#togame x you
hanchette · 15 hours
𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐄 : ( wind breaker characters )
a/n : THIS IS SO LONG anyway, part 1/3 of long fluff scenarios as you guys voted!!!!
consist of : fluff, gender neutral reader, crushing stages/established relationship — giving them bento boxes
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𝐇𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐔𝐎, has always been particular in the things he eats and today is no different, except for that fact that you had initially planned to cook for him.
now, suo made a wrong timing or perhaps right? he entered your house with the plan to spend more time with you.
"what are you cooking?" he has his hands hovering around your waist, chin on your shoulder as he looks past your shoulder to see what you are cooking.
"just.. omelette."
"i see~"
you expected him to let go of you and allow you to cook in peace but suo never part from you, one curious eye looking content to watch the the sizzle of the egg as it turns from translucency to yellow.
there's something so domestic with just this that you can't help but allow the silence the linger, "it smells nice."
"food are supposed to smell nice suo." you smile, "like natto."
there's a stiff silence, and you're made briefly aware of how his arms snaked around your middle, face leaning towards you as his breath fans your ear, lips brushing against your lobe.
"I'm not sure about that." his soft and lovingly kind voice tinted with seriousness that it just wants you to fall into heaps of giggles.
"i am." you continue, finding how his displeasure for the natto somewhat hilarious. suo, although still maintaining the usual smile, stiffen more through his actions.
his arms squeezing you lightly as a small warning, "you do know that natto doesn't smell like anything." he adds, although the tone of his voice sounds a tad just defensive.
"i'm kidding~ you know i won't add natto to the food."
"i wasn't saying anything."
"you didn't have to."
it went on like that, small comments and bickers as the two of you stand in the kitchen with you preparing the box, suo every so now and then helping you out with great patience. "why do you have to put it in a box?" suo questions, washing the used dishes diligently as he looks at your 'masterpiece' as you decorate it.
"i was supposed to give it to you." supposed to, but he did dropped by rather early and now you were left with presenting it to him even though the two of you did it.
"ahhh." suo blink owlishly before a smile erupts, "i see."
squeezing the water out of his hands, he then picked a nearby napkin to dry his hand quick and then went to your side, assessing your work. "how creative, so you can make various shapes with it."
"that and animals, like this!" you showed him, making quick work with the nori seaweed to add final touches to the bento, showing it to him with great pride.
suo claps his hands in a proud motion, "you know, y/n-chan, if you give this to a child, they'll be genuinely happy." he comments, humming in delight upon looking at the various shapes and designs that you did using the food.
"yeah, you'll make a great spouse/wife/husband." suo smiles.
𝐊𝐀𝐉𝐈 𝐑𝐄𝐍, "hah..?" kaji has heard of bento boxes, but he never received one personally. no matter how famous he is as a member of bofurin, kaji is also infamous for his unsavory personality as others would describe him.
"what is this?" he stares at the sunny egg that stares at him, looking like a mischievous child with its mouth curving like that of a cat.
"a bento..?" you blinked, looking at his reaction as he reluctantly covers it, "you gave it to the wrong person." kaji gives it back to you, hand outstretched.
you smile at him, lightly pushing the bento box back to him, "no, i think i gave it to the right person, kaji-san." you replied, cocking your head to the side while kaji stares at you, seemingly skeptical before putting the box back on his lap with silence.
he's seated on the side of the street where you found him, near a stairway that leads to a small quaint bridge all alone, according to him, kusumi and enomoto both went for a bit to get something quick from the konbini.
"..." kaji stayed silent, looking at the given present, biting into his sucker as the crystallized candy cracks and breaks into pieces only for him to swallow them and pocket the stick—most likely to throw it later.
the thing with kaji, you would always see him wearing his headphones and taking his suckers, but whenever you're around, somehow, his headphones are off and he'd bite into the sucker to crack the candy in order to throw the stick—therefore, he can talk to you clearly.
he uncovers it once again, staring at the laid out cutesy designed food in front of him, he blankly looks at the food before taking the chopsticks that are set on the side.
he hesitantly takes a bite, as if afraid of ruining your work. though kaji is known with his temper, he can be surprisingly gentle. "so, how is it?" you inquire, smiling at him as you watch his cheeks puff as he chews.
he didn't opt to talk, choosing to chew everything before answering.
"it's delicious..."
he placed another food in his mouth. his reply made you beam in relief, somehow he had enjoyed it.
"then! i'll make sure to bring you another one again!" you settled into a decision, taking a seat beside him on the stair.
"it's unnecessary." he clicks his tongue, taking another bite.
"i want to though."
kaji went silent once again, you can't tell if it is because he is busy eating or thinking about your response too deeply, when he swallows the food, he finally replies. "do what you want."
and with the permission given, you beamed, happy that you'll be able to do atleast even this much for kaji.
the two you sit in silence, it's not awkward, no you'd disagree, rather, it's an itching feeling like a rash attempting to crawl its way except there is none.
you didn't even realized how much you've gone out of reality until you hear slight clanking from your sides. "eh? you're done already?"
and in some way, you can't stop the smile from coming back just to see kaji scowl as he looked away, tucking the box and dirtied chopsticks away. "tch."
"pass it here, i can clean that when i get home." you opened your palm, outstretched as you await for him to place the box in your hands.
"no?" you raised an eyebrow, watching as kaji tucked it beside him.
"i can clean it up," he exhaled, one of his hand going inside the pocket of his pants to retrieve a sucker, "then imma give it back to you next time."
"you don't have to trouble yourself with that you know, kaji-san." you tried again, finding yourself lost why he won't hand it to you.
kaji stood up, the box under his arm, his back facing you. "ren."
"when i give it back to you next time," kaji paused, looking at you through his shoulder, "call me ren."
𝐓𝐎𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐉𝐎, sat on one of the stalls, fanning himself as he popped open a bottled tea, taking a sip before dropping it back down on a table beside him.
the festival is only starting, the lanterns light flicker, swaying left and right in a calming but hypnotizing motion.
you followed sitting beside him with a sigh, able to take a break from the onslaught of customers. today is the same as any other, jo would invite you with him to help the elders in the festival set up and sell their goods. and you would accompany him willingly.
this has been a ritual for how many long now, ever since you met him when he was nothing yet but a middle schooler, now he's in his second year.
it's been a while.
"here." you felt something cool press on your cheek, turning to the side to see togame grinning at you, his hand pressing the cool tea on your cheek. "drink up."
you graciously accepted it, opening the cap as you stare at it. he..
he gave you his own drink..
you shake your head, getting rid of the thoughts before taking a sip.
"heh, that good, yeah?" togame leans forward, his hand holding his head up as he places it on his thigh, watching you chug a good amount. "it must've been tiring, sorry for always troubling you to come with me."
"don't be." you closed the drink, setting back down as you look at him, "i willingly followed you, plus, it doesn't hurt to help every now and then."
a soft grin follows, his lips twitching up as he chuckles lightly, "i thought so."
"ahhhh, I sure am hungry, you wanna grab something real quick?" togame offers, jabbing behind his shoulder where an array of stalls are lined up.
you are suddenly aware of what you had finished this morning. how you meticulously crafted a lunch box to give to togame, frying omelettes and shaping them to small rilakkuma bears, that and how you meticulously shapes the rice balls into more makeshift animals.
"ah, actually-!" you cut yourself, unsure if you should really give it.
would he even like it?
"hm? what's wrong?" togame looks back at you curiously, blinking in surprise as he patiently waits for you to answer.
no matter how loud the festival is, all you could hear is the persistent thump thump thump of your little heartbeat. still, you harden your resolve.
it's the only opportunity you have to confess to him!
"i brought be- bento.." curse it all! was it necessary to stutter? no! so why did you?! it's the nerves that are messing you all up, you breathe out a deep exhale. "ah.." togame's eyes widen in surprise before it morph into a pleased grin.
"you should've said so, chibi-chan." he reaches, ruffling your hair and messing them up, but you couldn't care less for now—not when his large hands, cold from touching the cool tea, are on your head.
sure, togame has been someone you've known for a while now, but even then, you've never shown any interest to deepen whatever kindred that the two of you shared, afraid of widening the gaps if you pour your heart out to him.
togame whistles, gently taking the bag from your shaking hands, "nice one, chibi-chan."
"i told you not to call me that repeatedly." you murmured, slightly pouty but you never sulked, he merely laughs at you, opening the box to reveal nothing but a hidden treasure.
sure, you had burnt a few of it, but nothing too serious to cause food poisoning.
"hmm, they're all animals." he chuckles, popping one of the sushi in his mouth.
"that's because you're an animal." you bicker with him, attempting to hide the look of unrequited adoration through it. this is why, why your relationship with him never fell. never soared. "really now?"
you opened your mouth, but is immediately greeted by a food in your mouth. "chew." togame says, watching as you do so with a chuckle.
there isn't much you could do but follow or waste a perfectly good food after all. "then, if i get to pick what i am..."
"maybe a tern?"
"what is that?"
"a bird."
"why the hell would you pick a bird?" you question, togame merely shrugs, taking another bite and giving another one to you, before he could throw another in his mouth, he points at the paper beside you—which was primarily used to count the sales coming in.
you gave it to him alongside a pen, he wrote something briefly before giving it to you, "here, search it later?" he feeds you another, all the while you grumble why he's continuously feeding you.
when you went home, you opened the paper inside your pocket, going to google to search it only to gasp in shock, flustered.
Courtship feeding is frequently seen in terns.
𝐔𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐘𝐀 𝐇𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐌𝐄, you owed him a lot. umemiya has saved you a bunch of times more than you can count and you're aware of that.
the only saving grace you could offer him was giving him mundane things to showcase your gratitude, and now here you are walking towards the famous school known as bofurin with a lunch bag in your hands.
umemiya has told you many times how much you are welcome to come and visit, although you never had the courage to do so until now.
calm down, calm down, calm down you tell yourself, head hung low and lips pursed as you walk through the halls, feeling gazes on you. they pierce through you that shivers run down your back although you kept on walking. it's fine, you could only assure yourself, after all, tasuku-chan is beside you, making sure that no one will bother you.
"are you nervous?" tsubakino asked, his hand on yours, "don't be!" he encourages, attempting to lift up your spirits as he led the two of you to the top of the school grounds.
you often wonder how he can always be so confident. it's nice. "if anything happens, you can always call me, okay?" he bids you, giving you a sweet wink before closing the door and allowing you privacy.
privacy as you enter the rooftop in search of the man who always intrudes in your mind.
"hm? ah! it's you y/n-chan! wassup?" umemiya notices you in a second, a grace of a smile on his face as he wiped his sweat from the beat of the heat on him as he water his vegetables. "look look!" he ushers you excitedly, and you follow.
ending up beside him as you peer at whatever he is pointing at in a giddy manner. "the tomatoes are already turning ripe!"
so it seems, the shade ranges from a pretty green to gradient of yellowish red. it's growing. "pretty isn't it?" he wears a charming look on his face as he asked.
"uhm, umemiya-san," you started, digging through your bag to offer him a nicely wrapped box, "i came to give my thanks for yesterday.. you know what happened and how i dragged you to my mess then-.." you babbled.
a part of you panicked, what if he won't accept it? oh no what if you burnt something? worse, he doesn't like it?!
before you could talk more, umemiya presses his palm on your mouth, "y/n-chan." he calls your name, unlike before, the excited cheer is gone, replaced by a tender feeling that always has your tummy reeling that sometimes you think you'll need to ask hiiragi for some of his gas-kun10.
"thank you." he tells you, a sincere look in his eyes, "and don't be sorry, you are a part of this town, of course i will always help you."
he takes off his hand, "just call my name and i will come." a part of your mind silences, thinking that you are nothing but somebody to umemiya no matter how hard you try. a part of the town.
but the way he looks so genuine, so sweet as he smiles and looks at you overpowers everything that there's nothing more you can hear but the thudding in your own heart.
umemiya takes the bento from your hands, "now then! bento are better eaten together!"
classic umemiya pulls you up, tugging you to the shed where you know he always held his meeting with his grade captains and his trusty teams.
"uwaahh! these are so good! is that an egg made into a star inside a sushi? ohhh! there's even an octo sausage!" you watch as his face break into a grin, assessing each food with a pleased look.
"itadakimasu!" umemiya takes a bite, humming in delight upon chewing, "so good!" you're sure that if he is an anime, there's flowers all around him.
"here, y/n-chan, ahhh."
"me?!" you gasped, pointing at yourself, "well yeah, we can share, there's enough for the two of us."
"after all, i love eating food with you." how could you say no nor argue any further to that?
reluctantly, you agreed, opening your lips to take a bite off of the chopsticks held towards you, "thank you."
"you're a good cook, y/n-chan." umemiya comments with a bright expression, "i wouldn't mind if you cook for me in the future too." somehow, his words felt deeper than it should be.
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togumie · 13 days
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WINDBREAKER BOYS PROTECTING YOU FROM PERVS. ft. kaji ren, togame jo, umemiya hajime, sakura haruka, hayato suo, toma hiragi, kiryuu mitsuki, & kyotaro sugishita x f!reader
sfw. wc: 2.6K. oh how i’ve been wanting to write this since i finished the manga! but individual warnings are below <3
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referred to as she/her, ‘my girl,’ comments about your outfit
“my boyfriend’s real scary y’know,” your voice falters a bit as you take another step back, hands coming up defensively. “and he’ll be here any moment.”
it’s a lie that you hope sounds convincing— because kaji coming to save you today may be nothing more than a desperate wish of yours. how would he even find you in a place like this? you’re not sure exactly how much time has past by since you’ve started running, but you’re certain that by now, you and kaji should have already been inside the bakery, finally getting to taste test the new fruit pastries you’d been dying to get your hands on.
it started off as just a loud whistle your direction, then led to an uncomfortable conversation about how you’re not interested— and that you have a boyfriend. one thing led to another, and somehow you’ve ended up here, out of breath from speed walking and completely lost— and to top it off, the only person near you is the one you’ve been running so desperately from.
you wish kaji was here already.
"oh yeah?" the man in front of you takes a step towards you, lips contorting into a sick grin when he sees your hands trembling, "i don't see him."
your lips tremble a bit when he reaches you, towering over you with ease. “don’t you dare touch me,” you warn, “my boyfriend will beat your a—” you yelp as you’re suddenly pulled to the side, stumbling into someone’s chest as they pull you flush against their chest.
the familiar scent of candy melts away your fear in a split second.
you can tell when you glance at him just once that he isn’t happy. his forehead is damp with sweat, and he looks disheveled, chest rising up and down with labored breaths— he must have been running around trying to find you this entire time.
your boyfriend clicks his tongue in annoyance, eyes narrowing as he sizes up the man in front of him. “problem?”
he rips off his headphones, letting them hang around his neck as the man feigns an apology, unapologetic eyes looming over your figure again seconds later. “but y’know man, you should be keeping a closer eye on your girl,” he points to you with a smug smile, “she was practically begging for me to say something with the way she’s dressed.”
“i wasn’t!” you protest, face burning as you tug on ren’s coat. you thought your outfit was cute— and definitely not anything crazy— you double checked. you really did. but he’s pointing at you now, rambling on about how you wanted this— and you can’t help the way tears start to blur your vision.
"huh?" kaji snarls, head tilting to leer at the man. the arm around your waist pulls you tighter against his chest, and you hear the angry thumping of his heart. "what'd you say?"
“okay, okay, i’m leaving now,” the man chuckles in defeat, “i was just joking. wasn’t gonna actually do something to your girl,” he waves him off. “you should lighten up—”
he chokes when kaji grabs a fistful of his shirt, pulling him off balance before knocking him backwards, your pursuer falling roughly onto the floor as he winces in pain. “then get outta here already,” kaji glares, a stark contrast to the gentle way his hand is pressing against your lower back to guide you away.
“and don’t let me catch you looking at my girl again.”
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referred to as she/her, ‘my girl,’ you wear his jacket
togame gives you a sleepy smile as he watches you from miniso’s entrance, excitedly sorting through the newly restocked blind boxes. he was resting his back against the wall behind him when he caught his first glimpse of that guy.
he’s wearing a dark hoodie, head turning back to shamelessly stare your direction as he passes by slowly. it’s enough to get togame back up on his feet immediately, quickly heading your way just as the man reaches to get a feel of your thighs—
“how shameless,” togame laughs, big hand squeezing painfully into his wrist. “tryna bother my girl?”
in any other situation, togame would chuckle at your obliviousness, your headphones cancelling out any noise as your eye catches the cinnamoroll section, letting out an excited gasp as you head that way. you really had no idea.
“m-my bad man,” he stutters, ripping his arm from togame’s grasp, “just thought she was my sister— was just gonna tap on her back to grab her attention.”
togame raises an eyebrow at the lazy excuse, leaning down until the man takes a nervous step back, eyes darting to the side to avoid togame’s glare. “sister? that’s my shishitoren jacket she has on, no?”
the man feels heavy beads of sweat roll down his face when togame’s hands curl into clenched fists. “you mean to tell me your lil sis is from shishitoren?”
“i said it was my bad,” he repeats, chuckling nervously. “it won’t happen again okay? i won’t bother her again.”
togame’s hands return to his pockets. “won’t let you off so easy next time,” his voice is low as he steps aside to let him off, “so you’d better keep your distance.”
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referred to as she/her, ‘your girl’
umemiya instinctively perks up when he hears two voices behind him, momentarily tuning out your gushing about how cute the little plant kits at barnes and noble are.
"….she's probably taken."
"is that her boyfriend behind her? think she's talking to him."
there's a chuckle between them. "doesn't matter. go tell her what you just said to me when she's alone."
"what," the man laughs, "ask her if i can grab a handful of that ass?"
more laughter.
umemiya’s jaw clenches, eyes darting back at you in a flash, and he’s relieved when he sees you’re still gushing about the flower kits— completely oblivious to the two men just beyond this aisle. he’s by your side in an instant, arms wrapping around your waist as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“oh,” you turn to press a quick kiss against his temple, smiling when he melts into your touch. “hi, ume. did you find a book?”
"nothing here," he sighs dramatically, his embrace around your middle tightening just enough for you to barely notice, “but we can grab some of those flower kits.”
“of course—”
“hey,” a familiar voice interrupts him with a stifled laugh, followed by a tap on his shoulder. with the roughness, it’s more like a jab— but he lets that slide.
“ah— your friend, ume,” your voice comes off as a mix between a question and a statement.
“hey, my friend has something to ask your girl.”
ume’s jaw clenches again, and your eyes widen a bit at the sudden change in the atmosphere. the first friend’s hand is swat off of ume’s shoulder in a split second, ume straightening back up to look back at them.
their first thought is that he’s a lot taller than they had pictured. a lot more muscular too— and they take note of the way his muscles bulge against the fabric of his shirt. “what, you have business with her?”
they flinch at the tone.
“ah— sorry,” the second friend stutters, “we got the wrong person.”
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“ah— what happened?” your hands delicately cup sakura’s face, ignoring the way his cheeks instantly turn into a deep shade of scarlet. “n-nothing happened!” he weakly swats at your hand, a futile attempt to dissipate the heat spreading through the tips of his ears.
“i was only in the bathroom for five minutes,” you laugh, “how’d you manage to get into a fight so fast?”
he stiffens when your arms come to wrap around his bicep, resuming your ramble about some recipe you wanted to try tonight. macarons…or something. he doesn’t pay much attention, because he knows whatever you end up making will be good anyway.
“—are you listening, sakura?”
the clueless look he gives you confirms it. “so you weren’t. i had a feeling— but it’s okay,” you giggle. “but you didn’t answer my question from earlier either. how’d you get into a fight?”
his eyebrows furrow deeply as he decides whether or not he should tell you. “they were….” he clicks his tongue angrily, “they were talking about you when you walked by.”
you can feel his muscles tense as he deepens his scowl, still trying to fight off the blush plastered across his face, “i just gave ‘em what they deserved.”
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referred to as she/her, mentions of how you’re dressed
"what a bitch. she was totally asking for it.”
"i know— dressed like a whore."
suo stands up from the bench outside your local convenience store, hands dusting off the dirt on his pants. you had asked him to wait outside earlier because 'you wanted to grab him a super yummy snack that he will definitely love!'
he had a feeling the two dirty men who entered the store minutes later were bad news, so he was already on high alert before listening in.
"that whore— you mean my girlfriend?" suo's voice comes out calm, a stark contrast to the sickening anger and pressure he feels building up inside his chest.
"huh—oh. yeah," one of them chuckles, jutting their thumb at the entrance, "that bitch inside your girl? you let her prance around with her tits hanging out for everyone to see?"
he's calm and composed as they size him up, their chins tilting up to look down at him. "she's pretty, isn't she?" and suo fails to stifle the chuckle that escapes his lips, "did she reject you too harshly for your liking?"
one of them balls his fists, muttering profanities under his breath as he leans closer to him. "now how'd you know that? you should really teach that bitch some fucking manners," he reaches forward to grab suo by the collar, eyes blinking in confusion when he finds himself spun behind suo seconds later, feet struggling to find their balance.
“—the fuck did you do?”
"it's a bad habit of hers," suo continues, "i understand it though, not wanting to be around a pathetic thing like you," the edges of his lips tug into a faint smile.
the other man's eyebrows twitch, spitting empty threats as he he throws a wide swing, only to find himself reduced to his knees seconds later. "t-the fuck..." he grumbles to himself— he could have sworn he could practically see his fist connect. what happened?
"you'd be better off looking for someone to protect yourself the way i do for her," his tone is mocking as he heads towards the store's entrance, "and— it'd be really unfortunate if i see something like this happen again."
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"h-hiragi? what are you doing?"
your lips are pressed in a nervous line as your hands come to shyly rest on his chest, sucking in a breath when his arms come to roughly cage you against the train's walls, strong body towering just over yours.
“do you…need more space?” you mumble, heart racing at the proximity. you can smell his cologne so well at this distance.
hiragi simply shakes his head, distracted gaze shifting between you and something behind him every few seconds. "it’s okay."
he swears his stomach isn't churning like this without good reason. it’s not just a coincidence that the same person who he had noticed eyeing you at the boba shop had gotten onto the same train. he could let it go at that, but the same man had been slowly worming his way through the crowd to get closer to the two of you. and while he’s not certain, he thought he saw the man take out his phone and try and angle it beneath you, but not before jolting and dropping his phone onto the floor when hiragi's hands abruptly slammed against the wall beside you.
the train suddenly rocks, sliding his phone to the other side of the train, and you’re knocked off balance, face slamming against hiragi's chest. "s-sorry!"
“it’s okay,” he smiles, hand coming to cradle the back of your head and pull you closer, “you okay?”
"i'm okay..." you mumble, rubbing the bridge of your nose, "your chest is hard.”
he responds with a light chuckle. it’ll be okay like this, he thinks. he’ll protect you with his body for now, and figure out what to do with that guy later.
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‘pretty thing’
"it's no wonder she doesn't like you," kiryuu sighs, "you're gross."
your mouth is ajar as you stare at the state of the man who was harassing you only moments ago, his unconscious body resting neatly against the wall after kiryuu had dragged him there.
"sorry you had to watch that, pretty thing," his hand comes to gently interlace with yours, "but he didn't leave me with much of a choice, did he?"
"it's okay," you whisper, "that was so cool of you."
his eyes widen a bit before his lips curl into a small smile. "you think so?"
"mhm. i don't know what would've happened to me if you were there..." your voice trails off a bit.
you really don't know what would have happened, because it's not like you know how to fight or anything. getting hit on is enough to make you nervous, so a pushy guy like that was too much— you froze up as soon as he started spitting threats after you expressed your disinterest.
there's a light squeeze around your hands, and you're reminded of this gentle warmth that kiryuu always brings with him. "don't worry about it," he says with a small smile, "i'll just need to accompany you more often when you go out. it’s no problem.”
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“you’re like a bodyguard, kyo.”
you giggle at the huff beside you. “how’d you even react that fast?”
it all happened within a second. you were walking beside him, stopped for a brief second to bend down and peer at the plushies lining the shop window, not noticing the man approaching you— his grimy fingers coming to take a peek under your skirt. before you had even registered the feeling of the cloth moving, there was a loud crack, and the man was on the floor, groaning with his hands covering his bloodied face and a very angry sugishita on top of him.
“he made me angry.”
of course he would be. and if you weren’t with your boyfriend, it would be a different story. you’d bring along your assortment of self defense items, ranging from pepper sprays to taser lipsticks— and you’d be a thousand times more cautious, paying extra close attention to everything around you.
with sugishita, however, it’s different. you think of it as being able to turn off your brain… or something like that. whatever lets you truly relax and enjoy your time with him, and it’s always okay because your boyfriend is there to protect you. “well, don’t be so mad, cutie,” you muse, your fingers reaching to interlace with his as he tenses at the nickname.
“everything is okay— i’m okay. i’ll get us smoothies to help lighten the mood.”
he lets you drag him to your favorite smoothie shop in silence— still fuming about the incident. he wonders why you’re not shaken up. if he had been one second later, that piece of shit would have lifted up your skirt. in public. his jaw clenches at the thought, angry eyes darting at any anyone who dares look your direction.
“why’re…” his voice trails off, remembering what ume said about toning down his choice of words around others, “…why’re you so happy?”
“hmm? i’m not too worried,” you chuckle, “you’re my bodyguard right? nothing will happen if you’re here.”
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note: wanted to add endo & some others but hit the 10 photo limit, so pls let me know in a reblog / ask if you’d be interested in a pt 2 <3
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togament · 15 days
omgggggg togame with a breeding kink i 🫣 if he can take care of choji of course he could take care of a baby
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hello, anon! first off, holy shit thank you for planting that idea in my brain. togame with a breeding kink is making me THINK THINGS.
" togame didn’t realize he had a breeding kink until you put the offer on the table. now it’s all he wants to do to you. "
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : BREEDING KINK TOGAME TIME HOLY FUUUUCK, slight praise + degradation combo if you squint, fem! reader, mating press, slight choking, reader is kind of a brat but togame can manage, crying over how good it feels, togame’s going feral, togame’s breeder ballz, togame’s horse cock, togame.
you know the drill. MDNI under the cut. if you’re under 18, shoo shoo now please and thank you.
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“I kinda want a baby,” you say as your sunk into your plush couch, sounds ranging from 2 second long clips of popular pop songs to ridiculous soundbytes emanate from your phone while you mindlessly scroll through your instagram reels. your eyes don’t meet togame’s but you can just feel him staring at you with eyes larger than saucers.
you feel the couch dipping when he moves to see you clearer. “woah, babe. where’s this all comin’ from?” he purred with a light lilt to his voice, already set to tease you about it. he’s placing his phone down on the coffee table to face you fully on the couch.
you got his attention.
“I mean… you can handle choji right? if you can take care of him, then you can definitely take care of a baby,” you follow suit, placing your phone on top of his on the table, mirroring him as you face him too. “just thought you’d be a great dad and all.”
‘—a great dad…’ he echoes in his mind. that… sounds appealing to him somehow.
“babies don’t beat people up senselessly, do they?” he jokes. it’s his own silly way of lightening up the mood because huh? that was such a serious subject to open up about. but then he’s met with silence and you reaching out to take your phone back from the coffee table.
oh. oh you were serious about it.
he fucked up there.
you feel his larger hand cover yours before you even touch your phone. with a chuckle, his voice lowers into a soft drawn out tone. it’s like he’s cooing at you. “hmm. ‘a baby’ or ‘our baby’, bunny?” a smile ghosts his features, an eyebrow raised at you with his head angled towards you. while he’s waiting for you to cool down (it doesn’t take long), he’s raising your hand to his lips, he presses kisses on the back of it without looking away from you for a second.
he wants you to know he’s serious too. albeit a bit more… eager than he’d hoped he’d seem.
“…you know what i mean, idiot,” you add with a roll of your eyes. pulling your hand away, you effortlessly pivot yourself to straddle his lap on the couch. he lets out a small hum with his large hands squeezing your ass cheeks. you can feel his thumbs digging into your hip bones, guiding you to move on his now hardened cock through his gray sweatpants.
“i wanna hear it from your lips though,” he guides you to circle your hips, earning a soft sigh from him when you wordlessly comply. “let me ask it again,” his thumbs reach into your shirt to rub at the skin of your hips. your hips seem like they got a mind of its own. staring down at your boyfriend, you swear there’s a different type of glow to them.
he already knew what you wanted to do when you placed your phone over his and not beside it.
“you want me to take care of ‘a baby’ or ‘our baby’?” he purrs, feeling you soak through your panties. his sweatpants have two darker spots on them now, right under where you’re grinding and one just above it. already succumbing to the pleasure, you shamelessly, deliciously start grinding harder, your hands behind you and steady on his knees. letting go of your hip, he thumbs your clit while you continue riding him. you let out a yelp.
“hm? well, baby? you just gonna ride me dry and leave me hangin’?”
a beat.
“o-our baby.” you moan, throwing your head back while you continue soaking through your shorts, your panties. “our baby, togame- fuck-“
withdrawing his thumb harshly from your clit, he purrs. “good fucking girl.”
expertly maneuvering you so he could have you underneath him on the couch, his hand yanks your panties so they’re just hanging from your ankle. dipping lower, he presses kisses along your clothed chest and down, down towards your sopping wet pussy. licking and gently biting on your inner thigh, he looks up at you to speak once more. “Imma need you to scream that shit later, alright doll? I want the neighbors to know yer getting a baby put in ya.”
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"so we throwin' the condoms away now?" he teases, motioning over to the side of your bed where you leave boxes upon boxes of condoms. you're both on the bed now, clothes haphazardly shed around your apartment. he's prepped you on the couch earlier, eating you out until you were an absolute quivering mess. your thighs are littered with hickies, bites and small crescents from his nails from when you tried to move away -- you were sensitive but he knew you could handle it.
he's hovering over you, staring down at you so lovingly you almost want him to cuddle you instead. his fingers caress your cheek softly and you lean into it, staring back up at him. FUCK. OKAY. gotta keep your head in the game.
you're trying to get bred and your boyfriend is more than willing to do so. "just shut up and fuck a baby into me already-" you groan, hooking your legs over his waist to pull him closer to you. he's painfully hard right now and he so desperately needs that hot wet warmth envelop him but.. what's this? attitude when he's giving you what you want?
he knows your little game. he's gonna play into it like the great boyfriend that he is.
"okaaay, okay. jesus, baby. tryna let me fuck that attitude outta ya?" his hand ghosts along your neck, caressing it before giving it a light squeeze. your smaller hand caresses his forearm.
"should I just get up and leave?" you add, squeezing his forearm, making him squeeze just a bit harder. "I said what I said."
he huffs when he feels your ankles digging into his lower back. "bossy," reaching down, he pumps his cock a few times before painting the pre on your folds. he's licking his lips now, loving the slick that's coating his thick, mushroom tip. "but that's why I fell in love with you." dripping lube onto your pussy and his tip now, he moves.
no prep, no easing in, no whispered assurances. he's fully sheathed inside of you now; he's curved upwards and to the right so he's definitely, definitely pressing up against the spongey part, moving slightly just to caress it from the inside. his pubes pressing tightly against your core as he stills for a brief moment, breathing in through his teeth with a 'hsssss'. "hhhaaa-! god, you feel so good-" gripping your hips and guiding you to place your legs on the insides of his elbows, leaning closer to you, pressing deeper.. deeper. "i think i'm boutta bust-", he's managed to sneak another teasing jab at you before you slap his chest with a soft thud.
"don't you fucking da-Aah~!" you attempt to nag him before he has you folded into the mattress, held into a mating press with his larger and steady frame. his thick member fucks into you and you yelp, digging your nails into his shoulders. you're sensitive, extremely so. after cumming on his tongue thrice earlier, how couldn't you be? y
ou can feel his balls slapping against your ass. "s-good!!!!" your voice goes unheard, already cock drunk while your lover's fully concentrated on give you what the both of you so desperately want. he doesn't respond. he's moving so harshly the bed shakes and creaks. the headboard rhythmically bumping against the wall above you. his thrusts are far from how he usually fucks you though. it's like he's a different demon now.
it's like he's on a mission.
of course he is. he's out to breed you, remember?
with every thrust, every roll of his hips, you can feel he's been holding this back. how he never asked to take you without a condom on, always waiting for you to speak up first. he's savoring it. sweat drips from his curly black hair and down to your chest, naked bodies writhing on the clean sheets of your bed.
it'll no longer be clean when he's done with you.
"i fuckin' love you," he mumbles against your neck, licking a line up to your ear and he whispers hotly, "i love fuckin' you. yer cunt's droolin' fer me, bunny. want that baby so badly?" his voice grows hot against your neck but then you feel his hand snake between the both of you, pinching and rubbing your clit until you're tightening around him even more. "ye-yes," you whimper quietly, meeting his emerald eyes before he rubs faster, FASTER. "remember what I asked, sweetie? i need you to scream. need the neighbors t'hear y--" "fuck-yes!! put a baby in me togame please, oh fucking PLEASE..!!" you scream and beg, earning a satisfied togame.
"that's my girl," he coos, rubbing your clit and thrusting into you deeper and harder, his fat tip pressing kisses on your cervix.
with the mixed sensation of your pussy clenching around him and his throbbing length buried inside you, he feels like he's about to-
"c-cum.. I'm gonna fuckin' cum. where d'ya want me, baby?" he says between thrusts. he stops rubbing your clit for a moment to spit on his hand to rub you again. "fuckin' scream for me."
"inside! cum inside me please!" you do as you're told. he's rolling your clit between his thumb and forefinger to coax out another reaction from you. his eyes never leaving your sweating and writhing form. "l-look at me when I'm cumming-filling this tight pussy up-- put that baby in y-" his thrusts grow sharper, sloppier, you keep your eyes trained onto him, digging your nails into his shoulders. "sh-it!! I love you-uughh!" a groan escapes his lips as he fills you for the first time. his hand stills on your clit while he's steadily sheathed inside you, spilling and throbbing. the warmth is addicting. you follow suit, squirting and tightening around his thick length, back arching from the bed. you tremble underneath him while you both come down from your high.
with a sigh, he barely holds his weight up on his elbows, hovering over you. he leans down to press a loving, sweaty kiss on your lips though.
"happy?" he asks, still breathless.
the brightest of smiles paint your lips before you respond. "let's do that again." "idiot." ♡⋆˙
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a/n: hhehegreehhehe togame. send tweet. tysvm for reading through this and extra tysvm for anon ;v;
p.s: landlord fucking hates you and togame btw lol constant noise complaint after noise complaint. iykyk.
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meguwumibear · 19 days
very quick sfw togame writing warm up before i tackle some wips
If there's one think Togame is good at, it's starting and ending fights. Violence is familiar to him. He was weened on it, in a way. Aggression and anger are comforts, a balm.
"Who do you want me to be, huh," he spits at you. His fights with you are never physical but the bruises left by your words take longer to heal than those left by a fist. "Do us both favor and just tell me."
The look you give him is gentle, disappointed even, soft features slipping, sagging, until they finally come to rest in a pointed frown.
He isn't going for disappointment. He's going for angry. Punching low to knock you off balance. He wants to know your fury. He wants to watch you fight.
"I just want you to be yourself," you say.
And, what kind of sick, twisted shit is that?
Be himself?
Be himself?
When has he ever been anything other than what others want him to be. A doting son. A loyal second. A bad boy you can date to piss off you parents. He has never, not once in his entire fucking life, been himself.
Fuck, why do you have to make things so difficult? Why can't you just tell him who to be? Why won't you just fight him?
"What if..." his voice trails off. He averts his gaze. If he keeps looking at you, the words won't come out right. Reconciliation is unfamiliar to him. He doesn't know what it looks like, but he thinks it might feel like being lost at sea. The ocean waves have a way of smoothing out even the toughest of rocks, "What if I don't know how to do that?"
He chances a glace at you. You're still frowning. Damn, he hates it when you frown. Hates it even more when it's his fault you look like that, all mopey and sad and one wrong word away from tears.
"It isn't too late to learn," you reply. "I could help you if you'd like. It isn't easy, but you can start by identifying what you want, what you like."
He wraps himself around you, tightly, as if to anchor himself to a shore. His arms move ever so slightly with the rise and fall of your chest as you breath. It's soothing. You're soothing. He doesn't want to lose this.
"I want you," he mumbles carefully into the top of your head. "I like you."
You shuffle a bit in his arms as if to turn to face him, but Togame holds you still for him. He isn't ready to see whatever look has made its way onto your face. No one ever taught him to be fluent in sadness. If you frown at him now, he'll break.
"You have me," you whisper, still squirming around in his grip. "Togame, you have me. I promise."
Your words of reassurance should steady him, but he still feels adrift like his land legs haven't kicked in just yet. The room around him sways, tilted on some unseen axis.
Then your hand reaches up to caress his face and all at once everything slows, stops. He's able to get his bearings, to orient himself again.
You are here and you are in his arms and he has you. His hands so versed in fighting are also made for holding.
He suddenly wants your weight. All of it. He wants you to sit on him, to straddle him.
He pulls you down onto the sofa in that exact position. You let out a surprised gasp at the unexpected speed at which he manhandles you onto his lap, but you go easily. Was it not you who just told him that in order to be himself he first had to identify his wants?
He wants whatever you'll give him. Anything you'll give him. If only he could find the words to tell you.
But you must understand what he wants because you kindly press your perspiring forehead against his. Of course you are fluent in sadness. This is a conversation easily had.
He hopes you kiss him. Anywhere. Everywhere.
And maybe, just maybe, he can be himself if it means he'll get to spend an eternity with you.
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cinnabooonn · 3 days
ft. jo togame | you and togame, longtime bestfriends, are getting comfy on the couch, watching a movie, you ask a question and never could have imagined what the answer would be.
f!reader | cw: reader is referred to as ‘woman’, togame being his usual self, just making out ; fluff | note. okay. i had this in my mind for a whole three days, i had to write it down. also, how innocent and oblivious can choji be? | wc. 830 ish ; m.list | reblogs are very appreciated !!
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“so… i was thinking,” you suddenly break the silence that was engulfing you and togame.
the two of you (and choji, who was late) had decided to spend your saturday afternoon chilling on the couch while watching disney movies and eating chocolate cookies.
you were sitting, your mind full of many thoughts, as togame was lying in your lap. one of your hands slid down and slightly ruffled his hair, playing with some of his pitch black locks.
his green eyes were fixated on you, waiting for you to go on.
“what characteristics does your ideal woman have?”
your question seemed to throw him off guard. he blinked twice, a big question mark seemed to make an appearance over his head.
“my what now?” he teased you, a smirk blossoming on his face as he straightened himself and sat next to you.
his irises held a great deal of amusement as he scratched the back of his head.
you suddenly felt flustered at his reaction, mentally reprimanding yourself, wondering why in the world did you need to ask him that.
you felt heat spreading across your cheeks and nervousness creeping up at your heart.
“you know what? just forget it let’s… let’s just keep on watching,” you pointed to the paused movie on the tv and broke eye-contact, turning your head the other way.
but no, togame was not having that.
the two of you were best friends, ever since you could remember. you met him and choji back in elementary school, and let’s just say you’d become dependent on both of them ever since.
“now, [name], i can very much answer your question, mhm?” he cupped your face with one hand and turned your head so you were facing him again.
he was dangerously close. so close you could feel his breath against your nose, and you could see every little detail of his eyes and his lips.
“my ideal woman, huh? let me just think,” he smirked, faking a ‘wait i’m thinking’ expression, as you felt the quickening of your heartbeat.
“her eyes must be like these,” he hovered his hands over your eyes, “i want her nose to be like this over here,” his index finger caressed the tip of your nose, “and oh, her lips,” he looked at you straight in the eye, “they must absolutely be like these,” and before you knew it, his lips forcibly took possession of yours.
you couldn’t resist him. you didn’t want to, so you responded to his kiss as fervidly and passionately as him.
your lips seemed to dance together to the music of your hearts, you almost didn’t realize you were now sitting on his lap, a hand running through his hair, the kiss speaking words you couldn’t utter before.
“i want you as my ideal woman, [name],” he confessed as soon as his lips left yours.
“wait, that came wrong. i want you as my woman,” he enforced, his forehead resting on yours and hope brimming in his eyes.
you couldn't believe it. you couldn’t believe what had just happened nor the things he’d just said. truly, that must've been a joke, right? it was impossible for your friend of over 13 years to like you, to want you, right?
“you mean it? you really-” and before you could finish, he was on your lips all over again, holding onto them for dear life, as if it was his only way of salvation, as if he’d been poisoned and the antidote was held by you and you alone.
you stopped, your breathing heavy, the movie in the background long forgotten poor frozen.
“i would never joke about something serious like this,” he told you with a low voice, no trace of amusement could be found anymore.
you gulped, feeling a rush of adrenaline that was probably your final push towards your courageous decision.
you kissed him again. just a peck on the lips, he had to be content with just that as if the two of you hadn’t had a make-out sesh that lasted forever.
“that was my answer,” you got down from his lap and quickly ran to the bathroom. the rush of adrenaline had worn out pretty quickly.
the brunette was left alone on the couch, an arm thrown over his head as a smile slowly crept up on his lips.
after so long, you’d found your way to him, and he’d never let you go.
“kame-chan!” a loud voice suddenly called. you heard the door bursting open and then closing. “i'm sorry i could only come now!”
choji entered the living room, bags full of snacks in both hands and a smile plastered over his face.
he directed his gaze first on togame, then on you, puzzlement in his eyes. “you guys look reeeally weird,” he said, getting closer so he was facing you.
“kame-chan? why are your lips so red? oh they look puffy too, is it an allergic reaction?”
“wait, [name], why is your face pink?” his attention quickly shifted to you. “well, anyway, let's just watch this movie... oh not fair, you already started, kame-chan!”
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© cinnabooonn — 2024 / this work strictly belongs to its owner, you are prohibited from plagiarising, copying, translating on any other platform.
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ccraccz · 21 days
Hello! I saw that wind breaker requests are open!
May I request some fluff for umemiya, suo, sakura and togame please?
I you could please write about how they would react if they saw their crush crying because they were worried about boys injuries please?
Thank you!
YESYESYES SO CUTTEEE!!! Thank you so so much for the request sweets!!! <333
Characters: Hajime Umemiya, Suo Hayato, Sakura Haruka, Jo Togame x reader (GN! since not specified)
Patch me up
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He usually never got this injured
but the gang that had used you and a few other vendors as hostages had knives and bats that had bruised and sliced at his, and his gangs skin.
After the fight, and after he looked over Bofurin to check for injuries, he quickly went up to check on you and some other vendors
Tears stained your cheeks as he fast walked to you, urgency in each step as he grew closer to you
You both locked eyes, and in an instant, you ran towards him, throwing yourself into his chest and wrapping your arms around him, tightly squeezing before tears restarted flowing down your cheeks.
your tears seeped into his white shirt, that was stained with red due to the scratches and slices on his skin
He wraps his arms around you as you sob, mumbling about how your safe and that he's fine
he brings you home, were you patch him up with sniffles and cuddle him for comfort, where he blushes lightly.
Your hold was nice, and warm, and it was so comforting
He felt sorry that you had to experience such a traumatizing situation, and that you had to see him fight and be serious
he closed his eyes, sitting on the couch as the thoughts of today rush through his mind, staying awake in as images of your terror filled face stayed imprinted under his eyelids.
that day, he did not sleep, even in the comfort of your embrace.
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he barely even gets hurt in general, so that person he was fighting would have to be very fast and diligent in their movements to even be able to touch him
He had been fighting a group with the other windbreaker first years, and the gang leader had been intently watching them, learning their steps and movements.
Suo was the first one who finished fighting the underlings, not even breaking a sweat, and he was the one who decided to fight the leader
since the leader had watched them, he had learned how to counter his fighting style and more
it took him of guard and made him hesitate in a movement which the gang leader used to his advantage and struck him, cutting his cheek in the process due to him falling on the ground before he jumped back up and fought back
it didn't come to mind until he finished the fight with the help of Sakura that the scene was right in front of you place
so after the fight, you running down the stairs of your place and basically shoving your face into his chest and you basically fall on your knees, loud sobs resonating in his ears
tears fell from your eyes like waterfalls, arms tightening at his waist and fists wrinkling his gakuran
he laughs as he pats your head, telling you to not worry, and that he was fine, a blush on his cheeks
he enjoyed that you worried so much for him, enough to sob at the sight of him 'endangering' himself to help the town.
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Get used to it
he loves fighting and getting injured is a part of it
its mostly for the thrill of hurt for him
but seeing you freak out about his bloody nose, bruised knuckles, and scratched face makes him tense
his bright red face basically blended with the redness of his blood LMAO
he's so awkward about it as you bandage his fists, patch up his scraped up elbows and cheeks, and clean him up of dirt
big crocodile tears flow down your cheeks as you clean him up, loud sniffles making him look at you
the tears just kept falling as you rubbed your face to dry them up, but they just kept dribbling down your flushed face and soaking up on his black pants as you sat, kneeling before him on the floor of your place after you patch up his scuffed up knee
he makes a face before standing up, making you look up at him as he grabbed you and made you stand up
he then held you close, holding the back of you head to his collar bone with one hand as the other wrapped around your back and awkwardly patted it
he was at least trying to comfort you, and it was working.
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it was during a festival
a gang had shown up randomly and decided they were going to start some chaos
so they started to robbing food and drinks, destroying the stalls, and even pushing around some vendors
you had been helping out your friends parents in their stall since your friend got injured and their parents were busy selling their sweets as you kept an eye on the hot sugar when you heard the chaos happening a two stalls down
the stall besides yours was being helped by Jo Togame, who had been watching you from the corner of his eye the whole time, a small blush on his face
Togame had hear the chaos happening and asked the vendor to be able to check out what was happening, which the vendor quickly agreed
The male quickly slips on his Shishitoren jacket, the clacking of his geta sandals being loud as he walks towards the ruckus of the opposing gangs show of power
what he got hurt with wasn't an injury from a punch or a kick, but a few scrapes came from how harshly he landed when he tackled the gangs leader, knees sliding on the floor and ripping his loose, monk pants
you had turned off the heat on the sugar and made the last few sweets to be sold before focusing on the fight happening, your friends parents having started to freak out, trying to take care of the elderly around you
you weren't too worried about the people around, more worried for Togame, with how he slid in the rough, rocky ground
the sound of screams and punches were loud, but you could only watch as Togame slowly stands up and tells the gang to scram
you quickly grab the first aid kit that was under you friend's parents stall and rush forward, tears brimming your waterline as you jogs up to him
you grab his sleeve, pulling him to a seat and cleaning his knees and knuckles
you blink, and suddenly your crying, sniffling
Togame blushes, not knowing what to do other than to hold you close
and so that's what he does
he stands and walks away with you, holding onto your sleeve this time and dragging you to a secluded space
the festival was then canceled for the rest of the night
but both you and Togame stick close to each other, looking up at the dark sky that is luminated by the stars and the moon
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faintrustle · 23 days
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4law · 18 days
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃-𝟏 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 — togame jo x f!reader.
your boyfriend can’t help but feel jealous despite being the one to help you win your favorite XL plushie at round one.
1.1K WC. sfw / fluff, arcade, photo booth, harmless jealousy, you wear his jacket, kisses n hugs <3 , reader characterized as wearing lip gloss, being shorter than him, & addressed w she/her, pet names: ‘doll,’ ‘pretty girl,’ ‘his girl,’ etc
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“everything okay, jo?”
you miss the small huff from your boyfriend when you plop beside him, arms stretched as far as possible in a futile attempt to hold your XXL plushie above the arcade grounds.
togame’s eyes shift your direction, silently taking in the adorable sight of you— figure swallowed up whole by his old shishitoren jacket, your hands barely able to peek through the sleeves as you cling onto your newest obsession. this image of you would look so cute in these photo strips, he thinks, if not for the large mass of a cat blocking the view of his pretty girl.
“‘m fine, doll,” togame slows, “but…you’re not gonna leave that thing out there?” he gestures towards the curtain.
it’s silly. only five minutes ago, you were clinging onto his biceps, pouty lips jutting out as you whined about the claw machines being rigged. so of course, he did what every good boyfriend would have done and won the damned thing for you— on his first try, he notes, but that’s beside the point.
“you’re the best,” you had cooed into his ear, balancing your hands on his chest as you went on your toes to place a gentle peck on his cheek as thanks. he can practically feel it all over again— the way the heat rushed straight to the tips of his ears and the way his lips couldn’t resist curling into the faintest little grin from the affection.
of course, it was no problem for him, he thought. never a problem— anything for his girl. he likes to see that happy smile of yours 24/7.
but ever since that thing has been introduced into your life, your attention has been elsewhere.
not on him anymore.
how to get rid of it, he ponders.
“no way i’d put him outside” you retort with a dramatic gasp, “you won this for me after all. i’ve been wanting this one for so long.. and it would suck to have him get all dirty.”
you missed the disappointed click of his tongue as you whip out your pocket mirror, puckering your lips to check if you needed more gloss. usually for photos, more is better— and you want to make doubly sure you’re cute in these because you’re confident he’s going to be carrying them around.
you think the cherry one you have in your bag would be best suited with the lighting, and togame had said you look pretty in that one too. the wide variety of glosses piled up in your little purse was a habit you’ve developed since meeting togame— because boys (or at least this one) just seem to eat it off coincidentally every time you reapply it.
“mm…okay,” you hum to yourself, glittery applicator gliding slowly over your bottom lip. “you ready jo? you picked the one that lets us take two pictures, right?”
with a mildly sulky noise of agreement, a long arm comes to wrap around your shoulder, pulling you into his side in one movement. “ready when you are.”
the camera lights up, and he perks up a bit when you lean into his touch, breathing in the comforting smell of his shampoo. to his relief, you seem to have momentarily forgotten about your plush, the monstrosity of a cat just barely hidden under the photo’s frame as you check your hair in the camera in front.
“ooh, we only have three seconds!” you grin, “smile, jo!”
and he does. as much as a jealous rottweiler could muster anyways— because the moment the flash goes off, you’re already moving off of him to grab your cat, rambling about how to include the thing in the next snap. “wouldn’t it be cute if i rest my chin on it? or would it be cuter if i hug it super tightly?”
he frowns. in a perfect world, you would be clinging onto him instead, repeating the words you told him earlier— you know, when you said he was the best.
he really wants that kind of attention again.
“doll…..” his eyes narrow at the cat as you set it on your lap now, arms squeezed tightly around the thing. you didn’t hear him.
so he repeats the pet name, leaning forward as his fingers come to tuck a stray bit of hair behind your ears. it catches your attention, finally, and his breath gets caught in this throat when you look at him once again.
“hm? you okay, jo?”
“tired…..” he mutters, not sure exactly how just one glance from you has his heart beating this much faster.
“tired? there’s just one more photo! it’s gonna take it soon, actually. are you ready?”
he really doesn’t want that cat in it, he thinks. togame has been wanting keep a photo of you in his pocket, a physical reminder of just how gorgeous his girl is, or you know, something that would make him feel as if you were beside him at all times.
it was his idea to visit the photo booth in the first place, and he refuses to miss this opportunity.
“hold on,” he grunts as he reaches out to suddenly grab you underneath your shoulders, cat accidentally bouncing off your lap and onto the floor as you gasp. “ah-what are you doing?” you mull, hands instinctively grabbing onto his strong shoulders as he seats you onto his lap, “the cat’s gonna be all dirty.”
“‘m tired of hearing ‘bout the damned cat.”
and before you can protest, there’s the beep of the photo countdown, and you’re being pulled into a suffocating hug, barely able to gasp out a “oof— t-too tight jo!” before the flash goes off.
the booth plays a short melody as the sound of the printer starts up. “ah, it’s done,” he muses, relaxed eyes now gazing ahead at the screen— perfect.
your eyes narrow at the sudden change in behavior, your mopey boyfriend suddenly perking up just seconds after he had practically tossed your plushie onto the dusty floor himself.
a gear in your mind shifts, and it suddenly clicks.
“jo…were you jealous of my cat?”
his eyes widen a bit before his glance shifts away from you, eyebrows furrowing a bit.
“wasn’t jealous or anything like that, doll” he mumbles.
there’s a short pause.
“just thought it woulda been unnecessary to bring that thing here—” his frown deepens, “when you have me here.”
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|| When there’s only one bed. || Wind Breaker ||
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thank you so much for the support on my first ever multi character post it gave me enough confidence to try again haha due to certain circumstances there’s one bed don’t question it lol
: Sakura Haruka. Suo Hayato. Nirei Akihito. Umemiya Hajime. Kaji Ren. Togame Jo.
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❥ Sakura is frozen like a statue at the sight of there being only one bed in the room. His brain is taking a while to take in the information, so it’s up to you to bring him back to reality. He’s startled when you suddenly touch him on the shoulder, for some reason you don’t know he’s super red in the face. He’s quick to declare that he sleeps on the floor before you even have a chance to protest and he’s adamant stubborn about it too. When you offered for him to share the bed with you and he almost woke up the neighbors with how loud he declined. Sakura has never slept in the same room as anyone before so this is new to him and he’s nervous about it. At first, Sakura couldn’t fall asleep because he jolts awake from every sound and noise you make but eventually he does. When he wakes up he’s in for a surprise to find you curled up beside him on the floor-arms wrapped around him. Now this time he really woke the neighbors up. Afterwards when you’re both up and awake he’s blushing and stuttering nonstop but realizes that having you sleep beside him wasn’t bad at all, in fact he maybe wishes for a next time.
“Why are you on the floor?! You’re s-supposed to be sleep on the b-bed!”
❥Suo only has a calm smile on his face when he sees the situation. As a gentleman, he’ll offer to sleep on the floor but when you refuse and ask him to take the bed, Suo is quick to offer a solution to solve both your problems. Why don’t you both sleep together? Who knows what will come crawling if you sleep on the floor. You wouldn’t like that, would you? He wouldn’t either. It’s a win win situation. You’re blushing at his choice of words of “sleeping together” while he’s teasing you on how naughty your mind is. You were almost dying in anticipation wondering when Suo will take his eyepatch off but he doesn’t and you’re left disappointed. Suo has no trouble falling asleep while you’re wide awake is what he wants you to think. In truth, he’s actually pretending to sleep to see what you’ll do to him. Maybe take a peek at his eyepatch? Only when he knows you’re actually asleep does lean closer to place a kiss on your forehead whispering good night, and finally lets his guard down, really falling asleep this time.
“I meant just sleeping, but we could do something else if you’d like…”
❥Nirei is having a panic attack because there’s one bed what should he do? The thought of sharing a bed together with you has him burning red. Afterwards, he’ll immediately blurt out that he’ll sleep on the floor. You’ll have to calm him down and tell him that you can sleep on the floor instead but Nirei is also quick to refuse that too. Eventually you’ll have to give up because Nirei is really insistent and even thought of a list of excuses on why he should sleep on the floor instead. When it’s time for bed, Nirei’s head is running overtime with thoughts that he ends up mumbling some of them out in which you hear. Unable to take it you’re now sitting up beside him while he lays down, gently stroking his hair humming him to sleep. He’s flustered but he can’t fight your warm touch, it’s too comforting.
“Suo-san said that s-sleeping on the floor is a part of my t-training!”
❥Umemiya practically ran for the bed when he saw it. Immediately tossing and turning, moving around the bed almost jumping on it. When you offer to sleep on the floor he instantly shuts your idea down before you could finish your sentence. The only choice you have is to agree. Now it’s time to sleep, and Umemiya wasted no time in pulling you to his chest. Saying that he always sleeps using a body pillow but there isn’t one so you’d have to be it’s replacement. You wonder if Umemiya can hear how loud your heart is beating but he doesn’t because as soon as he says good night to you, he's lights out. His grip is iron tight, you can’t wiggle away. You couldn’t fall asleep right away so you spent the time admiring his cute sleeping face. You almost jumped through the ceiling to wake up finding his face super close to yours.
“Oh, let’s have a sleepover party with everyone next time but of course you’ll sleep next to me!”
❥Kaji almost crushed the lollipop he was eating but after a while his face returns to normal. Before you could say anything he already announces that he’ll sleep on the floor. He goes over to the bed and places the pillow on the ground marking his spot. When the time for bed arrives, Kaji mumbles a good night to you before lying on the floor. What he doesn’t want you to know is that he’s nervous and probably wouldn’t be able to fall asleep because you’re going to sleep in the same room as him. He switches to his wireless earphones, eyes closed trying to focus on falling asleep until he feels one of his earphones being taken out. Kaji almost let out a shout to find you lying beside him, with one of his earphones in your ear. You tell him you couldn’t fall asleep so you thought listening to some music might help. Kaji tries to hide his blush by turning on his side away from you but secretly a smile is creeping on his face.
“Urgh fine, you can listen but don’t blame me if you can’t fall asleep!”
❥Togame isn’t worried in the slightest that there’s only one bed. He seems as cool as a cucumber as he goes to sit down on the bed. You’re left standing, cheeks dusted pink, you quickly say that you’ll sleep on the floor but Togame refutes. He says he gets scared of sleeping alone so you’ll have to sleep on the bed with him. You’re steaming red now but you agree nonetheless. In truth, Togame sleeps just fine alone but since you’re here too why not share the bed? Why sleep on the dirty floor when there’s a perfectly good bed right here for the two of you? You don’t know if it’s on purpose but his face is awfully close to yours but when you turn your back on him-he wraps his arms around you from behind pulling you to his chest. Which causes you to freeze, his head buried in your neck, trying to nuzzle even closer, his breathe tickling your skin.
“This is comfortable, let’s just fall asleep like this….” 
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pfpanimes · 4 days
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⌕ wind breaker - togame jo.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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goteique · 1 month
are we still friends? + (togame jo, sugista kyotaro,choji tomiyama,kota sako)
cws. | gn!reader, headcanon + scenarios format, sorta character study, fluff, angst, comfort. | redirect to blog navigation.
syn. | How do they react to confession when the feelings are mutual?
notes. | omg! here's part two. read part one here. enjoy <3
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☆ Togame Jo : "Did Choji put you up for this?" Togame enquires with a sharp tone, eyebrows ever so slightly growing close to each other that it goes away when you blink. The question hits you like a stone on your head. Why would he do that? unless . . . he already did that what's it got anything to do with him? Did Choji pull a prank like this before? and he might have liked them. . . and might not have. . .pushing the thoughts aside  you ask keeping your voice as even as possible,
"Would your answer be any different if that wasn't the case?" Of course, he has his wall high up. Not only that, the surface of the wall is full of sharp spikes so that no one can climb, not even you. It is no surprise that he would be so rude when a wave of affection washes over him. You force a smile upon your face and look down. The empty bottle of the cold drink containing a marble ball that was circling a while ago comes to a halt now. That's right. He should not have said that out loud. It is surprising in the first place when someone like you, so far away from his world is into him and it is even more surprising when you have the heart to confess. He did not mean to sound rude. . .It's just that . . .
"Sorry, I should not have asked that." He says trying his best he can to keep himself. He takes a quick glance at you through the corner of his eyes. Even for a split second, he saw your lips trembling. He curses himself keeping the bottle aside on the bench. "Well, no." His voice is so low, so meek that he has to clear his throat and straighten up before speaking. "No. Absolutely not. My answer would not change." was he scared? wait, he is . . . scared? He has never been the one to pray to God but now, at this moment with all his heart he asks the heavens not to let you cry. He does not wish to witness that since he does not know how to handle it. He has only been known to handle things with violence and dominance, not with talking and kindness. He takes off his glasses and stands up to face you who is still sitting on the bench head down as if gravity is growing stronger at each second. You feel a wind pass by before a cloth rests on your back, embracing your shoulders. You look up with eyes full of water up to the brim. "That's . . . that's my way of telling."
It takes a moment to sink into you what he actually meant and wear his jacket properly thinking how emotionally constipated he is. what is this? A competition? you let out a long hum.
"that's all you have to say?" Togame says impatiently. "I tell you that you like you and all you say is "hmm", huh? You grin from war to ear, and standing up you pinch his cheeks. He does not recoil like a spring-like you expected him to.
"Yeah. You said that now." Togame looks away unable to meet your water-full eyes anymore, warmth spreading over his cheeks, ears and even neck.
★ Sugishita Kyotaro
Sugishita's world is totally mapped out and it all revolves around Umemiya-san. But the moment you said you like him, his everlasting face of boredom did not do much except his eyebrows grew closer together. Is that the face of a surprised person? You ponder but it is meaningless because his eyes are onto you and all he is doing is to inspect you. If the wills and worlds had the potential he would put you under microscope. But even with so much effort all he does is to ask the most stupid question ever. “Do you? Do you really like me? You nod since your throat has become dry. He chins his face for a second and then turns towards you asking with a mellowed tone, “Is it the “i like you as a lover” or ...?” He does not get to finish his sentence while you cover your face and nod tremendously. almost five times in a row. His eyes spread wide. You are covering your face. You do not wish to see his reaction, nor prepared for the answer he is about to give. You feel a feather touch around your wrists as he whispers, “i do too. I like you too.” as he peels off your hand carefully. As someone who is known to be only talking with fists he certainly is not rigid and rough with you. He holds your hand as you look at him for a few seconds and then guides your palms over his cheeks. “y/n-san, Tell me again that you like me and I'll tell you again.” he says sinking in to your touch.
☆ Choji Tomiyama
"Huh?" It was all he could say when those magical words came out of your mouth. Within a blink of your eyes, he jumps so high that you feel if he really wanted, he could touch the sky. Then his cheeks puff a little before a devasted choice of words escapes his mouth,“It’s not fair. I wanted to say it at first,” When it registers in your head you think he might have misheard you so you try to say again but he quickly grabs your hand saying, “Why didn't you give me heads up? I wanted to tell you first that I like you. It's not fairrrreee.” if anything's is unfair is that how a leader seems to act in such a childlike manner but it's okay. This is why you fell for him. He stops whining and says in one breath, "So, then I'll be the one to take you on a date. " he is still holding your hand.
★ Kota Sako
For someone who's eyes are always glued on Hiragi, movements and talks trying to imitate Hiragi he certainly is more than aware of himself and his surroundings. You expect him to brush away your plea when you ask him to stay after the class or even just decline you by saying that he is busy or the worst: simply ignoring you even after hearing. But none of that happens. He waits for you after the class patiently, listens to all you have to say, and then says, "I'll think about it." while internally practically panicking so hard that his head starts to hurt by the time he reaches home. When you reach home, you get a text from an unknown number saying, "So, let's date then. -Sako."
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togumie · 6 days
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WINDBREAKER BOYS + FAKING AN ORGASM. ft. hayato suo, sakura haruka, togame jo, & umemiya hajime x f!reader
content: explicit smut (18+), overstimulation, squirting, fingering, cunninglingus, phone call / keep quiet, mirror sex, multiple rounds, creampies, usage of pet names, praise
part 1: ft. yamato endo, kiryuu mitsuki, & kaji ren
mdni - 2K wc . filled request! (i added togame) :>
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HAYATO SUO. mirror sex
your reaction is adorable, drawing a lighthearted chuckle from your boyfriend. you squirm a bit, face pressed uncomfortably against your vanity’s mirror as you’re bent over your own desk, a smiling suo looming right over you.
"well...you didn't replicate it very well," he coos, "i'm surprised you thought i would fall for that."
you narrow your eyes at him in disbelief. there was absolutely no chance that he was able to differentiate between a real one and a fake one— you’re certain of it. you had even mimicked the way your walls flutter around him whenever he pushes you off the edge.
“don’t believe me?” his voice comes out steady, cock prodding at your entrance, “i’ll show you.”
you gasp at the feeling of his length stretching your walls, pushing until just the tip is inside. he’s holding you tightly, not letting you move when you impatiently try and push your hips back for more.
“s-suo,” you blurt, “stop teasi—”
all at once, he’s slamming his hips into you, your tongue lolling out when he’s buried deep inside you. he doesn’t give you time to steady yourself before he sets a brutal pace, fingers coming to swipe perfectly at your clit. “see?” his voice comes out cheerful despite the way he’s bullying his length into you so roughly, “this is closer to the kind of faces you make for me.”
it’s all happening too fast. before you know it, you’re shivering and whining beneath him, arms knocking over your bottles of skincare as you try to brace yourself to take him. he’s awfully composed, subtly angling himself to slam against the spot that has you seeing stars. your orgasm approaches you so fast, faster than ever before, and it’s overwhelming.
“w-wait, suo, slow down—” you stammer, thighs shaking violently as the knot inside you threatens to snap. “it’s too much! ‘m gonna-”
“and you know? when i do this,” he interrupts sweetly, fingers coming to rub at your clit just as his cock pushes against a sensitive spot, “you’ll cum for me.”
it hits you in an instant, eyes widening when the familiar wave crashes through you, walls spasming against his length as you scream. your vision is still a blur even when he slows down his pace, dotted with white and black splotches. you can barely register what’s happening when suo’s hands come to run up and down your body as he sighs contentedly.
“see? like that,” he nods, “it’s easy.”
his length is still inside you, switching to slow and steady thrusts as you tremble beneath him. "don't worry. i'll show you again so you remember."
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SAKURA HARUKA. squirting, cunninglingus, fingering
sakura’s fingers leave your clit the second he realizes something isn’t right, because you’re usually much louder and messier than this. he pulls back from your cunt for a second, head hot and blurry from nerves, and the violent blush across his face deepens as he forces himself to get a closer look at your cunt.
it all makes sense when he realizes he was touching the wrong spot— most likely due to the fact that his eyes had been clenched shut.
“y-you didn’t tell me,” he grumbles out of embarrassment, gaze shifting anywhere except on you. even with an apology and the explanation that you just wanted to make him more comfortable, the thought of how’d you look actually cumming on his face doesn’t leave his head.
he’s buried in your cunt now, your thighs clenched tightly around his head as he fucks his fingers deep into you. sakura had no idea just how addicting it would be when you first mentioned it to him— each moan that leaves your lips more sinful and loud than the last. it has his cock throbbing with need, forcing him to grind his hips against the mattress to relieve the frustrating ache.
“oh my god…” you mumble to no one in particular, mouth falling open when he pushes his tongue inside your cunt, eating you out with more intensity as his fingers come to press into your clit. “sakura—”
it’s dizzying, but he wants more. his free hand comes to dig into your ass, lifting you up a bit so he hold you flush against his face, licking and slurping at your cunt even as your thighs squeeze roughly against his head. “ah— fuck, sakura, w-wait!”
the way he’s eating you out feels different than what you’re familiar with. the knot in your core feels tighter, you feel wetter— he feels better. your hands come to desperately tug at his hair when it’s too much, and his eyes widen when you unintentionally push him deeper into your cunt.
the pressure of his tongue flicking against your clit one last time is all it takes for you to scream, cunt gushing into him as he licks and suckles at your clit. your walls flutter around nothing, your body numbing from the intensity— but your boyfriend looks the opposite.
“again,” his voice is just above a growl, cheeks still glowing red with embarrassment, “let me practice again.”
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TOGAME JO. phone call / keep quiet, overstim
the sudden ringing of his phone catches the attention of the two of you, screen lighting up brightly as it vibrates against the mattress. togame’s thrusts slow down a bit, reaching to fish it from somewhere underneath the blankets to check the caller.
"ah, it's choji."
his voice comes out completely normal, as if he wasn’t balls deep inside your cunt just moments ago. it’s almost irritating how limitless his stamina is; your body numb and overstimulated since long ago, and all you’re able to do now is lay there and take what he gives you.
it takes all your energy to try and pull away from him to let him take the call, struggling a bit with the way his big frame is towering over yours, but he suddenly pulls your hips back against his own.
“jo!” you warn through a hushed whisper, eyes narrowing into a glare as the cheerful melody of his ringtone repeats itself again. your eyes widen when he puts a finger to his lips to silence you, and you realize that he’s planning on answering it without stopping.
a hand wraps around your neck, pulling you up until your back is flush against his chest, his thickness nestled right against your cervix with the angle. “gonna stay nice and quiet for me while i answer choji,” he coos into the shell of your ear, “won’t you?”
“because we’re not done just yet..”
your body falls back onto the mattress when he lets go, and you grasp onto one of your pillows to stuff your face into when he resumes his pace, starting slow and deep.
“choji?” togame asks, lifting the phone to his ear to tuck it between his shoulder casually. “ah..today?”
his hands hold your hips firmly as he picks up the pace, balls slapping against your clit as his tip prods at your cervix with each movement, and you can only hope it’s not loud enough for the mic to pick up. togame feels differently than usual, the drag and stretch of his length against your walls much more noticeable when you’re trying to keep quiet.
“that’s really last minute….mhm,” a small grunt forces its way out, “i’ll come after i finish what i’m doing here.”
there’s a sharp thrust of his hips and you can’t help the little yelp that escapes your lips. togame stiffens above you, hands gripping your hips to keep you still as the two of you wait to see if choji had heard you.
“noise…? nah, it must have been my phone. it’s old.”
your thighs are trembling against his, knot inside your core still threatening to snap even after he’s ripped orgasm after orgasm from you. “let me check the door though. hold on,” togame clicks the mute button before tossing his phone beside your head, suddenly pounding into you with more strength.
“f-fuck!” you cry when his cock hits a particular spot inside you, and you’re cumming just like that, gushing around him and screaming as your walls fluttering wildly against him. there’s a deep groan from him as he clenches his jaw, pace not faltering as he rapidly approaches his own high.
he lets you fall limp onto the bed, mind numb from each orgasm he’s pulled from you after your stunt tonight. “you gotta stay quiet,” he rasps, hands still holding your hips up for him, “wouldn’t want choji to hear you getting stuffed full for the third time tonight, right?”
his words send a shiver down your spine, walls clenching around his length at the thought. you’re so tired, too tired to do anything except cling onto the sheets beneath you, and you know he’s not even close to his limit.
“…or would you like choji to hear…?”
you shake your head quickly, drawing a small chuckle from togame. he picks up his phone again, giving you a warning squeeze around your hips before he’s unmuting his mic. “ahh…” he starts, “it was nothing. anyways, i’ll see you later, choji. i’m hanging up.”
his last sentence comes out a little rushed, and you can tell from the way his pace has started to falter that he’s getting close. the moment the call ends, he’s caging you between his body and the pillows beneath you.
“so impatient…squeezing my dick like that. want me to fill you up nice and full, huh?”
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UMEMIYA HAJIME. creampie, pet names, multiple rounds
"c'mon," umemiya grunts from above you, hips slowing their movement against yours, "you know you can't convince me with something like that."
he's gentle when he lowers himself onto his forearms, forehead pressing against yours as if searching for his answer. your bottom lip curls into a small frown, eyes shifting their gaze away from your boyfriend. he's always so good— knows exactly how to get you trembling underneath him in an instant, and you hate it. you hate the way your expression starts to contort and the way he’s pulling the most lewd sounds from you.
"it's embarrassing," you murmur, voice barely above a whisper, "the faces i make."
his eyes widen a bit at the confession, as if the idea of you being embarrassed wasn’t even a possibility in the first place. there's a experimental thrust of his hips, his cock nudging your cervix, and you can't help the small gasp that escapes.
“i don’t think that,” he coos, heavy cock stretching you so perfectly as he starts to move against you again, “don’t be shy.”
"f-fuck.." you gasp, because he feels too good. his chest is slick with sweat, the muscles of his arms flexing beside your head as he gazes down on you, intent on gauging each and every reaction his cock rips from you. “that’s good,” he whispers when your eyebrows furrow at the stimulation, “just like that. keep your eyes on me.”
he's getting rougher with each roll of his hips, thick length reaching impossibly deep inside your cunt. the back of your hand comes to cover your mouth when you feel the familiar knot tightening in your core, eyes clenching shut to fight it.
"nuh uh," ume's voice comes out a little breathless from the pace, his hands coming to pry yours off of your face, "no more hiding from me."
"u-ume," you protest with a huff, legs wrapping around his middle to keep him deep inside you, "just give it to me. please?"
he chuckles a bit, big hand coming to squeeze at your face, puckering your lips out. "oh, i will— i’ll give you what you need, pretty thing," he grunts when your walls flutter around his cock at the nickname, "so keep your eyes on me."
his fingers stay around your face, angling your head to face him when he sets a rough pace, balls slapping against your skin with each movement.
"wanna see you nice and clear when you cum for me, okay?"
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togament · 19 days
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togame’s the type to caress your cheek when you’re fast asleep.
always, always with a lovestruck expression on his face. he likes doing it when you’re out like a light though; he knows you’d (lovingly) tease him about it if he did it when you’re awake.
togame’s the type to let you sleep first.
just so he could whisper how grateful he is to have you by his side, to have a person like you to love and hold. it’s so new to him, this sensation. to feel so safe around one person, to feel so much love for you he’s practically bursting at the seams.
give him time. he’ll tell you all about it soon (and struggle trying not to cry in front of you in the process).
togame’s the type to caress your cheek when you’re fast asleep.
and he falls asleep in the same position, hand warm against your cheek.
togame’s the type to let you sleep first.
little does he know you fall asleep to his whispers, thanking him for the exact same thing.
a/n: HHHGRGRHRH!!! reader and togame are fresh into their relationship here btw ;v; hehehehehehe
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meguwumibear · 26 days
togame x reader writing warm up
It's nearly midnight when the first of many rocks ricochets off of your first story window with a sharp plink. You don't even need to draw back the curtain to know who's waiting for you on the other side, likely still wearing his yellow shades despite the late hour.
You don't know if the man is stupid or suicidal.
Not one to reward poor behavior, you decide to wait him out. Togame will grow bored of tossing rocks at glass eventually.
Or not.
The next rock thrown splinters the pane with a quiet crack. The asshole never could take a hint.
You're not prepared for the sorry looking face that meets yours as you yank back the curtains. Togame's nose is practically smushed up against the ruined glass as he surveys the damage he's done, warm breath fogging up the window. The colorful specs he dons do little to hide the raised purple bruise forming under his left eye.
"Shit," you swear, as you fumble with the lock, "you gonna give me a matching shiner if I say I told you so?"
Togame has the nerve to look offended.
"When have I ever put my hands on you, huh?"
Never. Togame is known for his violence but has ever only been gentle with you.
"Tch, first time for everything."
You turn your back on him as he shimmies gracelessly into your room. If you keep looking at his ruined face, you might forgive him too soon.
"This mean you won't kiss it better?" he asks.
Damn him and his ability to make light of even serious situations.
"Does Choji know how you cool off after a fight?"
"Does Umemiya know who keeps your bed warm?"
A fair hit. You did throw the first punch.
"Baby, I don't wanna fight," he sighs, moody little pout making him look like something the cat dragged in. "If I'm not getting any kisses, I'll settle for some ice."
He closes the distance between the two of you, draping himself across your back. His long arms wind their way around your waist, leeching any lingering bitterness from you with their heat.
You wish it was easier to stay mad at him.
The expression you're met with as you twist around is soft, hopeful even. Apparently, it isn't easy for him to stay mad at you either.
You remove his glasses gingerly, placing them down on your crowded vanity. Green, green eyes watch you set them carefully aside.
"One kiss," you relent.
"This isn't a negotiation, Romeo. And you owe me for the window."
"What if I say please?" he asks, following the question with the plead before you can even respond.
Fuck. Fine. Whatever.
The black eye is punishment enough. Now need to rub additional salt into the wound.
You slot your lips against his slowly, and he smiles into the kiss, victorious. You have to stand on your tiptoes to reach his mouth, despite the fact he's made himself small for you.
"More," he moans as you playfully nip at his bottom lip. "Please, baby."
He's already semi hard against your hip. It's always so easy to work him up. You wonder if yours is the only kind touch he knows.
You pull back reluctantly. His lips chase after yours, but you still them with a finger.
"Ice first."
"Ice first," you repeat.
He frowns as he flops face first onto your bed, burrowing into your pillows and blankets. When he lifts his head it's to say, "fine, but I expect much more than kisses once you're done playing nurse."
And that, at least, you two can agree on.
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kajibunny · 19 hours
helloooo! I recently watched Wind Breaker and now I'm hooked. The guys and their interactions with one another are very interesting. I also recently stumbled upon your blog and found your fics adorable 🥰 If it's fine with you and if you accept requests, can you please write how will the Bofurin (particularly Sakura, Suo, and Ume) and Shishitoren (Togame and Choji) guys react seeing their fem s/o suffering during their period? Thank youuuu 🐢💖💖
⋆。˚☁︎˚how the wind breaker boys take care of you 。☽˚⋆ (on your period)
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✿ featuring: haruka sakura, hajime umemiya, hayato suo, jo togame, choji tomiyama  ✿ contains: comfort headcanons, f!reader (some mentions of lady parts), fluff overload  ✿ a/n: as a fellow girlie, i know firsthand how stressful periods can be so hopefully these sweet wb boys comforting you will help you get through your time of the month, cutie!! thank you for this wholesome request and for supporting my writing! mwaahugs for you(╹◡╹)♡ ✿ wc: 1.3k
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ʚɞ sakura -
ꕤ panics because periods are a foreign thing to him like what do you mean you're bleeding down there? does it hurt? are you alright? are you at risk of anemia? 
ꕤ the only bleeding he's experienced are from fights and those hurt alot so for sure he's worried about you feeling any pain.
ꕤ he does his best to not bother you during these times, but is dying to ask you how you are. he is all over you, staying by your side and following you around like a stray cat, trying to get the words to say. eventually he settles with a: "do...you need anything from me?" and you ask him if he can go out and buy you some pads.
ꕤ just stands frozen stiff at the period products aisle, all the blood rushing to his face (pun intended) when a sales person at the grocery store asked him if he needed help with anything. 
ꕤ he also shoves different kinds of medicines he bought from the pharmacy into your hands (aww he still thought the bleeding was causing you pain) 
ꕤ "sakura! what is this? are you a drug dealer?" you laugh at your boyfriend's embarrassed face and hugged him tightly. "don't worry, baby! i'm okay." you reassure him and gave him an orientation on periods 101. poor baby was blushing the whole time as if you had just given him a sex ed talk, because you had to mention your lady parts for the sake of educating him. sakura definitely tried his hardest not to think about it (and failed).
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ʚɞ umemiya -
ꕤ has an idea of what a period is, from his experience of being a big brother to lots of little sisters at the place he grew up in.
ꕤ he looked like a sad little puppy when you told him you were feeling under the weather because of your cramps - it was like he was in pain anytime that you were too.
ꕤ prepares a care package for you of all the essentials with a card featuring a bunch of drawings of vegetables with the words: "peas get well soon, here are some words of encourage-mint, i love you from my head to-ma-toes! kisses, hajime." on it. you found it so cute and hilarious that your boyfriend had the time to even do this between his planting, leading bofurin and taking care of the townspeople, and you love him so much for it!
ꕤ he brings it personally to you and upon seeing you, he immediately dotes on you: "my sweet, gorgeous angel, love of my life, how are you feeling?"
ꕤ also brings you the best, most luscious harvests from his garden, and whips up his special umemiya soup incorporating these ingredients just for you! 
ꕤ brings you so much food you're probably stocked for life! he had to beg kotoha to let him have take out of your favorite food from pothos so that you could rest in bed and she only made an exception because you two were practically besties and she had to clarify multiple times that she was doing this for you to help you feel better and not for him lol
ꕤ umemiya is overall just the best boyfriend you could ever ask for! always with you through thick and thin.
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ʚɞ suo -
ꕤ knows you're especially emotionally sensitive during your time of the month, so to calm you, he gently strokes your hair, presses a hot compress to your tummy and kisses your forehead as he lays you down on his lap, speaking to you softly, as if you were a baby. "shhh, it's okay, where does it hurt? let me take care of it for you." (his tone while saying "let me take care of it for you", sounded like he was going to take someone out for you but that's just how suo is and you found it kind of hilarious.) 
ꕤ will brew you his special blend of herbal tea to help with your cramps! 
ꕤ if you are feeling particularly down, he'll bring his favorite teacakes and organize a tea party with you so you can talk to him and open up about your feelings that day. enjoys listening to you rant and vent while he spoon feeds you some of his teacake. (knowing suo, only you get to eat the food. he just listens and watches you with a smile on his face. when does he ever eat?) 
ꕤ suo is so dependable! he knows you're going through a lot already, so of course he gives you the princess treatment - everything you want, he makes it happen in a snap. you don't get to lift a finger, not on his watch. a warm bubble bath? check. lots of hugs and kisses? check. heating pads? check. your favorite meal from your favorite food place? check. you're not sure how he gets all these done so fast but it's hayato suo, and efficiency is his middle name.
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ʚɞ togame -
ꕤ his first instinct is always to take care of you and provide you with everything you need. (what can i say, this man's a great provider)
ꕤ whenever it's your time of the month, he is at your service, spending more time with you than with choji during this season. (choji understands and it's okay with him since you needed togame more at the moment.) 
ꕤ offers to go out and buy pads for you but is the type to ask what size your kitty is (lmao it's the thought that counts) 
ꕤ togame loves pampering you with a nice and relaxing bath, making sure the water temperature is just right, as he soaks in with you and rubs your sore areas like your neck and your back. (and other sore areas).
ꕤ his massively tall figure (i mean, he's 6'2" holy-) engulfs you in warmth and comfort during the night, making you feel much better while he cuddles you, whispering sweet nothings and affirmations about how beautiful you are, how much he adores you, how you mean the world to him, all while he presses many kisses to your face and lulls you to sleep. 
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ʚɞ choji -
ꕤ he's a curious guy, so naturally he'd be asking you all sorts of questions about your period, what it is, how it started, what do you experience, how did you react when you first got it, why do only women have it, how often and when do you get it, and the likes. 
ꕤ he pays very close attention to you while you patiently explained these things to him and answered his inquiries. choji reacts with attentive nods and "oh, i see"s. he's very understanding and wants to absorb as much information as possible so that he can take care of you with lots of love and warmth like the ray of sunshine that he is.  
ꕤ buys you lots of chocolates and sweets - all different types, colors, flavors, you name it! baby boy likes to spoil you. 
ꕤ choji loves seeing you wear his cotton t-shirts with cute designs on them during your time of the month because you like how comfy and breatheable they are to lounge around in. 
ꕤ so protective of you! you're like his little cub, and he's always watching over you during these times, constantly checking in, popping his head in between your doorway to ask if you need anything, as well as making sure you're alive and feeling well. 
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biolumien · 19 days
when'd you get so cool? (always was)
jo togame x gn!reader pre shishitoren arc, post choji becoming leader mentions of implied violence word count: 1022
jo togame, vice captain to the shishitoren, was currently bleeding pretty hard from several gashes on his arms, and one fairly nasty scrape across his face. you’d found him limping back to the ori, his orange jacket draped over his shoulders as he held onto his arm, applying loose pressure over his wounds—and his characteristic orange glasses dangling unevenly against his nose. 
you’d rushed him back to the ori, towards an upper floor where you were less likely to be bothered, and had found the medkit you kept for emergencies like this. shishitoren might be devotees to power, but they didn’t have to be devotees to constant open wounds and injuries. or something like that, 
you held a cotton ball with a set of tweezers, just after you dunked it into some rubbing alcohol, but togame kept jolting—not enough to stop you from being able to disinfect his wounds, but enough that he kept pressing closer and closer towards you. 
“stop moving,” you say, finally exasperated, your cheeks flushed at the proximity. “i’m trying to disinfect your wounds, genius.”
“aww. you think i’m one?” togame’s eyes brightened for a moment as he drawled. “a genius?”
the face you made must have been pretty bad, because he snickered, the sound low, almost like a rumbling in his throat. 
“when’d you get so cool?” togame mutters, pressing close to your face. your cheeks are flushed—they must be, and you laugh softly, flicking his forehead. his facial expression falters for a second, wincing in dramatic pain. “mean it. when?” 
in the rundown room of the ori, you feel a sudden rising of chill air, and you shiver, despite the warm heat of togame’s body pressing close to yours. 
“i’ve always been,” you tease. “guess you just haven’t noticed what was right in front of you.” 
bolder than you usually are, at least. you think something curdles in you–shame for saying something so bold, maybe? you worry, for a fleeting, desperate second, that togame’s just going to mock you, but he doesn’t. togame laughs. it’s a nice sound, a slow thing that makes his chest shake with each chuckle. 
“really…” he whistles, the note low. “didn’t realize, then, i guess. my bad.” his nose scrunches when he laughs. your face feels like it’s on fire, and then you realize you have to get back to patching him up—so you cut some gauze with the scissors in your small medkit, gesturing to togame to extend his arm. 
he’s wiry, but you’ve seen this man punch so hard he’s dented metal sheets without even flinching. his arms feel hard. 
“knives do this?” you ask as you tie the gauze tightly around his arm. 
“yeah,” togame says. he stares down at you, a small smirk crossing his face slowly—at the pace of trickling honey. “worried about me?”
you scoff.
“out of everyone, i worry the least about you,” you murmur. and you’re lying, you know it, because you do worry about him–you lie awake in your bed, staring up at your ceiling fan, at ribbons that you’ve tacked up on the blades that flow hypnotically–and you worry and wonder and hope that togame is safe. even though he hits the hardest, he’s built like a truck–he’ll be safe, so long as he plays his cards right. 
“i know you can handle yourself. just wonder if you bite off a little more than you can chew sometimes. with choji, with the rest of them,” you continue, wrapping gauze around his other arm. 
togame’s green eyes darken a little bit–you can see the point at which they harden, like flint. you realize maybe a little belatedly that you’d fucked up–choji was a sensitive subject, even now–you never asked about the depth of togame’s devotion, but he was the self-sacrificing type in the end, too–the kind of man that would wade in the river lethe if it meant that his friends wouldn’t touch the memory-erasing waters.
he’d lose himself if it meant protecting someone else. that’s what scared you, what kept you awake at night. 
“sorry,” you say, picking up the medkit to pull out some bandaids–fabric kinds, that come in a variety of cute patterns. “i know it’s a touchy subject.”
“... s’fine,” togame says, and his eyes stay that strange, dulled color–but the smile’s back, and this time you can realize how fake it is–the edges of his masked facade coming apart at the seams. you fish through patterned bandaids, settling on an orange one with black cats across it. 
“tilt your head,” you murmur. “away from me, so i can put this on. then you’re done.” 
togame does so, his glasses almost falling off the bridge of his nose as he looks away. you press the bandage against his face, carefully making sure it adheres. his skin is warm, and you can almost see the places where he’s shaved at his jaw with a razor, and your thumb brushes against the faintest hint of stubble.
“all done,” you say, pulling back.
togame’s voice is clipped, strained. he seems to be looking at something far away–further than the walls of the ori. 
“are you sure you’re okay?” you ask as he stands up, pressing away from you.
“me? never better,” togame says, and you can tell it’s a lie from the way his smile strains, too strained to be genuine. “don’t worry about me.” he leans forward, taking your hand in his for a moment–and you’re startled by the feverish warmth of his hand for a moment, as he leans down to press a kiss to the tips of your fingers. 
his lips are warm, too–a little dry, but soft. the kiss itself is almost reverent, and you think your breath gets strangled in your throat for a desperate, wheezing second. 
he smiles, almost sheepishly at you for a moment, before he turns and shrugs his jacket on past his bandaged arms, and leaves.
you raise up the hand that he’d kissed, pressing your fingers to your lips contemplatively for a moment–as if you could, by kissing the faint reminder of his ghost, feel his lips on yours. 
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