#tokyo revenegers scenarios
tojisbbg · 1 year
𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙢𝙮 𝙝𝙪𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙙
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❝and i am the idiot with the painted face, in the corner, taking up space.❞  
♡ izana kurokawa ♡
pt. 1
a/n: i love putting mikey and izana stans through pain lolz. 
content: royal! au, prince izana x princess y/n (reader), arranged marriage, shitty/toxic parenting, angst, cheating, izana’s a jerk, swearing/cursing, maybe smut (?), strangers to enemies to lovers, not checked for grammatical errors. 
nothing ever lasts forever. 
you looked at the roses that were becoming shriveled up, slowly withering. the cold, unforgiving winter was soon to come. the grassy fields filled with flowers and little creatures of mother nature would be embraced by cold arms, blanketed with snow. 
you bitterly grimaced at how this pathetic flower was used as a symbol of love. ironically, it fits. 
no such thing truly exists, and even if it does, it’s either fake or bound to die in the future. 
you leaned down, picking up one of the sorrowful roses from the royal garden, looking at it with pity. while plucking off the petals, you accidentally pricked your finger from one of the thorns on the stem. 
you were startled from the short-lived pain, looking at your index finger as you saw the small droplet of the crimson red liquid. 
“you truly are evil.” you whispered, throwing the stupid flower on the ground just like any other worthless piece of trash. 
“princess! what are you doing out here in such weather?! you’ll catch a cold!” one of the maids rushed in, concern and fear written all over her face. 
“could i never get a second of peace and quiet? what is it that you need?” you harshly spat out, knowing that these stupid women didn’t care for your actual well-being. 
they were ordered to for the sake of their pockets being filled. 
of course, the world had to revolve around money and green of us filthy human beings. 
“the king and queen has requested for you.” she spoke with a low voice, eyes not meeting your glaring ones. 
“tell them to fuck off.” you bluntly replied, getting up to walk towards the orchid tree that was located way far back towards the end of the garden. suddenly, you felt the maid drop on her knees, holding one of your legs. 
“what the fuck, get off of me!” you tried to wiggle her off, but she shook her head in refusal. 
“please, princess! your father has already threatened all of us to have our heads chopped off because of not having you follow your daily routine. you must come or else our lives are at stake!” she sobbed, making you look down at them with a disgusted expression. 
“you sick morons.” you grumbled under your breath, agreeing to head inside which made her thank you as if you were god himself granting her a blessing. 
the maid escorted you to your parent’s room, afraid that you might not stay true to your words. regardless, you decided to have it her way to save her sanity. after reaching the door of your parent’s room, the maid knocked on the door before entering. 
“the princess is here, your highness.” she informed before taking her leave which was your cue to enter. you closed the door behind you, seeing the both of them sitting on the edge of their bed, looking at you with a small smile. 
“why did you call me?” you asked, cutting straight to the chase. you knew that your parents were filled with bullshit, all they cared about is being the most powerful kingdom to ever exist. 
power, money, fame. 
they wanted it all and it made you sick to your stomach. your morals and view on topics that were flaming hot to them largely differed. you just wanted to live a simple life, and it’s not that you’re an ungrateful brat. 
you just have the world’s shittiest parents. 
“is that how you were taught to speak to people, y/n?” you father snapped back at you, clearly displeased by your response. 
“i don’t even speak to anyone in general, so who cares?” you commented with a shrug, making your mother sigh in disappointment. 
“well, you will eventually one day in the future. you’ll inherit the throne, have a husband and lead your joined kingdoms until you pass it down to your kids.” she explained to you with a soft tone, nearly making you gag. 
“me? marriage? as if.” you laughed, but your parents only looked at you with a serious expression. your voiced died down, now looking at them with nothing but shock and disbelief. 
“why are you both quiet? tell me it’s a joke, what’s wrong with you?” you angrily scoweled, but they remained quiet. 
“y/n, you’re no longer our little girl anymore. you’re a young woman now, who’s ready to fulfill her duties as the future queen and as someone’s wife.” your father tried to caress your cheek in a loving manner, but you swatted his hand away, on the brink of tears. 
“how dare you! does my voice or opinion not have any worth to you guys? how can you decide such a big thing for me without even thinking about if i want it or not!” you raged, wanting to dig yourself a small grave right on the spot you were standing in. 
“you don’t have a say, y/n! what don’t you understand?! you must get married, it’s an order by our law and nature. you’re a princess for god’s sake!” your mother scolded you, getting fed up from such childish behavior from you. 
“then fuck being a princess, i’ll run away.” you threatened, your tears streaming down your face as your heart ached. 
“you know that’ll never work, so stop being immature and try to accept things as how it is.” your father snickered, making you wanna rip your hair out. 
“then i’ll end my life.” it was a rather rash thing to say, but it caught the attention of your parents, especially your father. he clutched onto his chest, breathing heavily, which alarmed your mother. she quickly rushed to his side, laying him down on the mattress while you watched with a blank expression.
“how dramatic. he should’ve signed up to become a theater entertainer than be a king.” you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“y/n! that’s enough.” your mother said through gritted teeth, fanning your father who coughed like a man that’s been smoking thirty cigars a day. 
“if you both are done wasting my time, may i leave?” you yawned, getting bored of the same kind of shit that you had to go through nearly every day. 
she didn’t bother looking up at you, ignoring your words as a way to indicate that she didn’t care. 
“could’ve just said yes, y’know.” with that being said, you turned your heels and walked out, making sure to slam the door extra hard to piss them off even more. 
you giggled after hearing the noise echoing through the empty halls, knowing for sure that your parents are probably talking shit about you right now. you hummed a small tune as you walked to your room. 
“they’re crazy to think that i would actually agree to this shit.” you talked to yourself as you began to strip out of your gown, throwing it on your bed before walking inside your bathroom. 
you shoved a finger inside the tub, checking if the temperature was right. you grinned in content, feeling the warmth of the water as you eagerly stepped in, lowering yourself slowly. 
you couldn’t help but feel sorry for yourself. there are thousands of people out there who wished to be in your spot right now, living the life as a princess. 
but, they only see your life from a small glass window, not being able to peak further deep inside. 
they think that just because you bathe in luxury every day, your life is perfect. what they don’t see is how trapped you feel, how your parents are so controlling over your life, almost as if you were their very own puppet. 
you were hidden away from your whole life, envying the lives of commoners. you were homeschooled while everyone else went to public schools. you had no friends nor were you allowed to explore the village because it makes you appear improper. you have to wear bigass, itchy and uncomfortable gowns every day. 
you hated it, absolutely hated it with every fiber in your body. if only all of your problems could be drowned like this, then maybe life wouldn’t have been so bad.
“i don’t care what it takes, i won’t be getting married.” you promised yourself, sinking deeper into the tub until you were completely submerged in the water. 
“no, no! you can’t do this to me! i’m your fucking daughter, not a puppet. please, don’t do this. i’ll do anything, just don’t give me away.” you pleaded to your mother as you sat on your bed, dressed into the wedding dress that the maids successfully had shoved you inside. 
“y/n, my baby, please just listen to me. your father and i love you so mu-”
“bullshit! absolute bullshit, stop lying to me! god, all you both ever do is lie! fuck, i hate you guys so much.” you wept, not caring that you had streaks of mascara running down your face. 
“you need to understand that your father isn’t in the best condition to rule the kingdom. his heart problems are getting worse, and i won’t be able to take care of everything all by myself. joining our kingdom with the kurokawa’s would lessen the burden on us.” she tried to reason, taking a napkin to wipe away your ruined makeup as you looked up at her with glossy eyes, seeing not a single hint of care or adoration. 
her eyes looked empty and you knew that these people would not hesitate to sell you off like some kind of livestock if they needed some money. 
“you guys disgust me. all you care about is your benefits and never about me. you want me to get married? fine, i’ll get fucking married. since you guys along with that fucker that agreed to this shit basically ruined my life, i’ll make sure to return the favor.” you smirked, getting up as you grabbed the smashed bouquet of flowers. 
“don’t wanna hear it.” you cut her off, walking off to head downstairs where the chapel was. you saw your father waiting down by the stairs for you, looking at you with a horrified face. 
“y/n? your makeup is-”
“does it look like i care? are you gonna walk me down the aisle or should i go by myself?” you impatiently said, making your father’s jaw drop from the sudden change of attitude. you avoided eye contact with him, not being able to bear the sight of how your father looked pleased with the change of heart you had, completely overlooking the fact of how your eyes screamed in despair. 
“of course not, dear. come on.” he heartily chuckled, linking your arms together before leading you inside the chapel. your body burned with hatred, every step that you took felt like your legs were chained with weights. 
“you could hate me all you want, y/n, but one day you’ll realize that everything that i have done for you is for the best.” your father said, his words completely flying over your head as you knew that it would be no use of saying anything to him. 
it’s too late anyways. 
the doors opened, a blinding ray of light hitting you as you could picture the chapel looking as beautiful as ever, knowing that your mother hired the best in town to decorate everything. however, you kept your eyes on the ground, being led up the few step as your father finally let go of your arm. 
the priest began to read the wedding vows and midway there was a pause to allow the exchange of rings to occur. 
your soon-to-be husband extended his hand, waiting for you to place yours on his palm. his skin was tan, long slender fingers with a few veins being painted on the surface of his hand as well. with a heavy heart, you lightly placed your hand on his, making sure to have minimal skin-to-skin contact with him. 
“izana?” the priest called out, and for the first time, you’ve heard what your husband’s name was. 
“yes?” he answered, his voice deep and smooth like honey. 
“do you take y/n as your wife, promising to stay by her side through better or worse, sickness and in health, till death pulls you both apart?” the familiar lines were recited, making your vision become a blur with tears. 
those vows, these same sacred words to prove one’s faith and love to each other, it wasn’t meant for you or this izana guy. you had the right to wait for your knight and shining armor, your romeo and your prince charming. 
“i do.” izana said firmly, his voice not shaking at all as he was ready to seal the deal. 
“y/n?” the sudden intrusion of the voice startled you as you were deeply indulged in your train of thoughts. 
“what?” you blurted out without any thought, hearing gasps around the room as you swore at yourself before muttering a quick apology to the priest. 
“that’s quite alright, dear. do you take izana as your husband, promising to stay by his side through better or worse, sickness and in health, till death pulls you both apart?” the same lines almost seemed taunting you know, as if it was mocking your situation. you were thankful that the veil was covering your face, as your face was now covered with streaks of your dried tears. 
it was never supposed to be this way. 
you shouldn’t be up here getting married to some stranger whom you’ve never met before. as the crowd began to silently gossip among themselves, you felt like your knees would give up any minute from how anxious you felt. 
you had two choices. 
you still had the chance to run away, maybe even go abroad to another village far away from here and keep your identity hidden until you could get on a ship to go overseas. 
you don’t take izana kurokawa as your loving husband whom you swear to spend the rest of your life with through sickness and in health. 
you’re no princess, and you’re most certainly not qualified to be a queen who should rule such a vast kingdom. to all those stuck up people that are like loyal dogs under royal laws, you’re their puppet that’s being trained to become a loyal dog just like them. 
but you weren’t one of them nor did you wish to become like them. you’re not a dog who’ll abide by the rules, trained to serve their husband and a piece of land. 
no, absolutely not. 
you were a caged bird who wished to be free. you read many books that were stored in the castle’s library. there are about 18,000 species of birds out there, roaming freely to their heart’s desire. 
beautiful and colorful wings that allow them to explore different place in the earth. you wished to be like them, you too want to spread your wings and take a leap of faith in life. you want to go to the amazon forest, see the creation of mother nature. 
and you knew well enough that in order to do that, you must take a risk. it was a 50/50, but at this point, who cares about the odds?
“i do.”
the wedding was over and you were now headed towards the kurokawa kingdom, which wasn’t too far off from your own. it was a two hour car ride, you thought you would be able to rest in the comforts of your own room for the night. 
to your dismay, your parents had other plans. 
they had the maids pack up your things and have it waiting for you already at your new “home”. to you it seemed like your parents were only counting how much time was left till you would finally depart from them. 
it was an awful wedding. 
all the dishes that were served were shit that you were forced to eat as a child. it’s true that you were a picky eater but you weren’t always like this. the castle’s diet consisted of eating only clean foods to prevent health concerns like obesity or heart problems since they both ran in the family. 
to which you weren’t against at first. 
but you could vividly remember how when you went down to the village and stopped by a small udon shop to try their delicious meat udon special, your mother soon arrived and ripped you away from the shop before threatening to have you skip dinner. 
she would give the same lecture about how men like women who have a nice figure, long lucious hair along with a shy and soft demeanor. 
to which you would simply just walk off while she kept on going off, pretty much talking to herself since you didn’t even bother to listen to her bullshit. 
the guests were snobby, from both sides of the family. while izana was busying himself on entertaining those fools with a charming smile and soft eyes, you gave everyone who tried to approach you a death stare.
izana kurokawa. 
after you both exchanged your vows, it was time to show the god awful crowd the love and devotion you both have towards each other. 
a kiss. 
you were going to kiss izana kurokawa, who was now your husband. you were going to kiss a man whom you’ve never seen or heard of before until an hour ago. 
gentle hands lifted your veil as you slowly looked up, eyes meeting for the first time. it felt like time had stopped, you couldn’t stop staring at him. 
he was gorgeous. 
the title of a prince was meant for izana kurokawa. he was responsible, kind and caring. snowy white hair that was parted, mesmerizing amethyst eyes with soft white lashes, honey glazed skin and a small smile on his lips. 
izana bent down, his face hovering above yours as you could feel his warm breath fanning over your flesh. you closed your eyes, waiting his lips to meet yours. 
however, no such thing ever happened. 
his lips weren’t touching yours, barely brushing against them to say the least. yet, the guests roared with cheers and you soon came to realization. you opened your eyes, only to see those same lips curl into a smirk as he lazily eyed down at you. 
izana kurokawa was not your husband because he too didn’t want to fulfill that role in your life. 
you were not his wife nor would you ever be. 
“we’re here, sir.” the drive came to a stop as the driver announced the arrival to the destination, pulling up to the castle doors. izana hummed in acknowledgment, as one of the guards opened the door for him. without a word, he left with the slam of the door, leaving you alone in the car. 
“what a fucking jerk.” you grumbled to yourself, hearing the driver faintly chuckle as you shot him a glare from the backseat, knowing that he’d see it on the car’s rear mirror. 
“the hell are you laughing at, huh?” you boldly spoke up, making him look back with a small smile. 
“princess, do not be so naive. our prince is not like those whom you’ve read about in tales like cinderella or sleeping beauty. it’s not my place to talk ill about our soon to be king, but you’ll find out soon enough, so don’t be deceived.” he warned, making you harshly gulp. 
the driver was nice enough to pull the door open for you, offering a rough hand to help your get out of the car since your dress seemed like it weighed over a thousand pounds. 
the kurokawa kingdom was north from your own kingdom, but you never thought that it would make this much of a difference in weather. your wedding dress was sleeveless, making the cold breeze hit your skin as you shivered. 
you noticed how the castle was built on a hill, the grass was barely alive, most likely due to the cold weather. it was a mountainous area after all. 
“shall we?” one of the butler interrupted your thoughts, waiting with the door opened as you nodded. 
you entered the castle doors, seeing how the interiors were nothing like your boring castle design. it was purple and gold, art works of famous artists hung up on the wall of angelic beings, and the halls smelled faintly of lavender. 
“shall i take you to your room, prince-”
“that won’t be necessary, we have to talk about a few things. don’t worry, i’ll take it from here.” izana cut him off, walking down the grand stairs. 
“of course, sir.” the butler bowed his head before leaving. 
“we have nothing to talk about. it’s nearly midnight and i’m tired, i want to go to bed.” you groaned, trailing behind him as you were now in the living room. 
“there’s some rules that you must follow now that you live with me.” he informed, sitting down as he crossed one leg over the other. 
“how lovely, i came from one prison to another. life truly loves me, huh?” you bitterly chuckled, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared at him. 
“how pitiful.” faux sympathy was painted all over his features, making your blood boil. 
“hey bitchface, who do take me as? you think that just because we’re married now, you could do whatever you want with me as you wish? please, don’t make me laugh.” you giggled, getting up as you walked over to him. izana’s face remained unfazed with his previous smug look. 
you bent down to come at eye level with his sitting stature.
“i never listened to my own parents rules, so, the fuck made you think that i’d listen to yours?” you taunted, cocking an eyebrow as he maintained eye contact with you. 
“unlike your parents, i could have you out of this castle with the snap of a finger. i’m not as sympathetic nor do i give a single shit about you like your parents. you are their child whom they tolerated, but to me, you’re nothing but a nobody. so, mind your tone when speaking to me.” izana strictly said, giving you a sarcastic smile as he was able to see that he made his point across. 
you sighed as you walked back to the sofa, plopping down while you waited for him to open his shitty mouth once again to tell you about his so-called rules. 
“your room is located on the east wing of the castle and my room is in the west wing, so there shouldn’t be a reason why i should ever see yo-”
“first of all, how fucking self-centered are you to even think that i’d go to your room? you think i’m some kind of bimbo who’ll be all dolled up on your bed or clean up after your ass? i’d rather die than go to you.” you angrily spat out, in complete disbelief that this jackass had the audacity to even think of you like that. 
“well that’s a relief, it’s good that you aren’t stupid. the problem is, your manners are so shit.” he scoffed, looking at you like you’re some kind of alien. 
“weren’t you taught to never cut people off mid sentence? especially, to your husband.” izana mocked, tilting his head to the side as he knew he was slowly pushing all of your buttons. 
“you want me to ruin the price worthy face of your so bad, huh?” you kissed your teeth in annoyance. 
“anyways, you should almost never come to my room unless absolutely necessary. we have many maids and butlers, so feel free to ask them about any concerns. second, i really don’t give a shit.” he blurted out, making you choke on your spit. 
“what?” you gasped. 
“you don’t understand basic english? i said, i don’t give a shit. you’re free to do whatever you please with yourself, you could go wherever you want with whomever you want. your life doesn’t concern me nor should mine concern you. we didn’t marry each other out of love, nor do we consider each other as husband and wife. just don’t make things too obvious. deal?” he stuck out a hand, looking at you with anticipation. 
“you got yourself a deal, prince jackass.” you stood up and began to make your way to your room. 
all you wanted to do was just sleep everything away. you wanted to drift inside a good dream where there was no mom or dad, no izana, no royal duties and no sadness. 
just you and only you. 
you rolled around in bed, not wanting to open your eyes and have the bright sunlight hit your sight and blind you. but, soon enough, someone barged into your room and it nearly sent you into a coma. 
you eyes went wide as you sat up, startled when you saw a few of the maids coming in. you grumbled under your breath, looking at them with a pissed facial expression. 
“god, don’t you people know how to knock?” you scolded, making them apologize as you let out a sigh. 
“it’s past lunchtime, your highness.” one of them informed you, making you look at them like they had three heads. 
“what?!” you screamed, sitting up as your hair was a tangled mess. you were still in your wedding dress, too tired the night before to even have the energy to take it off. 
“your bath is ready and breakfast has been served as well. lord kurokawa has gone out for royal duties if you were wondering.” the butler from yesterday butted in, making you scoff. 
lord kurokawa? what an arrogant asshole. 
“yeah to hell with him, i don’t care where he is.” you yawned, getting up as you shooed everyone out of your room. you hated noise, especially during mornings. 
mornings were meant to be peaceful and silent, relaxing and slow. they were only meant for you and only you. you stripped out of the poofy gown before detangling your hair and removing the remaining makeup smudged on your face. 
when you stepped inside the bathroom, a gasp of nothing but pure amazement and shock left your lips. it was a gorgeous bathroom, everything covered in marbel and polished. the bathtub looked like a swimming pool, making you quickly rush over to fill it up with hot water. 
as you sunk your naked body in the water, a blissful sigh left your lips as your eyes rolled back. 
this really hits the spot. 
you leaned back, closing your eyes as you began to fall into deep thought. you wondered, how would you spend the rest of your days in this castle? a part of you wished that izana was a little more friendlier, then perhaps you could’ve had a platonic relationship of enjoying life. 
well, that wasn’t that case, and maybe you liked it that way. 
you finished your royal bath and the rest of the consisted of you lounging in the castle. you had to admit that izana’s criteria and choice of the cooks had to be one of the finest, as both breakfast and lunch almost made you ascend to heaven. 
living away from your parents did rise some perks, and to make things even better, izana wasn’t around majority of the times. you were free to dress however you wished, no need for fancy dresses that squished your ribcages and made it hard to breathe. 
for once in your life, you were sitting in the living room with a huge bucket of ice cream in your lap while wearing a pair of shorts and tank-top. 
and no one could tell you shit about it. 
you heard the front door open, indicating that someone has arrived home. one of the maid’s rushed to your side as you shoved a huge mouthful of the sweet dairy treat in your mouth. 
“your highness, lord kurokawa has arrived.” she notified, making you lazily hum at her as you were more concerned about the plot of the drama you’re watching. 
“cool.” you shrugged before shooing her away, not caring that your fake husband came back from his royal duties. 
“is dinner ready?” the deep familiar voice questioned the butler who was removing his very expensive winter coat. 
“yes, sir. allow me to help you freshen up.” the butler offered, making izana hum in agreement. 
“god, do you wipe his ass after he takes a shit too?” you snickered, making the butler gasp as he looked at you with wide eyes. however, izana remained unfazed before turning to you with a small smirk. 
“oh, that’s not his job but my wife’s. however, it seems like she’s too busy being a pig.” he fired back, making you shoot him a hateful glare. 
“annoying piece of shit.” you mumbled under your breath before averting your focus back onto the huge tv screen. izana left to freshen up before sitting in the dining space, eating by himself. 
you couldn’t help but feel a little bad for him, knowing that he lived inside this castle by himself all his life and did pretty much everything alone. you didn’t know much about the kurokawa family, but you knew that izana was the last person in the bloodline to exist because his family was brutally murdered years ago in a war that nearly killed your father. 
your thoughts would soon be gone as you saw the man right in front of you, arms crossed over his chest. 
“go to bed, every electrical device that makes noise in this castle must be turned off. i have very sharp ears, so even the slightest sound will awaken me.” izana ordered, making you scoff. 
“well, i’m so sorry sleeping beauty, but that seems like a you problem. shove some cotton balls in your ears and go to sleep.” you replied, seeing his jaw lock in annoyance, making you internally high-five yourself. 
“you’re infuriating.” he grumbled, turning his heels before heading upstairs to his room. you laughed to yourself in satisfaction, throwing a few more popcorns in your mouth as you continued to watch your show. 
you groaned in pain, rolling over until you fell to the ground with a yelp. you winced in pain as you rubbed your ass. 
“fucking hell.” you cursed, not realizing when you fell asleep on the sofa. you heard a chuckle coming from behind you, opening your sleepy eyes to see the white haired fool sipping his tea while laughing. 
“i knew that was gonna happen, you stupid little girl.” izana shook his head in disbelief, continuing to fill out some paperwork. you stood up and marched your way towards him, glaring down at him. 
“you absolute jackass. this is why no woman would ever fall in love with you, stupid piece of shit.” you threw insult after insult at him, yet he seemed unfazed by your comments. 
“what a rough way to start your morning. you should go brush your teeth to get that bad breath and language out of your mouth.” he smirked, making you gasp in embarrassment as you covered your mouth, forgetting that morning breath exists. 
“i hope you choke on your tea and die.” you said in a muffled voice, rushing up to your room to freshen up so that you could give him a proper piece of your mind. but, to your dismay, by the time you came downstairs he was already gone. 
“coward.” you mumbled to yourself, settling down at your seat as the maids served you breakfast. you decided that you’ll have an outing to yourself today at the village, wanting to experience an adventure you never got the chance to fulfill. 
“excuse me, would you please drop me off by the village today after breakfast?” you asked izana’s butler, to which he gave you a polite smile. 
“it would be my pleasure.” he replied, making you contented with the answer as you finished your meal. 
you decided to dress in common clothing, a simple white dress that fell below your knees; decorated with strawberries. 
“you look lovely, my lady.” the butler complimented, and you thanked him, excited to try new things out. 
after reaching the village, you bid the butler goodbye as he promised to pick you up before sunset. 
your first stop was the flower shop, eyes glimmering at the colorful plants. there was roses, dhalias, petunias, marigolds and so much more!
“hello miss, how may i help you today?” the lady spoke, startling you a little. 
“your flowers are gorgeous! may i take a smell?” you asked, the lady giving you a warm smile before nodding. 
you went ahead and took a sniff of every one of them, sighing in bliss at the sweet scent of each of them. nature’s creation was truly heavenly and it made you wish if you could just run away to the woods and live in a cottage; away from the evil that resided in society. 
your eyes fell on the lilacs, sitting ever so prettily in the bouquet. you couldn’t help but think of how the color struck you and made you think of your evil husband. 
“would you like to buy any of them?” the lady asked and you nodded you head. 
“i’ll take those lilacs, please.” you said with a small smile, convincing yourself that it was because these pretty purple flowers would look great in the vase on top of the dining table. 
your next stop was to try all the food stalls, looking at your pocket watch and noticing how it was nearly lunch time. you decided to indulge yourself, ordering a bowl of seafood udon for yourself and a side of braised duck meat. 
your parents would’ve killed you if they saw you eating like this. 
but right now, food is life. 
you ate to your heart’s happiness, closing your eyes as you could feel tears of joy forming at the corner of your eyes. you’ve never tasted food this delicious before and it made you appreciate yourself for keeping your will to live still strong. 
you slurped the noodles like no tomorrow, gulping down the broth right after. you lipstick was gone, the corners of your mouth messy with the broth as you sniffled from the heat of the food. you quickly cleaned yourself up, not wanting to look like a pig in front of other although you did eat like one just now. 
you properly disposed the items and continued your little journey. 
suddenly, a weeping little toddler clung onto your legs. you bent down, trying to level your eyes with her glossy ones. 
“mama?” she cried, making your heart shatter. 
“did you lose her, honey?” you spoke with a soft voice, seeing the little girl nod her head. you embraced the tiny human, carrying her as you tried to calm her down. 
“let’s go find your mama then.” you smiled, patting her back as you began to walk around with the little girl in your arms. 
“ice cream!” you heard her squeal, amking you hum as your eyes followed the direction she pointed in. 
“oh, you want one?” you asked, to which she eagerly nodded, making you chuckle as you walked towards the small shop. you got the little girl a strawberry cone while you got mango. 
“so yummy.” she giggled, making your heart swell from her cuteness. you were walking towards the small flower garden, wanting to take a little break and finish your ice cream. 
until you noticed a familiar figure sitting on the bench with another person. you got a closer look and indeed it was izana.
with another woman. 
you saw him holding her hand while laughing, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she giggled. they both were sharing a slice of cake and you saw the way his eyes sparkled every time she breathed. 
was he always this sweet? how he tenderly caressed her skin like she was porcelain.
a foreign emotion of jealousy brewed inside you, a sudden wave of rage filled your insides. it was then that izana’s eyes fell on you, his smile dropping as he saw you with the child in your arms. 
“y/n?” he called out your name, and it sent chills down your spine as it felt so new to hear him call you without any insult. 
“izana.” you said his name back, making him swallow harshly. 
“do you both know each other?” the woman next to him asked, she looked and smelled like a princess, when you looked like a commoner. izana’s eyes begged you to make up some lie, to which you gave him a sly grin. 
“why of course we do, right izana?” you taunted, making the silver haired male grow nervous. 
“honey, i can explain.” izana turned to the woman, but she looked suspicious. 
“there’s nothing to explain. we’re cousins, that’s all. stop making everything so weird all the time.” you giggled, making your very much husband sigh in relief, not wanting his mistress to find about his little secret marriage. 
“ohh, nice to meet you. is that your daughter?” his mistress asked, and you contemplated on being truthful, but you wanted to spite izana more. 
“yup, this is my little princess. isn’t she the cutest?” you kissed the little girl’s head, making the woman squeal. izana’s eyes widened, not expecting you to lie like this. 
“she sure is! wow, you’re so young to be a mom though.” she commented, making fake sad eyes. 
“yeah, well, my husband loves me enough to give me such a precious gift. anyways, i should head back now. it was, uh, great meeting you.” you gave her a fake smile before throwing a side glare at izana. the expression on his face is one you couldn’t decipher, but you decided to not pick on it. 
you walked a good distance away from the horrid couple, until you felt the little girl squirm in your hold. 
“mama! mama!” she urged and you placed her on the ground, watching her run to the figure in the distance. 
“oh, my baby!” you heard the lady cry, picking up her daughter a kissing her lovingly. 
“thank you so much for keeping her safe, miss.” she noticed your presence, giving you a grateful smile. 
“no worries.” you nodded your head, ruffling the little girl’s hair before bidding them goodbye. 
you reached home, your mood not as uplifting as you had planned. you kicked your sandals off, walking towards the dining table as you placed the lilacs down. one of the maids rushed in, excited to see the bright and beautiful purple flower. 
“are these for lord kurokawa?” she asked, making you scoff. the thought of izana made your blood boil, especially after the shitshow that took place earlier. 
“no, you may dispose those in the garbage. i don’t want to see a single petal on my sight.” you strictly ordered, grabbing your purse to make your way up to your room. there you bumped into izana, who seemed like he’s been standing there the entire time. 
“move, fuckface.” you grumbled, shoving him to the side as you stormed upstairs. you felt him grab your wrist, turning your head to meet his lilac ones. 
“the hell is wrong with you? why are you acting like i’m diseased?” his eyebrows furrowed, making you roll your eyes. 
“say what you have to say because i want to rest.” you ignored his question, making him let out an irritated sigh. 
“since you already know about mai, i don’t think i need to explain myself further-”
“oh, don’t worry. i think i have enough brain cells to piece together that the almighty lord kurokawa has a side bitch.” you snickered, making him glare at you. 
“watch your mouth.” he scoweled, making you grin. 
“make me.” you challenged, watching him ball his fists as your words made his skin crawl. 
“you know what, i don’t even know why i thought i could have a simple conversation with you without wanting to murder you. your parents invited us for dinner this weekend, so act accordingly.” izana informed you before leaving, heading back downstairs. 
“got it! i’ll make sure that they don’t find out about your secret fuck buddy lover that you’re two-timing with, lord kurokawa.” you said in a mocking voice, knowing how much he probably wanted to kill himself right now because you wouldn’t let him hear the end of it. 
you didn’t know why the situation with izana and his mistress got you so riled up. 
you knew that he’s not in love with you nor are you in love with him. 
yet, the idea of him with another woman made you furious. 
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authorluvgxbby · 2 years
Mystery Girl
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A/N: hello my luvs! I am happy to say that I am finally back. I had decided to take a break from writing due to school being a bit overwhelming, but overtime I have come up with a lot of new stuff to share with you all! And for now, I'll continue to deliver current and future requests sitting in my mail cause i love doing those for ya'll so, by all means, enjoy!
Genre: Fluff, slight crack
Rindou x Reader
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Everyone could agree that Tenjiku, along with its four heavenly kings, were made of the strongest and, quite literally, the most brutal gangsters of the S-62 generation. However, within the gang, everyone could only see each other as nothing more than a bunch of idiotic misfits. 
For example, in the eyes of their fellow gang members, the Haitani brothers may be the supreme rulers of roppongi, but deep down they were just two siblings who got on each other's nerves and made it everyone else’s problem.
It was no secret that the older Haitani was a menace to his little brother and took every opportunity he had to tease Rindou. At first, it was annoying, but over time, it was like daily entertainment for Tenjiku to watch the two brothers bicker. 
Today was no different. 
Rindou was peacefully slouching along one of the beat up couches of their dingy warehouse hideout, eyes glued to his phone, while Ran stared holes into the back of his brother’s blonde and blue locks. The silent question bubbling in his mind: what is he doing so long on his phone? 
This matter particularly disturbed the Haitani, since his brother was less of a socialite, especially when it came to social media. Yet, here he was, messages open, while texting an unknown individual that HE didn’t know about? This was indeed quite odd. 
“Rindou,” he calls. 
No answer, just the sound of his thumbs tapping against the device’s screen.
Huffing, he calls once more, “Rindouuu.” Still nothing.
“What could he be so fixated on?” Kakucho voices next to the older Haitani.
“I don’t know, but I don’t like how this person is getting all this attention from my little brother.” 
That’s when the lightbulb goes off, sparking an idea from the older brother’s mind, his signature mischievous smile spreading on his lips. Sighing in pity, all Kakucho could do was watch as Ran carried out his usual wicked deeds towards his little brother.
One swipe was all it took to snatch Rindou’s phone from his hands, which he quickly responds with an empty grasp of air.
“What the fuck Ran?!”
Ran ignores his sibling as he takes a closer look at his current messages to the unknown stranger. He gasps, and there’s a temporary silence that swells in the air.
“Who is it from?” Izana questions, turning everyone’s curiosity to the brothers.
“R-ran, give it back dammit!” Rindou growls, trying to land a hit on his brother but failing miserably.
Squinting at the bright screen, he takes a moment to register the conversation. His eyes widened,“It’s…”
Izana raises a brow “It’s?”
Ran clears his throat, “….it’s from…a girl?”
The gang was silent, mildly in shock, as they turned to the currently blushing dual-colored younger brother.
“Wait Rindou…,” Mochi voices, breaking the intense silence, “since when do you talk to girls?” he questions.
“Damn straight!” Ran says. “And more importantly, why didn’t you tell your dear big bro?” he whines, throwing a puppy look in his direction.
“Cause’ it's none of your damn business!” Rindou groans, snatching his phone back from his menacing brother’s clutches.
“I always thought the dude was more on the other side of the fence…if you catch my drift,” Shion says in wonder, while Mucho nods in agreement as he glances at Sanzu.
 “I AM NOT GAY!” Rindou shouts, heat growing to his cheeks. “And even if I was, I would rather take the information to my grave than tell any of you idiots.” 
“That’s rather offensive Rindou.” Kakucho frowns, folding his arms and shooting him a pointed look. “We may have our differences, but we’re a gang. Comrades, actually. You could’ve at least said something.” 
“What he said,” Ran interjects, throwing a thumb over to Kakucho beside him.
“So who is it you are talking to that has your undivided attention,” questioned Izana.
Ah, the big question.
Everyone stares, waiting for an answer from Rindou.
He sighs dejectedly as his shoulders slump.
“You know what…you guys already know too much anyway so I might as well…” pinching the bridge of his nose, he breathes in deeply. “She’s my girlfriend.”
Safe to say everyone was completely dumbfounded by the news. 
Especially Ran.
“OH THE HORROR,” he cries dramatically, hand clutching his over his heart as he raises a hand over his head.
“Well…that was…unexpected.” Mutters Kakucho.
“Didn’t think he had it in him.” Mochi shrugs.
Just as fast as the comments swirled, so did the questions as well.
“So…what’s she like?” Shion asks.
Now everyone had huddled around the couch where Rindou had seated himself back on, as he continued to text you. 
“An angel from heaven,” he quickly slaps a hand on his mouth. 
“Gross.” Shion sticks out his tongue. 
“You really are smitten huh?” Ran quips, grinning like a fool. 
“Please, shut up.” 
y/n: you mind if I drop by? I wanna see you before I go home.
Rindou smiles.
Rindou: Sure babe, I’m at the hideout. I’d like to introduce you to the gang if that’s all right?
y/n: sure! On my way  <333
“She’ll be here soon, so stop asking me about her already. You guys are annoying,” Rindou shoots glares at everyone before going back to staring at his phone. 
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“Rin rin? Are you here?” you called out sweetly, voice reverberating throughout the rusty walls of the warehouse. 
Everyone pipes up at the new voice, with Rindou being the first to greet you with open arms and softness in his smile. You run towards him, crashing against him as your arms immediately encircle around his waist, burying your face into the warmth of his tenjiku uniform. 
“Rin! I’ve missed you!” 
“I’ve missed you too bubs,” he mumbles in your hair, planting a kiss on your crown. 
“ ‘Bubs’?! Rindou what the fuck type of lovey dovey shit are you on dude?!” Shion cackles from behind.  
However, it isn’t long before he is face-to-face with you, slack jawed at your beautiful appearance.
Before he could even hit you with one of his newest pick up lines, he immediately hits the ground, face smooshed into the harsh, dirt floor with an imprint of fist on his exposed cheek.
Meanwhile, you stood above him, your once soft gaze now darkened with a menacing aura surrounding you. 
“Don’t you dare talk shit about my boyfriend you prick. You got something to say, you say it to my fuckin’ face.”
The sudden change in attitude was one thing, but having the ability to knock out Shion was different. Especially a girl.
“Did she just…knock out Shion?” 
“Way to state the obvious Kakucho.” Izana mocks, grinning at the misfortune of an unconscious Shion.
Ran gasps, pointing an accusing finger at his little brother. “She’s beautiful AND can fight?”
“At least she isn’t like his previous relationships where he ends up getting used or dumped.”
The blatant statement wasn’t too far off either. Ever since Mucho had joined Tenjiku, he had taken notice to Rindou’s frequent change in women overtime in the gang.
Shrugging, he ignores the whole scene while continuing his game of shogi with Sanzu.
“Alright, enough you guys!” Rindou sighs, walking over to you and embracing you from behind. 
“Sweetheart, please don’t worry about them, this is normal. No need to get upset,” he whispers, kissing the shell of your ear. You pout, turning to face your boyfriend. “Rindou, if I were you, I’d beat their asses, but since it’s fine with you then it’s fine with me.”
Nodding, Rindou kisses you on the forehead, smiling sweetly. “Thanks beautiful.”
“You two mind go getting a room, because I can’t stand that new couple shit. Makes me nauseous.” Mochi groans.
“Agreed,” everyone said in unison.
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anisespice · 1 year
How about walking around in booty shorts to get your man’s attention❤️❤️
you got it, anon! thank you so much for your patience and for requesting !! i took wayyyyy too long to do this lol wasn't sure who you wanted for this, so i figured i'd just make it into an "insert who you want" kind of scenario. hope you enjoy :))
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pairing: various x fem!reader
warnings: mature language, MDI. talks about posteriors (lol), suggestive themes, and i think that's all.
notes: been sick these past few days, so had to put a hold on the next part of "the fuck it list" :((( but hopefully i'll have it up sometime tomorrow, didn't want to leave you guys high and dry sooo !! hope you enjoy ♡♡♡
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐬 ∵ The ones who are caught completely by surprise, needing to do a double-take at them double-stacks attached to your spine to make sure his eyes were playing tricks. You didn’t normally wear them around the house, at least not without a big shirt that usually covered everything, so clearly you were baiting him for something; and consider him hooked. It didn't matter what he was doing before you walked into the room, consider it DROPPED + IGORNERED + NONEXISTENT. On the game with the guys? Dropped. Typing up a work email? Ignored. Watching a show? Nonexistent. Won't put his hands on you right away, his mama raised him better than that, and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. But he will side-eye tf out your ass until you eventually have to say something—He looked like he was finna pass out if you didn’t.
"You know you’re allowed to touch me, right?"
"Thank FUCK, I thought you were gonna torture me forever - please come over here now please, thank you.”
TAKEMICHI, kakucho, chifuyu, angry, SHINICHIRO, kazutora, kyotani, kenma, aran, kageyama, deku, kirishima, tamaki, twice, [insert anyone you want ].
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 ∵ DOWN BAD AND PROUD OF IT. Utterly shameless, eyes waste no time honing in on your ass the second you walk past him, indulging his intrusive thoughts by giving you a light smack on that thang just to watch it jiggle. Wearing a shit-eating grin when you turn to playfully glare at him; he fucking knows you love it. Doesn't even care if y'all got company either, I mean shittt - you didn't when you decided to walk around with them shorts on. Absolutely will follow you around, feel you up and everything, homie cannot keep his hands to himself to save his life. Not his fault you look so damn tempting, he just couldn't resist. Good luck trying to get anything done now, and prepare to be absolutely SICK of him. You wanted his attention, you got it.
"Oh my goddd, boy, leave me aloneee."
"Nah, don’t get shy on me now, babe. Nowhere close to being done with you."
SANZU, hanma, rindou, RAN, smiley, baji, mikey, MATTSUN, maki, tanaka, nishinoya, SUNA, ATSUMU, HINATA, bokuto, sero, denki, mirio, HAWKS, [insert anyone you want ].
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝-𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 ∵ Won't look like he's phased at all, you could be walking around in your underwear and he won't break a sweat. Honestly, he'll have you feeling stupid at first, thinking you weren't as irresistible as you thought. Fret not you sexy thing, that's just how it appeared on the outside. On the inside tho, that man was having some rather... depraved thoughts. He wasn't born yesterday, he knew you were trying to get a rise outta him, but he really needed to focus on his work right now. But, don't worry...once he's done, he got something for that ass later.
"You didn't think I was gonna let your little stunt slide, did you?"
kokonoi, WAKASA, izana, draken, MITSUYA, ushijima, KITA, daichi, kuroo, iwaizumi, akaashi, osamu, sugawara, oikawa, TODOROKI, bakugou, shinshou, shigaraki, dabi, [ insert anyone you want ].
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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y-umiko · 2 years
Christmas Date with Them Part 1
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CHARACTERS: Chifuyu . Mikey . Mitsuya
WARNING/S: Language?
Part 2 .  Ran . Rindou . Hanma
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Chifuyu Matsuno
He brings you for an ice skating,
"I swear I'll kill you if you let me go!" You cursed under your breath as you desperately try to balance yourself under the roller skates, tightly holding into Chifuyu's outreach arm for support.
"Just relax a little will you" he chuckled as he can't help but find the situation amusing. When he found out you never ice skate due to the fact that you never know-how, he just has to bring you along for a date.
Your legs were jelly as you find the center of your balance. Chifuyu was patience all the way, giving pointers and encouragement whenever necessary.
When he thinks you'll be able to handle yourself, he slowly let go of your hand.
"Alright, I'll let you go now" when he saw the look of worry on your face he just has to reassure you. "Don't worry, I won't let you fall down"
Of course, you trust him with everything, so you gave him a nod, and Slowly, he let go of your hand as you balanced yourself. It took you a few seconds wobbling on your feet before you finally found yourself standing on the ice on roller skates without support.
"look! I can finally stand!" You gleefully said at Chifuyu, like you had just won the Olympics. And Chifuyu can't help but snicker at your childish happy face.
However, your smile soon drop as you slipped. Chifuyu was quick to react as he reach out to grab you, one hand on your arm and the other on your waist, unfortunately, he was too hasty and he too had slipped.
Thankfully, he was kinda athletic and he manage to switch both your position in a blink of an eye, he switched his body so you would fall right on top of him.
He let out a groan as his back hit the cold ice and you softly landed on him. You quickly pulled yourself up, your hands on either side of his head.
"are you okay?" You asked but seeing him smiling underneath you, you knew he was okay so you pouted and didn't move. "I thought you wouldn't let me fall"
"I didn't do I?" He cheekily replied as his hands travel to your waist, keeping you in place.
"had you fallen in love with me all over again?"
Realizing how cheesy his lines were, his face immediately burst into red.Giggling you leaned down and place a kiss on top of his nose, furthering his blush even more.
"I do, every day in fact"
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Manjiro "Mikey" Sano
Takes you for a Motorcycle ride
Though Mikey is willing to take you wherever you want even if it's in the other end of the world, he wanted you to experience the joy and thrill of riding a motorcycle.
So Christmas came, he took you riding all over the city, with your clutch behind him enjoying the beating of his heart along with the view. Later on, he let you ride his precious bike, letting you practice with it.
Teaching you the basics for the few minutes, you on the front, with him behind you, caging you as his hands are on the handle as he guides you for a few meters then letting you do it alone.
"This is more fun than I thought," You said through the wind, Mikey snickering behind you as he was taking the opportunity to hold you tight close to him, Savoring your warmth and scent almost lulling him to sleep.
"I told ya, a ride through the city would clear your head," he said, words muffled by your clothes as Mikey rests his cheeks against your back, arms wrap around your waist.
"I think I found me a new baby" you cheekily tease, compared to the few cars that pass by you two, your speed was considerably slow, nonetheless you were enjoying it with Mikey.
"But I'm your only baby" he whined, dragging the words longer than usual. "you only have yourself to blame for teaching me" you snickered, then followed by a comfortable silence.
Mikey got so comfortable though as you felt him become limp behind you, his breath even.
"Mikey?!" You called, already dreading a possible scenario of why he suddenly got quiet. When there's no response, craning your head a little bit, you can see Mikey had definitely dozed off.
"don't fall asleep!" You exclaimed in panic as you hold the handle, the other holding into Mikey to not let him fall.
"I'm Y/n's, only baby..." You heard him mumble in his sleep, unconsciously holding into you tighter, you had to stop the motorcycle in the middle of the bridge, holding into Mikey's hand wrap around you, watching the first drop of snow falling into the two of you and the water below.
In the end, you had to call Draken for help, and at the end of the night, you swore to never ride the motorcycle with Mikey again.
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Takashi Mitsuya
Takes you to town to see the giant Christmas tree
The chilled air pricks your skin, light snowflakes flutter down to the city and to the couples passing by as they enjoy the Christmas spirit.
Out of knower, Mitsuya was sprinting around the corner, running with all his might before stopping right in front of you, panting and out of breath.
"I'm sorry I'm late!" He apologizes still catching his breath. "I had to put my sisters to bed before leaving but they just won't sleep"
You chuckled, "so you ran all the way here?" You said and he nodded "Sorry, Did you wait long?"
You shook your head and a breath of relief escape Mitsuyas lips. But when you giddily opened your arms and he opened his for an embrace he felt his heart drop at your cold skin.
"Y/n you're freezing!" He exclaimed, guilt eating him for letting you wait for him long in the cold. With your head still resting on his chest, you look up to meet his eyes, a smile on your lips.
"Your heart is beating so fast, just how fast did you run?" You questioned, which he suddenly flushed at, remembering colliding into a few people and slipping in some ice just so he can go to you.
"don't make me a hero..." he shook his head "I let you wait here and that's not good" he grumbled as he makes a disappointed face.
Pulling away from your embrace, he unwraps his jacket around him and wraps it around you.
"you're gonna get cold" you protested, attempting to shrug it but Mitsuya kept it in place.
"it's the least I can do, besides I sweat a lot from all that running" he beamed, his smile contagious as you can't help but flush and smile back at him. But it didn't sit right to let him freeze to cold, so you untie the scarf wrapped around your neck and wrap it around him.
"I can't have you catching a cold," you said pulling his jacket closer to your body. Realizing what you had done, he can't help but blush. A little flustered he took your hand with his and the two of you spent Christmas together.
Sure it was a little cold, but your heart was warm enough.
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anisespice · 2 years
“ so what? ” || tokyo rev. pt.2
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                                 “ boy, I know you miss me, so what? ”
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[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] 
synopsis: when you showed up to his bike shop out of the blue, homie thought this was his shot at a second chance — a real shot in the dark. 
pairing: college!draken x gn!reader
word count: 1,247
warnings: mature language, angst (for him), mentions of cheating and stabbing, i think that’s it.
notes: part two is complete!! there will probably just be a total of three of these, unless i’m hit with inspiration after the last one...ion know, we’ll see ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ .
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Man nearly broke his neck doing a double-take when you walked into his shop, wrench slipping out of his hand with a harsh CLANG as memories came flooding in almost instantaneously.
There were tears. God, there were so many tears.
Even in that moment back then, you looked absolutely breathtaking; he just hated how he had to be the reason behind it all. DRAKEN didn’t want to continue the relationship knowing he was starting to drift, mind no longer occupied with thoughts about you, but someone else. He didn’t cheat on you, thankfully, but he came close one too many times. Before it got to that point, he cut things off without much hesitation. And not a day went by where he didn’t feel the weight of regret.
That was over a year ago.
Looking back, he wished he had handled it better. Then, maybe seeing you now wouldn’t feel like such a kick to the stomach. You looked better than ever, as breathtaking as the day he lost you, even beneath the unflattering lights from above. Eventually, your wandering eye landed on his stiff figure, rooting him right into the ground.
His name used to sound like warm honey pouring from your sweet lips, each letter blanketed with adoration. Now, it feels sour. Detached, one could say.
“[_]-[____]…” he rasped, immediately clearing his throat afterward. Not knowing what to do with his hands, Draken crossed his arms, almost like a defensive stance. “What, uh…what are you doing here?”
“Look…I know this is sort of awkward but…I need your help.”
“My help?” He immediately thought the worst, especially since you came to him of all people. However, you were quick to squash whatever horrid thoughts began swimming in his head.
“It’s nothing bad! It’s repair related. If I remember correctly, you were pretty much a wiz at this stuff without charging a hefty price. That still true?”
Draken exhaled, relieved. Then, he shrugged. “Sure. I mean, I’m pretty reasonable depending on the damage. But, y’know I repair motorcycles, right?”
You hummed softly before reaching for your phone, tapping away until you found what you were looking for. In a few small strides, you entered this man’s personal bubble…it took everything in him not to flinch away in surprise. How could you be so calm about this? The last time you saw him, you cursed his name and threatened to castrate him with your bare hands if you ever saw him again. Now, you acted as if you were conversing with a total stranger; it was unnerving.
And, dare he say it…kinda disappointing.
He wasn’t expecting theatrics, but at least a little emotion would’ve been better than none whatsoever. After you parted ways, the mechanic tried to give his other relationship a try, only for that to end up going nowhere and leaving him completely devastated. Draken buried himself in his work to try and block out the pain from his impulsive decision, finding some sort of sick comfort in the idea that you’d be feeling the same emptiness.
Clearly, that wasn’t the case.
With you standing so close to him now, the former blonde couldn’t help but notice the airiness in your demeanor. The bags under your eyes were gone, hair a lot shinier, and even your scent gave off rejuvenation. You practically flourished while he was stuck living in the past.
But, Draken knew that’s what he deserved. Hell, he should be grateful you’re considering his business despite everything that’s happened between you two.
“…so, you think you can handle it?”
Uh oh. What did you say? What should he say??
He blinked a couple times, scratching the back of his neck as he registered exactly what you were showing him on your phone. The picture was of a slightly banged up looking Cobra Black 6493B. It caught him off guard that you’d be talking about such an expensive ride, not to mention a damaged one at that. Draken gave a low whistle, shaking his head in disbelief; that’s definitely not gonna be cheap. “Well it’s uh, it’s difficult to say from the photo alone. But I can say whoever did this must’ve been a real dumbass.”
Tilting your head to look up at him with an arched brow, he immediately realized his mistake. He visibly glitched. You couldn’t help but snort, “I take it you missed the part where I mentioned it was my fault?”
“…and about pretty much everything else, minus that last part, yeah.”
It’s a rare sight to see the mountain man so flustered, but luckily you were kind enough not to comment on it. Even though he knew you really wanted to, Draken appreciated it nonetheless. If anything, it might’ve just lowered your price.
“Well, you’re not wrong. I was definitely being a dumbass. I mean, I was doing fine until I forgot how to break properly, then immediately panicked and jumped off the bike at the very last second before hitting a tree.”
Draken blinked widely, completely appalled. “Why the hell were you even on it to begin with if you didn’t know what you were doing?!”
He knew he had no right to scold you, but, as much as he’d hate to admit it, Draken still cared. Even after you broke up, his love for you didn’t just shut off. If anything, it merely grew—Seeping its unforgiving talons deep into his chest, refusing to relent no matter how many he slept with. The constant need to protect you came in full swing at the idea of you doing something so reckless, it was like a second nature. However, you merely brushed it off, scrolling through your phone to find a better visual of the overall damage.
“I just figured it would be like riding a regular bike. It’s not like my goal was to crash, y’know.” Draken rolled his eyes. You scrolled through your gallery until you finally found what you were looking for. “Ah! Here it is, bastard actually video taped it. He better be glad I don’t sue his ass for endangerment.”
“Huh?” Draken squinted, dumbfounded.
“Hm? Oh, my boyfriend’s older brother. It’s his bike. Yeah, the fucker bet that I wouldn’t last more than ten seconds on the stupid thing. Obviously I wasn’t gonna let him keep talking shit, and I swear I was gonna be totally safe about it, but then my boyfriend tried to talk me out of it and that sort of made me wanna do it even more because…”
Even though you were explaining the whole backstory, Draken had completely tuned you out. The only thing his mind latched onto was the last thing he wanted to hear.
Boyfriend. You had actually moved on.
The former delinquent had experienced many terrible things in his life, being stabbed and nearly bleeding to death being one of them. But this?
Frankly, he’d prefer the stabbing.
You said it so nonchalantly, too, as if you were talking about the weather. Were you trying to piss him off, or something? Probably not.
You weren’t a spiteful person, even though you had every right to be, you most likely said it because you felt it necessary to be mentioned. Besides, you gained nothing from making him jealous. Except maybe a reaction, but you weren’t even looking at him as you rambled on about what’s-his-face and the bike.
Either way…you maybe should’ve kept that piece of information to yourself.
Because now, the price just doubled.
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authorluvgxbby · 2 years
Hello! Can I request for some headcanons for the tr boys as what type of partner are they in a group project? (If you can sneak in sum romance that would be nice hehe) Thanks in advance and have a good day! (。♡‿♡。)
A/N: heyyy luv, thank you so much for the request! Here's some headcanons of tokyo revengers boys as what type of partner they are in a group project. I hope you like it, enjoy!
Characters: Mikey, Draken, Baji, Chifuyu, Nahoya
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He would be the type to sleep throughout the whole class and then when he gets paired with you, he’d ask you to re-explain what the teacher was talking about for the project.
He’d most likely be assigned a history project with you.
Right off the bat, Mikey made it clear that he wasn't going to help with the project at all due to his utmost hatred for history. So, you decided you had no choice but to drag him to the library with you everyday after school. And, as a result, Mikey would ditch school early so he'd get out of having to go with you.
When Draken caught wind of why Mikey was ditching school so early, he would drag his short ass back and make him go with you because he felt sorry that you were dealing with his childish behavior.
As expected, you ended up being stuck doing most of the work while he entertained himself with asking you a bunch of pointless questions as to what you were doing (he would eventually get bored from the project and became more curious to ask questions about you).
Despite getting stuck with all the work, you worried about him getting a bad grade, so you decided to exploit bribe the little slacker with the promise of Taikyaki. If he didn’t follow through with the promise of doing at least some sort of work, you had threatened to throw the tasty treat out or eat it right in front of him. “Ok, ok, ok! I’ll help! Please don’t do this- 🥲”.
He was the type of partner to get historical dates and events mixed up and you'd have to explain the order of what came first and what not. Meanwhile he'd sneak a few glances your way, not even listening to your explanation.
Whenever you guys would take a break from working, you’d accidentally fall asleep and Mikey would gently poke at your cheek to wake you up, but would end up just silently watching you sleep before dozing off next to you.
If you two were working with other members, I feel that he would get a little possessive of you overtime and try to do everything in his power to keep your attention on him, even if it meant getting on your nerves or sabotaging the whole project.
The two of you would be working on a literature project.
He’s the type of partner that won’t say anything unless you say something to him first. 
He’s the kind of partner that will roll with whatever you have planned for the project. If you two are working in a group with other members, he’d just listen and agree with what you guys suggest since he doesn’t have much to contribute.
He has a pretty good idea of what is going on as apposed to how to start things off, so he usually turns to you for help.
If you are too shy or nervous to ask the teacher questions, he’ll be happy to do it for you (idk why but I feel like most literature teachers are so strict or intimidating).
When you both are working, he makes sure that you take breaks because he doesn’t want you to overwork yourself.
During breaks he’ll go out to a nearby store and bring back food for the two of you to eat (he’ll mainly do this if he noticed you haven’t been eating much too) and if you refuse, he’ll insist that you at least take a bite of something or he’ll simply feed you himself.
When you would be so engrossed on practicing to present the project, he would watch you with a small smile and after you were done he’d ask you to do it again and make up a random excuse just so he can listen to you talk.
If you are particularly fond about a certain topic he’ll ask questions he knows the answers to just so he can egg you on and watch your face light up as you ramble about what you plan to do for the project’s topic.
Poor boy had gotten a math project after just the first week of school 😭
Baji is the type of partner that is known to be the weakest link if (especially working in a bigger group) and when you got paired with him, you instantly wanted to change partners, but he begged you to be his partner not just for his sake but for his mother’s as well since he couldn't afford to fail another class. 
You decided stick with him and just give him easier parts to work on so if he were to somehow screw something up, it would be easy to fix later.
When you guys took a break for lunch after working on the project, you saw Baji light a car on fire while eating yakisoba. Ever since then, you’ve made it a habit to always carry food in your bag so he won’t do it again.
Baji is the type of partner that gets moody when he doesn’t understand what’s going on or how to fix something, so when he gets like that it is up to you to help him. If you worked with other group members, I feel like they'd be too scared to help him when he throws a tantrum so they'd come to you to help calm him down.
He secretly loves it when you help him fix a problem or mistake, especially when you go so far as to physically guide him in some way. Most of the time, he’d mess up on purpose or throw a tantrum just so he can relish in the extra help and attention you are giving him.
When he sees other classmates trying to sabotage your hard work, best believe he’s breaking at least a few bones.
The both of you would be working on an anatomy/lab project.
He’s the type of partner that would wait until class was over so he could give you an excuse to exchange numbers for “project related purposes”.
He would be suprisingly good with writing reports and labs, while you dissected stuff.
He was definitely the partner that gagged as he watched you cut the specimen open.
If both of you didn’t want to dissect the specimen, you guys would settle for rock, paper, scissors as to who has to cut it open.
Chifuyu loves animals, so as he watches you dissect the specimen all he can think about is Pete J. (When he goes home he cries while hugging Peke J.)
He would find your fascination with dissection creepy, but he’d find it cute if it meant seeing you happy and excited.
I feel like he’d be the type to complain to the teacher why you guys got a 95 instead of a perfect score.
Nahoya (Smiley)
You two would be assigned partners for a chemistry project/lab.
Throughout the whole project he would flirt with you and tease you with cheesy puns and pick up lines. 
“It’s obvious we have great chemistry together, that’s why we were assigned as partners, don’t ya think?”.
Always complained that you were too uptight and needed to let loose.
When you stressed so much over the deadline or that you might’ve missed a step in the instructions, he’d comfort you by making jokes and keep up a positive mindset to not not worry over small things.
When you had invited him to work on the project reports in the library, he had been staring at you for the past hour with smirk on his face, completely uninterested in working. When you had finally met his gaze he said, “Don’t mind me, I’m just enjoying’ the view~”. (he teased you for the rest of the day and both of you had gotten nothing done afterwards).
If you two had an extra member added to your group, he’d get jealous and fight with the newcomer over your attention behind your back. 
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