typingtess · 3 months
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:  “In the Name of Honor”
The basics:  The team searches for a missing Navy lieutenant.
Written by:   Matt Klafter co-wrote “Smokescreen Part II”, "A Fait Accompli" and “Hard for the Money” and was the sole writer for “Where Loyalties Lie”.
Directed by:  Dan Liu directed “Watch Over Me”, “If the Fates Allow” and “Love Kills”.
Guest stars of note:  Ashwin Gore returns from season 13’s “Genesis” as ONI Inspector General Akhil Ali; Gregory D. Gadson returns as Col. Jackson Ladd from “Of Value”; Duncan Campbell is back from “Best Seller” as Agent Castor; NFL star Tony Gonzales as Capt. Alonzo; Soraya Kelley as Zahra Mahmad; Marco Khan as Ahmad Mahmad; Asher Deva as Muhammad Hasan; Toktam Aboozary as Mina Mahmad; Eric Satterberg as Roger and Joshua Thomson as Jeremy.
Our heroes:  Think a Navy Lieutenant is missing for a military reason but find out there is more to her disappearance.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  Can fix his jammed weapon in a hurry. Sam:  Looks at the water to find some peace. Kensi:  Thinks she can get her shot off before being surrounded. Deeks:  Won’t get to Kensi in time. Fatima:  Woman, life, freedom Rountree:  Working to make sure Kilbride’s ass is not being chewed. Kilbride:  Asked Col. Ladd for a favor.
What not so important things did we learn about: Callen:  Thinks Sam is becoming Raymond. Sam:   Not turning into Raymond. Kensi:   Not getting the “Pretty Woman” references. Deeks:  Fan of the kebobs. Fatima:  Training with Akhil. Rountree:   Working inside today. Kilbride:   Brought Col. Ladd to the super-secret office.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Not helping the Admiral today though Kensi thinks she might be.
Who's down with OTP:  Deeks was more under control than usual when Kensi was in danger.  Was happy as always to see her safe back in the office.  Fatima is working through any feelings she may have for Akhil.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Callen and Sam were perfectly Callen and Sam in the episode.  Sam was a good friend/teammate/mentor to Fatima at the end of the episode.  Kilbride and Col. Ladd are besties.
Fashion review:  Callen wore a white and blue plaid button down shirt.  Long sleeve tees for Sam (black) and Deeks (darker blue).  Kensi wears a great long-sleeve pull-over sweater.  She and Deeks wear dark rain jackets at the crime scene.  Fatima starts the episode in workout gear – oversized light grey sweatshirt.  Wears a spiffy brown leather jacket with a white turtleneck for the rest of the episode.  Rountree had a green jacket with black pockets over a black tee.  Kilbride was in his Kilbride uniform – medium blue three-piece suit, light blue dress shirt, red and blue tie.  He donned a trench coat when visiting Col. Ladd.
Music:   “Messenger” by Mamak Khadem plays at the end as Fatima is taking in her day.
Any notable cut scene:  No.
Quote:  Sam:  “I’ve spent a lot of time staring out at this water, searching for answers.” Fatima:  “Any tips?  I'm coming up empty.” Sam:  “You doing okay?” Fatima:  “Physically? Yeah.  Emotionally, mentally and spiritually?  I don't know how to answer that.” Sam:  “Well, you don't need to have the answers.  Not right now.” Fatima:  “I just...I keep thinking about all the women out there...not allowed to make their own life choices.  What to wear.  Who to marry.  What they can and can't do with their own bodies.  Freedom of thought, freedom of choice. Sam:  “It's terrifying to some people.” Fatima:  “It's not fair.” Sam:  “The world will never be fair.  But it could be better.  Good things are happening.  Even though it doesn't  always feel like it.” Fatima:  “I just wish they would happen faster.”
Anything else:  The previously-s include a greatest hits package for Akhil Ali and Col. Ladd.  Fatima wakes up in a car on fire, tied to the head rest.  In the driver’s seat is in unconscious Kensi. 
Eight hours earlier, Fatima is working out with Akhil with a trainer named Jeremy who is part of Herbie’s military training company.  As Fatima walks away, Akhil asks how his training was going.  Jeremy was impressed that Akhil stopped making squeaking sounds whenever he was grabbed.
Fatima tells Akhil that for his first self-defense class, he did better than expected.  Fatima thinks he will be bringing down a suspected without breaking his nose no in time.  Akhil is happy to spend this time with Fatima but maybe in the future they’d spend time together by taking a nice walk.  The two make dinner plans.
Callen and Sam are in the armory discussing the use of armrests on a plane.  Three seats, four armrests according to Sam.  One passenger – in this case Sam – get the second  armrest.  “Simple math,” according to Sam.  Callen thinks Sam bullies his way to that second seat rest.  He also notices that Sam is worried.  And Sam is.  He’s going on a trip and leaving Raymond with his caretaker Constance.  Callen notes that even Sam thinks things have never been better with Raymond now that Constance in the picture.  Sam is going across the country to see Aiden.  Callen suggests taking Raymond across the country – it would be a great trip for the Hanna men.  Besides, if Sam is worried about Raymond he’s going to make everyone around him crazy and that’s the moment Sam becomes Raymond.  Everyone is going to Ops – they have a case.
Fatima and Rountree start the debrief in Ops, Lt. Zahra Mahmad is a Navy submariner.  For the last two years, she was working with a defense contractor in El Segundo.  Her team was working on an anti-detection program for nuclear subs.  Callen notes that sort of program could make her a target for any country interested in hiding their nuclear subs or finding America’s subs.  According to Zahra’s CO, she left work early the day before for personal reason.   She’s not answering calls or texts.  It isn’t like her.
Sam points out that Zahra isn’t missing for even 24-hours yet.  Maybe she’s off doing something and hasn’t had time to respond.  Fatima agrees but with Zahra’s knowledge and security clearances, ONI wants her found.  LAPD checked her home but nobody was there.  Her parents live in Northridge, they own an Afghani restaurant.  Fatima sees the menu is in Dari.   Callen says he’s going to see Zahra’s CO when Rountree tells Callen that Kilbride as the CO going to the boat shed.  Kilbride will do the interview.  Callen and Sam instead will go to Zahra’s home.  Fatima will go with Kensi and Deeks to the family’s restaurant.  With Fatima speaking Dari, she could help.  The parents could as well – they may know something that could lead to Zahra’s location.
At the boat shed, Kilbride dismisses Castor and speaks with Zahra’s CO, Captain Alonzo.  Kilbride tells Alonzo that Vice Admiral Hunt thinks the world of him and Alonzo is properly humble.  Kilbride know Alonzo’s background and thinks he’d work well at NCIS.  The Office of Military Support has an opening and Alonzo would be perfect.  Alonzo would consider the position. 
Turning to Zahra, Alonzo said that he’s never worked with anyone at her level.  One of the hardest workers he’s been around.  And suddenly she’s missing, the Admiral notes, what is really going on.  Zahra was part of a top secret mission, Alonzo’s hands are tied when it comes to discussing her work assignment.  Kilbride is having none of that.  The NCIS agents would be flying blind in their search for Zahra – “that’s how mistakes get made.”  The Navy has a mission that they are going through no matter what happened to Zahra.  Reading between the lines, the Navy has a secret mission using nuclear subs that if it is compromised, SEAL Team 2 will be going in instead – a suicide mission.  NCIS has 12-hours to find Zahra or the SEALs are going in.
In Zahra’s home, the place is as neat as a pin.  Callen finds a safe but their warrant won’t allow them to open the safe.  Sam gets a text from Rountree.  There was a suspicious activity report on Zahra’s bank account.  She cashed out $20,000.  Callen asked when was the last time Sam made a large cash transaction.  He hasn’t – checks, bank wires, credit cards.  More secure but much easier to trace.  Callen thinks Zahra wanted to disappear – and maybe sell some secrets.  Sam is going to get Rountree to expand the warrant to include the safe.
At the Mahmad’s restaurant, Deeks loves the smell of the place.  Fatima pulls out a menu and starts making recommendations.   Kensi sees Zahra’s mom.  Walking up, Kensi pulls out her badge and starts asking questions.  Zahra’s dad stops the one-way conversation.  His wife’s cooking is a literal chef’s kiss but her English is not very good.  Deeks explains he has the exact opposite problem.  That earns him a chuckle from Zahra’s dad, Ahmad, and a glare from Kensi. 
Kensi restarts her explanation, saying that Zahra is missing.  Ahmad is stunned.  The family last got together the previous Saturday.  Zahra was her normal, happy self.  Zahra’s mom, Mina, walks away crying.  Kensi asks if Zahra seemed like she was in trouble but Ahmad says no.  Mina is openly weeping.  Deeks asks about Zahra’s brother.  Ahmad says he is studying in London, working on his master’s degree.  Fatima asks if the siblings are close.  Ahmad says they are all close – family means everything to them.  Mina asks Ahmad why are they asking questions about their son Omar. 
Kensi asks if they know anyone who would know about Zahra.  Ahmad says no, explaining that 30-years ago, their families left Afghanistan.  Almost everyone went to Pakistan but Ahmad and Mina went to America to chase their dream – opening a restaurant, raising their children where they would be safe from violence.  Fatima is getting weepy.  Ahmad asks Kensi to find Zahra and bring her home to her family.  Ahmad comforts his wife.
Leaving the restaurant, Fatima is sure that the brother is suspicious.  Mina spoke to Ahmad about Omar when they were questioning Ahmad.  Mina may not speak English but she understood what Kensi, Deeks and Fatima were saying.  Deeks can’t understand why Mina would pretend she didn’t understand – her daughter is missing, NCIS is trying to find her.  Fatima thinks as immigrants, the Mahmads may not trust law enforcement.  Her parents had issues before Fatima joined NCIS, “and they live in Beverly Hills.”  Kilbride wants them all back in Ops, Kensi is going to look into Omar.
While Callen is trying to crack Zahra’s safe, Sam is being cranky.  Callen notes Raymond would be cranky too.  Sam finds Zahra’s license, car registration and EZ-Pass in a jar on a book shelf.  Zahra is traveling and doesn’t want to be found.  Sam has Rountree check Kaleidoscope for Zahra’s car.  Callen finally gets into the safe and finds some jewelry and family items.  Also her passport.  If Zahra was looking to get out of town, she’d take those things.  Sam thinks maybe Zahra really was kidnapped.  “Or she wants us to thinks she was,” Sam adds. 
Rountree calls.  Looking through Zahra’s phone, she mostly speaks to her parents but has had daily calls for the last seven months with a Ted Brown.  Sam wonders if he’s a boyfriend but Zahra’s parents never mentioned a boyfriend, unless she was keeping things quiet until they got more serious.  Rountree finds that Brown has a sealed juvie record and a lot of debt – credit cards and high interest college loans.  The $20,000 could be for Brown or Brown could be extorting her.
An unhappy Kilbride walks into Ops.  He just got his “ass chewed” by an under-secretary in the Navy.  “I don’t like getting my ass chewed, makes it uncomfortable to sit.”  He wants a sit-rep on Zahra.  Rountree found her car – it has been in the shop since the weekend.  She’s been using a loaner.  That car is parked in a lot downtown.  Kensi and Deeks are going to talk to Ted Brown.  Kilbride wants answers before he has nothing left to sit on.
Walking to Ted Brown’s home, Deeks is stunned that Fatima’s parents were suspicious of the police and “they live in one of the wealthiest zip codes in America.”  He’s worried about what Rosa will be dealing with.  Kensi reminds him that while they won’t be there all the time for Rosa, they will be there and will help her.  Ted Brown’s door is opened, obviously forced entry.  Inside, Deeks finds a tortured but still alive Ted Brown.
In the garage, Sam finds a note in Zahra’s loaner that says “Roger 8 Broad”.  Callen thinks 8 Broad could be 8th and Broadway, which is just a few blocks from the garage.  There is a currency exchange on 8th and Broadway with some criminal times.  With $20,000, Zahra could be in trouble.  Sam thinks if a Roger works there, Roger has some explaining to do.
Walking up to Col. Ladd at an outdoor park’s lunch tables, Kilbride makes fun of the Colonel’s kombucha drink.  Ladd is drinking it because it clears up the bad bacteria in his gut.  The Admiral mentions prune juice doing the same job.  Speaking of jobs, Kilbride asks how Ladd is doing with the Space Force.  Ladd has no complaints except his title – “Director of Warfare Integration at the Space System Command” is a mouthful.  Ladd is thrilled his new employer sees his head and his heart, not his right and left legs.  The Admiral asks a favor – with Ladd getting his security clearance back, could he do some digging about the Navy’s secret mission.  “I know you don’t owe me or your country any debt…”  Ladd cuts Kilbride off – “what the hell do you need me to do?”
A crime scene tech gives Kensi Ted’s smashed cellphone.  Ted is alive but in a coma.  After dealing with a woman who wanted to braid Deeks’s hair, Deeks tells Kensi the woman saw an unfamiliar SUV in Ted’s driveway the prior day.  Rountree is looking for security camera footage of the vehicle.  Reviewing the case, Zahra could have been swept up by people who wanted their money back from debt-ridden Ted.  Or someone was looking for Zahra and beat Ted up to try to get to her.  There are photos in Ted’s home – Zahra and Ted are obviously in love.
At the currency exchange, Roger is working the desk.  Callen and Sam show him a photo of Zahra, who he claims he’s never seen before.  Sam asks to see the security cameras but Roger doesn’t have any.  Callen points out a fake plant that has a camera, Sam a clock radio and an owl figurine that are likely cameras.  Roger finds plants calming, even fakes ones.  The clock radio and owl figurine are just décor.  Callen explains that Zahra’s car is in the parking lot nearby where they found the address of  the currency exchange’s location and Roger’s name written on a note.  He's the last one to see her alive and the could be an accomplice to the kidnapping of a Naval Officer.  Roger becomes a bit more helpful.  Zahra was in about a week ago.  He is a hawala broker on the side – someone who send money overseas without getting the government involved.  This is illegal if he’s not registered (he’s not) and if he’s not telling the government about the exchanges (he’s not).  Zahra was supposed to send some money to an account in Pakistan but never showed up.
Rountree found the SUV outside of Brown’s house – it was a rental from a small rental company that accepts cash and a now known fake ID.  The bad guys picked up the SUV at the rental location so Rountree is checking Ubers and taxis dropping people off.  Fatima found footage of Zahra being grabbed at the parking lot.  It is the same SUV as the one parked outside of Brown’s house.  She tells Callen and Sam the kidnappers wore masks and were well-armed.  Zahra never had a chance.
In the gadget area, which has been woefully underused since Eric and Nell left for Japan, Kensi is trying to open Brown’s phone with no luck.  Deeks stops by as she nearly drops it, calling the phone a “slippery little sucker”.  Fatima joins in, recognizing the “Pretty Woman” reference.  Kensi thinks she’s working with Siskel and Ebert and passes the phone to Deeks.  Fatima found Zahra’s brother Omar, who is living in San Francisco, not London.  And Omar hasn’t spoken to his parents in years.  This contradicts Ahmad’s statement that the family is very close.  Omar wasn’t really open about what was going on but Fatima tells them Ahmad and Mina believe in a strict adherence to the Koran.  Omar said he was beaten as a child for being too Western.  Kensi and Fatima decide to see Ahmad and Mina again, Deeks is going to try to get the sim card out of Brown’s phone.
In Ops, Rountree tells Deeks he’s found the SUV driver – Muhammad Hasan.  Looking at his social media and online postings in the last year, Hasan has become a member of an Islamic military sect.  Hasan has a flight out of LA today – whatever he’s in Los Angeles to do, it finishes today.
Rountree calls Callen and Sam to update them on Hasan.  This may have nothing to do with her work in the Navy.  Kilbride calls – it certainly has nothing to do with the secret Navy mission.  The Navy is going to track Russian military activity in the Arctic – staging nuclear weapons.  Zahra was part of the team making the US subs untraceable.  She knew nothing about the mission in the Artic.  Kilbride wants Zahra found now.
In the office, Deeks found that Ahmad his a hotel suite booked in Pakistan later this year for a wedding.  A man named Bashir Khan is getting married and he’s getting married to Zahra.  Khan is a wealthy man – could he be behind this?  Sam doesn’t think so, Zahra’s parents wouldn’t allow her to marry a non-Muslim man.  Instead, they put together an arranged marriage.  Zahra’s $20,000 withdrawal may have been an attempt to buy her freedom.  Refusing the marriage would dishonor the family.  Deeks wonders if this was an honor killing.  Callen says they have no proof that Zahra is dead yet.  But suddenly Kensi and Fatima’s trip to the restaurant is a bit more worrisome.
Kensi and Fatima walk into the restaurant.  The place has been trashed.
Callen and Sam are on their way to the restaurant, Deeks is going too until Kilbride pops up on the plasma behind Deeks’s desk.  Deeks is ordered to stay in the office.
Mina Ahmad is speaking from the back of the restaurant.  Fatima replies in Dari.  Mina is tending to her husband, who looks like he’s been beaten.  On comms, Deeks warns them that the parents may be involved in Zahra’s kidnapping.  Hasan comes out from the kitchen.  He’s going to shoot Mina if Kensi and Fatima don’t drop their weapons.
Rountree tells Callen and Sam that Hasan is Zahra’s cousin.  There are two more cousins in Los Angeles.
Kensi and Fatima are surrounded by the Hasan brothers.  Mina asks Hasan not to go through with the plan.  Hasan explains that Mina failed to raise Zahra properly. 
Callen and Sam are 10-minutes out.  Deeks is not happy.  Kensi agrees to dropping the weapons.  She puts her gun on the ground but pulls out a baton. She and Fatima try to fight but eventually both women are knocked out.  Deeks is really not doing well. 
Kensi and Fatima’s trackers are offline.  The Audi is still outside of the restaurant but Kensi and Fatima are likely on the move.  Callen calms Deeks down and gets Rountree in the mix.  Deeks finds another Hasan family member, who owns a warehouse in Long Beach.  Callen and Sam are on their way.
And we’re back in the beginning with Fatima struggling to get Kensi to wake up and to get out of the car where they are trapped.  The area outside of the vehicle is ablaze.  Callen and Sam arrive but are taking fire from the Hasan brothers. 
Deeks runs out of Ops, only to be met by Kilbride.  Deeks is told he won’t get out to Long Beach in time to save Kensi but he could work to put out the fire from Ops.  In Ops, Deeks gets a visual of a fire extinguisher near the warehouse door. 
Callen and Sam make their way to the warehouse but Callen’s gun jams.  The Hasans are still firing away and the flames are all around the car with Kensi and Fatima.   
Fatima gets free and starts untying Kensi.  Kensi is finally awake. 
Callen gets his gun unjammed just in time to see the vehicle where Kensi and Fatima were blow up to a million pieces.
Deeks is very quiet until Sam says he can see Kensi and Fatima.  Deeks offers a “thank God” but the Admiral warns him not to offer thanks just yet. 
Kensi and Fatima hear Zahra screaming.  She’s being pulled to a different SUV by Hasan.  When Zahra tries to pull away, she knocked to the ground and kicked.  Kensi pops up and threatens to kick Hasan’s ass.  As Kensi pushes a dumpster toward Hasan, Hasan opens fire on the dumpster.  This gives Fatima time to find a pipe and knock Hasan out from behind.  She says “bye bitch” in Dari – which is a great call back.
Callen and Sam make quick work of the rest of the Hasan brothers.  Kensi and Fatima comfort a beaten Zahra.
In the Admiral’s office, he’s sharing stories with Col. Ladd.  Kilbride thanks Ladd for taking a big risk to help him.  Ladd replies that the only reason he has something to risk is because of the Admiral.  Ladd is calling it a day because if they hang around anymore, they’d probably wind up in a bar.  Those days are over for Ladd.  The two men hug – Ladd has the Admiral’s back - “Always.”
Rountree explains to Deeks as they go down the stairs from Ops that Zahra’s uncle was in touch with the Hasans.  The uncle was pulling the strings, the parents were not involved.  Kensi arrives with Callen.  Deeks gives Kensi a big hug and asks they never do this again.  Zahra is bruised but otherwise alright.  She’s with Ted in the hospital.  Ted’s awake and expected to make a full recovery.  As Rountree leaves, Deeks is stunned that Zahra’s family would do this to her.  Kensi brings up that it was all done in the name of honor.  Callen disagrees – it isn’t honor, it is fear. 
Kilbride arrives – the artic recon mission was a success.  Callen asks how the Admiral found out about the recon mission.  Kilbride said he turned to an  old friend.  “Hetty?” Kensi asks.  “I said friend,” Kilbride replies as he leaves.  Callen, Kensi and Deeks are packing up.  Callen asks about Ted’s phone that is on Deeks’s desk.  Kensi starts to laugh – he couldn’t get the SIM card out, could he.  He did.  But the SIM card was so damaged it only had the last sent text message on it.  Ted told Zahra he loved her.  Kensi’s not laughing now.  She’s hungry.  The three decide to go out for Afghani food.
In the boat shed on the back deck, Sam talks about the hours he spent looking for answers in the water.  He asks Fatima if she is OK.  Physically, she’s fine.  She doesn’t know about emotionally, spiritually and mentally.  She is worried about all the women who can’t make their own choices – what to wear, what to do with their lives, who to love.  Sam says the thoughts of choice terrify some people.  Fatima talks about things being fair but Sam says the world is never fair.  But they are getting better.  Fatima wants things to move faster. 
Akhil arrives but seeing Sam with Fatima says he can leave.  Sam says he has a flight and needs to leave.  Before he does, he tells Fatima the answers she is looking for will come.  After Sam leaves, Akhil asks about Fatima’s day but doesn’t push it.  He also asks about dinner – again not pushing it – but Fatima would like something to eat.  She just needs a second to compose herself.  Akhil gives her “as long as you need.”
As Fatima gives the water one last look, she says “Woman, life, freedom” in Farsi.
What head canon can be formed from here:    A really generic episode.  You could have replaced Rountree with Eric and not change a single line of dialogue.  Actually, wanna bet Hetty knows Col. Ladd as well.  And she certainly had her hand-picked allies in different agencies when she needed help.  Kilbride’s lines could be Hetty’s in season three.
The main storyline had an interesting aspect with Fatima looking at people who were corrupting her beliefs but mostly it was a generic NCIS/Law & Order/CSI the missing person isn’t missing for the reason you think episode.  Totally forgotten was Zahra’s brother who wasn’t getting his master’s degree and claimed his parents beat him.  We’re just going to forget about lying to federal agents and child abuse.
Nice callbacks to Jocko Willink’s season 13 Herbie character with the trainer in the gym and Akhil’s broken nose in season 13’s “Genesis”. 
Episode number:   314 overall, the 12th episode of season 14.
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speedymusicsheep · 2 months
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Model Introduction
Model name: TOKTAM
Height: 170cm
Model measurements
Bust: 87
Waist: 65
Hips: 91
Shoes: 39
Model Factory Model Agency
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gjepcindia · 1 year
Decoding the Mind of the Middle Eastern Jewellery Consumer
A fresh wave of jewellery designer brands has surfaced in the Middle Eastern market, who cater to the new-age and discerning consumer. To gain a better understanding, Solitaire International focused on the Middle Eastern market, the second most important destination for Indian jewellery exports, to get a comprehensive insight from top eight designer brands hailing from Dubai, Qatar, Kuwait, Abu Dhabi, Lebanon, and Bahrain. These high-end jewellery brands have keen awareness of the preferences of digitally savvy consumers.  Here’s what they have to share:
In today’s Middle Eastern markets, consumers are seeking personalised and customised jewellery pieces with superior design and high-quality finishes. These buzz words have become the cornerstone of the jewellery industry in the region. Whether it’s a one-off or a custom-designed piece that reflects the wearer’s individual style, Middle Eastern consumers expect nothing but the best in terms of quality, craftsmanship, and attention to detail.
What motivates a consumer to purchase jewellery in the Middle Eastern region? According to Maryam Fayadh, Founder of The Jewelry Gala (JGALA), Bahrain, “The jewellery industry has experienced a significant shift in consumer behaviour. In the past, jewellery was primarily purchased for special occasions and events. However, over the last decade, there has been a noticeable increase in jewellery purchases for everyday wear. This change can be attributed to the introduction of diverse collections by numerous brands and the increase in local and regional jewellery designers which cater to various tastes and budgets. The focus on marketing campaigns, key opinion leaders, and influencers that show people how to style and incorporate jewellery into their outfits has resulted in women viewing jewellery as an essential part of their attire, reflecting their individual style, and leading to a change in jewellery purchasing habits.”
Dubai-based couture jewellery brand Toktam’s Toktam Shekarriz, states, “While the intrinsic value of a precious piece is one reason why women view it as a good option for investment, jewellery is also a means of expressing personal style and individuality or enhancing overall appearance, with its aesthetic appeal motivating some consumers to buy it.”
Toktam Shekarriz continues, “The sentimental value of jewellery gets enhanced when it is passed down through generations, further expressing the emotional connections and personal histories associated with the piece. Whether purchased for a special occasion, as an investment, or simply for the pleasure of wearing it, jewellery can hold significant meaning and value for its owners.”
Aysha Aldhaheri, Designer & Founder of Le Trezor Fine Jewelry, Abu Dhabi, states that jewellery is often considered a traditional and meaningful gift for occasions, Some consumers purchase jewellery as a form of self-expression, and some as an investment. Some may choose pieces that are expected to appreciate in value over time or that have a high resale value. “Ultimately, jewellery is often seen as fashion, and design plays a significant role and is a reflection of the wearer’s aesthetics.”
The Rise Of Self-purchasers
Noora Shawqi of Noora Shawqi Jewellery, Dubai, believes that jewellery purchase needn’t always be driven by an occasion. “Self-purchasers are usually searching for daily wear jewellery, or a wearable statement piece which they can pull off for multiple occasions.”
Shahad Almomen of the namesake brand from Kuwait, adds, “The price points for self-purchasing jewellery vary depending on the consumer’s budget and preferences. However, consumers may be willing to invest in high-quality pieces that they can wear and cherish for a long time.”
Nisrine Mourad of Alanina Jewelry, Lebanon, discloses the popular price points for self-purchasers range from $5,000 to $12,000, while Kaltham Al Majid of Kaltham’s Pavilion, Qatar, says the range that moves well in this category is between 3000 and 10000 Qatari riyals (approx. $820-$2737).
To know more: https://gjepc.org/solitaire/decoding-the-mind-of-the-middle-eastern-jewellery-consumer/
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ai-briefing · 2 years
6G Research Center in U.K. Working to Secure Funding
6G Research Center in U.K. Working to Secure Funding
LONDON—6G Futures, the center for research, education, and innovation that King’s College, the University of Bristol, and the University of Strathclyde established a bit longer than a year ago, is formally seeking funding from the U.K.’s ministry for digital media and culture and the U.K. Research Council, Toktam Mahmoodi, professor in communications engineering, and Director of Centre for…
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nothingtowear05 · 2 years
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Dress: Giambattista Valli Ruched Silk Maxi Dress ($4,950.00) | Shoes: Jimmy Choo ARI Crystal Covered Pointy Toe Pumps (£3,500) | Clutch: Olympia Le-Tan Snow White Book Clutch ($1,205.00) | Necklace: Venyx 18K Yellow Gold Astraea Necklace ($2,925.00) | Earrings: Sorellina Il Sole 18K Yellow Gold Diamond Earrings ($1,400.00) | Bracelet: TOKTAM Mosque (AED13,000.00) | Ring: Bernard James 14k Gold Rosa Maxi Ring ($1,250) | Hair comb: Jennifer Behr Marveille Comb ($725.00)
According to Disney, last week was World Princess Week. So, during that week, I asked my followers which princess should inspire this week’s outfit. The vote was quite divided, so I decided to create a look that would represent as many princesses as possible. I was able to have elements representing 9 of the 13 official Disney princesses in this outfit.
Let’s start with the dress, which was inspired by Ariel’s pink dress when she eats for the first time with Prince Eric. The shoes are obviously a nod to Cinderella, while the clutch is all about the OG Disney princess, Snow White. The blue of the clutch and the shoes combined with the pink dress is a little wink at the “pink vs blue” debate surrounding Aurora’s dress.
Now, let’s look at the jewelry. The ring is perhaps the most obvious: the rose of Beauty and the Beast for dear Belle. The earrings were chosen as the sun is the symbol of Corona, the kingdom of Rapunzel’s parents. Even if it might not be evident, the necklace is for Tiana as she met Prince Naveen as a frog after wishing on a star and also the presence of Evangeline in her story. The bracelet is perhaps the biggest stretch when it comes to its association with a Princess. With its arabian style and floral motifs, it is a little wink to Jasmine. Finally, the hair comb is for Mulan as she wore one when she met the matchmaker and also because of the famous quote in the movie: “The flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all.”
Throughout the years, Disney princesses have evolved, starting out as damsels in distress all the way to taking charge of their own destinies. Who knows how far they’ll go…
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spotifypremiumapks · 4 years
Who is Toktam Jorshari? Wiki, Biography, Age, Lawsuit, Boyfriend, Instagram, Net Worth
Who is Toktam Jorshari? Wiki, Biography, Age, Lawsuit, Boyfriend, Instagram, Net Worth
Toktam Jorshari Wiki – Toktam Jorshari Biography Toktam Jorshari is the victim of an assault by Rajon Rondo and his girlfriend, Latoia Fitzgerald. She is in the headlines after she filed a lawsuit for at least $1million claiming she was beaten up by him and his girlfriend during a parking lot dispute, but the two-time league champion is denying the accusation. Toktam Jorshari Age Toktam…
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liveconcertsnyc · 6 years
Kishi Bashi
(le) Poisson Rouge
July 12th, 2018
Photography by  Toktam Tayefeh
Kishi Bashi with Ensemble LPR Double String Quartet plus special guest opener Gracie and Rachel.
LINKS Facebook – Twitter – Soundcloud – YouTube– Instagram
  LPR X: Kishi Bashi with Ensemble LPR + Gracie and Rachel Kishi Bashi (le) Poisson Rouge July 12th, 2018 Photography by  Toktam Tayefeh Kishi Bashi with Ensemble LPR Double String Quartet plus special guest opener 
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alangoo · 5 years
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This collection is a combination pictorial read out of the suwar al-kawakib al-thabita by Abdul Rahman Sufi Razi, Iranian Astronomer from the 3rd and 4th centuries Hijri (964 AD ), translated into Persian by Khaje Nasir al-Din Tusi) along with Cuts from the 4th century Hijri clothing in Iran during the Al-Booyeh era (a state that came from northern Iran and is influenced by Deylaman and Gilak, and the slices of clothing of that period are evident). The combination of these resources and historical stories in the Toktam Hemmati's avant-garde design space created a series of Iranian Feature of anarchist that reflect the movement of time and authority.
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tvfavorites · 2 years
Rajon Rondo Reaches Settlement In Assault & Battery Lawsuit
Rajon Rondo Reaches Settlement In Assault & Battery Lawsuit
Rajon Rondo has settled a lawsuit in Los Angeles, according to court filings … stemming from a 2020 incident where the NBA star was accused of assaulting a woman in a parking lot. In docs obtained by TMZ Sports, the attorney for the plaintiff, Toktam Jorshari — who sued Rondo for assault and battery — filed a notice in an L.A. court, indicating the parties had reached a settlement. Now, a judge…
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pkjobs · 3 years
Female Sales Promoter - TOKTAM CONCEPTUAL ART JEWELRY Latest Job In Dubai UAE
Female Sales Promoter – TOKTAM CONCEPTUAL ART JEWELRY Latest Job In Dubai UAE
We are looking for passionate Female Jewelry Sales Promoter. Please apply with your latest CV and recent photo if your career profile only fulfils the job requirements. Job Requirements: – Passion about sales and Jewellery. – Self motivated to help team members and achieve sales target. – Previous Experience in fine Jewellery sales with good knowledge about diamonds and gemstones. – Excellent…
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Avslutar veckan i Göteborg, först ut idag var Toktam Moussavi Nik som fick sitt bilkörkort... Stort Grattis! 🏎🥇👍🏻☀️ #atcenter10år2017 #akademinstrafikcenter #intensivkurs #bilkörkort #körkort #moppekurs #amkörkort #mckort #intensivteori #trafikskola #atcenter (på/i AB Akademins Trafikcenter) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKWRu4tlBqI/?igshid=5c3oqiddh4h
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Thanks @toktamism for being a lady to look up to @toktamism photo (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxk3As6ArRA/?igshid=1tgwwrau7db9w
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newstfionline · 8 years
What the ruling on swim classes in Switzerland means for Muslims in Europe
Sara Miller Llana, CS Monitor, January 10, 2017
PARIS--When must a newcomer adapt and when must a host society accept?
Europe has been struggling with where to draw this line with its Muslim population, and the latest splash comes from a swimming pool in Basel, Switzerland.
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg seems to have sided for now with “adapt,” in ruling that Swiss Muslim girls must swim with boys. It rejected the appeal of two Swiss citizens, originally from Turkey, who cited their Muslim faith in seeking to keep their two prepubescent daughters out of a mixed, mandatory swimming class.
In dismissing the parents’ challenge, the court acknowledges the blurriness of these lines. While its decision might interfere in religious freedom, the court places a higher value on social inclusion in the public school system.
Across Europe, similarly, leaders and citizens are finding that these lines aren’t always clear. When German leaders voiced plans to ban full-face veils while driving cars or in court--a measure backed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in December--a debate raged over whether Germany was reverting to a historic intolerance.
Mohammad Hajjaj, chairman of the Berlin branch of the Central Council of Muslims, said in an interview this fall that he thought Germany was crossing a line in considering the veil ban, especially since only a tiny fraction of German Muslims wear the burqa or niqab. The line should be firmly drawn at the Constitution, he argues, which enshrines religious freedom, full stop.
But what if that comes into conflict with other principles, German society has asked?
Karlies Abmeier, a team leader on religion, integration, and family policy at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, which is close to Ms. Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union, says that in her view such a ban is practical and principled. If a mother has to pick up her kindergartner, she posits, the school must be able to identify her.
Ms. Abmeier says she also agrees with Merkel, who said recently a fully covered woman in Germany stands little chance of full integration. “The burqa is really something that separates her from the rest of the world,” Abmeier says.
The ECHR seemed to show similar reasoning in its ruling Tuesday. In the public school system in Basel, swim classes are obligatory in grade-school, with exceptions granted at puberty. The Turkish-Swiss couple, who objected to their girls being in swimsuits in front of male counterparts in a case dating back to 2010, decided to keep their daughters out of class. They were fined for violating the rules, an amount equaling about $1,400, and brought a suit alleging a violation of freedom of thought and religion.
The court put emphasis on the integration process, saying public schools hold “a special role in the process of social integration,” particularly with children of foreign origin. “The children’s interest in attending swimming lessons was not just to learn to swim, but above all to take part in that activity with all the other pupils, with no exception on account of the children’s origin or their parents’ religious or philosophical convictions.”
The court added that the school wasn’t being intransigent: in fact, the girls were allowed to wear a “burkini”--the suit that took France by storm this summer, when a town on the southern coast, followed by several others, tried to ban it.
Two very different visions of cultural adaptation emerged in France after the beach row. To then Prime Minister Manuel Valls, and his many supporters--including a majority of the French public--the burkini represented a tool of gender inequality.
“The burkini is not a new range of swimwear, a fashion. It is the expression of a political project, a counter-society, based notably on the enslavement of women,” said the Socialist’s now presidential hopeful.
Neslihan Cevik, author of “Muslimism in Turkey and Beyond: Religion in the Modern World” and founder of M-Line Fashion in Turkey, says she sees it in the opposite light, as a tool of liberation. As she sets out to release her own burkini line, expected out this summer, she says Muslim fashion is about increased participation of Muslim women in modern life--including in beaches and public pools.
The water wars have struck much of Europe. Elisabeth Braw, a correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor, was dispatched to the Hyllie sports center, a municipal swimming pool in the southern Swedish city of Malmö, that became part of a raging debate in Scandinavia over the issue of gender-segregated splash time.
Forget that many women simply prefer single-sex pools or gyms (this correspondent included, who desperately misses her women-only gym in Boston). Feministiskt Initiativ, Sweden’s feminist party, made this very point.
“It’s not just Muslim women who want women-only swimming hours; it’s women from many different backgrounds,” Toktam Jahangiry, Feministiskt Initiativ’s sexual policy spokeswoman, told Ms. Braw. And when it comes to Muslim women specifically, as the supporters of the burkini in France argue, advocates of women-only swim time argue that without the separation Muslim women would simply never get a chance to swim.
Many in Sweden have seen this as a step too far, and above all a threat to women’s equality. In May last year Sweden’s democracy minister, Alice Bah Kuhnke, told Swedish TV that mixed-gender swimming is “a victory after many years and generations of gender-equality struggle.”
From school cafeterias that serve pork, to prayer space in offices, to classroom exceptions, the object of protest might differ. But the larger issue is always the same. Europe sits at the front lines of a culture war in Europe. Today it’s at the pool.
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fairuzyusoff · 5 years
TB 2018 TokTam Bacakan Doa #frzphoto #doa @syudyuha (at Taman Bersatu, Kulim, KDA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5XpU8dHQuz/?igshid=1miunuum3zujd
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liveconcertsnyc · 7 years
Baby’s All Right
November 29th 2017
Photography by  Toktam Tayefeh
LINKS Facebook – Twitter – Bandcamp– YouTube– Instagram
Surfbort at Baby’s All Right Surfort Baby's All Right November 29th 2017 Photography by  Toktam Tayefeh LINKS Facebook – Twitter – Bandcamp– YouTube– Instagram
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teasertrailer · 6 years
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Antidote - movie trailer: https://teaser-trailer.com/movie/antidote/
starring Randy Couture, Chuck Zito, Wil Traval, Mindy Robinson, Natali Yura, Rafael de la Fuente, Toktam Aboozary, Celeste Thorson, Alyona Chekhova, Thom Rivera, and Geoffrey Ross
#Antidote #AntidoteMovie #RandyCouture
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