#if you see me abandoning all my wips to write about this man no you dont !!
meguwumibear · 4 months
togame x reader writing warm up
It's nearly midnight when the first of many rocks ricochets off of your first story window with a sharp plink. You don't even need to draw back the curtain to know who's waiting for you on the other side, likely still wearing his yellow shades despite the late hour.
You don't know if the man is stupid or suicidal.
Not one to reward poor behavior, you decide to wait him out. Togame will grow bored of tossing rocks at glass eventually.
Or not.
The next rock thrown splinters the pane with a quiet crack. The asshole never could take a hint.
You're not prepared for the sorry looking face that meets yours as you yank back the curtains. Togame's nose is practically smushed up against the ruined glass as he surveys the damage he's done, warm breath fogging up the window. The colorful specs he dons do little to hide the raised purple bruise forming under his left eye.
"Shit," you swear, as you fumble with the lock, "you gonna give me a matching shiner if I say I told you so?"
Togame has the nerve to look offended.
"When have I ever put my hands on you, huh?"
Never. Togame is known for his violence but has ever only been gentle with you.
"Tch, first time for everything."
You turn your back on him as he shimmies gracelessly into your room. If you keep looking at his ruined face, you might forgive him too soon.
"This mean you won't kiss it better?" he asks.
Damn him and his ability to make light of even serious situations.
"Does Choji know how you cool off after a fight?"
"Does Umemiya know who keeps your bed warm?"
A fair hit. You did throw the first punch.
"Baby, I don't wanna fight," he sighs, moody little pout making him look like something the cat dragged in. "If I'm not getting any kisses, I'll settle for some ice."
He closes the distance between the two of you, draping himself across your back. His long arms wind their way around your waist, leeching any lingering bitterness from you with their heat.
You wish it was easier to stay mad at him.
The expression you're met with as you twist around is soft, hopeful even. Apparently, it isn't easy for him to stay mad at you either.
You remove his glasses gingerly, placing them down on your crowded vanity. Green, green eyes watch you set them carefully aside.
"One kiss," you relent.
"This isn't a negotiation, Romeo. And you owe me for the window."
"What if I say please?" he asks, following the question with the plead before you can even respond.
Fuck. Fine. Whatever.
The black eye is punishment enough. Now need to rub additional salt into the wound.
You slot your lips against his slowly, and he smiles into the kiss, victorious. You have to stand on your tiptoes to reach his mouth, despite the fact he's made himself small for you.
"More," he moans as you playfully nip at his bottom lip. "Please, baby."
He's already semi hard against your hip. It's always so easy to work him up. You wonder if yours is the only kind touch he knows.
You pull back reluctantly. His lips chase after yours, but you still them with a finger.
"Ice first."
"Ice first," you repeat.
He frowns as he flops face first onto your bed, burrowing into your pillows and blankets. When he lifts his head it's to say, "fine, but I expect much more than kisses once you're done playing nurse."
And that, at least, you two can agree on.
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allpiesforourown · 20 days
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OKAY SO I have way too many WIPs to write a role reversal fic and I meant to just yap about my au and ended up writing 2k words about it if you want to read it below...
oblivious shizun luo binghe / oblivious disciple shen yuan
First of all i've been reading a lot of role reversal fics lately but big shout out to ao3 user anqlbean for this fic because it really gave me "fuckboy shizun binghe, hiding that he's a demon lord" brain rot
Okay so anyway. In fair cang qiong sect where we lay our scene-
Luo Binghe is the Qing Jing peak lord. He’s also the heavenly emperor of the demon realm. No one knows both of his identities except for mobei jun and a handful of other people from his inner circle. It’s risky for a demon to hide as one of the cultivation world’s most prominent figures, but he likes having the best of both worlds!
Enter Shen Yuan: Shen Yuan's cultivation history is somewhat similar to Shen Jiu's in that he started cultivating late and joined Qing Jing well into his teens. He’s about 16 when he becomes Binghe’s student, but the thing is… Luo Binghe is kind of just the peak lord in name.
He spends his free time getting laid in the next town or going on an adventure with some hot demoness instead of giving classes. He’ll go on cultivation missions and take requests from villages and whatnot, but he doesn't bother teaching his disciples, just gives them a cultivation manual and tells them to figure it out. Half the time when students greet him on the peak he just nods because he doesnt even remember the disciple’s name. It’s fine though, once every few months he’ll take a break from all the one night stands and actually take a student along with him on a mission, just to keep the sect leader from complaining. “See, I teach my kids! Last month I took what’s-his-name on a night hunt!”
By the time Luo Binghe bothers to take Shen Yuan along for a mission, Shen Yuan is already 20 and has been on the peak for 4 years. Luo Binghe barely knows he exists, and he justs wants to collect this herb he was tasked with retrieving, send Shen Yuan back with it, and then get nasty with the woman back in the village who gave them directions to the cave that grows it. 
Unfortunately for Binghe, the cave is also home to one of the few flowers that can affect a demon lord. Binghe can’t move as he falls to the ground and hears his student yell “Shizun!” and run over.
They can hear monsters nearby so Shen Yuan’s two options are to 1) heal his shizun by taking advantage of Binghe's body or 2) abandon him to die and leave by himself. Binghe has experienced both multiple times, and is ready for either one. He's not ready for Shen Yuan to choose a third option that no one has ever chosen before: heaving Luo Binghe onto his back, transferring him qi, and using every bit of strength to carry him to safety. 
By the time they return to the cave’s entrance, Shen Yuan only has enough energy to use a talisman signalling the sect for help before they both pass out. 
When Luo Binghe wakes up, the Qian Cao peak lord is asking him how he feels while his head disciple is yelling at a sheepish Shen Yuan for doing something reckless again! Apparently this is not the first time Shen Yuan has exhausted himself for the sake of another person. 
Over the next few days, he can’t think of anything other than his student. 
(Also, he secretly feels kind of… angry??? Was his body so unappealing to Shen Yuan that he'd rather half-die than dual cultivate with him?? He's not sure why he's so pissed off by the idea, it's not like he's ever wanted to dual cultivate with a man before, but still…)
Finally he decides he has every right to be curious about shen yuan, that’s his disciple! Unfortunately while Binghe was ignoring Shen Yuan's existence for the past few years, his disciple has managed to build up… a reputation at Cang Qiong. 
Oh Shen Yuan selflessly saved Luo Binghe? Big deal, saving people is an average Tuesday for Shen Yuan, apparently! “He stopped my qi deviation” this, “he threw me out of a poisonous demon's way” that. 
For the first time ever, Luo Binghe is not special. If anything, he has less pull with Shen Yuan than anyone else at Cang Qiong, because everyone else knows Shen Yuan better. Luo Binghe doesn’t know Shen Yuan’s birthday, but the rest of his students make sure to throw Shen Yuan a party every year to thank him for all his tutoring. Binghe is SO far behind, which is a feeling he hasn’t felt in YEARS. 
About a month after the mission, he finally sees Shen Yuan sparring alone. Luo Binghe walks over, acting unbothered and nonchalant even though he's screaming internally. He greets his disciple and says, “This master has yet to properly thank Shen Yuan for his assistance at the cave… join me at the bamboo house tonight.” 
Shen Yuan apologizes, says he has important plans but would love to join him another night, then spends the rest of the day off the peak with the An Ding head disciple. 
Luo Binghe is flabbergasted. He's less important than an An Ding disciple???? Really??? Fucking An Ding????? 
After that, Luo Binghe……. He isn’t stalking Shen Yuan, despite what Liu Mingyan (Xian Su peak lord) might say with excited eyes. He’s just keeping an eye on this interesting disciple he never knew he had! In secret. 
He walks in on Qingge and Shen Yuan “sparring” and sees the exact moment Shen Yuan oversteps, loses his balance and goes tumbling on top of Liu Qingge. Binghe storms over, picks Shen Yuan up by the back of his robe like a cat, and physically separates the two of them. The two disciples gawk at how weird that was and he has no idea how to come up with an excuse for whatever the hell that just was. 
Instead he asks what they’re doing. 
Shen Yuan, being polite and answering the question: Liu-shidi and I are heading on a mission soon-
Luo Binghe: this master shall join you.
Shen Yuan: uh… it's a very simple request, two disciples are more than en-
Luo Binghe: this. Master. Shall. Join. You.
Liu Qingge: ???? What the hell is his problem 
Shen Yuan: Okay… this disciple is grateful for shizun’s assistance…?
Their flight to the village is dead quiet. 
The townspeople sigh theyre so glad they’re here, some demonic creature has been destroying their wildlife! This area makes most of their money with lumber exports, so if the creature continues to destroy their trees, it’ll result in huge losses. 
When they find the demon, Shen Yuan starts yapping non stop. It’s like he’s suddenly transformed into a textbook, explaining that this little beaver-esque demon needs to chew up trees for its survival. Luo Binghe is bored out of his mind and pulls out his sword. 
Shen Yuan gaps and picks up the small creature, holding it protectively against his chest. “This species isn’t even violent! We can’t kill it!” 
Luo Binghe crosses his arms and says they have to complete this commission somehow. Shen Yuan argues they can simply relocate the demon somewhere else! Luo Binghe expects Liu Qingge to complain or brutishly try to kill it, but he shrugs and says he’ll follow Shen Yuan. Apparently this happens regularly…
By the time they rehome the creature somewhere it won’t be a bother, it’s too late to fly back to the sect.
The only close by inn apologizes and says they only have two rooms left, and each one is a single bed. They can have a mat sent up, but…
Binghe says he should room with Shen Yuan because they’re both from Qing Jing, and (he glares at Liu Qingge as he says this) Liu Qingge is an outsider. Liu Qingge narrows his eyes and says it would be inappropriate for a peak lord to share a room with a lowly disciple, so he should room with Shen Yuan. 
Shen Yuan cheerfully chimes in that he and Liu-shidi sleep together all the time! “Whenever shidi and I camp outdoors, he says he prefers sleeping on the ground. He’ll be happy to take the mat.”
Luo Binghe's smile becomes a little forced, but shen Yuan doesn't even notice the murderous intent rolling off his shizun, aimed at his friend from Bai Zhan. 
In the end, Shen Yuan gets one room, and Liu Qingge gets the other. Luo Binghe insists his cultivation is high enough he doesn’t need to sleep, and had no intention to sleep tonight anyway.
This is a perfect time to go and find a brothel or a hookup. He realizes this is the longest he’s gone without sex in a long time, all because he’s been obsessed with Shen Yuan so much lately. But he’s got too much on his mind to do that tonight… He’s still thinking of the loving way Shen Yuan protected that small helpless demon, going as far as defying a peak lord for its sake.
Shen Yuan is… someone with shockingly good character. Despite being surrounded by cultivators, meeting people who are good is surprisingly rare. He doesn’t want his sweet disciple to have that lovely sense of justice stolen away from him by… gross perverts like Liu Qingge lusting after him! 
(He’s not projecting!)
He’s already neglected Shen Yuan as a shizun for so many years. Now he has to step and make up for all that time! He’s decided what he has to do. 
First thing in the morning, he knocks on Shen Yuan’s door. He hears a sweet ‘Come in!’ from inside and for some reason he feels… really nervous. Inside, Shen Yuan is sitting on his bed, brushing his hair, and he smiles when he looks up and sees Luo Binghe. “Good morning, shizun.”
Good morning??? How can he say something so casually, without a hint of shame, looking like that?? He’s wearing nothing but one layer that’s not even thick enough to hide his body! He can see Shen Yuan’s milky thighs and small chest!!!! What the fuck!?
(Is this how he walks around the shared dorms on Qing Jing? Do all the other disciples see the outline of his body through his thin layer every morning?? The longer he stares, the more he tells himself he’s making the right decision by doing this.)
He cuts right to the chase. “Once we return, Shen Yuan shall move his belongings into the bamboo house. This lord will teach him all there is to know about being Qing Jing’s head disciple.” He makes it clear that this is a statement, not a request – he’s not giving Shen Yuan a choice. 
Shen Yuan gawks at him, and Luo Binghe says they’ll discuss things more in detail once they return to Qing Jing, but from this moment on, he represents himself as Luo Binghe’s head disciple. It takes Shen Yuan a few minutes to really comprehend what’s going on, but eventually he bows in thanks and throws on another, thicker layer. Shen Yuan moves for the door and says, “I better tell Liu-shidi-”
Luo Binghe’s hand moves before he can stop himself, and they’re both surprised by the deathly tight grip he has on Shen Yuan’s wrist. 
Luo Binghe clears his throat and lets go. “You should let him be. Sometimes if you spend too much time with a person, it can become off-putting.” There, surely that will keep Shen Yuan away from that brute, right?
Shen Yuan says, “Ohhh,” and then smiles. “Don't worry shizun,” he says gently, “This disciple understands what you're saying. Once I move into the bamboo house, I'll make sure to give shizun his space.” 
Then Shen Yuan walks away and closes the door behind him. Luo Binghe can hear Shen Yuan telling Liu Qingge the good news, “I don’t know if shizun is joking or not, but wouldn’t it be nice for us to do our head disciple work together?” 
Luo Binghe realizes that Shen Yuan is going to RUIN him, and he’ll do it without even realizing. 
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solardrop · 1 month
I wanted to post some excerpts from two of my Hotch wips to see which one people find more interesting! I included a poll at the bottom because I know a lot of people don't like commenting but I'd appreciate comments, asks, etc about the one you like more as well! There are a lot of typos and issues in these but they are just first drafts!
Both of these will end up being nsfw stories so minors please do not interact with this post (because you won't be interacting with the actual fics anyway)
this one is the first hotch fic I ever tried to write. I abandoned it because I felt like my first fic being a smut was too horny (only for my first posted fic to still be a smut...lol). But rereading it I actually still really like the idea I just need to actually figure out where I wanna go with it. Its currently very lovingly titled: "A sad attempt at a hotchner fic". WIll definitely be changed before I actually post it LMAO. Maybe to "strawberry salt" or something
He grabs you by the hips as he leans against the headboard. Sliding you until the soft curve of your belly meets his, and the swell of your breasts push against his collarbone. The wiry hairs across the top of his legs tickle your inner thighs. His eyes drift downward for a brief moment, distracted from his original mission, before he places a quick kiss on your sternum. “What was that again baby?” He smiled up at you. An absolute shit-eating grin if you say so yourself. Trying to sweet talk and ‘baby’ you out of this wasn’t going to work. Neither was the mischievous hand sliding under your robe towards the curve of your ass. “Aaron,” you swat his hand from below you, “how many times are you gonna use my body wash  and leave me with nothing!?” This makes him grin wider, his dimples teasing and tempting for a kiss. Your belly warms as you look at him beneath you. How could a man so damn infuriatingly be so annoyingly sexy? His tongue darts out to wet his lower lip, it takes all your self-control to stop from moaning at the sight. You force yourself to look up from his lips and raise your hand to lightly pinch the very tip of his nose. A soft blush forms on the skin there when you remove your fingers. “Not funny Aar! Now I smell like Alaskan sea salt and thunderstorms instead of Strawberry sugar.”  “Well. I think you smell amazing.” He buries himself in your neck, inhaling deeply. “If you think so, then use your own body wash!”
This second one is just called "shower" it's my longest wip so far and I like it a lot but I need to rework a lot of things about it because its a lot of word vomit right now:
Your thoughts are interrupted by Aaron reapproaching you, still dressed in his button-up, the sleeves now rolled up his thick forearms. He tries to get the detachable showerhead when you reach up — with your good arm— and stop him.  “What are you doing?” you question. “Getting the showerhead so I can help you shower?” “Your clothes are still on.” “Yes? What’s wrong—” He pauses, face marked with confusion until he slowly pieces together your meaning, “Honey, you’re injured. I’m showering you, not showering with you.” He laughs reaching for the hose again before you stop him. “I’m not a patient. I’m your fiancee,” you seethe, “You’re not gonna scrub me down like I’m some sweet little old lady. Get in here, Hotchner.” His arms cross over the expanse of his chest, staring you down like he was giving you a field order to comply to. Too bad you weren’t scared of him. You stare back at him, the water streaming down your body as the moment passes. He breaks eye contact and begins unbuttoning his shirt. “Alright,” he sighs, “but we’re just getting clean and getting out.” He shrugs off his shirt, revealing beauty of his broad body to you. You eyes travel, admiring the way the muscles move under his skin as he scratches the soft pudge of his belly. He unbuckles his belt and pants. You bite your lip as he finally hooks his fingers in his pants and boxers, sliding the fabric down, slowly exposing the hair lined down his lower belly before his hands just stop. Your eyes flick up to his at the clearing of his throat. He raises an unimpressed eyebrow. “No funny business. I promise,” you whine.
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alder-saan · 2 years
His sister...
Larissa x normie! fem! reader
OKAY this is the second time I post it bcz... well that was a wip and I posted it... I hate myself right now. Anyway I have to re-wright it. All of it. But that's okay :) (no that's not I wanna end myself)
Warnings : smut (that's the first time I write smut lol (the second as I already wrote this fic)) (the smut isn't with Larissa)
You are Larissa's brother's wife.
word count: ~3000
(I know this will look a bit like Mme Bovary, but... well, it's not a classic of French literature for nothing)
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You had married Philip Weems two months earlier. You didn’t love him. He was eleven years older than you, and not really your type. In fact you didn’t really choose to be his wife and to live in his house. Your father and him wanted to reunite their companies, and you were only there to make it look less commercial. You were here to give an heir. Lovely mission, you were not a woman anymore, you were a baby machine. He had flirted with you before you took the deal, probably to build up your confidence and make it easier for you to accept the situation, but now that you were his, he didn't pay any attention to you.
In his big house, your life was boring. You didn't have a degree, school was never really for you and because your father was rich, you never had to work. So naturally you had resumed reading. It allowed you to live a different life through the eyes of all the characters. And all day long you would read more and more of those mushy novels, dreaming of a life that was no longer available to you. You also started writing, but without telling anyone. It was a bit of a secret. You wrote the romantic stories you imagined all day. And then every day you went out to see your friends in a café in your neighbourhood.
“I promise, Jess’, he doesn’t bother me. I mean, he’s respectful. And I don’t need to work. A win is a win.”
Your friend Jessica narrowed her eyes.
“You sure ? I mean… you always told me you wanted to marry the love of your life when you’d find him.”
“I was younger, Jess’. I don’t believe in this bullshit anymore.”
Yes, you did believe it. You wanted to cry about it. You wanted to know Love. The Real Love. You wanted to meet him by accident in a library, or in a hostel, on the other side of the world. You wanted him to be young, at the same age as you, and you wanted him to love you.
You also wanted to work, to earn your own money.
“Respectful, okay but is he good?” Mary asked
“He is kind, if this is your question.” You pretended not to understand.
“You know what I mean, Y/N.”
“Not really, I doubt he is really interested in me. I mean I am probably too young for him. We just do it because that was a part of the contract, but he never makes me finish. Anyway I don’t need him for that.”
“You don’t love him and he doesn’t look after you. What a nightmare…” Jessica said.
“That’s not that bad. I don't have to worry about money, I have all my days to myself. I can look after myself.“
That wasn’t a positive thing in your opinion. You wanted to be independent. You wanted to be able to do whatever you could want. This made you feel like you were an object, some kind of trophy that he could show off at the parties you attended. You were there to be beautiful and to be silent. 
No, the real positive thing was that you now understood your mother, and why she left you when you were a child. Your father always told you she was a bad mother and she didn’t love you. And before you got married, you were mad at her. But you knew, now you were married to a man you didn’t love. She didn’t love you, but she probably never wanted this marriage nor a child. You were thinking of leaving once you'd given Philip a child, the way she did before.
You wanted to find her, and to talk to her. You wanted to know the story of her life, of her marriage to your father. You also wanted to tell her that you understood her, and that you were no longer angry at her for abandoning you. If she hadn't wanted to be your mother, you wanted her to be your friend, because you were going through something she had gone through too..
“Alright girls, I gotta go. See you tomorrow!” You waved at them and left the café after paying for your drink.
It was time for you to go back to your home. Your husband would be home in less than half an hour. You had to help Livia cook. It wasn't in the contract, but you wanted to do it. Livia, although she spoke very little English, made you feel less lonely. She spoke to you in her half-Spanish English about her travels with her family. Even though she often told the same stories, you liked to hear her talk about places you had never seen. Especially when she talked about the sea of clouds over the Sierra Madre. You dreamed of going there. She told you that when she came back to visit her parents, she could take you there. But you knew your husband wouldn't let you go... And then you helped her to speak better English, she had made progress in the last two months. She taught you Spanish too, but for now, the only things you could say were "Soy Y/N, no me gusta mi marido" and some names of foods and ingredients.
Then, your husband would go home, and you would have dinner. He would watch tv, and the both of you would go to bed, and you would have to fuck. 
Soon, he would fall asleep next to you.
And every night, after that, you used to imagine another man. Sometimes it was an explorer who would tell you about his many journeys, a writer who would make you read his most intimate texts, a painter who would take you for his muse... 
But that night, he was a sailor. A handsome sailor you would have met in the inn where you were working. He would have asked for a room for the night and a meal. And while you were serving him, he would have made a few passes at you, to which you would have responded by teasing him. If at the beginning, it would have been innocent, you would have quickly come to the point where he would have proposed you to spend the night with him, at the end of your service. To which you would have replied with a "maybe", but as soon as your boss allowed you to leave, you would have knocked on his door.
“I was wondering when you’d come…” he would tell you.
Then he would take your waist and hold you close. You would kiss him, and it would become wilder as his hands would travel to your ass. He would gently but firmly push you against the wall.
“You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.” He would whisper. You would know that was a lie, but you wouldn’t care. And he would know it.
He would kiss your neck while undressing you. And when you would be completely naked, he would sit you on the bed and spread your legs to kiss your inner thighs, then your clit. He would lick your arousal and you would moan his name.
In your bed, you were circling your clit, legs spread, a hand massaging your breast. You imagined his head facing your wet pussy, saying you were tasting divine, his hands all over your body, caressing your skin. You were already so close and as he would ask you to hold on a little, you waited a few seconds before allowing you to come. 
Next to you, your husband was sleeping.
Soon, you fell asleep too.
The sun was brushing your skin, slowly warming it. You opened your eyes. You were alone in your giant bed. Philip was already gone. You heard the clock striking nine. He used to leave the house near seven o’clock. You stretched your arms and legs and yawned. Watching towards the window, you could see the blue sky. This day promised to be good. You quickly showered and dressed up. Something simple. Black tights, dark skirt, white shirt. A safe bet. But to add a small personal touch, you clipped a blue tit pin on your shirt. 
You always liked blue tit. Firstly because they were cute. A tiny bird, yellow and blue, with a kind of large eye liner and white cheeks. Secondly because you wished to go to Europe once. You wanted to travel to Austria, or Germany, and this Eurasian tit symbolised this dream.
Maybe one day you would quit New Hampshire.
Something on the dresser caught your eye. Some 50 dollar notes had been put there by your husband. He had written a message on a piece of paper: "so you can go shopping today, we have a guest for lunch".
You frowned and crumpled the paper. So he wanted you to look good with his guest, uh? 
“I’m not a teen who needs pocket money.” you grumbled. 
You put on black shoes, music in your earphones, and went out of the house. In the streets, the sun was warming the asphalt, and your steps led you almost automatically to the little café bakery in which you usually  bought your breakfast.
Opening the door, a smell of butter, sugar and vanilla reached your nostrils. By 9 am, not many people were left. But you would have noticed her in a crowd of thousands of people. She was sitting on a chair, a big cup of hot chocolate and a croissant on the table in front of her. Her blonde hair in a perfect updo, she wore a clear blue dress. She was looking at the window, her phone in one hand. She was so tall… Your mouth went dry when you noticed her red lipstick as she turned her head towards you. She had caught you staring in the glass reflection. She gave you a smile, and you were sure your cheeks became as red as her lips. You turned your head to the counter to order, removing your earphones.
Were you just staring at a woman?
Did she just smile at you?
You glanced over your shoulder. She was still looking at you, her blue eyes fixed on you, crossing her legs. She took a sip in her cup.
“Hot…” you whispered.
“Excuse me, Y/N?” the waiter asked.
“Yes-yes, Nicolas, er, I-I want a-a hot chocolate please. And… and, er… a profiterole please. Takeaway.”
“Ready in a second.”
You couldn’t stand her look, it made your knees go weak. Was it what Jess called a “gay panic?”. You had to know and tipped a message.
: Hey, Jess
: What exactly is a gay panic?
She was quick to respond.
J: When you look at a girl and you want to like… kiss her. Immediately. And you can’t function properly bcz you think about her kissing you.
J: Why?
: There is this woman at Nic’ and Jane
: I never felt like this for a woman.
: She’s so beautiful, I want her lipstick on my lips and on my throat right now.
J: Oh my god
J: You’re gay!
: Am I?
J: You ARE.
“Y/N?” Nicolas said.
“Uh? Yes, it’s me”
“I have your hot chocolate and your profiterole.”
“Is everything okay? You seem distracted…”
“Yeah, I’m fine, thank you. Is it okay if I pay later? I forgot my wallet at home.”
“Of course, whenever you want.”
You took the paper bag he handed to you and went out of the café-bakery. The fresh air was really needed. You put your earphones back on.
Who was she?
You had never seen her. 
Walking the street, you arrived in the big park in which you always ate your breakfast. Your favourite place was in a sort of hidden place, under a badly pruned weeping willow. There was a bench, and a little pond in which ducks used to swim when you were a kid, but now, there were only frogs left. Sometimes, a grey heron you named Alex was fishing in it. A grey heron in New Hampshire. That was the local attraction. It escaped an aviary two years ago and settled up in the park. No one tried to catch it. And now, it was the star of the neighbourhood's children, who often tried to find it. Sometimes, when it was in the pond, you would talk to it, as if it could understand what you were saying. And for the only answer, Alex would keep fishing, at the other side of the pond.
But this day, no Alex in the pond. And the frogs were happily jumping in the grass. The sunshine passing between the branches of the willow tree made thousands of small sun spots on the now shimmering  water. You wiped the bench full of willow leaves with your hand and sat there.
While drinking your hot chocolate, you thought about this woman, in the café bakery… 
You wanted to see her again…
You had just finished your hot chocolate and ate your pastry when you heard footsteps in your back. You hoped no one would pass the curtain of leaves which hid you from the world. You liked to be alone, daydreaming about people you would never see again… Shit, they entered your secret garden. You sighed.
“What a pleasant surprise!”
You turned your head. That was her. She was there, next to you. Your eyes widened, your cheeks went red.
“Hi-uh… Hello.” You managed to say.
“Y/N, isn’t it? Can I sit here?”
“Y-yes, of course. How-how do you know my name?”
“I heard the waiter say it.” She sat, smiling at you. “My name is Larissa.”
“Larissa…” you whispered. Her name was quite unusual, and you liked it, you liked the way it sounded. You couldn’t look at her so you just fixed the water.  But in your peripheral vision you saw her smirk.
“And I paid your order.”
You turned your head towards her. Big mistake, now you couldn't take your eyes off hers.
“Oh no, you shouldn’t have…”
“And you should have sat with me in the bakery. I’m glad I found you.”
Her look went down on your lips. You felt your cheeks warming.
“I don’t know” she said “I thought you could show me a good time…”
“I-I want to pay you back.”
“You don’t have to.”
“But I want to.”
“Mh, if you really want to, there is something you could do.”
“And what is it?”
Her hand approached your cheek. You held your breath. Was she about to kiss you? Your heart hammered in your chest as she stared again at your lips. 
“I-I am a married woman.”
She froze. You held your breath. The wind blew and some willow leaves fell on you, the frogs and the pond.
“I’m sorry. I think I misunderstood your signals” She gave you a soft smile.
She started to pull her hand away from your cheek but you held it back.
“No you didn’t. I-I just thought that was unfair not to tell you.”
“I don’t understand…”
“That’s not a love marriage. I don’t love him, he doesn’t love me.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry.”
You shook your head. You didn’t like this pity gaze on you.
“Don’t. That’s okay.”
“You know, I was almost forced into a marriage, so I think I can understand what you feel.”
Her? Her, forced into a marriage? You suddenly felt understood, and safe with her. She took your hand.
“My former fiancé learnt I wasn’t a normie and refused the marriage.”
“What do you mean by a normie? You mean straight?”
“Yeah, I mean straight.” She didn’t want to tell you she was an outcast.
“To be honest I learnt I wasn’t today.”
“Am I your gay awakening?” Her smile grew bigger as you nodded.
She kissed you. Her lips were soft. Both of her hands on your cheeks, yours were on her hips. She left a last kiss on your cheekbone and smiled.
“How about a walk? Maybe you could show me the city.” She said.
“Of course, follow me.” You smiled.
You stood up and the both of you came out from under the willow.
“What was yours?” you asked, leading her on a path in the park.
“My gay awakening?”
You looked at her looking at the big trees. 
“My brother’s first girlfriend. He always had good tastes in women. By the way, are you from this town? Because I’m visiting him, and he said he would send me the address but he seemed to have forgotten. Can’t blame him, he has a lot of work.”
“Yes, of course, I live in the neighbourhood. I might know him, what’s his name?”
“Philip Weems.”
You frowned. What did she say?
“I didn’t hear, can you repeat, please?”
“His name is Philip Weems.”
That was official, you just kissed your husband’s sister. What were you supposed to say? Was she the guest for lunch? 
“Are you okay? If you don’t know where he lives, that’s okay.”
“I know where he lives.”
“Good morning Mrs Weems” a gardener said.
“Goo-good morning, Mr Johnson. How are you today?” you replied.
Larissa frowned. Did she know him?
And you cursed him for saying that right now.
“I’m fine, and you?”
“I’m fine.”
And he continued sweeping the path beside you.
“Mrs Weems, uh? You’re Philip’s wife.”
“I am.”
She chuckled.
“That only makes you more attractive…”
Hope you enjoyed <3
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buckxbucky Band/Punk AU
Bucky was so hungover it wasn't funny, the first day of the festival was all a blur of amazing fucking music and clashing bodies and alcohol, a lot of alcohol. His head felt like it was being jack-hammered from the inside and his brain was about to liquefy out of his ear-holes. "Curt, man, I love you, but I really wanna go back to the hotel, I feel like I'm gonna hurl and if I do it's gonna be all over you," he slurred, holding a hand up to try and shield his squinted eyes from the sun that seemed too bright at that moment. Curt's grip on the front of his tank top didn't budge as he pulled a half-blind Bucky through the mingling wall of bodies towards the stage, one of the bands just finishing up their set. Fuck, why did everything have to be so loud? "Too bad, Bucky. Not my fault you turned into a fish on the first night of the damn festival. I wanna watch this next band and I'm not gonna let you make me miss 'em." Bucky could only grumble as he was dragged along until they made it to the barriers, right up in front of the stage and as close as they could get to the music and the bands lined up to play. The current band was just finishing up, shouting their thanks and appreciation out to the crowd. The sound of the cheers and feedback from the speakers turned Bucky's stomach and made his head throb even harder, but he had promised Curt he'd go with him every day of the festival, especially when he saw how excited Curt was to see a certain band. He'd managed to weasel out of him that he'd developed a crush on the drummer, a guy called Ken Lemmons. Who was Bucky to deny his best friend from seeing the latest object of his obsession and affection? Bucky squinted up at the stage "What did you say these guys were called again?" "The B-17's" Curt repeated for what was probably the millionth time since they'd made it into the city. As if on queue, the giant screens at the back and sides of the stage changed to the band's name, B-17's lighting up in giant white graphics as music started blasting through the speakers. Bucky couldn't help the smile that Curt's enthusiastic whooping caused, but his smile faded slightly when he looked up onto the stage as the band started filtering out, five guys running out onto it to get to their positions. He felt his jaw go slack at the sight of the guy who grabbed the mic, piercing blue eyes that Bucky was actually close enough to see scanning out at the hundreds of people in the crowd, a blinding perfect smile splitting his face as a hand came up to brush unruly dark blond hair out of his face. The guy looked like a fucking angel. Tattoos peaked out slightly from the sleeves of a blue overshirt. Bucky couldn't hear a damn word that was being said as the guy started speaking to the crowd, grin never wavering. "See something you like there, Bucky?" Curt teased knowingly from beside him. He didn't have to look at his friend to see the playful smirk that was on his best friend's face. When the guy started singing though, a deep and absolutely perfect voice projecting from the giant speakers on either side of the stage, all Bucky could think was Ohhhhh fuck...
This is gonna go into my slowly growing WIP folder now, so get ready for me to absolutely brainrot over this now in between writing and contunuing Game of Survival (it will be continued, so don't stress, it's my first baby, it's not being abandoned 😂😂)
BONUS the song that Buck would end up writing and performing on stage for Bucky in the future:
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30 for the writing ask?
30: describe a fic that almost happened, but then didn't.
Whilst away from my computer and therefore all my WIPs, I started a little one shot titled "Who the Hill?" and actually the premise is easier to explain by just giving you what I wrote for the fic before I abandoned it lol!
The bass thud of the club rattles Jason's sternum and thrums through his organs pleasantly as he surveys the rest of the room from his spot in the corner. He's not really looking for anything in particular, just too in the habit of counting exits and tracking glasses to stop even when he's just here to be around other people having fun.
Then he sees Tim - or well maybe that isn't Tim - or no that is absolutely, definitely Tim - but probably Tim's not the right name for the spike and chain adorned person leaned against the bar with the dark, expressive makeup, the short, black skirt, and the high heel boots.
Then he's caught staring and (Not?) Tim's eyes go wide in what looks like fear and ah shit, there's no way he she was ready to come out to him, but hey, he can be cool, he can roll with this and make sure she knows he's not gonna be a prick about it.
Tim watches Jason approach with absolute dread, because he never, EVER wanted to have to explain the whole 'hi, I'm bi and I love the way my ass looks in a mini-skirt' thing to the most depressingly unavailable straight guy he's ever met. He braces for simply the most awkward 'so is this a sex thing?' conversation ever held between two vigilantes.
Instead though, Jason surprises him, "Sorry for putting you on the spot like this, but can I ask for your name?"
Tim blinks and realizes that between the makeup and the breast forms there's a very good chance Jason has no idea who he is! In fact he probably only intended to chat up some cute goth girl, and if he can manage to play along right he might get out of this with his secret intact!
He pitches his voice up a bit and hopes to god that feminine cadence and the loud music carries him, "Carolina, but you can call me Carol if you like."
"Cool! I dig the spikes by the way," Jason smiles like Carolina's name is some beautiful treasure he's been allowed to glimpse and the dread comes right back up as Tim realizes that he's somehow going to have to find it in himself to turn Jason down.
He ought to do it right now. He ought to tell Jason he's an awfully polite guy but she's already late to go home and dropped her phone in the harbor and is currently walking out the door-
[That paragraph's phrasing was inspired by this song hehehe]
But right now Tim is a weak, weak man, who chooses to pluck at Jason's jacket flirtily, "Thanks, I dig the leather and the white streak! You dye it like that?"
Jason gives him the most adorable deer-in-headlights expression back, "Uh, it's um, it's actually a cold brand? You can kinda see the scar around it if you look close."
"Wait like, liquid nitrogen and metal- deliberately?"
"I mean I dyed it the once, but then uh..." He trails awkwardly with a shrug, "I like it. Nice not to have to do anything more to keep it there. Kinda annoying it doesn't keep any other colors, but, ya'know." Another awkward shrug.
"Huh," He'd always assumed Jason just came back with it, but it being an injury instead actually makes a lot of sense? Was it really deliberate though or was he just saying that? "That's pretty fuckin hardcore."
Jason smiles again, feeling warm at all the compliments, and then internally panics.
Tim Carol is flirting with him probably?! That was not- did he say something weird? How did he come off like... And even if he did how the fuck is he supposed to handle this??
She's a girl, and he's very gay.
It feels sort of awful and cruel to think that he might fall out of love with her just because she changed a few words and her shape. Are human hearts really so fickle that the same person in a different cloth cannot be loved the same way?
At the same time though, Jason has historically been a solid six on the kinsey scale and he's sadly gotta admit the boobs are really not doing it for him. But maybe the above the belt feelings will stay? Is that how this works?? Or maybe he can just kinda... Coach himself through moving to a kinsey five???
He nervously fidgets with his hands and tries looking at her legs. He usually really likes Carol's legs and wants to do all kinds of things with them, and legs are things most people have regardless of gender... He attempts to force himself to focus on all the same features he usually likes, but it's just not the same with the heels and the skirt. The spark is gone.
This is so fucking stupid. He's stupid. This isn't how anything works and he should know it, and maybe he even does know it...
He just can't bring himself to give up on this, though. He's never had a crush reciprocate anything before, and now the world demands that he breaks both their hearts over basically nothing?!
He can't and he won't and he fucking refuses!
[Lots more awkward and not so awkward flirting flipping between their perspectives. Tim enjoying the power trip of turning Jason into a nervous mess just by being fem, thinking it's newly realized attraction that Jason can't normally feel towards him, and Jason panicking about whether or not he can be attracted to her at all. This goes on until they leave so Tim/Carol can catch his/her taxi]
Tim glances out at the road, and prepares to rip his own heart out by giving him a fake number, "Hey, um, I kinda ordered a taxi like before I even went out, so... text me?"
"Yeah sure, I've still got your number, and I'll see you back at the cave tomorrow anyways."
Tim, half turned away, goes rigid, "When the fuck did you figure out who I am?"
"What? Who the fuck else would I think you were?"
"A woman!"
"But like, you are a woman though??"
Tim stares at him, baffled, until the taxi driver leans on the horn and he decides to have this conversation on the way home. He grabs Jason by the wrist and hauls him into the car.
Jason hiss-whispers, "Wait are you in disguise right now? Did you just fucking use me for a case?!"
"No!" Tim hisses back while slamming the door shut behind him, "No, it's unfortunately infinitely more stupid and embarrassing for me!"
"Then...?" Jason gives him a confused gesture to spit it out already.
"I'm a crossdresser. My name's not any different. I'm not a woman. I'm sorry, I swear I didn't mean to lead you on, I just didn't know what the fuck to do when you came up to me asking for my fucking name."
And that's as far as I got before I abandoned it!
The problem I had with it and the reason I'm never gonna finish it is because there's not really a way to resolve the core tension/conflict that would be satisfactory to me. I need to emphasize here that I don't care about trying to find some kind of """"morally correct"""" way to end it, I just mean personally satisfying for me; any of the possible ways to end it would be morally fine, they just also all make me feel bad lmao
So like obviously the original resolution to the miscommunication was that Tim was a cis dude who just happened to be into dressing up in girly clothes and enjoying men's attention that way. That part on its own would be good, but it does mean that the moment of resolution from Jason's perspective comes out to being "Oh thank goodness you're not trans/not a woman/not a trans woman" and I don't feel great about that. Again, not a morals thing, it'd just leave a bad taste in my mouth.
My second idea was to have Tim realize he might be non-binary/a woman via Jason treating him like a woman and being so accepting of her. As a gay trans man who likes to cross dress in order to enjoy men's attention, this would give me bone dissolving levels of dysphoria!
There was also the problem of how to resolve Jason's sexuality.
As a gay man who spent many, many years of my life attempting to convince myself I was bisexual, any version of making Jason bisexual would give me bone dissolving levels of dysphoria! But like sexuality dysphoria instead of gender dysphoria. It would also eliminate an important source of narrative tension and character motivation.
The traditional version of keeping him gay would mean that Jason turns Carolina/Tim down altogether, which would break Jason's heart, and break Carolina's heart, and break my heart, and also turn the reveal into "it's a tragedy that you're trans/a woman/a trans woman". Infinite pain for zero gain!
I'd actually love to have Jason simply want to try being sexually intimate with an enby/woman Tim and have him decide he likes it even though he's still gay and still not attracted to Carolina/Tim at all. The experiences of sex having ace folks and people who have sex with people they aren't attracted to are really interesting to me and I'd love to explore that - if there was a bit more room to explore it right. This is a tiny one shot. I don't feel like I could properly convey that without putting in way more time and effort than I have to spare on this side project.
I MIGHT someday be convinced to finish this for a few different reasons, but for the forseeable future it won't be worked on. I have SO MANY PROJECTS that are better, more interesting, less awkward to handle, and already half published, like I got better things to do lol, so for now this is the one that got away.
In the meantime though: Please steal this!! If you find the premise interesting, especially if any of the versions that would give me bone dissolving dysphoria appeal to you, please take my words and write more onto them! I'd love to see some version of this finished someday, and I don't mind if someone (or several someones!) end up doing it instead of me, just lemme know if you do and throw a lil bit of credit my way and it's all good :3
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hapan-in-exile · 2 months
WIP Wednesday - Tales from the Dark Garden
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New Mandalorian x Reader one shot from me
Hey there 👋 I’ve been traveling a lot lately and I won't be back home for a while yet…but, I kinda can’t believe how much I have missed writing and spending time with my characters. Made me realize how deeply I appreciate this creative outlet!! Thank you Tumblr
While I'm at the airport, I thought I'd post something in the works since I haven't been active in a few weeks. For folks who are reading my serialized Mando fic, don't worry—I did not abandon it!
The last installment I wrote for Hapan in Exile was all smut. It was also my most popular post! Give the people what they want? And apparently, now I can’t get enough of writing erotica. Sooooo…
I’m working on a one-shot set in the same universe as my ongoing series. A sort of non-canon spinoff that's just smut.
No plot. No character development. Just sex. I'm making fanfics of my own fanfic, basically. Very meta!
Below is a snippet of the first installment. Hope you enjoy!
I should be back to posting regularly in Aug. If I can get some time to finish this up in coffee shops while traveling, I will! That honestly sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon 😌 ✨
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Tales from the Dark Garden 18+
“Thank you,” the Mandalorian says disinterestedly, sliding the pile of neatly stacked credits into his waiting palm. “Please extend my gratitude to Boss Set’ki for his generous and timely payment.”
You watch him tuck the metallic ingots into one of the leather pouches sewn to his belt—right between the buckle and a string of explosive charges. There’s a dull thunk when the butt of his rifle knocks against the table’s edge as he turns to leave.
It's quite the arsenal. The bounty hunter certainly cast an imposing figure. 
It’s a miracle those shoulders made it through the hatch.  
You’d heard rumors from the other girls at Dark Garden about the fearsome Mandalorian who visited Mistress Anassa. This just happened to be one of those delightful twists gifted by the universe, where the real thing exceeds expectations. He was terrifying. And sexy as hell.
That first moment when you’d opened the door to see him standing there in full plate Beskar was a shock to the senses that would have reduced a younger Thuli into a stream of inane babbling. 
Good thing you had a lot of practice controlling your expression—the demands of professional decorum, after all. It would ruin your Mistress’s reputation if you started drooling over the customers.
The armor suited him. It accentuated the breadth of his shoulders, the strength in his forearms, and his powerfully muscular thighs. The belt slung low around his tapered waist, and the quilted canvas hinted at the taut abdominals concealed beneath.
All the adrenaline that surged through your body at the sight of his weaponry had  immediately transformed into excitement, raw and primal. 
This man made you feel…
Sweet gods, divine and merciful.
“Of course,” you smile, leaning forward to place your elbows over the polished tabletop so that your breasts rise enticingly. Lacing your fingers together, you gently rest your chin atop your knuckles. “I will happily deliver your compliments to my master.”
The Beskar gleamed in the candlelight despite an ashy layer of soot. From the state of him, he might have come straight from the lower levels where he’d tracked his quarry. Your eyes linger over the blood splattered across his helmet, sending a shiver of panic down your spine. What sort of violence had this man committed mere hours ago?
Arousal surges within you, fear and wanting intertwined. 
The gore and grime are a stark contrast to the lush surroundings. Draped in silk tapestries, with thick woolen rugs and brocade pillows, your shuttle interior was designed to be a sanctuary from the vulgar world outside. 
But you suspect the Mandalorian wrapped brutality around him as tightly as the cloak hanging from his neck. It would take a woman of considerable charm to remove either.  
Which is why Anassa chose you.      
“It is my honor to serve, Master Set’ki,” you reply, rising artfully from your chair and gesturing toward the lounge where you’ve laid out a modest tea service. “And my duty to please.”
The Mandalorian pauses midstep on his way to the door.
“Excuse me?” he asks, curiosity peaked.
Shrugging out of your robe, the silken fabric pools at your feet. You kneel onto the plush carpet before pulling back, sitting on your heels, and reaching for the enameled pot. “My master thought you would enjoy the companionship. A chance to indulge in softer luxuries before you return to the Outer Rim.” 
The Mandalorian’s helmet gives away nothing, but you can feel his eyes tracing over you.
Looking up at him through dark lashes, you explain, “The use of this ship—and myself—are yours for the night.” 
Despite the layers of cloth and metal, when he folds his arms across his chest, you see the muscles in his back ripple. He looked powerfully, almost aggressively masculine. Like someone who took what he wanted. 
And right now, he’s imagining taking you. 
The fear is still there, but by now, it had sharpened to anticipation so intense that it ached. 
“That won’t be necessary,” he says firmly. Yet, his words did not match his actions. Instead of continuing on his path toward the door, he turns to face you, uncrossing his arms to hold them at his sides.  
Is he simply nervous? Sometimes, warriors hardened on the battlefield liked to yield dominance in the bedroom. Maybe you should try throwing him against a wall and climbing him like a tree. 
No. If submission was his preference, Anassa would have chosen someone else—Katlin with her barbed whips or Bat’ya with her cruel tongue. 
You need to coax him without pushing. The subtle art of persuasion. 
Let’s start with coy seduction. 
Turning to look at him from over your shoulder, you toss your hair just so, sending shimmering waves down your back. You twist gracefully at the waist until your bodice gapes, revealing the generous contours of your body.  
“Think of it as a reward,” your voice is supple as the velvet cushions surrounding you on the floor. “Someone to take care of you. My only desire is your comfort and pleasure.”
With that, you pour the tea and walk over to him, proferring a cup.
“That is indeed generous,” the Mandalorian cocks his head. “But I usually find more comfort in solitude.”
Yet, again, he makes no attempt to leave, accepting the cup from your hand graciously. Worn leather caresses your skin as your fingers brush against each other, reaching around the warm porcelain. The jaw of his helmet lifts, and you catch a glimpse of bronze skin and coarse black hair while he raises the cup to his lips.
Surprisingly full lips.
What did he mean by offering resistance? Was this a challenge? Some test of your professional acumen?  
A skilled courtesan is, above all else, a student of human nature and hidden desires. She must know what her clients want before they speak the words. Before they know it themselves. This Mandalorian wanted to be…tempted. 
Timidity would yield nothing. 
You arch an eyebrow, “I have never known a man who preferred solitude to my company.” Then, you stare directly into the jet-black surface of his helmet’s visor. Meeting his gaze, you place a delicate hand over his chest plate and fill your voice with honey, “Let tonight be a rare exception to the usual.” 
The Beskar feels cool against your palm and the pads of your fingertips. You hadn’t realized how flushed you’d become with your heart beating this fast. The insistent yearning between your thighs matches each pulse coursing through your veins.
“I am here to satisfy your needs. Whatever the Mandalorian desires is his for the taking.” 
While the bounty hunter remains stubbornly silent, you can hear his breathing grow shallow through the modulator.
Having made your supplication, you draw back. “If it is tranquility the Mandalorian desires, perhaps I could play the valachord or sing for him?” 
“Sing?” he huffs, sounding amused. It’s funny, hearing the smirk on his lips.
Well, at least he’s not completely immune to your charm. 
“Pleasure takes many forms,” you say, flashing him a demure smile. “As such, we courtesans are skilled in many arts. I’ve been told my voice is exceedingly lovely. And I know all the Twelve Ballads of Kiergaard.”
You shift onto the edge of a thick cushion to pour yourself some tea. When you raise the cup to your lips, the look of elegant femininity slips—just for a moment, so he can see the earnest hunger filling your gaze. You fix him with your most smoldering stare, “Though I can certainly think of other ways to please you with my mouth.”
The tea tastes bitter on your tongue, but you hardly notice, waiting for his reaction.
The Mandalorian says nothing as he pulls the rifle over his head, settling it against the door frame. He walks over in a slow saunter that makes his hips dip and sway. Slowly, he extends his hand to take your face in his leather fingers, lifting up your chin. 
“You want me to fuck your mouth?”
Your breath catches in your throat. A wave of arousal courses through your body, emanating from your clenching belly until it ripples over every surface of your skin, pinching your nipples.
“If the Mandalorian—” but he cuts off whatever beguiling line you intended. 
“I thought this was about what I wanted?” he demands.
Suddenly, you’re too flustered to speak, confused by the sudden shift in dynamic. All his polite reticence had been an act. He was done testing you. He wanted to assert dominance. 
In answer, you lower your gaze.
“That’s right,” he says cooly, brushing his thumb over your cheek. “You’re remembering what you’re for.” The Mandalorian takes the cup from your hands and tosses it aside. “There’s no more need to talk. Don’t open your mouth unless I tell you.” 
Then he reaches down to his belt and unbuckles it. 
And to think you worried he’d be too self-conscious for roleplay. This is going to be so good.
to be continued...
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welcometololaland · 6 months
summarise your wips badly game! thanks for the tags @kiwiana-writes @inexplicablymine @indestructibleheart @orchidscript and @cha-melodius
i don't know if there's a point to this for me, aside from making fun of myself, but here are my active wips summarised very poorly:
neighbourhood disputes and speeding fines result in deep self introspection and also hot sex (tarlos).
two abandoned men in a foreign country decide to unabandon themselves by hitching their metaphorical wagons to each other (firstprince).
workplace enemies accidentally orchestrate their own redundancies and fall in love (hangster).
college students are made to angst over each other by third college student's incredibly misguided method of meeting the parents (tarlos).
man finds himself the beneficiary of copious amounts of tiktok products (tarlos).
husbands find themselves on a boujee ski trip in aspen with everyone they hate (tarlos).
a case of mistaken identity leads to an HR nightmare (tarlos, co-write with @rmd-writes)* can't talk about this one because it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to give spoilers without giving away the plot.
EDIT FOR CEE: american man desperately wants to believe his mysterious crush has a red room and will stop at nothing to manifest it (firstprince).
you can send me an ask if you want (i think that's the point of this game??) or you can just laugh at my really bad attempts at describing things. also, i'm free all day today so maybe if you wanna bully me i can attempt to write some snippets if anyone is interested :)
please consider this an OPEN TAG because i'm not sure if this has breached rwrb containment and i'd love to see some lone star people do this.
will tag a couple of people who might be interested but not too many bc i've already annoyed all of you so much this past week @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @liminalmemories21 @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @carlos-in-glasses @heartstringsduet @nancygillianmvp @alrightbuckaroo @sznofthesticks @theghostofashton @hippolotamus @bonheur-cafe @never-blooms and @celeritas2997 BECAUSE!!!!! I KNOW!!!!
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anincompletelist · 9 months
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wip wednesday :D
THANK YOU @kiwiana-writes @xthelastknownsurvivorx @littlemisskittentoes @firenati0n @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @bigassbowlingballhead @getmehighonmagic you guys are on FIRE today???? (and always, but like) what ya'll have been sharing lately is so incredible, thank you so much for sharing it with us!
I have another snippet from bridesmaids today because roops (@firenati0n) has REIGNITED MY FIRE for this fic and reminded me that it's actually ? my baby ?? so. and another thank you to @nocoastposts and @wordsofhoneydew for helping me pick which part to post! all of you guys are the best <3
so, without further ado -- HAVE SOME DAVID LORE !
There’s a tapping noise on the floor at Henry’s feet, and a thick beagle rounds the corner of the cabinet, his deeply set eyes glancing up at Henry. A bit of the tension drains out of him at having something to talk about — Alex has always been good with dogs. 
“Is this the infamous David?” he asks, squatting down to hold out a hand. “The one that stained June’s rug?” 
“The very same,” Henry confirms, smiling before it morphs into faux concern. “But don’t say it too loudly, he’s quite embarrassed about that still.” 
David gives him a curious, albeit slightly uninterested, glance, abandoning his post at Henry’s feet to trot over to Alex. He sniffs at his fingers for a second, then leans his head into Alex’s hand. 
“Ah. Sorry, buddy,” Alex apologizes, scratching him lightly behind the ears. “Though, to be fair, I’d be pretty embarrassed too if I threw up in the middle of the floor in someone else’s house. We’ve all been there, man. Don’t sweat it.”  
“He’s got a sensitive stomach,” Henry argues defensively, rinsing the knife off in the sink and grabbing the containers to put the sandwiches in. “Levi’s friends shouldn’t have given him so many treats. He gets nervous around people he doesn’t know. It was a recipe for disaster.” 
“He seems to be warming up to me pretty quickly,” Alex raises a brow, glancing up at Henry as David gives a tentative sniff to the back of his hand again, then licks it. 
Henry sets the last sandwich into the bag and pauses as he takes in the scene, a sober smile on his lips. “Yes, well.”
OKAY I'm kinda late to this today but would love to see what any of ya'll have to share! and of course an open tag as well! if I missed yours already please feel free to tag me in it!
@affectionatelyrs @daisymae-12 @read-and-write- @inexplicablymine @rockyroadkylers @raysletters @sparklepocalypse @firstsprinces @nocoastposts @wordsofhoneydew @zwiazdziarka @eusuntgratie @ninzied !!
I hope you're all having a lovely holiday so far and being kind to yourselves! :D
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WIP Word Game
Rules: you will be given a word. share one sentence/excerpt from your wip(s) that start with each letter of that word.
i was tagged by both @sidekick-hero, @runninriot, AND @matchingbatbites who tagged me while i was drafting up this post!
they gave me the words UNICORN, WHOLE, and BURN respectively.
here we go, friends! the first is from a thing i'm writing about if the Munsons were the ones to find El in S1, the second are all from a few different wips i have, tagged along each letter, and the last is all from a last holiday au/rewrite i'm slowly working through <3
putting everything below the cut bc this is gonna be a long one!
“Uhm, Wayne.. She’s got-–” Eddie starts to say something in a hushed tone, but is cut off by the sound of the toilet flushing behind him through the wall. Soon after, Eleven returns to the kitchen.
No one says anything for a handful of breaths.
“I am Eleven, not Ellie.”
“C’mon in kiddo, we’ll find somethin’ for you to wear.” Wayne says, offering her his hand as he pushes the door open.
On the way though, he heard the call come through the old CB radio he’d mounted on the dash from his time in a rig. Joyce Byers’ youngest son has gone missing.
“Rise n’ shine!” He says with a knock to the door, “Y’wake, Ellie?”
“No.. not how old you are, what’s your name?”
W - from part 3 of my steddie witch!au
“What is your name, young man?”
H - from the next part of my ghost!eddie fic
He picks up the abandoned remote, starting the movie over from the beginning, “It’s a good one, muppets, music, David Bowie in tight pants…it has it all.”
O - from a little blurb i started writing based off something my husband did the other day 🤣
“Okay. Good.” Eddie’s still smiling, “Now get off me, you’re way too warm.”
L - from a werewolf!steve thing i've been working on based on the tags from this post
“Look at you, big boy, y’came to see me after all—”
E - from something i'm writing based off this tiktok of all things lmao
Eddie nudges him with his shoulder, “How could you miss me? You barely knew me.”
…But where’s he gonna go? The first fuckin’ thing on the list and he can’t even figure that out himself.
“Ugh, really with the sending me to the floor thing?” He says, unable to stop smiling.
Robin would help him get the scoop on the new arrival, he was sure.
No more putting it off, no more waiting for someone to be around to go with him (a common argument with himself whenever he thought about taking a trip), you don’t have time to be a coward any longer. Go.
also if you want to know more about any of these wips, please ask! i'd love to send a sentence or two out over this weekend! 😊
I'm going to tag @ anyone who sees this and wants to do it too!! your word is UNTIL
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the-angriest-author · 7 months
Writeblr intro
not sure if I'm doing this right... tbh, idek what to put on here. Anyhow, I've been writing for about two years now (YAY!!). I mostly write poetry although as I write this most of my posts are short stories of the fantasy variety. I like reading swoon-worthy romances so if you write anything that makes me blush and kick my feet like the teenage girl I am, I will follow you and maybe stalk all your posts. If you are the grammar police I must warn you that you will be forced to arrest me after reading my posts (I'M WORKING ON IT, not really tho).
I've been on Tumblr for idk how long but I keep ghosting the app (Life and whatnot) I'm craving community, especially with fellow authors, maybe ones with more writing experience (I am a newbiiieee). Guys... I swear I won't ghost again 🤭.
And here are all my labels for all my lovely people:
Queer (bi or pan idek man this sexuality shit aint for the weak of heart)
Retired Stoner (Moved to a place where I can't smoke)
Raging bitch (Moved to a place where I can't smoke)
Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Capricorn Rising (Raging Bitch)
Not actually a raging bitch, just think it's funny (Please like me)
ADHD (Prone to run on sentences and overusing parentheses)
Chronically misunderstood (Capricorn)
Very Annoying (Sagittarius Moon)
Certifiably Woo-Woo (Hence the astrology references)
Not Funny (I think I'm hilarious and spent 5 minutes straight laughing at this little section)
Current WIPS
To The Stranger Who Stumbles ~ A collection of poetry written during a time of my life when I was experiencing some intense change and coming to terms with certain childhood events that were... not so fun.
Genre: Poetry
Word Count: 5953
Stage: Beta Reading (message me if ur interested)
The Mad ~ Mildred the Mad and her crew of dangerous and mythical women are charged with kidnapping and delivering the Seelie Prince to the Unseelie kingdom. But with every plan comes complications, some in the form of brooding king's guards.
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Action
Tropes: Enemies to Lovers, Found Family
Current Word Count: 4434
Stage: ROUGH DRAFT and planning
P.S. My messages are open! Let's connect!
Published Works
The Hidden (w)Hole of a Heart ~ Literally my whole heart shat out onto paper. But seriously tho it's available on Amazon now and I would appreciate any support. In actuality, it's a story about a young woman (Yours Truly) coming to terms with her deeply feeling nature and Depression. The poems describe the heaviness of emptiness and the overwhelmingness of intense emotions.
Haunted House
Feelings stick to my walls like ghosts,
How is an exorcism performed on a memory?
How do I let them pass through me?
An Apology to The Crone
Pressing my tiny fleshy palms to my ears,
I refused to hear the wisdom of the crone.
Her voice was scratchy with use,
As she warned me of my journey.
I’d close my eyes with every disaster.
The niggling feeling would whisper a wrong,
And I’d pray to God my feet were swift,
So, they could carry me away.
I’d refuse to harden,
Reasoning that beauty is only found in the soft.
I waited to be taken by my knight.
I never cared that the gleam in her armor was an illusion.
I stand unprepared for the cruel world.
Preserved in my maidenhood.
Having grown tired of disobedience, 
The crone has abandoned me.
Only now do I see the clarity of your wisdom,
I will forever be sorry.
A Terrible High
on occasion
there are quiet moments
where minds begin to fill blanks
when small things grow
rock to boulder
smashing me against the ground
I’m nonexistent.
If I were nonexistent
the boulder would simply blow through
and I’d be nothing.
And I’d be okay.
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newtonsheffield · 1 year
Till forever falls apart is becoming my favourite story you’ve ever written. The yearning, the hard times, the light moments and all while going through something traumatic. It just gets me every time. Brava Molly, you’ve truly outdone yourself. Any chance we can see post war Kathony being cute together 😍 I’ll take anything you’d give me
I'm so glad people are enjoying it. I know it has a bit of a different feel to my other fics but it's maybe my favourite current WiP so... yeah. I'm enjoying writing it.
Let's see a little bit of Anthony's bookshop
"Papa! A person!"
Anthony chuckled as the bell chimed over the door alerting him to the person anyway. Anthony put down the books he was reshelving, picked up his cane and made his way back through the store.
Anthony sighed as he look at his son, scrambling down from the counter to greet the customer, all enthusiasm at just two years old.
"I'm Neddy, you wanna book?
The man blinked down at him a little surprised, twirling his hat around, "I... Is there someone else...?"
"Hello, can I help you?"
The man seemed to relax but still he looked around a little awkwardly, "I'm looking for a book for my nephew, I'm not sure what he might like."
Anthony smiled, picking his son up and resting him on his hip, kissing his head quickly, "Well our children's books are over this way I'm sure we can find you something."
"This is my favourite one." Neddy said thrusting a book at the man, "It's about a rabbit named Peter."
Anthony smiled down at his son and his heart leapt into his throat. He couldn't believe it sometimes, even after so long. He couldn't believe he'd come through the war mostly unscathed when so many men hadn't. There were so many men that he'd known since childhood and gone to school with who would never get to do this. Better men, arguably, than he had been. And yet he was the one left here.
He might have been dragged to his lowest point, sure, he'd stood on the grass at Thriplow house and sweat had run down his forehead as he'd tried to take a single step. And inexplicably, Kate had been there every step of the way. Her hands had held his and her voice had been gentle in his ear when they laid side by side under the sunlight.
I'm falling in love with you
He'd promised himself he'd be someone who was worth the chance he'd been given. He would live his entire life, love his wife and their children and he'd be present for them. He'd stood in their bedroom, with Neddy in his arms for the very first time and he hadn't even bothered to stop the tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Kate, I love him so much. I love you so much."
Anthony had promised himself he was going to spend as much time as possible with his children. Even here in this little store.
The man smiled at Edmund, taking the book from his hand. "I think I'll get this one then, excellent recommendation sir."
"Thank you." Neddy said, leading the man to the counter, "I help my Papa with the books."
"You do a great job."
"He does do a pretty good job."
Anthony started at the sound of his wife's voice, spinning towards where she'd snuck through the door while he was distracted. She was still dressed in her uniform, her coat pulled tight around herself, the swell of her stomach just becoming visible.
"Mama!" Neddy squeaked, abandoning the man who'd been trying to slide his money across the counter to him in favour of hugging his mother around the legs, bouncing with excitement.
Anthony smiled at the man and took his money, passing him his change before he wrapped the book in brown paper. "I hope your nephew enjoys it."
"You have a beautiful family."
"I know, I'm very lucky."
The bell rang above the door as the man left and finally, he turned his attention to Kate.
"Everything all right?"
Kate chuckled, leaning against him, tucking herself into his side, Neddy wrapping his arms around both of their legs. "Everything's fine I was just walking home and I thought why not check on my handsome boys?"
"We appreciate it." Anthony kissed her cheek, resting his hand on her stomach, "How're my girls?"
"Your wife's fine, and your son is doing well also."
"Say what you will, but this is a girl."
"It isn't." Kate clicked her tongue, "You look handsome today though, I like this sweater vest."
"Yes, a pretty girl made it for me."
"I try my best."
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cornunut · 2 months
Surprising no one, I am going to ask about The Lads™ for the send a character meme
(d twins + rogier pls ty)
holds them out to you (also this got kind of long sorry in advance)
First impression
how does he fight with that fuckass armour. is he religious he looks religious can i get some guilt. can he kiss my tarnished.
Impression now
Tumblr media
i need to do this to him.
Favorite moment
I CAN'T DECIDE DKFJGHDKFJHG he has so many little bits of dialogue that i love. "don't you dare. unless you want to die like a dog?" "just as long as he doesn't starve to death, eh." "another fool who won't listen to reason, eh?" i want to chew on him. but i really like how you can summon him for both the liurnia mariner and the black knife further north! it makes it feel like i'm dragging him along on my littol journey for a bit. gives him some enrichment lets him touch grass
Idea for a story
ah... i have a few wips regarding him and my tarnished, but one thing i really want to write is how they meet because lucio actually knows him before the proper run of the game! i just need to... yknow... actually figure out How they meet and need to write it DKFGHKJDFGH
Unpopular opinion
he's not a heartless asshole... seriously his first introduction in summonwater shows how compassionate he is with mourning this corpse that he's never met and he's very friendly towards the tarnished if they work with gurranq. he's a good person!
Favorite relationship
d & rogier... romantic or not, i need to know more about them.... how they met, how they fell apart, their interactions during the game... ough
Favorite headcanon
i like to think that he and devin were either killed by one of their parents when they were children or abandoned and died to the elements b/c of the whole cursed twin thing, then reborn as tarnished and taken in by gurranq who raised them. in either situation i feel like devin died first and that's one of the reasons why darian's so protective of him.
First impression
hey why is his voice so hot. why does he sound so insane.
Impression now
ouuuuugh my little meow meow who has so many problems
Favorite moment
given that he has all of two scenes on screen i'm gonna go with him yapping over fia's body because every word of that speech is ingrained in my brain. smth smth "ROTTEN WHORE"
Idea for a story
i really want to explore either the aftermath of darian's death and how that affected him, or what happened immediately after he killed fia and dipped.
Unpopular opinion
he is entirely justified in his anger about fia killing his brother, actually! cannot believe that that's unpopular
Favorite relationship
with darian - i looove the whole fucked up twin sharing a soul intricate deep connection thing. it makes it hurt more when darian dies :)
Favorite headcanon
related to the previous point i like to think he felt nearly everything when darian was killed due to weird twin soul bond thing :))
First impression
he looks wreckable. why must he die.
Impression now
he gives me such insane cute aggression but i also want to move him to a more comfy place in the roundtable hold than that chair on the balcony and tuck him in with a warm blanket.
Favorite moment
i love how sarcastic he gets after you tell him you can't see grace in stormveil KDJFGHKDJHFG he's so passive aggressive its so funny
Idea for a story
[insert rogier lives fic here] but also like what happened when the deathblight took his legs. how the hell did he get back to the roundtable hold.
Unpopular opinion
free my man from the archetype ppl want to shove him into (soft sweet wholesome boy who can do nothing wrong)
Favorite relationship
d & ro... like i was saying above i neeeeeeed to know more about them (luckily that's what fanfic is for)
Favorite headcanon
this is more of a tarnished hc tbh but i think lucio (my tarnished) would, assuming it wouldn't cause any pain to rogier, try and prune away the deathblight vines to try and make him more comfortable. he'd also bring rogier books that he found while exploring tlb. otherwise, for a more rogier-centric hc, i do subscribe to prisoner starting class rogi :)
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look-i-love-u · 1 month
Tag Game Wednesday
Gone full week and arrived at Wednesday again. Oops.
This is totally last week's one.
thank you for tagging me: @vintagelacerosette, @jrooc, @shippergirl121fic, @energievie, @ian-galagher, @blue-disco-lights @michellemisfit
Name and A03 handle: Vey, miss_snowwhitepink
Current Location: on the couch, sipping water, trying to get better hydrated
Favourite picrew:
Tumblr media
What's one thing you want in a picrew? more body types, more fantasy, more pets
Favourite thing you’ve created (or seen created) for the fandom?
Fuck-U-Up Mug
Why is it your favourite?
Painted this mug for the first gallacrafts theme and I still love it and use it almost daily. It's still looking as good as day one. And it made me write a little one-shot to go with
Did it come easily or was it hard to create?
It was the first time I tried to draw a lily. So that was a bit of an adventure. The baking of the mug to fix the colour was a bit nerve-wrecking too as I feared it would break in the oven. But it all worked out just fine :)
Last ao3 fic you commented on? It's been a while since I read ffs. I've been on a "sports guys hooking up and finding love" binge read lately, so I've read about ten books or so in the last few months and not a single ff. O.o
The last comment I wrote that got a reply was Evie's "When you say nothing at all"
Biggest WIP heartache you’ve ever experienced? I don't really read WIPs since my early fandom days and getting burned by them. But that's about half my lifetime ago and I can't remember a specific story.
So I'll say all the WIPs in my doc drafts and especially the three collabs that I was super excited about my writing partner(s) weren't and they never even took off or got abandoned quite early on.
Favourite trope or head cannon you like included in a fanfic?
Oh, so many! Any and all AUs - as I love to see them find each other in every universe.
Soulmate!Aus especially. Hurt/Comfort. Pining! Long burn! Yes! Give me all the delayed gratification and the good stomach tingles from it!
Least favourite? Break-Up/Second chance fics, probably. I'm all about them getting together the first time and then hopefully living their happily ever after.
Also sick!fics and character deaths. Real life got enough of that. I don't want to read it in my escape media as well.
Secret or surprising kink or trope?
From hand holding to monsterfuckery - I'm a pretty open book when it comes to my kinks, I think. No secrets to uncover here.
Describe how you feel after you’ve created something new?
Elated. Happy. Nervously excited. Eager to share it.
Top hype man you have that always helps you get across the finish line:
Time pressure and a sense of responsibility.
Works for my work writing, works for fun writing. It's also probably the only reason I still remember to write a Galladrabble each week. XD
And getting a good response to what I did. Serotonine works wonders for my motivation and creativity.
It's been a bad day, you turn to the fandom and you _____? Scroll through tumblr. Look at amazing pretty art and send my faves to people who I know share my love for it.
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raina-at · 10 months
Fic writer 20 Questions
Thanks for the tag, @khorazir!
How many works do you have on AO3?
29 fics, three J2 RPS, 1 Supernatural, the rest is Sherlock.
What’s your total AO3 wordcount?
490,267 (though I have to add that a lot of my old fics aren’t on AO3, my overall word count must be well over a million.)
What fandoms do you write for?
In the past, Star Wars, Supernatural, Harry Potter, RPS. Right now it’s Sherlock, and has been for a while. And I don’t see that changing any time soon.
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Bakers with Benefits
Don’t Read the Last Page
Running Obliquely
Take Two
All I Want for Christmas (is Proof)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always respond to comments, or at least I try my best to. It’s only polite, people took time to give me feedback, the least I can do is to thank them for their time. 
 What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t do angsty endings, my fics all end happily ;-)
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hm. Well. All my fics end on a happy note, but for me, it’s probably Spare Parts because that happy ending was the one I felt was the hardest won. But I do have a soft spot for the last chapter of Bakers with Benefits, because that was also a long road, both for Sherlock and for me.
Do you get hate on fics?
Hasn’t happened so far. Granted, I only posted one of my many, many Wincest stories, so maybe if I had more of them on AO3, but as it stands, I never got hate on one of my fics, and I hope it stays this way. The odd rude comment, but no hate.
Do you write smut?
Yup. But not a lot of it. I find the older I get the less smut I write, probably because it’s starting to feel repetitive. Which is funny, because I’ve written hundreds of love confessions and I never get tired of those. 
Do you write crossovers?
Not yet. If the inspiration strikes, I might yet write one, but so far I haven’t.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of. I’m not on Wattpad and the likes, so there might be some stolen copies of my works out there, but who knows. Someone once told me about this person who plagiarized one of my J2 fics and re-wrote it as a Degrassi het fic, but the person had already deleted their account, so I couldn’t verify it. That was… bizarre. 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, several. Speak Now was translated into Spanish, Bakers with Benefits into French and Without Complexities or Pride into Russian.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
My darling wife @nuttersinc and I co-wrote thousands of words of fic. We hosted fests and LJ communities, ran an online RPG together and co-wrote a huge fic series that we abandoned when we both fell out of that fandom at the same time. We haven’t been in the same fandom since back in our Supernatural days, but we did just about everything fandom spouses can do together except host a podcast ;-)
14 .  What’s your all time favourite ship?
I mean… Johnlock just has The Dynamic down to a science. You can do so much with them. You can do anything. They’re so wonderfully perfect for each other in all their fucked-up, flawed, deeply human glory. But having said that, I have a weak spot deep in my heart for Mulder and Scully, because they were so important to me as a teenager, and they led me to fandom and fanfic. They’re the first ship that truly owned my soul. So a part of my heart will always belong to them.
(They also led me to my second favourite het ship of all time, Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane, because Mulder compared himself and Scully to Peter and Harriet in one of my favourite fics, so of course I had to go read the books, and man, that’s a Dynamic, right there. Two whip-smart, emotionally extremely vulnerable people both desperately wanting and being deadly scared of true intimacy. I eat that up with a spoon. Also love the ‘man totally besotted with the smart, independent woman cutting his ego down to size’ dynamic.)
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Oh, so MANY. I never post WIPS because I want to feel free to abandon stories whenever, so I’m the only one haunted by my WIP folder, but there’s a few in there I would really like to come back to one of these days. But never say never, the first three pages of Nothing Gold Can Stay sat in there for MONTHS, gestating. You never know.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I can only say what I enjoy writing, I hope that joy translates itself to the page. I love writing dialogue and I think I’m pretty good at it. I think I’m good at pacing, and I think I’m good at making people Feel Things.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I sometimes lose patience with plot. Because I mostly use plot as a means for character development, I sometimes lose patience with my own plots. That mostly happens in the fics I don’t finish, and it’s mostly the reason I don’t finish the fic. I’m also not especially good at handling large casts of characters, many of my fics have very few characters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? 
Honestly, it hasn’t come up yet. I would only do it in German, because that’s my native language, otherwise I’d be too worried to get it wrong. I don’t generally like it when conversations aren’t translated. Othewise I have no strong feelings about it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Wrote? X-Files. Posted? Roswell.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh, that’s hard. The ones I loved writing the most are probably Take Two and my J2 highschool AU. I wrote both very quickly in a sort of fugue state, and it just feels amazing when that happens. The one I enjoy re-visiting the most? Bakers with Benefits.
Tagging @keirgreeneyes @jrow @discordantwords @thetimemoves and anyone else who wants to do this.
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thelikesofus · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by the wonderful @thekristen999, @spotsandsocks, and @hippolotamus xx
How many works do you have on ao3? 49
What's your total ao3 word count?
156,649 which seems crazy omg
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently 9-1-1
Previously: Fairy Tail, Akagami no Shirayukihime, and some rpf for K-Pop bands
Top five fics by kudos:
Words Fall Short (Tongue Tied and Lonely) 15k words
Buck misoverhears Eddie complaining to Hen at work and presumes the worst. He slowly starts to phase himself out of Eddie's life and Eddie doesn't know why.
you are my boy, buckaroo 1.7k words
Buck is in the wrong place at the wrong time and Athena comes to the rescue.
Lazy Sunday (Lay With Me) 1.2k words
A quiet, cuddly Sunday morning between Buck and Eddie on the Diaz couch.
ring the bells 5.3k words - Buddie CoffeeShop AU
Buck starts frequenting a coffee shop near the firehouse in hopes of running into the beautiful man whose coffee he mistakenly drank.
Wine (Whine) 1.5k words
Buck makes plans without Eddie so Eddie goes to Karen for wine and a whine and then comes home to Buck.
Do you respond to comments? Yes! I try to! I usually reply to some the same day I post a fic and then go back and reply to the rest a few weeks later. But every comment is so important to me <3
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am incapable of not writing happy endings haha but the angstiest content in a fic was probably in lightning crashes seeing as Buck literally died right in front of Eddie's eyes, more than once.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Crushes, Shivers and Bruised Knuckles has a super cute sappy ending <3
Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, I've had the odd snide comment but so far I've been pretty lucky.
Do you write smut? Nope. Just not my writing vibe.
Craziest crossover:
Haven't written any crossover fics yet but i've been dipping my toes into AUs a bit more recently.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Years ago yes sort of, I had a fic reposted to another website without my permission but still credited to me.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, not yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not published, but the lovely @lilbuddie and I have played around with some ideas before.
All time favourite ship? Buddie, they have taken me over body and soul. Never has a ship inspired me to write so many fics.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a few WIPs from other fandoms (not 911) that I abandoned a long time ago and now the source material has changed too much for the fics to make sense to finish which is sad cos some of them I was really excited about (RIP the Australian Adoption Adventure fic).
What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions, particularly of physical intamicy/tactile situations cos I'm hyper aware of where everyone's limbs are at all times. I think I'm pretty good at getting character's verbal tone right too.
What are your writing weaknesses? Other than finishing WIPs?? Long fics, honestly. I have so many ideas but find it really hard to plot out and execute long form fics.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Character specific I think.
First fandom you wrote in? Fairy Tail
Favourite fic you've written? I have some new WIPs coming soon that I think will take the title but here's some current favs:
Crushes, Shivers and Bruised Knuckles 9k words
Eddie starts kickboxing, goes to therapy and realizes he's in love with Buck.
lightning crashes 9.7k words
Eddie is thrown from the ladder truck during a lightning storm on a call but it is Buck who ends up in the hospital.
Not 9-1-1:
Hindsight (Through Rose Tinted Glasses) - Stray Kids (8.6k)
Hearts Beat (Louder Than Bombs) - NCT War AU (25k ongoing)
Tagging a few lovely mutuals who might like to share:
@loserdiaz @shortsighted-owl @sibylsleaves @monsterrae1 @spaceprincessem @elvensorceress @bekkachaos and anyone else who wants to tag me in their version of this! I love hear about people's writing xx
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