#toki wo kakeru shounen au
crescentmoonrider · 2 months
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The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU
(read from right to left)
Hello !! It's been 8 months since the last part !! On the bright side, this whole like, mini-arc ? Is fully sketched. On the other side I don't know what my life will look like by like, the next few months ? I'm finishing up my Masters, and then I'll take a short break before looking for work... yeah... Anyway I know it's been a while, and it may take a while until the next one, but this series is still going !! Believe it !! Back to the actual content of this part - a second big change has hit the timeline !! I wonder what happened to the Star cult.... 🤔
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thejsubexperiment · 7 years
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Episode 21 Word Bank
We finally have our Work Bank.
The word bank is not an index, or a glossary. Instead, it’s a selection of words that we consider worth learning, or at least putting somewhere in one’s mind. 
As you’re aware, every single word in the episode is defined. So this is something more for the hardcore studiers. 
You’ll find the word in Japanese script, the Romaji in parentheses (), the definition, and then the Part of the runthrough where this word can be found in brackets []. It may not be the first time it appears, but it will be there.
Functional Units
は (wa) — topical particle
って (tte) — casual topical particle
が (ga) — nominative particle
に (ni) — dative particle 
へ (he) — locative particle
の (no) — genitive particle
で (de) — instrumental particle
を (wo) — accusative particle
と (to) — quotative particle
って (tte) — casual quotative particle
と (to) — comitative particle
も (mo) — secondary particle, meaning “too” or “even”
さ (sa) — emphatic secondary particle
の/ん (no/n) — substantivizing suffix
し (shi) — conjunctival suffix, marking an item in a non-exhaustive list 
でしょう (deshou) — dubitative ending particle (verbal expression)
だろ (daro) — dubitative ending particle (verbal expression)
ね (ne) — dubitative ending particle
な (na) — casual dubitative ending particle
よ (yo) — emphatic ending particle
ぞ (zo) — emphatic, sometimes imperative, ending particle
か (ka) — interrogative ending particle 
から (kara) — post-position, meaning “from”
まで (made) — post-position, meaning “to” or “up to”
で (de) — post-position, meaning “at” 
より (yori) — post-position, meaning “than”
けど (kedo) — conjunction, meaning “though”
が (ga) — conjunction, meaning “though” 
Nouns & Pronouns
あっち (acchi) — over there [5]
あなた (anata) — second person singular pronoun [26]
あんた (anta) — casual second person singular pronoun [23]
あの (ano) — that over there [4]
跡 (ato) — sign, indication [14]
挨拶 (aisatsu) — greeting, salute [8]
あいつ (aitsu) — casual third person plural pronoun, “that person over there” [3]
あれ (are) — that (thing) [11]
明日 (ashita) — tomorrow [20]
あったり前 (attarimae) — obvious [6]
ば (ba) — old woman, grandmother [16]
バカ者 (baka-mono) — idiot [1]
別 (betsu) — separate [17]
僕 (boku) — first person masculine singular pronoun, “I” [4]
部下 (buka) — subordinate [11]
分解 (bunkai) — disassembly, deconstruction [34]
美人 (bijin) — beautiful person [2]
血 (ち) — blood [5]
地下 (chika) — basement [8]
小さい (chiisai) — small [6]
ちっぽけ (chippoke) — tiny [4]
地図 (chizu) — map [4]
中尉 (chuui) — lieutenant (military rank) [8]
中心 (chuushin) — center, middle [8]
大総統 (daisoutou) — great leader, supreme leader, führer [8]
だけ (dake) — only [12]
駄目 (dame) — no good [13]
誰か (dareka) — somebody [36]
誰も (daremo) — nobody [36]
電話 (denwa) — telephone [12]
どっち (docchi) — which one? [34]
度胸 (dokyou) — courage, nerve [29]
永遠 (eien) — eternity [36]
獲物 (emono) — prize, catch [10]
餌 (esa) — bait [29]
不死身 (fujimi) — immortality [17]
服 (fuku) — uniform [24]
不可解 (fukakai) — mystery [9]
付随 (fuzui) — paralysis [11]
我慢 (gaman) — patience [2]
現実 (genjitsu) — reality [6]
犠牲者 (giseisha) — victim [29]
誤報 (gohou) — misinformation [33]
軍 (gun) — army [9]
軍曹 (gunsou) — sergeant [14]
牛乳 (gyuunyuu) — (cow’s) milk [6]
派手 (hade) — showy, flashy [26]
鋼 (hagane) — steel [9]
排除 (haijo) — elimination [35]
花 (hana) — flower [36]
発砲 (happou) — firing (of a gun) [32]
変 (hen) — weird [9]
部屋 (heya) — room [2]
日替わり (higawari) — daily special [4]
光 (hikari) — light, a beam of light [4]
暇 (hima) — free time [23]
額 (hitai) — forehead, brow [16]
人 (hito) — person [1]
人目 (hitome) — public notice [26]
星 (hoshi) — star [36]
方 (hou) — way, manner [2]
一 (ichi) — one [10]
異常 (ijou) — abnormality [33]
いくつも (ikutsumo) — a great many [4]
一飯 (ippan) — meal [19]
入り口 (iriguchi) — entrance [14]
入れ墨 (irezumi) — tattoo [16]
石 (ishi) — stone, rock [12]
一緒 (issho) — together [2]
いや (iya) — disagreeable [7]
邪魔 (jama) — hindrance, intrusion [35]
自分らしさ (jibunrashisa) — individuality [36]
自重 (jichou) — prudence [9]
実家 (jikka) — childhood home [12]
人体 (jintai) — human body [34]
情報 (jouhou) — information [5]
壁 (kabe) — wall [36]
下半身 (kahanshin) — lower body [11]
快晴 (kaisei) — good weather [28]
監察医 (kanatsui) — medical examiner [11]
看護師 (kangoshi) — nurse [2]
可能性 (kanousei) — possibility [5]
官邸 (kantei) — residence [8]
体 (karada) — body [5]
彼 (kare) — third person masculine singular pronoun, “he.” [3]
仮説 (kasetsu) — theory [5]
憲兵 (kenpei) ��� military police [13]
危機 (kiki) — danger [17]
貴様 (ki-sama) — second person singular pronoun, “you” [2]
季節 (kisetsu) — season [36]
こっち (kocchi) — this one, over here [6]
こちら (kochira) — this one, over here [31]
国家 (kokka) — the state [13]
心 (kokoro) — heart, mind [4]
この (kono) — this [8]
これ (kore) — this (thing) [16]
個室 (koshitsu) — private room [2]
気 (ki) — energy [10]
貴重 (kichou) — precious [14]
君 (kimi) — second person masculine singular pronoun, “you” [36]
ここ (koko) — here [14]
こと (koto) — thing [1]
言葉 (kotoba) — word; language [1]
交差 (kousa) — crossing [4]
国 (kuni) — country, nation [24]
食らう (kurau) — to eat [11]
傷 (kizu) — scar, wound [16]
行動 (koudou) — action [27]
距離 (kyori) — distance [8]
巨大 (kyodai) — huge [11]
許可 (kyoka) — permission [12]
今日 (kyou) — today [52]
興味 (kyoumi) — interest [18]
協力 (kyouryoku) — cooperation [18]
急 (kyuu) — urgent, sudden [36]
休暇 (kyuuka) — leave, vacation [13]
街 (machi) — town, neighborhood [26]
街中 (machijuu) — the whole town [26]
持ちきり (machikiri) — hot topic [26]
窓 (mado) — window [18]
前 (mae) — in front, ahead [17]
まま (mama) — still, as it is [4]
真っ白 (masshiro) — pure white [4]
巡り (meguri) — circumference [36]
命運 (meiun) — fate [19]
道 (michi) — road [36]
見舞い (mimai) — visiting the sick [8]
もの (mono) — thing [11]
申し訳 (moushiwake) — excuse [1]
基 (moto) — base, origin [8]
ムチャ (mucha) — absurd [29]
むだ (muda) — useless, futile [35]
無理 (muri) — impossible [14]
無用 (muyou) — useless [25]
涙 (namida) — (crying) tear [36]
何 (nani) — what? [11]
ネズミ (nezumi) — mouse; rat [4]
鼠色 (nezumi iro) — gray-colored [4]
兄 (nii/ani) — older brother [5]
肉体 (nikutai) — one’s body, one’s flesh [5]
臭い (nioi) — scent [33]
じ (ji) — uncle, old man [16]
お前 (omae) — casual second person pronoun, “you” [11]
女 (onna) — woman [12]
おおよそ (ooyoso) — rough [8]
おおきな (ookina) — large [16]
おれ (ore) — casual first person masculine singular pronoun [6]
恩 (on) — debt, gratitude [19]
終わり (owari) — ending [13]
落書き (rakugaki) — scribbling, graffiti
礼 (rei) — reward, gesture of appreciation [25]
錬金術師 (renkinjitsushi) — alchemist [12]
錬成 (rensei) — transmutation [5]
練習 (renshuu) — those people [8]
力量 (rikiryou) — ability, capacity [14]
利用 (riyou) — use [3]
両足 (ryou-ashi) — both legs [10]
了解 (ryoukai) — understanding, comprehension [24]
両目 (ryou-me) — both eyes [4]
先 (saki) — before, previous [23]
作戦 (sakusan) — strategy [18]
さすが (sasuga) — as one would expect [31]
生活 (seikatsu) — lifestyle [12]
精神 (seishin) — soul, mind [5]
世界 (sekai) — world [4]
背中 (senaka) — back (anatomy) [24]
戦友 (sen’yuu) — war buddy [11]
せず (sezu) — without [9]
至急 (shikyuu) — urgent [31]
死者 (shisha) — deceased [16]
身長 (shinchou) — height [6]
心配 (shinpai) — worry, concern [3]
少佐 (shousa) — major, lieutenant commander (military rank) [13]
すぐ (sugu) — immediately [15]
睡眠 (suimin) — sleep [7]
真相 (shinsou) — truth [17]
司令部 (shireibu) — headquarters [13]
下 (shita) — below [4]
失礼 (shitsurei) — discourtesy [21]
少年 (shounen) — youth, young boy [32]
そこ (soko) — there [2]
その (sono) — that [8]
そんな (sonna) — such, like that [5]
曹長 (souchou) — sergeant major (military rank) [8]
空 (sora) — sky [4]
大佐 (taisa) — colonel (military rank) [1]
旅 (tabi) — travel [4]
退役 (taieki) — retiring from military service [12]
大切 (taisetsu) — important [26]
対峙 (taiji) — confronting [17]
大将 (taishou) — chief (military rank) [12]
魂 (tamashii) — soul [2]
多数 (tasuu) — great in number [16]
手詰まり (tedzumari) — stalemate, dead end [21]
敵 (teki) — enemy [1]
扉 (tobira) — gate [3]
途中 (tochuu) — en route, along, midway [36]
時 (toki) — time [5]
特徴 (tokuchou) — feature, characteristic [16]
所 (tokoro) — place [13]
年 (toshi) — year [6]
年寄り (toshiyori) — old person [11]
つぼ (tsubo) — vase [26]
次 (つぎ) — next [31]
使い (tsukai) — talk [8]
通達 (tsuutatsu) — notice [16]
腕 (ude) — arm [20]
上 (ue) — top, above [24]
噂 (uwasa) — rumor [26]
分け前 (wakemae) — portion [30]
我々 (wareware) – first person plural pronoun, “we” [2]
私 (watashi) — first person singular pronoun, “I” [1]
約束 (yakusoku) — promise [19]
野郎 (yarou) — brat; bastard; disliked person [2]
やつ (yatsu) — casual third person singular pronoun, “that guy” [2]
よう (you) — form, likeness [25]
予想外 (yougai) — unexpected [10]
行方不明 (yukuefumei) — missing, unaccounted for [27]
夢 (yume) — dream [4]
雑貨屋 (zakkaya) — general store [12]
全市 (zenshi) — the entire city [16]
あごで使う (ago de tsukau) — to push someone around [29]
当たる (ataru) — to hit
会う (au) — to meet [14]
開ける (akeru) — to open [14] 
諦める (akirameru) — to give up [1]
現れる (arawareru) — to show up [16]
ある (aru) — copula [1]
歩く (aruku) — to walk [36]
ちゃう (chau) — to complete; for an occurrence to be inconvenient [1]
だ (da) — copula [2]
出来る (dekiru) — to be able to do [3]
出る (deru) — to leave, to exit [1]
どこか (dokoka) — anywhere, somewhere [10]
降り出す (furidasu) — to begin to rain [4]
払う (harau) — to buy [25]
働く (hataraku) — to work [10]
始まる (hajimaru) — to begin, to start [30]
引き出す (hikidasu) — to draw out [9]
拾う (hirou) — to pick up, to gather [36]
生きる (ikiru) — to live [1]
行く (iku) — to go [4]
いらっしゃる (irassharu) — to come, to go (honorific) [21]
いる (iru) — copula [1]
言う (iu) — to say [1]
退く (hiku) — to stand aside [30]
自分 (jibun) — oneself [22]
帰す (kaesu) — to send (back) [2]
かける (kakeru) — “to hang” or “to apply” [9]
描く (kaku) — to draw [36]
感じる (kanjiru) — to feel [33]
変わる (kawaru) — to be different; to change [35]
数える (kazoeru) — to count [8]
汚す (kegasu) — to dirty, to get hurt [7]
聞き出す (kikidasu) — to get information out of someone [15]
決まる (kimaru) — to decide [22]
傷つく (kizutsuku) — to be wounded [8]
困る (komaru) — to get in trouble [14]
こんな (konna) — like this [23]
殺す (korosu) — to kill [2]
ください (kudasai) — “please;” from kudasaru (honorific verb) to give to one [2]
くれる (kureru) — to give to one [13]
来る (kuru) — to come [2]
加える (kuwaeru) — to add [16]
任せる (makaseru) — to entrust [1]
まねる (maneru) — to mimic [29]
回る (mawaru) — to turn [13]
迷う (mayou) — to get lost [36]
交ぜる (mazeru) — to combine [5]
見る (miru) — to see [4]
見捨てる (misuteru) — to abandon [24]
認める (mitomeru) — to recognize, to admit [6]
持ち逃げる (mochinigeru) — to run off with something [19]
戻る (modoru) — to return [20]
もらう (morau) — to receive, to receive a benefit from another’s action [10]
持つ (motsu) — to carry [5]
向き合う (mukiau) — to come face-to-face with” [6]
泣く (naku) — to cry [17]
失くす (nakusu) — to some something
直す (naosu) — to correct [26]
なる (naru) — to become [32]
寝る (neru) — to sleep [7]
逃げる (nigeru) — to escape [35]
滲む (nijimu) — to run away [4]
伸びる (nobiru) — to grow [6]
残す (nokosu) — to leave behind [14]
飲む (nomu) — to drink [7]
おびき出す (obikidasu) — to lure out [17]
思う (omou) — to think [17]
おく (oku) — to place [22]
襲う (osou) — to attack [17]
咲かす (sakasu) — to hold up to the light [4]
誘う (sasou) — to invite [4]
刺す (sasu) — to stab [12]
背負う (seou) — to be burdened with [6]
しまう (shimau) — to finish, for an action to be an inconvenience to one [28]
信じる (shinjiru) — to believe [1]
死ぬ (shinu) — to die [20]
する (suru) — to do [1]
捨てる (suteru) — to discard [22]
食べる (taberu) — to eat [35]
企む (takurami) — to scheme [11]
頼む (tanomu) — to beg [23]
助ける (tasukeru) — to rescue [18]
立つ (tatsu) — to stand up [8]
照らす (terasu) — to illuminate [36]
届く (todoku) — to reach, to get through [4]
途切れる (togireru) — to be interrupted [12]
捕まえる (tsukamaeru) — to arrest, to capture [30]
付ける (tsukeru) — to affix, to attach [15]
作る (tsukuru) — to make [36]
繋がる (tsunagaru) — to be connected [6]
釣る (tsuru) — to fish [10]
強がる (tsuyogaru) — to act tough [36]
飛ぶ (tobu) — to fly, to leap [33]
取る (toru) — to take, to take in [5]
疑う (utagau) — to doubt [18]
分かる (wakaru) — to scheme [11]
忘れる (wasureru) — to forget [27]
焼く (yaku) — to burn [3]
役立つ (yakudatsu) — to serve a purpose, to be useful [27]
やる (yaru) — to do [12]
よこす (yokosu) — to hand over [30]
揺れる (yureru) — to sway, to shake [36]
Adjectival Verbs
危ない (abunai) — dangerous [20]
ありがたい (arigatai) — thankful [11]
早い (hayai) — early [20]
ほしい (hoshii) — wanted, desired [27]
いい (ii) — good [7]
痛い (itai) — painful [2]
怖い (kowai) — scary [27]
長い (nagai) — long [36]
多い (ooi) — many, various (countable) [13]
遅い (osoi) — late; too late [3]
寂しい (sabishii) — lonely [36]
しんどい (shindoi) — tired [30]
楽しい (tanoshii) — fun, enjoyable [31]
突拍子���ない (toppyoushi mo nai) — crazy, far-fetched [6]
強い (tsuyoi) — strong [4]
うるさい (urusai) — noisy, loud; “be quiet” [2]
安い (yasui) — easy, relaxed, cheap [26]
よしい (yoshii) — good (polite) [33]
あんまり (anmari) — too much, too - [11]
ちゃんと (chanto) — properly, exactly [8]
ちょっと (chotto) — a little, “wait a minute” [5]
大至急 (daishikyuu) — as soon as possible [33]
だいたい (daitai) — generally, mainly [2]
どう (dou) — how? [5]
どこまでも (dokomademo) — anywhere, persistently [4]
再び (futatabi) — once again [16]
はっきり (hakkiri) — clearly, definitively [8]
引き続き (hiki-tsudzuki) — for a long time [1]
他 (hoka) — other [16]
以後 (igo) — henceforth, from here on out [9]
今 (ima) — now [3]
まさか (masaka) — “no way!” “you don’t say” [3]
まっすぐ (massugu) — straight ahead [4]
まだ (mada) — still, yet, hithero [4]
もっと (motto) — more [1]
なんで (nande) — why? [2]
なんて (nante) — a thing like (despective) [22]
なぜ (naze) — why? [2]
のこのこ (nokonoko) — nonchalantly [1]
おそらく (osoraku) — likely [27]
せっかく (sekkaku) — finally [12]
しょっちゅう (shocchuu) — always, constantly [7]
そう (sou) — such, in that way [7]
少し (sukoshi) — a little bit [20]
すんなり (sunnari) — with no objection [13]
多分 (tabun) — perhaps [17]
やっぱり (yappari) — as expected [26]
あ (a) — “oh” [2]
はあ (haa) — “huh?” [5]
はい (hai) — “yes” [1]
ほう (hou) — “Oh”
くそ (kuso) — “Shit...” [21]
ったく (ttaku) — “damn..” [12]
うわっ (uwah) — “agh” [31]
やあ (yaa) — “hi” [10]
よう (you) — “hi” [10]
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crescentmoonrider · 9 months
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The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU
(read from right to left)
Well, it's been a minute, hasn't it ? And by a minute I mean uhhhh A Long Time I've said many times I'm going to see this project to the end, and I meant it, even if life sometimes gets in the way. It will just take the time it will need As for today's part, we're finally seeing some Shi-woo again ! Hurray ! Finally a real adult in this house ! The logistics of existing legally in a world where another version of you is currently 6 years old... 's not easy, even when you have a pro helping you out Especially when your name is uh. Pretty unique ? Yeah, we'll go with unique. Anyway yeah Yuuta needed a new spelling for his first name, stat, and I decided to make up some lore surrounding that too (Seriously, I know the reason he's named depressed guy is because mangakas love their meaningful names, but like. In-universe ? His parents better have a Good Fucking Reasoning) The new last name I chose for him, 山本 (Yamamoto) literally translates to "the base of the mountain" and is a pretty common last name in Japan. I picked it as a double reference to Yuuta being from Aomori in my personal canon, and Rika's last name of Orimoto (祈本) - obviously calling himself Orimoto would be too on the nose, and I think the least ties he has to his old identity, the easier it will be to fake documents in the future Oh yeah, also my boy canonically looks like shit in photos lmao
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(This image came from promotional movie material iirc, but even the glimpse we see of his student ID in the vol. 0 manga is just. Pitiful. Pathetic boy. I love him so much)
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crescentmoonrider · 10 months
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a Boy Who Leapt Through Time update ? before the end of this year ?
it's more likely than you'd think
anyway yeah im anemic and cant work right now so i've started inking the new part again, and i'm pretty sure i can make it for this december :3
here's a bitchy toji in the meantime
[AU Masterpost]
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crescentmoonrider · 1 year
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The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU
(read from right to left)
It's been a little while since the last update, huh ! And by a little while I mean 4 months. It's been 4 months
I've decided not to pressure myself to do these too fast anymore, because it fucked me up last month, but it's still weird to think it's been a whole 4 months
Chill part today. Working without any dialogue as a lot of fun !
I made an overhead plan of the area around the Fushiguros' flat for this one. I know it doesn't really match what we've seen from canon, but that was already the case back in part 7, the first time I drew anything to do with that place, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Referencing my own vague and quick plans ? Sure. Pulling out the manga to get the backgrounds right ? I don't think so, no
Anyway I love drawing the kids behaving like kids and Megumi being a menace, but next time will be a little more serious >:3
Have a dumb meme in the meantime
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crescentmoonrider · 1 year
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father's day gifts from Megumi and Tsumiki
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
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The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU
(read from right to left)
I’m all caught up with my sketches now, so there’s a possibility the next updates won’t be quite as regular as usual. We’ll see
I like that “it all went up in flames” can almost be translated directly in multiple languages. In French you’d say “c’est parti en fumée” [lit. “it turned to ashes”], and I think you can also use “灰にな っ た” the same way in Japanese
Just, a lot of the time, sayings and metaphors don’t translate all that well and it’s slightly frustrating to me since I like to imagine the conversations playing out the way they would in-universe, with the correct language, but I guess the idea of losing everything to a fire is pretty commonly understood ?
Whether that fire was real or metaphorical doesn’t matter...
Anyway, here’s Megumi having an existential crisis
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
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my brain is still too fried from assignmence to remember how comics work, so have this dumb idea instead of this month’s Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU comic update
i just think shi-woo should cause problems on purpose, for toji specifically >:3
[comic masterpost]
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
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The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU
(read from right to left)
First intermission for this AU ! We’re going back in time a bit, to see part 8 through Toji’s eyes. The goal of these intermissions is to deal with events Yuuta didn’t/couldn’t witness, and maybe throw some light on the goings on of the rest of the world
Well, right now, this one and another one are all that’s planned in terms of intermissions, so I still have to figure out some of the details haha
This month’s part is shorter than usual, which turns out to have been a pretty good thing, given I’m also working on kinktober one the side and that’s kind of eating away at some of my drawing time. And also college
(I’ll probably post the kinktober stuff on pixiv once I’m done, as a complete thing, if anyone’s wondering)
But man, it’s a real relief to have a lighter part, after the last one ! Drawing Yuuta’s smile healed my heart a little, even if it’s fake. I love him so much
Also, I was wondering : should I make something like a masterpost with all of the parts linked ?
I’ve been thinking about it because sometimes I go back to my posts to reference an older panel, and I realized that the longer this series goes on, the harder it will be to navigate if you’re interested in re-reading only a certain part or arc
So, yeah, should I make a masterpost ? Either as a separate post, or as a page on the blog ?
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
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“a better world is possible” t shirt streaked with blood and gore 
idea from this post
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
!!! the masterpost for The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU is up !!!
featuring links for each individual parts, a link to the whole tag, links to some extra illustrations and stuff, and a link to the series on pixiv (where each page is a little more cleaned up, at the cost of being about 6 parts late)
ive given names to each “arc” to help with navigation, but these will probably be subject to changes tbh
let me know if there’s something you’d like to see in there, or if i forgot a link !
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
@pandakailovesshangchi replied to your post “The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU”
Ok, so I just reat all of this series and I am absolutely in love with it, just phenomenal, outstanding, love the cute expressions of Yuuta cause they remind me of Gege's and everything! It's soo well done! I do feel like it's a bit odd that Gojo just let Toji go, I feel like he'd insist on fighting but I like where this is going. Also, that flashback scene??? gold angst. I don't understand everything but I feel like you didn't mean for everything to make sense at once.
Thank you very much !!
I love drawing Yuuta, and making cute chibis is always a lot of fun, so I’m glad you like them !
The thing with Gojo is that he was in a really weird mental state at the time, so I genuinely think it wouldn’t be too much of a reach to say someone falling from the sky would stun him enough that he wouldn’t react that much when Toji goes “I don’t work for free” and leaves
There’s also the fact that Amanai’s body was still inside the cult building, and Toji wasn’t blocking the way anymore. So Gojo would have to make a choice there, to insist on fighting ? Or to hurry to get Amanai back ?
That might also slow his reaction time, and by the time he’s decided what to do, Toji might have already cleared the scene
Basically ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I understand your doubts, but it is a weird situation, so weird reactions aren’t that out of the question
And yeah, the flashback/nightmare was ! So much fun to draw ! I’m really enjoying the variety of scenes this series allows me to do, the cute faces and the backgrounds (even if I curse their existence every time) and the downright body-horror-style gore of jjk’s curse techniques, and everything in-between. It’s really nice to get to like, flex almost all of my drawing muscles in one single project (❁´◡`❁)
And you’re right, I don’t mean for Yuuta’s past to be entirely clear, not now... and maybe not ever
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you’re wondering about the details of what exactly happened, but to me this story is more about the impact of these events than on their exact circumstances. I doubt Yuuta would even be able to recall all of it himself, not precisely
Because that’s how traumatic events work, you know ? If the trauma comes from a single event, like a car accident, you might remember almost everything clearly, but when it takes place over weeks, or months, or years... You end up mixing things up, forgetting details, forgetting the order of events, forgetting something even happened until you come into a very specific situation and you go “oh”
Not that Yuuta spent literal years in this specific traumatic situation, but it definitely wasn’t a single event. The fact that he is now 18 (as mentioned by Shi-woo) is a hint to that fact, since Gojo was sealed on October 31st, 2018, and Yuuta’s birthday is in March. That’s a few months, and a lot of time for things to happen, even if what exactly took place, in what order, and how, isn’t completely clear
Anyway, sorry for rambling ! Thank you so much for your kind words, and I hope you’ll like what I have in store for the future !
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crescentmoonrider · 4 months
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im lying its "only" been 6 months, this panel just really spoke to my soul for some reason
but yeah next part is. in the process of being inked. ive got sketches ready for 2 more as well
just wanted to do a quick update on the comic, i know it's been a while hehe
we stay silly :3
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
@pandakailovesshangchi replied to your post “The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU”
oh my god I love this, Megumi is Megumi always alright hahahhaa. I'm burning to know what exactly happened with Okkotsu but I guess I'll have to wait... also, will Gojo come around to check about Okkotsu and who he is exactly? I'm just yearning for that chaotic gremlin to piss off as many people as possible
sdfgdhjfgg thank you !!!
i just love drawing Megumi as a weird kid who is also waayyyy too blunt. with time, he’ll learn when to speak up and when not to, but right now ? right now he’s 4 and he has no filter
also about Yuuta - i don’t know if you saw my reply to your first comment after you were done binging my comic (thank you again btw (❁´◡`❁)) but in short, i dont know if i’ll ever really get into details about everything that happened in Yuuta’s original timeline, since i mostly want to focus on his current life and how he’ll recover from all of the trauma
and as for Gojo..... oh, i can guarantee he’ll show up. he’ll also piss people off. that much is for sure :)
(might take some time tho, for now let’s just enjoy the family time)
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
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The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU
(read from right to left)
I, uh. I guess this is where I apologize for the pain ? In my defense it makes for interesting stories
But yeah, I always thought Mai’s “destroy everything” line sounded a lot like a curse. A bit like the opposite of Yuuta’s “don’t die” to Rika. The circumstances are even reversed too, in terms of who’s cursing who, the survivor or the dead
Oh yeah also Kurusu Hana being immune to cursed techniques has me like. So she can be killed by normal means right ? Like if someone decided to Shinzo-Abe the girl, they could just ruin everyone’s plans in an instant
So yeah, that’s my reasoning for these events
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crescentmoonrider · 2 years
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The Boy Who Leapt Through Time AU
(read from right to left)
Yuuta, after Toji goes back inside, probably : Oh wow, that bitch has issues !
Toji’s relationship with Megumi is so complex, I really like it. It’s like, he loves his son, he really does, but also he will die before he admits it to Megumi’s face
He also just doesn’t know how to react to someone as genuine as Yuuta. Oh I’m being “thanked” ? For something I didn’t do just to get thanks ? Sounds fake, but ok
... The Zen’in really fucked up that man huh...
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