#toasty's ocs
toast-com · 2 months
Shout-out to the Heart Gear, because magical girls are amazing.
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the-toastyverse · 2 months
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This is so fun.
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toastingpencils37 · 7 months
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This is a pretty old drawing of my OC Jesiba from June 14th, 2022. This is the first ever drawing of her.
Below, I'll translate the Ninjargon into English, but I want to note that there will be some inaccurate things due to both how old this drawing is and how I accidentally missed things while writing the descriptions back then. I will note in blue bold italics if there is anything wrong that I want to point out, or something else I want to add. I will use green font to add more on to the end of parts. If anyone needs me to write it in another color, let me know and I will make a reblog with those notes in another color.
The (Lacky) Skull Sorceror
Right off the bat, I no longer call her the 'lacky' skull sorcerer. She is just the Skull Sorcerer. That was an early title because at the time I headcanoned that Hazza'Dur actually had a way to physically control her, which he does not in the lore currently. He is just a skull in her head trying to torment her by saying horrible shit or showing her what is happening in Shintaro
Her nickname is actually Jes rather than Jess. I don't remember for sure, but she may have been named Jessica rather than Jesiba at this point in time.
Elemental Being:
Light: Alters color spectrum based on mood
This wasn't written that clearly, but basically, Jes always has two secondary colors (as shown by the orange and blue in the drawing) that change depending on her mood. I myself currently do not know what all the possible mood colors for her are. I know a few, but I still need to make her character emotion ref sheet in order to know for sure about the majority of them
Shadow: Becomes invisible in them
Again, not written very clearly, but basically, when she goes into very dark shadows, she can become invisible. At the time, I thought of the power as involuntary, but now it is voluntary. At this point, even though she still has it, it is very irrelevant, and she barely uses it because it is a pain in the ass to actually find a good source of very dark shadows to hide in. (AKA I realized that shadows actually are not that dark regularly)
Water: Turns herself/others into water and back. Controls the water of what she changed
Basically, Jes can feel water molecules when she touches them. And when touching them, she can turn herself (or part of herself) into water. Then, touching something or someone else with that turned part, she can turn them into water too. (It is important to note that she must turn herself into water first to turn another object as well) Rather than "controlling the water" of what she's turned she controls the form it is in, due to her also being an Elemental Being of Form. She can easily turn herself and others back to normal. Due to the nature of this power, it can easily be very overwhelming, causing her to hate wet weather patterns, especially when it's snowing or is humid.
Form: Helps shadow and water
Exactly as said, assists those 2 powers. This is how she's able to control the form of her water self, and more importantly, not become a puddle the moment she becomes water. This power keeps her in her normal shape when she is not focused on it.
Amber: Resets powers. Enhances her own. Helps light, shadow, and water.
In the AU, I added more powers to the Amber element to make it work better. These two are a few of them. To go more in depth, in order to reset powers, she must reset her own first. This is not common among resetters, and is due to how her Amber mixed with her water, which requires her to become water before changing anything else into water. Her resetation is generally triggered when she gets electrocuted as a way to shut the current down, which is horribly painful for a cyborg with a metal arm and can turn into water. However, when this happens, she involuntarily passes the electrical current onto others and then resets their powers as well. The self-enhancement is common among Amber elementals, and just makes their powers stronger. Amber elementals with the ability to enhance other's powers are quite rare. Jes is not one of them.
Before we move onto her being an elemental master, I have 3 other elements I have to list out for her. She technically has 4 other elemental being elements, but one of them I don't want to go over yet because that just opens up to many questions that will dive into spoiler territory real quick. All three of the powers I'm about to go over mix together and create similar outcomes.
Ice: She is immune to cold temperatures, not being able to feel them. This way, in colder weather, she doesn't become ice while in water form.
Fire: She is fire proof (which allows her to take dishes out of the oven empty handed) and ignorant to hotter temperatures with this power. But this also means she is not allowed to touch the thermostat.
Heat: This is a newer power I've added after the element was introduced in DR. She has temperature regulation. This way, her body keeps a constant body temperature regardless of outside temperature. In colder temperatures, if she touches things like ice or snow, it will automatically melt. But in warmer temperature, Jes has no need for her body to cool down. Thus she doesn't sweat (because let's be honest. If someone with the ability to turn into water and constantly feel the water molecules touching them was sweating a lot, that'd be fucking hell) However, this makes her more uncomfortable when this power shuts off, mainly due to the fact that even though chances are, her water power is off too, she can feel the unfamiliar and disturbing feel of sweat running down parts of her body. Plus she is more aware of all the temperatures around her.
Elemental Master of Death:
Sense death/the dead
Basically, she can sense when people are dying and can also sense dead bodies or body parts. However, contrary to common belief, this does not mean that she is like the Grim Reaper where she senses when someone's time will ultimately run out. No. She is able to sense how close someone is to death. And it is important to note the people very close to death can come back from it. This is shown in real life many times.
More accurately, necrokinesis, the ability to control the dead. Necromancy is the ability to communicate with the dead for visions, typically through magical means. She can technically do necromancy, but that is not purely just elemental power, but relies on sorcery as well. There are many rules to necromancy. (You can tell I did research on the terminology a while after the drawing)
See ghosts
As said, can see ghosts. However, prior to the Merge, the only ghosts wandering around are either Cursed ghosts, which aren't always hidden to everyone, and Trapped Ghosts, which are pre-adolescent children that died traumatic deaths and are stuck between the Departed Realm and Living Realm, blocking them from properly interacting with much.
After the Merge however, the Departed Realm is like a layer above or below the other realms. And Jes can see and interact with everyone there, along with the Departed Realm's land. This part may change as later DR seasons actually come out, depending on what the actual show writers decide to do with the Departed Realm.
Now, to add more to the Death element, because it has greatly changed during the year since I have drawn this.
She is able to willingly (or forcefully, but that's usually against the rules, so it is not done often) let ghosts possess her. If the ghost that possessed her was an elemental before passing, they can temporarily share powers.
She can reject ghost possessions. If a ghost attempts to possess her, she can just reject it. However, if she is distracted or tired, the ghost still has a better chance of forceful possession.
Still on the topic of ghost possession, if a ghost forcefully possesses her, it will not physically drain her as much as a non-Death elemental would be.
The ability to control a ghost. This includes controlling whether she can touch it or not. Oftentimes, if a ghost doesn't want to be attacked, it can just go through the person, and then touch the person when it goes on the offense. Jes can decide if she wants to let the ghost pass through her or not, messing up the ghost's attack.
The ability to sense how old a body is and what killed it. With some bodies, the reading of what killed it is very unclear, whereas with others, it is very clear.
Abilities after the Merge
The ability to create Mergequakes. These Mergequakes are very different that the World-destroying ones, in many ways. (I will make a post later describing all the differences, if anyone wants me to) These Mergequakes are specifically Mergequakes between the Departed Realm (and sometimes the Cursed Realm, which is in the Departed Realm) and the living Merged Realms. These Mergequakes are green and blue rather than pink and orange. They are not as catastrophic as World-Destroying Mergequakes, nor do they spread, but dangerous things (mainly ghosts) still can pass through.
The ability to close Mergequakes. Jesiba does not have a projectile element whatsoever (and if Death was one that'd be really fucking disturbing). But, she can plug the Departed Realm or Cursed Realm in as the void that the World-Destroying Mergequake is opening up to. And due to being able to easily close her elemental Mergequakes, then she can close that one. However, plugging the Departed Realm into the opening is very draining, and is even more draining the bigger the Mergequake is.
Some of the ghosts she interacts with (particularly the Cursed Realm) are constantly screaming after the Merge, similar to how the Earth is screaming at Cole
There is still a lot I have to cover about the Death element, including it's companion power (which I need to cover what a companion power even is), its origin, and the rules.
Because there is a shit ton of rules for the Elemental Power of Death. Because even when doing the same thing, if you do it in a different circumstance, it can become morally wrong real quick.
If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask them in the reblogs or my askbox.
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supertoastymutt · 10 months
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Movie Date
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outofcontextdiscord · 24 days
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hannibal promo pics
but i drew them with their counter part horsie for screenshot redraws
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i planned this for 2-3 days, for screenshot redraws
i think drawing this is super cute
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small-toast · 4 months
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"Heheheh yeahhh...I can pump 8 pounds with each arm." ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
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zurilurii · 30 days
i keep seeing it on twitter so i decided to draw my own version of it but with toasty in vkei outfit and my blooming panic mc :3
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+ GooberToaster doodle
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hochmvt · 1 month
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» And remember kids, the next time that somebody tells you, 'The Government Wouldn’t Do That' ⸻ Oh yes, they would. «
Welcome to the latest episode of '𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒'. This is your host 𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐀𝐇 speaking and today you'll be joining me in exploring the sleepy town of Drisking, Missouri. If you're tuning in for the first time, let me give you a quick rundown of what you're in for: Together we uncover the mysteries of the unknown, try to make sense of inexplainable phenomena and occassionally we even have some surprise guests for you, sharing their stories with the world. Eventually though, amidst facts and fiction, it is up to you and you alone to figure out 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐓𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐇. But before we begin, as always: thank you for tuning in.
𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐀𝐇 𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 ; host of the horror podcast '𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒', recorded in his trusty Chevy Citation. Being described as a fantastic storyteller, his listeners think of his podcast as just that: a collection of well thought-out creepy tales to keep you awake at night. However Isaiah shares the actual stories of the horrors he encounters regularly. On his quest for the truth, his hubris blinds him to the dangers he faces and the attention he's attracting from the wrong people;  ⸻ 𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐞, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞. (CARRD)
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘⠀/⠀internet and analog horror such as borrasca, the backrooms, the mandela catalogue, gr3gory88 etc.⠀;⠀occultism⠀;⠀real life mysteries & controversies⠀;⠀various media⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀𝐀 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐍⠀/⠀the unknown (or: doors best left unopened)⠀;⠀ conspiracies⠀ ;⠀  consequences⠀;⠀ hubris⠀ ;⠀ isolation ⠀;⠀ primal fears⠀⠀⠀/⠀⠀⠀© ; ©
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br3adtoasty · 3 months
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Curse or Blessing?
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toast-com · 1 year
Fun fact about me:
I give my paired OCS ship names.
I love doing that.
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the-toastyverse · 27 days
Transformation (5-9-24)
Stanley looked up at the full moon, panting heavily as he began to change. His nails lengthened into claws, long and vicious as they left deep gashes in the soil.
His form morphed, growing larger as Stanley changed, fur spreading across his body. Stanley grabbed at his shirt, tearing the fabric apart.
He gritted his teeth with a groan as they grew, large and sharp. His ears slowly lengthened, twitching as they picked up the sound of faint footsteps.
"Stanley...?" She placed a hand on his forearm, fingers brushing against the thickening fur. "I heard you leave the camp, and I was worried..." Monty looked up at him. "Are you alright?"
"I didn't-" Stanley began, voice changing, becoming deeper and more guttural. He shook his head with a growl as his face took on a more lupine shape. "Didn't want you to see me like this-" Monty hugged him tightly, taking his hands in hers.
"I don't care about what form you take." She spoke, murmuring into his fur. "I'll love you regardless." Monty moved to sit beside him, holding Stanley as he went through the final parts of his transformation.
"...Thank you." He rumbled, leaning into her. Monty smiled, rising up and kissing him on the tip of his snout, before leaning against him again. Stanley looked away, silent before he spoke again. "Mont...could you..." She nodded, smiling up at him.
"Stay with you?" She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him again. "Of course."
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toastingpencils37 · 6 months
🍀 and ✨ for Kaito please!
Thank you for the ask!! *Cue long rant ahead*
Ask game
Ok, so Kaito was actually originally a minifigure from Ninjago City Gardens by the same name:
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The main reason as to why was because due to his fit, and the accessories he carried (a phone and suitcase) he kind of looked like an assassin. And that would fit the plot of Season 4 of my AU.
Of course, at the beginning, as the figure, he was a normal human guy. Then he started changing in my mind, going from being a robot to being this weird creature who's purpose was to kill Eclipse Borns.
And then, at some point, this reached a breaking point, and I split Kaito into two different characters. So we still had regular assassin human Kaito in the AU, but we now also had this new shiny and silver Kaito that is not human whatsoever, whose purpose is to prevent Eclipse Borns from existing.
Then, of course, there's also the reasoning within the AU itself for why this guy was created, being all the shit Hazza D'ur did in the AU serving as the perfect catalyst for someone deciding to create him.
As stated above, since Kaito used to be a minifigure and not an OC, he just kept the name.
Plus now there can be the joke of them both having the same name and both having the job of killing people. (Even though OC Kaito also has the title of The Elemental Killer, but come on, not everyone, especially the people you're working with, are going to call you that)
Plus within that joke there could also be the joke of one of them (probably minifigure Kaito because OC Kaito probably wouldn't let that stand) nicknaming themselves Kai for ease, just for more confusion to come when Kai the red ninja is fighting them and someone yells at Kaito as Kai.
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homoyama · 21 days
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Errm,guys,I think I like Pattyama idk🤔@tunaspatty
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supertoastymutt · 11 months
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Donovan doodle
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I don't think I've ever agreed with anything more than "Big McIntosh watches NBC Hannibal" and I would love to hear your reasoning for him being a fannibal
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he's in it for the romance, hes completely invested in will and hannibals dynamic
but hed totally wanna kiss them too
hed say hes watching it for the mystery murder stuff
but apple jack and applebloom are well aware hes in it for the romantic drama
plus murder mystery, but mostly romance
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