#today i was too busy counting my money for groceries like im sorry guys
scp-168 · 5 months
thinking about the watcher move as a kind of casual viewer, the videos are great and I revisit them a lot but I'm not that much of a loyal and frequent watcher, im really not gonna pay 6 dollars for it
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satoruvt · 5 years
the color of you - green (3)
i feel like in terms of the patterns im tryna leave this chapter wasnt that good but its ok i like it anyways and i hope u do too
pairing → keigo takami x bakery owner!reader
word count → 2072
summary → you’re not really dating, so you can’t really be in love with him… right?
song inspo → xo by eden
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five
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The grass is so bright.
You don’t know why it looks particularly vibrant today - maybe it’s the sun. It dots the grass under the trees in unusual polygons, the rays lighting up the green in their early-summer light. Your eyes trace the landscape, starting at the ground before moving up. Brown bark of a tree, then the token green of summer again, and finally blue sky. It’s a good day for a walk. 
Keigo squeezes your hand gently and you’re moved back to real-time, no longer focused on the colors of the world.
You’re still surprised this is so easy - of all of the things you thought this relationship would be, easy wasn’t one of the words that came to mind. But it is, Keigo makes it easy, somehow. The first few days, you went home every night from hanging out, going on “dates” just to scream into your pillow that it was you with pro-hero Hawks - albeit fake, it was you.
And his publicist was right about you gaining business - the bakery was flourishing more than ever before, supportive fans coming to try their beloved hero’s girlfriend’s pastries. The money you were getting as a positive consequence was enough for you to actually have money leftover after groceries and bills, not to mention the few employees you had were getting paid what they deserved.
“Hey, stop spacing out,” Keigo says, stopping in the pathway. When you turn to him with a raised eyebrow, he’s pouting playfully. “You’re supposed to be focused on me.”
“Oh, right, of course,” you keen, placing a hand over your heart. “I’m so sorry, my love! Forgive my incompetence…”
He grins. “All is forgiven if you agree to sit with me under the mighty oak tree over yonder.”
His medieval speak makes you cringe (though you’re sure yours isn’t any better) but you let him lead you to the tree he had in mind. He sits down at its base, under the shade of its leaves, and you follow. You lay so your head is on his lap, resting on your back.
It’s not a designated date today - Keigo had a day off (a “day off”) and called to see if you had one as well. You didn’t have to be to the bakery until later into the afternoon, so you figured it couldn’t hurt to spend some time with him (after all, he is your boyfriend now).
He’s talking about Endeavor, how the two of them are best friends, but the Number One hero just doesn’t know it yet. You’re not really focusing on his words, because it’s hitting you hard that he’s fucking pretty. It’s not like you hadn’t noticed it before - you were (are?) a fan, you noticed that he was attractive, but Lord, if it doesn’t show in the sunlight right now. With his perfectly-unruly hair, light and intelligent eyes -
“Oh!” Keigo says, looking down at you. “I just remembered. We should take some pictures.”
It takes you a moment to recover. “Uh - for what?”
“Social media.” He pulls out his phone from his pocket, and you sit up from his lap. You’re sure the two of you look pathetic, taking selfies in the middle of a park, but then again, what’s the harm?
Keigo taps on the photo app, turns his phone sideways, and you brush down your hair that’s sticking in a million different directions once you see yourself in the frame. It doesn’t take long - Keigo sends you an impatient look anyways and you tell him to shut up - and you scoot behind him, resting your head on his shoulder cutely.
That’s the first photo, gentle smiles and green grass. The second one involves you kissing his cheek, and the third one something stupid with both of you sticking your tongues out at the camera. Once he sends them to you, you save them to your phone before putting it back into your pocket.
They’re cute pictures, and for a moment it almost seems like the whole thing is real.
The grass is soothing against your skin, but eventually it’s time for you to get back to the bakery.
The walk back to the main entrance of the park is softer from when the two of you came in, conversation more serious than playful (not to say that Keigo doesn’t tease you when the opportunity arises, because he does).
“Are there any big events coming up?” You ask him, swinging your intertwined hands between the two of you. “Like, that we have to go to?”
“Yeah, there’s a hero awards ceremony,” Keigo says, then grimaces slightly.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at an awards ceremony before. Or any hero meetings, aside from maybe two.”
“That’s because they suck and take too much energy.”
“Then why are we going to this one? Isn’t it weird for you to suddenly go now?”
“That’s a good question,” Keigo says, and you noticed you’ve reached the front gate. “I’ve got no fucking clue.”
The chuckle that escapes your lips is genuine, and your hand leaves his with a gentle, “I’ll see you later, Kei,” but he pulls you back suddenly. You’re closer than before, and you furrow your brows at him.
“What -”
“There’s some paparazzi behind you,” Keigo says.
“I’m gonna kiss you, okay?”
You nod, still reeling from when he pulled you to him, and he leans forward. But wait, why is your heart beating so fast -
Keigo’s lips meet yours in a soft kiss, something only meant to convey feeling to the outside world. It’s innocent, an “I-love-you” kiss, and it takes you half a second to reciprocate. But you do, smiling onto his lips - let’s give ‘em a show, you think to yourself - and he places a hand on your cheek. You cover it with your own, and when he pulls away you lean into his palm on instinct.
“Not gonna lie, hero,” you breathe, “you’re really good at that.”
“I’ve had a lot of practice,” Keigo grins, obviously smug, but you snort.
With a laugh, you walk out of the main gate, to the subway station. You can’t help but reminisce about the feeling of Keigo’s lips as you do.
The bakery’s having a slow day by the time you walk in, the inside seats only occupied by a few people. The chatter is quiet, barely there, and it reminds you of mid-spring days, sitting outside with friends to catch up. You head back to the kitchen with a greeting to each of your employees, but you barely get started on some cookie dough when you’re called out to the front of the restaurant.
“Y/N, there’s a delivery person here for you,” one of your employees says, and you sigh, thinking about what to do, given that your hands are covered in flour.
“Can you handle it? It’s probably just this week’s dairy,” you respond, working the dough through your fingers. Your employee shakes his head, and he’s got a small smile on his face.
“It’s not that,” he says. “The guy’s got flowers.”
You furrow your brows - “tell him to wait for a minute” - before washing your hands off, wiping the excess water on your apron. When you walk out to the cash register, sure enough, there’s a man waiting with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“Are you Y/N?” He asks when you get close enough, and you nod. “From Hawks.”
You take the bouquet in your hands and you hear a camera snap as you do. When you turn your head to the noise, none of the customers in the bakery show any signs of it being them, but you’re sure it’s one of Keigo’s fans who heard his name. The delivery guy walks out of the bakery and you roll your eyes, laughing to yourself. There’s a tag tied around the stems and you pull on it to read it.
Couldn’t help but notice how you looked at the flowers earlier, so I got you some of your own. If I don’t see them on the counter the next time I’m at the bakery, we’re gonna have some problems.
The note is signed with a loopy scribble of Keigo’s name, and then a heart. It makes you smile and you take out your phone to send a picture of the tag to him, along with a message that reads “received loud and clear.” He responds quickly; “good, they better be in the best vase you can find.”
“Why are my flowers in a pot?”
You look up from wiping down the counter, brain thoughtlessly telling you to tell whoever it is at the door that the bakery’s closed, but you’re met with a familiar pair of red wings and golden eyes.
You tuck the damp rag into a pocket in your apron, shrugging as Keigo walks closer to the counter. “It’s a bakery, that’s the best vase I can find,” you say, then pout, “besides, it’s rustic, leave it alone.”
He laughs, and you motion for him to follow you back to the kitchen. “So, what brings you here?”
“My flowers.”
You feign offense, draping the back of your hand over your forehead. “Really? Only the flowers? Not to see little old me, your very own girlfriend?”
Keigo hums, dipping his finger into a mostly-empty tub of icing to taste it. “Mm, I take it back. Not the flowers. It was for this kick-ass icing.”
“You like it?” You ask, and he nods, going in for another finger-ful. “You should try the donuts I just made.”
“Holy shit, can I?”
You giggle at his eagerness, then pull out two donuts from the cooling rack nearby. You hand one to Keigo - a classic glazed - before taking your personal favorite off the rack and taking a bite yourself. When Keigo sees you do it, he does too, and you’re immediately overwhelmed in compliments.
“Jesus, Y/N, I think I’m calling it,” he says, mouth full of pastry. “I’m completely in love with you. How the hell did you get this good?”
You feel the flush in your cheeks before it shows, and you shrug, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly. “I’ve just always had a thing for baking, I guess,” you murmur, placing your half-eaten donut on the counter as you lean against it. “That’s how I got this whole place started.”
Keigo looks at you funny and you realize you haven’t told him too much about your career, so you keep talking. “I started the bakery, like, right out of high school. I already knew that I wanted to bake my whole life, so I never thought about using my quirk to become a hero or going to college or any of that stuff.”
He nods, finishing off his donut in another few bites. The silence is weird, not being filled, and it feels good to talk to him about this, so you keep going, playing with the hem of your apron out of habit. “I know my parents are super proud of me for starting my own business so young, but… I did it so fast, and I worry that they think I’m gonna do everything at that same speed. It just puts a lot of pressure on me, you know?”
When you look at Keigo again, he’s got a certain look in his eyes, and you don’t know what it is. You realize that he probably didn’t want to hear about all of your fears with having your own business and panic flushes through your veins at the sudden thought.
“Oh, sorry, you probably didn’t wanna hear about all that,” you rush out, and Keigo’s quick to respond.
“No, it’s just…” he pauses, tapping his fingers on the counter once, twice. “You just summed up my entire career.”
It’s your turn to look at him funny, and it’s his turn to tell you his sob story. “I was chosen to be a hero when I was, like, ten or eleven or something, and I started my own agency when I was eighteen. I like being known as the hero with speed, as someone who can get shit done, but… it’s a lot, sometimes.”
He meets your eyes, and you’re very aware of the new understanding the two of you share. There’s something different in the way he looks at you, now.
And it’s good.
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actualtext · 3 years
Two weeks ago, two of my tires needed to be replaced (one had a nail, another had an air bubble from a horrendous pothole on an exit ramp in Austin) Today, a rock flew from who knows where onto my windshield only hitting one specific place, but causing at least an 18” crack. I called my insurance to file a claim, when I learned that my deductible was going to be $1000. I cried a bit and then resolved to simply work until I could make the money. It hurt a lot. Since I needed so much time, I scheduled to get it fixed on 09/03/21.
So, last year I signed a lease at this apartment that was suggested by a friend who happened to need two roommates when me and my roommate at the time also needed a place to go. oof. The time came for us to move, and holy shit did we run into some issues! So first, just so everyone (not that anyone actually reads this) knows, it was student living. My friend that suggested the place is a student currently. Anyways, we're in the process of moving in. I tell my roommate (the one I'd lived with before) that we can move his stuff first for since he lives further away from our new place. It would just be better to get it over with. But I'm still checking out my new room. I check the welcome package I was given, and I only have one key, the mailbox key. So I asked my three other roommates if they had the house key and all three of them say yes. So I have to go to the office which is really busy cause all of the other new students are also moving into their apartment at this time. I stand there for what feels like forever to find out that I also need to take a copy of the key that I need in order to have it replaced. (I don't know, I guess I thought they had a whole fuck load of copies. lmao) So I go back, ask one of my roommates for his apartment door key, then head back to the office where I also request a copy of my room key. They check their key ring and they cannot find a key for my room door. They tell me that they'll have to change the lock. It's fine, it's not locked and I don't need to lock it any time soon. I take the copy of the apartment key and plan to simply keep moving my stuff until they need to change the lock. While I'm out and about, one of the staff members takes the master key to my apartment and tests it on my room door to see if it will work so they can make a copy. In order to test the master key, they need to lock my room door to see if it will unlock. Freakin turns out that the master key doesn't work on my room door. I return with a few items I plan on moving in, I put some stuff in my room but don't plan on staying there that night since I don't have any bed sheets on my bed. I plan to go back to my old place, pack up a little more and return the next day to continue moving in my stuff. As I leave, I close the door to my room, but then remember that I need to grab a coupon that I wanted to use. The door was locked. There was no key and I wasn't able to enter. The following four days are literally just me going to the office, letting them know that my door is locked, them telling me that I need to put in a maintenance request, and me just staring at my door waiting for it to be unlocked. Finally I get fed up and go to the office one last time to let them know that I haven't been able to move in this entire time and it's making me sad. They freak out and get the ball rolling on my lock changing process. Bam, door's open and I can move my stuff in. I love my room and the view that came along with it.
On the 13th of August, I gave a ride to a guy. It was a normal ride like any other ride I've given. We had a regular conversation, I dropped him off and went about my life. The following morning I received a text from my driver app letting me know that he had forgotten something in my car the night before. I let him know that I had since had multiple people in my vehicle and had even had it washed. I didn't find what he had lost. He gave me his number and told me to message him if I found anything in the future. I said I would, and said my good byes, and then he said his... followed by a wink. I messaged him instantly thinking he was trying to bait me to do so anyways. "A winky face, really?" He gave a good explanation saying that he was at work and his hands were slippery from working with the zucchini that he was loading onto the display at the grocery store he worked at. Maybe I was just naive, but I totally believed him.
He was charming. Funny and sweet. He told me about himself during the car ride the day before. He told me that he had a bunch of babies with his ex wife, wasn't really looking for anything serious, that he was ex military, that he had an 11 year old tumor in his leg that was cancerous and would be the death of him, but that he had to stay positive. I try not to talk about myself too much to my passengers for my own safety, so I didn't really take into consideration that he didn't really ask about me. But looking back, that should have been the first red flag.
He messaged me regularly, asking about my day, telling me about his, how much he was in pain and how shitty having to go to chemo was, and how lonely he was, and how badly he wanted to just be held. I let him know that knowing about all of his pain made me sick to my stomach. I'm an empath. I feel everything very strongly. I told him not to tell me how badly he wanted to be held because I was a people pleaser and that I would be tempted to go hold him. This budding friendship was growing on me way too quickly and way to strongly for me to feel safe, but I didn't want it to stop. It was like yearning death and then being diagnosed with cancer. It was scary, but I wanted it.
And then I actually saw a red flag. It only drew me in more. We had been texting and he had asked for a ride, offering to pay for it of course. I had responded in multiple messages cause he never got back to me. Then at the end of the day, I let him know I was going to sleep and he said it was okay, that he knew I wouldn't be going to drive him since I never responded (which I had, he simply hadn't received the messaged). I showed him proof that I had responded and yet he proceeded to say "I had to spend so much money just to get to and from work" as if it was my fault, when it wasn't anyone's fault that our phones weren't cooperating. I should have left it at that, but I liked him, and I think my reasoning for doing so might be sick af.
I have this theory that I might only like Jake because he's dying. Now hear me out. I've always been into sickly looking pale dudes that look like they're on the verge of death. Since I was about 12, believe it or not. Initially, I thought maybe I was just attracted to him. However, upon further analysis of the situation, I think the people pleaser in me might just feel sorry for him and his situation, and might wanna just make his time left here on the planet as enjoyable as possible. Which is totally fucked up and I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I'm sick.
I say this because... I continued to talk to him, overlooking the red flag. After the whole phone thing happened, we agree to start messaging on instagram instead, since it seemed to be a more reliable method of messaging each other. We discussed how he wished he would just die already. He was tired of being sick and tired. I apologized and explained that I wish there was something I could do to help him. This led into the conversation about (red flag #3 but who's counting?) how people (me, myself and I) always make everything about themselves. This man was a manipulator pro because I believed him. I FUCKING APOLOGIZED FOR MAKING A (supposedly two way, but obviously one way) CONVERSATION ABOUT ME. I felt so shitty. This guy is dying and all I can do is apparently talk to him him about myself and try to help him get to know me. After I apologized profusely (like an idiot), I thought things were better. But of course he felt like shit and I felt like I needed to help him somehow. So then we discussed what he felt would help him and low and behold *CRINGE WARNING* it was physical connection, sex, intimacy. He said he wanted to be held but that he could never get that from anyone. I asked if he had bothered asking anyone to help him in the way he needed to be helped and he said NO. -_- So I explained to him that in order to receive, he would need to ask first. He said rejection would simply add to the stress he was under. My simp self let him know I would totally love to help him but then my insecure self jumped right in and said some bull shit like "but I'm ugly and fat and you probably have higher standards than the likes of me" GROSS. I don't believe I would talk about myself like that. Seeking validation from a fucking man. UGH but you'll see, it's a fucking common occurrence. Me and Jake are toxic for each other and to our selves with each other. Enablers. Its sick. He said some really sweet things, to which I responded sassily, which upset Jake of course. This was all in text so he read my sass as anger. Then he got upset with me. I told him I didn't feel like I was making his life any easier and that I was sorry for the stress I put him under and that I would leave him alone. I genuinely felt bad yet again. This guy was dying and I was trying to be sassy with him? Monster. I left him alone for quite some time, during which I wrote and rewrote potential apologies in order to gain this tortured soul back as a friend. I never sent any, surprisingly. But it crushed me. I wanted him in my life. I felt like all the independence I had gained while being single SIMPly vanished, and I needed his friendship, his companionship, to make me feel like my days weren't being wasted, to make me feel needed. IM SO SICK.
But then... the unimaginable happened. He messaged me "I feel like giving up today" and of course I don't want him him. I live for this toxic exchange. He says "I want to be held." &My naive, people pleasing ways gave me the perfect push to tell him I could be there for him, to hold him. "I wanna be fucked and held." Of fucking course. I mean, I totally already wanted to fuck his brains out anyways, and I already knew thats what the fuck he wanted ultimately. And this was the perfect thing I needed in order to feel needed. Ugh. It was glorious. I'm sick, I know.
So we plan it. We set a day and start making arrangements, and then something weird happens. I have to ask for his address at least four times. I give up after he just doesn't respond. I tell him "It's probably for the better. I feel like I might be coming down with something" which was the truth, and I wouldn't have wanted to get him sick. Just in case he's not receiving my messages like last time, I send him a screenshot of all of the messages I've sent him through instagram. I'm not gonna lie. I felt blown off after he had just asked me to fuck him. I felt like a damn fool being made to wait when I was ready to go.
The following day he messages me asking if I'm okay, and I respond coldly "I'll survive." He says "ok" which I just leave on read cause fuck that two letter piece of shit response. There was a chance I could have had COVID-19. Jerk.... But then that night he messages me at like 2am. I, of course, was already thinking about him so I got excited like a fool. I made him feel bad about not giving me his address which he swears he tried, but that I never got anything. I said, not fucking around, "if that's true, give me your address right now." and the mother fucker did. On top of that, he tried to guilt trip me. I explained that I was still getting over my sore throat and he was like "you're good," saying like "don't worry about me then" and so I was like "okay" BUT THEN he was like "I'll just be here.. ready to go... and still feeling all shitty like the other night.. and thinking about how it's the one year anniversary of my grandma's death" AHHHH haha and yes, I said "I'll be right fucking there" or something along those lines.
So I get there. I shower real quick cause I'm all full of germs. get out and lay next to him and he's just stiff. He seems nervous. He just keeps talking, which is fine. While his voice isn't exactly my favorite, I know he has a lot to get off his chest and so I just let him talk. I caress his arms, and his chest, and his face. I have my mask on just in case. And then I reach down between his legs and start caressing his dick which is already hard, of course, and he starts touching me. I pull down my shorts and panties and he works my hardened nub, and I just want him inside of me already, so I dip his fingers inside of me. The whole time, I'm panting and holding onto him so tight, all while caressing him still. He pulls his shorts down and I continue the assault on his cock, and he asks if I wanna taste, to which I say yes, of course. Cause I really do. I do my best, and I hear him moan and its as rewarding as you would think :) and he uses his big strong hands to guide my head, and the whole oral thing is just wonderful. 10/10 would do again. And then I ask if he has condoms, and he does, thankfully. So he slips one on, I get on my hands and knees on his bed then he plays with me a little and slips it in. Mmm. He honestly felt really good. He's an average sized dude, with no hair obviously (thanks to chemo), so he felt so comfortable inside of me, and I'm just genuinely enjoying him taking me from behind. He does that for a little while, and I guess before he can come, he pulls out so that he can eat me out (ugh, what a fucking gentleman). And I'm all self conscious cause I have a hairy puthy, but he doesn't seem to mind. I just see his cute bald head nodding no, and licking away at my gal, and man he feels so fucking good. I can't help but moan his name. I just wanna hold him there forever but he has other plans. Once he's full, he comes back up, puts my legs on his fucking shoulders and just rams his cock into me and continues to drive himself deeper and deeper, making me feel closer and closer to him. I know I'm a fucking psycho. This is honestly the first time that I've admitted it to myself, and I don't let myself get this way with many people, so it is just as surprising to me as it may be to you (the endless abyss) that I would feel this way about a man I met two fucking weeks ago. So anyways. My mask obviously came off to give him head, and it stayed off. But he fucking kisses me while fucking the shit out of me and I lose my shit. Did I come? No. I never cum unless its with myself. But I felt so fucking good. It felt so nice to feel so wanted for fucking once.
After everything went down, we put our clothes back on and laid in bed for the next few hours just talking like nothing had ever happened. It was wild. My mask was forever lost, or so it seemed after searching for it vigorously. After I left, he gave me a kiss on my cheek, which I feel like I should have reciprocated, I just hadn't ever experienced what I had just experienced so I didn't know exactly how to react.
When I left, he sent me a few texts to let me know that he found my mask, but also to thank me. he said "Thank you. I needed that. To get all of that out. I really do appreciate you lending your body and your time to me. If it sucked for you I'm so sorry. I know you're driving. I'll stop. I hope it really didn't suck that bad, or that you're not mad." and my heart, man.. it just exploded. He was so willing to be vulnerable, and I was thinking to myself, "baby, whenever you want it, it's yours."
Then the next day came around and I was all stupid in love or something cause I drove an hour to drive him 7 minutes away from his house and then drove an hour back home to finish moving my stuff to my new place. What kinda of fucking stupid am I? Why do I feel so strongly about this Jake?
Today, I started feeling insecure. It could be the lack of sleep, or the lack of food or just my general lack of health. I messaged him the lamest thing because wanted reassurance. "Do you by any chance think less of me? heh. Just curious"
To which he responded sarcastically, and broke my heart. I literally cried. Over a boy I've known for two weeks. I haven't been so stupid since high school. I let him know how he had made me feel and he called me manipulative, stating that I was claiming he was a villain and that I was the victim. I was simply communicating how he had made me feel.
I was such a simp for this dying boy and I'm truly ashamed. Part of me wants to believe that he really did like me and that he really just couldn't put much effort into what could have been a great relationship. But part of me, my gut feeling, believes that he just wasn't that into me to begin with, and no matter how much I care for him or about him, it won't change the fact that he doesn't care about me back. I messaged him apologizing for catching feelings cause he had specifically stated that he wasn't looking for anything serious, and yet I caught the feels. I felts like that was a good reason to apologize. I told him I understood that he just simply didn't have the energy or time for someone like me who was yearning for nothing more than an "I miss you too" text. I let him know that ghosting him wasn't an option, but then he told me that he wished I had.
So that's the short story of Jake. It wasn't a happy ending, but it never could have been anyways.
A long time ago, I had actively taken part in the whole scrolling and swiping left and right thing. I had seriously given up on dating. It was depressing having to reject so many people in such a short amount of time, compared to doing it in person with months of buffer between each rejection. I just kept my profile up to make friends cause it was taking a told on how I viewed myself. I felt like a bad person, but I also didn't want to lower my standards.
Tristan and I had matched a long time ago. He was so attractive to me that I told him "Sir, you look like a supermodel, unlike my profile RN" trying to be funny. I never got a response, probably cause he had plenty of other options out there. But one day, he messaged me apologizing for the wait. It was really weird and honestly I feel like a last resort.
Francisco just recently matched with me. He also made the first move to message me. He has a cute dog, likes to eat vegan junk food, and is mildly attractive, just being real. He snaps me every day, although really sporadically and sparsely, but he makes that attempt to at least reach out once a day. And that is really refreshing. However, he is moving to Sicily in about three months. heh.
I'm not sure where any of these will go but hopefully I'll end up with at least a friend.
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seoktere · 7 years
My First - Namjin Fanfiction |First Hangout|
Chapter One Namjoon spend the next day looking for Jin at school. Turns out he didn't have any classes with him, they only had lunch together. He was going to sit with him during lunch but Jimin said no. Plus Jin looked happy talking with this other guy with orange hair. "Namjoon-ahh let's go." Jimin whined. Namjoon was waiting for Jin after school. "Jimin I told you I was gonna wait for Jin. Why don't you go home or hang out with Yoongi." It wasn't a question it was a command. His silver hair friend let out a groan and left. "Namjoon!" He heard a familiar high pitch voice. "Jin!" I yelled back. Jin stopped in front of me and punched my shoulder. "Aish what the fuck." I cursed at him as I ran my fingers them. "You're supposed to call me hyung. I'm older than you." I couldn't help but smile at his whining. It was cute. "How was I supposed to know. I barely met you yesterday." "I'm sorry I forgot." Guilt was place all over his face. "It's okay it only hurt a little." "Do you want me to kiss it better?" Jin teased. "Sure." Namjoom smirk. "Wait what..?" His eyes went wide. "You asked so I answered. Now go make my shoulder better," Namjoon commanded. "Okay." He kissed his hand and then placed it on my left shoulder. "Anyway, why were you waiting for me? Aren't you busy?" "Uhh, I wanted to ask you something. And yes I'm busy but I decided to cancel everything I had today to hangout with you." "What if I didn't want to hangout with you. I couldn't have other plans." "Do you?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "No. Let's go." Jin grabbed my hand and took me to his car. "You didn't bring your car right?" "I did but I can tell Yoongi to come and get it." "Yoongi? Isn't that the guy that's always sleeping in class?" Namjoon nodded. "How did you get to be friends with him. Last time we were partner up for a project all he did was sleep or talk about music. He never once helped me. But thanks to my smartness we got a A++." "Don't tell anyone but he's actually from our company too. We were pretty close when we were rookies and during my debut. Yoongi is actually the one who inspired me to come back to school." "That's so cool. Are you guys releasing anything together anytime soon?" "We are," Namjoon smiled, "but that's a secret so you best not tell anyone." "Okay." Jin laughed. "Can I drive? I wanna take you somewhere." Jin nodded and got on the passenger seat. "Are you friends with everyone at school?" Jin asked. "There's only a couple I'm already close with. Yoongi, Taehyung-" "Isn't that the guy that has a rectangular smile?" Namjoon nodded and then continued, "Jimin- ah which reminds me. Im really sorry about the way he acted yesterday. He was in a pissy mood so he took his anger out on you." Jin's smile turned into a visible frown. "Yeah I understand. But don't worry I'm all good now." He patted Jin's head. "Good cause I wouldn't want to see you get hurt. And that's it, I'm only close to three people. Well four counting you. What about you? Are you close with anyone at the school?" "Hmmm, there's Hoseok who I known pretty much my whole life. Ah- Jungkook, he's a few years younger than us. He lives next door so we hang out everyday. That's about it. Plus you of course." Jin winked at the younger boy. He didn't seem to notice since he was driving. "So where are we heading?" The pink hair asked after minutes of staring out the window. "We're going to this famous store that I know and then the park." "Why are we heading to the store?" "To buy some snacks. I though you'll be hungry." Namjoon didn't want to admit but he asked Yoongi to do a background check on Jin. He was actually aware that Jin was older but didn't want to called him hyung because it would of been creepy. He found out Jin's favorite color, hobbies, talents, sleep schedule, and his living family members. Apparently they have that type of information at school. Something about wanting to make the students and teachers as comfortable as they can since they are the one studying. *** "What do you want." "Can I get everything." Jin stopped when we arrived to the candy section. "Do you think we can?" "Do you really? Cause I can buy you anything you want." Jin's eyes winded and immediately started yelling, "no! I was kidding! I don't want to make it seem as if I'm using you for money." Namjoon placed a hand on Jin's shoulder.  "I told you I'll buy you everything you want. Don't worry about so just go and choose whatever you want." "Ugh okay but I have to pay you back." "Jin you know that's the least of my worries. I have lots of money. You can pay me back with your happiness." "Namjoon you're so cheesy. Thank you!" Jin leaned in and kissed Namjoon's cheek. "Would that be enough as a payback." Namjoon nodded with a red face. "Just get anything and don't worry about the price." Namjoon forgot to mention but he took Jin to the most expensive grocery in Seoul where the prices were dollars than one thousand dollars. "What kind of chocolates are these? How come I never seen them before?" "These chocolates were made by a seventy- eight year old artist name Kim Won Le. He died at the age of eighty-two by a heart attack. He only did a limited amount of chocolates which is why they cost a lot." Jin frown. "Then we shouldn't get them." He put them back were they belong." "You're right, we shouldn't. There's a bigger box." Namjoon reached on top of the shelf and got a double size box with forty chocolates in it. "Namjoon what are you doing. I don't like you spending money on me." "Then pretend its a present for your birthday." "My birthday is in December." Namjoon sigh in annoyance but still he put the box in the basket. He took a hold of my hand and they continue walking looking for other snacks. When they went to pay Jin couldn't help but feel guilty about Namjoon wasting his money of him. "Hyung how about we split the money?" Jin nodded, he was feeling good about it since he has a good amount of money. "You're total is $11,327 with forty five cents. The cashier said smiling. "Wait what...?" Jin only had a couple of hundreds in his wallet. "Namjoon I don't think.." "Huyng it's alright." Namjoon took out his wallet and payed for the snacks, in cash. Jin started feeling guilty again. "I'm gonna put the stuff on the car, wait for me outside." Namjoon took the bags and left. "Are you two together?" The cashier asked once Namjoon was out of the view. Jin's face was red. "No we're just friends." "Isn't he that famous rapper, what's his name... Rap Monster," Jin nodded "How do you know him?" The cashier asked again. "We go to school together. Hint the uniforms." "Do you like him?" Freaking cashier doesn't know how to shut her mouth. "I uhh..." "Jin let's go." Namjoon grabbed Jin's hand before I could reply to her. "Did you possibly hear everything?" "Only when she asked you if you like me. Do you?" "I mean I like your music but as in I like 'like' you...no." Namjoon tried to hide his frown but it was noticeable for Jin to see. "Namjoon?" Jin said in a low whisper. "I bought a blanket for us to sit at when we get to the park. And I also got a bug spray so that they won't bother us." * * * The ride to the park was awkward. Jin kept stealing glances at Namjoon once a while but he never took a glance at Jin. The older friend was getting frustrated. Yes, he did like Namjoon but he wasn't too sure if it was a crush. Maybe he shouldn't have said anything to him. Namjoon once again grabbed the food and and a different bag which contained the spray and blanket. "Thank you for doing this Namjoom." Jin kissed Namjoon's hand, the one he was holding his hands with. Namjoon was confused. He was gay and he wasn't in the closet. Well, only his closes friends and his family and his manager know. But as for the fans, they were clueless. Especially since his manager is against it, not his sexuality but who he dates. Back when Namjoon first debuted he started going out with a guy from the same company as him. The guy was a rebel, completely opposite from Namjoon. He would swear, smoke in public places, been caught multiple times having sex in restrooms, and has also been caught stealing in many stores. The rapper's manager didn't like him one bit so he kicked the older guy out of the group once his contract was over. And when it did, Namjoon and his older boyfriend broke up. The guy was furious. He followed Namjoon around until he was alone and almost raped him. He was suddenly stopped by Yoongi, that's how they met. The guy hasn't showed up ever since. But Namjoon was feeling confused on the mixed signals Jin has been showing him. He's clingy and kisses a lot- and also lets Namjoon hold his hand, and then he's saying he has no feeling towards him. Namjoon didn't have a crush on his hyung, at least not yet. When he's around Jin he feels warm and carefree. He doesn't have to worry about the elder only using him for fame or money. He doesn't have to pretend to be the bad boy rapper image his manager told him to act as. He can be his usual shy geek that lives to read and listen to jazz music. Namjoon lives rapping, it was his dream but the sound of jazz makes him calm and helps him concentrate. That's what he also feels like when he's around Jin. Would it be too soon to have a crush on Jin. Maybe he just likes being around him, so it couldn't be that. "I didn't know they sold lots of American candy here. Have you tried any of these?" Jin asked the rapper "Just the basic ones. Lollipops and the chocolates. Have you?" Jin shook his head in response. *** After their small picnic they went to walk around to wherever their feet lead. They got to know each other better and even thought Jin knew mostly everything about Namjoon, he got to learn more about him during his training years. For the rest of the day went great, they didn't get mob by fans just a couple came over and asked for pictures and autographs. Some fans even called Jin handsome and pointed out his amazing cheekbones. When it was dark, Jin drove Namjoon to his own apartment. He wanted to take him home himself but his manager said it was too risky so they send his chauffeur to pick him up. "I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Jin asked nervously when they got there, he didn't know if Namjoon would like to speak to him after he embarrassed himself today when he fell of the swings at the park. "Definitely. Since we have the same lunch, you and your friend should come and sit with us at our table. To get to know each other better." Jin nodded eagerly which made Namjoon feel better about his request to the elder. They both heard a beep behind them. Namjoon was leaning in for a hug but then Jin held his hand out for a high-five. "Oh ahaha," the rapper laugh feeling a neural relating to a nerve go in his nervous system. He slapped the older's hand slightly before getting out of the car and getting to the one behind. Jin now wished he should've of hugged Namjoon. ***
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