#to see their fellow fanclub member on the stage next to their idol?
lucifersus · 6 years
I still can’t imagine what kind of double life Shun lives. On one hand he’s the leader of Procella, the rival group to Hajime’s Six Gravity. In fact he’s Hajime’s rival. They compete against each other, play air chess, talk about their distinguished families. They discuss about the joint live as leaders of Proella and Six Gravity.  On the other he’s Hajime’s self-proclaimed biggest fan. He fangirls fanboys in front of Hajime with no shame, is part of Hajime’s fanclub and has ‘comrades’ in Hajime fans. And he’s like, probably the only guy there? So like, he ‘fangirls’ together with all the girls over Hajime and then he returns to the dorm life with the guys and his job as the leader of Procella. And the stage where he’s the charming cool prince type who flirts with his fangirls and makes them scream. I mean...how does that even work Shun? And he’s such a part of the fanclub that they can even give him underwear as a present??? Omg why would you give underwear as a present! xD What even...asasawoijak how do they even know Shun’s size??? Did they ask for their yaoi doujin with him and Hajime or something and does he know??? Shun how do you even...? And he wears it to events and live concerts as his lucky lavender (purple and white) item? He wears something he received as a fellow fan when he’s the leader of Procellarum....’competing’ against Hajime on the stage. Shun, I swear...
Now I want to write a fic of Shun’s double life lol! 
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, (05/03/17): Kaleidoscope Records has officially released information about stylist, Moon Hyeji, on the staff’s official website! Moon Hyeji is a ‘92 liner and has been beloved by fans since she earned her job. Find out more about Hyeji below!
I, MOON HYEJI, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of STYLIST and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of KALEIDOSCOPE RECORDS.
Preferred name: Chloe
Pronouns: She/her
Timezone: PST
Other muses: n/a
Faceclaim: Pony (Park Hyemin)
Name: Moon Hyeji
Stage name (if applicable): n/a
Idol concept: Hyeji is Kaleidoscope Records’ resident stylist unnie/noona. Despite her young age, her open, mother-like nature makes her the one to go to for advice whether it be for personal life or what outfit to wear. Although she has tried to stay on the down-low as a staff member, she has already been spotted by several Kaleidoscope fans for her looks and style that don’t lose to her idol clients. Why don’t you try and be an idol or actress?, Hyeji’s small fanclub asks. Many people question why she doesn’t try to get in the business since she’s at the prime age for an idol career, but what many don’t know is that she is in fact an ex-idol. Either way, Hyeji feels just fine being behind the scenes.
Birth date and age: December 30, 1992 / 24 years old
Company name: Kaleidoscope Records
Group Name (if applicable): n/a
Group Position (if applicable): Staff member (stylist)
Strengths: (+) Flexible and talented. As a stylist, Hyeji can do hair, makeup, and fashion. Graduating as one of the top students of the cosmetology school she attended, she is more than capable to work with hair and makeup. Among the number of employees at Kaleidoscope Records, Hyeji is known to be one of the top stylists in the company despite only working there for 2 years so far. With just one look at a person, she can decide what colors/looks are most suitable for that person, bringing out their inner beauty and charisma. She has also previously lived in Japan, and despite the short time she gained an incredible amount of fashion knowledge and inspiration. She incorporates what she has learned as well as her own personal Hyeji flair into the looks she creates for her idol clients. (+) Approachable. Hyeji may come off as strong and intimidating at first sight due to her resting bitch face and flashy looks, but she greets everyone with a smile. She is ready to assist anyone who asks for help, and offers it when she sees people struggling. For this reason, she is even friends with some Kaleidoscope trainees as well as some idols from other companies due to interactions in the waiting rooms. (+) Perseverance. Whether it be in her work or in personal life, Hyeji will never give up until she has done all that she can. Even if you tell her she can’t, she will insist that she can and prove you wrong. Though this has sometimes gotten her in a bit of trouble with the senior stylists, her perseverance has always resulted in some of her best work.
Weaknesses: (-) Indecisiveness. It is easy for Hyeji to make decisions when it comes to her career as a stylist for idols. However, the same quality does not seem to quite transfer over to Hyeji’s personal life. It is difficult for her to make her own decisions on some of the simplest things, resulting in her close friends being quite frustrated with her when she texts them randomly for help choosing between this or that. (-) Perfectionist. Hyeji always wants to help people as much as possible, and with this comes her desire to give the best to her clients. Because she spends so much time trying to perfect her ideas for her clients’ looks, this sometimes results in too much work piled up for her. However, this perfectionism does result in some of the best styles for her clients.
Positive traits: compassionate, dedicated, enthusiastic
Negative traits: critical, indecisive, perfectionist
Age 1. To celebrate Hyeji’s first birthday, her parents set up the table for Doljabi. In this Korean tradition, parents put various objects on a table that reflect the child’s life in the future. Her parents put up the traditional items of string, calligraphy brush, money, and more. However, when the time came, Hyeji did not choose any of the objects on the table. She took a tuft of her father’s hair with her left hand, and a loose strand of her mother’s hair with her right hand. Before the two could understand what was going on– Yank. With her two small hands, she pulled down on her parents’ hair. There was a moment of silence, before her grandma laughed heartily. “Looks like she’s destined to take over the family salon,” she said with a smile.
Age 14. Starting from middle school, Hyeji had begun to help out at her family’s salon whenever she had free time. She wasn’t forced to do it at all—in fact, she really enjoyed her work. She was able to balance this “part-time work” with her schoolwork, maintaining her place in the top 15 students in her class. Though she was young, she often had long conversations with the customers as she did her thing—the elders loved her the most. “Hyeji-ah, you really have a talent. When you’re older, you can catapult this small family business into a salon chain!” many customers have said. Her parents were extremely proud of her, and thus began their goal of having Hyeji take over the family business.
Age 16. Hyeji was just working as usual in the salon when her customer gave her a card. Before she could ask what it was for, the customer had already paid and left. She looked down at it—“XXX COMPANY, Talent Agency Scout.” At the bottom of the card was a scribbled note, “We are planning to debut a girl group within the next few years. Please attend our audition.” She was utterly confused, but mostly in disbelief. Her? An idol? She wasn’t sure if she could do it, but in that moment she thought that she really wanted to do this. She was young and had no idea what she was doing. But her parents still accepted this, not wanting to restrict her. After all, what were the odds that their Hyeji would really make it as an idol?
Age 18. After that one fateful day 2 years ago, Hyeji was now about to debut in the girl group XXX after 2 years of training. She was excited, but scared at the same time. Was this all worth it? Would her hard work pay off? She took a deep breath as she, along with the 5 other girls, stood backstage on stand-by. It was their time to shine.
Age 19. Hyeji opened what seemed to be her third bag of potato chips as she sat on the beat-down couch that stood at the center of the small dorm’s living room. If she had become so famous, why would she have enough free time to binge eat junk food? Well, the truth is, she wasn’t famous at all. In their debut year of 2012, almost 40 girl groups made their debut. Of this large number, only a handful managed to make it out alive and succeed. Hyeji’s group was not one of them. She was now out of work and had no recognition. She resorted to eating her troubles away.
After the company finally got enough money, Hyeji’s group made their comeback to an unwelcoming audience. The comeback was low-budget, and they were unable to get their name up there. The only publicity they ever got was when they were ridiculed by netizens on the Internet for their lack of success. Even so, they were at such an epitome of “nugu” status that they didn’t even have that many antis. Among the bad things said on the Internet were hate comments directed towards Hyeji’s “drastic” weight gain. Though it was not much due to her metabolism, her stress-eating resulted in her gaining an obvious amount of weight. “Someone with that body can be an idol? Her legs are so stocky, she must have used all her free time before the comeback to eat!” a comment said. Hyeji didn’t dare to read any of the online forums. After just a little over a year of activities, with only 2 singles to their name, Hyeji’s group and the company itself dissolved. From debut to their disbandment, their songs never even reached the top 500.
Age 20. Hyeji was now well-situated back at home, and it was easy to adjust back to her “normal” life. Now free from the stress of the idol life, she worked on losing weight and changing herself through diet and exercise alone, never resorting to surgery. She wanted to do something for herself, to be successful at something. After her group’s disbandment, Hyeji used part of her savings to fly to Tokyo, Japan. She had decided to stay there for 6 months on a whim, gaining an interest in fashion as she walked the roads of Harajuku and Shibuya. She had been too scared to face her parents after her failed career as an idol, instead using Japan as her safe place to live freely by herself as she waited for the right time. When she came back, she was a whole new person. She exuberated confidence, and it was evident by her flashy wardrobe and colorful hair. She was now working at her family’s salon again, just like old times, and she was welcomed back with open arms by the regular customers. “Hyeji-ah, have you ever thought of pursuing a career in cosmetology? My daughter is currently enrolled at a cosmetology school, it’s the top beauty school in Seoul and I think you would do well!” one of the customers had suggested. Why hadn’t she thought of this as a Plan B? She already had the basic skills and talent to work in a field of cosmetology, but she hadn’t thought about it after being preoccupied by the memories of her past idol career. From then on, she enrolled in XXX Cosmetology School and began her studies.
Age 22. Being one of the top students of the school, Hyeji graduated with recognition and support from her fellow classmates. She was the role model of her underclassmen, and she felt truly happy with her chosen path. She was able to get work right after graduating, but despite many love calls was unable to decide on what to do from then on. That was when one of her friends, currently working as a stylist at a idol company, suggested that she put Hyeji’s name in as a suggestion to her boss. At first Hyeji was hesitant due to her past experience in the entertainment industry, but then it clicked. She decided that she wanted to try this out, to help people who were going through the exact same process she had gone through years before. She wanted to make them beautiful, to give them the confidence they needed to make it big and shine out there. What better place to do this than in the place where she has failed before? She still had regrets from those experiences, and she was never given the chance to redeem herself in the entertainment field. She wanted to start over.
And so began Hyeji’s career as a stylist at Kaleidoscope Records…
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