#toki would be friends with yellow guy
facebones · 2 years
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discotenny · 10 months
IDEK WHERE THE IMAGES R FROM IM SEEING EVERYWHERE BUT CANT FIND VIDEO BUT HEY LOOK DID U SEE THIS (from someone random blog post bc idek where to find the original)
I posted my thoughts on the outfits when that big compilation image came out but now that we have visible LEGS for the all the charas now I feel obligated to update my thoughts fdsafadsfs. Put under a cut cause I have a feeling its gonna be long fdsfdsafs
Original thought post
Original post listed in the ask
ALSo, the images are from the new hypmic flava trailer posted on their yt channel here :3
Ichiro: We saw him in full before, but I just want to reiterate how they intentionally got rid of all the connections Ichi had to the bros within his clothing. From Jiro's blue on his sleeves, the zip up shirt they all shared, and having the iconic BB lettering not there anymore- it seems like they're trying to distance Ichi's character from being so bro centric. Maybe to show growth how he's going to be more independent? It's a bit odd because being dependent isn't Ichi's flaw, that's Jiro and Saburo's... Maybe it's to show how THEYRE distancing from HIM 🤔
Jiro: This hair change is such a W for Jiro fans!! It was unclear if he actually changed it in art prior but this is a W SUCH A W!!! I miss the white stripes on his shoulders for contrast reasons but he looks just like a more mature version of his old design. It looks like he's wearing the checkered shirt instead of wrapping it around his waist which is cuter and makes much more sense fdsafdsfds.
Saburo: He looks all grown up LOL The time skip is only supposed to be a few months from what I recall, so at most he's now 15 but imo I think they're keeping them to og ages tbh. The mustard is such a good look for him! The more pastel yellow and school uniform esc coat of his old design did a lot to keep him looking / feeling young so this new design feels like he's growing up to be more comfortable to be who he is ;_;
Samatoki: He looks just as hot and he's somehow showing even MORE skin despite having a jacket lmao. Those popping buttons I see you Toki fdsafdsaf. Again he looks less like a gangster / yakuza but I wonder if they're trying to lean into that look. He pretty. Real pretty...
Jyuto: Thoughts have pretty much stayed the same, it reads like an Extra Wardrobe outfit rather than something he'd wear on the daily. In the new arc did he stop wearing his uniform since the government shut down? Did he just say fuck the dress code? I do like the outfit, it makes him look a lil more sleazy LOL
Rio: Rio looks good he looks good!! I don't have much thoughts on him since I never really do but I still find it hilarious he has the same pants as his old outfit.
Ramuda: He looks excellent as always but I do agree with the original poster that I miss his blue :C I think the yellow makes him look really young and it kinda doesn't jive with me ??? I love the hat though he looks very very cute. Ramuda also has the best shoes in the cast and I appreciate they didn't change it.
Gentaro: Gentaro is so funny I think they legitimately just made his back cape longer?? He also got rid of the high collar undershirt, which probably symbolizes that he's hiding less of himself to his friends. I love Gen but I need to see him not in motion to see how well this outfit fits him. ATM I think the longer cape messes up his silhouette by making him seem like a rectangle.
Dice: I miss the trench coat!! I miss the trench coat!!! I don't care if it would be smelly I miss the trench coat !!! I think getting rid of the black parts on his collar and outside his sleeves kind of make him look too... normal??? Like idk, where's the spice!! Give him fingerless gloves or sm shit he needs SOMETHING to make him look less like just a guy :C He's cute but I think his old fit is >>>
Jakurai: He looks SOOOOO GOOOD. We've seen this in full before but he looks CUUUTEEE. Like I'm no Jakurai stan but hooo boy that coat does smthn to me. He looks looser, like he's gonna have some fun, maybe go to the mall or smthn he looks good !!!!! Anons brought up Jakurai removing his doctor coat as a symbolism for his savior complex going away and I think it's really cool !!! One of the best new fits imo.
Hifumi: I like his og outfit much better I'm sorry 😭😭😭 I think with Materno's main color being light grey, Jakurai being in white, Doppo being a light grey now, Hifu being that off white just makes him blend together with the other members. Maybe it's the fact that he's set against a white background but he just gets lost among the other two. Having the darker colors concentrated around his head / upper body helps though.
Doppo: I love him my baby I love him I lve nye my baby my vobeoteoy frmajwfmweoijfghuefuwafjewanjmisafkowafewoawfeaiow. I say from my last post: "He’s getting loose he’s getting silly he’s CRAZY DOPPO IN THE HOUSE !!!"
Sasara: I like the outfit on it's own but I kind of... hate how it's matching with Rosho. SasaRo enjoyers rejoice but I don't like how it doesn't allow Sasara (and Rosho in turn) be his own character. It was mainly an issue I had with Rosho but this new fit puts in on Sasara too, that it kind of forces you to look at him in the lense of his relationship with Rosho rather than who he is as a chara on it's own. Also they made him less colorful :CC The bowtie is super cute though I like it.
Rosho: Rosho does look cute but again I wish it wasn't so obviously a callback to his relationship with Sasara!! I do like the hair, it's very cute fdsafdsa. He looks a lot more comfortable and a lot more confident but I'm unsure if its due to character development or just for cool points. Rosho looks like he smells good
Rei: He's too grey 💀 TOO GREY !!! I think getting rid of the hat and glasses was such a downgrade it does not look very good. It's a lot of my issues with Hifu's outfit without actually having a good clothing design to make up for it. I think it's nice how it could possibly be a call back to Kazuma Kiryu but that doesn't really make up for it :/
Kuko: I was wrong his hair did not get shorter 💀💀💀 But he is INCREDIBLE !! IT'S VERY GOOD!!! I have nothing to complain / nitpick about I think it's very good. (one nitpick I guess FDSAFDS. His bright hair now seems a bit out of place against the darkness of his clothing. Maybe making the purple accent stripes blue or red would have made it better? Unsure though.
Jyushi: He looks very good but I wish they gave him more interesting pants they're very underwhelming compared to his incredible top!! Like imagine sm crazy shit like lace racing stripes, some peekaboo patterns in triangles at the bottom of his flares, it would be very cute !!!
Hitoya: Very cute, very good, a stark improvement from his original look I have nothing else to say fdskafdasfdsa. Again, a 35 year old baby.
I think for some of the characters the outfits really really really really work (Doppo, Hitoya, Jakurai) but for a lot of them I think their original looks were much more iconic and much more fitting to themselves (Dice, Sasara, Rei). I hope we still get content put out with their original outfits because I'd legitimately be sad to never see Dice in his trench coat again :C
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aggravatetheaxe · 3 years
The 12 Days of Dethmas - Day 1 ft. Skwisgaar & Toki
Excited for the season or being a Scrooge
As an enormous nerd for A Christmas Carol, you knew which one I had to choose. And I like ACC too much to not do something literal >:) This is such a niche, specific-to-me crossover that I hope other people can enjoy it in, like, any way >> To keep this from turning into a huge, multi-chapter thing, I had to force myself to jump right into the story. But I figure most people know the story pretty well anyway, so here goes nothing!
This could have so many chapters, tbh. Can you imagine all the crap the Ghost of Christmas Past would have Skwisgaar seeing? But anyway. Based on probably my favorite scene in any ACC adaption, or I guess more broadly my favorite ghost.
cw: Skwis being a deadbeat dad, non-canon/AU, mention of medical problems and medical bills
words: 2,114
soundtrack: x
Skwisgaar shivered as another wave of magic washed over his skin.
Again, the scene surrounding him changed. Instead of the shopping center he'd been standing in a moment ago, as crowded with joy as it had been with people, he now stood at the end of a city street. It stunk of garbage and piss, the asphalt and bricks marked with grime, the street lights dim and yellowed. A few streets over, police sirens droned and dogs barked.
It took a few moments for him to come to terms with the startling shift in atmosphere. He looked to his right and saw the ghost, the one who'd been guiding him through this vision, waiting expectantly on the sidewalk.
The ghost was shorter than Skwisgaar but well-built beneath the evergreen robe he wore. His long, light brown hair was crowned by a wreath of holly and icicles, his blue eyes bright, and in one hand, he held a silver torch. "I ams the Ghost of Christsmas Present!" he'd said when he'd first appeared in Skwisgaar's room. "But you can calls me Toki."
And so that was how Skwisgaar addressed him now: "Toki, where ams we? What'ms we doings in this ... awfuls place?"
"Oh," Toki said, beginning to walk forward, "we're here to visits an old friends of yours. One a thems ... what's did you calls them? Groupie sluts."
Skwisgaar raised his brows, glancing as they passed a homeless man huddled in a doorway. The very sight filled him with discomfort and a measure of disgust. "Ams nots friends with the groupie sluts."
"Oh, okay." The ghost's tone was mild, but Skwisgaar shot a glare in his direction. This guy was supposed to teach him the meaning of Christmas or whatever, to help him redeem his immortal soul, not sass him about who he did and didn't keep around.
It wasn't long before they reached the stoop of an apartment building. Toki led him up the stairs, and the pair of them simply walked through the door without opening it. Skwisgaar was used to being as incorporeal as the ghosts by now - the people he saw in this vision could not see or hear them.
And good thing, too. As they climbed the steep stairs, Skwisgaar quickly found himself winded. The stench of the carpet and the cigarette smoke permeating the building did little to help in that regard. "Eh, ghost? Is there nots a elevators we cans take?"
Toki simply laughed. "Nopes! You gotsta climb ups just like everyone else, Skwisgaar!"
Skwisgaar swallowed and dragged himself up the remaining few steps, finally coming to the ghost's side on the landing. "Christs, ams outs of shape..."
Toki's breathing had not changed a bit. With a smile, he motioned for Skwisgaar to follow him, then stepped through the door of #33. After a beat, Skwisgaar obliged.
What lay beyond the door was not what he had expected. Immediately, he was hit with the sharp, pleasant smell of a fir tree, mingling with the scent of richly seasoned food and baking cookies. The apartment was warm despite the biting cold outside, and classic Christmas carols were playing faintly somewhere nearby.
Toki had already stepped out of the small entryway and into the apartment proper, and slowly, Skwisgaar followed. They were in a living room, lit nicely by a small tree in the corner. A really small tree, Skwisgaar noted, much smaller than the thirteen-footers they had at Mordhaus. And under it ... he was used to a veritable heap of gifts, but there was only a pathetic pile of perhaps five wrapped boxes.
Nevertheless, someone was admiring them in awe - a small, blond someone in red pajamas. The room was relatively dim, and he could only see the child in profile, but it hardly mattered. It was a distinct profile and a distinct shade of blond. Dread lanced Skwisgaar's heart as he realized what was about to happen.
"Ty! Dinner's ready!"
The kid rose to his feet and left the tree behind, running into the kitchen to their right. For a few moments, Skwisgaar stayed put, frozen to the spot with fear. It wasn't until Toki nudged him expectantly that he took a few hesitant steps into the kitchen.
It was much brighter in the kitchen, and though the surfaces and appliances were rough and worn down around the edges, things were clean enough. Various dishes of holiday foods, typical American things, lined the counters. A small kitchen table was set up with two chairs and two plates of turkey, potatoes, and casserole.
The kid hauled himself into the nearest chair. Across from him, Skwisgaar was surprised to see a familiar face - an old friend, just like the ghost had promised. Mariah, an ex-Klokateer he'd had an on-and-off thing with for a few years. She'd left the Klokateers in what he'd thought was an amicable parting but had never returned his calls after that. Stuck up bitch.
"How does it look?" she asked the kid, tying back her hair. "Does it taste good?"
"I don't know, Mom, I haven't tasted it. Duh, I just sat down!"
"Well, hurry up!" She was grinning, and Skwisgaar's heart wrenched uncomfortably.
The kid - Ty - made a show of taking the first bite of his turkey and pondering. Finally, he lifted his fork and declared, "It's good, everyone!"
"Good," Mariah said in a chuckle, tucking into her own food.
Skwisgaar shifted feet and looked over at Toki, who was watching with his own stupid grin. "Why does I haves to see this, ghost?"
Toki said nothing, though his grin and the brightness in his eyes became more subdued. Skwisgaar was left with no choice but to watch the scene unfold.
"How does your port feel?" Mariah asked after a minute or so of quiet eating.
"Itchy." Ty lifted a hand to scratch at his chest. "I hate it."
"I know, but it'll make it easier for the doctor to give you your meds. You don't want them to have to give you a shot every time, do you?"
"No," he mumbled, picking at his carrots. "I don't like carrying the backpack around. People always ask questions."
Mariah shrugged. "Just tell them it's none of their business."
This scene mirrored one Skwisgaar had seen earlier ... a Christmas many years before this one, with a different towheaded child and a different single mother. Unlike that Christmas, he doubted Mariah would find somewhere to drink and pick up a boyfriend after dinner.
"Oh, by the way," she said, speaking around a mouthful of food, "Grandma's gonna drive you to your appointment on Tuesday."
Skwisgaar couldn't help but notice the boy's shoulders sag. Disappointment practically rolled off him, a disappointment that Skwisgaar was more familiar with than he cared to admit. "I thought you would take me."
"Sorry." Mariah suddenly looked exhausted, like a lifetime of stress was bearing down on her all at once. "I had to take another shift."
"Why do you have to work all the time? I wanted to hang out with you over vacation."
"I know," she said. "I'm sorry. Money's kinda tight right now. I really could use the extra shift." She avoided her son's eyes for a few moments before looking at him, expression begging for his understanding. "We can hang out next Tuesday. Promise?"
Ty wasn't as enthusiastic as his mother had probably hoped. "Then I have to go back to school." He frowned at his food. "How come we don't have money? Is it because of my IV thingy?"
Mariah winced, obviously trying to avoid saying yes. "Don't worry about that, baby. You need your medicine. It's not a big deal."
A lie. Skwisgaar knew her well enough to sense that.
He frowned, contemplating the scene before him. After a moment's hesitation, he took a few steps forward, studying the boy's face, then Mariah's, then the boy again. Money troubles, a single mom ... he was no stranger to that story, but usually, he didn't think about it. Up on the stage, a guitar god worshiped by thousands of millions, that felt like a lifetime ago, like it had happened to someone else. Like it really was just a story.
After his meeting with the Ghost of Christmas Past, the memory was fresher.
"Ghost," Skwisgaar began, surprised at the softness of his own voice, "wills they be alls right?"
"I sees a vacant place at the tables." Toki's tone was so grim Skwisgaar turned to face him. "Lots of hard shifts to affords hostpital bills. I sees a mother makin's herself sicks with exhaustion, rents whats is goin' unpaid. Ones angry landlord. A mom in debts." The ghost met Skwisgaar's eyes. "If the future don'st change, she ams not gonna be arounds for him very longs."
Skwisgaar blinked, taken aback. "Don't says that, Toki. That ams crazy. You can'st dies from beings poor."
"If the future don'st change, Skwisgaar, she ams gonna works herself to deaths. It ams either hers or the littles boy gonna dies." The ghost's brow twisted. "But ... 'if they ams goings to die they's better hurries up 'cause we gots too many useless dildos ons earth expectings a free lunch.'"
Skwisgaar recoiled at his own words being used against him. "Ey! No fairs! You can'st ... I didn't knows..."
"You still says it, dick!" the ghost snapped. "If you gots any soul at all, maybes next time before you talks, you shuts up till you knows who ams thems 'useless dildos,' and where they ams." Toki's glare was withering. "You thinks you shoulds be the one decidin's who lives and who dies? You thinks you gets to decides who's lazies 'n' useless whens you can'st even takes responstabilities of you owns kids? You thinks you ams a god, but it could be that you ams more worthless and less fits to live than billions likes this poor lady's kid!"
"Toki, I--"
He rolled his eyes. "Oh, gods, here's it go. The insect up highs on the leaf, complainin' about the too-much-life among hims hungry brothers in the dusts!"
In that moment, Skwisgaar felt very much like an insect indeed. He felt small and trivial, spirit wilted as it was under the ghost's contempt and rage.
Before he knew it - before he was ready - his surroundings shifted again, and again, he and the ghost stood in the biting cold. Fog clung to the pavement, and as Skwisgaar jolted and turned to take it all in, figures began to emerge from that fog. A hundred childlike figures, standing just close enough for him to see their pale yellow hair.
"Who - who the fucks ams..." Skwisgaar trailed off, afraid of the answer.
Toki, still standing in front of him, spoke again. "They ams your childrens, Skwisgaar. They ams everyone rich guys like you forgets about." As he said this, a few of them crowded behind him, clinging to his robes, peering at Skwisgaar with identical, unsettling blue gazes. "If you denies them ... laughs at the people what's am tellin's you about them ... admit you gots a problem but don't do nothin' abouts it ... then you 'n' everyones else ams doomed."
"But," Skwisgaar eked out, nearly cowering, "isdin't there somewheres whats they can go? Somewheres for help?"
"'Hey, thems single moms can always becomes hookers,'" Toki replied grimly. "'They haves that five-dollars Hot Topic gifts card.'"
Grief exploded in Skwisgaar's chest. "Stop usings my dumb words against me! They ams was stupid words! I gets it!" He couldn't bear the hot anger racing up his neck, prompting him to step forward and grab Toki by the fur lining of his robes. The ghost shook in his grip, looking more somber and exhausted than ever before.
And then he was gone - him and all the creepy children. A few seconds later, Skwisgaar's watch beeped, signalling midnight for the third time that evening.
Shivering hard, he drew his hands close to his chest again, looking around the empty streets. He was alone ... completely alone, abandoned by the spirit who was supposed to be protecting him. Bitter but genuine tears clouded his vision as he shuffled forward, walking aimlessly through the fog. Had he not passed the test or something? Was he going to be stuck here forever now? But how was he supposed to make things right if...
Something new appeared in the rolling fog, bringing Skwisgaar to an abrupt halt. A tall shadow, its hooded head bowed. A horror he couldn't even begin to describe seeped into his heart at the sight of the thing, too long and thin to have ever been anything human. But with the horror came resignation.
Another ghost. Another trial. Then, finally, his soul would be saved.
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illdesigns · 4 years
Kloktober Day 9
crossover or fave au
my favorite au featuring the most coveted ship - magnus/therapy
rated m, warnings for brief talks of canon typical violence, self harm
The office had a smell. That was the worst part. Not the pastel walls or the various ceramic kittens and cherubs or the pale yellow sofa that sagged as Magnus sat in it. It had an absolute perfume smell to it, like he had his face buried in a field of flowers at all times.
Well, it wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was a special kind of torture that most people were not privy to - the sound of mechanical fingers clicking a pen.
“You gotta talk for this to do anything, you know,” Magnus’ eye tracked the man behind the desk as he wheeled back and forth in his office chair. “C’mon, big guy. I know you got a lot going on in that head of yours. What’re you thinking about?”
“Leaving,” Magnus replied briskly. “So I can have a beer and pretend this didn’t happen.”
“You use alcohol like that a lot?” Twinkletits asked curiously, pausing his rolling but not the pen clicking. “To cope with things? You a heavy drinker?”
“No,” he snapped. (Translation: Yes.)
“When you drink, how many drinks do you have? Just one or two, five or more?” he wasn’t subtle in what he was asking. Which is why Magnus hated therapists. He had tried it, once or twice, even before everything in his life really went to shit. When he was just depressed about being in his early twenties because being in your early twenties fucking sucks. And there had been one afterwards but, well, she just didn’t work out either. Dropped him after the whole stabbing story. “Talk with me, Magnus. You’ve got a friend worried about you, you know.”
“I don’t have friends,” it was out of his mouth faster than he intended and he winced. Whatever. If that got back to Toki somehow, Magnus could sue right? Patient confidentiality, HIPAA or whatever? Twinkletits wrote something on the pad in his hand. “What are you writing?”
“Don’t worry about me. My job is to take notes about this stuff for future reference, you just talk. Why don’t you think you have friends? Toki cares about you a lot. He set this up for you, asked you to come down and see me. That’s a friend, right?” Twinkletits offered.
“Yeah,” Magnus spoke with a hint of guilt, looking at his hands. (Translation: Yeah, actually.)
He felt the urge to sneeze, covering his face with the crook of his elbow, rubbing his nose and sniffling. That fucking smell was still covering every surface of his nostrils and it was starting to give him a headache.
“What’s that smell?” he asked.
“Bless you. Lavender. Keeps people calm,” Twinkletits beamed at him. It was funny, because he felt the urge to bash his head into a wall the more he had to inhale it. Not very calming. “And speaking of calm…Toki told me some interesting stuff about you.”
No. No, no, no. Magnus looked up at him again and his eyebrows knit together in suspicion.
“Like?” he asked, knowing the answer.
“So, do you wanna tell me about what happened back in…” he checked his notes. “1999? Ol’ Nate mentioned it too. Feels like it’s important to bring up.”
“Oh, he tell you he did this?” Magnus gestured to his dead eye.
“He told me he did that after you, uh, you stabbed him. But yes, he did,” Twinkletits wrote another little note. Magnus could only imagine what the little dossier Dethklok has on him now will look like. But it’s easier to imagine Offdensen smirking as he reads it, easier to imagine a list of reasons why Toki shouldn’t hang around him laid out in front of him, easier to imagine all of his plans unraveling because he went along with this.
“He, uh…” Magnus paused. Even if he was going to lie about what happened (not that he would be believed by a guy on their payroll anyway) he wasn’t sure...what had happened. It was always a blur when he tried to remember the details - his thought process, why it happened. It was like he blinked and opened his eyes to Nathan beating the shit out of him. “Not much to say if he told you.”
“What about from your point of view?” he prodded, steepling his skinny robot fingers. Why did their therapist have robot arms, anyway? Magnus found that more interesting.
“I dunno, man. It just happened!” he was defensive already, arms crossed over his chest, leg crossed. Shut off. “Things just happen, you know? Like before then I’d have problems with getting mad really easy. People would like, call me stupid and I’d blow up on them or something bad would happen and I’d get depressed and cry it out then take it out on people. And they started to hate me for it, and I started getting worse than that. I see you writing, dude, what are you writing?”
“Just writing what you’re saying. Helps me keep track, okay? Nothing bad,” Twinkletits waved him on. “Go on.”
“I...well, I dunno. It just got worse. I was mad all the time. Thought about hurting myself a lot. Then I started doing that. Thought about hurting other people a lot after that, and then…” he shrugged his shoulders. “Then I did. And got kicked out and live in a little one room apartment while my old friends have this giant sprawling mansion and shit now, who cares.”
“Do you think about that still?” he picked his head up curiously. “Do you think about hurting yourself or others?”
Magnus paused for a moment and thought. Who didn’t think about hurting themselves? You know, just get so frustrated and filled with nervous energy you had to hit yourself in the head a few times? And there was the time before last that he had hung out with Toki, where Toki had sat and talked and talked and talked for too long and Magnus had imagined grabbing his hair and slamming his face into the table to shut him up.
His mind flashed to a basement in an abandoned building. Silver chains and a silver face, both hungrily waiting for their captive.
“No,” he said softly. “I’ve gotten better with that.”
Twinkletits smiled. Checked his clock.
“You know, I gotta wind this down today but...thank you for opening up! Doesn’t it feel nice?” he stood as Magnus did, breaking the distance quickly. He held out a hand to shake and Magnus found himself taking it. His grip was stronger than he expected but metal couldn’t be limp wristed, could it? “I appreciate you opening up at all. We can continue this next time you stop by to hang out, okay? Toki can fill me in so I can make space for you. Oh, before you go-o-o-o-”
He turned to grab something from his desk. A sticker sheet. Magnus frowned as he watched those mechanical fingers peel one off.
“I’m not in Kindergarten. I don’t need a gold star,” Magnus grunted as he felt Twinkletits’ hand on the lapel of his jacket.
“Oh, this isn’t a gold star, buddy! It’s something better,” he beamed up at him. “It’s a banana sticker. For a job well done! You obviously don’t open up easily and I’m sure all that’s a sore subject, so even the little bit we talked about was probably a big step for you!”
Magnus looked down. Well, it sure was a banana sticker. Okay. Seemed a little too gay for his taste but whatever. He was just going to peel it off and toss it the second he could anyway. Twinkletits gave him a wave when he departed and Magnus was stopped outside of the therapist’s office by all but running into Toki dead on.
“Hows it go?” he asked excitedly, then his eyes found it. “Ohhh, you gots a stickers already?! That’s goods, it took me forevers to get ones! Man I gots to do somethings specials as we hangs out today!”
“What?” Magnus raised his eyebrows in confusion as he spoke, looking down at it. It was just a goddamn sticker.
“It’s a big deals! Means you dids a good jobs. I’m prouds of you, pals!” Toki said, face lighting up and eyes crinkling as he looked at Magnus.
Proud. For a sticker? But, Magnus tried to really think of when the last time someone told him they were proud of him. Whatever. He’d take it. He let out a little grunt as Toki wrapped his arms around him in a crushing hug and that gave him more pause. His arms hung by his side limply, his chest and throat suddenly hurt and Magnus wracked his brains for the last time that someone had given him a hug, either. More than ten years ago probably, five figures huddled in front of a camera to commemorate some successful show or something.
So Magnus kept the sticker. So what? It wasn’t anyone’s business if he did or not. Or if he kept the others that he accumulated over the next few months. Or if he found it easier to keep his hair up in a bun at this point. He’d been growing it for years, he could keep it up now and then. Or if he did a few other things, like wear a shirt now and then, change up his style a little bit. And there was a tiny part of him that found it funny as fuck when Dethklok stared at him with a mix of confusion and horror as Toki drug him into the living room of Mordhaus, proudly talking about his brand new friend.
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enkisstories · 3 years
Cahill Legacy
Progress of my storyless legacy using the rules of @greenfooddog​ ‘s Play the Game Legacy:
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Clark Cahill (nee Roswell) Theme: Botanist Color: Green, Black
The founder. Things were easy and streamlined with him. They had no house, and I placed only the objects they needed, all close together to make the best use of short distances and the emotional auras. Eventually Clark’s daughter grew up to teen and things became more ordinary. Clark got taken by the aliens as an elder. He has offspring at Batuu.
Aspirations (7): Chief of Mischief, Fabulously Wealthy, Nerd Brain, Soul Mate, Freelance Botanist, The Curator, Outdoor Enthusiast Skills (6): Gardening, Handyness, Logic, Mischief, Rocket Science, Herbalism Careers (1): Scientist
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Kendra Cahill Theme: Socializing & Artist Color: Yellows, Browns
Ah, Kendra had all the good things for the grind-oriented player: No sleep, no hunger, eventually no needs at all, but three husbands plus a few more sweethearts on the side. Kendra was my overachiever. She was also the only legacy sim with more than a single child, because I do not want my family tree to explode broad instead of deep. Kendra also got to quaff one potion of youth.
Aspirations (11): Painter Extraordinaire, Best-selling author, Succesful Lineage, Big happy family, Renaissance Sim, Serial Romantic, Friend of the World, Leader of the Pack, Master Actor, Wordl-famous celebrity, Super parent Skills (11): Charisma, Comedy, Guitar, Painting, Photography, Writing, Dancing, Singing, Acting, Media Production, Parenting Careers (2+1): Style Influencer, Actor, Drama club (afterschool)
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Martin Cahill Theme: Cuisine & Wellness Color: Red, Black
Marin... existed. Sadly he was overshadowed by Kendra, who continued grinding skills and aspirations through her elderhood, and Bill, who started doing so the moment he grew up to child. Martin also temporarily died. And his wife unleashed the spores apocalypse over their hometown. But he was a nice guy.
Martin would have fit the paranormal pack, but sadly that released only after he was already gone.
Aspirations (3): Body Builder, Master Chef, Grilled Cheese Skills (6): Cooking, Fitness, Gourmet Cooking, Canning, Baking, Wellness Careers (1+3): Culinary, Barista PT, Fast Food PT, Lifeguard PT
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Bill Cahill Theme: Ocean, Travel Color: Blue, Grey
A loner for most of his life, focused on skill and aspiration grind like a good legacy heir. He did manage to marry and make an heir eventually. In his elderhood Bill went stir crazy and invited dust devils into the house, what led to his divorce and eventual settling down in an expensive apartment in San Myshuno (what was an aspiration goal). His ex-husband and son are left with an okay house, the deed to grandpa’s larger house and 5,000 simoleons in cash. Bill had a youth potion halfway through elderhood, but turned out he wouldn’t have needed this boost. I also sent him to Batuu, since it fit his theme, but decided to not have him pursue the accompanying aspirations.
Aspirations (9): Mansion Baron, Angling Ace, City Native, Friend of the Animals, Beach Life, Archaeology Scholar, Jungle Explorer, Komorebi Tourist, Fabulously Filthy (english name?) Skills (9): Fishing, Programming, Videogames, Selvadoradian, Toki Sulani, Animal training, Veterinarian, Archaeology, Selvadoradian culture Careers (0+3): Odd jobs maxed, Diver PT, Fisherman PF
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Percy Cahill Theme: Life of the Party, All things alcohol Color: Purple, Yellow
That theme is set in stone, I won’t change plans for him. But when little Percy managed to manifest this triple-sadness moodlet concert, I decided to give him Gloomy for his first trait. He should be... fun at parties?!
Aspirations (4-6): Joke Star, Academic, Party Animal, Master Mixer, probably also Master Maker and/or Eco Innovator Skills (7): Komorebigo, Mixology, Juice Fizzing, Nectar Making, DJ, Research, Fabrication Careers (1+): Needs Comedian (5) and Mixologist (7), if Eco also City Planner (10), but needs to master at least one, in any case must join the college soccer team
Needs to marry a sim from Mt. Komorebi so that their kid doesn’t have Simlish as mother tongue and can learn it as a foreign language
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ssjkallion · 5 years
Remember that Time I said I would Show You that mock trope page I made?
Here it is. 
IT’S ALL FOR FUN! And I do include references to actual RP’s, so you might find yourself in here lol!
Might as well post it here too for mobile purposes.
A Saiyan time patroller from Planet Vegeta.
Action Survivor: Just barely survived Planet Vegeta’s destruction due to being marooned on another planet.
Survivors Guilt: Big time, though she tends to play it off, if not outright denying that she has it. Kallion has…issues about the circumstances of her survival.
Innocent Blue Eyes: Compared to the more common dark eyes of other Saiyans, emphasizing her gentle nature.
Fish Out Of Temporal Water: Was born several years before Planet Vegeta’s destruction, but is now living in Conton City nearly a century later. Though she’s happy now, her early days at the time patrol made for a difficult adjustment.
Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Gentle girl to Giblet’s Brooding Boy.
Involuntary Shapeshifting: As any Saiyan who still has their tail, one look at the full moon will have her turning into a Great Ape in no time.
My Species Doth Protest Too Much: Downplayed, and largely averted. Kallion points out that while she was always far more gentle than what was typically expected of Saiyans, and she lacked that ruthless killer instinct, she is still a battle-crazed idiot. On the other hand, she theorizes that her experiences weren’t all that unique to begin with. I.e: Gine and Tarble.
All Girls Want Bad Boys: Between Giblet and, yes, technically Trunks as well, Kallion seems to have a type. The real kicker is that she doesn’t escape this platonically either– Bardock is a hell of a father figure to have. She even lampshades this herself; “How come I only ever get attached to emotionally constipated men?”
Scars are Forever: A prominent one on her left cheek. It’s unknown exactly what the circumstances were, but she assumed she got it while a Great Ape. Countless others are scattered all over her body as well.
Intergenerational Friendship: With Bardock, her mentor. He also happened to be her father’s best friend.
Proud Warrior Race Guy: Saiyan!
Sole Survivor: Of her crew, who left her behind and returned to planet Vegeta on Frieza’s orders. Needless to say, she was lucky to be abandoned.
Tyke Bomb: Typical of most Saiyan children.
Golden Super Power Mode: Super Saiyan, naturally
Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: It’s in the job description.
Dating Catwoman: Her and Giblet.
Action Mom: In the future, having kids doesn’t slow her down at all.
Mama Bear: Becomes fiercely protective of her baby boy Keel, a trait which only continues to grow in the future.
All-Loving Hero: Willing to give most people and creatures alike the benefit of the doubt….save for Frieza, Mira, Cell, Towa…obvious villains aside. Also loves animals.
Bad Powers, Good People: Being a Saiyan, she has a natural unlimited potential for battle and power. Along with the added layer of being able to turn into a vicious giant ape. Yet, she’s kind and mellow.
She’s Got Legs: Muscular and flexible.
Nice Girl: In spite of being a full blooded Saiyan of the PTO age, she’s kind hearted and easy going. Kallion, in general, has a difficult time hurting people unless pushed. Granted, she can be surprisingly short tempered.
The Apprentice: To Chronoa, as well as Bardock, and eventually Shallot.
Archenemy: Considers hers to be Towa, Frieza, and Suuja.
Badass Adorable: 5ft of Saiyan rage.
Bare Your Midriff: Typically in her casual attire.
Berserk Button: Good hearted as she may be, Kallion is still a short tempered Saiyan. What gets her is usually picking at her insecurities, insulting Chronoa or Trunks, making even the slightest threat toward her children, or dragging innocent people into conflicts.  
Big Eater: Saiyan!
Blood Knight: Again, Saiyan!
Came Back Strong: As with every Saiyan, coming back from the brink of death brings with it a hefty power-up known as a zenkai boost.
11th-Hour Ranger: Her job as an elite time patroller.
Glass Cannon
Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Being all of 5ft, she’s this standing next to most of the men she knows. Special mention goes to Arugla, Taeta, Scaro, Giblet, Bardock, Trunks…
Lightning Bruiser: Speed is her greatest advantage due to her size.
Platonic Life-Partners: With Arugla, Taeta, Scaro, and debatably Trunks.
UST: With Trunks. There’s an obvious attraction, and she trusts him more than anyone.
Slap Slap Kiss: However, her and Giblet….
Opposites Attract: Her and Giblet again.
Slasher Smile: Often right before a fight.
Tranquil Fury: The first time she went Super Saiyan.
Token Good Teammate: Didn’t end well…kind of.
Took a Level in Badass: Gained a significant amount of confidence during her time in Conton City.
Wild Child: From age 6 to 12, after being marooned on a swampy planet by her old crew. When it became obvious that no one else was left to come get her, she fended for herself.
Blue is Heroic: Blue eyes, blue clothing, blue armor…
Defends Against Their Own Kind: Technically, whenever she’s fighting against a rogue saiyan in history.
Determinator: Can get to wonderfully self destructive levels.
Pregnant Badass: Hell, she’s confused as to why she’s apparently supposed to stop fighting after finding out she’s pregnant with Keel.
Socially Awkward Hero: Spending your formative years as a feral child will do that to a girl.
Idiot Hero: Socially awkward, romantically oblivious, no sense of self preservation? Yeah.
Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: So, your crew abandons you to die. Then THEY end up dying, you live and get stronger, and end of recruited by an elite time force where you get to work with the greatest heroes in history. Thanks, old crew!
Recruited From The Gutter: Found as a wild 12 year old girl living on a backwater planet with little intelligent life besides herself.
Undying Loyalty/I Owe You My Life: To Chronoa, Trunks, and the Time Patrol. Kallion is incredibly grateful for the second chance they gave her.
Wacky Parent, Serious Child: The wacky parent to the much more serious minded Keel.
Because You Were Nice To Me: What sparks Giblet’s attraction to her, along with the fact that she was never afraid of him. This trope is also the initial reason for her crush on Trunks.
Villainous Crush: Again, Giblet.
First Kiss: Giblet again!
Friend to All Children: Even before having her own, she had a soft spot for children and got along with them well.
Child From the Future: Keel, her equivalent of the Toki Toki City/XV1 Hero. Not that she initially knows.
Back-To-Back Badass: With Arugla, Taeta, and Trunks typically.
Desperately Craves Affection: Downplayed, but still there.
The Power of Friendship: Comes with the territory
Remember That You Trust Me
All Of The Other Reindeer
Motor Mouth: Usually when she’s nervous or meeting someone new.
Lady of War: It’s in the blood, after all.
Four-Temperament Ensemble: Sanguine
Beware the Nice Ones
Like A Daughter To Me: Bardock refers to her like this almost word for word.
Freudian Trio: The Id
Innocent Fanservice Girl: Has no qualms with people seeing her naked, and doesn’t understand why others would be offended by her being nude in her own home or bathroom.
Attack! Attack! Attack!
Wide-Eyed Idealist: To a point.
Too Hungry To Be Polite
Stupid Good: Hooooooo boy.
The Pollyanna
Paralyzing Fear of Sexuality: Due to growing up alone, her knowledge of sex and things related to it is slim to none. As a result, actually experiencing those feelings causes her to momentarily freeze and panic. She gets better.
Oblivious to Love: Related to the above. Romantic gestures tend to fly over her head unless it’s spelled out.
Insecure Love Interest: Which directly feeds into the above two examples.
Battle Aura: Yellow or purple.
Strong Family Resemblance: Her mother’s spitting image. In teen Keel’s timeline, she has a daughter of her own who looks just like her as well.  
Stepford Smiler: Type 1: “The character seems to be happy, cheerful, is always smiling, and seems to live a perfect life - but inside they are melancholic, if not outright depressed.”
Sink-or-Swim Mentor: Bardock, who has no problem beating her into the dirt during their very first training session.
Verbal Tic: Has a habit of ending sentences with “yeah?” and “ya know?”, as well as starting with common sentence fillers like “well,” or “uh”. Ya know?
Obfuscating Stupidity: Kallion is a weird case. While she’s uneducated and misses innuendo, she can be very intuitive. There’s also her habit of dodging uncomfortable questions by acting like she doesn’t understand. To quote Mariko; “Sometimes I wonder if you play dumb, or…”
Did you think I can’t feel?: Rips into Giblet with this almost word for word after he still accuses her of using and manipulating him for the Time Patrol.  
Dead Guy Junior: Not her, but her son is named for the only member of her crew who was kind to her– and died as a result.
Book Dumb: She is very much uneducated, due to her circumstances. Learning to read was never a priority until she was 12.
Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Android 22's blue, but the blue to Mariko's red.
(To be added on continually whenever I think of another or as I see fit! FOR FUN!)
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yoshi4sushi · 6 years
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(purupurupuru) (purupurupuru) (click!) (coo!) (coo!)
 Happy Monday, minna-san! I hope everyone is surviving the cold winter. Spring is coming soon so hang in there. With that, we’re on schedule and ready to report so you know the drill. First off, last week’s chapter is in jeopardy. Robin is face to face with Oniwaban ninjas lead by a jerk name Fukurokuju. He demanded her to reveal her reason for snooping around. She then states “ox-three boy.” With that, the ninjas attacked her, but luckily it was her clone. She then runs off to a safe location and gets in touch with Shinobu, Nami, and Brook to confirm about the Oniwaban protecting the castle. The ninjas then scattered to find Robin. Shen then was able to return to the banquet and Orochi calls for her with no means to escape except to blend in. Komurasaki then keeps on flirting with Orochi. Other men feel jealous towards him, but Kyoshiro tells them that she is a high courtesan that doesn’t fall for anyone. So then they start talking about the trouble occurring in the capital (note: Sanji’s trouble). So Orochi says that they make a toast of the death of Lord Oden and how his wife, Lady Toki, spoke of some revenge that will come someday with the help of the nine samurais of the Kozuki clan. He claimed all of Oden’s followers were killed by Kaido and the trouble occurring in the capital would be Kinemon’s doing. So everyone’s believing that some of Oden’s followers and Momo still live and must be destroyed by all means. The rest of the guests don’t believe in the return of the Kozuki clan, but Orochi apparently believes they’re alive. Suddenly, a huge laughter bursts out of nowhere and it was none other than the cute O-toko-chan. Everyone’s is in shocked while the courtesans are trying to keep her quiet. Hearing here laughter made Orochi angry and walks towards to her to kill here. However, Komurasaki stepped to speak on her behalf, but Orochi tells her to keep quiet and strike at O-toko-chan, but missed. The courtesans begged the guests to save her, but refused. At the end, Komurasaki slapped him hard leaving everyone in utter shock. One of them yells at her to apologize and bow to Orochi, but she refused saying she is in her right to defend. He tells her that he was going to marry her, but she refused and says that she is a woman of honor and daughter of a warrior that won’t yield to authority. Orochi got angry and transformed into a nine-headed dragon yelling at her that she is nothing but a concubine with no rights. Everyone panicked. Robin grabbed O-toko-chan, but was found by one of the Oniwaban ninjas with Kyoshiro ready to fight. GUA! So much scary trouble! Who is this Komurasaki? What is her purpose? Who is this ox-three boy everyone speaks of? Is Kyoshiro a bad guy or an ally? GAH! So many questions! Don’t miss this week’s chapter! Next, last weekend’s episode had everyone on their guard as all of the siblings ready to kill Luffy when he comes out of the mirror. Meanwhile, Pekoms tells Luffy he will at all costs make sure he survives and use his sulong power to keep the siblings away from him. However, he worries that his transformation might make him lose control, and that Pedro was the only who ever reached out to him. At sea, Nami and the gang reached Cacao island, but with many fleets of Big Mom pirates surrounding them and behind Smoothie’s fleet also on pursuit. Finally it was 1 am! Pekoms comes out with Brulee and transformed into his sulong form attacking everyone. During his transformation, Luffy comes out of his clothes. Sanji then comes in to scoop him out, but was chased by the other siblings. Pekoms helped them, but also attacked Sanji. Just was he was about to strike him, he heard Pedro’s voice and tells Sanji to leave while he backs them up. Poor Pekoms was trapped and injured and at the end, just when the boys was about to meet their end, Germa comes in to the rescue. Next time, a final goodbye to his Germa family as they try to help Sanji and Luffy escape to Sunny. Don’t miss it! Now on with the goods! First, look who came to drop by in this cold weather, Tongari-san! Let’s make it quick so you can keep yourself warm, my friends. Tells us what’s the jig? Tongari-san says more awesome stuff has been announced to celebrate the 4th anniversary. First, more goods! Tower will be selling these anniversary buttons of the Straw Hats including a special anniversary button. All will be in random package. Next, they’ll sell this double side folder with the tower and Luffy on both sides, this long anniversary towel, and this pricey glass clock of Luffy. The store will also have a sticker campaign on the first day until the 31st. They’ll be giving out lottery tickets to the first hundred people so it’s first come, first serve, and will post the lottery numbers. If you see the number on the ticket, you will receive a free ticket by making a 500 yen purchase. Lastly, the awesome Oda-sensei drew this new design for the shopping bags of Luffy getting his eye poked by Ussop’s long nose. GUA! So much fun stuff. If you’re visiting the city, be sure to stop by to join the fun. Next, this Thursday, all arcades will be stocking this new figurine of Luffy from G x materia. Get those coins ready and put your crane skills to the test! Next, more new stuff at stores! First, store in Shibuya and Osaka will be taking reservations to design silver rings from DIY Jewelry. You have the choice to choose one symbol to be engraved on your ring. They have 65 designs. Only will take phone reservations. Next, more Tamago goods! Stores will be selling these new adorable tamago plushies of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, and Ussop, these hand towels of Luffy with his bros, Koala, Law, & Bepo, and this yellow one with only Law & Bepo, and these double side pillows of Ace/Sabo & Law/Bepo. Moving on, Tokyo Chocolat were selling these new Valentine chocolates and were sold out immediately. If you spot any Tokyo Chocolat shop in your part of the city, be sure to check in the store to see if they have any left. It’s a great gift for a friend or for yourself. Next, OP game app, Thousand Storm, is having a small Valentine campaign. Win enough points you will receive Tashigi and Vivi w/ Karue in their Valentine outfits. You would also receive your prize image of the girls as well. Last, but not least, new DVDs! First, here is vol.19 of WCI that has Luffy in snakeman mode. It will be released in April. Next, here are the covers of the special Log Collections of the ASL brothers. If you order either of it, you’ll receive a double side coaster as a gift. Luffy will have episodes of Nami, East Blue, Chopper and the sakura miracle, and Alabasta which will be released on March 29th. Ace will have episodes of Sky Island, Merry-Go-Round, and 3D2Y which will be released on April 26th. Lastly, Sabo will have episodes of Hand Island, Bond of Brothers, Adventure in Neverlandia, and Heart of Gold which will be released on May 24th. Phew! I think that’s everything. Tune in next week for more news and all. Special thanks to Tongari-san. Stay warm, my friend. Boys! Let’s call it a night.
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alexisthedevilsfox · 6 years
Free will
I promised @clanwarrior-tumbly that I will post it today so there it is. It’s story about Android!Reader x Chase Brody and it’s my first long story in English so I’m sorry if something it’s wrong. My English isn't perfect.
Anyway, I hope you will like it even if there are mistakes.
You’re the deviant android AX400. You escaped from your owner because he was abusive and wanted to do something (sexual) that you aren't programmed for. You changed your appearance, your clothes and you remove the LED from your temple.
Now you live like homeless person, occasionally find a job where nobody asks anything and gives you money as soon as you finish the job so you can buy new clothes or have a bath in the cheap motel. One day you will find work as a waitress in bar and almost every day, there is a man with yellow green hair who looks really lonely and sad. He ordered double shot of Suntory Whisky Toki and then again and again… and you feel... weird. When you see him sitting alone and drinking Whisky… you feel like it's all wrong, you wanna gave him a hug and tell him that everything going to be alright. You don't understand it first, but then you will do a little research and find out that you’re sorry for him but you don’t know what to do with it. One night… well, morning almost, you go away from work around the dark aisle when your hearing device captures a strange sound.
* Is that… sobbing? *
You curiously take a few steps into the aisle where you see that yellow green haired man. He has a black eye and tears flows down over his cheeks.
“Are you alright?” You ask, scan tells you he's drunk and beaten. The man immediately lifts your head and look at you, his eyes lidded with alcoholic smoke.
“I… I’m o-ok. L-leave me be.” He mumbled. When you were an android without free will, you would obey him but now you're free.
“No. Not gonna happen.” You come closer to him and take his hands, then you make him stand up and throw one hand over your shoulders. “Tell me where you live. I take you home.” You tell him. The man is quiet for some time but then he mumbles his address. “Ok… let’s go then.”
When Chase wakes up, it's long after noon. His head hurts and his body hurt too, as some guys beat him yesterday because he didn't want to give them his wallet. He couldn't remember how he got home but he realizes he should call the police or at least block his credit card so that no one would get the rest of the money he had left. He needed it to survive until he got another paycheck. But then he hears a knock, and young woman enter the room.
“Hi, I heard you got up. Do you feel better?” She said softly, looking at him.
“Yeah but… w-who are you?” Chase asked confusedly even though you seemed familiar to him.
“I’m Y/N. I found you early in this morning near the bar where I work and where I often see you.” The woman said.
“Hmm… you’re the waitress, right?” He remembered suddenly.
“Yes, that’s me.” Y/N smiled at him. “You were drunk and beaten so I helped you to take you home.”
“Oh uhm… Thanks.” Chase said in shame.
“It’s ok, really. It’s inappropriate to ask but… Is everything alright in your life? I see you very often in the bar and ... you look sad and you drink a lot of alcohol. That’s not healthy for your body and brain.” Now the waitress sounded a little like the healthcare androids Chase had met in the hospital where Henrik works.
“I’m fine.” Chase replied with a fake smile, as he always did.
“In the morning you said something different.” Y/N told him and Chase stiffened.
“Wh-what did I say?” He asked.
“You said you had enough. That you want everything to be like before. That you are sad but you don’t know what to do about it because the only thing that brought you happiness into life were your kids.” She repeated what he had told her when she led him home. Chase was silent for a moment, but then he shrugged.
“Ok then… It’s true. I had enough. Maybe if the guys killed me, it would be better.” The last sentence was said very quietly, but android’s hearing device caught it clearly.
“Don’t say that!” She protested immediately. “Life is important. You can give up that easily. You… you need to fight with this! I'm sure there are a lot of people who would miss you. Beginning with your children.”
Chase sighed “You’re right… but sometimes I… I feel so helpless. My ex-wife will not let me see them and I don't want to bother my… brothers anymore with my depressions.” Chase said.
“What about me?” The waitress asked.
“What?... W-what do you mean?”
“I mean… You can tell me. I’m here and I’m listening.” She told him with a little smile.
“Why are you doing this? Why are you offering me this?” Chase was curious.
“Because… because people should help each other but don't usually do it and also because I don't want to see you so sad.”
Since then, you've seen Chase almost every day… it must be added that you saw him outside the bar. You actually convinced him to stop drinking and though he slipped from time to time it was still better than before. When you were together, you talked about everything and nothing. You talked about how he feels and what happened on that day. It was really nice and you were proud to call Chase your friend but... there was something you hid from him. You didn't tell him you're an android. You were afraid he wouldn't want to see you again, or that he would report you to the police. You knew Chase isn't like that but your fear was bigger and because of that... you kept your mouth shut. You also didn't tell him you were a bit homeless but that was less important secret.
Little did you know Chase already begun to suspect something. He has never seen you eat or drink, and sometimes you've said things that reminded him of the androids he met but he wasn't sure. You didn't have a LED on your temple and sometimes you gave him sweet smile when your eyes shine a little or you told him that it’s okay to feel sad, to want to cry, to not be happy. You also told him that even though it sometimes looks like that, he's not alone. There are people who care about him, including her. But the uncertainty was still there, so he decided to ask you.
You were at his home and you wanted to watch the movie together when he decided to do it.
“Y/N? May I ask you something?”
You look at him with a smile “Of course, you can.” You assured him.
“Ok… this may sound stupid, but… are you an android?” He asked and you instantly froze. You just looked at him and didn't know what to do.
When the silence was too long, Chase shook his head “I'm sorry, I know it was a stupid question.” The dad ego said and smiled “Let's watch the movie.” He reached for the remote.
“Wha-what would you do if I were…an android?” You asked nervously. Chase turned back to you and shrugged
"I wouldn't do anything. You would still be person and my best friend for me." It sounded honestly and you believed him.
“Even if I do this?” You gulped nervously and removed your human-looking skin, leaving only the basic white surface. Chase gasped surprisingly, his eyes bouncing up and down looking at your body. Then he looked into your eyes. He could say you looked terrified, so he gave you another smile.
“Even if you do this. You’re still a living person with free will. You helped me when I was in really dark place and… and you’re here for me when I need you. This is something that even some people are unable to do.” He moved closer to you, hugged you tightly. “You’re still my beloved friend Y/N. Human or Android… it doesn't matter.” You had your head leaning on his shoulder and he could hear your sobs. He stroked your back and murmured calming words. You were sitting like this for a while until you stopped sobbing and lifted your head from his shoulder.
“Thank you.” You said quietly.
“No problem Y/N.” He said with another smile. 
In your core was warm fuzzy feeling which you decoded as LOVE and it make you really happy.
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