#not to mention the currency exchange like 😭
scp-168 · 5 months
thinking about the watcher move as a kind of casual viewer, the videos are great and I revisit them a lot but I'm not that much of a loyal and frequent watcher, im really not gonna pay 6 dollars for it
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mountttmase · 10 months
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Every Second Of Everyday
Note - I’m running out of fics 😭 this one was never supposed to see the light of day but here we are. I hope you enjoy and I’d love some feedback 🩷
Pairing - Mason Mount x Reader
Word count - 6k
Warnings - angst, fluff & smut
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‘So yeah I mean Its really easy, you just have to buy in the dip but obviously you need to know when that is, I can totally teach you if you want me too”
‘Oh yeah sounds… super interesting’
Listening to a man you’d only met properly an hour and a half ago waffle on about crypto currency and NFT’s was not how you imagined your Wednesday would be going. You had no idea what he was going on about, and you didn’t care either. Disappointment had flooded through you from about ten minutes into the date, he seemed so different from when you’d been messaging. He barely asked you anything about yourself and spent the whole time trying to explain, or rather boast, to you what he did for a living.
‘I’m just popping to the loo, be back in a sec’ he smiled as he stood from his chair. You smiled back and nodded lightly, watching him walk away from you as you let out a quiet sigh of relief. Thankful you were finally alone but not two seconds later you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. You quickly pulled it out to check it wasn’t an emergency, having not looked at it the whole way through lunch, not wanting to be rude, but the name that flashed up was the last person you thought it would be.
What the hell did he want?
You and Mason were… complicated. You knew how you felt about him and you were pretty sure he felt the same but for some reason nothing has ever come of it. You’d grown up best friends with Lauren James and her bother Reece, so it was inevitable you’d meet Mason sooner or later. Reece had always mentioned him growing up to the point where you felt like you knew him already sometimes, but you kept yourself slightly separate from that part of their lives, wanting to be the escape from football.
The moment of you meeting Mason came just under six months ago. The season had been over for a week and Reece was throwing a party at his house meaning Lauren insisted you came with her. Reece introduced you to Mason within the first ten minutes of you stepping in the door and you were hooked on him from the first look.
You obviously knew who he was but you tried to play it cool and make out you didn’t. Mason bought your calm exterior hook, line and sinker, telling you that you weren’t like most of the girls he meets at these things. You spent most of that night in his company, laughing at his stupid attempts to make you smile and falling for those gorgeous brown eyes every time you looked in them. He wasn’t anything like you thought he’d be, you were expecting an ego the size of a truck to match his perfect face but as time went on you realised he was just a normal guy who did a not so normal job. You exchanged numbers at the end of the night, him kissing your cheek promising to text you the very next day and you didn’t expect anything from him with how busy he was yet when you woke up the next day with a message from him your tummy had erupted into butterflies.
It had all started out so well, cute texts here and there and promises of seeing each other as soon as you could but nothing ever materialised. You got it, he was Mason Mount and you were you but it didn’t mean it hurt any less. The texts mostly dried up, only checking in with each other here and there and only seeing each other at social events. You’d made peace with the fact nothing probably would ever happen yet that didn’t stop him from getting his way when he wanted.
He would always make eye contact with you from across the room when you were together, smirking cheekily when he noticed the blush taking over your cheeks as his come to bed eyes raked over you hungrily. He liked the fact he could do that to you and he seemed to make it his mission to tease the life out of you. His hands always finding your waist as he passed behind you, or sitting as close as he could to you on the sofa so he could run his fingers over your thighs.
You loved and hated every second of it.
You thought he was unbelievably attractive and it only took a flash of his perfect smile to get you hot under the collar. Every time his tongue poked out between his lips to wet them made your knees weak and you were pretty certain no other boy had made you feel like this before. It wasn’t all bad, and you soon fell for his goofy playful side. Admiring the way he was always making people, yourself included, laugh at his stupid jokes and sometimes it seemed like he didn’t have a fear of making himself look like a prat. You found him awfully endearing when he wasn’t trying to get under your skin so the stupid little crush you had on him didn’t face in the slightest.
But in the last two months it had become unbearable. He was a lot braver with his actions and one night after a little bit too much to drink he’d cornered you in the kitchen, pressing feather light kisses to the top of your shoulder from behind you and slowly making his way up your neck as you were trying grab a glass. No words were exchanged as he pressed his lips to your skin, knowing he’d followed you in hoping to catch you alone and If it hadn’t been for the loud crash coming from the other room you would have let him carry on. It seemed to snap him out of whatever trance he was in though and after giving you a quick wink he turned on his heel and left you stood flabbergasted.
You told yourself that night that whatever game he was playing was over. You weren’t one to stick up for yourself, clearly, but you couldn’t stand another second of him having this weird hold over you without it leading anywhere. The next morning you dowloaded a dating app, telling yourself you needed to get out there and meet some different people and see what happens. Show him that he wasn’t free to keep dangling ideas in front of your face without acting on them.
Which is how you need up in this situation today.
Charlie had seemed nice when you matched him a few days ago. He was cute and and he made you laugh but being sat opposite him was a complete other story. This was the third different date you’d been on in a month and you were starting to loose all hope of finding anyone that made you feel a fraction of what Mason did.
You sighed as you unlocked your phone to see what he wanted but your blood ran cold as you opened up the message.
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It was you.
Well the back of you anyway, sat in the exact place you were right now. You slowly turned round and your eyes locked onto his right away, sat three tables back and slightly off to the left. You whipped back around before he could do anything else and tried to calm you racing heart.
What are the bloody chances?
As soon as you finished your thought, your phone buzzed again. Another text from Mason coming through.
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Why is this happening to me?
You chose to ignore it, locking your phone and turning it over, hoping he would see you’re not in the mood to talk to him. He didn’t get the hint though and you groaned under your breath as his final text come through.
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You hated to admit that his assertiveness made you clench your thighs together, but there was no way in hell you were going home with him. Well that’s what you told yourself anyway.
Charlie returned from the loo soon after and after a small back and forth, you agreed to let him pay for lunch. He was putting his pin in when you saw Mason heading for the door, sending you a small smile as he made his way outside. You continued looking at him as he said goodbye to his friend and made his way over to his car. The only thought in your brain being about how good he looked in something as simple as a black T-shirt and cargos, one of your favourite things to see him in and you only snapped out of your trance when Charlie let out a small cough.
‘Sorry, I was in my own little world there’ you apologised with a smile and he just smiled in return. ‘You up too much the rest of the day?’ You enquired, hoping he was so you could make a swift exit and thankfully for you he nodded.
‘Unfortunately yes, I need to get back home and check my stocks, but I’ve really enjoyed this, we’ll have to do it again some time’ he smiled and rather than let him down gently you just nodded, gathering your things so you could get out of there and away from him as quickly as possible. He walked you to the door and put his arm around you awkwardly before leaving a light kiss on your cheek. ‘See you around then y/n’. He smiled and all you could do was smile back before he walked off, thankfully in the opposite direction than you needed.
Now you were rid of him, there was one other person you needed to send on their way before you could go home and think over your life decisions whilst drowing yourself in the tub of ben and Jerrys in your freezer.
You eyes scanned over to Masons car, still parked up, and you walked to him slowly. Telling yourself to be strong and get it over with quickly and once you were at his drivers side window you tapped on it lightly three times before the window came down revealing a slightly confused looking Mason.
‘What you doing? your doors on the other side’ he winked ‘come on, get in’
‘Yeah about that, I don’t think it’s a good idea I’m just gonna head home. I’m sure you’ve got better things to be doing anyway’ you told him. Not meaning for it to come out sounding so bitter and clearly Mason picked up on it, his smile quickly turning into a frown.
‘Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?’
You just shrugged and he studied your face for a second before he opened his door. You stepped back slightly but he grabbed your arm, pulling you back to him, slotting you in-between his legs as he sat side on.
‘Come on, I haven’t seen you in ages. Why don’t you wanna hang out?’ He asked quietly. He was giving you his best puppy dog eyes they were really working on you, he looked genuinely upset you didn’t want to spend time with him. His hands planted themselves on your waist, his thumbs rubbing gentle circles just under your top. His gentle touch was making you fold and he knew it. “Please y/n, just for a little while? I promise I’ll take you home after’ he pouted, and you cursed at yourself in your head for giving into him so quickly but you couldn’t think straight when his hands were on you and he was looking at you like he was.
‘Fine, but I can’t stay long’ you lied. You had all day free, you just weren’t sure you’d be able to handle a whole afternoon of his antics.
He gave you that cheeky smile he always did, but released you so you could jump into his passenger seat. The whole ride to his house was perfect, this was the Mason you liked, no teasing or getting you flustered for his own entertainment. He asked you how you’d been and he seemed genuinely interested when you answered, a stark contrast from the lunch you had just endured and he seemed just as excited to fill you in on everything you’d missed out on in his life recently.
Once you’d arrived at his, he led you through to the kitchen to grab you both a drink, telling you to make yourself comfy on his sofa. You’d been to his house a handful of times but always with other people, today being the first time it was just the two of you and you’d be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t nervous. You tried to relax into the corner of the L shaped sofa, telling yourself you’re just catching up with a friend and there was nothing to fret over. Mason soon returned and placed your drink down on his coffee table before flopping down right next to you, his thigh pressed right up against yours and his arm resting across the back of the sofa behind you. You could feel the tips of his fingers stroking over the material of your top making you even more dazed than before.
‘So you gonna tell me who that was you were having lunch with?’ He asked. You could tell by the tone of his voice he was on a mission to poke fun at you now and you sighed quietly. Knowing it was too good to be true that maybe for once you could just be normal with each other.
‘Just a guy’
‘What’s his name?’
‘Why do you care?’
‘Just curious’ he smirked. You knew he was trying to get at you so you thought you’d try and match his energy.
‘His name is Charlie, he’s a crypto billionaire’ you tried to say confidently but as soon as the words flew out your mouth you wished you could of stuffed them back in. Like Mason would care how much money he had? Charlie didn’t even have a fraction of a billion but you were desperate at that point to make him a little jealous. You mentally face palmed yourself when you saw Masons eyebrow twitch up into somewhat of an ammused smirk.
‘Right… and how did you meet Charlie the crypto king?’
You didn’t want to tell him how, but the longer you sat there trying to think of another way you knew he wouldn’t believe you, so you just went with the truth.
‘We matched on hinge’ you said quietly, avoiding his gaze, but you head shot up when you heard his little giggle. ‘What’s so funny?’
‘Oh come off it y/n, what’s a girl like you doing looking for guys on hinge?’
‘What do you mean a girl like me?’ You scowled. You were starting to get really annoyed with him, hoping he’d choose his next words carefully so you didn’t blow up in his face.
‘I just didn’t think a gorgeous girl like yourself would look twice at any of the guys on there’ he said with a shrug. You tried to brush past the compliment but you could feel your cheeks burning up already, knowing it was giving Mason a kick to see the effect his words had on you. ’He was nowhere near good enough for you, I could tell by the way you were sitting you weren’t feeling it. Its like you’re boredom was radiating across the room’
‘Oh yeah cause you know so much about me Mason’
‘Id like to think so, yeah’ he winked, the hand resting on his thigh now making its way onto yours. You had to ball your fists at your sides in order to keep calm. ‘If you wanted a lunch date you could of always called me, I know you’d rather have me sat opposite you’
‘You’re unbelievable’ you growled, finally rising to you feet and and making a beeline for the door.
‘Hey come on y/n don’t be like this, I’m only messing’ He teased as he jumped up after you and reached out for your arm to stop you, but you’d finally had enough. Seeing red, you yanked your arm out of his grasp and turned to face him. Ready to give him a piece of your mind.
‘You know what Mason? Yeah maybe he was a bit boring but at least he had the guts to ask me out’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘All you do is lead me on, you make me feel like you like me and then you go cold on me its fucking exhausting. Do you think I want to be meeting up with randomers off hinge?’ You barked at him. He seemed slightly taken aback by your outburst but his eyes were looking at you hungrily. He’d never seen this side of you before and he was loving it. ‘You’re so full of yourself all the time, thinking you can just invite me back here and i’ll come running? I’m so sick of your shit-‘
Before you could think about what was happening, Mason had pulled you into him and his lips were on yours. Slowly walking you back until you were pressed up against the nearest wall, one hand on your waist, the other lightly wrapped around your throat.
He kissed better than you ever imagined he could and you cursed yourself for moaning into his mouth. The feel of his smile on your lips frustrated you even more than you thought possible and his mouth soon detached from yours as he flipped you round. Your chest now pressed to the wall, his front leaning into your back and you could just start to feel him hardening against your bum.
‘This what you wanted from me yeah?’ He whispered into your ear. You turned your face to try and look at him over your shoulder, but his lips on the other side of your neck made you close your eyes. He could feel the way your breathing was getting shallower as his fingertips raked up your side and he was eager to see just how far he could push you. ‘You still sick of my shit or you want me to keep going?’
‘Keep going’ you whimpered quietly, the words coming out your mouth before your brain could figure out what you wanted to say, and you felt him smile against your neck.
‘Good girl’
‘Im not your good girl, mase’ you countered but you knew you were just lying yourself. You always had been and you always would be.
He turned you back round and tucked your loose hairs behind your ears before leaning down and kissing you again lightly. ‘We’ll see’ he breathed into your mouth. ‘Go sit back down for me yeah?’ He asked but you waited a moment, both looking at each other to see who would break first but you could tell he wasn’t budging so you silently made you way back over to his sofa. Your fingertips touching your lips as you still couldn’t believe after all this time you’d finally kissed him.
He stood studying you for a few seconds before following you over, however instead of taking up his seat from before, he knelt down infront of you. Parting your knees and slotting himself in between them. His hands came to rest on either sides of your hips and his face now dangerously close to yours.
‘I know we’ve got some things we need to talk about, but can you please let me make you feel good first?’ He whispered, kissing you again softly. ‘I think it’s just best we get this out our system cause there’s no way I’ll be able to concentrate on anything serious if all I can think about is what’s under these clothes’
You were having an internal battle, obviously you wanted him but would it just make everything afterwards more difficult? Was he just saying this to get one over on you? He could see you were struggling with what to do so he kissed your neck trying to show you how much he needed you.
‘Please baby, just a taste’ he whispered just below your ear and you felt your whole body erupt in goosebumps. Fuck he was good. It was like he knew exactly what to say and do to you. You knew you were wrapped around his finger but up until now you hadn’t realised how much. ‘You can trust me I promise’
Could you trust him?
The only thing on your mind was the thought of him getting you down to your underwear and then him telling you it’s all a joke. That this was just a new low for him to try and get one over on you but you knew Reece would kick him into next week if he ever tried something like that and the look in Masons eyes also settled you a bit.
You wanted to say no but you you were too caught up in him finally giving you what you wanted. Thinking to yourself, even if this is all you ever got from him then you’d find a way to live with it. You just couldn’t refuse him when he was in between your thighs, promising to make it worth you while. So you nodded and kissed him back, a little deeper this time, parting your lips so he could slip in tongue in when he silently asked for permission.
God he was so good at this, you thought as his hands came to rest at the waistband of you jeans. Why the hell haven’t we done this sooner? if I had to pick between breathing or kissing Mason, I think id choose the latter.
His fingers slowly made their way to the button on your jeans, and he pulled back, looking at your face to make sure you were still comfortable. You nodded at him so he carried on, unzipping you before tapping your thigh so you would lift your hips in order for him to rid you of them. Next to come off was your top, leaving you with only your bra on underneath, thanking the lord you’d decided to put a nice one on this morning. Feeling your slight discomfort at being the only one without clothes on, he peeled his own top from his body, tossing it over the back of his sofa.
You’d seen pictures of his body before and knew what it looked like under certain things but seeing it like this in person made your mouth water. He was flawless.
His kisses resumed and then he made his way down your neck, across your collar bones and down your chest. As he mouth was nearing where you needed him, you sank back into the cushions. You felt his lips dance across the band of your underwear before he hooked his thumbs under and pulled them down you legs.
‘So fucking perfect’ he murmured between kisses over your hips and thighs, the sound of his voice made your tummy flip with anticipation.
You were torn between looking at him or laying back and just enjoying it, so you grabbed and cushion and stuffed it behind you, giving you the perfect view of what he was about to do to you. You were growing impatient with his gentle kisses on you inner thighs, wishing he would just burry his face in you already so you threaded your fingers through his hair and attempted to guide him to where you needed him. You felt him smirk against you, placing one final kiss against you before giving you what you wanted.
He teased your folds apart slowly with his tongue, and when he made contact with your clit, circling over it slowly a few times, you let out a pent up breath you hadn’t realised you’d been holding.
You couldn’t help his name falling off your lips and he moaned into you at the sound. A sound he’d been waiting forever to hear. You felt your breathing deepen as he got into his rhythm, bringing his fingers up to spread you apart even further. Your moans for him only growing louder and it was all the encouragement he needed to keep going, eventually slipping those same fingers inside of you to heighten your pleasure.
‘You taste so fucking good’ he growled and pumped his fingers into you a little faster, hitting the spot that made you cry out. ‘That feel good baby?’
‘Yes Mase, so fucking good, please keep going im so close’
If you weren’t so horrifically turned on then you might have been embarrassed about how quickly he’d managed to get you to this point but you didn’t care. You felt too good to think about anything else.
‘Come on baby, be good for me and cum’ he moaned against you and you thought in that moment you you would have done anything he asked you to. Why did he have to be so good at everything?
It only took a few more seconds and you were cumming over his fingers, his mouth still working on you to ride you through it, and when he felt like you’re breathing had calmed down, he kissed his way back up your body to you lips. You let out a small hum as you tasted yourself on his lips, a slight giggle coming from you and you tried to hide in his neck out of embarrassment. He couldn’t help but laugh himself as he sat down next to you, pulling you into his lap, both slightly overwhelmed with what had just taken place. He reached behind him for the blanket he kept there, wrapping it around the both of you.
After a few moments of silence you felt his lips lightly press on your forehead before he muttered the words ‘i’m sorry’
Ah shit.
This was part you were dreading. The first thought coming to mind was him telling you he’s sorry for making you think the two of you could be anymore than you already were. You told yourself you were fine with it, but the feeling of your heart sinking told you you weren’t.
He must of felt your disappointment, his arm tightening around you slightly whilst his other hand cupped your jaw, tilting your face up to look at him. His eyes looked soft and from the slight smile that played on his lips you thought it best to see what he had to say rather than get up and run.
‘All the cocky bullshit with you, it’s always just been a front. Truth is, the way you make me feel scares the shit out of me’ he told you gently. Your eyes pleaded with him to carry on, but the tsunami in his tummy was holding him back. He rested his head on top of yours and closed his eyes, figuring it might be easier to tell you how he felt if he wasn’t looking straight at you.
‘I’ve liked you from the first moment I saw you. Before that even’ he chuckled. ‘Recce talked about you all the time and I’ve always wanted to meet you but you make me more nervous than anyone else I’ve ever known. I think about you every second of everyday and I kick myself that I’ve never been able to just grow a pair and tell you’
You could feel his heart racing in his chest, the tempo matching your own at his words. You slowly stroked your thumb over his hand in an attempt to calm him so he could carry on, your gentle touches only making him fall for you even more.
‘I guess I just thought if we carried on the way we were then I’d still sort of have you. Like the fear of you rejecting me was worse than only having you a little bit’ he chuckled and you nuzzled into his neck a little at his confession. ‘I didn’t mean to make you feel as bad as I did though, half the time I wasn’t even trying to tease you I just wanted to be near you. I know I should of just asked you how you felt but if you haven’t noticed I’m not all that smart sometimes’
You shifted on his lap so he’s had to look at you, you noticed the pink tinge to his cheeks from all of his confessions and all you wanted to do was kiss him. His smile mirrored your own and you were now ready to share your feelings in the same way he just had.
‘Why don’t you ask me now?’
‘Ask me how I feel about you’
He took in a deep breath and shook his head lightly with a smile, almost like he couldn’t believe what he was about to do. ‘How you do you feel about me, y/n?’
Come on girl, you got this.
‘I think about you every second of everyday, too’ you whispered, causing him to giggle and burry his head in your hair. ‘It’s true, I’ve always liked you Mase. Maybe I could have been a bit braver and told you first but I couldn’t get the words out. I didn’t know for sure you liked me the way I like you and I guess I was kinda the same? I was alright with having you a little bit but that fear of rejection was holding me back’ you told him and you felt him nod into your hair and hold you that tiny bit closer. ‘I didn’t wanna go on dates with other guys but I couldn’t take not having you anymore and figured it would be a good distraction so I could move on from you but no one ever made me feel like you do’
He moved again so he could look at you, his thumb stroking over your jaw softly and a slight look of guilt dressed his face. ‘I’m sorry I made it get to that point I never meant to make you feel that way. I hated seeing you out with someone else today like it proper hurt but I suppose it gave me the kick up the backside i needed.’ you chucked and turned your face in his hand to kiss his palm. It felt amazing to finally be this close to him but the little voice in the back of your head was stopping you from fully enjoying it. Mason must have sensed your change and tilted your face back up towards his. ‘What’s wrong?’
‘Nothings wrong, just what happens now? Where do we go from here?’
‘Well if you’d let me, I’d love to take you for dinner tonight. Like a proper date?’
‘Two dates with two different men in one day, what will people think of me’ you teased and he just laughed at your silliness.
‘Yeah well I’m saying this mornings one didn’t count. I have a funny feeling you won’t be seeing Charlie the crypto king any time soon’
You felt your face flush in embarrassment but his lips on your cheek made you smile. You snuggled into him more and he moved to lay down taking you with him and after a few moments of silence you felt his breathing getting heavier so you kissed his chest and settled down next to him.
‘Wake me up in ten minutes’ you heard him say softly and you tried to hold your giggle in at his antics.
‘Sure thing Mase’ you whispered and lent back as the face you adored slowly drifted off.
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dvinity01 · 4 months
Strawberry Cow-Boy, Mako
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Initially made him for myself and im already so attached to him!! 😭💖🐮i love him so much but i have to give him up because i know I won’t be doing anything with him other than hoard. So hes up for grabs. Tried to make him in jelly style? But ended up sorta cartoon-anime-ish. -comes with 3 separate art that I’ve pasted in image- 🟢[[𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍]]🟢
Bid to adopt! 🌸🐮🐄 🍓🌸
Starting Bid(SB): $60 USD Minimum increase(MI): $4 AUTO-BUY(AB)1: $110 AB2: $175 (can add more details about him in the sheet like name etc + commercial use)
In the case of multiple AB options: AB1= auction closes in 24hrs, so others can still place AB2. AB2= auction closes right away) ———————————————————————————
Currently accepting Payment through 𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐏𝐚𝐥 and 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢 only!
🔷Payment in USD
🔷 Other currencies also accepted but exchange rate should be equivalent to the mentioned price in USD
🔷 you can do whatever you wish with it after you’ve done your full payment ✯ 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 𝐀𝐋𝐖𝐀𝐘𝐒 𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐓 𝐌𝐄 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐏𝐓/OC 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐢𝐠𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞✯
🔷 image without watermark, transparent png, and higher resolution will be sent after full payment.
🔷 reselling of adoptable is allowed for less than or at the same amount (unless extra art has been made)
🔷 please inform me incase you’re unable to pay, DO NOT GHOST ME=BANNED
🔺No Returns/Refunds ◽️I can offer payment plans if needed (but paypal fees to be covered by buyer) ◽️i can hold for AB or Bids higher than SB
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sputnikodin · 5 months
re: the watcher anger
i know $6 a month isn't a lot in the united states, but they have a pretty international audicence and with currency exchange, $6 is a lot. like in hong kong that's $50 a month, mexico its 102 pesos a month, in the phillipines that's 345 pesos a month, in argentina that's 5,221 argentine pesos--you get the idea. hell, i live in the us and i can't even afford to spend an extra $6 a month 😭
i agree on paying creators fairly, and i know watcher has 25 employees who deserve to paid. but the channel already pulls in over $100k a month from patreon alone; they also make bank from all their sponsors and merch sales. i mean, one of their main series is steven lim eating expensive food like gold flaked beef. i mean, he has a new tesla!
idk it just feels like that ceo thing where they aren't happy with consistent success, it needs to be increasing success. but ofc idk them, i'm just an outside observer so idk the full story, etc.
first up -- i actually think $6 a month IS a lot for some people in the US & have talked in private w friends about how i wish they'd started at like, $1-$3/mo or smth because even that would make it more affordable for a lot of their fans :-) just to clear that up! $6 is a lot when most streaming services that offer way more than 2x as much content cost like 2x as much on average (i think? the only streaming service i have is for baseball, i pirate everything else so idk). $6 a month is also a lot, Period, for many people, regardless of context. it's the principle of paying for it at all that was my main point in that post
to everything else -- great points and i appreciate the info and your perspective. re: money i know $100k/mo sounds like a lot + they have the other revenue sources you mentioned but i think it's important to keep in mind that they're not just paying for their own/their employees' lives but also funding the shit they make -- travel, gear, production costs, everything they need to buy for the videos etc. like it's not JUST 28 paychecks that the money is going towards but also the necessary costs of the job itself. not to mention that at least shane steven and ryan live in a super HCOL area ($100k/yr for a single person is literally considered "low income" in san francisco lmao & i dont even wanna know what it is in los angeles). they could still be making bank, idk! i have literally no idea what their finances look like, i'm spitballing the same as everyone else. but i think shit costs more than a lot of people realize
i have zero argument with the frustrations with how expensive this will be for their non-usamerican audiences, i'm really sorry that they didn't roll out different prices for different locations or like ... seem to take that into consideration at all. like i said in the original post, i have no beef with anyone who is personally upset about getting priced out of content they love. honestly my only point here is that i do not doubt at all that everything they release on watcher will be uploaded to piracy sites by people w accounts & that everyone anywhere who is capable of piracy (ik some countries are harsh about it but # of countries where it faces strict repercussions < # of countries where watcher's pricing is prohibitively expensive afaik) will be able to access it, and i bring that up more in hopes that it's encouraging for people worried about getting to still watch their content than bc i'm trying to argue anything
ultimately i still think this was not an outrageous thing for them to do & i empathize with people who are pissed and sad with the Way this is going down but i still at the end of the day think we gotta adjust to artists wanting & requesting to be paid regularly and directly for their work cuz that is the world we live in rn. it sucks but i can't get mad at them for it
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key201303 · 3 years
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Pairing: undercover!Hwiyoung x fem!reader ft. Sf9 members as mafia members
Warnings: mentions of death, guns, smut, suggestive content, mentions of a fight, mentions of jelousy
Word count: 1.8k words
Genre: Mafia AU, angst, fluff from time to time, smut/suggestive content
Plot: being the daughter of a dealer wasn't easy, especially when he had so many debts and was now dead. Ever since your dad passed away, you've been paying his debts with your own life and body but fortunately that is about to change when a charming boy appears out of the blue to save you. But, is he going to give you a better life or you're just changing the location of your doom? Is he trying to protect you from others or does he also want to use you like an exchange currency like everyone else did?
A/N: I'M FINALLY BACK 😭 I'm so sorry this took me so damn long to update but I finally had some time to sit down and write it 🤧 Things are starting to get flirty with this two and they won't be able to hide their love for each other for much more 🤭 just wait for what's coming 🤭
Taglist -> @staysstrays @grungiejaems @io-is-lame @ailoveyuta @jaysbestie @mayfifolle @slut-for-fandoms @forevrglow (ask me to be added!)
Unable to tag -> @i-sa-bella @user127dream
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Days kept going by and what you thought it would be temporary, it actually turned into your daily life. Soon you got pretty used to Hwiyoung’s presence and soon you both grew into each other like you have been friends since forever. Now, instead of feeling weird with Hwiyoung being by your side day after day, you felt empty if he wasn’t sitting next to you sharing a bowl of your favorite noodles while he talked about some random event that happened at the police station. And you were not the only one feeling better knowing he was there, he also felt more relaxed when you both were having breakfast, he wearing his own pyjamas and you wearing a warm hoodie of his, talking about your dream and discussing who had the weirdest dream that night. Finally, you felt safe in someone’s presence and finally you could call somewhere a safe home. It felt a bit weird and it kind of made you feel shy that both things had to be by Hwiyoung’s side. You were completely unable to forget those words he said a few weeks ago when you were going back home.
“I always wished to have someone with whom I could share my life and thoughts. Good and bad ones. So I could feel like I wasn’t all by myself in this shitty world.” You suddenly confessed. You didn’t have a reason to open your heart out of the blue, you just felt like doing so. After all, he was the reason for your smiles lately, he definitely deserved having an explanation about your thoughts. “Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?” Hwiyoung suddenly said. He sounded really convinced of what he was saying but you couldn’t help the nervous laugh that escaped your lips when he pronounced those words. “Are you throwing such a terrible pick up line at me?” You said laughing, making him slowly laugh as well, probably full of embarrassment. “I guess I’m not that good when it comes to flirting.” He said giggling, locking his eyes with the floor and scratching the back of his neck, too embarrassed to look down at your laughing figure.
Did he mean those words for real or was he just messing around? You were confused yet grateful that the same feelings that have been blooming in your heart in the past month were also blooming in Hwiyoung’s heart like roses do on a beautiful day in the middle of spring.
“Are you okay?” A familiar male voice knocked you out of your world. You have been too immersed in your own world that you completely forgot you were sitting in that cafe waiting for Chani and Dawon like any other day. “You look like you just saw a ghost.” Dawon added, giggling a little at your surprised expression. “I just didn’t expect you to arrive this soon.” You said, shrugging off the fact that you were immersed in your own world. “We don’t like making you wait. But it’s a secret, you shouldn’t tell that to Youngbin, we’re always late to his meetings.” Chani said, taking his seat and laughing at his own comment, making you laugh a little as well before sipping your coffee. It was curious how you also grew so close to those two boys as well. In the beginning, meeting Chani seemed to be just casual and part of destiny’s plan for you but soon, both of you started to meet every afternoon in that cafe to just enjoy a delicious hot drink and talk about random stuff, trying to get away from the nightmare you both were respectively living. And soon, Dawon decided to join your little meetings. making them funnier and more healing for both of you.
Somehow, you felt your heart ripping apart whenever you looked at both of them. You couldn’t understand how life could be so cruel to put such kind and good people in such bad situations. Chani had to be in the mafia just to save his brother’s ass and Dawon had to be there to take revenge on his parents murder, just like you. Whenever you remembered his story, you couldn’t help seeing yourself reflected on his self.
“Come on, tell me why you’re there. It’s not like I'll be surprised or anything. I’ve heard pretty terrible things lately.” You said, trying to convince Dawon, who was sitting in front of you avoiding your gaze shyly, to tell you how and why he entered Youngbin’s group. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to judge you.” You added, taking his hand in yours, reassuring him and giving him the confidence he lost ages ago. “Rowoon and his team murdered my parents. He didn’t have a reason, he just did it because the owner of the shop they worked in had debts with him. My parents had to pay for that asshole’s debts and I will never forgive him for that. I just entered Youngbin’s group because he promised me we could take revenge. After that, Youngbin said that I had nowhere else to go and he was right. He just convinced me to stay by his side once my wishes were fulfilled because I had nobody else in here to go with.” Dawon finally explained, a few tears threatening to escape his gleamy eyes at any time if he kept talking about his family.
You felt like you have been living in a lie for all these years. Your parents always taught you to do nice things so your karma was good and good things happened to you. But honestly, after living all the things you had to go through and seeing how those two boys did whatever it took to be nice to others and still life treated them so bad, you lost all hopes on that stupid fairy tale called ‘karma’.
Little did you know they were just getting close to you so they could finish the task Youngbin gave them after promising they would be able to leave his side if they could get your ring and give it to him. It broke their hearts to use you like that. They perfectly knew how you felt about it after you let them know plenty of times how you hated when everyone used you as an exchange currency. But it was the only way they had to escape that nightmare.
Hours went by and soon the sun started to disappear, creating an amazing color palette of oranges and purples tones that were worthy of an art masterpiece that belonged to the most prestigious museum of the city. “I should get going, it is starting to get late.” You said, grabbing your jacket and standing from your seat. “Are you sure you can go alone?” Chani said, a slightly worried tone appearing in his voice. “It’s okay. I don’t have to go that far.” You said flashing a soft smile at the boys before leaving.
“Are you sure we have to keep doing this?” Dawon asked, a sad tone appearing in his soft and deep voice. “It’s hard for me too, but it’s the only way we can get rid of our debts with Youngbin.” Chani said, finishing his coffee and standing from his seat. “Let’s go before he misses us.” He added taking his jacket and walking out of the little cafe with Dawon.
“I’m home!” You said as you entered the little apartment, removing your jacket and shoes before entering the living room and before Hwiyoung scolded you for entering wearing your shoes. “Where the hell have you been? Have you seen what time it is?” Hwiyoung said, the word mad written all over his face. You couldn’t help the smile creeping your lips at the sight of Hwiyoung waiting for a good excuse to explain why you arrived so late. He looked like a dad ready to scold his little kid for eating the last cookie. “Are you seriously laughing??” He said, anger growing more and more inside him as he saw your face expression. “You just look so funny acting like that.” You said, mocking him, not really knowing he meant every single word he said. You thought he was just kidding like he used to do sometimes but, actually, he was talking really seriously this time. “This is not a joke (Y/N).” He said, removing the smile from your face. “What do you mean?” You said, a more serious tone appeared in your voice when you noticed it wasn’t a joke and that he was really serious about his question. “I just went to a cafe with Chani and Dawon.” You added when he remained silent waiting for you to explain yourself. A sigh full of anger escaped Hwiyoung’s lips, making you frown at his sudden behavior. “You really went out with mafia boys??” Hwiyoung said, turning around and throwing his hands to his head in disbelief. “Don’t call them that.” You defended them. “Great, you even defend them.” Hwiyoung said, clearly annoyed by your actions and comments. “What the hell is wrong with you?? Are you jealous or what? You’re starting to act like Rowoon.” You said, finally entering the living room and back facing him, mirroring his annoyed expression. What the hell was wrong with him? Everything was nice and all and now he’s acting like an asshole out of the blue? “I’m not jealous! I’m just trying to protect you.” Hwiyoung said, walking behind you. “I saved you from a mafia group and now you start hanging out with another?? How do you want me to react??” Hwiyoung said, grabbing your wrist and turning you around so you could face him. “I didn’t ask you to save me from anywhere.” You said, piercing his soul with your eyes. You knew you would regret saying that afterwards but you couldn’t help saying so after he used that excuse like you owed him your life when you didn’t even ask for his help. “Yeah you didn’t ask for it but if I didn’t get you out of there you would be dead by now.” He said. You remained silent. You had nothing to say because, even though you hated to admit it, he was right. You really owed him your life.
Without saying a word and with frustrated tears threatening to escape your eyes, you got rid of Hwiyoung’s embrace around your wrist and went to your room, slamming the door behind you. It didn’t matter how much you wanted to deny it. It didn’t matter how much you tried to hide it. If it weren’t because of him, your name would be beautifully engraved on a stone and he would have to visit you at the graveyard.
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louiscassettes · 3 years
i say i understand it because when it comes ti charting and marketing yourself for the gp, uk and usa are the places you should be targeting. it doesn't mean it's fair or right, which is why it frustrates, angers and saddens me. you said it yourself: latam and south asian are ALWAYS at the top of the lists of countries with most streams, most views, more mentions and etc. everything we do, we do with 500x more intensity and determination than other countries but still it feels like it isn't enough, bc we'll always get overlooked in favor of usa and uk. it's crazy that i see so many people dreaming about meeting louis and i can't even do that, bc what's the point? there's no way it's happening to me. i can't even buy his official merch because my country's currency make it impossible. and while i complain about it, at least we still got tour dates, unlike india and other countries where is fantasy is massive, which doesn't make any sense to me. it hurts me that the general rule for latam and south asian fans is that we should be happy we got at least something (if that) while usa and uk get god knows how many dates when they don't even make them worth it.
hii, and no no, i completely got you. I get why usa is targeted especially with respect to charting. I was honestly just being petty 😭
because exactly, we have higher metrics in every category that we can (which is essentially every online thing) and yet artists do not even have us on their tour maps. and this is with respect to all western artists tbh. and while latam does get some dates (though not enough), countries like india and phillipines and others which I know have so many die hard dont have a single show. like im literally willing to travel across the country but if only someone would come here lol. whereas ONE venue, not even the city or state, but one single venue has MULTIPLE shows in usa and uk
and as for the merch, I agree with you again. the high exchange rates and extra expensive shipping (which again i know is because of the distance but still) make it so impossible to even buy the one thing that is somewhat available to fans across the world equally.
it is simply a no win situation overall currently. but it doesnt fail to make me frustrated even though I know there's nothing I can personally do.
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cocksuki2 · 2 years
I’m glad you made this blog! I actually really didn’t mind when you talked on your main too.
Also since I guess we’re sharing things, I feel like I’m the only person who ships Denki and Power :( like I know they’re just friends BUT ITS JUST SO PERFECT??? LIKE THERES NO FICS ABOUT THEM, no ppl talking and it suckssss bc I just want someone to confirm I’m not crazy for thinking they have chemistry
hehe im glad to hear that!!! honestly, it wasn't so much a matter of people minding me talking abt myself and my life but moreso wanting to connect a little better with people who like the same things as me.
plus... that blog has a rather large audience and it makes me nervous to be myself 😭😭😭 it's quite a few people listening to little old me talk and I'm actually a rather private person (or i prefer to be). i didn't like the way it felt to blast opinions and personal stuff to that many people.
also.... ur not WRONG. i really really love denji and power platonically but I've also said before that they could have fucked and i would have been more than fine with it. they're also both just SO HOT like.... idk they could have platonic fucked and i wouldn't have been mad.
personally, i just really like them as siblings/besties though. like yes, they might have chemistry but it makes sense from a narrative sense that denji has people in his life like family. the whole manga poses the question of love and human connection in a world that seems to want to tear those things apart. it's about how love changes things (with an emphasis on familial love).
denji grew up without a proper family and in extreme poverty, aki lost his family young, and power is a devil with no real concept of family. these three come together and become each other's family and it quite literally changes their entire perspective on the world. for the first time (in either forever or a very long time) they experience unconditional, familial love with no strings or conditions. they are free to love each other, support each other, and be there for each other.
not to mention, the manga also focuses on inherent power imbalances present in sexual desire. denji wants makima who uses that desire to her advantage, himeno tries to have sex with him as a superior (and adult) and only when she draws boundaries does their relationship become equal, reze seduces denji in order to kill him and uses his affection and sexual desire against him. that manga talks a lot about sexuality in exchange for things and sexuality as a social currency (i mean, they literally use sexual favors as a currency for denji). all of denji's sexual desires and relationships have some underlying power dynamic that is pivotal to the story. so like... idk im just personally very much on the platonic denji and power train, if only because denji and power both deserve familial love free of the currency sexuality provides within the story.
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Notes on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
I reread the second Harry Potter book starting in Glasgow and finishing on my first night in Luss, along the shore of Loch Lomond. 
“What Harry found most unusual about life at Ron’s, however, wasn’t the talking mirror or the clanking ghoul: it was the fact that everybody there seemed to like him.” Literally all they do is feed him and actually listen when he speaks 😭
Harry says you can’t use wizard gold in Muggle shops so he’s only rich in the Wizard world, but Hermione somehow buys things so there’s definitely a currency exchange, so either plot hole or he’s dumb
Harry hides in a cabinet at Borgin and Burkes and I always wondered if it could have accidentally transported him to the Room of Requirement
I love fist-fights when they’re magic because then you know they’re really mad
Ginny almost leaves the diary at the Burrow. 
Rare moment of sympathy for Malfoy, who stays at Hogwarts at Christmas—parallel with Harry, whose friends stay to stay with him—there’s no actual reason for Draco to stay, so did he just not want to go home?
How arrogant/self-centered Tom Riddle is: he doesn’t turn Hagrid in to avoid suspicion, or even just because. No. He turns him in only when the headmaster implies Riddle won’t be able to stay that summer at Hogwarts if they don’t find a culprit.
Ron love: When Malfoy says shit about Hermione, it takes both Dean and Harry to hold him back from killing Malfoy with his “bare hands”—Ron doesn’t face the spiders for Harry or Hagrid. He gets the courage to do it for Hermione.
There’s a mention of Hagrid having raised werewolf cubs?? Do werewolves have babies or cubs??
“You’re a wreck...You’re ugly, you’re foul!” Get him Harry, damn
It’s good Dumbledore didn’t tell Harry anything too deep about his suspicions about horcruxes because then Harry would have told Riddle in the Chamber
I like the book better because Harry doesn’t majestically pull out a sword, he puts on the hat and it hits him in the damn head
Ok so Fawkes is magic and flies them out, right? Well, how did Riddle get out of the Chamber when he used to visit all the time?? Did he ride the snake???
near the end of the 2nd book they all “practised disarming each other by magic. Harry was getting very good at it.” Harry could have finished his education there honestly
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key201303 · 3 years
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Pairing: undercover!Hwiyoung x fem!reader ft. Sf9 members as mafia members
Warnings: mentions of death, guns, smut, suggestive content
Word count: 1790 words
Genre: Mafia AU, angst, fluff from time to time, smut/suggestive content
Plot: being the daughter of a dealer wasn't easy, especially when he had so many debts and was now dead. Ever since your dad passed away, you've been paying his debts with your own life and body but fortunately that is about to change when a charming boy appears out of the blue to save you. But, is he going to give you a better life or you're just changing the location of your doom? Is he trying to protect you from others or does he also want to use you like an exchange currency like everyone else did?
A/N: We're psrinting towards the end of this series and ngl I don't want it to end 😭 hope you guys enjoy this fluffish chapter ❤❤
Taglist -> @staysstrays @grungiejaems @io-is-lame @ailoveyuta @jaysbestie @mayfifolle @slut-for-fandoms @forevrglow (ask me to be added!)
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“A promise is a promise. You better be bringing the ramen before I change my mind about letting you go out alone.” Hwiyoung said through the phone speaker as you were on your way to the nearest convenience store to fulfill the promise you made a week ago. You didn’t really know at what point of your ridiculous life you changed deals with your own body or money for food deals but you had to admit you liked them more than the first ones, especially if it meant spending some time with Hwiyoung.
Even though his words at the shooting range kept repeating in your mind like a mantra, you couldn’t help feeling slightly attracted to that boy. Maybe it was that he was pretty handsome, don’t try to fool yourself, or maybe it was that he has been the only one paying attention to your feelings and worried about you in the last months, but you had to admit that, slowly, your mind was clouded with thoughts involving him. Whenever he went out of the small apartment, whenever he handed you a piece of pizza on Friday nights while you watched a movie, whenever he fell asleep on your shoulder because he was too tired to stay awake while watching TV, whenever he went to take a shower… Geez, (Y/N) what the hell is wrong with you?? Stop thinking stuff like that, you’re just a friend for him or not even that. Stop being so damn delusional. You thought to yourself, mentally facepalming yourself as you took the ramen bucket he let you know was his favorite. Why can’t I get him out of my mind? How is it possible that I get so immersed in thoughts about him? You kept asking yourself, completely clueless about the reason why you were feeling that way towards the long haired boy. Is it because he’s a policeman and I have a thing for men in uniform???? Nah, what the hell are you thinking about (Y/N)? Though it could be a good reason, he really looks good on that leather jacket of his. You kept talking to yourself as you waited for the girl to tell you the price for the two ramen buckets. “Excuse me ma’am, it’s 1176 ₩.” The girl said once again, finally knocking you out of your little trance. “Oh, yeah, I’m sorry. Here, thank you.” You said, bowing at the girl and giving her the money before you exited the store to head to Hwiyoung’s location.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Hwiyoung said, surprised yet with worry written all over his face as soon as he saw you entering the police station offices. “I brought your ramen, didn’t you say I had to keep my promise?” You said, handing him the bag with the ramen buckets and giving him a confused look. “Have you gone crazy? I didn't mean you had to come here with this. If someone sees you in here they will suspect.” Hwiyoung whispered into your ear as he took the bag from your hands. You remained silent, looking at him with an apologetic look letting him know you didn’t think about what the consequences of you going to the police station could be. “Come here.” He said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you to a random room.
As soon as he opened the door, you found yourself on a beautiful rooftop. He lowkey knew he would have to take you there someday if he wanted to keep an eye on you and, actually, he really liked the idea of eating lunch with you in there, making you both feel like normal people even if it was just for a short span of time. “Next time you decide to come here, remember to at least wear a face mask so others can’t see your face that easily.” He said, letting you get on the rooftop and closing the door right after him. "I would have thought about that if you didn’t call me in a hurry to buy the ramen buckets.” You complained, trying to excuse yourself so he wouldn’t nag at you, just like a kid trying to get rid of their parents’ nagging. “Yeah, and you still just bought two…” Hwiyoung said disappointed as soon as he opened the bag and saw you just bought one bucket for each. “Tsk, how much did you want me to buy??” You said, ready to nag him for eating so much junk food, but backing off when you noticed you were nobody to nag him about eating badly. Not only because you did exactly the same but because you were actually nobody to him even if it hurt you. Little did you know how you have been clouding his mind as well lately.
“Were you hungry?” Hwiyoung said, a weak smile threatening his lips as he watched you desperately eating. “It’s been ages since the last time I ate one of these.” You said with chubby cheeks and a wide smile spreading on your red lips. You couldn’t remember when was the last time your dad bought you a ramen bucket and you shared it with him. You could even bet it was when you were still in school and he had to deal during the night and he could barely get out of bed to pick you up from school. Hwiyoung, on the other hand, has eaten that ever since he started helping his dad at the police station. He was so immersed and busy on the different cases that he barely had time to think about cooking or even eating sometimes. Plus he, unlike you, has shared one of those ramen buckets with a lot of people throughout his life. But he had to admit this one was his favorite. Seeing you enjoy the meal as much as you were, made him feel happy somehow. And without even noticing, the weak smile that threatened his lips a few seconds ago, was now spreading widely on his red lips as well as he looked at you ever so fondly.
“You have some soup on the corner of your lips.” He said giggling, slurping and swallowing the leftover soup from his bucket. You shyly took one of the napkins placed on the small table you were sitting at and tried to remove the stain of soup Hwiyoung has mentioned. “Did I remove it?” You asked clueless, avoiding his eye contact. You would have been too shy and embarrassed if you locked eyes with him. “Not yet.” He said, looking at you with a soft yet teasing gaze. Once again, you scrubbed the napkin on your lips in another attempt to remove the stain. “Now?” You asked once again, slightly looking at him but removing your eyes from his quickly. He motioned another ‘no’ with his head as another smile appeared on his lips. “You’re teasing me right? I don’t have any leftovers on my lips, do I?” You said, ready to fight him if he was just messing around. The only answer you got was a soft giggle from him and right after you saw him getting closer to you. His face was suddenly inches from yours, his hand was slightly brushing yours while the other was getting closer to your lips, his eyes were locked with your parted lips and your cheeks were burning in light red for sure. Suddenly, you could feel his thumb caressing the corner of your lip, removing the stain he promised you had. His touch was gentle, making you melt into it.
Finally his eyes met yours and you could feel your cheeks getting even more red if that was possible. “You did have a leftover.” He said, showing you his spotted finger, giving you a teasing smile right after, before he pulled away from you and cleaned his thumb with another napkin. He left you speechless, just like he did when you were at the shooting range. What were you supposed to say after the boy you feel attracted to acts like that? You had no idea and not even he knew what just happened.
A few hours went by and, surprisingly, you both could go back home together. “Wear this.” Hwiyoung said, handing you a face mask. You shyly took it and wore it just like he told you to do. He was kind of right, you could get in really big trouble if anyone discovered what you two were doing. “How come we can go back home together?” You said, swinging your bag back and forth as you both walked back home. “I don’t have much more to do there so why not go back with you?” He answered, looking down at you as he flashed a small smile at you. Even though you couldn’t see it because of the mask, it felt as warm as it always felt. “You know? I could finally feel like a normal day today. Thank you.” You said, giving him another soft smile. You didn’t even know why you were thanking him. Maybe it was just for today or maybe it was because of all the things he has done for you ever since you started living with him. But you suddenly noticed how grateful you were towards the boy walking right beside you. “Why are you thanking me? I did nothing.” He said giggling, moving his gaze from you to the front, admiring the beautiful scenery. “You saved me from hell. That’s more than enough.” You said, honesty reflected on your gleaming orbs. “I always wished to have someone with whom I could share my life and thoughts. Good and bad ones. So I could feel like I wasn’t all by myself in this shitty world.” You suddenly confessed. You didn’t have a reason to open your heart out of the blue, you just felt like doing so. After all, he was the reason for your smiles lately, he definitely deserved having an explanation about your thoughts. “Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?” Hwiyoung suddenly said. He sounded really convinced of what he was saying but you couldn’t help the nervous laugh that escaped your lips when he pronounced those words. “Are you throwing such a terrible pick up line at me?” You said laughing, making him slowly laugh as well, probably full of embarrassment. “I guess I’m not that good when it comes to flirting.” He said giggling, locking his eyes with the floor and scratching the back of his neck, too embarrassed to look down at your laughing figure.
If only you knew how I would love it if that pick up line was real… You both thought to yourselves, completely clueless of each other’s thoughts as you both walked towards the little apartment you both now called home.
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