#to sum up with another quote: ‘it’s a big old yikes time’
hopefullydreaming · 1 year
Reading over my outline rlly reminds me just how unhinged I got in the run up to the end of the semester because I do not know why my Brian thought any of this was a good idea or why I’ve phrased things the way I did? I seem to just stop thinking in the middle of a sentence
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Stars, sunrise and crybaby for the ask thingy~ 🌼
That’s so sweet, thank you :) 
stars (when did you last cry in front of another person) - I cried in front of my bf last night cos we had a fight and he stormed out but came back two minutes later cos he bumped into another guy who’d just broken up with his girlfriend and was miserable about it so I guess the stars aligned in that one lol. Plus we were watching Gavin and Stacey later on and I cried at that too cos I’m a sap.
sunrise (pick a quote and describe what it means to you personally) - I’m writing an essay about Gone Girl at the moment and that entire Cool Girl quote just sums up what the oppression of white western women entails to me (i.e. be everything a man could possibly want while also being everything society could possibly want etc etc). Like, it’s not the worst oppression in the world, but it still sucks and it prevents us from finding healthy, mutually beneficial relationships which, you know, is sad.
crybaby (list the concerts you have been to and talk about how they made you feel) - yikes lol
boyzone and eoghan quigg - it was the year I was obsessed with the x factor and I HAD to see him and it wasn’t great lol but I have a very clear memory of Stephen Gately singing Single Ladies b/c he died that year I think? Also I remember Ronan Keating saying something like, ‘They say it takes a real man to wear pink. Well, it takes a real man to come to a Boyzone concert.’
Okay so don’t judge but I saw the X Factor tour (2008), diana vickers supporting JLS and THEN diana vickers on her own in scala b/c I was in LOVE with her, still am probably, anyway she was amazing, her stage presence is incredible and I still love her music very much although it’s not quite my thing anymore. Plus scala was like my first night out and it was over 18s only but I got in even though I was fourteen, I had a really nice blue dress and my sister did my eyeliner and I’d literally never felt prettier so a good night all around.
Leona lewis - I am so BLESSED a more beautiful voice has never existed her vocals were so sweet they brought tears to my fucking eyes and the OUTFIT CHANGES i was living.
Evanescence - haha sad story I asked a couple of my friends and they rejected me (it was my birthday btw) but a good concert, although I got a little pissed off at the end cos Amy said ‘thanks so much for coming to see me!’ and i was like, ‘You’re in a band, babes,’ so I didn’t really listen to them much after that although as a former emo ‘My Immortal’ still has a special place in my heart
one direction (twice) - yeah i saw wwa and otra and it was...interesting, idk, i was too far away and i couldn’t really see them but it was awesome, i was dancing like mad next to some five year olds and some old ladies, nice spectrum of humans :)
atl and ymas on valentine’s day - ahhh so I got the tickets like two days before b/c i was sad about being single for Reasons and it cheered me up so much, especially cos ymas played a lot of their old songs and quite a few of my favourites, great night
the coronas - hands down the BEST so far me and my bf were right at the front of the mosh pit and the lead singer kept looking right at us and I’m a new fan so i didn’t know many of the words and i could see he was, like, fondly judging (it was obvious I was there for my bf, he was belting it out) and then the one song that I did know the words to was a love song me and him used to listen to while we were falling in love and the singer saw i was singing along to that and i s2g he smiled right at me, he’s literally matty healy on double the cocaine, it was the most intense experience of my life.
lost avenue - idk if it counts but it’s an up and coming band from Derry and my bf’s mates with the lead man so we went to the bar they were playing in, and they’re full-on screamo it was weird but amazing and there were all these old men with blue and green beards and studded leather jackets haha
AND another derry band, suzie blue, saw them in Bennigans at an open mic night when it was just me and them in the bar so I really hope they get famous cos that’s a great story
and finally, I saw SOAK, also at Bennigans, on the night I smoked my first cigarette, sitting in the same spot i met my boyfriend for the first time a week later, and she was wonderful, she’s actually a big deal now, I think, but it was a tiny crowd and she just filled the entire wee room with her voice, and she’s TINY, I went up to her afterwards to tell her I loved her and she was like half my size but i was completely starstruck
I think that’s it (it’s probably not), thanks so much, I just got to relive some of the best moments of my life, you’re sound :) xx
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