#todd hockney imagine
fangirl-imagines · 4 years
He Tried//Dean Keaton x Reader
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A/N: I fully blame my new obsession with this movie on @super-who-dat​ for introducing me to it. So thanks Danny ;) If anyone hasn’t seen The Usual Suspects you should do yourself a favor and go watch it. Its incredible. 
Keaton was quiet, his eyes were far away, darting to the files on the table occasionally. Biting your lip between your teeth, you could see the gears turning in his head ion over time. How to play this, the best way out, how do we...he get out of this alive? You crossed your arms tightly across your chest but made your way over to him anyway. Each step was careful, like approaching an animal cornered. You stopped in front of him but he said nothing, eyes still far away, brain still raising. If it came down to it, would he kill you? You were afraid you knew the answer.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
He licked his lips but said nothing. 
"I'd go as high as a nickel."
"No less than a quarter." He shot back, still not looking at you. You huffed a laugh without any humor and sat down next to him. 
"He's been watching us for months. This Kobayashi guy or whoever he works with." 
"I know…" He paused, finally looking up at you. "You don't actually believe in that Keyser Soze bull do you?" 
He raised his brow like he was asking a child if they believed in the boogie man, which in a way was exactly what Keyser Soze was. 
"I don't know." You answered back with a small shrug. "I know there's someone out there who knows how to get to us though." 
Keaton scoffed as you held up the pictures from your file. A picture of you through your apartment window sat prominently on the top. Keaton glanced at it, his jaw clenching slightly but relaxing almost just as quickly when he looked away. He was quiet for a moment as his mind continued to race through scenario to scenario in search of one that would get him out of this alive. 
"Hey, Keaton?" You swallowed thickly to ask. He murmured back in response. 
"Did you really go straight?" 
That stopped him. He turned his head to look at you. You were worrying your bottom lip between your teeth again. 
He sighed, closing his eyes, running his hand through his hair. "I thought I was." 
You nodded. Yeah, it seemed like things really got screwed up for him huh? Across the room McManus and Fenster were starting to argue, McManus throwing his file on the ground in a huff. You shook your head, moving to get up and go break the two apart but a tight grip on your wrist stopped you.
Keaton looked at you seriously. “I tried you know. I really tried.”
He stared you down like it was important that you knew this. You put your hand over his on your wrist. “I know you did.” 
The corners of his lips drew up, he glanced down at your hand over his.“You told me once guys like me couldn’t go straight.” 
“Not for a lack of trying.”
He looked back up at you. You drew in a breath through your teeth as he leaned forward subtly. You felt yourself begin to copy his movements when-
“Na, na, fuck this man!” 
You both paused at the sound of Fenster’s voice shattering whatever had come over the two of you. You held your breath but Keaton straightened up. 
“This is bullshit man. That Kobayashi guy can’t just come in here and tell us what jobs we pull! No way, no way man.” Fenster paced the room, running his hands over his carefully styled hair. 
You sighed, shaking your head. 
“Fester would you calm down?!” You argued. “This isn’t going to help anything.”
“Yeah, well I don’t see you coming up with any ideas!” Fenster argued back. 
“Keaton,” Verbal spoke up from the corner where he’d been standing, watching the rest of you panic. You’d almost forgotten he was there. “What do you think we should do?” 
Keaton tilted his head to one side then the next, before standing decidedly. “Like Fenster said. No one tells us which jobs to pull.”
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alisonfloresus · 7 years
The Idea Behind Contemporary Art And Contemporary Art Gallery
The thought of contemporary workmanship fundamentally implies that the work of art or craft is in principal new. Hence, generally symbolization authorities recognize the period from the 1960’s as of not long ago to be contemporary art, which might incorporate individuals like Andy Warhol, Jack Vettriano, Todd White and many others. Though their works are displayed in all art galleries, they find a prominent place in the contemporary art gallery.
Generally fresher craftsmanship does not get to the extent that as what came hundreds of years prior, however in present times not just is it standing out just enough to be noticed, its worth a fortune. What is more is that contemporary artists with big name who discover their route into the art world frequently in extremes that stand out. Todd White art is one good example of this type of extreme but fascinating artwork.
Contemporary art also has many celebrities endorsing them and it is one of the reasons why this type of work gets attention. For example, singer, Elton John is known to have an exceptionally far reaching contemporary symbolization gathering that incorporates pieces from David Hockney, Warhol, and Helmut Newton and in addition one of the biggest photography gatherings. Some of the celebrities even use their art collection for good causes like displaying them for charity-based organizations who can utilize the money collected for something good. Jack Vettriano Original Paintings that are regularly auctioned online always fetch good prices and if VIPs buy them they are always displayed for great causes.
From extremely lower beginnings, Jack Vettriano has climbed up the world of art and turned into a standout amongst contemporary artists. His most beforehand canvases were duplicates of impressionist artistic creations however; in 1998, he submitted two canvases to the Royal Scottish Academy to be demonstrated in their yearly show. This denoted an achievement in business terms for Vettriano as both depictions sold on the first day of the display and, critically, he was approached by different displays that needed to pitch his yield. The Singing Butler, his generally acclaimed work, which impractically indicates a tasteful couple moving on a shore, is reprinted as postcards throughout the UK. However, purchasing a Jack Vettriano Original Paintings is considered a goldmine in the art world.
On the other hand, specialist Todd White originates from Texas and has had a fascinating vocation way. He began life working in Hollywood for Warner Brothers and was part of the imaginative innovative group behind Sponge Bob Square Pants. This could demonstrate the cartoon-like looks of the individuals he paints in his contemporary plans. Todd White art frequently indicates individuals in dark dress socializing and drinking wine and this could be down to where he is based. Many art galleries around the world always want to display his art though he has not courted them. That is another reason why his work is so popular amongst common people as well as many celebrities from around the world.
from JournalsLINE http://journalsline.com/2017/06/12/the-idea-behind-contemporary-art-and-contemporary-art-gallery/ from Journals LINE https://journalsline.tumblr.com/post/161722171145
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