#this short exchange it is DX
desultory-novice · 1 year
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These comments seemed to deviate a bit from my “villainous Magolor” post where I discovered them but they also inspired me, so I’ll go with it and deviate some more on the topic of the “villainous friends”...
Now, personally, I've never seen the Mage Sisters as all that heroic. I mean, I adore them. I don't doubt for a second they're part of the good guys "now" but heroic? They're still wearing their evil cult (cough) "religious" uniforms! I imagine all three of them still lean a little hard on the "murder is okay!" side of things.
They helped because they had a reason to help. But are they still going to have “goat sacrifice Tuesdays” for a while? ...Possibly! (It could just be me, but I do think it's hilarious when the entire Jamba gang continue to be blatant worshippers of a dark god while chilling with the rest of the cast.)
I do think that this topic is nearing the core of why my feelings on Magolor have been in flux since DX. I’m happy for him to have a redemption arc, but I really don’t want to see him de-fanged...? I never did write that translation comparison post, but I’m endlessly thankful to the English translation for the “I just want to hear everyone scream...” :pause: “...with laughter!” exchange because it at least shows that Magolor has an unusually grim sense of humor, as opposed to him being a wholly innocent victim of the Crown. 
(Obviously, he did what he did in RtDL. No one’s questioning that. They wouldn’t name a song “Atone for One’s Misdeeds” otherwise. But I am concerned about the implications that the Crown was manipulating him from the moment he landed on Halcandra. Manager Magolor is fun and all, and while I don’t want to have a “Magolor is still the bad guy lol” Kirby Light Novel situation, I hope the sussy wizard stays somewhat sussy down the line.)
Anyway, the long and short of it is my love of gray morality characters is why I fell in love with so many of them and why I try to write all the former-antagonistic Dream Friends as still being in possession of a few villain traits. I really don't want to see anyone "brainwashed into being good" or must-always-be-on-their-best-behavior now. I want to see these flawed individuals make nice but flawed, characterful decisions.
I want the three Mage Sisters to occasionally each say really messed up things in a blithe way without realizing why said thing is weird. I want Susie to think she can solve most things in life by throwing enough money and science at them. I want Taranza to openly white-knight his beloved tyrant queen and naively blink his eight eyes over the awful things he did in her name. 
I want Magolor to engage in shady business practices with a smile and a wink, walking away while counting his cash. I want Dark Meta Knight to whole-heartedly believe murder is a "reasonable" option to most everyday situations. I want Daroach to casually purloin the cast's possessions when they're not specifically watching him, just because he can. I want Marx to break into loud hysterical laughter when someone trips and falls or breaks a plate.
The Dream Friends might as well be 10 different colored Waddle Dees if we expected them to all act good and peaceful and harmless all the time.
I just wanted to say though, @icedragonlizard​, I don’t know what kind of convos are going on outside my own little space on the internet, but I think people really aren’t as upset or /neg about Susie as they used to be.
There are maybe a few holdouts out there - I wouldn’t know as I don’t really go searching - but you’ll most likely never change those peoples’ minds and its best just to ignore them while shoring up a space for yourself where people aren’t attacking your blorbos just to get a reaction out of you or to spew unhappiness everywhere.
Here, have this “Deal With It” Susie w/ shades!
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(PS: I recently learned I had been drawing both Susie and Taranza quite off-model! Her helmet actually goes down way longer than I thought, less of a “headband” and more like a metal boudoir cap. And Taranza’s lowest set of hands start at the middle of his body and go up toward his head. I thought I remembered them as starting at his waist and going down instead. Oops!)
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For the fanfic meme:
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
And %% which is not an emoji but shall stand in for "whichever emoji no one ever picks but you have an answer for you want to share"!! (Because I mostly picked the ghost one because I don't actually know how one would answer that. XD)
Fanfic writer ask game
So I honestly thought I'd posted this a few days ago, until I opened my drafts just now and saw it there!! DX<
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
Not really, but I did reach one as of last year (or maybe even the year before) and that was...I've written over 100,000 words worth of Hitsuhina fanfic O_O It blew my mind when I added up the numbers. There are novel that aren't even that long!!
If I had to pick a milestone (well, it's more like a goal, but anyway), I guess, as cheesy as it is, it's to make fans happy. I know when I go to read others' work in any fandom I'm in, I feel like I've found somewhere I can relax for a while before I have to go on with my day. I want my fics to be like that, a place where fans can just relax for a little while and hopefully enjoy what they're reading.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I did answer this one before, but another wild headcanon I have is prior to the main story, Toshio and Gin have spoken several times. It started when Toshiro became one of the higher seats, and one day while with Rangiku, Gin came by with paperwork. Toshiro didnt get a good vibe from him, and Gin sensed there was more Toshiro than met the eye. The two didn't exchange much words whenever they saw each other; at most Gin would make a arcastic or teasing comment, and Toshiro would respond in his brattish way. When Gin became a captain, Toshiro showed him a bit more respect, but kept his answers short and to the point whenever Gin spoke with him. They may have had one meaningful conversation once, in a moment where Gin was waiting for Rangiku. Gin spoke of prodigies and the weight on their shoulders to live up to expectations, and perhaps even reveals that he himself is considered one. Toshiro brushes off the comments, saying he's doing just fine, but he can't help but ponder on Gin's words for the next week.
It's from these interactions and seeing Gin with Rangiku that he's able to glean that they're close, though he doesn't understand the exact nature of their relationship - are they just old friends, distant friends, or something more?
And a question I'd like to answer...ugh, it feels so self indulgent but: 🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Any fic! Any at all! It astounds me to this day that a few people have drawn pieces for scenes in my fics (admitted, a few have been requests from me, but still! ^^; ) If I have to narrow it down to one fic though...Amongst the Ruins is the first to come to mind. Anyone who has been with me all these years knows that the number oen scenario I wish had happened in canon was Momo seeing Tosiro in his completed form, and it shows in the number of fics I've written about it. This fic hold s a special place in my heart, as not only is it one of the first I posted on here and I got some beautiful feedback on it, but writing it got me through a tough time in my life. If a fanartist decided to adapt any moment form this one, I'd just...
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Thank you for sending this in (and sorry again for the lateness)! :D
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sanyawaffles950 · 2 years
The Unreal State of Abandonware
So all "Unreal" games are delisted from Steam at the moment, with only one of them seeing to come back with a different networking backend. They still exist on GOG, but who knows for how long. This marks a trend of AAA companies refusing to respect their legacy in exchange for shitty short-term profits.
I've always been critical of modern day Epic Games. They lost sight of what made their games good, instead focusing on the tech. And not... in the same way Carmack did. Even Carmack didn't stay around much to see the Metaverse BS Occulus/Meta ended up doing, and seems to only act in a consultant fashion last I heard. Meanwhile, Sweeney is trying to do everything possible to be anti-consumer, while toting how pro-consumer he is. It's one reason I absolutely was hesitant to even try to learn Unreal Engine 4 or 5.
This mentality of AAA game companies - I don't get it, and frankly never will. People like Sweeney are out of touch frankly, and the more I see of Sweeny's 'business' side of things I'm surprised he was one of the original people behind the shareware revolution along with Scott Miller and the two Johns - and Scott Miller still hasn't lost sight of that. The renewed Apogee Entertainment's Turbo Overkill has a demo, and from what I hear it offers a good glimpse into the game. Better than having to buy it and see if you even like the combat loop, and I applaud them for that.
If I may be frank: as a game dev, I cannot support all my legacy stuff. And some of it I don't want to. Alot of my older projects are dated. Even with my edgy sense of humor, some of my first projects were very distasteful and weren't very good. My standalone TCs Daytime Drama and Scoot Hard DX, while I'm proud of, I cannot support anymore. I've moved on. While I'm not sure I'd want this for Scoot Hard DX as it was a prototype for Project Absentia, Daytime Drama 1 is very much at this point a game that I consider abandoned. Updating it? I'd rather remake it. And I still very well may do that. But I won't be taking it down either.
People can modify it. Fork it. Make it different. I don't believe something should be lost to time, even if it is from a less than optimal time in our history. Daytime Drama 1 is very much a project of it's time, with dated meme references (jesus, who remembers Asalieri2 even, there's a fucking reference to him there) and when Channel Awesome was waning.
Still, I have people going up to me on the regular telling me how much they like the game - either for it's time capsule humor, or it's level design being neat. And occasionally people tell me they like the soundtrack my friend Rod made.
Point is, I more or less have abandoned that project. Someone eventually might want to improve it. They not only have my blessing, but if someone can improve that game without completely gutting it from scratch and revisiting the concept like I intend on doing, then I'll be impressed. And no, that's not an empty condescending challenge to anyone.
I question it like this. If you have an old abandoned car in a junkyard and someone wants it and you have no use for it - not even the parts - if someone comes along and is willing to buy it, polish it up, and make it anew and maintain it... then let them. Even my Grandpa Bob - a staunch capitalist - saw flaws in people just abandoning software, especially since he was one of those Windows 98 - not XP - holdouts well into the middle of the 2000s. Not even joking. He felt it was the end user's right to modify software to their liking - if he bought a copy, it was his right to do with it as he pleased.
... maybe he wasn't such a stanch "capitalist" as he thought. But I'm not here to argue that. Even someone as business minded as my Grandpa Bob had some pro consumer aspects of him - he thought it made sense. He encouraged my hobby tinkering with existing games - and that lead to another hobby that became my job, but was worried it'd never become a job because who the fuck thinks of Ohio as a game dev state in any sense. I am glad on that account he is wrong.
But one thing, being a game dev, is I hate how draconian business practices have taken hold. Alot of AAA companies are complete dogshit, yet we still hold near and dear to them the properties they own and refuse to let anyone even touch sometimes. This isn't "consoomerism" so much as we grew up with such things near and dear to us and we genuinely enjoy, and the companies became worse, or were bought out by shit companies. I've had many debates with people about this and it gets tiring to have to justify "I like the game, but the company is shit". It's like "You think society needs improved, yet you participate in it". Stop with the pedantic nonsense, it's not helping.
To me, there's a difference between mindlessly consuming product and actually enjoying shit you like. And at the end of the day, I want to enjoy these games that companies like Unreal throw out like trash. Sites like GOG and DOS/Console/Arcade emulation scenes are proof people WANT to play these old games and want to even buy them. If these AAA turds cared about money, they'd realize money could be made by selling these games piecemeal.
Alas, it's not Fortnite, so it's not making trillions of dollars a minute or whatever with microtransactions in some artificial currency. I hope to whatever God is out there that something changes for the better. Between this and the AI-art fiasco going on, it's hard to not lose faith, especially as someone in the industry now.
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ghostofasecretary · 2 years
weird day. Monday. 12.5.22. yes.
stuff i did today!
- wore an outfit from the List Of Outfits That Would Be Cool i made yesterday
- lost phone. went on a stupid quest to get phone again and got rewarded with an outfit compliment and my phone. am v glad i have phone
- [work bs static noises]
- made list of possible gifts to get work gift exchange person
- got news of my grandma's dx. not great!
- cooked dinner and my dad and i enjoyed it
- on Saturday i told my stylist my part was in a different place than it actually is (fatal error) so to fix it a little i cut some of my hair with kitchen shears (a centimeter too short) but also did not cut enough of it (fix later)
- called friends and played cards and vibed, that was great
- bought new glasses because apparently i need new glasses every like 4-6 months now
- was too Exhausted to call other people or send the texts i was meaning to send (sorry frondos) (maybe i can fix one of these problems later)
- watched the new episode of Bleach! really enjoying TYBW so far even though i do not remember enjoying reading the manga that much
- hugged my parents
- watered my plants
that's a nice list of things. or, y'know, there are at least two terrible things on it but i mostly did stuff!
i'm in that, like, "everything is horrible because One Big Thing is horrible but also there are other awful things in the background too" spot where any small thing is devastating? like i almost cried about losing my phone this morning and i was SO mad about it and then about all the other bullshit. and then the news was just--haha ok. ok. well. gonna uhhh kneel with my head on my bed like a Victorian protagonist, i guess! feeling overwhelmed and lifeless!
i want the things in my life to stop being in my life. and to welcome other better things into my life. and to have a fucking break.
the current level of anxiety and bad shit is horrid but it's not going to immediately kill me or fuck up my work life. i want better things for myself than this, but my current goal is to make it to February, see if sticking around was worth it and if not screech a lot, and then either way jump shit to a hopefully better situation. and also i'll keep an eye out for nicer ships that i might be able to jump to for, like, January. i can make it till the holidays. i can make it through December.
oh jesus fuck i'm getting hives on my feet now??? rude
anyways. um. i can also quit at any time and take a holiday because of the lifestyle choices i'm making and the privileges i have, so that's an option to remember. it would not be easy or long-term smart but it is a real option if i need to snap. and maybe the more pressing of the two bullshit issues will resolve soon and i will be less stressed and have a little more time for living and soul-nourishing study and stuff like that. we'll see. did i mention today was weird? today was weird. but hey, i did it! go me
there isn't really a nice conclusion to this ramble i just need to get my thoughts down somewhere and public felt better than private for whatever reason, so, here you go
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bang-bang-gang · 2 years
quick dynamite watch rundown
im glad that mox hasnt forgotten about lee moriarty being on the BCC shortlist, even if seemingly everybody else has. he's been so busy being away for work and he's been stepping in to help out his son(s) (im not forgetting shooter here) wherever he can, but claudio's really stepped in for much of the parenting. regal's distracted playing hard to get towards mjf. we all know what bryan's been up to. despite this dysfunctional polycule, moxley STILL wants to expand the family desperately so he's baiting lee moriarty to prove himself.
the elite vignette HURTS and i think we should stop referring to AEW and start calling it AW instead. i have little hope for them returning before Full Gear.
i LOVE lee moriarty's green hair and his neon green shorts, but i would like it better if the colours matched. god i love watching him wrestle though.
the acclaimed birthday bash is absolutely 5/5, best thing in the world. i love max casters silly little outfit i love his shorts. i love that they give billy foam fingers so he can still scissor, even though they tear immediately. i love the love they have for the fans in the audience. i love the fucking ADOPTION PAPERS. i love the risky DX reunion shoutout. i love that they never give billy gunn the mic. i love that his sons-by-blood get offended. i am kinda sad there wasn't more body horror, or sneaky swerve doing more fucked up shit to daddy ass, but i guess halloween is over :/
forget my AW idea from a few bullet points back. keep AEW in the logo but change the wordmark to Acclaimed Every Wednesday already.
you cant pay me to care for FTR but i do enjoy that they come out in acclaimed-pink and stand across them in the same colours
ok so ive been slowly making my way through the AEW back catalog and watching april 2020 now, which is the point britt and tony schiavoni become besties. so britt's segment is extra special to me. i have to say i ADORE how britt neglects to show up with renee and saraya for a sitdown (two new hires, already famous from WWE) and instead insists on doing an interview with her bestie tony, who has been at AEW since day 1 - just like her! PERFECTLY mirrored by how saraya, in her segment, talks about how AEW seemed a cool rebel thing when it started but how it gained legitimacy in her eyes when all the ~big names~ joined. britt's here to say fuck you we're homegrown and proud of it! a recurring theme this episode(*)
the colt cabana thing is insane and extremely funny to me. excalibur called him "marcia cabana's baby boy".
the BCC vs JAS fight was great, ill never ever have enough of this feud. camera suspiciously pulling away from bryan "pussy delirious" danielson & daniel "dragon slayer" garcia at all times because you *know* the moment they laid eyes on each other they [redacted].
rey fenix being too much of a good boi to use the hammer. i love you catboy
keith lee is SO upset by the shit swerve's been pulling! he's laying it all out for swerve! ("ACCUSATIONS! FALSE ACCUSATIONS!") swerve just wants to make up, keith lee wants to know who's sick enough to abet in the mutilation of daddy ass.
i was paying a lil too much attention to twitter drama earlier this week, and jade and marina got a lot of heat because their fight would supposedly be bad or boring. im OBSESSED with the fact that we barely saw them exchange 3 strikes on screen. it was just nyla taunting jade the whole time. nyla's absolutely one of my faves at the moment holy FUCK i needneedneed to see her beat jade for the TBS title sooner rather than later! vicky guerrero's voice is my sleep paralysis demon, she should be on commentary every match mainly because it would make people angry.
house of black epic >:)
(*) to elaborate on the "fuck you we're homegrown and proud of it" statement: i'm seeing it in britt baker's promo, in the Elite vignette, colt cabana being the mystery ROH champion, even in the Acclaimed's sheer popularity to a degree. people online keep saying they should use the punk vs elite drama as an angle and i think that in this way they are??
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ausetkmt · 1 year
“The chicken situation. We go through the performance, we come back,” RBX explained, “there’s eight performers and eight bags of chicken sitting there. We had two shows and hadn’t eaten shit … [I had] an educated guess, there’s eight performers, we ain’t eaten … I grab the chicken; I get to popping.
“Come to find out Suge come walking upstairs with a couple of his homies and that chicken he had bought for his boys. He get to tripping, tripping, woo-wop, wop, wop. I’m frustrated. I’m saying, ‘We up here making this money as a team. We starving. We can’t go — there’s eight of us and there’s 14,000 people out there … Do you know how we’d get mobbed?'
RBX Recalls Heated Exchange With Suge Knight After Eating His ChickenYouTube/The Art of Dialogue I David McNew/AFP
Published on: Dec 29, 2022, 2:45 PM PST
by Michael Saponara
RBX enjoyed a short but memorable stint on Death Row Records, which was in part derailed due to him mistakenly eating some chicken that belonged to Suge Knight.
The West Coast native rehashed how the chicken incident led to the fracturing of his relationship with the intimidating Death Row boss in a recent interview with The Art of Dialogue.
“The chicken situation. We go through the performance, we come back,” RBX explained, “there’s eight performers and eight bags of chicken sitting there. We had two shows and hadn’t eaten shit … [I had] an educated guess, there’s eight performers, we ain’t eaten … I grab the chicken; I get to popping.
“Come to find out Suge come walking upstairs with a couple of his homies and that chicken he had bought for his boys. He get to tripping, tripping, woo-wop, wop, wop. I’m frustrated. I’m saying, ‘We up here making this money as a team. We starving. We can’t go — there’s eight of us and there’s 14,000 people out there … Do you know how we’d get mobbed?'”
According to RBX, when Death Row were on the road their issues would never reach a boiling point because they “all needed each other” for the tour, but once everyone got back home, it was a different story.
“When we got back home [Suge] got to doing some things that I just didn’t feel like was appropriate as a business — that was conducive to good business; so I felt like I needed to move around,” he said. “But if I’m gonna keep bumping heads with this dude it’s not gonna be a good thing.
“It’s just best for me to look out for me and not care what your feelings is … And that’s what I was striving to do, just be an artist, less the nonsense.”
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tradingdx · 2 months
Unveiling the Cryptoverse: A Beginner's Guide to Trading Crypto with Trading DX
The world of cryptocurrency has exploded in popularity, offering a new asset class with immense potential. But for newcomers, navigating the crypto market can seem daunting. Fear not, aspiring crypto trader! Trading DX presents your gateway to the cryptoverse, a comprehensive guide designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to confidently navigate this exciting digital frontier. This course empowers you to explore the world of crypto trading, understand the risks involved, and potentially make informed decisions.
Demystifying the Basics: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, and Exchanges
Our journey begins with the fundamentals. We'll break down the revolutionary technology that underpins cryptocurrencies - blockchain. You'll understand how blockchain operates as a secure, decentralized ledger system, ensuring transparency and security in crypto transactions. Next, we'll delve into the world of cryptocurrencies themselves. Learn the difference between established giants like Bitcoin and Ethereum and explore the ever-evolving landscape of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) tokens and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). We'll equip you with the vocabulary needed to navigate conversations in the crypto space, ensuring you understand terms like mining, staking, and smart contracts.
Choosing Your Platform: Finding Your Crypto Home
Unlike traditional stock markets, cryptocurrencies are traded on online platforms known as crypto exchanges. The course will guide you through choosing a reputable and secure exchange that aligns with your needs and preferences. We'll explore factors to consider, such as supported cryptocurrencies, trading fees, security measures, and user interface. Trading DX emphasizes the importance of security, ensuring you choose a platform with robust safeguards to protect your digital assets.
Placing Your First Crypto Trade: Orders and Terminology
Ready to make your first foray into crypto trading? The course dives into the mechanics of placing orders. We'll introduce you to different order types, similar to traditional trading:
Market Orders: These execute immediately at the best available price on the exchange.
Limit Orders: These offer more control. You specify the price you're willing to buy or sell at, and the order only gets filled if the market price reaches your desired level.
Understanding basic crypto trading terminology is crucial. You'll encounter terms like "bid" and "ask," representing the highest price a buyer is willing to pay and the lowest price a seller is willing to accept for a specific cryptocurrency. The "spread" refers to the difference between these two prices.
Understanding Risk and Setting Expectations in Crypto
The crypto market is inherently volatile, and the value of cryptocurrencies can fluctuate significantly. This presents the potential for significant gains, but also carries the risk of substantial losses. Trading DX emphasizes the importance of setting realistic expectations and never investing more than you can afford to lose.
Crypto-Specific Considerations: Understanding Volatility
Volatility is a defining characteristic of the crypto market. Prices can swing wildly within short periods, making it crucial to develop a risk management strategy. The course will introduce you to concepts like stop-loss orders, which can help mitigate potential losses by automatically selling your crypto once the price falls below a certain level. Diversifying your crypto portfolio across different assets is another key strategy for managing risk in the volatile crypto market.
Technical Analysis: Reading the Crypto Charts
Technical analysis, a cornerstone of traditional trading, can also be applied to the crypto market. By studying historical price charts and utilizing technical indicators, you can gain insights into potential future price movements. While not a foolproof method, technical analysis can be a valuable tool in your crypto trading arsenal.
The course will introduce you to essential technical indicators commonly used in the crypto space, such as the Relative Strength Index (RSI) and moving averages. We'll show you how to interpret charts and identify basic technical patterns that may signal potential buying or selling opportunities. Remember, mastering technical analysis is a skill that takes time and practice.
Beyond Technicals: Understanding Fundamental Analysis in Crypto
While technical analysis focuses on price movements, fundamental analysis delves deeper, evaluating the underlying factors that influence the value of a cryptocurrency. This could involve considering aspects like:
The project's purpose and potential: Does the cryptocurrency solve a real-world problem? Does it have a strong development team and a clear roadmap?
Adoption rates: How widely is the cryptocurrency being used?
Regulation: How does the regulatory landscape affect the cryptocurrency's future?
By incorporating fundamental analysis alongside technical analysis, you can make more informed decisions about your crypto investments.
Also See:
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pa3am · 1 year
March 2023 CW Radio activities. Adrenalizing Morsecode.
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WS-19: combines AM & CW! See my recently aquired MK-II below, ready for smoke-test on the workbench, more news & details soon. I will try to show this beauty in working condition on the coming Fielddays in June. 
PS, this is an old picture from PA0CX, Digital modes should be added in one or the other way, but I can live with this picture as well as with the old WS-19.
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Aktio 40: start on 4th of March, due to nice family weekend. Received 4th Sticker for Award.
3B7M: Expedition finished, 6 bands CW, missing 20 meterband. 3,5 and 1,8 were almost  impossible for the team there.
HD8M: Galapagos Islands, seemes to be in CW when I am not in my shack but finally worked him on one of the last days.
PACC: Raw scores are available now, 4th place in SO LP 218.286 points. Just outside top 3, but not too bad for a real CW-operator. All callsings and reports were keyed with my Begali Travel Key. Keyboard and computer only used for Logging. All new, first-worked call-signs (319)  will receive my (ready-to-send) QSL-cards.
Stewperry Roundup 160 CW: Exchange in this contest is Locator only, which makes it really “staccato” and together with a low number of participants I decided to stop after 53 QSO’s. Worked 19 new and unique callsigns.
RSGB 80m CC: 1,5 hrs long meeting all UK radiofriends, from vy fast KB- to QRS and Straight-key-contesters. Last months I worked a lot of new cals, mostly very short, 3-digit only, but also very well known 6-Digit-callsigns. Due to very good conditions and sigs I was able to reach a 101-qso-score.  List of entries  shows 217 Logs and several active PA’s. I was able to work 23 new callsigns.
NTC-QP: March 16, prepared N1MM, which is the preferred Logging program. I am still experimenting a lot with N1MM, now got the Call History File setup working. This will speed up the qso rate of this Party, but again some operating practise  and CW-romance will be taken over by Electronics. So I will operate with my 1954 Vibroplex Lightning BUG to give some old fashioned counterweight. Results: 35 QSO’s and a 20 minute ragchew afterparty with two PA stations. Results showed “PA3AM High score nr. 1″ in Mechanical section.
Russian DX: Doing garden chorus and participating this contest because it was raining from time to time, made some nice runs on 10, 15 & 20m and in the evening at 40m. Nice DX Stations as YB, VR, JT etc. 101 QSO. 
N1MM: Another topic is the export of CSV (Comma Separated Ascii) files, why is there so minimal info exported? DXCC entities, Countrynames, exchanced numbers are not exported. As my Final log is Excel based I would have ALL info exported. (as WriteLog)
Schlackertastenabend (semi Automatic Bug Evening) February Results are available: see AGCW at https://www.agcw.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Ergebnis-Bug-Feb23-Kopie2.pdf
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 WS-19: Preparing Smoke test, checking Power Supply and connector layout (Home Brew). I do not like the 230V cable, this one is really old and worn-out. I found a new, vintage-looking-cable, 3 wires with L,N, Gnd and as the used mains connector is a 3 pole, this will be the first modification,
CY0S, Sable Island:  DXpedition March 20 - 29, 2023, heard first sigs 21st of March on 21.005, 23rd of Mach wkd on 21.023. No new DXCC but new band.
9X5RU, Rwanda: wkd 21.023.
Aktio40: 103 CW QSO’s, ready to send Log.
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
26 or 49 for nozomi/umi?
“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.“ [Prompt List]
A/N: Since 26 was already picked, 49 it is! Ah, a guilty ship, my precious Lily White 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。 a simple bliplet, I hope that I’ve captured the pure and mellow sort of dynamic I envision them having (when it’s not crack mode ofc *looks at that MountainClimbing episode)Words: 823
“Here, please have some.”
“Ara, thank you, Umi-chan.”
“You are welcome,” Umi could feel herself relaxing as she sits down on the porch beside her guest. Nozomi reaches for the plate of watermelon slices, her eyes crinkled in mirth. She makes hums of appreciation, relishing in the sweet snack with her cheeks puffed.
Smiling in fondness, Umi herself also begins to eat the fruit meticulously, sat upright in the standard seiza pose. It’s truly fitting, to name it ‘watermelon’, for it does have an ample amount of juice perfect for a hot summer afternoon like today.
The heat wave is enough to make one dizzy under the sun, coaxing residents to take refuge under the shades. With cicadas buzzing in the background and the stifling air all around, Umi could feel tickles of lethargy coaxing her to take a nice, long nap inside the family dojo. She shakes her head slightly and takes another dainty bite, clearing her mind but also steeling it at the same time for what she must do today.
The lack of movement from the corner of her eye catches her attention, and one glance tells her that Nozomi has stopped eating and is merely gazing at her.
“W-What? Is something on my face?” Umi falters, putting down the watermelon skin and dabs at her lips with a napkin. That gaze feels familiar, its paradoxical quality piercing your soul yet soothing it at the same time. It is the same look Nozomi had given her when she…
“I know why you invited me here today, Umi-chan. It’s okay, you don’t have to give me an answer. I can wait.” Nozomi’s smile is kind and patient, and Umi drops her gaze in shame as she fiddles with her fingers.
“No, that is not right. I should give you a proper answer… I should have given you one then, instead of making you wait this long.”
A week ago, Nozomi had confessed to Umi, and rather directly too instead of through her typical riddles. Umi was too stunned to react back then, but at least she was given time to sort through her thoughts and feelings, thus leading to her calling the older girl to the dojo today.
Through their idol activities, whether in subunit sessions or during school setting, she has grown quite fond of the quirky but dependable girl. Nozomi is more than a senpai, more than an older sister figure. She is not just a confidante, but someone Umi wishes to spend more time with and, to become her pillar of strength.
If this were a perfect world, she would have accepted Nozomi’s feelings immediately and embraced her with everything she has.
Alas, the worrywart side of her can’t help but worry about their future, about her responsibilities as a Sonoda, about society’s acceptance of their relationship, and so on. She just does not know how to articulate her concerns, but she knows that she needs to convey her thoughts.
After she manages to finish explaining herself, Nozomi gives her a warm smile.
“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself. That’s not how you really feel, is it?”
So easily, she breaks through Umi’s carefully-built wall with that simple gesture and resonating voice.The younger girl purses her lips in chagrin.
“I’m prepared, Umi-chan, but I don’t want to force you either-”
“No! You are not forcing me anything,” Umi reaches for Nozomi’s hand, her voice a pitch higher but unwavering. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that you return my feelings too. You are correct, I was trying to convince myself otherwise just so we would not have to confront obstacles in the way of our relationship. It does not matter what difficulties we may face… the bottom line is, I want to be with you. I like you, Nozomi.”
Oddly, Umi does not feel embarrassed by her words. There is nothing ‘harenchi’ about saying the truth. She is simply expressing her feelings from her heart.  
“…I’m glad to hear that.” Nozomi lowers her head so Umi could not see her expression. Her hoarse, emotional voice is telling enough, prompting Umi to envelope her in a tight hug.
Filled with contentedness and protectiveness, Umi shyly kisses the top of Nozomi’s head and murmurs. “I suppose I just needed to talk it out, to hear myself aloud… I am on the same page as you are now, Nozomi.”
Nozomi’s responding chuckle has that characteristic playfulness, making Umi smile in relief that the girl’s spirit isn’t dampened by her awkwardness. Peering up, Nozomi slips her arms around Umi’s waist and leans closer.
“So you are.”
Their gazes connect and soon, their lips follow suit.
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huntresswarlock · 3 years
Belated on the ask meme but do them all or all the ones you haven’t done give me content BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD
i haven't done any of them so... a-all of them it is ;;v;; puttin under a readmore because long
1: Summarize your WIP in 10 words or less.
The price, responsibilities, and benefits of second chances.
2: Post a line from your WIP with no context.
Make it stop, he strung the words together in his head as they burned away on his dried-out tongue, please, I will do anything, I don’t want to die, not here, not like this, this wasn’t supposed to happen, please, please, please...
3: Does your WIP have a title? If so, explain its significance. If not, what are you calling it for now?
and if you fall, the sun will catch you
It was a suggestion by @z-nogyrop when I was kicking around the initial idea for the main character. Given that said main character's name is Icarus, and another major character is the god of fire... I think the significance is pretty obvious lmao.
4: Describe the setting of your WIP.
Small faux-friendly village with a dark cult underbelly.
5: Search for the word “knife” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context.
"Somehow the sight of those pathetic little things twisted a sharp knife in his gut harder than if his wings had been completely bare."
Icarus tried to use fire to burn away his past, and it got out of hand and ended up nearly killing him. His life was saved, but his wings were not salvageable, and are now only bare flesh, like a plucked chicken.
6: Search for the word “dream” in your WIP. If you find it, paste the line and explain the context.
"His nights offered nothing but dreams of a vast field covered in flames beneath an orange sky."
In exchange for saving his life, the god of fire charges Icarus with preventing other people from using fire irresponsibly like he had, as well as helping those who have been hurt by fire. To give more specific orders, the god manifests in Icarus' dreams as described above.
7: What are you most proud of?
I'm really proud of my beginning, which opens with Icarus nearly burning to death and explores the immediate aftermath before closing on a slightly more hopeful note. I think it sets a tense tone and communicates a lot about Icarus, as the first thing readers see of him is his close brush with death.
8: What is your biggest challenge?
Pacing! Also weaving character thoughts into the narrative. But mostly pacing. I am on a wickedly self-indulgent chapter right now, and it's hard not to just linger here.
9: How would you describe your writing style?
According to you, it's Ray Bradbury-esque. ;;w;; I use a lot of imagery and metaphor, and short-to-medium length sentences.
10: How would you describe your WIP’s narrative style? (1st person, 3rd person, multiple POVs, single POV, alternating chapters, etc.)
3rd person limited
11: Which character do you have the most in common with?
That's a hard one, because there just aren't that many characters in this story. I suppose Apollo, the tiefling love interest to Icarus?
12: Which character do you have the least in common with?
Icarus himself, I think.
13: Your characters are stranded on a deserted island. What happens?
Icarus would be very miserable and go back and forth on whether he can overcome his fear of fire to light a rescue beacon. He'd also probably hate the idea of having to forage for his own food and water.
14: Have you chosen birthdays for any of your characters? If so, when are they?
Icarus was born on a winter solstice, but I haven't nailed down anything further than that.
15: Do you know your characters’ MBTI personalities?
16: What would your characters be for Halloween?
Icarus - something subtle, since he's never participated before and doesn't want to get it wrong; some kind of animal, probably, since he can just put on/take off ears and a tail
Apollo - a chef!
17: Does your WIP have any themes or motifs?
Birds/flight and fire.
18: What’s easier, dialogue or description?
They're both hard DX writing is really hard... if I had to pick, I'd say dialogue is easier.
19: Post a picture or gif that describes your WIP.
I... I have this moodboard I made for Icarus... does that count...
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20: Post a brief excerpt.
To him, it resembled nothing less than an animate pile of dry kindling. Hardly a threat, even if it had startled him when it began moving. The voice had told him only to collect information about it, that he wasn’t ready to face it... but the voice had also said it couldn’t tell exactly what it was, either. It was entirely possible that Icarus could kill or destroy it, especially since it didn’t seem to have noticed him. If he did so, then surely he could prove that he wasn’t taking his second chance for granted, and the voice would be happier with him.
He had to try. The voice had mentioned that he was equipped with further magic, now, and he could feel it thrumming in time with the heat in his chest. How much, he couldn’t precisely tell, but it was more than likely enough to handle a pile of moving sticks. Icarus held his breath, one hand curled around his locket, the other clenched into a fist. If he shifted his focus just right, dim light began to seep from his closed fingers, but he held back from fully channeling his magic until the entity was just about to round the edge of the doorway.
When he whirled out from behind the barn wall and flung his hand away from him in a way that felt right, a bolt of sunlight arced from his outstretched palm and straight into the creature’s spindly shoulder. Not exactly where he’d wanted to hit it, but the explosion of dry wood as the limb fell away and it stumbled put an updraft beneath his spirit. Icarus shouted and pulled on his magic again, drawing more sunlight to his palm. One more good hit like that, properly aimed, and–
The dismembered arm thrashed against the ground and swung into his calves and that soaring energy vanished, replaced with a free falling sensation, almost literally as he staggered and tried to regain his bearings before it swung again. A desperate kick only gave it an opening to twist, ropelike, over his ankle, digging searing hot splinters into his skin as it clawed into the ground to keep him from moving.
The searing wood hurt, but he couldn’t afford to keep his attention on it, not while the rest of the entity hissed and twined its remaining arm into a whip that lashed a burning wound straight through his shirt. He fought down the rising panic in his throat and hurled another spear of sunlight at it as it advanced on him. It barely noticed or paused as it continued to drive him back, further into the barn, forcing him to drag the detached limb with him. He pulled on his magic again, willed a third well of light to his palm.
But no sunlight rose to his fingertips. Whatever had been fueling his magic, it was now entirely spent, and its absence felt unnaturally cold in his chest. He had never been much of a fighter, had never been one to do more than avoid attention by sticking to the sidelines. His one great act of recklessness, trying to burn away the parts of himself he hated, had gone horribly for him. And now he had done it again, and there was no stern but careful voice to save him. How could he have been so stupid, to not listen to it?
He had to run, had to make a break for the barn door and the field beyond. Maybe he could run back to town, get help, get the guards, something, anything to avoid dying here. Another kick at the wood wrapped around his leg managed to crack it enough that it lost its grip on him for long enough that he could get away, skirting around the creature and towards his escape. It stopped moving and tracked him with sunken, eyeless sockets, turning its head on a swivel almost all the way around with a sickening crackling.
Dense, dry underbrush sprouted beneath his feet, catching him by surprise and sending him tumbling to the ground. It grasped at him and slowed him down as he tried to keep crawling forwards. He kept pulling himself hand over hand, inching ever closer to the door – until burning hot tendrils of wood wrapped around his neck and ripped him from the entangling plants, holding him high above the ground. It did not move for a long moment, letting Icarus struggle to draw breath and watch, helpless, as its detached arm reconnected to its ruined shoulder, the fractured wood smoothing over until it looked as if it had never been broken. A jagged seam split its head with something that was almost a smile as it brought him closer, reaching with its free hand towards his chest.
Towards his heart? No–
His locket.
Icarus clawed and kicked at the wood around his neck hard enough to give himself splinters, to no avail. It hissed at him, like dry grass rubbing against itself, begging for a spark. A spark like the one contained in the golden pendant, because surely that would be more than enough to set it ablaze, if it wanted to burn. But he couldn’t let that happen, he couldn’t let himself and this barn and field and town go up in flames–
The only warning he had before the entity dropped him was a brief flaring of the heat in his chest. No, no it hadn’t dropped him – its grasp had passed right through his neck as his body... dissolved, burst not into flames but smoke, his limbs going from solid to vague impressions. The creature’s hissing cut off with a choking noise, and though he could no longer see anything, he could sense the dull heat of it scrambling away from him.
He gasped – or tried to, at least, even as his thoughts and body swirled in chaotic air currents left in the creature’s wake. It was leaving, getting further away with every moment he spent huddled on the barn floor, and he knew he ought to follow it to figure out where it went to recover, but he could not will himself to move. Even the slightest twitch seemed liable to separate his limbs from his body, and he wasn’t sure he could ever get them back if he lost them while he was like this.
Calm, calm, he had to stay calm, there had to be a way to reverse this, if he just thought hard enough and didn’t let himself panic. Icarus forced himself to pretend he still had lungs and go through the motions of breathing, the insubstantial matter of his chest rising and falling. He didn’t have eyes to squeeze shut but he tried anyway, pressing his face to the ground and blocking out the flickering warmth of distant animal bodies. With every fake breath, the smoke that his body had burst into coalesced more, until he had lungs and eyes again, until he could curl his fingers into the dirt and feel it wedge beneath his nails. Until he was, for better or for worse, back in his usual, solid form.
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mairacute · 3 years
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First of all I want to let you know that I am just a bounty hunter and writer for Cryptocurrency projects and help promote projects that want to grow and become successful in the Cryptocurrency world.
So I’m here to introduce a project where the name of the project is LUNALAND, Many good ideas are presented by the project, especially the development and system used by the LUNALAND project, For more details, please see the articles that have been summarized by several well-known sources and bounty hunters.
LunaLand (LLN) is a peer-to-peer digital currency and store of value. Like digital gold, it aims to offer protection against inflation and infinite money printing. It is the antithesis of fiat currencies with unlimited supply potential. It not only has a finite supply, but it is also a hyper-deflationary supply coin which will burn most of the initial supply until the target supply of only 400 million coins is reached.
Starting with an initial supply of 1 Trillion coins, a total of 99.96% will be burned in regular cycles. The burn cycles will continue until a target supply of 1 Lunar distance in meters – the distance from the Earth to the Moon – of coins is achieved, namely 400 Million LLN.
Centralised platform token projects that aim to build a platform/ecosystem have a high degree of risk. Namely, there is execution risk, team risk, market risk and other risks which must be overcome for the project to produce real value and result in the appreciation of the coin price. LunaLand seeks to overcome this by not being tied to a centralised platform/project which impacts the price of the coin. It is a pure peer-topeer digital currency and store of value, and its success will depend only on user adoption and the building of the LunaLand community.
While there is no platform/ecosystem that can directly influence the price of LLN, the LunaLand project team is building real-world applications for the currency to underpin the value of the coin.
Our mission is to develop a peer-to-peer pure digital currency and store of value which will be recognised as a cryptocurrency leader in terms of adoption, use and value.
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A Digital Currency, at the Dawn of a New Era.
LUNALAND (LLN) is a digital currency and store of value that offers protection from real-world inflation as the World goes on a money printing spree. We encourage liquidity with no-tax trading by rewarding early adopters and putting 100% back into liquidity pools.
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LunaLand (LLN) is a peer-to-peer digital currency and store of value. It will enable you to easily send money online and be used as a medium of exchange. There is no mint function, so supply is limited. The number of LLN in use can only decrease over time, making it the antithesis of modern fiat currencies. A digital currency utilising the power of the blockchain to bring transparency, security, and low transaction fees.
It is a BEP-20 token built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) with an initial supply of 1 Trillion coins. It is a hyper-deflationary coin with a burn function that will burn supply until a total of 400 Million coins remain – 1 Lunar distance in meters. The burn function will be utilised until 99.96% of all coin supply is burned.
With a finite, deflationary supply, the aim is to put a price floor on the coin and reward early adopters and token holders over time. This is accomplished by a high initial supply that will keep the initial entry price low to encourage trading and coin adoption as the supply is deflated.
Target Supply
The distance from the earth to the moon is 400,000,000 meters. LunaLand’s target supply is 400,000,000 coins.
Manual Burns
Regular burn cycles to reduce supply by 99.96% from 1 trillion to 400 million coins.
Hyper deflationary supply to increase upward price momentum.
Reward Holders
Controlled burns do not penalize buyers/sellers via a tax and encourage trading and liquidity while still rewarding holders.
Encourages Trading
Encouraging liquidity by rewarding early adopters and putting a minimum of 50% back into liquidity pools. No tax on trading to encourage liquidity, and coin rewards to holders gives you the best of both worlds!
Low Entry Price
A supply of 1 trillion coins is intended to provide a low entry price and reward holders with unlimited upside potential.
One of the key features of LLN is its finite hyper deflationary supply. With an initial supply of 1 trillion coins, LunaLand will have regular burn cycles until 99.96% of the coins are burned and the target supply of 400 million coins is reached – 1 Lunar distance in coins. Manual burns that are controlled by the team means that the burn is finite and controlled. Regular cycles and clear communication will ensure that the community is informed and rewarded as we grow. The regular burn cycles and conditions will be communicated and tracked at the official website http://www.lunaland.io.
There are several novel features of the LunaLand burn strategy that aims to reward holders and benefit the community. We set out below the key features and conditions of the LunaLand burn strategy.
Burn Cycle
LunaLand will implement at minimum weekly burn cycles which will burn an increasing number of coins until target supply is reached.
Random Burn Amount
Each manual burn will burn a range bound randomly selected – via a random number generator – number of coins which will increase as coin adoptions grows.
Burn Range
As account holders grow, so will the number of coins burned. A randomly selected burn amount will be chosen from an increasing range that will grow by an order of magnitude (10X) as the number of holders grows. Starting with a range of 1M-10M, the range will be increased for every order of magnitude increase in holders starting from 10 holders.
Each burn will be announced to the community before the burn function is invoked and a burn countdown timer on the official website will inform the community when the burn is taking place.
Burn and Earn
With each burn, we burn 90% of the burn amount and distribute 10%
proportionally to holders
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LunaLand Contract Name : LunaLand
Symbol : LLN
Decimals : 18
Contract Address : 0x6020371b0e8a2fc259a6b111d178bba9c966a4a4
Initial Supply : 1 Trillion
Target Launch Supply : 400 Million
Burn Function : Yes
Mint Function : No
Network : BSC Mainnet – BEP20
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The LunaLand (LLN) coin is a fully compliant BEP20 Binance Smart Chain (BSC) token. There are several reasons why we have opted for a BEP20 token over other networks, some of which are :
Low Transaction Costs
The current cost of transferring $1,000,000 worth of LunaLand tokens is $0.05 (at the time of writing). In comparison, the cost of doing the same on the Ethereum network can be 1000x higher, or more, depending on congestion on the network.
High-Speed Block Creation
In recent tests when distributing LunaLand tokens to our investors, we found sending large amounts of LunaLand did not take more than 8 seconds to reach the buyer. Again, using Ethereum as an example, blocks can take several minutes or sometimes up to an hour to create, depending on network congestion.
Mining on the network is more environmentally friendly
Bitcoin and Ethereum currently use a proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm to solve complex mathematical problems and form a consensus to verify a block. The PoW mechanism creates a world-wide competition to solve the mathematical problem and thus results in very high-power consumption due to competing actors in the network attempting to outperform each other with high-powered mining hardware. The BinanceSmartchain network use the Proof of Staked Authority (PoSA) mechanism. It is a hybrid between Proof of Authority (PoA) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). This consensus model can support a short block time and low fees, and it only requires 21 validators to run. Validators take turns to mine (verify) blocks which results in a much more power efficient mining process.
Ability to utilize Pancakeswap as a first exchange
Using a BEP20 token means we can immediately utilize the Pancakeswap exchange and list LunaLand on an exchange immediately after the presale comes to an end. Pancakeswap is one of the largest decentralized exchanges on the planet with over $600 million of trading every month (at time of writing).
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Pre-Sale – Presale will run from 28th June to 20th July where the price of LunaLand will be $0.005 per coin.
Parameters :
Price : $0.005
Soft Cap : 1 Million LLN
Hard Cap : 200 Million LLN
End Date : 20th July 2021
DX Sale : DX sale will run from 10th July to 20th July where the price of LunaLand will be $0.01 per coin.
PancakeSwap – LunaLand will list on Pancakeswap on the 20th July 2021. The price will be determined depending on the liquidity pool and will be announced to the community in due course.
Our Vision is to create a new digital currency that becomes a top 10 cryptocurrency and is underpinned by real world use as not just a store of value but a medium of exchange. There are several tactical milestones we need to achieve to realise our vision. The roadmap below aims to provide clear goals that are informative and ambitious.
Q2 JUNE 2021
Design and creation of LUNALAND
Launch of Pre-sale
Whitepaper published
Marketing team initiates campaigns
Q3 JULY 2021
Launch LUNALAND of PancakeSwap
Further ecosystem development
Expansion of marketing campaigns
to drive coin adoption
Q3 AUGUST 2021
Listing on Coinmarketcap (CMC)
Listing on CoinGecko
Initiate development of LUNALAND online store and app
Target supply reached – burn complete
Listing LunaLand on additional DEX platforms
Merchandise partnerships for LUNALAND store
Q4 2021
Launch LUNALAND store Merchandise partnerships in place.
2022 and Beyond
Listing of centralized exchanges – Binance, Kraken and others
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LunaLand seeks to overcome the centralized platforms’ high degree of risk to produce real value and result in the appreciation of the coin price by not being tied to a centralized platform/project which impacts the price of the coin. It is a pure peer-to-peer digital currency and store of value, and its success will depend only on user adoption and the building of the LunaLand community. The LunaLand project team is building real-world applications for the currency to underpin the value of the coin.
Maybe this is all I can present to all of you, for more details I put some links at the end of the article, for you to visit and get more accurate information
Website : https://www.lunaland.io/
Whitepaper : https://6b39cf01-dbf8-4543-ab71-7bcac199a12d.filesusr.com/ugd/c6bd41_e13088f4fb5042b68ad6afb79dd13445.pdf
Ann Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5346079.0
Twitter : http://twitter.com/IoLunaland
Telegram : https://t.me/lunalandio
Discord : https://discord.gg/RGM769PB
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/Lunaland/
Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPfFZksXwohPMzE7OyZiKRg
Instagram : http://instagram.com/lunaland.io
Bitcointalk Username: Mairacute
Telegram Username: @mairacute
Bitcointalk url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3334914
BSC USDT Wallet Address : 0x9758aabf2b323516C272e1B676131703790f87A7
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neuroglitch · 3 years
i don't remember you ever talking about how your aspects came into your life. were they around since childhood or did they come about in adulthood? did they start off as characters and become real (that's a thing that can happen in did/osdd) or come out of nowhere with identities of their own? and i also wonder if they think/do things you disagree with or what the people in your life think about their existence.
i know you're reluctant to definitely label/dx but i'm sooo curious and fascinated by your aspects existence. you don't have to reply at all by the way! i just like asking questions about things i don't understand :)
Hi anon! 
This is a really good question, and I feel like in a certain sense Elias or Cadia would be better equipped to answer this bc they have different feelings and beliefs about their own origins. But I will try to do them justice to the best of my ability.
So it’s a little bit of everything that you mentioned. Since childhood I’ve had dissociative experiences, and this no doubt mixed with psychotic states in some ways, and contributed to an “overactive imagination”. But as such I don’t think there were others back then, but there was a lot of like.. identity confusion? going on. No idea what’s normal for small children when it comes to these things honestly..
I would say that over the years I had several experieces of being “stuck in character” from theaterplays or games or other things.. but that could be me afterrationalizing. 
As a teenager I went on exchange from a year and learned that you can just... reinvent your entire person and be someone new. That was Kita. Kita is still around, but only in particular situations relating to my exchange. The person I was before was a quiet, awkward kid, constantly muttering to themselv under their breath, unable to hold a conversation. Kita was outgoing, outspoken, brave and assertive. 
When I came home from exchange I kind of assumed that Kita would come with me. She did not, or rather, only as an idea in my head. I was back to my old self, and had to start a long and tedious journey to relearn Kita’s qualities.
I still don’t think that that’s super weird, but again, it was.. something.
Me and a close friend had a very passionate, toxic, codependent relationship from when I was 15 to 26. We coped with this stormy relationship and our respective declining mental health partially by constantly going in-character as other people. We lived together for several years, and when we didn’t live togerher we spent most of our time together. 
There were archetypes that I would “be”, and I know that Elias loosely references some of his own feelings and experiences as relating to some of these characters, but there never was an “Elias character”, it’s more accurate to say that the aspect of Elias lived his life partially through some of these characters. 
Cadia on the other hand traces her origin directly to a specific character. At the beginning this character represented a lot of things that I couldn’t openly be in my day to day life, much less even truly admit to myself.
But that was not unique to that character? 
A part of a pattern was that I did not get to complain or be psychotic or weird or in pain as “me”, but as these characters I could live it out very real experiences and be comforted, where normally my friend would have berated me.
Elias has a personal connection to a hazy memory of mine. The way I recall the event, I was 18 or 19 and has been learning to drive for a while. I was at the mandatory “wet road training” part. I(?) was in the car. But I had no idea how I got there, how to drive a car, and I barely understood my native language as the driving instructor yelled at me. 
But Elias and Cadia (etc) didn’t start to assert their own personhood/claim to be seperate sentient beings until much later. 
Actually my oldest “aspect” is little-me, we call them Riki bc that’s their favorite character. I say they’re the oldest, but they’re also questionable as a seperate entity from me just regressing. But they were definitely active before the others in much more than an “overinvolved roleplay” capacity.
Anyways, so to make a long story short... Me and my toxic friend eventually broke it off, this was at a time where I was mentally at a very low point, I was living alone, and I was failing to take care of myself on the most basic of levels. And the guys just kind of.. appeared in my mind, and did things for me.. At the time I considered them essentially a glorified coping mechanism at best, the beginnings of a delusion at worst. I treated them really poorly, and as a result Cadia disappeared completely for a year or more.  It was scary.. I didn’t like the idea of losing control, even if they were helpful. But it was also kind of exciting. A new input in my rather bleak existence. 
Ultimately I don’t know *where* they came from. Sometimes I feel like they represent aspects of me that have always been there, fighting for dominance over the main persona.. I honestly don’t know. I think the most important thing is that these days I’ve learned to treat them respectfully. Bc either they are not me, and I don’t get to treat other sentient beings like shit. Or they are me, and wel.. a bit of self-respect never hurt anyone :O  _____________ They sometimes do things that I disagree with, especially Elias has done some things that I definitely wouldn’t have done, but they’ve never done a big thing that upset me. As for the people in my life.. Well, people either know and are supportive-to-neutral, or they don’t know. I like to keep it that way as much as possible.
Hope this was at least a semi decent answer, it’s actually hard for me to explain exactly, and like I said, the others might disagree with some of this lol..
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nicoandlevi · 6 years
25 Ways of Stumbling
(just a heads up, this fic is not mine, I’m publishing it on behalf of a nonnie, but make sure to leave nice comments on ao3 for them!!)
Chapter 1: Prologue
A few weeks ago
“Guys, it’s online!”
Everyone at the interns’ locker room looked up when Levi ran inside, nearly tripping over his own two feet while looking at his phone. He almost ran into Casey as well but could stop himself, panting. “It’s online!”, he stated again when his three friends were still staring. “The chart about our upcoming shifts?”, he explained helpfully. Instantly, everyone was diving for their phones. Once they found the right charts, the room got quiet while they kept scrolling down the document to get to their names.
“Couldn’t they just enlist us by our first names?”, groaned Dahlia, while she furiously swiped down again and again. She heard mumbled sounds of agreement from Casey and Levi while they kept scrolling. “Hey, I’m not complaining!”, Taryn said but they ignored. She was the one whose name came first after all. The other three had to scroll to the bottom of the chart since their last names where all at the last quarter of the list.
E, F, G, H - Helm, Taryn:
“YES!”, she claimed triumphantly, “No shift on Christmas Morning!”
“Yeah, but you still have the night shift on the 24th”, Dahlia noticed while scrolling down to her name.
Taryn just shrugged, “Well, I can just go home and change into pyjamas and open my presents when I’m home”.
M, N, O, P - Parker, Casey:
“Thank god!”, Levi could hear his relieved whisper, “My shift’s not the worst as well.”
Dahlia and Levi exchanged looks. Who got the worst one? They kept scrolling down.
Q – Quadri, Dahlia:
Dahlia let go a sigh of relieve: “I’m fine as well.”
Levi felt a sense of dread pooling in his stomach. He scrolled down.
Q, R, S – Schmitt, Levi:
He almost dropped his phone. “What?”, Taryn scrolled down to his name, “you’re ON CALL for Christmas!?” Levi just groaned. “AFTER a 24 hour shift?!”
The others scrolled down to his name and gave him pitiful looks. Levi couldn’t see them since he had his face buried in his hands and laid down on one of the benches. This Christmas was going to suck, he already knew it. He felt someone patting his shoulder. “I’m sure, you’ll be free on New Year’s Eve”, he could hear Dahlia’s attempt to cheer him up. He just sighed. “Thanks”
All four jumped in surprise. They hadn’t noticed Dr. Bailey entering the room. She looked down on them, turned around and walked out of the room, clearly wanting them to follow. They scrambled to obey her silent order.
“Christmas is about to start in a few weeks, I want all of you to be prepared for the worst case scenarios!”, she commanded while crossing the hallway, the interns scurrying to follow. How could someone with such short legs be this fast? They asked themselves not for the first time since their start of internship. “Schmitt!” Levi tried to catch up while catching his breath as well. “Y-Yes, Dr. Bailey?”
“I assume you all have seen your shift charts already?”
“Yes, Dr. Bailey”
“Good”, she said while turning a corner. Levi almost ran into a cart while trying to walk next to her. “Then you also know that you’re on call for Christmas?”
“Yes, Dr. Bailey”. A nurse jumped out of the way as the little crowd of four interns and the short doctor practically speed walked past her.
She suddenly came to an abrupt halt and turned towards him.
“I assigned you to that shift because you’re behind your colleagues and you need to step up your game. You will not. Mess. This. Up. Understood?” Levi’s mouth was too dry to answer, he just nodded hastily. Dr. Bailey, who obviously knew about the effect she had on him, just grunted while the corners of her mouth ticked upwards into a tiny smirk.
“Good, now follow me. We’ll do rounds and then see if there’s anything to do at the pit”
As they walked down the stairs towards their first patient, Taryn leaned over Levi’s shoulder.
“You know what you have to do when you come home tonight?”, she whispered. “Sleep. A lot!”
Dahlia turned towards them and helpfully added: “And tell your mom that you might need to postpone Christmas dinner!”
Levi just groaned and buried his face with his hands. This Christmas would be the worst ever!
— It’s finally online and I’m SO behind schedule, aaaaah! Dx But, I’ll be spending half of my Sunday on a train, hopefully I’ll be able to make up to that and write as much as possible. Forgive me! -J
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tsukiy0 · 6 years
Dedicate your heart (and wallet ;w;): my (SNK) trip in Tokyo
OK folks ♥ ! Finally I have time to write a short summary about my travel in Tokyo ... or better, about the fandom part. My dear @judarchan and I decided to travel there around the end of July because some of our favourite anime were airing around this time of the year (YOI, SNK, Free!, K, etc ..). Tbh we were kinda suprised to find few stuff about some of them.
My personal hunt regarded especially YOI and SNK (and K and other anime too). Well tbh about Yoi there wasn’t so much stuff around, except doujinshi! Oh there were LOT OF THEM! HOW MANY VICTUURI DOUJINSHI çOç! There was half floor of Akihabara’s Tora no Ana only for them!! Otherwise ... yes something but I was expecting more. And even less, since my hunt was basically only about Victor, and his stuff was the most sold and the rarest (and so more expansive yay ... ) (Instead there were lot of Yuuri and many stuff about Yurio too ...) . So I wasn’t able to buy what I really wanted or needed the most *sigh* (but still I bought some cute Victor’s pins and acrilyc figures uwu”)
I was more lucky (well not my wallet XD) about SNK! There was LOT and LOT of stuff about SNK around! Every shop in Akihabara or Ikebukuro had so many SNK related things ... TONS of them (my poor wallet again ç_ç). And of course the characters with more merchandising were Eren (my precious bae ♥) and Levi. And Ereri/Riren the ship with more stuff and doujnshi. how.many.doujinshi ç_ç !! Whole walls filled with doujinshi about them ... çwç  And they were often put on the spotlight among the general fandom most sold doujinshi too ;w; *proud*. So yeah I can confirm that Ereri/Riren is incredibly strong in Japan ♥ (my dear @judarchan can confirm the amout of time I took to check carefully how many Ereri/Riren doujinshi there were in every single store we visited xD It was like a social study u_u” )
There were SNK advertisments into the metro and in Akihabara too ♥ (my son being strong and beautiful ♥ ... it was a really really big ad on Radio Kaikan in Akihabara *_* )
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in front of him, ofc Levi ♥:
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into the metro:
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and this was inside the Animate of Ikebukuro (if I remember right ...) :
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Sadly I couldn’t buy all what I wanted because I didn’t have space in my suitbags anymore and ... no money anymore too aehm ^^”““ ... I tried to buy every item “matched”: so one item of Eren and its matching Levi item. And, sadly, I have noticed how they are really milking Levi’s character a lot: Eren and Levi gadgets were generally the most expensive among SNK charas (yay ..... so lucky ^^”), but Levi’s were the most expensive of all and the rarest ones... *sigh*. Basically I spent lot of money for keeping my boys together ok *sob*  .. dedicate your heart indeed (and wallet ... TwT” ) ;w; ♥. One of the very few thing I haven’t bought “matched” was the body pillow ... I found them the last day of my trip and I had money only for one ç_ç” and ... Eren is my bae and my son and he will always get the first place ♥ (also the pillow was, imo, better drawn than Levi’s). (But as soon as I can, I will get even Levi and the other things I couldn’t buy like the two Figma *sigh sob snif*)
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he’s so beautiful ;w; ♥♥♥
Some of Eren and Levi stuff I bought (maybe I’m forgetting something ..):
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the cloak ♥ (very very very well done ♥), Eren and Levi Nendoroid, the tote bag, three doujinshi (2 anthologies), random Eren stuff,
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a bunch of bbys ♥
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@_@” so many can badges and keychains @_@ (and the towel of the Scouts ♥)
......maaany Eren, Levi, EreriRiren clearfiles ;w; ♥ !!! (the light in my room is shitty sorry )
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And this is my Ita bag EreriRiren themed ♥ (just a wip because it’s still a mess and I want to add other things too ... I’d need more space *sigh* ... ): I nicknamed it “dedicate your heart and your wallet bag” ;w;”““ ♥
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Of course we also went to Tobu Zoo event .. ! ♥ I mean ... real life sized statues of my OTP ... I HAD TO ;w;  We went there Saturday 4 August. Reading other users’ experiences, we were expecting lot of people tbh. But, maybe because it was hot as hell *dies* or maybe because the event was ending? idk but it was kinda calm. It was really nice *_* :
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♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ my scouting dorks ;w; ♥
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... my cleaning freak dorks ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ç_ç
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so cute ;w; ♥ ♥ ♥
And then we arrived to the event plaza ♥
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AND HERE ... HERE ... THEY APPEARED in front of me çwç ♥♥♥
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cloooser ♥
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M Y  G O R G E O U S  C R E A T U R E S  ♥ ç__ç ♥
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OH my heart ;w; ♥ (urgh my hand was shaking bc FEEEELINGS sorry çwç” )
Then (after staring at them for like 15 minutes with tears in my eyes and so on ;w; ...) we ate teriyaki at this stand:
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and, as usual, I wasn’t lucky with the cards I got T_T (same with the stickers and same with gashapon in Akihabara ... >.>” ). I got my least fav chara twice DX so I started to jump to literally every other table around me for asking people to exchange their cards/stickers with mine. I was enough lucky to get rid of of said chara quickly for other two random chara (and they sold me a Eren keychain because “they didn’t want him” wooo wooo rude how can you be so ungrateful with my son è.è” so I rescued him as fast as light u_u they don’t deserve you my sweet sunshine ;w; ♥ ). And another very kind guy exchanged his Levi for my Mikasa yay! ♥ wherever you are now, kind guy, thank you ♥ Hope you will have a very nice life ♥ *blows a kiss* ♥
Also I bought lot of stuff x_x (so much Eren and Levi merchandising *sigh* ♥)
Then we went to the dessert stand/shop too!
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and we both got an Eren (ofc ♥) icecream, the pink one ♥: it was delicious ;w; ! (like my precious son ♥)
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and even there I wasn’t lucky with the charas but at least I didn’t get my least fav this time.
So now I have some cards/stickers to exchange with Eren’s ones or with the one of Levi I still miss. I have the complete collection of Armin and the two cards of Hanji.  (and I also have two Reiner  -wow so lucky ...- and one Jean keychains that I got with gashapons to exchange with everything Eren or Levi related T_T”) If anyone is interested, pls contact me ♥
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And .. that’s all I guess?? °-°”
tl;rl: this pic is a good short summary of my SNK trip in Tokyo ~ ♥ (yeah .. that’s me ^^”):
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... and that’s all folks ♥ thanks for reading my silly memories <3
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
Dx, which dating website/app have you been using? I’ve only ever used tinder/bumble, which while popular...I feel hasn’t worked very well. All your hints and tips have been super useful about dating! Just wondered if you thought there was any difference/ importance as to what you use.
I’m a big believer that different sites work for different people. We all have different ways of relating to people and socialising, after all! So if a particular site or app doesn’t work for you, you could always try something else. I also think, based on what I’ve read and heard, that just how the sites are populated depends a lot on where you are. So you can do your research online, but you might have to learn through experience which sites work best where you are.  You’ll have to take my advice with a pinch of salt; I can only speak as a woman who happened to be looking for a guy in my specific area. It could well be that  if you’re somewhere else, or male, or LGBTQ, or don’t want quite what I want, that my experiences might be less useful. There are some interesting articles out there that compare sites, but I know a lot depends on your own circumstances.
Whilst I was on the site, I didn’t want to say which one, for personal safety and anonymity reasons. And also, I didn’t really want to advertise any one particular service just because I happened to use it. But I’ve decided now that I’ve come off the site, I can say that I was using Match, though I’m sure they all have their good points.
I deliberately chose a well populated site, because I thought a bigger user base would be pretty useful, but also I wanted to specifically use a paid site. Because I felt that a lot of the problems associated with dating sites (dick pics, creepiness, abusive replies) are exacerbated by the feeling of anonymity and a service being free. I reckoned that if people have to pay to make the most of a site, they’ll be sufficiently invested in it to behave themselves. And also that people willing to pay money to use a service like this (when there are already free services) are probably reasonably serious about their intentions. Match is one of the sites with a reputation for people looking a bit more seriously. And it worked; no dick pics, and relatively little abuse. I did get ghosted, and lots of conversations that just didn’t go anywhere, but that’s part of dating, I guess. That said, I found no shortage of guys willing to have a decent conversation or have a first date, and I met someone I wanted to see more than once, so I’d say it worked as well as I could have hoped it would. It worked well for me because it lets you write a pretty long profile for yourself, so I felt like I could put enough of myself out there to attract people I had something in common with. And in turn, I felt I could really engage with profiles where people had written about themselves; you can get a feel for someone’s personality and sense of humor, if they’ve done it well.  And it also lets you search by lots of criteria, too, so you can focus on looking through profiles that match what you’re looking for, rather than scrolling through tons of pictures of people you’ll never click with.  As for the cons, I was really unenthused by all the options for ‘winking’ ‘favouriting’  and ‘viewing’ profiles; it encourages vague behaviour rather than genuine interaction. It used to frustrate me when some men would view my profile many times, wink at me etc but just not message; if I liked them I might have made a move, but if I didn’t, it left me in an awkward situation where I couldn’t reject someone but I didn’t exactly feel comfortable with their frequent low key stalking of my profile, either. They have an option where you can pay extra to choose what kinds of profile interact with you, but since I was happy to politely refuse, igore or block, it seemed unnecessary to pay for it. I also didn’t like that it tells people when you’re online; I just used to get bombarded by guys who happened to see I’d logged in and decided to start one of those ‘hi’ conversations, but they never really work for me. Sometimes I used to log in just to get rid of my notifications, and I like the option to mull over a message and write a nice, well thought out response when I’m free, rather than feel like I’m rejecting someone because it’s 1am after a long shift and I don’t want to chat. I preferred having long, meaningful message conversations, and I preferred to talk to people who’d clearly read my profile and engaged with it, it just felt more genuine somehow. When it comes to other apps/sites, I wanted to focus on one app at a time and use it seriously, but I considered all the options before picking one. If it hadn’t worked out for me, I would probably have added another, or switched sites.  After a while, logically you’ll already have perused all the profiles you’re interested in, and either met/chatted and ruled each other out, or just won’t be interested at all, so I don’t think staying on one site for years is a good idea, unless there’s a lot of turnover. I could easily have signed up to eHarmony instead; it looks pretty similar in terms of its userbase and reputation for users who are looking for serious relationships.However, their way of running things seems to me like they control who you get ‘matched’ to, more. And I prefer to curate my experiences myself; I don’t like the idea of a site picking people out for me based on algorithms, I’d much prefer to pick for myself. I knwo all sites control your experience to a degree, but I personally prefer sites where that’s not an active selling point. I like the illusion of free will, even if it is just that. I think that if someone feels overwhelmed by choosing, eHarmony might be great, because they send people limited matches at a time, which seem to be picked based on answers to lots of questions. In contrast, I don’t actually believe the ‘matches’ Match sent me were matched at all, and I mostly ignored them in favour of curated searches and just looking up profiles of people who’d shown interest. Tinder would never work for me; I have difficulty telling faces apart. And whilst I can appreciate features, realistically speaking it takes a lot more than that to have chemistry with someone. If I’m having a good conversation, I’ll usually value that more than someone’s profile photo; because when you meet people, they often look and feel pretty different However, some people are very visual and need to feel attracted to a photo before they want to read a profile, or else they want to get to know people through chat and dates, rather than profiles and messages. Tinder also has a bit of a reputation for being a hookup app, at least here. That doesn’t mean that you can’t find someone serious on it, though it might just be a bit harder if the clientele are often expecting something else. But, other people swear by it, so I’m sure it works for someone.OKCupid is pretty popular, and it’s free. I didn’t like the idea of answering lots of questions, I much prefer freetext typing a profile that reflects me. And I didn’t want to rule people out too easily.  A lot of dating sites like having discrete tags for you to choose from, because it makes the site more searchable. I get the impression Plenty of Fish sounds like it is even more of a mixed bag; I heard that there are lots of people on it, but without the abiltiy to apply filters to find what you’re looking for, it’s easy to get swamped. I’m sure some people have success on there, though. I’ve heard good things about Coffee Meets Bagel, but I wanted to focus on one site/app at a time. And I’m not sure I like their policy of sending very few ‘matches’ at a time. I am quite a busy person, who worked best on the app in short bursts wherein I reviewed lots of profiles, which I had to because most people just won’t be what you’re looking for. If a site is only letting me access a very small number of profiles, they’d better be VERY well chosen. But even so, I’d much rather choose for myself.I’ve never looked seriously at apps like zoosk or the newer, less well-known ones. I really don’t like the idea of dating sites that are integrated into your social media presence or physical location; that’s a huge deterrent for me, especially from a safety and privacy perspective.
I did consider the Gardian’s dating app; I’m a left-leaning person, and I reckoned that I’d find a fair few people that might be similar enough to me, given that I’m in the Southeast. I heard from junior doctor colleagues that the users on that service were predominantly ‘media types’. Despite that, it’s a service I might consider if I needed to use a dating site again sometime in the future.
I think Bumble works well for ladies who like to make the first move, and guys who are secure enough in themselves that they appreciate women making the first move. It might decrease unwanted messages. I just wasn’t sure I was ready to shoulder starting all conversation starting; I did message guys first sometimes, but I prefer to be messaged first, because it allows me to gauge someone’s level of interest and intent. For me, exchanging messages is an important way of workingout  not only if you’ve got something in common, but also whether somene is willing to put in  That said, it sounds like it attracts serious
There are some apps that are… gimmickier. I’d qualify for Elite Singles (being a doctor), but honestly, I didn’t necessarily want to tie myself to a site where people define themselves by being in a well-earning profession. I don’t believe I’m better than a postman or someone who is self-employed, and I don’t define myself by having a prestigious career or degree. And I’m wary of people who are conspicouously wealthy, because quite a few of them aren’t very nice. Having gone out in London, and mixing in educated circles, I’m no stranger to the kinds of entitled self-important person that feels their money buys whatever they want; including women. I’m not saying people who do well for themselves can’t be nice. I’m just wary of pinning my hopes on an arena where the emphasis is on financial success; that’s not what is important to me. 
I’d never qualify for the ‘dating site for attractive people’, whatever it was called. I look nice enough, but I’m a perfectly normal person with no pretensions to superior attractiveness. And to be honest, I don’t think I’d meet an appropriate partner on a site where looks are your main selling point. Similarly, there are sites like Uniform dating, which aims to pair people who wear uniforms for peopel who fetishise that. But really, would I want to date someone who thought my main draw was my job? Hmm, probably not.
But in the end, I think most sites can work, if you find one that happens to work for your style of meeting people. One of my friends found a longterm relationship on Match, someone else I know got married to someone they met on Plentyoffish, and I’m fairly sure a friend of mine’s husband was found on OKCupid.I think it’s important to be as positive as possible,  and try new things if the ones you’ve tried haven’t worked out. Sometimes it just takes a bit longer, or takes lots of tries. But it’s much harder to get anywhere if you don’t try, right?
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rishinayak · 3 years
Released in 2008, OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) is the data exchange standard and OPC machine-to-machine communication protocol to facilitate industrial automation. It enables users to facilitate safe data exchange between different industrial products and across operating systems. The specification of the OPC UA standard is as per the specifications developed in close co-operation between manufacturers, users, research institutes to enable safe information exchange in heterogeneous systems. 
 Why Choose OPC UA?
OPC is fast becoming an accepted technology in areas like the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). With the introduction of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in industrial automation systems, OPC UA started offering a platform-independent solution by creating a mix of benefits of web services and integrated security with a consistent information model of data. The IEC standard OPC UA is suitable for interoperability with other industry standards.
 OPC UA offers a standard interface for data exchange across the different levels of the communication pyramid. Another critical advantage of OPC UA is the ease of deployment, as it accommodates legacy systems and existing infrastructure to offer scalability. Apart from this, OPC UA acts as a bridge between the high-end servers and low level field systems that includes sensors, embedded devices, controllers etc.
 Business Benefits of OPC UA:
Nowadays, businesses are focussing more on enhancing connectivity and communication in the manufacturing sector. Devices like servers no longer operate in isolation. Different devices like PLCs, HMIs, and machines produce data in their formats, and every device's data interpretation is needed for accurate operations. Here, OPC UA works as a translator to understand data from different sources (devices) and send it back and forth in every device's format.
In simple words, OPC removes the barriers between proprietary factory floor devices, systems, and manufacturing software in the facility. It reduces system integration, installation costs of factory automation, and process control systems. In short, OPC UA can help business owners solve real manufacturing problems today. 
 How OPC UA will Revolutionize Industrial Automation
The design of OPC UA is suitable for connecting the factory floor to the enterprise. Your servers will support the data transport used in traditional IT-type applications and connect with IT applications over Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) or HTTP. However, mapping the transport layer depends on the OPC UA services, data, and object models. Meaning, if other transport protocols are incorporated in the future, the same OPC UA Information Model services can be applied for that newly added transport.  
 OPC UA simplifies machine to machine (M2M) communication and is explicitly designed for industrial automation. Thus, enabling data exchange on devices and bridges the gap between information technology and operational technology. 
 Businesses would not reap the benefits of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0 without using OPC UA. Additionally, for SMBs, OPC UA provides an easier way to leverage the data generated by small businesses from existing technologies, especially machine vision. 
 OPC UA and Industry 4.0: A detailed discussion
 The main challenge of Industry 4.0 and the industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is the security and standardized exchange of data across machines, and services from different industries. In April 2015, the Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) listed the IEC 62541 standard OPC Unified Architecture as the most recommended solution for implementing the communication layer. 
Unlike other protocols, OPC UA facilitates standard data modelling throughout the automation systems to achieve seamless interoperability. The actual power of automation lies in the meaning and description of the data. And OPC UA provides a framework and standards for data modelling.
OPC UA lays the foundation for industrial automation in the following ways:
 Connecting machine data to the enterprise
Automation in industries opens doors for new business opportunities, enhancing services and productivity. The main challenge of industrial automation is to effectively transfer the raw data generated from the plant floor devices to the applications like ERPs, CRMs, and more. It is important to get insights and actionable decisions to stay at the top.
A fully automated OEM process system gives real-time and accurate data from these systems for analysis, maintenance notifications etc., depending upon your priorities. Here, OPC UA provides two ways for this integration process:
Using customized solutions through OPC UA stack APIs
Deliver COTS solutions like connectors, servers, clients, etc. for connecting machines, floor devices, and other equipment, etc. to the enterprise
 Meets the Industry 4.0 requirements
 Industry 4.0 demands interoperability and standardized data connectivity for meeting requirements like: 
1.      Integration across every level 
2.      Secure transfer and authentication at user levels.
3.      Meeting the industry standards.
4.      Scalability
5.      Mapping of various data models to enable device and platform agnostic feature among the various products and their manufacturers
6.      Ability to plug-and-play  
These are some of the requirements for meeting industry 4.0 standards. Here, OPC UA works as the common data connectivity and communication standard for local and remote device access in IoT, M2M, and Industry 4.0 settings. 
 Various communication mechanisms where OPC UA works as the common data connectivity and communication standards:
1. OPC UA Client/Server Model:
 It is a one-to-one communication mechanism that is used in industrial automation. Here, the OPC server transfers the data to the OPC client as per the request. This data transfer is done in an encrypted and reliable manner using the communication protocols like EtherNet/IP, Modbus, etc.
 2. OPC UA PubSub Model:
 Under this network, a one-to-many or many-to-one communication process is established. In this process, the information is available from the publisher and accessible by multiple subscribers. Here, OPC UA PubSub facilitates real-time communication at the control level like sensor or actuator and meets the requirements of time-critical applications.
 3. OPC UA over TSN model:
 OPC UA over TSN model offers bandwidth-intensive IT traffic on a single cable without interference between them. TSN provides interoperability for the data link (layer 2) of the communication network and guarantees scalable bandwidths for real-time capability and low latency.
 Future of OPC UA:
The OPC Foundation has created several technical committees for extending the scope and function of OPC UA specifications. The working groups is established to make OPC UA address a broader range of manufacturing connectivity and interoperability issues. Some of the existing OPC specifications include OPC Alarms & Events, OPC Historical Data Access, and OPC Security, OPC Data eXchange (DX) and OPC XML-DA, and more. OPC DX standard offers interoperability between controllers (sensors, actuators) connected to Ethernet networks using protocols like Ethernet/IP, PROFINET, and Foundation Fieldbus High-Speed Ethernet.
 OPC XML-DA provides several benefits like publishing floor data among the manufacturing enterprise and using XML, HTTP, SOAP, and more. In short, OPC UA will be a force to reckon with in the future.
 There are several protocols, but OPC UA offers security from the ground up and offers the most secure technology for moving data between factory, enterprise applications, and the cloud. OPC UA is not limited to a "protocol"; it is an architecture that expanded to meet the market requirement. Let Utthunga help you make the smooth transition to a digitally transformed and industry 4.0 ready company with our experience and OPC UA expertise.
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