i-love-you-nah · 6 months
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thirstymercury · 3 months
it's by design-the hiding- staying so still-my Spot is big enough to forget it is keeping me-i claim the container- I choose which corner of the corner I will wait out day-only arrows shot out from somewhere around my neck, hatred, accusations, desperation 1..2..3 punctuate the haze, my body remembering- somewhere down below and grasping at a coup or at least to throw a stone like little david- my goliathian mind always dodges them deftly-swats them away just as they graze calloused chest. I don't take a breath between the bites of time, the blue light goes down so easy. the clutter hiding with me-most begrudged of fiber,the consonants- quiet unfurling in a scroll between my brows-to:you, for:you-a complete meal- swallow. swallow .swallow .my mouth too full to call out, to be found. it is hard to inflict pain on to yourself-pain is half surprise. so the cover is kept and the calendar flips tomorrow calls me only to the center of the container looking up at nothing coming-in or out-and outside life is still seeking. only as the game goes on pointed light and beckons meant to coax my surrender must sharpen and scream- so thick is the wall between us. sometimes a scream is a pigeon. sometimes the smell of summer pavement is so sharp. I see these windows of escape but cannot take them, the world inside my hiding spot has become so home. subsistence as it's been, the predictable diet, is so safely awful/sometimes okay. in comparison- the joy or worse- just a taste my throat would close, all arrows meant to find me would at last break the skin and my blood so long stagnant seems it would not seep but splatter like dropped from a water balloon -at last released, returned. I could not bear the mess of it could I?( could you?) I could not survive the grief? pseudo self awareness now, calling out my stealth, I cannot even bare to see the truths that wait for me outside: "I am so sad. I am so sad. I am so sad. The world is so beautiful. And so terrible. And I am so sad to have gone missing. And so sad to have missed it. And so scared of staying stuck. And so scared of being found and finding life is just a louder stuck, a sharper missing" I cannot look at a photo of an orange tree growing behind someones house. I cannot explain the pornography of it- the seduction of someone else's sight- a phantom body throbbing, I wish I did not know it. I wish I could at least turn off my greed my dreaming. "I am so sad. And I love. And I want to be loved. And I am sorry and I am scared and I am hungry and I am alone. And I love. And I am small and soft and must feel it all even if I do not know how"
-but now I must be moving, backing away. container day again for -how else? I mean it plainly- how?
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z3norear · 9 months
Proclaim your rarity.
And now you have received two laws.
Count your blessings! Proclaim your rarity!
You have no handicaps. You are not mediocre.
You nod. You force a smile. You admit your self deception.
What of your next complaint?
Opportunity never seeks Thee?
Take counsel and it shall come to pass, for now I give you the law of success in every venture. Many centuries ago this law was given to your forefathers from a mountain top. Some heeded the law and lo, their life was filled with the fruit of happiness, accomplishment, gold, and peace of mind. Most listened not, for they sought magic means, devious routes, or waited for the devil called luck to deliver to them the riches of life. They waited in vain... just as you waited, and then they wept, blaming their lack of fortune on my will.
The law is simple. Young or old, pauper or king, white or black, male or female... all can use the secret to their advantage; for of all the rules and speeches and Scriptures of success and how to attain it, only one method has never failed...whomsoever shall compel yet go with him one mile... go with him two.
This then is the third law. .. the secret that will produce riches and acclaim beyond your dreams. Go another mile!
The only certain means of success is to render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be. This is a habit followed by all successful people since the beginning of time. Therefore I saith the surest way to doom yourself to mediocrity is to perform only the work for which you are paid. Think not ye are being created if you deliver more than the silver you recieve. For there is a pendulum to all life and the sweat you deliver, if not rewarded today will swing back tomorrow, tenfold. The mediocre never goes another mile, for why should he cheat himself, he thinks. But you are not mediocre. To go another mile is a privilege you must appropriate by your own initiative. You cannot, you must not avoid it. Neglect it, do only as little as the others, and the responsibility for your failure is yours alone.
You can no more render service without receiving just compensation than you can withold the rendering of it without suffering the loss of reward. Cause and effect, means and ends, seed and fruit, these cannot be separated. The effect already blooms in the cause the end pre-exists in the means and the fruit is always in the seed.
Go another mile.
Concern yourself not, should you serve an ungrateful master. Serve him more.
And instead of him, let it be me who is in your debt, for then you will know that every minute, every stroke of extra service will be repaid. And worry not, should your reward not come soon. For the longer payment is withheld, the better for you... and compound interest on compound interest is this laws greatest benefit. You cannot command success, you can only deserve it... and now you know the great secret necessary in order to merit its rare reward.
Go another mile!
Where is this field whence you cried there was no opportunity? Look! Look around Thee. See, where only yesterday you wallowing on the refuse of self-pity, you now walk tall on a carpet of gold. Nothing has changed. .. except you, but you are everything.
You are my greatest miracle.
You are the greatest miracle in the World.
And now the laws of happiness and Success are three.
Count your blessings! Proclaim your rarity! Go another mile!
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somesardonicdays · 10 months
Did you know that the snow here is black? Maybe you do. You know a lot of things I don’t. You know everything, don’t you? You found me, made me, you find and make, you’re everything. It’s you that I want to be, it’s you that I want to be the one who finds me again because if not you who’s going to–
And to you, did you intend on leaving me here from the start? Three by four, wall by ceiling. Watching the world pass by? It’s dropping again, it’s dripping, he’s dropping, you are as well. What is it you want me to do? What do any of you want me to do? What can I do? You left me here without instructions, you left me here with him. 
How can I be of service to you? Say it again, how can I be of service to you? How can I be you? How can I see you again? I promise I’ll comply, I promise, I swear. I will make no more mistakes.
Or is it him? Is it him again? It’s always him. Him, him, him. Following his whims, don’t you even know?  See you soon,
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iudithlovecanyaman · 2 years
If you want to donate to Turkey right now, here is a trustworthy NGO you can donate to:you can make a donations from abroad using this swift code called “ISBKTRIS”Ahbap Derneği USD Account Number: 1021-2150262
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tedhaternumber1 · 2 years
To:you are a slut.
To:I can see your ankles.
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jaurimlyrics · 2 years
미안했어요, 잘 지냈나요? 
I was wrong, how have you been?
문득 당신의 생각이 나네요.
Out of the blue, I thought of you
곁에 있는 동안에는 내가 왜 몰랐을까요?
Why did I not know when you were by my side? 
너무 늦은 얘기지만, 부끄럽지만, 
Though I’m late in saying this, though I feel embarrassed
다시 시작하고 싶어요. 
I want to start again
혹시 이제는 내가 너무 싫고 
If you happen to hate me now
다신 얼굴도 보고 싶지 않다면
And you never want to see my face again
그냥 나의 미안한 마음과 사과를 받아 주세요.
At least accept my apology
아니, 솔직히 말하자면 난 싫어요. 
Actually, I don’t want that
다른 사람 만나지 말아요. 
Don’t see someone else
몰랐었어요, 나도 내 마음을. 
Even I did not know how I felt
그때 당신을 버렸을 때에는 아무렇지도 않았는데
I thought nothing of at first when I dumped you
이제야 알 것 같아요. 
But now I think I know
미안했어요, 미워하지 말아 주세요 
I was wrong, please don’t hate me
너무 늦었지만, 부끄럽지만,
Though it’s too late, though I feel embarrassed
다시 네게로 돌아와 줘요
Please come back to me
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ale-kpop · 2 years
so cute!
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imnotsiho · 3 years
you're just like shampoo.
If you've ever loved a different scent, erase it now. I will make you forever intoxicated with fragrances that haven’t existed in this world.
I wonder if you enchanted me with a spell just like this. It has been so long, a year- but honestly, I feel like I've lost you for more than a year now. was it on our first break up? It was a spring day, too. It was a wonderful, bright day, with flowers blooming as much as they could, everything was perfect, except us. we always fought. everything was just too much, it was neither you or me. maybe we simply didn't have the proper timing.
and then a year later, we got separated. I liked my university, and so did you. I think this is where we truly slipped away from each other, not just physically. I was convinced you'd forget about me forever. I wouldn't have blamed you if you did, anyway-- and then, you didn't. you reached out to me, and said, "can we try again this time?" and I thought things would be much different; much better. we were older and maturer. I thought we knew better... but nothing has changed, and was not the same as we initially were.
i still get butterflies every time i think of you. but i'm not sure if its a good thing anymore. i miss the times where we would hang out at convenience stores instead of attending classes. i miss being in your arms. i miss waking up at your place, and immediately being met by your cologne.
now, i immediately recognize your scent. its as if you've done a spell on me, making me sense your smell for 10 seconds a day, regardless of where I was, regardless of what I was doing. can you stop doing that?
I will bury you with my scent, so no one can have you, you won’t ever get rid of my scent.
you actually meant it. its my turn now.
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yourstrulymyself · 6 years
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renmnin · 6 years
Yangyang: [to: You] I’ve been thinking
You: [to: Yangyang] that’s a lil scary 
Yangyang: [to:You] shut up 
Yangyang: [to: You] Do you know what you would call a really mad hendery
You: [to: Yangyang] Oh dear lord
Yangyang: [to: You] ANGERY 
Yangyang: [to: You] HAASLKAJDL
You: [to: Yangyang] new number, who dis? 
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darling-i-read-it · 6 years
Adventures in Fedoras
Indiana Jones x reader
Word Count:2883
Warnings:nudity but nothing sexual, just pure fluff, like one cuss word
Authors Note:Indiana was always a guilty pleasure of mine that was weird to admit but I wrote this in Disneyland in line for the Indiana Jones ride so I like how fast I got it put together :) Also the middle is sorta weird with the flashbacks so sorry if it’s kinda hard to grasp.
extra authors note: This was one of the first things I posted to this blog so it’s OLD but for nostalgia I don’t wanna delete it. Read at your own discretion lol
Summary:The reader is Peggy’s sister who goes on adventures with Indiana Jones despite her sisters wishes.
Genre:FLLUUFF and a tad angst but barely
Song I recommend listening to:You Are In Love by Taylor Swift
(Not my gifs)
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“Peggy let it go! You’re off at the war and I'm here, bored out of my mind so I'm gonna go off and meet interesting men and have a bunch of sex and go on adventures! I'm older than you for goodness sake!" You picked up a pile of neatly folded clothes that mostly contained your white blouses and all of the pants you owned as well as a few of Peggys. Peggy, your little sister was across the room fuming with anger.
“You have to stay here for mom Y/N! After we lost Michael and because I’m away so much, she needs you!" You stopped arupdate and turned, looking at her.
“It is not my fault she lost Michael. It isn’t my fault you’re away so often! Just leave me be! Let me live Peggy!" You huffed throwing in the last shirt. You zipped up the handbag just as the doorbell rang, making the house echo with a distant ring. You gave Peggy a 'don't even think about it look' but she didn't catch it as she was already running to the door. You sprinted after her in a haist, things in hand and managed to see just as she opened the door. Indy stood there in his hat and leather jacket surprised to see Peggy instead of you. You ran up behind your sister pushing her out of the way.
“Hello.” You smiled and pushed shoved Peg away once more. “Bye Peg!" you whispered and shut the door behind you not realizing nor caring how close you had come to Indy. This was your 8th trip together and Peggy just found out last trip. Now you weren’t by any means a good liar but as she said, she was always away so hiding this from her wasn’t a huge task. However the charade was soon pulled and you were caught. It was bound to happen at some point.
You opened your eyes to see Indy laying next to you his eyes still shut. At first the sight of another human startled you but you then relaxed and smiled as the memories from the night before flooded through your head. Just after your last adventure, Indy had offered to take you home as a kind gesture for nearly getting the two of you killed. Again. You accepted naturally and once you got there you found that Peggy wasn't at home.
“She must have the night shift," you mumbled more to yourself then Indy as you walked through the door.
“Who?" Indy asked following you inside.
“Oh, my sister Peggy," you said setting your bag down on the dining table.
“She does know what you’re doing doesn't she?" You shook your head laughing lightly.
“She may be my little sister but she'd kill me." Indy nodded and set down the artifact we had retrieved on the kitchen table.
“I am in no rush to get this thing to a museum if you aren’t,” he muttered and looked down at the small round thing. You weren’t a hundred percent sure just the significance of it but knew it must have been important to the tribe that gave it to you.
“I’m good. You can crash here if you want to. I’m sure Peggy wouldn’t mind and I sure as hell wouldn’t.” You gingerly took off your jacket that was clearly very mudded over. Your muscles were aching in every place imaginable and the only thing on your mind was that you needed to sleep in your own bed after you took a long, hot shower. Indiana mumbled a thanks, clearly just as worn as you were and you debated skipping the shower but thought best not to.
“You got a bathroom?” he asked quietly and you nodded.
“I’ve got a big one upstairs. You can have the shower first.” You pointed weakly to the stairs and turned around. Indy shook his head.
“You can have it first, this is your place.” You sighed and took off your combat boots.
“Indy I’m not gonna fight you, I’m to tired so please just take the shower first.” Indy eyed you and you looked at each other with competitive eyes.
“I don’t wanna take it from you. You worked hard today.” You walked past him, limping from leg pain. You grabbed his hand and lead him up the stairs in silence, both of you incredibly slow due to the uncomfort of your clothes. Once you reached the bathroom upstairs it became quite clear you were both too tired to fight about it.
“Wanna just….share?” he asked quietly and you shrugged. Inside however your heart was thudding against your chest. You began unbuttoning your shirt as he did his, shedding the day away. It didn’t feel as awkward as you would have expected and by the time you were both in, sleep had almost overtaken you. It was weird to see him without his hat was the main thought in your clouded head. After a moment of wandering eyes, you scrubbed at your aching muscles. Indy did the same the two of you taking turns in the water stream wordlessly.
By the time you were ready to get out, the water was cold and your fingers were pruning. After handing Indy some of of Michael's old pajamas and putting on some of your own, you got in bed. Indy hovered at the door frame unsure of where he was sleeping. When you noticed you patted the empty side of your bed and he got in gladly.
Sleep came fast, the adventures dancing in your brain, Indy’s soft snore the rhythm you fell asleep to.
Your eyes fluttered again as you tried to get the account of your surroundings. You checked the small clock beside the bed that read 8:32. With a sudden wash of realization you stood, panicked. Peggy would be home any minute and you had to check if she was downstairs. You stalked outside the door stealthy trying not to make any sound. You walked downstairs checking rooms as you passed them. As you came to the downstairs kitchen the front door creaked open. Peggy walked through, dropping her work bag on the ground.
“What are you doing up so early?" She asked and you were still frozen, not able to give her a straight answer. You could lean over cliffs and shot bad guys but your sister...that was something no one could face without freezing.
“Oh you didn't bring another hopeless bloke home did you?" She put her hands on her hips but seemed to get distracted by something behind you before she could speak again. "Is that...?" You finally had the decency to turn around and your eyes met with the artifact that Indy and you had gotten yesterday. With wide eyes you ran over and grabbed it putting it behind your back as if it would make it disappear.
“Nothing. It’s nothing,” you told her way to fast.
“No that's the ark that Indiana Jones and his mysterious companion got yesterday! But why's it here?" She attempted to grab it from you but you didn't let her take it. "Wait a minute......." Apparently the story of Indy and you had gotten into the papers again. No one knew your name and you was known worldwide as the 'mysterious companion'. Just when you thought she might drop it, Indy came down the stairs. You tried to warn him with your eyes but he hadn't seen you yet. Peggy turned around. Indy brushed his hand through his hair before finally looking up stopping dead. If looks could kill Indy and you would be dead by now. She looked back at you with a look of disbelief. You gripped the artifact and walked over to Indy bravely handing him it.
“Go. I'll call you when this is over and you can take me on that adventure you were talking about." He nodded eyeing Peggy lightly and kissed my forehead.
”Don't die before then?" You laughed.
“Can't make any promises." On that note he left the ark in hand after he picked his bag off the ground. You turned back around to look at Peggy who was fuming.
“Your sleeping with Indiana Jones?!" You sighed.
“He didn’t sleep with me. I mean he slept in the same bed but nothing happened. We were just so tired after the case and-"
“CASE!?” You winced. When Peggy got mad she got mad.
“Peg don't," you spoke and stormed upstairs before she could say much else.
Indy grabbed your wrist. "Y/N. I don't wan-"
“Indiana Jones don't. I wanna go on an adventure with you and not come home in a week," you mumbled brushing a hand on his chest. He looked at you for a long moment before nodding and turning away, walking to the car you not far behind.
On the plane you sat across from Indy.
“Okay okay I get it. You teach. I still wanna come to your job. Watch you teach, you know." You smiled at him as you played with his hands.
“Trust me its too boring to interest you." He told you looking at his hands.
“I don't know. You could call me Mrs.Jones and everything!" You joked stopping to look up at his face. He was smiling.
“We have about 4 hours left!" The pilot screamed back at us. You groaned.
“I'm bored." You stated laying back on the small couch and cuddled into the comfort. Before you closed my eyes you looked at Indy. "Can I borrow your hat?" You asked a small puppy dog look on your face. He looked at you pointedly before giving in and handing you his hat. Excited you grabbed it putting on my head. You sat up for a second letting Indy see you in it and kissing him sweetly. He put his hand on the back of your neck pulling you closer. He pulled away after a minute both of you breathless.
“You don’t look to shabby in my hat." You snorted.
“Thanks Jones"
"Go Y/N!" Indiana pushed you into the front of the rover.
“No I'm not leaving you!" You pushed against his grip again before he finally took over pushing you into the driver's seat.
“Get these people to safety!" He screamed over the gunshots behind you. You looked at the trembling people in the car and your eyes landed on a little girl, couldn't be more than 6 crying and holding on to her necklace. Then you looked back at Indiana's crazed eyes a bead of sweat dripping down his face, his shirt ripped down the middle that it only barley clung to his figure. Making your choice you kissed Indy quickly pulling away.
“Meet me at the end of this trail," you whispered ignoring the screams of horror in the background. You climbed in and just as Indy went to turn away you yelled back at him. "Don't die!" He turned back to look at you.
As he was walking backward he answered,
“Can't make any promises!" You smiled as he turned back around and ran to god knows what. You watched him for a split second before starting the engine.
“Alright ladies and gents! All hands and feet inside the car at all times and watch your kids! Now please sit back and enjoy the ride." And you were off on the bumpy terrain. Indy just had to choose a dangerous one. 'Vacation' he said. 'It'll be fun' he said. Yeah okay Indy. Let's have some fun.
Snakes. Why did it always have to be snakes? A giant one bigger than a semi loomed over the jeep.
“Alright people hold on!" The jeep leeched forward as you tried to escape the amphibious nightmare. Luckily you did manage to but we were now in a very very dark cave. You tried not to show your terror. You had been with Indy on these adventures only 9 times and you didn't know all the details. You tried to remain calm letting your eyes try and adjust to the new atmosphere. "Everyone stay calm," you whispered as pulled together as possible. You drove through the darkness nothing lighting my way. Just when the light showed in spots you saw Indiana. Hanging from a rope. On the ceiling.
“Indy!" You yelled but he was screaming something at you you couldn't catch. "What?" Then you could finally make it out.
“Drive down drive down!" You looked straight ahead to see a bolder hurtling toward the jeep. Indy dropped from his rope into the car just as you hit go. Your back arched and your neck craned forward you speeded to the side causing the rock to roll right past. Breathing heavily you stopped to notice a piece of shrapnel was lodged into your leg. You let out a yelp as Indy scurried to the front.
“Oh god Y/N. Hold on." He got out and opened my door leaning down to see your leg. You were trying to control your breathing as he examined it closely. “Don't worry." Indy told me scooping you into his arms. "Your gonna be alright." You smiled weakly.
“My night in a fedora."
When you awoke again later, you still felt crappy. Every muscle in your body ached for forgiveness and your leg, oh your leg. It may have well been gone at this point it was causing you so much pain.
Your eyes squinted to find out where you were, to find Indy. By the looks of what you could make out you were home. For a second you felt relief knowing you were back in your own bed. That was quickly cut short when you heard someone else speak.
“I told you not to go,” Peggy sat beside your bed. She looked tired but still perfectly intact a skill you wished you had learned. Silence ensued as you sat without talking for a really long time.
“Where is he?” you finally mumbled and she sighed standing. She was wearing a work outfit, a red shirt tucked into brown pants that she smoothed as she rose. She looked at you for a long time making you wonder if you would ever get a answer.
“He hasn’t left the door for 2 days. I wouldn’t let him in,” she finally spoke. You wanted to be mad at her and didn’t have the strength to. But she must have seen how my eyes softened and your composure relaxed.
“Can you let him in please?” you asked, the most confidence you could muster in your voice. Again she had to think before answering. It was a long wait, watching her contemplate letting him in. When she walked out, she didn’t say anything however she left the door open a silent nod to come in.
When Indy came in he looked so much worse then Peggy you had to stop myself from getting up to help him. He wasn’t hurt from what you could see but he looked tired and run down. Stressed, worried. He was bad. You tried to stand even when your body screamed in pain but he stopped you by holding up a hand. You almost didn’t.
“Hey princess,” he murmured from across the room.
“Where’s my hug Indiana. I get impaled and you don’t even touch me.” You hoped he didn’t hear how weak you were through your voice. Indy rolled his eyes at your enthusiasm, but approached you with a hug, arms wrapped tightly around you so tight that it hurt but you didn’t say it.
“What happened? Did we get it? What about those people?” you whispered into his ear. He pulled away leaving a hand on your arm as he sat on the edge of the bed.
“We got it. It’s at the museum. After you passed out everyone thanked me for you. It was quite flattering getting double the compliments for the day. I brought you to the hospital, Peggy brought you back. She yelled at me for a while.” You tried a laugh but it hurt your side. He rubbed your arm while you recovered.
“Thank you,” you whispered. He cocked a eyebrow.
“For what?”
“For bringing me with you. I have so much fun every time, minus the near death experiences. But I’m assuming that Peggy’s gonna restrict me to bed rest for awhile.” You hated saying it, knowing how true it really was. You were your own person but Peggy held authority over your whole family. You had fallen into a trap of neverending ‘remember what happened last time?’s. You would come back but not for awhile. You didn’t expect Indy to look so sad.
“I’ll miss my partner. But I understand. I suggest 6 months for it.” He was pretty good at masking his emotions, almost as good as Peggy.
“But..” He raised an eyebrow again and you tried a lighter smile. “I majored in history in college. I could be of some help in class.” Indiana chuckled lowly but seemed pleased with the idea.
“You know what I think my classes could use a extra hand.”
Tag List: @swanky-batman
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jobkash · 2 years
Staff Applications Engineer - Audio Solutions
Staff Applications Engineer – Audio Solutions
…and enthusiastic individual to fill the role of Staff Applications Engineer .Job Description:Responsibilities and Duties include but not limited to:You will work
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marie1-kersaint · 2 years
mariek Demosthenes ([email protected])To:you + 3 more Details 🫀🩸✝️BLESSED💐BE💪THY🍏GLORIOUS🤸‍♀️NAME🍎WHICH✨IS EXALTED👏ABOVE🤸‍♂️ALL💫 BLESSING🙏PRAISE🤸🕺💃🥂🎈 ✝️BLESSED BE GOD PSALM19:14Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my REDEEMER PSALM19:14Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.1 Chronicles 29:10 ... Blessed be thou, LORD God of Israel our father, for ever and ever.11 THINE, O LORD IS THE GREATNESS,& THE POWER. & THE GLORY, & THE VICTORY, & AND THE MAJESTY: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. 12Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might; and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all. 13Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious nameLUKE19:38 Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.✝️ Psalms 68:35  O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God.Psalms 72:18 Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things.Psalms 66:20 Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.Ephesians 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:2 Corinthians 1:3 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;1 Samuel 25:32 .... Blessed be the LORD God of IsraeL,...Genesis 9:26... Blessed be the LORD God...Psalms 68:19  Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.Daniel 3:28 ... Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,Genesis 14:20 ... blessed be the most high God, ...Psalms 18:46 The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and let the God of my salvation be exalted.1 Kings 1:48 .... Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, ...2 Chronicles 6:4 ... Blessed be the LORD God of Israel,...✝️BLESSEDBE✝️ THE GOD OF HEAVEN1 Kings 8:15 .... Blessed be the LORD God of Israel,Psalms 41:13 Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, and to everlasting. Amen, and Amen.Daniel 2:20 .... Blessed be the name of God for ever and ever: for wisdom and might are his:Psalms 106:48  Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the LORD.Ezra 7:27 ....Blessed be the LORD God of our fathers...✝️ BLESSED BE THE LORD✝️1 Peter 1:3     Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,2 Samuel 22:47      The LORD liveth; and blessed be my rock; and exalted be the God of the rock of my salvation.1 Kings 10:9 ...Blessed be the LORD....1 Chronicles 16:36 ... Blessed be the LORD God of Israel for ever and ever. ...Psalms 119:12  ... Blessed art thou, O LORD: teach me thy statutes.2 Chronicles 2:12  ... Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, that made heaven and earth,...  2 Samuel 18:28 ...Blessed be the LORD...Psalms 124:6      Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth✝️ blessed B the LORD, the great God✝️Psalms 31:21   ...Blessed be the LORD: for he hath shewed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city.Psalms 144:1 ....  Blessed be the LORD my strength, which teacheth my hands to war, and my fingers to fight:Psalms 28:6  Blessed be the LORD, because he hath heard the voice of my supplications.Psalms 89:52   Blessed be the LORD for evermore. Amen, and Amen.Psalms 113:2    Blessed be the name of the LORD from this time forth and for evermore.Luke 19:38   ...Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest✝️Ezekiel 3:12   ...Blessed be the glory of the LORD from his place....Ruth 4:14  ... Blessed be the LORD....John 12:13 .... Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.✝️✝️Matthew 23:39 ... Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.✝️Psalms 72:19 And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.Luke 1:68✝️BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD OF ISRAEL;✝️ 1 Kings 5:7   ...Blessed be the LORD this day, ...  Zechariah 11:5   ...Blessed be the LORD;...Mark 11:9 .... Hosanna; Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord:✝️Matthew 21:9 ... Hosanna to the Son of David: Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest.✝️Luke 13:35...✝️Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.✝️ JOB1:21 ...blessed be the name of the LORD.1 Kings 8:56 BLESSED BE THE LORDEXODUS18[10 ..Blessed be the LORD,  .... 1 Samuel 25:39... Blessed be the LORD,....REV4:11  Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.REV5:9 Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; 10&hast made us unto our God kings & priests: and we shall reign on the earth.REV:12... Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.REV6:12 , Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen.REV11:17... We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. REV15:3.... Great and marvellous are thy works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou King of saints.4Who shall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name? for thou only art holy: for all nations shall come and worship before thee; for thy judgments are made manifest.REV16:5 Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.REV19:1... Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God: ALLELUIA, AMEN, ALLELUIA,  Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. , KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. 🫀🩸✝️BLESSED💐BE💪THY🍏GLORIOUS🤸‍♀️NAME🍎WHICH✨IS EXALTED👏ABOVE🤸‍♂️ALL💫 BLESSING🙏PRAISE🤸🕺💃🥂🎈💝✝️ Isaiah 6:3 ... Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts: the whole earth is full of his gloryREV4:8 ...Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come..Psalms 31:21“Blessed be the LORD: for he hath shewed me his marvellous kindness in a strong city.ps41:13Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting, &2 everlasting. Amen, & Amen.ps66:20 Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.ps68:19     Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.:35O God, thou art terrible out of thy holy places: the God of Israel is he that giveth strength and power unto his people. Blessed be God.PS72:18 Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only doeth wondrous things.19And blessed be his glorious name for ever: and let the whole earth be filled with his glory; Amen, and Amen.PS89:52 52        Blessed be the LORD for evermore. Amen, and Amen.PS106:48  Blessed be the LORD God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting: and let all the people say, Amen. Praise ye the LORD.PS124:6        Blessed be the LORD, who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth.PS135:21  Blessed be the LORD out of Zion, which dwelleth at Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD.MAT6:9   Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.10Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.11Give us this day our daily bread.12And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.13And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.JUDE25 To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.  Nehemiah 9:5 BLESSED BE THY GLORIOUS NAME WHICH IS EXHALTED ABOVE ALL BLESSING AND PRAISE this is how you tell JESUS my situation sucks BUT IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️ ‪"It is not necessary to hope in order to act, nor to succeed in order to persevere." William Of OrangeGET UP‬
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tedhaternumber1 · 2 years
To:you guys just stand there and look pretty
W:am I a pretty girl?
To:sure you're the prettiest girl ever
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