#tobirama is tortured even more by the thought that if izuna were alive things might not be going to shit
atanxdoesstuff · 6 months
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"So, you're Izuna?"
"I am... if you want me to be."
"All I want from you is an answer!"
"It doesn't matter who I am. I'm here for you, Tobirama. See? I'm real."
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raendown · 7 years
Pairing: HashiramaIzuna Word count: 3197 Soulmate au: The one where when your soulmate is in mortal danger you see through their eyes for a few seconds
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
Chapter 113: HashiramaIzuna
Hashirama wasn’t sure whether anyone else realized exactly what had changed. Actually, he was fairly sure his brother understood what happened that day even if they’d never addressed the issue directly. His assumptions were born of the lingering, faintly disgusted looks that Tobirama sent him every time the two clans met for peace talks. But since his brother continued to say nothing about it, Hashirama kept his silence as well while he tried to feel out how others might feel about the situation.
Very few times in his life had Hashirama experienced the flashes of double vision everyone experienced when their soulmate’s life is in danger. Since all of the scenes he’d witnessed had taken place in what appeared to be the midst of different battles, he had assumed two things from such a small amount of information. Hashirama had concluded that his soulmate was a fellow shinobi and also that they must be fairly skilled. If they were a weaker shinobi then their life would be in peril more often and he would experience the world through their eyes much more.
In the midst of battling Madara yet again wasn’t the best time for his vision to split and show him both the world in front of him as well as whatever his soulmate happened to be looking at but he didn’t hesitate to take a good peek and whatever clue he was given anyway. Hashirama certainly hadn’t expected to see his own brother bearing down with sword raised and one hand forming a seal which he recognized only barely. It was a new seal but Hashirama knew exactly what it was meant to do.
He also knew exactly who such an action was meant to be taken against, the only person whom Tobirama could possibly be facing if he were revealing such a brand new jutsu in the middle of dozens of Sharingan which could easily record his movements for later study. Surprise attacks never worked a second time, as his sibling was fond of reminding him.
Almost before he had consciously worked through the realization of what it all meant, Hashirama was already moving. Lucky thing, too; if he had moved even a fraction of a second later he would have been the one wearing a sword through his chest. Of course, his armor provided a great deal more protection than the flimsy covering the Uchiha tended to wear, but that wasn’t the point. Tobirama blistered the air around him with curses as he wrenched his blade to the side at the very last moment, eyes widening upon realizing that his brother was now standing before him rather than his enemy.
“What is wrong with you!?” he demanded in a voice pitched maybe a single octave too high, almost squeaky with panic. Hashirama very generously did not point that out.
“The fighting needs to stop,” Hashirama said. “This needs to stop once and for all. Peace is an option if we could all just talk for five minutes!”
“So go flap your lips at Madara! Don’t jump in front of my blade! Spirits above, Anija, I nearly ran you through!”
Admittedly, he did feel a little bad about that. He hadn’t meant to scare Tobirama. But it was worth it to turn around and see Izuna standing there, his sword still raised and his body still held in a defensive stance, eyes wary, but alive. For a few seconds Hashirama allowed himself to just look, taking in the younger man’s appearance in a way he’d never bothered to before.
It was only for a few seconds, however, and he was quick to acknowledge Madara when his old friend landed close by. Madara hurried to place himself in front of his own sibling and Hashirama thought that was rather nice. How could anyone say the two clans had nothing in common when it was so obvious how human they all were? Didn’t all of them have only one goal: to protect their precious people? Achieving that goal would be so much easier for everyone if they all just stopped trying to kill each other.
Madara took a surprisingly short amount of time to capitulate after so many years of refusing his pleas for a ceasefire. There was a moment when Hashirama thought Izuna might speak up and try to sway his brother but the younger man hesitated and that brief pause was all that was needed. For the first time in countless generations the Uchiha and Senju clan heads had brought their hands together in a gesture of harmony.
The peace talks were both delightful and torturous. Hashirama wondered how no one but Tobirama seemed to pick up on how eager he was for each and every glimpse he could catch of Izuna. On the days Izuna joined them for their councils Hashirama found his tongue stumbling and tying itself in knots more often than usual, causing him to worry that his soulmate might start to think him stupid. It was surprising how little Izuna contributed even on the days he shadowed his older brother. For the most part he sat in his chair and watched the Senju party with cautious eyes, sometimes taking notes but never sharing them, only rarely murmuring something in Madara’s ear and never addressing anyone else directly.
Only once a treaty had been hammered out, the village had been built, and both of their clans had moved in did he slowly begin to speak to a few members of the Senju clan. At first he mostly spoke to Touka, the two of them striking up a rapid friendship, and made no effort to hide the fact that he was flat out avoiding Tobirama. Eventually, however, he did begin to speak to Hashirama on occasion, leaving Hashirama a jittering mess of nerves every time. Since Tobirama obviously didn’t want to talk about it and no one else knew, Hashirama spent a lot of his free time talking long walks by himself and blathering away to the forest trees, asking their silent opinions. Had he been too eager that day? Should he have worded his question differently? Would Izuna think him even stupider now?
Yet as time went on the two of them realized that they actually got along fairly well. When he didn’t have his hackles up suspecting an attack from someone he wasn’t comfortable with, Izuna had a bright energy and an easy smile that he used to charm whomever he happened to need something from.
It didn’t take long before he figured out that Hashirama generally capitulated to his suggestions after just one smile. Obviously he didn’t understand why but that didn’t stop him from taking advantage of it every so often. Not enough to say that he was abusing a discovered power but definitely enough to make it clear that he knew he was a favorite of Hashirama’s for one reason or another and not ashamed to play it up on occasion.
Hashirama knew that’s what Izuna was doing in his office today, using that pretty face of his to bug a favor from the newly elected Hokage. Even knowing he was being cheerfully played didn’t help him find the strength to care. Just seeing that smile flash so easily and only for him was more than worth a few concessions. At least, in his book it was.
“We can definitely have someone look in to finding a merchant that carries those ingredients. I wasn’t aware that Uchiha cuisine was so different from our own. Maybe someday I will get the chance to taste some of your traditional dishes.” Realizing how that sounded as though he were trying to imply something, Hashirama sank down in his chair with red creeping up his face. “Ah, not to say yours in particular, just as a general term? I only meant– what I mean is– I should…do some of this paperwork now.”
“I’m sure I know what you meant,” Izuna cut in with a teasing voice.
“Ah. That’s good.” Slumping a bit more in relief, Hashirama let his own easy smile shine through while trying to fight back the blush.
When exactly he had started to develop a crush on Izuna he had no idea. Knowing the exact date wouldn’t have helped him anyway so he didn’t waste much energy wondering too hard about it. Once he’d managed to get a little control over his over face he parted his lips to say something, but paused when he noticed the contemplative look Izuna was wearing.
“Is something wrong?” he asked.
“Why are you so nice to me?”
“Eh? I’m nice to everyone!” Hashirama chuckled to himself a little. If one listened to Tobirama’s opinion then he was too nice to everyone, too ready to forgive slights or insults that would have most others up in arms. Being angry was just so much work.
“True, but you’re extra nice to me. I don’t really mean much to anything so it doesn’t make any sense.” Izuna cocked a hip and tilted his head. “I’m not clan head so you can’t gain any political advantage from me. Nii-san is the one you’ve been chasing after all these years and you call him your best friend but you don’t do him half the favors that you do for me.”
Hashirama scratched at one ear bashfully. “Am I that obvious about it?” The question was more of a dodge for time than anything else. He was perfectly aware that his affections had always been the most obvious thing in the world.
“It’s kind of hard to miss,” Izuna told him. “I keep trying to figure out why but honestly nothing comes to mind.”
“Well it’s just...that is…you might not believe me if I tell you?”
“Sort of hard to either believe or not believe if you never tell me.” The younger man lifted one eyebrow and gave him a humorous look. “So what is it then, Hokage-sama? I’m quite curious.”
“Ah. Um. It’s, that is, I discovered some time ago that we are, er, soulmates.”
For the first few seconds Hashirama thought Izuna might not have heard him. There was no reaction at first until gradually those dark eyes widened and his lip parted with shock, jaw gaping open while his arms dropped down to hang uselessly at his sides. Hashirama waved both of his hands in the air as though warding off some kind of negative reaction or a denial which hadn’t even been said.
“Not that I expect anything! You never seemed to like me much until the last few months so I know this probably isn’t anything you expected. Or wanted. I was never sure how to tell you or if you would even want to know so I always thoughts maybe if you ever considered me even a friend I might find a way to say something but–”
“Breathe!” Izuna’s voice cut him off suddenly, startling him in to silence. He took a deep breath through his nose like he’d been asked to, realizing that he was indeed fairly winded from speaking so rapidly.
“Sorry,” Hashirama squeaked out.
“Don’t apologize, just– Are you sure?”
Full of nervous energy, Hashirama pushed his chair back and hopped to his feet, scooting around the desk so he could shuffle up and poke Izuna in the chest. “Very sure. Here’s where Tobirama almost stabbed you. Right here! I saw him through your eyes.”
“So that’s why you stopped him that day!”
“Oh. Yeah. Well, I sort of moved to stop him before really thinking about it. But I’m glad that I did.”
“Because it led to the peace you’ve been chasing for so long, right?”
“Well, that too, yes. But I meant I’m glad because it gave me the chance to get to know you.”
If he had the courage to he would have spilled out all of his thoughts on why he thought Izuna was an amazing person and how well they would go together. Izuna was bright and cheery for those that he got along with, a bubbly person who was always ready to have some fun or explore something new. Their energy and enthusiasm would work so well together. Both of them were smart in a more understated way than their siblings.
Not to mention just how attractive Hashirama found him to be. Where most Uchiha had smooth locks of glossy black and Madara somehow ended up with the wildest hair anyone had ever seen, Izuna was a perfect middle ground to them both with his perpetually slightly mussed hair tied back in an elegant ponytail. His eyes had a habit of sparkling with silent laughter and Hashirama secretly loved the fact that he was shorter than average. If they stood close enough he could have tucked Izuna right up underneath his chin.
As much as he would have loved for his destined other half to be excited to finally find him, Hashirama could definitely understand the skepticism still hovering on the face staring back at him. That scene on the battlefield was quite infamous by now and it wasn’t too far-fetched for an Uchiha to be wary of a Senju making up stories.
“I wish there was some way to prove it,” Izuna mumbled to himself. Hashirama beamed at him.
“There is!”
Of course there was. All he had to do was be in mortal danger and Izuna would obtain double vision, seeing through his eyes for a moment. It was such a simple solution that he wondered how he hadn’t come up with it himself in the first place.
Pulling aside the robes his council had designed for him when he took office, Hashirama dipped his hand in to the holster strapped to his leg and pulled out a kunai. Then without hesitation he turned it around and aimed it at his own chest. Later he would hear several lectures from multiple different people about how careless he was with his own life. Only Izuna’s reflexes, as lightning fast as most shinobi’s, saved his life from spilling out across the floor of the Hokage’s office.
Barely a few millimeters before the blade would have pierced him his arm was jerked to a stop as Izuna clamped down on his wrist with one hand, his eyes blowing wide again. Panic colored his features for a moment, swiftly followed by the anger that comes when one has been truly scared.
“You idiot! What are you trying to do!?”
“Well you wanted proof!”
“I didn’t say you had to stab yourself!”
“Did it work?” Hashirama ignored the worry for now, packing away that memory to be examined and swooned over later. For now he concentrated on whether or not his plan had been enough because he was willing to go to much further lengths if that was what it took to convince his soulmate that they were, indeed, soulmates.
Izuna mumbled quietly, “You were really going to hurt yourself.”
“Of course. I had to be in mortal danger, you know? It wouldn’t have worked if I was only pretending!”
“Crazy madman. Yes it worked. I saw myself through your eyes. Which means…oh wow.”
Beaming again, Hashirama held as still as possible and hoped that Izuna wouldn’t realize yet that they were still touching. His wrist was tingling and warm where their skin met, probably just an imagined sensation but enjoyable all the same. Disappointment rushed through him when the grip on his arm loosened only to be replaced by a thrill when Izuna didn’t let go entirely, only lowered both of their arms to hang between them more naturally rather than hovering awkwardly in the air.
He wanted to say something to reassure Izuna that he didn’t really expect anything but the words just wouldn’t come. It was difficult because the truth was that, while he really wasn’t expecting anything, he did want it.
“We’re really soulmates.” Poor Izuna looked as though he’d been hit by a ton of bricks.
“Uh-huh.” Trying very hard not to swing their hands like two adolescent children, Hashirama waited as patiently as he was capable of for how his other half would react. What he got was not what he expected – although he definitely had no qualms with it.
Some kind of garbled noise of surprise escaped him when the fingers around his wrist tightened again and tugged, pulling him down as Izuna pushed upward on to his toes. He fell utterly silent when their lips met, eye squeezed shut in case this wasn’t real, trying to keep the hallucination alive for as long as possible. Kami above, Izuna tasted good. The kiss was soft, slow, and everything he could have imagined it would be.
Already pretty lost in the moment, Hashirama very nearly squealed with audible delight when Izuna lost his balance and caught himself on Hashirama’s chest, pressing them together ever so slightly. On instinct he reached out to wrap his free arm around Izuna’s waist and pull him closer. Then he instantly regretted doing so as it seemed to remind the younger man of what exactly he was doing. Very slowly they pulled apart and Izuna blinked up at him, bemused.
“Well. I didn’t really mean to do that.”
“Oh.” Hashirama bit down on his bottom lip. “I can pretend you didn’t, if you want.”
“I get the impression you would do anything I wanted.” Suddenly Izuna was smirking, eyes twinkling as he watched Hashirama swallow thickly around a tongue that suddenly seemed too large inside his mouth.
Tugging at his collar and trying not to sweat inside his robes, Hashirama tried desperately to seem less panicky than he felt at the moment. “Not anything. I mean, there’s limits, you know? Okay so yes maybe I do give you a little more leeway than most people but that’s – it’s not a big deal! I just like you! A normal amount! Not…um…excessively or a lot or anything creepy that might weird you out and – I should stop talking now.”
“You’re kind of cute when you ramble.” Izuna did his best to remain nonchalant while Hashirama gaped at him, willfully ignoring the ignoring the color rising in his cheeks. “I think I would be interested to see where this could go.”
Considering how long they’d known each other by now, he really should have seen the hug coming. Apparently he didn’t, however, as he let out a wheeze of started laughter when Hashirama caught him up in a tight embrace and spun him in a circle, spouting exclamations of joy. Filled to the brim with more emotion than he felt any human would be capable of handling, Hashirama spilled his happiness out in to the room with laughter and blinding smiles. When he set Izuna back on his feet he held their bodies close together, thrilled when Izuna allowed the embrace.
Then he bent down to kiss him again just because he could. Because they were going to see where this could go. Because they were soulmates.
And maybe also because he was going to need to butter Izuna up before voicing the suggestion that they kind of owed Tobirama for helping them find each other.
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