transrinhoshizora · 1 year
Oh boy here I go polyshipping again…
Rewatching Love Live lately, and I’ll be honest, there are several characters I failed to really connect with the first time I watched it through, but this second time around it’s really starting to click. Just watched the episode in s1 where Umi and Nozomi help convince Eli to join the group, and now I’m realizing how much fun their dynamic as a throuple could be…
Now I have fic ideas XD
What are they called, UmiNozoEli?
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alligaytorswamp · 5 years
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nozomi’s love arrow shoot confirmed?? 😳
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outsa-art · 4 years
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a very simple nozoumi drawing because apparently the only way to get content of your rare pair is to make it yourself 💜💙😔🤙
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athyrabunlord · 7 years
26 or 49 for nozomi/umi?
“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself.“ [Prompt List]
A/N: Since 26 was already picked, 49 it is! Ah, a guilty ship, my precious Lily White 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。 a simple bliplet, I hope that I’ve captured the pure and mellow sort of dynamic I envision them having (when it’s not crack mode ofc *looks at that MountainClimbing episode)Words: 823
“Here, please have some.”
“Ara, thank you, Umi-chan.”
“You are welcome,” Umi could feel herself relaxing as she sits down on the porch beside her guest. Nozomi reaches for the plate of watermelon slices, her eyes crinkled in mirth. She makes hums of appreciation, relishing in the sweet snack with her cheeks puffed.
Smiling in fondness, Umi herself also begins to eat the fruit meticulously, sat upright in the standard seiza pose. It’s truly fitting, to name it ‘watermelon’, for it does have an ample amount of juice perfect for a hot summer afternoon like today.
The heat wave is enough to make one dizzy under the sun, coaxing residents to take refuge under the shades. With cicadas buzzing in the background and the stifling air all around, Umi could feel tickles of lethargy coaxing her to take a nice, long nap inside the family dojo. She shakes her head slightly and takes another dainty bite, clearing her mind but also steeling it at the same time for what she must do today.
The lack of movement from the corner of her eye catches her attention, and one glance tells her that Nozomi has stopped eating and is merely gazing at her.
“W-What? Is something on my face?” Umi falters, putting down the watermelon skin and dabs at her lips with a napkin. That gaze feels familiar, its paradoxical quality piercing your soul yet soothing it at the same time. It is the same look Nozomi had given her when she…
“I know why you invited me here today, Umi-chan. It’s okay, you don’t have to give me an answer. I can wait.” Nozomi’s smile is kind and patient, and Umi drops her gaze in shame as she fiddles with her fingers.
“No, that is not right. I should give you a proper answer… I should have given you one then, instead of making you wait this long.”
A week ago, Nozomi had confessed to Umi, and rather directly too instead of through her typical riddles. Umi was too stunned to react back then, but at least she was given time to sort through her thoughts and feelings, thus leading to her calling the older girl to the dojo today.
Through their idol activities, whether in subunit sessions or during school setting, she has grown quite fond of the quirky but dependable girl. Nozomi is more than a senpai, more than an older sister figure. She is not just a confidante, but someone Umi wishes to spend more time with and, to become her pillar of strength.
If this were a perfect world, she would have accepted Nozomi’s feelings immediately and embraced her with everything she has.
Alas, the worrywart side of her can’t help but worry about their future, about her responsibilities as a Sonoda, about society’s acceptance of their relationship, and so on. She just does not know how to articulate her concerns, but she knows that she needs to convey her thoughts.
After she manages to finish explaining herself, Nozomi gives her a warm smile.
“It sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself. That’s not how you really feel, is it?”
So easily, she breaks through Umi’s carefully-built wall with that simple gesture and resonating voice.The younger girl purses her lips in chagrin.
“I’m prepared, Umi-chan, but I don’t want to force you either-”
“No! You are not forcing me anything,” Umi reaches for Nozomi’s hand, her voice a pitch higher but unwavering. “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear that you return my feelings too. You are correct, I was trying to convince myself otherwise just so we would not have to confront obstacles in the way of our relationship. It does not matter what difficulties we may face… the bottom line is, I want to be with you. I like you, Nozomi.”
Oddly, Umi does not feel embarrassed by her words. There is nothing ‘harenchi’ about saying the truth. She is simply expressing her feelings from her heart.  
“…I’m glad to hear that.” Nozomi lowers her head so Umi could not see her expression. Her hoarse, emotional voice is telling enough, prompting Umi to envelope her in a tight hug.
Filled with contentedness and protectiveness, Umi shyly kisses the top of Nozomi’s head and murmurs. “I suppose I just needed to talk it out, to hear myself aloud… I am on the same page as you are now, Nozomi.”
Nozomi’s responding chuckle has that characteristic playfulness, making Umi smile in relief that the girl’s spirit isn’t dampened by her awkwardness. Peering up, Nozomi slips her arms around Umi’s waist and leans closer.
“So you are.”
Their gazes connect and soon, their lips follow suit.
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feledia · 7 years
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Rip Umi
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lovelive-updates · 5 years
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[JP] Next μ’s Event Notice! ~UmiNozo ChaFes~
Event Type: Challenge Festival Round 21 Event Theme: Chocolate Tier Reward: SR Nozomi Points Reward: SR Umi Event N Girl: Nagayama Minami Event Runtime: Feb 5th 16:00 JST ~ Feb 15th 14:59 JST
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bloodlilyvamp · 8 years
I need more NozoUmi in my life 😢
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outsa-art · 5 years
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snow halation is the best winter/christmas song & nozoumi is a v good ship! (pls consider it, i think im alone in this rare pair hell,,)
happy holidays everyone and late merry xmas to everyone who celebrates! 🌟
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blogpoppit · 8 years
lily white science baby name
nozoumi - mio(blue hair from umi and green eye from nazomi) and mini(purple hair from nozomi and amber eye from umi)
nozorin - rimi(Orange hair from rin and green eye from nozomi) and rio(purple hair from nozomi and Chartreuse eye from rin)
umirin - rimi(blue hair from umi and Chartreuse eye from rin) and ui(orange hair from rin and amber eye from umi)
they want to be school idol after watching old video of their moms performance as muse  
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aiwairanai · 9 years
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athyrabunlord · 8 years
For the ship thingy, nozoumi pls! 8, 21, 26, 29
( ᐛ )و yosha!! a LLW ship!!8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?Umicchi. Or danna (husband) - it makes Umi incredibly flustered.While during moments of passion, Umi comes up with all sorts of cheesy petnames or lines for Nozomi, like ‘my goddess’ or 'I’m drunk on the scent of your needs and taste of your skin my sweet Aphrodite" lmaoooo *dies*
She’ll deny it afterwards of course but Nozomi will keep those in mind forever. 21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?Nozomi. especially if she’s just as good at dancing as Kussun is. Whenever the mood strikes, Nozomi would start twirling and drag Umi along. If it were the 3bakas, Umi could’ve easily refused. Alas, against nontan, this hetare samurai will never win. 26. What would be their theme song?Shiranai Love Oshiete Love - it’s a song about learning love and taking that step over the line. I think such concept fits them perfectly X3 Also it’s the title of a bliplet I’ll never finish it seems LOL 29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Nozomi longs for stability in her life due to her family always moving. She isn’t particularly close to her parents and is used to being on her own. Being used to it doesn’t mean she likes it though - It just gets so lonely sometimes that she still feels the void even when she’s with the rest of μ’s. Umi’s presence gives her the peace she’s always wanted. The younger girl’s stubborn and rather predictable as she follows a strict routine/schedule. Nozomi has fun teasing Umi and disrupts her routine. Umi, while initially annoyed and at a loss, rather enjoys such fresh change in her life. Likewise, Umi also finds solace around Nozomi - no longer does the Sonoda heiress has to be perfect and utterly unwavering in composure. She can relax around Nozomi and be childish too. They both depend on each other for comfort and thus the beginning of their relationship is halcyon. One day, Umi finally invites Nozomi over for dinner - Umi’s mother likes Nozomi, yet the Sonoda patriarch is harsher than usual. His rejection of their relationship is expected, and Umi is prepared for it yet there’s something else in his tone of voice. Beneath all that anger and shock, Umi senses fear in his words. Why fear? Papa Sonoda has always been a strict and enigmatic man, having married into the Sonoda family, a chosen husband to carry on the history of kendo and various traditional arts. He never has much interest in Umi’s idol activities as long as she maintains her regular training. He’s brusque but tolerant of Honoka and Kotori, and Maki as well when the redhead visits one time to work on a song together. So why is he so hostile against Nozomi?Umi is so guilty and apologetic for her father’s reaction that Nozomi tries to cheer her up (even though she’s quite rattled inside). They spend a whole day together at Nozomi’s apartment, temporarily putting behind the harsh reality they’d have to face and simply enjoy being a couple. Nozomi’s parents come home then, and in spite of the initial shock, they seem fond of and impressed by the polite Sonoda heiress. Pleased by her parents’ reaction, Nozomi decides to try even harder at winning over Umi’s father. The Nozomi from years ago would have run away, but Umi gives her the courage she needs now. Nozomi is whole-heartedly prepared to fight for their love and thus secretly arranges for a one-on-one meeting with the PapaSonoda. To her shock, after a long, solemn conversation, he reveals why he is so against their relationship -  He recognizes Nozomi from her looks alone, because she resembles her mother so much. Before he married into the Sonoda family as per his parent’s order, he was dating his highschool sweetheart - Nozomi’s mother. Nozomi and Umi are half-sisters.
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curewhimsy · 9 years
nozoumi fan fic where nozomi is a volleyball
“im sorry umi but i must move on” nozomi said as she floated down the river. the evil witch maki had turned nozomi into a volleyball and now nozomi knew her destiny was to start life anew the way a volleyball should. but first, she had to say goodbye to her beloved umi.
“nozomi no” umi screamed. “nozomi noooooo”
“before i move on, umi, there is something i need to tell you” nozomi said. she was almost to the edge of the waterfall.
“nozomi tell me.” umi cried
“remember to brush your teeth or else your bobos will fall of umi”
nozomi’s words echoed spiritually
nozomi dramatically slipped over the edge of the waterfall of her destiny and left umi sobbing in a patch of flowers.
“nozomi no... i’m sorry nozomi... i miss you...”
when i find myself in times of trouble, nozomi toujou comes to me, speaking words of wisdom, let it be
umi cried and cried until she was nothing but a puddle of salty water. then over the years the puddle of tears expanded with the rain and wind, until umi became the ocean.
one day way in the future, nozomi the volleyball floated beyond a stream and found herself in the ocean.
“nozomi...” umi said. her voice surrounded the tiny volleyball.
“umi umi umi umi... it’s you...” nozomi said tearfully. “but where are you”
“i am everywhere” umi spoke “for i am now the sea that carries you. i am the sea, carrying you to your destiny”
“perhaps my destiny was to be with you for eternity” nozomi said
“and perhaps my destiny was to carry you on even now that you are a volleyball” umi said.
then they hugged.
“oooooh i get it now haha” nozomi suddenly said anti-climatically
“what” umi said
“your name is umi and you became the ocean hahaha”
“shut up nozomi” umi said
“hahaha and you’re also so salty. umi means ocean and the ocean is salty”
umi sighed
“i am so lucky to have a girlfriend who’s presence is as deep as the sea itself” nozomi said
“smooth.” umi said
“yeah i know im a smooth homo” nozomi says “queen of muse, bustin them rhymes like dr seuss, i put the double-o in smooth for i am nozomi toujou” nozomi said with extra swag sauce
“no i just meant your surface is smooth because you are a volleyball” umi said
“oh” noozmi sed.
“anyway i realy missed you nozomi”
“me too umi. also i am happy your bobos didn’t fall off”
then they had two beautiful children, a hoking goose named honkers and a seagull named kotori. and they lived happily ever after and maki got hit with a potato
the end
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curewhimsy · 9 years
i’m really into nozomi x umi right now lol (even though it does seem totally random, as it was the result of shipping the left-over two characters that weren’t already in a ship for me :p) still, it grew on me and now i ship it hard.
i imagine umi still being a little immature in ways and often too serious, so nozomi gives her wise words to calm her down and for umi to enjoy life and let go of her worries.
plus umi is really really attached to nozomi like a big sister, she gets dramatic when she’s worried about her, as opposed to umi usually concealing her feelings. umi feels like she can show the deeper sides of herself to nozomi who is warm and trusting.
plus nozomi likes to tease umi a little, but in a nice way. calling her cute, playing with her hair, initiating pillow fights. “it’ll be better if you smile though it, you know.”
umi admires nozomi for being so mature and nurturing, a leader in her own way, and nozomi appreciate’s umi’s hard-working and focused attitude, even to the point where she overwhelms herself.
“umi really is a good person. she’s just a little shy. but she’s really dependable and i know deep down, she has a pure heart.”
“nozomi really is honest. i really appreciate it. i guess you could even say... i look up to her, in ways.”
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