#to quote someone else about another ship: “anyways their sex will be legendary—”
@lordgrimoire @loreofthejungle @concernedbrownbread
Ellyus is the type of person so laser focused on his divine self-imposed little goals and tasks like “save a life” and “build a thing” and “build another thing” and “complete dialogue cutscene with this person” like he's a gamer dead set on collecting every single pokemon that spawns that it's very easy for him to completely bypass anything else at any time like... his own entire well-being and how much he is loved. He pays a lot of attention to other people's needs (easier to do when you're a semi-omniscient seer of sorts) but not so much his own (not a priority, got so much else to focus on, it's not like they can talk to anyone about this anyways so why even think about it?).
Meanwhile Shaddiq is someone who is very aware of his own feelings, but shoves them aside and buries them in favor of acting the way the people around him expect him to act— the playboy, the useful son, it's a role it's always a role with him so much that the masks are starting to turn into skin— besides which, being honest with your own feelings is just showing your weak underbelly to people who might take the opportunity to hurt you and destroy your life's work. Shaddiq is emotionally withdrawn— He's forever alone with his thoughts because he doesn't trust anyone with them. To the point it has to be hurting himself immensely.
And then there's Elan 4 who is alive in this AU, who lost his identity to Peil... Or really, never had the chance to have one because he's just a disposable body double who was never meant to last long. Knowing that he's going to die, knowing that there's no point to building a bond with anyone because nothing would ever be his anyways, the faint hints of simmering anger and extreme loneliness based on the fact that there's no one in the world who can understand him, no one who even knows the position he's in, he opted to choose the path of detachment (was it a choice, truly? did he ever have a choice?), playing the icy, emotionless character is easy when you're not attached to anything in the first place. After the icy walls began to break though, after his rescue, he's stumbling a lot because he himself often doesn't really know how he's supposed to feel about things. Having been detached and distant for long as he's been aware, he's so not used to having someone to care about. The mask hiding the hollow heart had been ripped away and... he's just stumbling about not knowing what to do with this empty hole where his certain death used to be.
Anyways what I mean to say is that their relationship is going to be one hell of a flaming firework disaster of them running circles around each other being all let me care about you, damn it! until Ellyus dies at which point... I wonder how Shaddiq/El4n will proceed.
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xmagicxshopx · 5 years
Kill Me, Save Me - Prologue
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Genre: Fantasy Adventure, Romance, Comedy Rating: PG-13 Warnings: brief smut and light swearing Pairing: Jungkook x reader, Jimin x oc, Taehyung x oc Notes: pirate!bts au. Not idol!bts. Same goes for EXO. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: So I personally don’t swear or curse so writing some of this was awkward for me. XD
Summary: You’re not just one of the seven legendary pirate lords, but you’re also the captain of the only all-female pirate crew to sail the seven seas. You’ve spent years pillaging and plundering. But now your time is up. A curse. There’s only one thing that can save you. A great treasure. But what happens when Bangtan are after the very same thing?
“Well look who’s here. Decided to stop by, did you?”
“Go away, V. I’m not in the mood.”
“So to what do I owe the greatest pleasure of having your lovely presence in my tavern?”
The raven haired female groaned audibly in annoyance as she sat there hunched over with a glass half full in her hand. No one knew her real name but she went by Crow. She earned the nickname because of her beautiful long black hair and the way it was styled and cut.
Right now all she wanted to do was fly away. The male beside her, who went by V, never failed to get on her last nerve. Even his nickname ticked her off. He claimed it meant V for Victory. Pfft. As if. With a roll of her eyes, the female knocked back the rest of her drink only to have the annoying owner so very kindly order her another round. He once again tried to start up conversation.
“Where’s your captain?”
“Find Jungkook and you’ll probably find her.”
“And Sunny?”
“Probably off somewhere with Jimin. Who knows. I’m not their keeper.”
“My my. Someone’s awfully cranky tonight.”
“You make me cranky, V.”
“Ouch. I’m hurt.”
“Not sorry.”
The two pirates sat there in silence but it didn’t last nearly long enough for Crow’s liking. She wanted to scream in frustration when his annoying voice sounded in her ear once more.
“So then you’re probably not gonna share any gossip with me?”
“If you’re referring to the map, my lips are sealed. I’m not betraying my captain like that.”
“Come on, babe. Betrayal is such a strong word. And besides, I’d protect you from her girly wrath.”
“You underestimate us, V. How very foolish of you.”
“Not budging are you?”
“Soooo.....then that’s probably a no on the sex too, right?”
Needless to say, Crow made that last drink he ordered for her count. For as she so casually walked towards the exit to his tavern, she couldn’t help but smirk back at his dumbfounded expression; hair dyed a peachy color falling in his face and over his perfectly circular glasses (that he didn’t even need mind you). Drenched in his own alcohol.
The Black Crow was no pushover.
A thrust causing your back to hit the door particularly hard.
“Tell me----”
Another delicious thrust that had you moaning while you clawed at his clothed back.
“Where it----”
A thrust that had you seeing stars in front of your eyes and a scream of his name to fall from your lips.
However, no matter how good Jungkook was, you weren’t about to give in just because of some steamy sex. A quickie. It was always a quickie with him. Not that you minded. Sex was sex; simple as that. Just a raw good time that left both parties feeling amazing. A win-win for all. But it never stopped the young male from using it against you to get other things he wanted.
“I’m not----”
A moan cut you off when he started rubbing figure eights on your clit. Dear god he was killing you now. Knowing all your weak spots after so many.....escapades.
“Telling you----”
A particularly loud cry of pleasure turned your voice hoarse as you suddenly threw your head back to where it collided with the door. He was now attacking not only your bundle of nerves, but now the sweet spot on your neck.
And suddenly, Jungkook stilled and the rum cellar grew silent. Of course aside from the mixture of heavy breathing. It was true, while V and Crow were up on the main floor of the tavern, Jungkook and yourself had slipped away from the drunken crowd and rushed for the closest door. The rum cellar.
This had been going on for quite a few years now. Running into each other, hooking up, then going back to hating each other’s guts. You were on opposite sides. Enemies. You had your crew and he had his. Granted Jungkook wasn’t the captain but still.
“Was that ‘shit’ as in ‘holy shit Jungkook fuck me harder’ or were you literally telling me you’re not gonna tell me shit?”
“What do you think, genius? Now keep going. I’m almost there.”
“What makes you think I’m gonna let you finish?”
“What makes you think I can’t finish myself?”
You smirked and clenched your walls around his member with purpose; jerking a moan out of him. He always felt so good inside you. He was the perfect length and size. Despite being enemies, the two of you fit together like perfect puzzle pieces. But you were starting to get frustrated with your partner. His stilled hips causing you to lose that high you were so very close to reaching.
“Move, Jeon.”
“Tell me where the map is first.”
Sex had now turned into a glaring contest. Jungkook having parked you up against the door to the cellar with your arms and legs around him; his length buried inside you to the hilt. Your walls squeezing around him; silently pleading him to move and continue. The both of you were only half dressed but Jungkook swore one of these days he would properly bed you. Pfft. Yeah right. Fat chance of that happening.
“You’re lucky you feel so good around my cock, Captain.”
And just like always, you got what you wanted.
Two young souls hid in the shadows of a cove just a few feet away from where your ship was parked. Their heads were together to where foreheads were touching. Hands reaching up and fingers entwining with a loving touch. Soft whispers were exchanged meant only for each other to hear.
“I missed you so much, Sunny. It feels like it’s been ages.”
“I know, Jiminnie. I missed you too. I thought about you every day.”
“And I thought of you. Hoping and wishing to see you again. What brings you here anyway?”
“I’m not gonna pretend that I know what goes on in that head of the Captain’s but I have a pretty good guess.”
The two chuckled as their theory remained silent. But Jimin understood all the same. It didn’t matter to him what the reason was for this blessed visit. He just wanted to make the most of it. For the girl in front of him was his whole world.
Shame they rarely got to see each other.
“I wish we didn’t have to be enemies.”
“I know......I hate it. Why can’t we all just get along? Share the sea and all it’s treasures?”
“We both know it doesn’t work that way, beautiful.”
Sunny’s frown was so deep that it caused her face to wrinkle. But in Jimin’s eyes, she was always beautiful. No matter what. He hair could have been messy from sea water and everything else but no matter what, she was absolutely gorgeous. Lifting her hand up to press gentle kisses to her knuckles, he spoke softly yet sadly,
“We don’t have much time left. I should get back before they start looking for me.”
“It feels like we just got here. I don’t want to say goodbye so soon.”
“Hey hey. It’s okay. We’ll see each other again soon. Yeah?”
He hated seeing her cry. The whole reason her name was Sunny was because she was like a ray of sunshine. Literally. Wherever she went, it was like the sun itself was shining. So naturally it killed him to see any kind of tears falling down her beautiful face. Holding her close, he soon started peppering butterfly kisses all over her face to try and help dry up the tears as well as make her giggle.
And it worked.
After tying up ‘loose ends’ and restocking on a bit of supplies, the girls were all back on the ship with the rest of the crew. All females. It made your chest swell with pride. This was your ship and your crew. You built everything from the ground up. Found the baddest, toughest women out there. Well most of them. Sunny was your soft spot. But there was no way you were going to get rid of her. No. She was precious to you in every way. You loved every member of your crew.
You stood in your Captain’s Quarters with Crow standing behind you. Crow was your first mate and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Staring at yourself in the elegant full length mirror, you couldn’t help but take in all the hickies Jungkook had left on your neck and collarbone areas. He was a biter but so were you.
“So he still doesn’t know the map was right under his nose?”
“Nope. V doesn’t know, right?”
“Never said a word.”
Crow couldn’t help but frown in sadness as she stared at her captain’s bare back. It took up her whole backside. A tattoo of a treasure map to an outsider, but to anyone who knew about it, a curse. Her captain’s curse. Something she was born with. It was the female’s voice full of command that had Crow snapping out of her sad thoughts.
“Read it again for me....please.”
“It says we need to head west.”
“Then we’re sailing west.”
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