showed up at the end with Jamie, you weren't sure where the two of them had been, but he had a giant bouquet of flowers for you. They were beautiful white roses, accented with pink and blue miniature flowers. He handed them over, kissing you, and causing everyone to oh and ah.
 "So Ty, do you want a boy or girl?" Andrea, Ben Bishop's wife prodded. Your ears perked up as it was a question you really didn't know the answer to.
 "I mean obviously a little boy would be awesome so that I could teach him all about hockey and maybe be his coach someday. But like a little girl, man I would just spoil her rotten. Is there still a way to get one of each." Everyone laughed, and he wrapped his arms around you and the baby. "But seriously, I think we both just want a healthy little one, so boy or girl, it doesn't matter. Right?"
 "Took the words out of my mouth. Well, maybe not the twins part," You said with laughter in your voice. "Thank god we know it's not that."
 "Well whichever we get this time, we can always try for the other one next."
 "Trying to start the hockey team already, Seggy?" Taylor, Stephen John's girlfriend chirped him.
 "Always." The two of you went around thanking everyone for coming and for all the gifts that were brought. It was the best baby shower in the world and when most everyone had left, you showed Tyler all the gifts. Including the cute little Gucci baby shoes, you'd gotten. "Oh my god, these are so fly, our kid is going to be the coolest little one out there." Jamie and Tyler wouldn't let you touch any of the gifts as they loaded them up in the cars to take back to your place.
 His mom and sisters stayed in town to watch him play a game that night, even though he had to leave right after for a back-to-back in Nashville. He would be back the following night, but not for long before he was on the road again. It was nice to spend some time with his family. Jackie was a huge help in getting things ready for the baby. She made sure that you washed all the clothes that you just got in a laundry detergent safe for the baby and helped you get all the little details done for the nursery. You still had almost five weeks left before the baby arrived, but as Jackie said it was better to have everything ready since those last couple weeks could be trying and you might find yourself not wanting to anything but lounge around.
 Jackie and the girls were only there a couple short days, and it seemed like as soon as they left; so did Tyler. This time when he left, you both felt on edge. He hated leaving you for twelve long days, especially as it was getting late in your pregnancy. And while you would never admit it to him, you hated seeing him go. Your anxiety would get the best of you at times, when he was gone, thinking that you'd go into labor or something. You even went so far as to have Jenna stay over one night because you swore you were having contractions; turned out it was just gas and gone by the time she got there. Though god love her, she stayed the night with you.
 Tyler called you almost every moment of the day. "How are you doing today, baby?"
 "We're doing good, though I feel like the size of this house; all ten thousand square feet of it."
 "Babe, you are not as big as that. I just saw you a week ago and you're literally all baby." Tyler was right of course, but it didn't mean that your ankles weren't swollen at the end of the day or that your back wasn't hurting most of the time.
 "Maybe I gained a million pounds last week, by eating ice cream and chips for breakfast, lunch, and dinner."
 He burst out laughing on the phone, for he knew you how meticulous you were about eating healthy while pregnant. Not to say that you didn't self-indulge because you did; you were just trying to make sure the baby got more nutritious foods than junk ones. "Even if you did, I'd still love you."
 "I love you too." You sighed, and you felt tears welling up in your eyes because you missed him so much. Your hormones were all over the place lately, for just last night you found yourself crying at some commercial on television. At least Cash came over then and licked away your tears then. This time you just took a deep breath and calmed yourself down. Tyler would be home in another week and everything would be fine. "So tell me about your day?" And just like that, you'd change the subject so that you were back to joking and laughing again.
 Tyler was gone for Valentine's Day but that didn't stop him from sending you extravagant gifts. There was a giant bouquet of red roses, that was delivered to you early in the morning. Then as the day went on there was a box from Venus ET Fleur of white roses that were delivered from Baby Seguin. The card attached read, 'Since I won't be here for a few more weeks; I got you the ones that will last a long time. Can't wait to meet the best Mommy in the world. Love, Baby Seguin.' You hadn't expected Tyler to send you something from the baby and his thoughtfulness overwhelmed you.
 In the afternoon, a courier brought over another package, and you were half expecting it to be more flowers. This time when you opened the box, there was another box inside that read 'CHANEL.' Tyler knew you'd had your eye on the bag since right after Christmas, but it was still a surprise that he'd boughten it for you. The last gift he sent you was hand-delivered from the jeweler Tyler used. It was around five in the evening and you knew that he would be heading for the arena for his game, but you still called to thank him. "Ty, I can't believe you did this."
 "You deserve it, baby."
 "They're too much though. You already got me all the flowers and the gorgeous bag."
 "I didn't get you all the flowers, the baby got you some too. You like them though don't you?" How could you not? They were matching earrings to the necklace that he gave you before you got engaged. Two smaller diamonds, that dropped down to a large one; they were absolutely perfect.
 "Like them? Hun, I love them." Actually, you more than loved them but didn't know how to say that. "I can't wait to wear them."
 "Well, I plan on taking you somewhere special when I get home so that you can wear them and the necklace." Knowing Tyler, he would have some elaborate dinner planned, and while you couldn't wait to wear the matching jewelry set; he didn't need to do anything more for the holiday.
 "Ty, I'd be happy just wearing them for you around the house."
 "Mmmm and nothing else, maybe?" The man was completely incorrigible, but you weren't going to say that it wasn't a good idea to welcome him home. In fact, you liked the idea so much you decided that was exactly what you were going to do.
 "Well, I do need to say thank you for all these gifts you gave me."
 "Babe, you are seriously killing me here and I have to leave, the bus is waiting."
 You sighed, not wanting to let him go, yet knowing you had to. "Well, thank you again for the earrings, and well...everything else. You've really made this Valentine's Day special, even if you can't be here. I love you, Ty."
 "I love you too (Y/N). Happy Valentine's Day! I'll talk to you after the game." Tyler's Valentine's Day did not go as well as yours, as the Stars ended up losing the game.
 Two days later you were in the doctor's office, for your weekly checkup. You were at thirty-seven weeks and as with all your appointments, they started off with doing all your measurements. They also did a swab test to check if you had Group B Strep, which would mean that you would need antibiotics when you went into labor. The doctor went over the difference between Braxton-Hicks and actual labor pains, though she emphasized to call into the office if you weren't sure. She went on to tell you that you were about ten percent effaced, which meant that your cervix was just preparing for the birth and should put you at your due date. After all your tests came back good, they told you they would see you in a week and possibly do an ultrasound then to double-check that the baby was in the right position.
 You headed home, planning on watching Tyler's game and then waiting for him to get home, well maybe you'd nap in between that time. Who were you kidding; you knew you'd fall asleep the moment the game was done. You settled on the couch with the dogs and some takeout, but things didn't go well again for the Stars. They lost their second straight game, and you knew Tyler would be disappointed in the way that he played. Throwing on one of the x-large t-shirts you'd been wearing you headed into the bedroom to get a quick nap so that you'd be awake when he came home.
 It was a little after two in the morning when Tyler snuck into bed with you. So much for being awake when he got here. "Sorry babe, I didn't mean to wake you." His hands immediately went to the baby, so that he could caress the little one inside you; then he went and kissed you. "I missed you, two."
 "We missed you too. This stretch was way too long."
 "I know baby. At least this is the last long one we have; all the others are six days at the longest." Tyler scooted closer to you now, that he'd greeted his child. "How was the doctor's today?"
 You hadn't got a chance to talk to him before the game, as he was an hour ahead of you and already at the arena by the time you were done. "Everything's perfect. The doctor said the baby is fine and their head is in the right position. They will probably do an ultrasound next week."
 "Oh good, then I'll be here for it." His hands were skating up and down your back and he stifled a yawn.
 "Tired, hun?"
 "Yeah, these last two losses were tough."
 You ran your fingers through his curls, lightly scratching his scalp. "Let's go to sleep then."
 "Mmhmm," And you could tell that he was half asleep, so you closed your eyes, in hopes of falling back asleep. However, the longer you laid there, the more uncomfortable you felt, which was a horrible side effect of pregnancy. It seemed like you felt this way more, and more with each day. After several minutes of listening to Tyler snore, you decided to roll over to see if that would help.
 Exactly forty-two minutes later, and you knew this because you'd looked at the clock about every six minutes; you were still awake more miserable than before. There was no point in tossing and turning and waking Tyler up. It took some effort, but you got out of bed and headed into the living room, Cash following you. He'd been attached to your hip lately, not that it was unusual, for he'd been that way since you and Tyler got back together. It just seemed the past couple of days he never left your side, which included when you went to the bathroom. Maybe he realized that you'd been upset with Tyler being gone so long; Cash seemed to pick up on everything happening with you.
 You turned the television on and made yourself as comfortable as possible on the couch, your not so little dog beside you. There was absolutely nothing on, so you switched to Netflix, rubbing your belly as you browsed for something to watch. Your heartburn was really killing you tonight, and you vowed to yourself you were never getting takeout from that barbeque place again until you delivered the baby. After contemplating a bunch of shows, you threw on the Crown in hopes that some history would put you to sleep. Which thankfully it did have you nodding off, but not for long as that indigestion was annoying you again.
 It was now five-thirty in the morning, and you were pretty sure that you were not going to be getting any sleep. So you went and adjusted some things in the nursey. You'd been doing this a lot recently. Changing where the clothes went or moving the hooded towels into a different drawer. Finally satisfied where everything was for at least the next hour, you decided to relax a bit in the rocking chair, maybe the sway would put you to sleep. Though when you looked at your phone and it said six-forty-five, you got up and headed into the kitchen.
 Ginger tea had helped a few times when your heartburn was pretty bad, so you thought you'd try that route again. Taking the teapot out, you headed over to the sink to fill it with water; when it started. You couldn't quite describe it, but it was almost a shifting in your body as if the baby dropped and you screamed. "AAAAHHHHHH!" The pot crashing into the sink as pain shot through your body. Your hands gripped the sink, and it wasn't until your feet were wet that you realized your water had broke.
 Tyler had heard you yell, and ran out to the kitchen. "Babe, what's wrong?" It was all in a rush and you couldn't quite hear him as your body didn't even feel like your own at the moment. Something was wrong, something was definitely wrong. "(Y/N) talk to me!" But you couldn't, as another pain hit you. It was like you were splitting in two and you felt your vagina tear. You were having the baby and you were having it now. By the time Tyler got around to your side, he realized you were in labor, though you were pretty sure he didn't know to what extent.
 You inhaled deeply, trying to get the pain somewhat under control so you could speak. "Ty, call 9-1-1." Reaching down between your legs, you felt it. It was the baby's head just inches from coming into this world. "The baby is coming NOW!"
 "What? No, we have to get to the hospital. I'll get the…"
 "Tyler, we don't have time." And you grabbed his shoulder with one hand, as you tried to keep your child in with the other. "I can feel the head."
 "Fuck, where's the…" And he grabbed the cordless you had in the kitchen, while you prayed that the baby would just stay inside you a bit longer. Your cell phone was on the counter, and you called Jenna as she had planned to film the whole thing, though that's not why you needed her now. She was your backup coach and right now, Tyler needed to pay attention to the 9-1-1 operator but you needed someone to help you through this.
 The minute she answered you started rambling. "Jenna, the baby's coming. I mean like…" Another pain coursed through you. "Like now. I mean I'm gonna have the baby in my fucking kitchen. I can feel the head and…"
 "Ok, ok. You need to breathe (Y/N) come on you can do this." And you could hear shuffling in the background. "Jamie get up, the baby's coming. We're on our way, I'm gonna stay on the phone with you. Now just listen to my voice. Breathe in, that's it. Now breathe out. That's great (Y/N)."
 Tyler was in the background then. "The ambulance is on their way, they'll be here in less than 10 minutes."
 "I don't think we have that long."
 "Mr. Seguin," the operator's voice interrupted. "I need you to have your wife lie down, and I need you to get some clean towels or sheets."
 "I can't deliver this baby. Do you understand? I play hockey. I'm not a doctor." He was breathless and completely panicked just as you were.
 "Tyler look at me!" You yelled at him to grab his focus as you dropped down to the floor. "Go into the laundry room, there are clean sheets there and towels."
 "(Y/N), Jamie and I are in the car. We'll be there in two minutes." Jamie lived only about eight blocks away from Tyler, so her being here at that time would happen. You'd joked about Jamie delivering the baby when you were in Mexico, but it looked like that may actually happen. A small chuckle escaped your lips at the thought. "(Y/N) are you ok?"
 "No…yes. I don't even know anymore." Just then another contraction hit, and you did your best the breath through it while trying not push. "Tyler!" What was taking him so long, the laundry room was literally two rooms away; he should've been back by now.
 "What where is Tyler? He should be there with you." Jenna yelled through the phone.
 "Here. Towels." It was all you could eek out as you concentrated on keeping the baby inside you for a little bit longer. Tyler finally appeared, with a stack of towels and sheets, phone pressed between his ear and shoulder.
 "I'm here." He placed the linens on the counter, then spread one of the sheets out. "They said to lay on this." Once he was done, he basically picked you up, only to set you back down on the cloth.
 Now both calls were on speaker, but it was the operator who spoke next. "The ambulance is five minutes out. How are you doing Mrs. Seguin?"
 "I don't know if I can wait that long. I feel another…" And then you were groaning as yet another contraction spasmed through your body.
 "Breathe, baby." Tyler's voice cut through the pain and you tried to focus on him rather than the urge to push. "Just a little bit longer ok. You are so strong, baby." His hand grabbed yours, as you grimaced.
 "Mr. Seguin…Mr. Seguin…I'm going to need you to look and see where the baby is at." This from the operator again, as you finally registered that they were speaking to the two of you.
 "I don't think I can move my hand though." You'd had it placed there willing the baby to stay put, there was no way you were moving it until there was a licensed professional here.
 "I know your scared…(Y/N). I am too, but you can do this."
 Just then the door burst open, Jenna running inside. "The ambulance is right down the street, we could see the lights. Jamie is flagging them down now." She took in the sight and her face went completely white as a ghost. "Oh my god. Oh my god."
 "Jenna, that is not helping," Tyler said through clenched teeth.
 She shook herself and then dropped her phone on the counter as she rushed forward. "Right, what can I do?"
 "We need to see exactly where the baby's at. Will you let us do that (Y/N)?" Tyler was speaking to you in a soothing voice, almost as if you were a child that he was coaxing into taking their medicine.
 "Come on (Y/N)," Jenna added. "We can do this together. Just let me take a quick look, like a second."
 "Ok…but I still have panties on." You knew they would have to come off, but that would happen when the paramedics got here. You could actually hear the sirens now.
 Tyler reached up into a draw and pulled out a knife, and before you could say anything he was tearing the one side of the underwear. "Babe, we have to do this. This little one is going to want out any minute." You knew he was right and you just nodded, as he stretched to the other side then did the same thing. He tossed the knife into the sink, then grabbed your hand. Jenna was between your legs ready to see where the baby was positioned. "Ok babe, on the count of three, ready? One…two…" And then he was shifting your hand before you knew what was happening.
 "Ok yeah, the baby is definitely right there." You quickly snatched your hand back and placed it back on top of your vagina.
 "Not until, the paramedics get here." You insisted and then groaned as another contraction hit you.
 "Deep breath in," Tyler told you. "And out." Making a 'hee, hee, hee' sound, then 'hoo' just as you learned in Lamaze class. He did it again and you felt somewhat better. "Good job baby. You're doing so great."
 Jamie came in through the open door then. "The paramedics are…wow ok."
 Just then two ambulance workers came rushing into the house, shoving Jamie aside, Jenna moved from her spot as well to give them room, while Tyler remained at your side. "Mrs. Seguin, I see we're going to have a baby tonight here in your kitchen huh?" He was trying to be jovial and take the edge off, but you could only manage a terrified look at his words. "Don't worry, this isn't my first delivery. Now, how about you let me take a look." You moved your hand then which was covered in blood and fluid, yet Tyler still took it and laced his finger with yours. "Yup, so you probably feel like you want to push right?"
 "Ok, well the next time the contraction comes, that's what I want you to do." His voice was calm like he was not in your kitchen, getting ready to deliver your child and that this was an everyday occurrence. "Mr. Seguin, how about you move behind your wife, to support her back. And could you," he looked at Jenna. "Come next to (Y/N) here and hold this leg." Another paramedic entered then from outside, a bag of stuff attached to him, while the other grabbed your free leg.
 You felt Tyler's voice before you heard it, his warm breath touching your ear. "You're so brave, baby. I can't believe how strong you're being. Just a little bit longer and our baby will be here." You were leaning heavily into his chest now, but had a death grip on both of his hands. "I'm right here with you babe."
 The contraction hit just then, your abdomen constricting with so much pain it was like a tidal wave was pulling you under, though you had to fight through so that you could push. "Ok now's the time, Mrs. Seguin." You leaned forward grunting with effort, Tyler telling you breathing techniques the entire time. "Good, good," the paramedic urged. "I have the head, now just one more push to get the shoulders."
 "Come on babe, one more. You can do it." His face was pressed up against the side of yours, as he helped you through the final push. You knew deep down that if you could just get through this one last part, you would be holding your baby in no time. Bearing down, you concentrated on getting the baby out. As the shoulders passed through your opening, you knew that you'd finally brought your little one into the world.
 "Congratulations, it's a boy." The paramedic told you, tears flowing freely from your eyes.
 You'd watched enough birthing videos and medical shows to know that once the baby was born the child usually cried, however yours wasn't, and suddenly you were even more panicked than before. "Why isn't he crying?" And you leaned further up so that you could see what was going on with your son, but the man had his back turned and now the paramedic that had been holding your leg scooted over to help him. "Is he ok?" And you looked back at Tyler, the terror in his face mirrored your own. This couldn't be happening not now, not after everything you'd gone through tonight to get him here.
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livsdaya · 5 years
Dance Party
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Word Count: 1057
Summary: While your stuck in traffic a fan gets a video of you doing something Shawn finds adorable.
Warnings: Fluff overload
Requested: Nope!
Shawn smiled down at the text you sent him, glad that he had a little bit more time to set up the date he’d been planning. He was no stranger to long and hard days, but the difference between you and him was that he actually likes his job. You worked a job for some odd YouTubers and internet personalities, editing their Instagram pictures and their videos and whatnot. You were hoping it would lead to you being able to make your own videos, and maybe someday, if you played your cards right, a movie.
There was an accident and as a result you hadn’t moved twenty meters in the last hour. The entire freeway and all the exits were blocked up and it looked like you weren’t going to be getting home for at least another three hours.
You sighed and pressed your head against the steering wheel, the only noise other than the car engine being your breathing. Deciding the silence was deafening, you turned to your Siri. “Hey, Siri. Play morning playlist.”
Shawn loved constructing playlists for you, a mix of your favourites, his favourites and songs he knew you’d like. He made one ever special occasion; Valentine’s, Christmas, your birthday and your anniversary and you had twenty individual playlists for different things.
There was one for making breakfast, there was one full of sad songs because sometimes you decided to punish yourself and watch The Lion King, there were love songs that you insisted to your boyfriend were incredibly cheesy, but you secretly loved some of them.
The first song was one you’d insisted and, after many hours of badgering (and you bluffing that you knew how to create a joint playlist and just edit it yourself, you knew that was a thing, you just didn’t know how the hell it worked) he finally added it.
Shawn didn’t like adding his own songs to your playlists, because he never wanted to assume you liked them (which you did, every single one of them) and didn’t want to appear vain. But he had relented with this one, because he could tell how much you loved it.
As the build up to the song began, you just started to get absorbed in the music and soon found yourself belting out the song at the top of your lungs. “I can’t write one song that’s not about you, can’t drink without thinking about you, is it too late to tell you that everything means nothing if I can’t have you,”
Figuring you wouldn’t be moving any time soon you started dancing like a maniac and just letting go of all your problems and bad things that happened that day.
You noticed the traffic starting to speed up somewhat and smiled as it would probably only take thirty/forty minutes and you were just being a drama queen before. As a different Shawn song started up you smiled and texted him saying you would be home soon.
Shawn had left the pasta bake in the oven on low so it wouldn’t get too cold and he sat on the couch that you picked to scroll through Disney+ movies. You already had Netflix but you threatened to overload the bedroom with your extensive Disney memorabilia when you moved in so he relented and let you get Disney+. He wasn’t even paying for it, he just didn’t see the need for you to be throwing away your hard-earned money at the job you didn’t like just to be able to watch Tangled.
He picked up his phone to send you a text, just something small, an I-love-you or something similar and found himself overwhelmed with twitter notifications.
Everyone had been tagging him in something. Shawn sighed, shrugged and opened one of the videos. His face broke out in a grin as he saw you, still in your work clothes (which, considering your office was full of artists and techies, consisted of one of his pink tour hoodies and a pair of ripped light wash jeans) belting out one of his songs at full volume.
The video had been taken through an open car window (your window was broken and was permanently down on the left side of the car), presumably by one of his fans, which he could have considered creepy, but he honestly didn’t care as he saw just how adorable you were.
“That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen,” a female voice mumbled, presumably the person taking the video and it panned over to another girl driving the car.
The girl driving looked straight ahead as she smiled. “Keep her, Shawn. Please. Or else,” she added.
The video went back as Nervous began playing, but the song was barely on for ten seconds before it ended.
Shawn smiled to himself. You had always been his biggest fan and he loved you so much for that. He was always anxious sharing his music with you because, as much as you loved him, you would tell him when you didn’t like something.
As Shawn pulled out the food and started to set the table, he heard your car pull up. Straightening his shirt he went into the entryway and greeted you with a smile and a kiss as you walked through the door.
“Hello, gorgeous girl,” he took your bag and coat and put them on the rack.
“You either want something or did something stupid,” you narrowed your eyes at him. “Which is it?”
“Nothing,” You squinted at him. “I just want to show you how much I love you.”
Your shoulders relaxed as he hugged you from behind. Shawn kissed your neck and leaded you into the dining room. “You made dinner?” You asked as you sat down.
“Yeah, I had a rough day.”
“Wouldn’t that be more of a reason for me to make dinner?” You started to eat as Shawn took his seat.
“Well, my favourite thing to do is spoil you so I decided that tonight would be all about you.” Shawn said.
“Shawn, you don’t have to do that for me. I feel like I should be doing more for you.” You frowned.
“Really. The best thing you can do is eat my food no matter how gross it is and then sit on the couch and watch Tangled.”
“I love you, Shawn.”
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Sexiled (Part 16/23) ~ Steve Rogers x Reader ~ College!AU
A/N: Hello my lovelies! Happy Monday. I hope everyone is doing alright and staying safe and sane. 
So I am excited (but also sad) to say that Sexiled is almost complete. I have the next few parts basically ready for posting. And I should have the story completely written and edited in the next few days. Once I have everything done, I’ll schedule the remainder of the story and I will update the masterlist with the scheduled post dates so you can keep an eye out in case tumblr is eating my notifs. So for now onto the story. 
Summary: Girls night and subsequent studying with Steve. Are your friends ever going to figure it out? 
Characters/Pairings: Steve x Reader, Natasha, Wanda, Skye
Rating: T
Warnings: Language. Feels? Fluff. 
Word Count: 1487
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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After an exam, turning in your final writing assignment, and completing your last two labs of the semester you were practically skipping back to your room. Most of the doors on the floor were open as people packed to go home for Thanksgiving. You could hear the laughter coming from your room from the elevator.
“I can’t believe you started the party without me,” you announced before you walked in.
“We didn’t start anything,” Skye called back.
Wanda and Skye were on your bed, and Nat was standing on hers trying to string up the last of what looked like eight strings of fairy lights.
Wanda started to get up, but you waved her off, stowing your bag under your desk.
“Nat, what are you doing?”
“The lighting in this room sucks. And you said you liked the little strand that I had on my wall. So when I found these for cheap I figured why not.”  
“And eight strings doesn’t seem like overkill?” you teased.
“Oh be quiet. Hurry up and change. Sweatpants are mandatory.”
“Okay, okay.”
You quickly went to the bathroom to change into your favorite sweatpants and Steve’s hoodie. When you came back Natasha had gotten the last strand up and the room was illuminated only by fairy lights. It was very calming, almost magical.  
“You like?” Nat asked with a hopeful grin.
“I love.”
“Good,” Nat smiled as she sat on her desk. “Because I wasn’t taking them down. This took five hours.”
“Oh my god, Nat.”
You giggled and rolled your eyes as you crawled onto her bed.
“Worth it.”
“It’s perfect,” you agreed.
 A few hours later there were half eaten pizza boxes piled on your desk and you were laying with your head hanging off the edge of Nat’s bed with your legs against the wall.  
“What do you think the guys are doing right now?” Skye asked the room.
“Drinking whatever beer Tony smuggled in and playing video games,” Nat snorted.
“Somebody pass the Oreos,” Wanda called from her spot on the floor.
“Here you go,” Skye dangled the pack in front of her face. “Who’s got the Twizzlers?”
Nat tossed the pack across the room and Skye caught it easily.
“Thank you.”
“So, how’s it going with Barnes?”
Skye’s smile turned soft as she dragged her knees up to her chest.
“It’s good. He’s such a good guy. It’s a nice change of pace from my ex,” Skye’s tone dropped and you stifled a growl.
She had told you all about Ward and all you could say was that he was lucky he didn’t live in the state because you would have gone and kicked his ass.  
“You guys are really cute together,” Wanda cooed. “He never smiled this much when he was with Dot.”
Skye blushed slightly, clearly pleased.  
“That’s because Dot was sucking his soul out of him,” Natasha grumbled.  
“He makes me really happy. And he’s easy on the eyes.”
“Can’t argue with that.”
“Are you guys going to make it official soon?” Wanda asked softly.
“I think so. I mean, it’s still early, but it looks like it’s going that way.”
“See, y/n, that’s how it works. You like someone. You go out on dates and then start a relationship.”
You rolled your eyes nudging her shoulder with your knee.
“Oh really? I had no idea. Thanks for clearing that up,” you sassed, earning you a flick on the ear.
“Come on,” she practically whined. “You and Steve have been basically dating for months. You spend literally all of your time together. You’re even going home with him for Thanksgiving. When are you going to tell him how you feel?”
“Who says that I haven’t?” you asked coyly.
“Have you?” Wanda asked with knowing eyes. You had to wonder if she somehow knew. She was talented like that.
You considered fessing up.
“There’s no way,” Nat interjected before you could speak. “If she’d told Steve, they’d be together and insufferable.”
You shrugged. Skye was doing an admirable job of suppressing a laugh.
“I’m happy with where Steve and I stand. Isn’t that enough?”
Sweetheart that she is, Wanda smiled and nodded.
“As long as you’re happy. We just don’t want you to miss out on a good thing.”
“I appreciate that, Wanda.”
“But speaking of meeting parents,” Skye started, saving you. “Wanda. I heard a rumor that you’re meeting Sam’s parents this weekend.”
Wanda’s cheeks turned as red as her signature leather jacket. She and Sam had gone public a couple of days after his birthday and you’d been relieved you didn’t have to keep that secret for long.
“Yes. They’re coming up on Wednesday. They’ve invited me and Pietro to join them for dinner.”
“That’s going to be really nice.”
“I’m really nervous.”
“Don’t be,” you soothed. “They’re really nice. And they’re going to love you.”
“I hope so,” she sighed.  
The four of you stayed up talking until nearly five in the morning, so you didn’t wake up to meet Steve until after noontime. You watched him from the doorway to the study lounge, admiring his focus. When he noticed your presence, he lit up with a wide smile.
“Hey, sweetness.”
“Hey. Sorry I’m late.” You pushed off the wall and took his outstretched hand as he pulled you between his legs. “How was guy’s night?”
“It was fun. We played Call of Duty, and Tony managed to sneak in a couple six packs.”
You chuckled at Nat’s accurate prediction.
“What?” he asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“I missed sleeping next to you last night,” Steve admitted as you carded your fingers through his hair.
“I did too.”
“Did you have fun with the girls though?”
You nodded happily.
“It was a lot of fun. It was nice to have all of us together for once and just be able to talk. And being done with all the assignments was nice too.”
“Mmm. What did you all talk about?”
You smirked and shook your head. “That is privileged information. Girl’s night code.”
“Oh. Right. Very official.”
“It’s a binding contract. I’m sure you guys have the same.”
“Oh yeah. Of course. I can tell you that the guys did are really rooting for me to ask you out. For the most part.”
“For the most part?”
“Mhmm. Tony thinks you can do better.”
You chuckled, “I mean…”
Steve narrowed his eyes.
“I’m kidding.” You leaned down to kiss him tenderly. “You are everything I have ever dreamed of.”
He pulled you into his lap, touching your foreheads together.
“You are better than anything I could have dreamed of.”
“Did you tell them?” you asked after a quiet tender moment.
“I thought about it. I probably would have if they’d let me get a word in edgewise,” he rolled his eyes. “At this point I think they just like to hear themselves talk.”
“Wanda actually asked outright if I’d told you how I felt,” you admitted.
“Did you tell her the truth?”
“Didn’t get the chance. Nat said there was no chance. She’d think we’d be insufferable if we were together.”
“Is that right?”
“They’re going to be so pissed when they find out,” he chuckled.  
“I’m looking forward to it,” you grinned kissing him once before extracting yourself and unpacking your books.
 You were taking a break between your Chem and Bio lab reports when Steve spoke up.
“Oh, I didn’t get to tell you. Erskine does remember me.”
“Really? How do you know?”
“I went to his office hours yesterday to ask about the atomic orbital stuff, and I was the only one there. So after he helped me, I decided to thank him whether he remembered me or not. He did.”
You smiled smugly.
“Told ya.”
“Yeah. Yeah. You were right. Anyways, he said he recognized me right away and he was glad to see me doing so well. He also invited me to see his lab after we get back from break.”
“That’s so cool. I’m so excited for you.”
“Thanks, sweetness.”
“Do you feel better knowing he remembers you?”
He hummed, shaking his head slightly.
“You know me well. Yeah. I do. He had such a big impact on my life. It’s nice to know that he cares as much about his patients as I hope to someday.”
You rested your chin on your hand listening intently as he launched into a rant about the need for compassion in medicine. After about ten minutes he seemed to realize he’d been ranting.
“Sorry, I.”
“You’re going to be such a good doctor.” You surged forward, cutting off his apology with a kiss. “Do not apologize. You are so hot when you talk about the things you’re passionate about.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked with a smirk, waggling his eyebrows. “You must love when I talk about you.”
“You certainly won’t catch me complaining,” you agreed.  
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoy. 
Tag Lists are Open please send an ask. Strike throughs didn’t work
Sexiled Tag List 
@yourspecialcrush @part-time-patronus​ @impala-with-wings​ @the-stories-in-my-head-95​ @zlixlle @peter-parker-steve-bucky​ @encounterthepast​
@holygaygal​ @hista-girl​ @steves-on-a-plane​ @juliagolia87​ @pastelsweaters-and-bubble-t​ @musicfreak180 @captainscanadian​ @viarogers
Steve/Chris Tag List 
@isaxhorror​ @peachykeen3502​ @patzammit​ @wordlesscaptain​ @coffeebooksandfandom​​ @hereisanapplepie​ @mywinterwolf​ @straightforwardly​
Marvel Tag List 
@hdthdthdt​​  @sophiatomlinson23​ @misty-panther @supermusicallee​ @scarlettsoldier​ @acupofhotlatte​ @slender--spirit​ @petitesmate​ @libbymouse​
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bechloeislegit · 4 years
Prompt from FanFiction User malexfaith: A birthday fic for malexfaith from her prompt requesting a BeChloe COVID-19 fic. [See the end for the full prompt.]
"Finally," Beca muttered, breathing out a sigh of relief after reading the all-employee email from the studio bosses. The person that thought they had COVID-19 had a negative test result come back. After spending two weeks in self-isolation, Beca was ready to get out of her apartment, even if it was only to do some grocery shopping. It was almost dinner time and she only had a can of ravioli on her shelf.
Beca jumped up and ran to the bathroom to shower and brush her teeth. She gathered everything she needed, including her face mask and gloves. She also opted to dress in real clothes before making her way out of her apartment. She followed all the proper 'social-distancing' protocols and made her way to the market just down the street.
She walked in and saw two people, both of whom worked there.
"Good evening," Beca said.
"Good evening," one of the workers replied. "May I help you find something?"
"No thanks," Beca said. "I'm just picking up a few necessities."
Beca walked down the aisles, placing a few things in her cart. She got to the frozen foods and stocked up on microwave meals and ice cream. She turned the corner of the paper goods aisle and stopped.
The entire aisle of shelves was bare. There was not one single pack of toilet paper or paper towels. She furrowed her brow and slowly walked the entire aisle, looking from side to side like a roll of toilet paper was going to jump off the shelf at her.
"Wow," Beca muttered. "This hoarding toilet paper really is a thing now."
Beca grabbed a few more needed items and went to the checkout. Someone had come in while she was shopping, so she stood what she thought was six feet behind them.
The cashier finished with the other person and Beca moved forward. She unloaded her cart and paid for her purchases. She packed her reusable bags and managed to get them all back to her apartment without dropping or losing anything.
Beca put her groceries away, keeping one frozen meal out to put in the microwave. She read the directions and placed the meal in the microwave, punching in five minutes. She turned on the TV and immediately changed the station from a re-airing of the President's Coronavirus press briefing from the day before.
"Moron," Beca mumbled before finding a reputable news station to listen to for the latest information on treatments and vaccines and such.
The microwave beeped and Beca got her meal. Once she was done eating, she grabbed a beer and sat in front of her computer. The TV was on low in the background while she tweeted about her trip to the market, lamenting about the lack of toilet paper. For fun, she added #NoTPtobeFound.
She posted the picture she had taken of her frozen meal once and posted it on Instagram.
BMitchNotBitch: Spoils of being single and self-quarantining with yourself. #EatingAlone
It didn't take long for the notifications to come in. Beca checked and she had several likes and a few comments on her #EatingAlone post.
She liked one post that was accompanied by a picture of a half a personal size pizza. The poster, HomeEducator, had written: This was the only thing left in my refrigerator for me to eat today. #EatingAlone
It made Beca chuckle. She was surprised when she saw a reply come through.
HomeEducator: OMG! BMitchNotBitch liked my post! #Swooning #BigFan #TheCupSongismyFave
Several new notifications popped up and Beca sat smiling and shaking her head at how one post and her liking a post could get such a reaction. Her fans were the best.
Beca re-read the post from HomeEducator and decided to send her a private message.
BMitchNotBitch: Hi. I saw your post about me liking your post and wanted to see if you were okay. Being alone during this sucks.
The response from HomeEducator was almost immediate.
HomeEducator: Is this really you? Beca Mitchell the music producer and singer?
BMitchNotBitch: The one and only, I swear.
It took a little longer for the response to come through this time.
HomeEducator: Sorry, but I had to squeal a little. I'm such a big fan and can't believe you're actually writing to me. #BMitchNotBitchFangirl
BMitchNotBitch: I don't usually 'talk' to my fans through personal messaging but I liked that you posted your dinner and that you were eating alone. Since we're both alone I thought it might be nice to have someone to chat with while sitting around by ourselves.
HomeEducator: I'd love to chat sometime. I am a teacher and we are doing remote learning so I'm busy from about nine until three on Tues, Wed, and Thurs.
BMitchNotBitch: That works out for me. I have a small studio in my apartment and will be working on some new stuff while I'm home.
HomeEducator: Anything you can share?
BMitchNotBitch: Not yet. But, if you play your cards right, I might let you hear a snippet or two.
HomeEducator: That would be so awesome!
Beca's phone pinged with a text notification; she read it and sighed.
BMitchNotBitch: I'm sorry but I'm going to have to cut this short. I got a message about some work I have to take care of. I hope we can chat again.
HomeEducator: I'm free tomorrow. How about I message you around three-thirty to see if you can talk.
BMitchNotBitch: Sounds good to me. Bye for now.
HomeEducator: Bye.
Beca checked the text again and went to work on what her boss had sent her.
~~ #EatingAlone ~~
The next day, Beca was working in her home studio when she saw her phone light up with an IG message notification. She pulled off her headphones and looked at her phone. She smiled when she saw it was from HomeEducator.
HomeEducator: It's three-thirty. Can you talk?
BMitchNotBitch: Can I get back to you in about 30? I'm in the middle of something but almost done with it.
HomeEducator: Sure. I'll talk to you in a little while.
BMitchNotBitch: Awesome!
Beca put her headphones back on and finished the track. She played it back and made a few tweaks and listened to it one more time. She smiled because it sounded better than she had expected.
"I should send HomeEducator a snippet of this," Beca thought.
Beca quickly cut out a portion of the chorus and copied it into a file. She made sure it sounded good and pulled up her message thread with HomeEducator.
"I really need to ask for her name," Beca mumbled as she pulled up her Instagram message thread.
BMitchNotBitch: What's your name? It's only fair that you tell me since you already know mine. Also, here's a little something for your listening pleasure.
Beca attached the music file and hit send. She waited for a response and started to get nervous when it took a few minutes. Beca thought about sending another message when her phone lit up.
HomeEducator: OMG, Beca! That is amazing. Are you releasing this or is someone else? When will it come out?
BMitchNotBitch: LOL. Calm down. It's for my next album which I do not have a release date for. With all that's going on it may come out on iTunes or some other music download system.
HomeEducator: Let me know when and how. I def want to hear the rest of the song. The chorus is aca-amazing.
BMitchNotBitch: Aca what? And I'll ask again, what is your name?
HomeEducator: Oops, I didn't mean to type that. Maybe I'll tell you about it someday, but today is not the day.
HomeEducator: And my name is Chloe Beale.
"Chloe," Beca mumbled liking the way the name sounded rolling off her tongue.
BMitchNotBitch: Nice name. Would it be weird if I sent you my number so we could text and maybe talk? If it is, forget I said anything. It would be nice to hear another voice once in a while.
HomeEducator: 213-555-1960
Beca sat up when she saw the message. "She gave me her number."
Beca bit her lip but put the number in her phone under Chloe's name. She sent a quick text.
Unknown Number: Hi, it's Beca Mitchell. Thanks for giving me your number. Be sure to save mine.
Chloe: Done. Can I call you?
Beca: Anytime.
Beca hit send and jumped when her phone rang almost immediately. She was surprised to see Chloe's name on her caller ID.
"Hello?" Beca said into the phone.
"Hi, it's Chloe," Chloe said. "Calling you now is okay, right? It's not weird is it?"
"Yes, it's okay, and no, I don't think it's weird," Beca said. "You have a nice voice."
"Thank you," Chloe said. "I always thought your voice was nice."
"Oh, um, thank you," Beca said. "So, you have a 213 area code. Does that mean you live in the LA area?"
"Yes, I do," Chloe said.
"Great," Beca said. "Maybe when we can get out and about again we can meet in person?"
"I'd like that," Chloe said. "That is if you're still talking to me then. I have a tendency to ignore boundaries because I want to know everything about people and that turns them off sometimes."
Beca chuckled. "Hmm, maybe I need to rethink that invitation."
She heard Chloe let out a small gasp of faux indignation.
"I'm kidding," Beca said.
"Good. So, tell me a little about yourself," Chloe said. "I mean stuff that people don't know. Like I said, I'm a big fan so I know quite a bit about you from what's posted online and stuff. I know there has to be more to you than that."
Beca chuckled again. "You're right. I am much more than what you read online or hear about in the tabloids. Let me get out of my studio and get comfortable."
"Ooo," Chloe said, laughing. "It's going to be that kind of phone call. Kinky."
"Oh, my God," Beca said, face flushing. "I didn't know I was dealing with a perv."
Chloe laughed.
"Okay, I'm in my living room," Beca said as she laid on her sofa, her head resting on the arm.
"What are you wearing?" Chloe asked in a sultry voice.
"I'm hanging up now," Beca replied, unable to keep the smile from her face.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Chloe said, full-on belly laughing. "I didn't realize you'd be so easy to fluster. I have a feeling we are going to be fast and best friends."
"I kind of get that feeling, too," Beca said honestly.
"Yeah?" Chloe said. "So, start talking, Mitchell."
"Yes, ma'am," Beca said. "So, I'm twenty-five and have lived in LA for six years now. Wow, I just realized it's been that long. Anyway, I moved here when I got discovered by DJ Khaled and offered a contract when I was nineteen."
"I kind of know all that," Chloe interrupted. "Tell me something that I can't read online."
"Oh, I see how it is," Beca said. "We're getting into the TMI part of our friendship. Moving kind of fast aren't we, Beale?"
"No boundaries, remember?" Chloe asked.
"Right, you did give me fair warning," Beca said. "Okay. Here's something that hasn't gotten out about me. I, um, auditioned for American Idol when I was eighteen and didn't make it past the first round."
"Shut up!" Chloe exclaimed. "Seriously? You are so talented, how could they not send you forward?"
"Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has released the video of my audition. I was pretty bad. I was so nervous and sounded awful."
"I would love to see that. I'm sure it isn't as bad as you make it out to be. I mean, you did get a recording contract a year later."
"That's true, but it wasn't because of my Idol audition. Khaled heard me singing karaoke and the rest, as they say, is history."
"Well, I for one am glad that Khaled has a better ear than those stupid Idol judges."
Beca chuckled. "Thank you. Now tell me something about yourself."
"Um, well, I'm twenty-seven and was born in Tampa. I graduated from Barden University in Georgia with an advanced teaching degree. I moved to New York where I taught for two years before I found the job I'm in now."
"You lived in New York?" Beca asked. "How was that?"
Chloe and Beca spoke for close to two hours before Beca's stomach reminded her she hadn't had dinner.
"Ugh," Beca said. "I hate to cut this short but my stomach is reminding me that I need to eat."
"Me, too," Chloe said. "I really enjoyed talking with you. I hope we can do this again soon. And by soon, I mean like tomorrow."
"I'd love to talk to you again, too," Beca said. "And you can call or text me whenever you want. If I don't answer right away, don't worry. I'm probably working in my studio. But I promise to answer as soon as I can. Okay?"
"Okay," Chloe said. Beca could almost hear her smile through the phone. "I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"It's a date," Beca said. "I mean, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Not like a date or anything. Just talking. On the phone. Tomorrow."
"You are so cute when you ramble," Chloe said.
"Shut up," Beca said, glad Chloe couldn't see her pink cheeks.
"Bye, Beca," Chloe said with a laugh.
"Goodbye, Chloe," Beca said, ending the call.
~~ #EatingAlone ~~
Beca looked forward to seeing Chloe's name pop up on her caller ID. They would take turns calling; if Beca called Chloe in the morning, Chloe would call Beca in the afternoon. They texted quite a bit as well.
It surprises Beca that they still find something to talk about even after two months. Funny thing is, they are both still stuck at home and don't get out much, and yet still have something new to talk about. Beca doesn't even talk to her family as much as she does with Chloe.
Beca knew Chloe would be calling soon. They had scheduled a watch party for the season finale of Grey's Anatomy and she had to get everything ready.
Beca grabbed two beers and placed them on the table in front of the sofa. She turned her TV on, barely paying any attention to Station 19 as it played in the background.
Beca checked her watch. Just then there was a knock on the door and Beca ran to answer.
"Pizza's here," a voice called out before she made it to the door.
Beca opened the door to find her pizza sitting on the floor, waiting for her. She poked her head out the door and yelled a "thank you" to the delivery guy as he waited for the elevator.
Beca brought the pizza in just as her phone rang.
"Hey," Beca said, sitting the pizza on the table and opening the box.
"Grey's will be on in like five minutes," Chloe said. "Are you set up and ready?"
"Yes, ma'am," Beca responded. "Two beers and a pizza all ready to be consumed. How about you?"
"I got pizza, too," Chloe said. "Gotta help keep the local businesses going."
"Same," Beca said. "There's a pizza place not too far from my building that has the best pizza ever."
"I don't know, Beca," Chloe said. "I think my pizza place can claim ownership as the best pizza ever."
"I beg to differ," Beca said. "It's-"
"Shhhhh!" Chloe said, cutting Beca off. "It's starting."
"Oh," Beca said. She put her phone on speaker and sat down to watch.
Beca and Chloe made comments on the characters and what was happening on the screen. A scene where surgery was being performed came on and Beca dropped her pizza slice back into the box.
"Ew, I just lost my appetite," Beca said.
"Come on, Beca," Chloe said. "It's not that bad. It's all fake."
"Doesn't look very fake," Beca said, making the mistake of looking at the screen again. "Yuck!"
"I didn't know you were so squeamish," Chloe said. "Ugh! Okay, I see what you mean. That's pretty gross. Especially when you're eating pizza."
"Yep," Beca said. "Let me know when they stop showing it."
"They're done," Chloe said, laughing. "Do you want to keep this going and watch How to Get Away With Murder with me after?"
"I would," Beca said. "But I have a Zoom interview with Kelly Clarkson at eight in the morning. I actually need to make myself presentable so I'll be getting up early to do my hair and makeup and find something decent to wear. I really should wash clothes soon."
"Can I watch the interview live online?" Chloe asked.
"I don't know," Beca said. "I know it will be on YouTube at some point. I'll try and find out and let you know."
"You don't have to do that," Chloe said. "Just call or text me when the interview is over."
"Will do," Beca said. "Goodnight, Chloe. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Goodnight, Becs," Chloe said and ended the call.
"Becs," Beca mumbled with a silly grin on her face. She let out a sigh and said, "I think I might be falling in love with Chloe and I've never even seen her."
~~ #EatingAlone ~~
Beca had finished her Zoom interview with Kelly Clarkson and decided to do her laundry. She wasn't that pressed to do it but she was running out of clean pajamas.
Beca gathered up a full basket of dirty clothes and put on her mask before heading down to the building's laundry room. Someone else had the same idea as Beca noticed two dryers going.
Beca made her way to the washers and starting separating her clothes and placing them in the washer. She was dropping her coins in the slot when she heard a sound and looked up. She smiled at the person who came in and furrowed her brow. The woman had stopped dead in her tracks and was staring at her.
"Beca?" the woman said. "What are you doing here?"
Beca looked at the woman. "Um, washing clothes?"
Beca could tell the woman was smiling behind her mask. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"
"Oh, right, you don't know what I look like," the woman said. "I'm Chloe."
Beca's eyes widened. "Chloe? My Chloe?"
"I can be if you play your cards right," Chloe said with a smirk.
Chloe walked over to Beca and stopped. She put her arms out as if to hug Beca and Beca hesitated.
"I know we're not supposed to touch, but I could really use a hug," Chloe said.
Beca chewed her bottom lip and then said, "What the hell?" as she pulled Chloe into a hug.
"It is so good to actually meet you in person," Beca said, pulling back from the hug and moving away from Chloe. "Wait! Oh, my God!"
"What?" Chloe asked, confused by Beca's actions.
"Did you stalk me online and find out where I live?" Beca asked.
"No, I swear I didn't," Chloe said and chuckled. "I actually live in this building. Apartment 3C."
"What?" Beca asked. "You mean all this time we've lived this close and didn't know it?"
"Looks like it," Chloe said, pulling the mask from her face as she stepped closer to Beca.
"Wow," Beca said, staring at Chloe's face. "You're really pretty."
Beca realized she blurted that out loud and her cheeks reddened.
"I've always thought you were really pretty, too," Chloe said.
Beca and Chloe stood staring at each other. Beca pulled her mask down and let it hang around her neck.
"Um, this is awkward, but I really want to kiss you," Beca said softly.
"I really want to kiss you, too," Chloe said.
"But, we probably shouldn't," Beca said, leaning in slightly.
"You're right. We shouldn't," Chloe said just as their lips met.
Beca reached out and pulled Chloe closer by her hips. Chloe moaned into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Beca's shoulders.
"Wow," Beca whispered as the kiss came to an end.
"Same," Chloe said with a chuckle. "So, um, I know we're not supposed to go visit friends and such, but would you like to come to my apartment for dinner? I haven't been outside in almost three weeks, so I think we'll be okay."
"I haven't been outside about that long, too," Beca said. "Do you really think it will be safe?"
"I don't know what to think, to be honest," Chloe said. "But, I don't know if I can handle just talking on the phone when I know you're so close."
"In that case," Beca said. "I'd love to have dinner with you in your apartment."
"Really?" Chloe squealed, pulling Beca into a tight hug. "Is six good for you?"
"That's our usual dinner time," Beca said. "I'll bring some wine. I have a couple of bottles I've been saving for a special occasion. And I think dinner with you counts as a special occasion."
"Perfect," Chloe said and gave Beca a quick peck on the lips. "I'd better get my laundry upstairs. I need to see what I have to make for dinner."
"I have some stuff in my freezer if you need it," Beca said.
"Thanks," Chloe said. "I'll let you know."
Chloe walked over to the dryers and started folding her clothes and putting them in her basket. Beca was still standing at the washers, staring at Chloe.
"Um, Becs?"
Beca smiled at the nickname. "Yeah?"
"The washer only works if you put the money in," Chloe said, grinning.
"Right," Beca said and got her washers going. "I'll, uh, see you later."
"See you later," Chloe said and watched as Beca finally made her way out of the laundry room.
Chloe smiled and mumbled, "I am totes going to marry that girl."
~~ #EatingAlone ~~
Six months later, Beca and Chloe were having dinner together in Beca's apartment. The U.S. and most of the world was getting back into its new 'normal', whatever that is, and Beca and Chloe had been able to spend more time in close proximity. In the two months since the stay-at-home orders had been lifted, they had spent every spare moment together.
"Ooo, let's get a picture," Chloe said as she pulled out her phone.
"Why?" Beca whined.
"So, I can show you off," Chloe said. "And announce to the world that Beca Mitchell is off the market."
"You're a dork, you know that?" Beca said, smiling lovingly at Chloe.
"I do know that," Chloe said. "That's why you love me."
"I do love you," Beca said, moving closer to Chloe.
"And I love you," Chloe said, closing the distance and kissing Beca. She pulled back and said, "Now, let's let everyone else know that we love each other."
"Okay," Beca said.
Beca moved so she could wrap her arms around Chloe's waist. She put her chin on Chloe's shoulder.
"How's this?" Beca asked.
"Perfect," Chloe said and she took the picture.
They remained in the same position with Beca watching over Chloe's shoulder as she posted the photo on all the media sites.
Beca smiled when she saw that Chloe had added a new hashtag. #NoLongerEatingAlone.
Full prompt from FanFiction User malexfaith: I was just thinking with the self-isolation that people who want to meet someone, would have to do so at the moment through the internet; meaning they would be talking for a lot longer before actually meeting, and their relationship may last longer with them already knowing so much before actually meeting.
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Jar Of Dirt Chapter 11: Hot Red [Starker Fanfiction NSFW/18+]
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Kink/Sexual Warnings: Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Lingerie, Lipstick/Gloss, Sex Toys, Teasing, Anal, Slight Exhibitionism Other Warnings: None
All Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11 . . . Masterpost (More to come!) 
Chapter 11: Hot Red Peter’s humming happily as he stuffs his backpack with everything he might need this weekend. The sweet Italian tune has been stuck in his head ever since they got back from the island last weekend. Ned’s sitting on Peter’s bed, his back propped against the wall. Ned doesn’t go home every single weekend and he always complains how he wants Peter to stay as well. He doesn’t like how quiet it is without him there. 
Next weekend, he’d promised his best friend. Next weekend he’ll skip out on his boyfriend to stay the weekend with Ned to go out partying, studying together, maybe some gaming. It’s been too long since he’s done that. “Pete?” “Hmmm?” “You actually love him. Don’t you?” Ned’s voice is so serious it has Peter stop pushing his sweatpants into the already fully stuffed bag. He looks at the other boy, slowly nodding. “I… I do? Why?” Ned shrugs. “At first I figured it might just be some,” Ned waves his hands into the air, “-some power trip thing or whatever. Just fucking, y’know? Kinda like your Poe crush,” The other student sighs grinning at the memory and Peter looks down trying to hide his blush. Yes, Dameron had starred in many of his late teenage fantasies - the poster still very much taped to the wall next to his Tony Stark one. “Nevermind, I just wanted to tell you how happy I am for you, dude.” “Thanks, man,” Peter answers softly, a warm feeling spreading in his chest as he pushes the Star Wars comment out of his head. He’s happy to hear that his best friend is actively accepting his relationship. It’s not like he hadn’t noticed Ned’s confused expression when he first told him. He understood that. No one really got it in the beginning. How could a rich, famous man like Tony Stark ever want more than just sex from an awkward college kid like himself? It’d seemed highly unlikely. Even Peter had had his doubts the first few weeks. However, over the course of their time together, it’d become very clear that this was so much more. With every passing day, Peter had more trouble remembering what it’d been like to be single. “That means a lot.”
“You should ask him over next weekend.” “What?” Peter’s eyes widen and he snorts - an image in his head showing him Tony sitting on his bed, eating chips and gaming with them. “You can’t be serious.” “I am. I’m your best friend , he’s your boyfriend or whatever. You’ve been hanging out in his luxurious wealth for whoever knows how long. Don’t you think it’s time for him to come spend time in our world?” Peter’s quiet for a moment. Ned might actually be onto something here. Peter enjoys every single minute he spends at Tony’s place, but it’s a very different life. Sometimes, it almost feels as if he’s living two separate lives. He’s not very secretive about either one of them, but they’re not yet… Merging.   “Are you sure?” Ned nods happily, handing him his phone charger. Peter scrunches his nose, not sure if it still fits in the backpack. He decides to lose a few of his shirts and then pulls the zipper down, sighing happily. “Alright, I’ll ask him.” “Sick.”
Peter’s nervous to ask Tony. So he waits. For now. He’ll ask when the moment’s right. Tony’s sauntering around the kitchen, trying to cook for the both of them. Peter’s seated on the barstool, going over his notes once more. He has to give a presentation next Monday and he decided to practice as often as possible this weekend. Tony points at him with the big kitchen knife as Peter mumbles something about the way vortices would’ve scattered superfluid spacetime according to professor Mazur. “That theory, kid, has not exactly been proven true or false yet.” “I know,” Peter mumbles, “-we don’t have to talk about reliability. It’s about the way theories arise and how they influence other ones.” “That sounds… Philosophic.” “Yup, it is. It’s fun though, we get to explore so many theories like this! Do you know just how many possibilities there are, Mr. Stark? If, for example, Mazur’s theory would actually be true, okay? Do you see how that influences our work as Avengers?” Peter’s eyes are wide and passionate and it has Tony smile proudly. “You mean how it’d influence the expansion of the universe?” “Exactly!” “Well, when you finish this project, tell me about your conclusion.” “Oh, I will.”
Peter scribbles down a basic overview of how to set up the presentation itself and puts his books down when Tony carefully places two plates on the countertop. Peter raises his eyebrows as he lifts up to watch what Tony’s made. “Wow, that actually looks like food,” he grins and Tony waves the comment off. “Hush, kid, I can only have so many talents.” Peter snorts at the comment and pulls the plate towards him, grabbing the cutlery with his other hand and diving right in. It’s a simple pasta made with frozen spinach and pesto and smoked salmon and Peter loves it. “I mean it, though. You’re improving. This is great,” Peter says before stuffing his mouth with yet another spoonful. “Thanks, sweetness.”
“Soooo,” Tony says nonchalantly, his legs propped up on the coffee table. “-I’ve got an idea.” “Oh?” “Hmmm, why don’t you get the jar out? I added two new notes this week.” Peter stares at Tony’s face. God. He’s serious. Peter’s cheeks flush at the idea of Tony wanting to try even more stuff with him. So far, they’ve had so much fun already. His head’s nearly spinning at the idea of their being so many more things they can still explore. “Still in the lab?” “Uh-huh.” “Alright. Don’t move,” Peter grins. He doesn’t know why he’s feeling so energetic today, but he is, so he jumps up and takes the stairs down to the lab instead of the elevator. Too giddy to stand still. He waves at Dum-E before grabbing the jar. Obviously, he knows the robot doesn’t have feelings, but sometimes it feels like he does and Peter doesn’t want to be disrespectful just in case. Heck, F.R.I.D.A.Y. understands freaking sarcasm. Who knows what Dum-E responds to. Maybe Peter needs the robot one day, he better have Dum-E get used to him.
“Alright, I’ve got it!” Peter exclaims as he walks back into the living room. “I would’ve spanked you if you’d come in empty-handed,” Tony mutters growling, actually surprising himself and blushing at his words. He sends Peter a sheepish smile. “Oops, think I just gave one away.” “You want to spank me?” “Someday, yeah. Only if you want to, though.” Tony shrugs, trying to stay composed. But the dark, hungry look in his eyes is evident and it makes Peter hot all over. He smiles at him. Tony doesn’t usually ‘slip’ whatever’s on his mind. Meaning he’s starting to feel comfortable around Peter and it has the boy’s heart flutter. He can’t shake the feeling that maybe they’re getting to a point where they won’t necessarily need the jar to talk about their fantasies anymore. The thought alone makes his groin tingle. “I’ll think about it, daddy.” Meaning: I’m willing to try. “We’ll see about it once we pick it from the jar, alright?” Tony nods slowly, his lips curling into a smirk as he catches upon Peter’s thoughts. And excitement. “Perfect.”
Peter sits down on the couch next to Tony, the jar resting in his lap. He’s not exactly sure who picked the last time. Well, Dum-E did obviously, but before that. He doesn’t remember. It doesn’t necessarily matter either, so he takes the lid off and sticks it out to Tony. The older man smiles, reaching in and grabbing a note right away. No cheating. No evading. He takes his hand out again and carefully unfolds the piece of paper while Peter puts the jar down Tony gasps and Peter squeezes his lips together anxiously. Yes, he’s getting more comfortable too, but that doesn’t mean that not knowing what’s coming up isn’t nerve-racking. “Peter, baby, we are such a perfect match,” Tony whispers, voice hoarse as he turns the note around.
“Lingerie,” the boy whispers, blushing and pursing his lips. Fuck. “It’s one of your own, Pete, why aren’t you happy?” Tony frowns, discarding the note and grabbing Peter’s hands in his own. His thumbs rubbing over the back of Peter’s hands gently. “Well…” Peter pauses and looks away, his face contorted as he tries to sort his thoughts. “I’m not sure if, uhm, this is the right time.” “Why not?” “I- eh…” Peter turns bright red. “I don’t have any lingerie. I-I was eyeing a set online but it’s expensive and with your birthday I couldn’t save enough to buy it, I’m still saving up, so-” “Peter.” Tony cocks an eyebrow, interrupting his boy. He tilts his head, taking a deep breath. He knows Peter doesn’t like to have conversations about Tony’s money but this situation calls for it. He looks at the black credit card that’s been laying on one of the bookshelves for weeks, waiting for Peter to pick it up still. Peter’s lip trembles, catching up on what Tony is trying to say, but it takes him a few seconds before the kid breathes out a shaky sigh and musters up the courage to ask his question. “Tony, uhm. Can we… Maybe go shopping together?”
“Yes,” comes Tony’s instant answer. Finally. He understands why Peter doesn’t want to spend Tony’s money. Why he wants to try to work through everything by himself. But this is lingerie. Not just lingerie, obviously, but very different than his ex who wanted to buy his own apartment within the first week of them being in a relationship. God. Red flag. A few sets of nice lace panties is nothing compared to the numbers on Tony’s bank account. He wouldn’t even notice. He wants to treat Peter. Perhaps the boy had been right all these weeks ago. “You’re such a Sugar Daddy, you know that right?” Well, better live up to it then. “I would love that, Peter. So much.” Peter gives him the cutest little smile and Tony groans happily. “You’re going to look amazing.” “You think so?” “Mhhmm, got hard just thinking about it.” Peter grins, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes when he sits upright and crawls into Tony’s lap. “Maybe, we can have some fun then? Shopping mall’s closed till tomorrow morning anyway.” “Hmm, c’mere, my sweet boy. Daddy wants to eat you out.”
When they get to the store, Peter’s so nervous. He stares at the Victoria’s Secret logo and gulps. “Are you sure we should do this, I’m a guy.” He whispers as he peeks inside the store. There’s literally only women in there. And a couple of bored boyfriends. If he walks in, everyone will know how odd he is. “What if there’s someone who recognizes us, Tony?” “Shh, it’ll be okay. I know it doesn’t seem that way, but you’re not the only male walking in here to buy something pretty for themselves. Believe me.” Peter looks inside again and sighs. He does want this. Not wanting to buy anything online. He wants to make sure it fits perfectly before spending Tony’s money. “Uhm. Mr. Stark?” “Yes, honeybunch?” Just as the Italian tune, the name stuck with them. “I- I think I want to go in alone? They won’t recognize me as easily, and… Then it’ll be a surprise for you?” Peter’s voice is nearly trembling and Tony gives him a gentle kiss on his forehead. He would’ve loved to be there, but he gets the reasoning so he gives Peter a slight nod. “I’ll go get myself a coffee then. You want some?” “N-Nah, I’m good. Thanks, Tony.” “Of course, now, go for it, sweetness. Can’t wait to see what you’ll choose.” Peter smiles at him, giving him a quick kiss before turning around and actually walking into the shop. He’s been to fucking space. Sure he can take on something as mundane as this. Something so mundane that some people can lose their shit about it, that is.
It’s a bit weird at first, walking in the shop, but soon enough he’s sorting through all the different shapes and colors. The soft, lacey fabrics sliding through his fingers. There’s so much and he has no clue where to start. “Peter Parker, is that you?” Peter squeezes his eyes shut. He recognizes that voice right away. He mouths a quick ‘fuck’ before turning around, trying to put a smile on his face. “Oh, uhm, hi, MJ!” “What are you doing here, loser,” she grins jokingly and walks up to hug him tightly. “Haven’t seen you in ages!” “N-no, yeah, uhm, y’know, just hanging around,” he stutters. “So good to see you!” MJ raises her eyebrows and looks at Peter’s hand, still lingering on one of the black lace panties. He quickly takes his hand back, but it’s clear she knows what he’s up to. She nods slightly, eyeing him carefully before continuing. “You need any help getting pretty for your man? I sure know my stuff.” Peter’s at a loss for words at her kindness. Her smirk is obvious, but her eyes are sweet and caring. Seeing her here makes him realize how much he missed hanging out with her. “That… Would be nice?” “Figured. All right. You like lace then?” She eyes his hips once more and skillfully rummages through all the different pieces before she makes a satisfied noise and picks one for him. “Think this should fit you just fine. You need stockings too?”
Half an hour later, MJ made him try out a bunch of different styles and types. Peter needed a little time to loosen up first, but, MJ is actually is an amazing help. She’d been right stating she knows her stuff on this. He ends up with three different panties, fishnet stockings, and a garter belt, because “Tony won’t be able to resist that. Believe me, pretty boy.” It all fits him perfectly and it has him buzzing with excitement. “I’m just gonna get what I need for myself,” MJ smiles, “-you go pay for these and I’ll meet you outside? I don’t need more than 5 minutes.” “Of course!” So that’s how Peter ends up in the line. He feels some of the customers stare at him but he tries his best to ignore it all. He’s checking the sales boxes to divert his attention and his gaze falls upon a box with all different types of fruit-flavored lip gloss. Fuck him. He grabs one quickly, not even paying attention to the flavor in the hopes that no one will see it.
“That’ll be $97,99, please.” Peter takes a deep breath as he swipes the black credit card, his credit card past the card reader and swallows when he sees the approval sign. It’s official. He just spent nearly a hundred dollars on lingerie and it feels strange and exhilarating. He’s never spent this much on something that’s not a necessity, let alone using someone else’s money. God. He felt bad enough asking May for a new backpack each time. But he needed those. This… This is for fun and he doesn’t know how to even grasp that this is his life now. He waits for MJ and smiles as they walk out of the store together. He wonders how they haven’t been hanging out anymore. Of course, they don’t live at the same campus, but they should meet more often. He’s missed her. "So, Parker, you want to grab a drink or what?” MJ grins. “Uhm, yeah! I’d love to, it’s just that Tony’s actually waiting for me at the coffee bar at the other side of the mall, so-” “Awesome, I’d love to meet your man. Let’s go!”
To Peter’s surprise, MJ and Tony got along so well that they spent the entire afternoon hanging out at the coffee bar until Tony got an urgent work-call from Mrs. Potts. “I told you that could wait ‘til tomorrow-” Peter eyes Tony, who’s trying to get out of work with a groan. The man sighs and rolls his eyes. “Sure, fine, I’ll get it done- give me two hours.” Peter’s mood immediately sours. He had different plans for them when they got home. He’s not sure if he could wait much longer. Tony hangs up and gets up from his spot, tugging at Peter’s sleeve. “Come on, honeybunch, let’s get you home.” MJ snorts. “Honeybunch?” Peter ducks his head, but follows anyway. “Yeah, I don’t know why that one, of all the nicknames he’s called me, stuck around.” “Car’s outside, kid, we gotta go.” The older man winks at MJ. “Nice to meet ya.” “Right!” Peter turns to MJ and brings his hands together. “Was great catching up! I’ll text you, ‘kay?” MJ smirks with her lips pressed on top of each other and nods. “Sure, honeybunch.” When Tony has walked out of the store, MJ shouts for Peter one last time. “Yo, Pete!” Peter pauses and looks at MJ curiously. She wiggles her eyebrows and uses her head to gesture at the bag in his hands, all while grinning wide. “Have fun.”
Two hours. Two hours, he said. They’re far into hour four now and Peter is done waiting. He’s been eyeing himself in the mirror all this time, working himself up, softly caressing the black lace of his panties. If Tony won’t come to him, he’s just going to go to Tony. Peter takes a deep breath and musters up the courage to step outside the bedroom. He feels pretty, that’s for sure. But all of this is new and still slightly embarrassing somehow. He’s covered, yet so bare. What he’s wearing was made to be stared at. Made to be ripped off. Fuck, he can’t wait for Tony to undress him. His cock is already straining against the thin fabric and when he catches his own reflection in the long hallway mirror from the corner of his eye, he pauses, silently repeating the word he absentmindedly described himself with before he realized it was him in the mirror, not someone else. Sexy.
Tony’s typing as fast as he can, Bruce Banner is on speaker. They’re bouncing ideas, concepts, problems, solutions, that were due yesterday. Why Tony’s feeling like a workaholic all of a sudden, he doesn’t know, but he’s in a flow right now that he can’t just get out of. Not without the right incentive at least. He doesn’t look up from his screen when he hears the door opening. Pete’s probably joining him with his homework like he usually does when Tony’s in his office. He silently hopes the boy is here to bring him a strong cup of coffee as well. A smile creeps on his face when, indeed, a cup of coffee is placed on the desk next to him, but it falters. Peter’s arms are bare. Wasn’t he wearing a long-sleeved shirt today? Tony grabs the cup of coffee and glances up for a second. He chokes on his sip when he sees Peter. Or, more specifically, what he’s wearing. Tony quickly has to put down the cup and coughs. “Tony? You alright?” Bruce asks. Tony cocks an eyebrow at Peter, who smiles down at him with a grin. “F-fine!” Tony chokes out. Lingerie. He can’t stop staring at his boy, black lace panties, garter belts, see-through stockings, fuck. Peter pushes out one hip and whispers. “I’ll go get you some water, Mr. Stark.” He turns around and walks back to the door, Tony’s eyes glued to his swaying ass. “Coffee’s too hot, isn’t it?” “Is Peter with you?” Bruce asks innocently. Tony coughs one more time before he collects himself, but his cock throbs in his pants when Peter closes the door with a wink. A fucking. Wink. Fuck. “Yeah, kid brought me some coffee, but we all know I can’t function like a normal human being so I choked.” Not a lie. He didn’t lie. Right.
During the rest of the phone call with Bruce, Tony was thoroughly distracted. Whatever workflow he had, it was gone, but he was far too deep into this conversation with Banner to just end it right then and there so he could go out and tell Peter what he thought of his little stunt. The boy hasn’t come back to bring him a glass of water yet and Tony both dreads and looks forward to the next time Peter walks in. Something in him tells him Peter will.
He was right.
Again, no knock. The boy just opens the door and saunters in like he owns the place. Tony’s eyes glide over Peter’s body and he swallows, noticing how dry his mouth has gotten. Soft. Pastel. Pink. The set is disgustingly adorable and the white-pink striped stockings go all the way to halfway his thighs. Tony lets out a shaky breath when he sees how hard Peter is. How the elastic is having a hard time containing his boy’s shaft. That- “Tony?” Bruce snaps the older man out of it. “You still with me?” “Yeah! Yeah, I am, it was a little late last night.” Tony forces himself to look back at his screen, ignoring how Peter takes a sip of the promised glass of water and places it on the desk, slowly pushing it in Tony’s direction. The boy is looking directly at him and Tony’s jaw clenches. He needs to control himself. Otherwise he’ll never get this done. “It’s late for you every night, Tones, you can tell me if I’m boring you.” “You’re not! I promise.” Tony clears his throat and aggressively waves at Peter to leave. “You know me. Scatterbrained. Got four tabs open to get everything done on time.” Bruce laughs. “Maybe if you plan better, you get your work done a bit longer before the deadlines.” “Livin’ on the edge,” Tony forces out as he eyes Peter once more.
Tony picks up the glass of water to take a sip, but notices a stain. He blinks a few times and then looks back up at Peter, who decided to take a seat on the desk, crossing his legs and rhythmically twisting his foot. “So- where were we?” Tony asks quietly, trying to get Bruce to fill time as he stares at Peter opening up a compact mirror to look at his lips, fixing his gloss. God. Fucking. Dammit. “Well, we-” “Bruce, do you have a second?” Banner scoffs a laugh. “Of course.” “Peter?” Tony asks sweetly. “Could you maybe go and grab the black box from the lab? It’s got a couple red x-es on it, easy to spot. I’m gonna need something that’s in there.” “You’re not in the lab?” Bruce asks. “Nope, but Peter’s on his way there now, isn’t he?” Peter nods slowly and steps off the desk. He smiles innocently as he steals some glances at Tony while pulling up the stockings, before making his way out the door.
By the time Peter comes back, Tony is in the final stages of his project with Bruce. However, the boy once again becomes a terrible distraction. Tony’s hands hover over the keyboard, shaking, as he stares Peter down. Hot red. The boy bought a hot red set. Tony scoffs and shakes his head while sucking at his teeth. “Bruce- I’ll call you back in a second.” Without waiting for Bruce’s reply, he ends the call and he stands up, hands resting on his desk, leaning over to eye Peter up and down. The boy has his head angled down, looking up through half lidded eyes. His fingers play with the hem of his panties while one knee is turned inwards, creating the most innocent look Tony’s ever seen. Yet, his eyes tell a whole different story.
“The more you do that, the longer it takes before you get what you want, you know that right?” Tony raises his eyebrows, giving Peter a condescending look. The boy immediately straightens his back. “Thought it’d make you… Finish quicker?” He smirks and Tony groans as he steps away from his seat. “Where’s the box?” Peter turns to look at the door, where the wooden black box rests on the ground. Tony rolls his stiff shoulders. “Go get it.” Peter hurries off, but seems to slow down with every step he takes. He starts swinging his hips more and Tony swears quietly. Instead of squatting to pick it up, the boy keeps his legs straight as he bends down, stretching his arms to lift the box. Tony bites his cheek as he stares at Peter’s well rounded ass. When Peter stands up straight again, he quickly walks back to Tony, fluttering his eyes. This kid…
“Do you know what’s in here?” Tony asks, pursing his lips as he puts the box on the desk. “No, daddy.” Tony holds back a growl and side-eyes Peter, who still has a smile on his face. Tony sniffs once and presses his finger on a hidden reader. The box unlocks and twists open. Peter stares wide-eyed at its contents. There’s nothing in there. Nothing but leather cuffs. “These…” Tony picks them up and holds them in front of Peter’s face. The boy stares at them, nearly going cross eyed with how close Tony pushes them. “...Are supposedly stronger than you are.” Peter swallows. “Another project of yours, daddy?” This time, Tony grins a toothy smile. “Had them for other purposes. Strong villains, stuff like that. But well…” “Well?” “You’ve been a bad boy.”
Peter is gently forced to his knees next to Tony’s seat. Just far away enough that he won’t be able to reach it. Tony restrains him with the cuffs and stands up, inspecting his work. “Hope you’re not too uncomfortable,” he mutters before getting back to his seat. “Mr. Stark,” Peter says quietly. Tony looks down at him and the boy smiles. “Green.” Tony nods content and drops himself in the seat. He puts up his thumb again and holds it against one of the drawers. It opens automatically. Peter wonders what’s in it, but he can’t get a good enough view from his position on the floor. Tony takes out another black box. A black box that has Peter’s eyes go wide yet again. This is a box he knows. Tony opens it and swiftly takes out what’s inside of it. Peter’s mouth goes slack at the sight. The older man leans forward on his chair, looking down on Peter and presenting the Swissy. Peter’s cock twitches at the idea of using it again. He knows this is a big step for Tony. Last time he used it on Peter, the boy got severely overstimulated and lost his Spider senses for two days afterwards. Peter never brought it up afterwards, knowing Tony felt enormous guilt about it all, so the fact that he’s the one who takes it out again while Peter is in front of Tony, on his knees, cuffed, is very special.
“Want this?” Tony whispers, grabbing his phone from his desk. Peter nods slowly, not able to take his eyes off the Swissy. “Tell me you want it, boy.” Peter moans quietly, trying to push forward, but the new cuffs hold him back. “Please, daddy- want it- need it,” he whimpers. His hips buck and he presses his legs together to find the slightest bit of friction. Unsuccessfully. Tony smiles and presses a button on his phone. The Swissy changes into a shape Peter’s never seen before. He looks at it curiously while Tony brings it closer to his crotch. “It’s not exactly a cock ring, it won’t stop you from cumming, but…” Peter jolts when the man attaches the piece onto Peter’s cock through the fabric of the red panties. “But…?” Peter asks nervously, staring at the device that’s now indirectly attached to his body. “If Bruce finds out you’re here…” Tony pets Peter on his head before sitting up straight and moving away from the boy to sit properly at his desk again. “...I’m the only one who cums tonight.” “But daddy-” “Hey, Bruce! I’m back!” Tony half shouts with a smile. “Had to take care of something, but I’m all yours.” The man eyes at the app on his phone and then at Peter. Now the fun can really begin.
Peter is panting quietly, his upper body resting against the side of the desk. He can’t touch himself, he can’t turn around, he can’t find any friction whatsoever. But the buzzing. Oh, the buzzing is driving him insane. It’s agonizingly slow. Enough to have him throbbing, a stain of precum giving the hot red a deeper colour. But it’s not enough. It’s not enough to come and if he makes any sound, anything that could alert Bruce that Tony is not alone in his office right now, he won’t be getting any release at all. And he needs it, fuck, he needs it. His body has a soft sheen of sweat covering it and his eyes are rolled back as he twitches, biting his tongue to hold back the sounds he so desperately wants to make.
Is Tony distracted? Yes. But at least he has Peter exactly where he wants him to be. Directly in his line of sight as he works. He glances at the counter on his phone. The call with Bruce has already taken another hour, but at least they’re finally finishing up. Grammar checking the last page of their paper. By the time they get to the last paragraph, Tony is nearly fuming. For some reason, Bruce is getting more nitpicky with every sentence, as if he’s trying to… Drag this out. Tony scoffs as he picks up his phone and types.
Tony: What do you think you’re doing?
Bruce: Checking this paper with you?
Tony continues their conversation as if he and Bruce are not chatting via a messaging app at the same time. Peter would notice if Tony suddenly goes quiet and he doesn’t want the boy to get suspicious. “I do actually think that sentence flows well. You’re the doctor, aren’t you? Don’t you like sentences that take up at least two lines?”
Tony: You’re dragging this out!
Tony’s eyes go wide at the reply.
Bruce: 😏
“You’re right, you’re right,” Bruce replies. Tony can hear he’s smiling. “Though, I’m not so sure about the comma after ‘cancellations.’ It seems unnecessary.”
Tony: You’re unbelievable.
Bruce: You two might think you’re quiet, but Pete’s not the only one who’s been panting.
“It’s an Oxford comma, Banner, it’s not too much, it’s supposed to be there. You use Oxford commas all the time!”
Tony: Why do all the innocent people in my life turn out to be filthy?
Bruce laughs out loud. “Alright, alright, let’s leave the comma then. Moving on to the next bit.”
Bruce: I’m not filthy, Stark. You are. This is quite entertaining.
“I think that was actually it, wasn’t it?” Tony tries as he furiously types.
Tony: S a d i s t.
“You know what?” Bruce says cheerfully. “You’re right. Why don’t you finish up so you can go to Peter. He must’ve been waiting forever for you.” Tony glances at Peter, still panting and twitching and quietly moaning to himself. “He has,” Tony replies through gritted teeth, trying to stop himself from moaning along. “I think it’s time I’m gonna relieve him.” Bruce chuckles. “You go do that.” It’s quiet for two seconds. “Right, so I saved the doc, if anything changes I’ll hear from you?” “Yeah, Bruce, but I think I won’t be online for a while.” “That’s okay! It’s been a long day for all of us.” Peter jolts at Bruce’s words, letting out a soft cry. Tony could throw his phone through the window. This guy… “Good night, Bruce.” “Night, Tony!”
Bruce: Have fun!
Tony shakes his head and puts his phone down. Slowly, he shifts in his chair, looking down at Peter. The boy’s staring up with him, eyes so desperate and needy it makes Tony’s blood rush south. “D-Daddy, please,” Peter whimpers, thrusting his hips up into nothing. Tony loves seeing him like this. Loves the nearly pained expression on Peter’s face as he’s desperate to do anything just to get a little more friction. Tony licks his lips as he slowly rises from his chair, only to crouch down in front of Peter. “Well, well, well. What have we got here,” Tony whispers, smirking. It takes every last bit of willpower he has to not drag his baby up over the desk and fuck him right there and then, but he knows that playing around for just a bit longer will be so worth it. “Fuck, Pete, you’re so hard.” Tony cups his hand around Peter’s cock through the smooth fabric barely covering it, feeling the buzz of the toy. “How’s it feel, Pete?” Peter presses his hips into Tony’s hand, gasping. “G-Good, Mr. Stark!” “You look so pretty, darling. The prettiest boy I’ve ever seen.” He notices the blush creeping up Peter’s cheeks and smiles. Right where he wants him. “But you’ve been bad, huh, haven’t you? Teasing me with that sweet ass of yours.” “M-m’sorry!” “Are you, though? Seemed you knew exactly what you were doing, parading around with Bruce on speaker like that.” “J-Just wanted to- aah!” Peter chokes out when Tony slides his hand into the panties to trace his fingers across the tip. His cock jerks a little and it has Tony breathless. Peter’s so responsive to him. So hyper-aware of every little touch. “Tell me, Pete. What’s that lip gloss taste like, uh?” He asks quietly, his fingers still circling around Peter’s cock. “It’s-”
Before Peter has a chance to answer, Tony leans in, pressing his lips on the boy’s ones harshly. Demanding. Peter groans, parting his lips and melting into the kiss. The overly sweet fruity flavor sticking to Tony’s tongue. “Hmmm, peach,” he grumbles against his boyfriend’s lips, kissing him harder. “I like it. Though it’s not nearly as sweet as you are.” He shifts a little, taking the toy away and loves how Peter whimpers at the loss. “Shhh, don’t worry, you’ll get your pleasure. Be patient.” Tony whispers, standing up again to undo the cuffs. He keeps them secured around Peter’s wrists though, then buckling them together behind the boy’s back. “Get up, sweetness. Want you to kneel on the couch, bending over the armrest.”
Peter stumbles as he tries to get up, his legs tired and sore after having been in the same position for so long. Tony licks his lips as he watches Peter struggle. The boy manages and chuckles proudly once he stands upright, hands still very much bound together behind his back. It does something to Peter’s posture that makes Tony dizzy with lust. “What are you waiting for?” “Don’t you like watching me?” Peter smirks, pushing his arms even further back. God. This boy knows exactly what he’s doing. Well, two can play this game. Tony grabs the boy’s shoulder, pushing him forward only to grasp the chain locking the cuffs together. Pulling the cuffs up, making Peter struggle to stand straight. “I said, get on the couch,” he growls and he drags the boy with him, enjoying the surprised gasp coming from Peter. He knows how much the boy likes to be manhandled like that, and the cuffs only make it better. “You’re being a naughty boy, baby. I’d watch your steps if I were you.” “Yes, daddy,” Peter moans and lets Tony bend him over the armrest without any resistance. Legs falling apart, ass pushed into the air. Tony smacks it lightly and fuck, he can’t wait till the day where they pick spanking from the jar and he gets to turns Peter’s butt all pink and warm.
Tony’s hand rests on the red lace. He softly rubs his fingers on Peter’s ass, scrunching the fabric under his touch. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Pete,” he whispers as his hand trails up Peter’s back. Peter arches into his touch, but yelps when Tony suddenly pulls at his hair. The older man’s mouth inches closer to Peter’s ear and he growls. “You gonna take it?” He gently bites down on Peter’s ear. The boy moans and twitches, struggling against his restraints. “Gonna take me like the good slut you are?” Peter nods frantically, closing his eyes and letting out a whine. “Y-yes, daddy, please, need you-” Tony raises his eyebrows. “You need me?” He laughs, slightly condescendingly, as he moves back to Peter’s ass, hooking his fingers in the hem of his boy’s panties. Peter barely dares to respond- isn’t even sure if he’s able to at this point. He’s so hard. Aching- yearning for Tony’s attention. Peter’s startled when, suddenly, he feels pressure around his waist and the sound of fabric tearing and elastic snapping. “T-Tony!” He exclaims. The boy can practically hear Tony grin. “Uh-oh,” the older man says nonchalantly. “Guess we’re going to have to go shopping again.” Tony pulls the panties away from Peter, who twitches when the fabric glides past his cock. It springs free, and the open air tickles his shaft. Tony dangles the ripped panties in front of Peter’s face. “I’ll be joining you in the fitting rooms this time, though.”
Tony walks around to Peter’s front side, keeping the panties where they are, right in front of Peter’s face. He squats down to Peter’s height and cocks his head. The boy pants, smelling himself on the fabric. Tony studies the ripped panties with both hands and glances at Peter when he feels the damp spot of precum. “What’s this?” he asks rhetorically. Peter’s jaw hangs slack and he indirectly stares at Tony, through the sheer parts of the panties. There’s a mischievous glimmer in the older man’s eye. “Since you seem to be so hungry…” Tony brings the panties closer to his own nose to take a whiff before pushing it against Peter’s mouth, making his cheeks flush bright red. “Go and have a taste, sweetness.” Peter opens his mouth further and Tony places the red fabric on Peter’s tongue. He can already taste himself and his eyes roll back as his hips buck through his moans. “Now… Don’t let go, sweet thing. Or I will reconsider making you cum.” Peter’s eyes go wide and he locks his jaw immediately. Tony tugs at it playfully, finding it’s stuck in Peter’s mouth and then lets go of them. He caresses up Peter’s face, through his hair and over his back while he moves to Peter’s behind again. “So, Pete…” Tony squeezes Peter’s ass with both hands, causing the boy to arch his back. “How do you taste?” All Peter can do is moan, clenching his panties between his teeth. Tony smiles and licks his lips. “That good, huh?” The boy nods slightly and Tony lowers himself, grabbing Peter’s cock without warning. Peter jolts and Tony rubs his thumb over the boy’s head, taking some of the newly formed precum. To Peter’s dismay, the older man lets go of his cock again. Tony brings his fingers to his mouth and studies them. “Guess I’m going to have to taste it for myself.”
Peter wishes he could turn around. Wishes he could see Tony right now, licking Peter’s precum from his fingers, but he can’t. Not with the restraints holding him back. Not without getting out of this position. Instead, he only gets to listen how Tony lewdly licks his own fingers clean, moaning around his own digits. “Mmm…” Tony sighs. “So sweet…” Peter squeezes his eyes shut, arching his back as far as he can, trying to get his daddy’s attention. He wants to be filled so bad. But the panties in his mouth prevent him from vocalizing it with anything other than a deep moan.
“Alright, sweetness. I’ll stop stalling,” Tony’s smirk evident in his voice. “I know how badly you’re aching for me to pound you.” Peter drops his head low, nodding feverishly.  “And so am I.” Peter hears how Tony rummages around for a bit and he waits patiently, shifting slightly to release some of the strain on his arms. Suddenly he feels the cold lube trickling down and he gasps, clenching around nothing. “My sweet, lil’ needy boy aren’t you…” Tony’s voice is low and rough and it sends a jolt through Peter’s body. His mind’s starting to get hazy again and Peter lets himself drown in the familiar sensation. He feels how Tony’s fingers slide towards his entrance, and then slips one in gently and it makes the boy shudder.
“Good boy.”
Peter wants to gasp, but instead clamps his teeth on the fabric tighter. His legs falling apart even wider as if asking Tony to please, please touch him more. He wants to be touched. Wants Tony’s rough, big hands on his skin. Marking him. Claiming him. Wants to feel how the man’s fingers dig bruises into his hips as he pounds him. He whines when Tony’s finger gently rubs along his prostate, pleasure flaring from his abdomen through his entire body. He feels how Tony slips a second finger in. A third. Stretching and playing until Peter’s nothing more than a moaning mess.
“Fuck, baby, I can’t wait any longer,” Tony’s voice rumbles from behind him, and the sound of Tony’s belt unbuckling sends off another jolt. He’s so used to that clanking noise, knows exactly what it means. What’s coming for him. And he wants it. Soon, he feels Tony’s warm, bare chest on his back and he melts into the embrace. Safe. Tony’s hands slide down his sides, towards his ass where they grip onto his hip bones. “Brace yourself, honeybunch, I’m not gonna go easy on you. If you need me to slow down, kick your leg up alright? Nod to me if you understand.” Peter understands and nods, and then cries out in pleasure when Tony pushes into him all the way. Tony grunts, his breath hot against Peter’s neck.
“Oh, you feel so damn good, making daddy lose his mind.” Peter wants to answer. Wants to chant Tony’s name over and over again as he pounds into him without mercy. It feels so good. So amazing. After hours of teasing and begging, finally getting what he wants, it’s mind blowing. He feels how Tony’s hand creeps up, clasping onto the cuffs. The leather creaks when Peter angles his hands, trying to hold Tony’s by bending his fingers. The tips brush against Tony’s skin, causing goosebumps to run over his entire body. Tony’s other hand sneaks around Peter’s waist. Peter’s entire body tenses when he feels Tony’s fingers wrapping around his hard on - jerking him fast and rough. “Hold on, baby, don’t come just yet. Want you to drag it out,” Tony growls, “-when you really can’t hold back, drop those pretty panties and scream for me.” The older man slams into him harder and Peter’s trembling all over, his fingers tightening on the slight grip he has on Tony’s hand. The cuffs seem so sturdy and strong, holding him in place, and then there’s Tony on top of him, keeping him down.
Peter tries. He really tries. He just can’t hold it. His mouth opens wide as he throws his head back, dropping the panties on the floor. “A-Aaahh! I… Mr…” Peter’s sobbing, body clenching, his wrists pushing into the cuffs and -  a loud, ripping noise pierces through the room as his arms suddenly shoot apart. He falls forward, gasping in surprise and laughs almost hysterically as he rides through his orgasm. “Baby, oh fuck, you’re so strong, so pretty, g-gonna- I-” Tony’s fingers dig deep into Peter’s hips, holding him tight and close as he pushes forward, grunting and moaning as he releases deep inside of him. He collapses on top of Peter, and the boy closes his eyes. He’s disoriented in the very best way. Tony’s hot, heavy body weighing down on him making him feel secure. And loved. And most definitely fucked-out.
“T-thought you said these were unbreakable,” Peter gasps, trying to catch his breath. Tony chuckles wrapping his arms gently around Peter’s waist. Holding him as close as possible. “Strong, yes. Unbreakable… Not for you, it seems. Fuck, I love you.” The older man closes his eyes, his head resting on Peter’s back. He can hear the boy’s racing heartbeat matching his own and he smiles. “Pete?” “Hmmm?” comes the boy’s soft reply. “You’re gorgeous when you destroy things.” Peter chuckles, not moving from his spot. He’s too content, too blissed, to even consider it. “Oh, and by the way-” Tony absentmindedly presses a kiss on Peter’s back, causing the boy to shiver. “Next time you wear something on your lips, throw in a little hot red, would you? None of that nude stuff.” Peter hums. “Why?” Tony smiles against Peter’s skin. “I wanna see it when I smear it all over your pretty face.”
--- More: Chapter 12: Yet to be posted Masterpost
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