#to make it LLW cuz I'm trash but
athyrabunlord · 7 years
26 or 49 for nozomi/umi?
“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.“ [Prompt List]
A/N: Since 26 was already picked, 49 it is! Ah, a guilty ship, my precious Lily White 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。 a simple bliplet, I hope that I’ve captured the pure and mellow sort of dynamic I envision them having (when it’s not crack mode ofc *looks at that MountainClimbing episode)Words: 823
“Here, please have some.”
“Ara, thank you, Umi-chan.”
“You are welcome,” Umi could feel herself relaxing as she sits down on the porch beside her guest. Nozomi reaches for the plate of watermelon slices, her eyes crinkled in mirth. She makes hums of appreciation, relishing in the sweet snack with her cheeks puffed.
Smiling in fondness, Umi herself also begins to eat the fruit meticulously, sat upright in the standard seiza pose. It’s truly fitting, to name it ‘watermelon’, for it does have an ample amount of juice perfect for a hot summer afternoon like today.
The heat wave is enough to make one dizzy under the sun, coaxing residents to take refuge under the shades. With cicadas buzzing in the background and the stifling air all around, Umi could feel tickles of lethargy coaxing her to take a nice, long nap inside the family dojo. She shakes her head slightly and takes another dainty bite, clearing her mind but also steeling it at the same time for what she must do today.
The lack of movement from the corner of her eye catches her attention, and one glance tells her that Nozomi has stopped eating and is merely gazing at her.
“W-What? Is something on my face?” Umi falters, putting down the watermelon skin and dabs at her lips with a napkin. That gaze feels familiar, its paradoxical quality piercing your soul yet soothing it at the same time. It is the same look Nozomi had given her when she…
“I know why you invited me here today, Umi-chan. It’s okay, you don’t have to give me an answer. I can wait.” Nozomi’s smile is kind and patient, and Umi drops her gaze in shame as she fiddles with her fingers.
“No, that is not right. I should give you a proper answer… I should have given you one then, instead of making you wait this long.”
A week ago, Nozomi had confessed to Umi, and rather directly too instead of through her typical riddles. Umi was too stunned to react back then, but at least she was given time to sort through her thoughts and feelings, thus leading to her calling the older girl to the dojo today.
Through their idol activities, whether in subunit sessions or during school setting, she has grown quite fond of the quirky but dependable girl. Nozomi is more than a senpai, more than an older sister figure. She is not just a confidante, but someone Umi wishes to spend more time with and, to become her pillar of strength.
If this were a perfect world, she would have accepted Nozomi’s feelings immediately and embraced her with everything she has.
Alas, the worrywart side of her can’t help but worry about their future, about her responsibilities as a Sonoda, about society’s acceptance of their relationship, and so on. She just does not know how to articulate her concerns, but she knows that she needs to convey her thoughts.
After she manages to finish explaining herself, Nozomi gives her a warm smile.
“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself. That’s not how you really feel, is it?”
So easily, she breaks through Umi’s carefully-built wall with that simple gesture and resonating voice.The younger girl purses her lips in chagrin.
“I’m prepared, Umi-chan, but I don’t want to force you either-”
“No! You are not forcing me anything,” Umi reaches for Nozomi’s hand, her voice a pitch higher but unwavering. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that you return my feelings too. You are correct, I was trying to convince myself otherwise just so we would not have to confront obstacles in the way of our relationship. It does not matter what difficulties we may face… the bottom line is, I want to be with you. I like you, Nozomi.”
Oddly, Umi does not feel embarrassed by her words. There is nothing ‘harenchi’ about saying the truth. She is simply expressing her feelings from her heart.  
“…I’m glad to hear that.” Nozomi lowers her head so Umi could not see her expression. Her hoarse, emotional voice is telling enough, prompting Umi to envelope her in a tight hug.
Filled with contentedness and protectiveness, Umi shyly kisses the top of Nozomi’s head and murmurs. “I suppose I just needed to talk it out, to hear myself aloud… I am on the same page as you are now, Nozomi.”
Nozomi’s responding chuckle has that characteristic playfulness, making Umi smile in relief that the girl’s spirit isn’t dampened by her awkwardness. Peering up, Nozomi slips her arms around Umi’s waist and leans closer.
“So you are.”
Their gazes connect and soon, their lips follow suit.
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